REGDOC 2 5 2 Design of Reactor Facilities Nuclear Power Plants Eng
REGDOC 2 5 2 Design of Reactor Facilities Nuclear Power Plants Eng
REGDOC 2 5 2 Design of Reactor Facilities Nuclear Power Plants Eng
May 2014
Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Regulatory Document REGDOC-2.5.2
Extracts from this document may be reproduced for individual use without permission provided the
source is fully acknowledged. However, reproduction in whole or in part for purposes of resale or
redistribution requires prior written permission from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
Également publié en français sous le titre : Conception d’installations dotées de réacteurs : centrales
Document availability
This document can be viewed on the CNSC Web site at To request a copy of the
document in English or French, please contact:
Publishing history
May 2014 Version 1.0
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
This regulatory document is part of the CNSC's Physical Design series of regulatory documents, which
also covers: design of uranium mines and mills; design of fixed radiography installations; design of
nuclear substance laboratories and nuclear medicine rooms; and exposure devices. The full list of
regulatory document series is included in the back of this document and can be found on the CNSC’s
REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants, sets out requirements and guidance
for new licence applications for water-cooled nuclear power plants (NPPs or plants). It establishes a set of
comprehensive design requirements and guidance that are risk-informed and align with accepted
international codes and practices.
This document provides criteria pertaining to the safe design of new water-cooled NPPs. All aspects of
the design are taken into account, and multiple levels of defence are promoted in design considerations.
To the extent practicable, the requirements and guidance provided herein are technology-neutral with
respect to water-cooled reactors. An applicant or licensee may put forward a case to demonstrate that the
intent of a requirement is addressed by other means and demonstrated with supportable evidence.
Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants supersedes RD-337, which was published in 2008. In
addition, it implements recommendations from the CNSC Fukushima Task Force Report.
To a large degree, this regulatory document represents the CNSC’s adoption of the principles set forth by
the International Atomic Energy Agency in SSR-2/1, Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Design as adapted
to align with Canadian requirements.
This regulatory document considers all licensing phases, as information from the design process feeds
into the processes for reviewing an application for a licence to construct an NPP, and other licence
This document is intended to form part of the licensing basis for a regulated facility or activity within the
stated scope of the document. It is intended for inclusion in licences as either part of the conditions and
safety and control measures in a licence, or as part of the safety and control measures to be described in a
licence application and the documents needed to support that application.
For proposed new facilities: This document will be used to assess new licence applications for reactor
For existing facilities 1: The requirements contained in this document do not apply unless they have been
included, in whole or in part, in the licensing basis.
Guidance contained in this document exists to inform the applicant, to elaborate further on requirements,
or to provide direction to licensees and applicants on how to meet requirements. It also provides more
information about how CNSC staff evaluate specific problems or data during their review of licence
applications. Licensees are expected to review and consider this guidance; if they choose not to follow it,
they should explain how their selected approach still meets regulatory requirements.
Existing facilities in this document are effectively those first licensed before 2014.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Important note: Where referenced in a licence either directly or indirectly (such as through licensee-
referenced documents), this document is part of the licensing basis for a regulated facility or activity.
The licensing basis sets the boundary conditions for acceptable performance at a regulated facility or
activity, and establishes the basis for the CNSC’s compliance program for that regulated facility or
Where this document is part of the licensing basis, the word “shall” is used to express a requirement to
be satisfied by the licensee or licence applicant. “Should” is used to express guidance or that which is
advised. “May” is used to express an option or that which is advised or permissible within the limits of
this regulatory document. “Can” is used to express possibility or capability.
Nothing contained in this document is to be construed as relieving any licensee from any other
pertinent requirements. It is the licensee’s responsibility to identify and comply with all applicable
regulations and licence conditions.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Table of Contents
1. Purpose................................................................................................................................1
2. Scope....................................................................................................................................1
3. Relevant Legislation...........................................................................................................1
Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................150
Glossary ......................................................................................................................................152
1. Purpose
This regulatory document sets out the requirements of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
(CNSC) for the design of new water-cooled nuclear power plants (NPPs, or plants). It establishes
a set of comprehensive design requirements and guidance that are risk-informed and align with
accepted national and international codes and practices.
2. Scope
This regulatory document deals with a wide variety of topics related to the design of new NPPs.
To the extent practicable, this document is technology-neutral with respect to water-cooled
reactors, and includes requirements and guidance for:
To a large degree, this document represents the CNSC’s adoption of the principles set forth in the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) document SSR-2/1, Safety of Nuclear Power
Plants: Design, and the adaptation of those principles to align with Canadian practices.
