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Journal of NanoScience and NanoTechnology | Vol 2 | Issue 6 | Spring Edition | ISSN 2279 – 0381
measurements. Structural analysis of the samples estimate the grain size and strain of the
carried out by X ray diffraction (XRD) pattern and nanoparticles. In this work we have used the
the vibrational modes of the samples were uniform deformation model (UDM) to the
understood by Raman measurements. The estimated grain sizes such as 5, 4 and 5 nm for
morphology of the as prepared nanoparticles was pure, Sb and Zn doped SnO2 nanoparticles and
characterized by scanning electron microscope tabulated in table 1.
(SEM). The optical properties of the pure and Table 1: Shows the structural parameters of
doped SnO2 nanoparticles were examined by UV- pure and doped SnO2 samples.
visible and photoluminescence spectroscopic
techniques. Grai W-H plot
d Latti
Results and Discussions: spaci ce
Size Grain
XRD Analysis: ng cons
Sam in Size
(101) tant Strai
ple [nm] in
[Å] (101) n
Pure 2.644
3.186 12 5 -0.010
SnO2 3
Sb: 2.643
3.198 11 4 -0.013
SnO2 2
Zn: 2.644
3.187 12 5 -0.013
SnO2 9
Raman Analysis:
unable to understand the reason for the absence of shows the tauc’s plot for pure SnO2 nanoparticles).
these kinds of modes. The detailed analysis will be Normally the band gap of the materials depends
carried out for the absence of vibrational modes in on the preparation methods and conditions. In
Sb doped SnO2 nanoparticles in future. this work we observed the band gap values 3.43,
SEM analysis: 3.29 and 3.29 eV for pure, Sb and Zn doped SnO2
nanoparticles respectively. Band gap of the Sb and
Zn doped SnO2 nanoparticles were decreased
compared to the pure SnO2. It confirms that the
carrier concentrations of the Zn and Sb doped
SnO2 nanoparticles increased compared to the
pure SnO2 nanoparticles. The new electronic
states created below the conduction band of the
material may reduce the band gap of the Zn and
Sb doped SnO2 nanoparticles. It was also
explained by the BM shifts in the TCOs.
S.Vijyalakshmi et al reported the different mol%
of the Zn doped SnO2 decreased the band gap
value [15]. We can tune the band gap of the
Fig3: SEM image of the pure SnO2 materials through the Zn and Sb when used as an
nanoparticles. impurity. The shifts in the optical band gap value
The morphology of the pure SnO2 indicate the prepared Zn and Sb doped SnO2
nanoparticles is shown in the fig 3. In this SEM nanoparticles move towards the higher
image the Spherical sized SnO2 nano particles wavelength region (visible region). Hence these
with nearly uniform size. From the SEM image we materials were suitable for the optoelectronic
observed that the particles were agglomerated. devices.
The agglomeration effect depends on the size of Another important
the particles. The size of the particle was optical constants was refractive index. Here we
estimated to be around 11-12nm using XRD. As estimated the refractive index of the nanoparticles
the particle size move towards the nano scale, the through the moss relation [16].The moss equation
agglomeration gets increased. represents the relation between refractive index
and band gap of the material. V.Kumar has
UV-visible Analysis:
reported the modified moss relation for estimating
the index of the materials [17]. The extracted
values based on the above method were closely
matched with the ellipsometery analysis. In this
work the calculated index values 2.01 for pure
SnO2 and 2.06 for Sb, Zn doped SnO2
nanoparticles. The observed index values are
closely agreed to the reported refractive index of
ITO films [18].
Photoluminescence analysis:
The room temperature recorded
photoluminescence spectra for pure, Sb and Zn
doped SnO2 nanoparticles were shown in the fig 5.
( h ) = A (h -Eg)1/2………(1)
Here is the absorption coefficient, A is a
constant and Eg is the band gap. Optical band gap Fig 5: shows the photoluminescence spectra
of the respective materials was estimated by of pure, Sb and Zn doped SnO2 nanoparticles
graph plot between ( h )2vs h (inset figure 4
Journal of NanoScience and NanoTechnology | Vol 2 | Issue 6 | Spring Edition | ISSN 2279 – 0381
www.indiasciencetech.com 710