United Nation Positive List of Carbon Credits

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Methodological tool
Positive lists of technologies
Version 04.0
Methodological tool: Positive lists of technologies
Version 04.0


1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 3

2. SCOPE, APPLICABILITY, AND ENTRY INTO FORCE ........................................... 3

2.1. Scope ............................................................................................................. 3
2.2. Applicability .................................................................................................... 3

2.3. Entry into force ............................................................................................... 3

3. NORMATIVE REFERENCES .................................................................................... 3

4. DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 3

5. POSITIVE LIST OF TECHNOLOGIES ...................................................................... 4

5.1. Waste handling and disposal ......................................................................... 4

5.1.1. Landfill gas recovery and its gainful use ....................................... 4

5.1.2. Methane recovery in wastewater treatment.................................. 4
5.2. Renewable energy ......................................................................................... 5

5.2.1. Renewable energy technologies for large-scale grid-

connected power generation......................................................... 5

5.2.2. Renewable energy technologies for large-scale isolated grid

power generation .......................................................................... 5
5.2.3. Renewable energy technologies for small-scale grid-
connected power generation......................................................... 6
5.2.4. Renewable energy technologies for small-scale off-grid
power generation .......................................................................... 6

5.2.5. Rural electrification projects .......................................................... 7

5.3. Positive list for technology/measure used by household, communities
and SMEs ....................................................................................................... 7


THE POSITIVE LISTS .............................................................................. 9

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Methodological tool: Positive lists of technologies
Version 04.0

1. Introduction
1. This methodological tool covers technologies that confer automatic additionality to CDM
project activities and CDM programmes of activities (PoAs) that apply them.

2. Scope, applicability, and entry into force

2.1. Scope
2. This methodological tool contains lists of technologies and associated conditions that
confer automatic additionality to CDM project activities and CDM PoAs that apply such
technologies and meet specified conditions (hereinafter referred to as positive lists).
3. The methodological tool specifies the validity, process for update and timelines for the
update of the positive list (see appendix of this document).

2.2. Applicability
4. The use of this methodological tool is not mandatory for the project participants of a CDM
project activity or CDM PoA for demonstrating their additionality.
5. This methodological tool shall be applied in conjunction with a small-scale or large-scale
methodology which refers to this tool.
6. The positive lists as contained in section 5 of this tool are valid up to 10 March 2025.
Notwithstanding the provisions on the validity of new, revised and previous versions of
methodologies and methodological tools in the “Procedure: Development, revision and
clarification of baseline and monitoring methodologies and methodological tools”, there
will be no grace period for the application of this tool and the validity of the positive list
after this date, including in cases where further technologies are added to the positive list
through revisions of this tool before this date.

2.3. Entry into force

7. The date of entry into force is the date of the publication of the EB 113 meeting report on
11 March 2022 .

3. Normative references
8. The project participants of a CDM project activity or CDM PoA shall follow the applicable
provisions for the demonstration of their additionality as provided for in the following
(a) “CDM project standard for project activities”;
(b) “CDM project standard for programme of activities”.

4. Definitions
9. The definitions contained in the “Glossary: CDM terms” shall apply.

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Methodological tool: Positive lists of technologies
Version 04.0

5. Positive list of technologies

10. When applying baseline and monitoring methodologies that refer to this tool, project
activities and PoAs are deemed automatically additional if they exclusively apply the
technologies listed under this section and demonstrate that they fulfil the related conditions
specified in the same section.

5.1. Waste handling and disposal

5.1.1. Landfill gas recovery and its gainful use

11. The project activities and PoAs at new or existing landfills (greenfield or brownfield) are
deemed automatically additional, if it is demonstrated that prior to the implementation of
the project activities and PoAs the landfill gas (LFG) was only vented and/or flared (in the
case of brownfield projects) or would have been only vented and/or flared (in the case of
greenfield projects) but not utilized for energy generation, and that under the project
activities and PoAs any of the following conditions are met:
(a) The LFG is used to generate electricity in one or several power plants with a total
nameplate capacity that equals or is below 10 MW;
(b) The LFG is used to generate heat for internal or external consumption;
(c) The LFG is flared.