It is recognized that specific technologies may use alternative approaches. If a design other than a
water-cooled reactor is to be considered for licensing in Canada, the design is subject to the safety
objectives, high-level safety concepts and safety management requirements associated with this
regulatory document. However, the CNSC’s review of such a design will be undertaken on a
case-by-case basis.
Conventional industrial safety is addressed only from a high-level perspective, with a focus on
design requirements that are related to nuclear safety.
3. Relevant Legislation
The provisions of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA) and regulations that are relevant to
this regulatory document include:
• subsection 24(4) of the NSCA prohibits the Commission from issuing, renewing, amending
or replacing a licence, unless “in the opinion of the Commission, the applicant (a) is qualified
to carry on the activity that the licence will authorize the licensee to carry on; and (b) will, in
carrying on that activity, makes adequate provision for the protection of the environment, the
health and safety of persons and the maintenance of national security and measures required
to implement international obligations to which Canada has agreed”
• subsection 24(5) of the NSCA authorizes the Commission to include in a licence any term or
condition that the Commission considers necessary for the purposes of the NSCA
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• paragraph 3(1)(i) of the General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations stipulates that an
application for a licence shall contain, in addition to other information, “…a description and
the results of any test, analysis or calculation performed to substantiate the information
included in the application”
• paragraph 12(1)(f) of the General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations stipulates that
every licensee shall, “…take all reasonable precautions to control the release of radioactive
nuclear substances or hazardous substances within the site of the licensed activity and into the
environment as a result of the licensed activity”
• paragraphs 3(b), 5(a), (d), (e), (f), (i) (k) and 6(a), (b), (h), (j), (k) and 7(f) of the Class I
Nuclear Facilities Regulations stipulate that an application for a licence in respect of a Class I
nuclear facility, other than a licence to abandon, shall contain, in addition to other
• 3(b) “plans showing the location, perimeter, areas, structures and systems of the nuclear
• 5(a) “a description of the proposed design of the nuclear facility, including the manner in
which the physical and environmental characteristics of the site are taken into account in
the design”
• 5(d) “a description of the structures proposed to be built as part of the nuclear facility,
including their design and their design characteristics”
• 5(e) “a description of the systems and equipment proposed to be installed at the nuclear
facility, including their design and their design operating conditions”
• 5(f) “a preliminary safety analysis report demonstrating the adequacy of the design of the
nuclear facility”
• 5(i) “the effects on the environment and the health and safety of persons that may result
from the construction, operation and decommissioning of the nuclear facility”
• 5(k) “the proposed measures to control releases of nuclear substances and hazardous
substances into the environment”
• 6(a) “a description of the structures at the nuclear facility, including their design and their
design operating conditions”
• 6(b) “a description of the systems and equipment at the nuclear facility, including their
design and their design operating conditions”
• 6(h) “the effects on the environment and the health and safety of persons that may result
from the operation and decommissioning of the nuclear facility”
• 6(j) “the proposed measures to control releases of nuclear substances and hazardous
substances into the environment”
• 6(k) “the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate the effects of accidental releases of
nuclear substances and hazardous substances on the environment, the health and safety of
persons and the maintenance of national security, including measures to
• assist off-site authorities in planning and preparing to limit the effects of an
accidental release,
• notify off-site authorities of an accidental release or the imminence of an accidental
• report information to off-site authorities during and after an accidental release,
• assist off-site authorities in dealing with the effects of an accidental release, and
• test the implementation of the measures to prevent or mitigate the effects of an
accidental release”
• 7(f) “the effects on the environment and the health and safety of persons that may result
from the decommissioning and the measures that will be taken to prevent or mitigate
those effects”
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• other sections of the Class I Nuclear Facilities Regulations, as well as sections of the
Radiation Protection Regulations and the Nuclear Security Regulations that pertain to the
design of a new nuclear power plant
The safety objectives and concepts described in this section apply to an NPP during operation or
during an accident.
Four common plant states are defined: normal operation; anticipated operational occurrence
(AOO); design-basis accident (DBA); and beyond-design-basis accident (BDBA). This document
also introduces the plant state “design extension conditions” (DECs), as a subset of BDBAs that
are considered in the plant design.
In support of the NSCA and its associated regulations, the CNSC endorses the objective
established by the IAEA that NPPs be designed and operated in a manner that will protect
individuals, society and the environment from harm. This objective relies on the establishment
and maintenance of effective defences against radiological hazards in NPPs.
The general nuclear safety objective is supported by three complementary safety objectives,
which deal with radiation protection, the technical aspects of the design, and environmental
protection. The technical safety objective is interdependent with administrative and procedural
measures that are taken to ensure defence against hazards due to ionizing radiation.
