Global Demo-Script

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Global Demography

 Refers to the statistical study of the human population across the world
(Study of stats such as births, deaths, income, and incidence of disease which illustrate
the changing structure of the human population.)
 Barbara Anderson (2015) (According to Barbara Anderson that global demography is..)
“The study of the growth, structure, and composition of human populations. Often, the
study of the causes and consequences of the growth, structure, and composition of the
human populations is likewise considered part of demography”
(She’s referring to the factors that affect the size and composition of the population and
the effects of these factors.)
Components of Demography (let’s proceed to the components of demography which are)
 Fertility
 Mortality
 Migration
 The Incidence of childbearing in the population of a country
(One of the reasons why transition in global demography occurs)
 The “baby boom” event after WW2
(One of the major occurrences in the history of the increase in human population was the
baby-boom event, most historians say the baby-boomer phenomenon most likely
involved a combination of factors: people wanting to start the families that they put
off during World War II and the Great Depression)
 Europe-1960 – high fertility rates among developed countries transitioned into low
fertility rates (in Europe)
(From 5 or more children per woman, it evolved into a lower fertility rate of two or lower
number of children per woman. Working patterns, better health and nutrition, greater
survival rates of newborns, and better access to education for women contributed to the
global fertility transition in Europe.)

 The Incidence of death in the population of a specific country
(Mortality influences the size or extent of the human population)
 David Cutler, Angus Deaton, and Adriana Muney (2006) – The incidence of death was
described as realistically high due to the violent nature and miserable condition of the
primitive people.
(For there was an increase to about 4 million people with an average life expectancy of
25 years old. And there had been little progress in the life expectancy of people in the
following centuries.)(next slide please)
 Great Britain (during this period Great Britain was experiencing an elevated incidence of
- 17th century – (its people lived with an average) life expectancy of 37 years old
(throughout the 17th century)
- 18-20th century – decline in the incidence of death
(The unexpected decline in the incidence of death throughout the 18th, 19th, and 20th
centuries were due to the improvement in nutrition, health, and economic growth of
several countries that worked for the provision of clean water, personal health
practices, and the introduction of vaccines and antibiotics.)
- Present time – increased life expectancy of 67-70 years old
(As of the present time, the life expectancy of the human population in the globe is
between 67-70 years old.)(next slide please)
 The movement of people into and out of a country
(That influences the size of the human population in the international community.)
 Macionis (2004), this movement of people follows certain directional tendencies – either
immigration or emigration – that are expected to increase or decrease the population in a
particular country.
(IMMIGRATION – occurs among developed countries where good opportunities exist
and welcome people from other countries to move or settle permanently)
(EMIGRATION – happens in developing countries where the standard of living is
difficult, and people often leave to look for greener pastures to improve their lives)(next
slide please)
Overall Migration trend
(The overall migration trend is reported by the United Nations to be generally increasing
from 2000-2010)
- Europe, North America, and Oceania reached 3.1 million people per annum (the
United Nations noted that the flow of migrants to Europe, North America, and
Oceania reached 3.1 million people per annum)
2010-2015 (the trend dropped in 2010-2015 when the flow of migrants to Europe, North
America, and Oceania reached 2.1 million people per annum)
- Europe, North America, and Oceania reached 2.1 million per annum
- Migration will continue to increase, and the United States of America is projected to
receive the highest number of immigrants from China, India, Mexico, Indonesia, and
the Philippines. (As their primary source of immigrants. Next slide please)
Perspective on the growth of the Population
(Scholars believed that the continuing increase in the size of the human population will generate
additional manpower to contribute to the positive development of several countries. This falls
upon the…)
The Demographic Transition Theory – growth of the human population of a particular
community reflects a pattern of development.
(The growth in the population of the community has already reached its peak to the point
that the increase has already normalized)
(However, other scholars are not confident that the increased size of the population will bring
more benefits to the international community and will only bring problems in the provision of
health, education, and social services. This falls upon..)
 The Malthusian Theory – the increase in the human population will result in social
(The uncontrollable rise in the number of the human population will generate more
people to feed beyond the capabilities of most countries. Next presenter please)

To answer Mr. lota’s question on What is the trend in the global population? How does this trend
affect the future of humanity?

according to World Population Prospects 2022, The global population is projected to reach 8
billion on 15 November 2022, and India is projected to surpass China as the world’s most
populous country in 2023.
Amid falling growth rates, the global population is projected to peak at around 10.4 billion in the
2080s, which assumes a decline in fertility for countries where large families are still prevalent, as
well as a slight increase in fertility in several countries with fewer than two children per woman on
 It is the statistical study of births, deaths, income, and incidence of disease which
illustrates the changing structure of the human population.
Answer: Global Demography
 A major occurrence in history that resulted in an increase in the human population.
Answer: The baby boom event or baby boom event
 It refers to the indigenous people from the Cordillera Mountain ranger in the northern
part of Luzon

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