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Mrs. Karmela Cajucom, a 78 year old woman, was transported by

ambulance from her assisted living facility to the emergency
department. She has no allergies and has no code. She fell out of
bed and is dementia-affected. Since being administered morphine
at 1600, she has not complained of discomfort. The x-ray reveals a
a hip fracture. She is receiving NS in her right forearm, and her skin
is unharmed. Her vital signs are stable, and the assisted living
facility has informed her family that she is in the hospital. Surgery
might happen that morning, although the surgeon has not yet
confirmed it. The impending night shift nurse requires a report from
the day shift nurse.

Situation- “I am calling about Mrs. Karmela Cajucom who has fallen out
of bed and is dementia-affected.

Background- She was transported by ambulance from her assisted

living facility to the emergency department. And is receiving NS in her
right forearm, and her skin is unharmed.

Assessment- She has no allergies and has no code. Her vital signs are

Recommendation and Request


The 76 year old Mr. Ron Cajucom was seen 4 weeks ago for a gash on his heel
that was cultured and revealed an infection. Prior to this incident, he was
supposed to have knee replacement surgery, but instead the orthopedic surgeon
ordered an antibiotic course that has already been finished. He is currently unable
to walk or bear weight on his leg after arriving at the emergency department. He
has all the codes. His knee and leg are quite heated to the touch and very swollen.
The skin above the heel is closed and not infected- looking. The nurse must
update the orthopedic surgeon over the phone.

Situation- “I am calling about Mr. Ron Cajucom. Chief complaint is he is

currently unable to walk or bear weight in his leg after arriving at the
emergency department”.

Background- Patient is 76-year-old male was seen four weeks ago for a
gash on his heel that was cultured and revealed an infection.

Assessment- He has all codes. His knee and leg are quite heated to
touch and very swollen.The skin above the heel is closed and not

Recommendation and Request

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