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Abstract: Green HR is nothing but the use of HRM policies in sustainability through the adoption and implementation of
order to promote the sustainable usage of the resources by various green hr policies. The ecofriendly practices adopted by an
business organizations and also promoting the cause of organization should coincide with the organization goals and
environmental sustainability. Green hr consists of two important
elements, they are Environmentally-friendly hr practices and objectives.
Preservation of the knowledge capital. The importance of green hr
practices is increasing day by day and more and more 2. Literature review
organizations are realizing the importance of adopting various Podsakoff and MacKenzie (1997) suggested that employees’
green hr techniques which calls for innovation in various
processes. Due to the organizations going global, the business is OCBs improve organizational performance, and they
experiencing a shift towards a more modern and capacity based summarized the reasons. For instance, employees can help each
economy from the traditional finance structure that are ready to other with job-related problems. Employees who actively
implement the green technologies in today’s business world. Green participate in meetings can help distribute information in the
hrm is the adoption of various hrm policies with the objective of company, and employees who learn new skills can improve the
promoting the sustainable usage of resources within an firm’s ability to adapt to changes in its environment.
organisation. It involves the adoption and implementation of
various green hr practices and policies in order to increase Roy et al. (2013) insisted that the spontaneity of an eco-
efficiency and effectiveness in the organization with the by friendly behavior can improve environmental performance by
undertaking environmental friendly initiatives and programmes supplementing environmental management systems. Thus, this
by creating employee awareness and motivating them towards study investigates the direct relationship between employees’
organizations sustainability. This study concentrates benefits and eco-friendly behavior and hotel environmental performance.
awareness on green hr practices in and its impact. To achieve this Becker and Gerhart (1996) asserted that human resource
purpose, questionnaire was used as an instrument to gather
primary data from the respondents using Random Sampling management influences organizational performance by
Technique. Total number of responses collected was 50 responses. enhancing efficiency, cost control, and value creation. From the
The paper concludes by providing suggestions and measures on review of extensive empirical studies, they found a significant
creating awareness about green hrm. relationship between a firm’s HRM system and its
organizational performance. For example, HR activities such as
Keywords: Green hrm, Awareness, Programmes, Sustainability selection and compensation have a positive impact on corporate
1. Introduction Daily, Bishop & Steiner (2007) examines empirically the
There is a rising importance of green hr practices in today’s relationship between HR factors and employee perceptions of
global world where everything is changing drastically with environmental performance of 437 employees of a large
reference to the changes in the business practices by various organization in the aerospace field in South Western U.S. which
organizations, over the time it is become the need of the hour was ISO 14001 certified. Mgt support, EMS training, EMS
with many organizations realizing the importance of preserving rewards, Empowerment are related to perceived environmental
and protecting the environment. The main objective of going performance. EMS teamwork plays a mediating role between
green is to attain the level of sustainability through the proper some of the independent variables leaving top mgt support &
utilization of available resources within the organizations Employee empowerment which was perceived to be related to
through the adoption and implementation of environmental their individual jobs.
friendly practices and also keeping in mind the sustainability of
the economy. This can be achieved by creating maximum 3. Statement of the problem
awareness among the employees of an organisation so that they Being green does only mean that the employees are well
are well informed and have knowledge about the need to aware and have a conscious mind, it is a challenge for the
preserve the environment and protect it and attain sustainability. employees to be aware of the green environment. Due to the
The hr function within an organization becomes an important heavy work pressure and the achievement of set targets the
component and driver of economic as well as environmental employees are not aware of the existence of green environment.
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 13
Volume-2, Issue-2, February-2019
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792
From the above Fig. 4, it is inferred that out of 50 Creating more awareness about various green hr
respondents, 35 people are of the view that trained personnel is practices like recycling, waste conversion, and
required for the implementation of green hr practices, while 10 conservation of energy.
people disagree to it and 10 people are neutral about this. Appointing more of trained personnel to implement
From the above Fig. 5, it is inferred that out of 50 respondents green technologies efficiently and effectively.
, 40 people are of the view that and agree that reward system
motivates an employee to work better, 3 people disagree to it 5. Conclusion
and 7 people are neutral about this. The whole process of green hr management solely depends
A. Findings on the level of motivation and the active participation by the
Following are the findings on mobile banking: employees of an organisation and the efficiency by which the
hr policies are adopted and implemented; all these initiatives
From the above study, 35 people agree that there is a
play a very vital role in the implementation of green hr
need for green human resource management practices. The importance of green hr practices is increasing
From the above study, 25 people are aware about the day by day and more and more organizations are realizing the
existence of green hrm when compared to number of importance of adopting various green hr techniques which calls
people who are completely unaware of this. for innovation in various processes. Due to the organizations
From the above study, 40 people strongly agree that going global, the business is experiencing a shift towards a
green hrm increases productivity among the more modern and capacity based economy from the traditional
employees while the number of people disagreeing is finance structure that are ready to implement the green
very less compared to this. technologies in today’s business world.
30 people are of the view that a trained personnel is
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