Provisions shall be made for the mitigation of the radiological consequences of any accidents
considered in the design.
When these objectives are achieved, any radiological consequences will be below prescribed
limits, and the likelihood of accidents with serious radiological consequences will be extremely
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design shall include provisions to control, treat and monitor releases to the environment and
shall minimize the generation of radioactive and hazardous wastes.
The NSCA and the technical safety objectives provide the basis for the following criteria and
Safety analyses shall be performed to confirm that these criteria and goals are met, to demonstrate
effectiveness of measures for preventing accidents, and mitigating radiological consequences of
accidents if they do occur.
The committed whole-body dose for average members of the critical groups who are most at risk,
at or beyond the site boundary, shall be calculated in the deterministic safety analysis for a period
of 30 days after the analyzed event.
This dose shall be less than or equal to the dose acceptance criteria of:
The values adopted for the dose acceptance criteria for AOOs and DBAs are consistent with
accepted international practices, and take into account the recommendations of the IAEA and the
International Commission on Radiological Protection.
A limit is placed on the societal risks posed by NPP operation. For this purpose, the following
two qualitative safety goals have been established:
Individual members of the public shall be provided a level of protection from the consequences of
NPP operation, such that there is no significant additional risk to the life and health of
Societal risks to life and health from NPP operation shall be comparable to or less than the risks
of generating electricity by viable competing technologies, and shall not significantly add to other
societal risks.
For practical application, quantitative safety goals have been established, so as to achieve the
intent of the qualitative safety goals. The three quantitative safety goals are:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
A core damage accident results from a postulated initiating event (PIE) followed by the failure of
one or more safety system(s) or safety support system(s). Core damage frequency is a measure of
the plant’s accident prevention capabilities.
Small release frequency and large release frequency are measures of the plant’s accident
mitigation capabilities. They also represent measures of risk to society and to the environment
due to the operation of an NPP.
The sum of frequencies of all event sequences that can lead to significant core degradation shall
be less than 10-5 per reactor year.
The sum of frequencies of all event sequences that can lead to a release to the environment of
more than 1015 becquerels of iodine-131 shall be less than 10-5 per reactor year. A greater release
may require temporary evacuation of the local population.
The sum of frequencies of all event sequences that can lead to a release to the environment of
more than 1014 becquerels of cesium-137 shall be less than 10-6 per reactor year. A greater release
may require long term relocation of the local population
Calculations of the safety goals include all internal and external events as per REGDOC-2.4.2,
Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Nuclear Power Plants. However, aggregation of
internal event and other hazard risk metrics performed through simple addition to demonstrate
that the risk metrics (core damage frequency, small release frequency and large release
frequency) are not exceeded might not be appropriate. It is recognized that when the risk metrics
for external events are conservatively estimated, their summation with the risk metrics for internal
events can lead to misinterpretation. Should the aggregated total exceed the safety goals,
conclusions should not be derived from the aggregated total until the scope of the conservative
bias in the other hazards is investigated.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Further details on PSAs are contained in section 9.5 of this document and CNSC REGDOC-
2.4.2, Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Nuclear Power Plants.
1. normal operation
2. AOOs
3. DBAs
4. BDBAs, including DECs (DECs could include severe accident conditions)
Based on these analyses, the capability of the design to withstand PIEs and accidents shall be
confirmed, the effectiveness of the items important to safety demonstrated, and requirements for
emergency response established. The results of the safety analyses shall be fed back into the
The design shall apply the principle that plant states that could result in high radiation doses or
radioactive releases have a very low frequency of occurrence, and that plant states with
significant frequency of occurrence have only minimal – if any – potential radiological
The design shall facilitate the clear transfer of control between procedures for operational states,
accident conditions, severe accident management and onsite emergency response.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Additional information
• Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), G-129, rev 1, Keeping Radiation Exposures
and Doses “As Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA),” Ottawa, Canada, 2004.
• CNSC, REGDOC-2.3.2, Accident Management: Severe Accident Management Programs for
Nuclear Reactors, Ottawa, Canada, 2013.
• International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA), Safety Guide NS-G-2.15, Severe Accident
Management Programmes for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2009.
If a failure were to occur, the defence-in-depth approach allows the failure to be detected, and to
be compensated for or corrected.
This concept shall be applied throughout the design process and operation of the plant to provide
a series of levels of defence aimed at preventing accidents, and ensuring appropriate protection in
the event that prevention fails.
The design shall provide all of the following five levels of defence during normal operation;
however, some relaxations may be specified for certain shutdown states. These levels are
introduced in general terms below, and are discussed in greater detail in section 6.1.
