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Impact of Top Management's Green Commitment and

Sustainable Practices on organizational Environmental

Performance: “ The mediating role of GHRM and
Moderator role is Artificial Intelligence"
Final project Presentation
Presented By
Sonia Kanwal


Samina Nawaz

• Organizations like Information Technology (IT) are
dealing with a number of internal and exterior
difficulties. The challenging climate of fierce competition
and environmental concerns calls for innovation and
change in human resource management techniques

(Suliman.M.A, 2017)
• According to current research,How to influence
environmental performances by use top management
green commitment and sustainable practices

• We'll also look at how Green Human Resource Practices

(HRM) play a crucial role in shaping organizational
outcomes, along with the enhancing impact of Artificial
Intelligence (AI)..
Background of the study
Environmental performance is a crucial aspect when
combining your IT organization, and properly targeting
growth factor receptors has shown to be a profitable
avenue for new helpful improvements (Angelica, 2013).
Background of the study
• Increase employees’ efficiency and effectiveness

• Reduce cost and better employee engagement

• Reduce labour turnover and absenteeism

• Easy to recruit new employees / Can attract suitable

qualified candidate pool
Background of the study
Overall, enhancing environmental performance in IT
organizations necessitates top management's
commitment to green practices, as well as the
execution of sustainable practices and environmentally
friendly information technology (Veronica Brodén
Two essentials

Environment- The preservation
friendly HR of knowledge
practices capital
Pakistan is one of the world's underdeveloped countries, so
which will have an influenced by dynamic environment.
Organizations in Pakistan have low knowledge of HRM and
restricted prospects in comparison to emerging countries
(Babu, 2017).
After analysis there is need to Green HRM critical for IT
companies success with the help of top manangement
green commitment & sustainable because they can create
ecological environment for enhancing the innovation and
performance of individual.
• To assess the impact of top management greencommitment on the green human resource
• To analyze the impact of sustainable practices on green human resource management.
• To examine the impact of green human resource management on environmental
• To evaluate the mediating role of green human resource management between the
relationship of top management green commitment, sustainable practices and
environmental performance.
• To analyze the moderating role artificial intelligence between the relationship of top
management green commitment, sustainable practices and green human resource
Research q uestionS
Q1: Do the impact of top management green commitment on green human
resource management?
Q2: Does the impact of sustainable practices on green human resource
Q3: Do the impact of green human resource management on environmental
Q4: Does the mediating role of green human resource management between
the relationship of top management green commitment, sustainable practices
and environmental performance?
Q5: Do moderated role of artificial intelligence between the relationship of top
management green commitment, sustainable practices and green human
resource management?
Significance of study
• This study would help organizations in developing
strategies to reduce the specific types of perceived risk

• The study will provide useful ecological environment full

collaboration with employees and seniors.

• Employees awareness of new techniques

• Reduce communication gap

Conceptual Framework

 SP Performance

Artifical Intelligence
Literature Review
Author Title Research Result

Maharaja Ranjit
Singh College An internal environmental content
Green HRM: People
of Professional
considered for the long term to which the
Sciences, employees of an organizations and
Indore, MP,
Commitment to
INDIA Environmental procedures created the linked
Sustainability environmental performance sustainable

These practices prioritize environmental

Amjad Ali, Policy framework conservation, social responsibility, and
Abdul for implementation
Hameed of sustanable
economic viability by minimizing resource
procurement practices depletion, reducing pollution, and
in healthcare industry promoting resilience in systems and
Author Title Research Result

Effect of green human GRHM is a set of strategies for businesses

resource management
Mohammad (GHRM) overall on
to develop its human resources in ways
Ashraful organization’senvironmen that improve their EP and long-term
Alam tal performance: The sustainability
mediating role of green
employee empowerment

Researcher argue that the influence

Impact of E-commerce of the social-technological context, such
Kapila adoption on
Fonseka and business performance of
as flexible organisational structure,
Adam Amril SMEs Sri Lanka; proper training, dealing with fear and
Jaharadak moderating role of change management, and
artificial intelligence upskilling employees, can further
strengthen to achieve favourable
out comes.
THEORetical framwork
Introduced a resource-based view (RBV)
that explained how organisations have to
create their uniqueness through valuable,
rare, difficult to imitate and non Resource Based
substitutable resources are the most View
specific position for an organisation’s long-
term success

Barney (1991)
H1:TMGC has a significant impact on GHRM.

H2: SP has a significant impact on GHRM.

H3: GHRM has a significant impact on EP and also mediates the relationship
between TMGC, SP and AI as a moderator
H4: The AI significant impact both the relationship between TMGC, SP and
H5: GHRM significant impact as a mediators the relationship between TMGC ,

SP and AI as a moderator.
• Research Philosophy: This research adopts the positivism philosophy for the
following reason: the study's dissertation identified a relationship between multiple
variables and the effect they have on the information technology (IT) industry.

• Research Approach: In this quantitative study, the researcher will implement an

deductive approach as supported through positivism philosophy, because it’s
generating a hypothesis based on useful literature and concepts.

• Purpose of Research: In this thesis refers to the descriptive research purpose

with correlation, because they analysis objectivity, systematically and description
about the relationship of all variables.

• Data Collection Method: A questionnaire survey technique is implemented in the

present investigation.
• Time Horizon: in this study was considered a cross-sectional research investigation because it gathered
information all at once, making use of questionnaires and evaluating previous investigations.

• Unit of Analysis: the unit of analysis of this investigation is top managers, middle managers, employees,
any individual member belonging to IT’s fields and industry.

• Sample Size: The implementation of G*Power software for calculating sample sizes. Therefore, the
sample size is 381.

• Sampling Technique: The implemented of the convenience sampling for this research.

• Analysis Data: Smart PLS 4


Correlation Analysis

ArtificialIntelligence 1

EnvironmentalPerformance 0.846 1

GreenHumanResource 0.735 0.653 1

SustainablePractices 0.792 0.734 0.715 1

TopManagementGreen 0.757 0.693 0.741 0.83 1


This study had 381 individuals. This thesis contains information on alpha reliabilities.
* There is a significant association at the 0.5 level (two-tailed).
* At the 0.1 level, the correlation is significant (two-tailed).
relaibility Analysis
Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Value
Artificial Intelligence
Environmental Performance 0.943
Green Human Resource 0.837

Sustainable Practices 0.961

Top Management Green 0.922
Findings of this study addressed the gap of lack of
knowledge about GHRM.
This study's findings add to the developing research
on green human resource management and have
practical effects for organizations that want to meet
environmental performance.
Lead to a more effective top management decisions
which in turn affects employee perceptions about
• Research context was limited to Lahore based IT
• Future research may extend this to other cities
aswell as to provinces to prove more effective
• The upper management asked questions only
Declining performance is the visible gap in
IT organizations of Pakistan due to lack
of understanding of GHRM practices and
Alignment in AI practices support environmental
performance which is beneficial for all stakeholders
After complete this project we realized research are most
important for any type of organizations because they give
quality solution about their company environment and also
we learned the GHRM practices and artificial intelligence
are most important for the IT organizations are likely to
improve in Pakistan and the public & private organizations
need to adopt this strategies and scientifically approved
measures such as to focus training, performance appraisal
and compensation practices to enhance the performance
Thanks for
Your attention

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