5.1.2. Methane recovery in wastewater treatment

12. The project activities and PoAs in an existing facility are deemed automatically additional
if it is demonstrated that all of the following conditions are met:
(a) The existing treatment system is an anaerobic lagoon and the wastewater
discharged meets the host country regulation;
(b) There is no regulation in the host country that requires the management of biogas
from domestic, industrial and agricultural sites;
(c) There is no capacity increase in the wastewater treatment system;
(d) No other alternative economic activity is expected to be undertaken on the land of
the existing lagoon;
(e) The biogas is used to generate electricity in one or more power plants, and the
total nameplate capacity is below 5 MW.

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Methodological tool: Positive lists of technologies
Version 04.0

5.2. Renewable energy1

5.2.1. Renewable energy technologies for large-scale grid-connected power generation

13. The following grid-connected electricity generation technologies are considered for the
positive list:
(a) Solar thermal electricity generation including concentrating solar power ;
(b) Off-shore wind technologies;
(c) Marine wave technologies;
(d) Marine tidal technologies;
(e) Ocean thermal technologies.
14. A specific technology listed in paragraph 13 above is defined as automatically additional
if at the time of PDD submission2 any of the following conditions is met:
(a) The percentage share of total installed capacity of the specific technology in the
total installed grid connected power generation capacity in the host country is equal
to or less than two per cent; or
(b) The total installed capacity of the technology in the host country is less than or
equal to 50 MW.

5.2.2. Renewable energy technologies for large-scale isolated grid power generation
15. The following electricity generation technologies in an isolated grid are considered for the
positive list:
(a) Solar photovoltaic technologies;
(b) Solar thermal electricity generation including concentrating solar power ;
(c) Off-shore wind technologies;
(d) Marine wave technologies;
(e) Marine tidal technologies;
(f) Ocean thermal technologies.

1 The project proponents that apply simplified procedure to demonstrate additionality shall provide
information on actual capital cost of the project activity or the CPA at the time of the first verification.
This information will be used for further work on positive list and will not affect the registered projects or
2 For registration of the project activity or inclusion of the component project activity (CPA) in a programme
of activities.

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Version 04.0

16. A specific technology listed list in paragraph 15 above is defined as automatically

additional if at the time of PDD submission3 any of the following conditions is met:
(a) The percentage share of total installed isolated grid power generation capacity of
the specific technology in the total installed isolated grid power generation capacity
in the host country is equal to or less than two per cent; or
(b) The total installed isolated grid power generation capacity of the specific
technology in the host country is less than or equal to 50 MW.

5.2.3. Renewable energy technologies for small-scale grid-connected power generation

17. The following grid-connected renewable electricity generation technologies are included
in the positive list:
(a) Solar thermal electricity generation including concentrating solar power ;
(b) Off-shore wind technologies;
(c) Marine wave technologies;
(d) Marine tidal technologies;
(e) Building-integrated wind turbines or household rooftop wind turbines of a size up
to 100 kW;
(f) Biomass internal gasification combined cycle .

5.2.4. Renewable energy technologies for small-scale off-grid power generation

18. The following off-grid electricity generation technologies are included in the positive list
where the individual units do not exceed the thresholds indicated in parentheses with the
aggregate project installed capacity not exceeding the 15 MW threshold:
(a) Micro/pico-hydro (with power plant size up to 100 kW);
(b) Micro/pico-wind turbine (up to 100 kW);
(c) PV-wind hybrid (up to 100 kW);
(d) Geothermal (up to 200 kW);
(e) Biomass gasification/biogas (up to 100 kW);

3 For registration of the project activity or inclusion of the component project activity (CPA) in a programme
of activities.

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Version 04.0

5.2.5. Rural electrification projects

19. Rural electrification4 project activities using renewable energy sources in countries with
rural electrification rates less than 50 per cent; the most recent available data on the
electrification rates shall be used to demonstrate compliance with the 50 per cent
threshold. In no case, data older than three years from the date of commencement of
validation of the project activity shall be used.
20. Rural electrification project activities by grid extension are automatically additional when
all the following criteria are met:
(a) Rural electrification rate in the country is below 50 per cent;
(b) Geography: Least Developed Countries , Small Island Developing States , Special
Under Developed Zone (SUZ)5;
(c) Recent trends: rural electrification rate has increased by less than 20 per cent over
the past 10 years;
(d) The extension of a grid for rural electrification of a community involves at least a
distance of 3 km from the point of grid extension to the rural community at which
the CDM project is implemented.

5.3. Positive list for technology/measure used by household, communities and

21. The following technologies where the users of the technology/measure are households or
communities or Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):
(a) Biogas digesters for cooking: Digesters used in biogas generation from
anaerobic treatment wastes (e.g., kitchen, vegetable, animal and farm) where the
resulting biogas is used for heat production for cooking purpose as eligible under
the approved CDM methodologies for example AMS-I.C., AMS-I.E. or AMS-I.I.;
(b) Micro-irrigation: Application of optimum quantify of water at low hourly flow rates
directly to the root zone of plants (such as drip irrigation, micro-sprinklers), which
results in avoidance of water losses attributed to the traditional flooded irrigation
systems as eligible under the approved CDM methodology for example AMS-II.F.;
(c) Energy efficient pump-set for agriculture: Energy efficient pump and motor
assembly together with starter and other electrical accessories/devices to deliver
water for irrigation, as eligible under the approved CDM methodology for example
AMS-II.P. Only pump-sets belonging to the highest efficiency class in the national
standards and labelling (S & L) programme (e.g. five-star energy efficiency rating)
are eligible. Where such S & L programme are not in place, it shall be
demonstrated that the efficiency of project pump-sets is at least 10 per cent (in

4 Rural electrification for the purpose of this document is defined as a project activity for supplying
renewable electricity to facilities and energy consumers that do not have access to any electricity
distribution system/network such as a national grid or regional grid. Such electricity end-use facilities
may include but are not limited to households, public buildings, and/or small, medium and micro
enterprises. Electricity uses may include but are not limited to interior lighting, street lighting, refrigeration,
or agricultural water pumps. Rural electrification rate is the percentage of rural population having access
to electricity.
5 SUZ as defined under the micro-scale additionality tool.

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Methodological tool: Positive lists of technologies
Version 04.0

relative terms) higher than the average efficiency of the pump sets in the market to
be eligible.

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Methodological tool: Positive lists of technologies
Version 04.0

Appendix. Process, criteria and timeline for the update of

the positive lists

1. The validity of the positive list included in this tool shall be re-assessed by the
Methodologies Panel (MP) every three years.
2. The MP shall initiate the analysis of the positive list of technologies at least 365 days prior
to the expiry date of the positive list as referred to in paragraph 6 of this tool.
3. The MP shall review relevant information on costs, penetration rates and other related
information (e.g. regulations) pertaining to the technologies and conditions contained in
the positive list and comparable alternatives that are applicable to non-Annex I Party
countries taking into account size thresholds and prepare a recommendation on the
continuation or graduation of technologies contained in the positive list for consideration
by the Board.
4. The Board shall decide on the continuation or graduation of the technologies contained in
the positive list.
5. The Board may include additional technologies to the positive list in this tool at any point
in time. In such cases, the validity of the technologies added is limited to the remaining
valid period of the positive list as indicated in paragraph 6 of this tool and those
technologies are subject to review as indicated in paragraphs 1‒3 above.
6. Stakeholders may propose addition of technologies to the positive list in this tool
following the process in section 6 ‘Revision of approved methodology or methodological
tool’ of the “Procedure: Development, revision and clarification of baseline and
monitoring methodologies and methodological tools”.


Document information

Version Date Description

04.0 11 March 2022 EB 113, Annex 17

Revision to exclude grid-connected solar photovoltaic
technologies from the positive list of technologies.
03.0 27 May 2021 EB 110, Annex 4
Revision to extend the validity of the positive list included in the
tool for one year on an interim basis to avoid the gap in its validity.
02.0 28 November 2019 EB 105, Annex 5
Revision to include positive lists from “AM0103: Renewable
energy power generation in isolated grids”, “ACM0002: Grid-
connected electricity generation from renewable sources” and
“TOOL21: Demonstration of additionality of small-scale project

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Methodological tool: Positive lists of technologies
Version 04.0

Version Date Description

01.0 29 November 2018 EB 101, Annex 6

Initial adoption.
Decision Class: Regulatory
Document Type: Tool
Business Function: Methodology
Keywords: additionality, positive list

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