Level One
The aim of the first level of defence is to prevent deviations from normal operation, and to
prevent failures of structures, systems and components (SSCs) important to safety.
Level Two
The aim of the second level of defence is to detect and intercept deviations from normal
operation, in order to prevent AOOs from escalating to accident conditions and to return the plant
to a state of normal operation.
Level Three
The aim of the third level of defence is to minimize the consequences of accidents by providing
inherent safety features, fail-safe design, additional equipment and mitigating procedures.
Level Four
The aim of the fourth level of defence is to ensure that radioactive releases caused by severe
accidents are kept as low as practicable.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Level Five
The aim of the fifth level of defence is to mitigate the radiological consequences of potential
releases of radioactive materials that may result from accident conditions.
Additional information
The OLCs shall be established to ensure that plants operate in accordance with design
assumptions and intent (parameters and components), and include the limits within which the
facility has been shown to be safe. The OLCs shall be documented in a manner that is readily
accessible for control room personnel, with the roles and responsibilities clearly identified. Some
OLCs may include combinations of automatic functions and actions by personnel.
1. safety limits
2. limiting safety system settings
3. OLCs for normal operation and AOOs, including shutdown states
4. control system constraints and procedural constraints on process variables and other
important parameters
5. requirements for surveillance, maintenance, testing and inspection of the plant to ensure that
SSCs function as intended in the design and comply with the requirement for optimization by
keeping radiation exposures ALARA, as per the Radiation Protection Regulations
6. specified operating configurations, including operational restrictions in the event of the
unavailability of SSCs important to safety
7. action statements, including completion times for actions in response to deviations from the
operational limits and conditions
The basis on which the OLCs are derived shall be readily available in order to facilitate the ability
of plant personnel to interpret, observe and apply the OLCs.
The approaches and terminologies used for OLCs may vary as a result of the practices and
regulatory systems that have been established in the country of origin for the plant’s design.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Regardless of the approaches and terminologies used, the design authority should provide clear
definitions of the OLC terminologies used. The design should also include clear objectives and
goals for the OLCs.
The information related to OLCs should list the relevant standards (national or international)
used, and document how the requirements from these standards have been met.
OLCs should be defined for a suitable set of bounding plant operating configurations, and be
based on the final design of the plant.
Additional information
Additional information may be found in:
• CSA Group, N290.15, Requirements for the safe operating envelope of nuclear power plants,
Toronto, Canada.
• IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-2.2, Operational Limits and Conditions and Operating Procedures
for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2000.
The applicant or licensee shall be ultimately responsible for the design of the NPP and shall
establish a management system for ensuring the continuing safety of the plant design throughout
the lifetime of the NPP.
The design process shall be carried out by technically qualified and appropriately trained staff at
all levels, and shall include:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
During the design phase, formal design authority typically rests with the organization that has
overall responsibility for the design. Prior to plant start-up, this authority shall be transferred to
the operating organization.
The design authority may assign responsibility for the design of specific parts of the plant to other
organizations, known as responsible designers. The tasks and functions of the design authority
and any responsible designer shall be established in formal documentation; however, the overall
responsibility remains with the design authority.
The applicant or licensee shall confirm that the design authority has achieved the following
objectives for the design:
1. established a knowledge base of all relevant aspects of the plant design and kept it up-to-date,
while taking experience and research findings into account
2. ensured the availability of the design information that is needed for safe plant operation and
3. established the requisite security provisions in accordance with the Nuclear Security
Regulations and associated regulatory documents
4. maintained design configuration control
5. reviewed, verified, approved and documented design changes
6. established and controlled the necessary interfaces with responsible designers or other
suppliers engaged in design work
7. ensured that the necessary engineering and scientific skills and knowledge have been
8. ensured that, with respect to individual design changes or multiple changes that may have
significant interdependencies, the associated impact on safety has been properly assessed and
Additional information
• CSA Group, N286, Management system requirements for nuclear power plants, Toronto,
• IAEA, Safety Standards Series GS-G-3.5, The Management System for Nuclear Installations
Safety Guide, Vienna, 2009.
• IAEA, INSAG-19, Maintaining the Design Integrity of Nuclear Installations throughout their
Operating Life, Vienna, 2003.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
5. The plant design facilitates maintenance and aging management throughout the life of the
6. The results of the hazard analysis, deterministic safety analysis and probabilistic safety
assessment are taken into account.
7. Due consideration is given to the prevention of accidents and mitigation of their
8. The generation of radioactive and hazardous waste is limited to minimum practicable levels,
in terms of both activity and volume.
9. A change control process is established to track design changes to provide configuration
management during manufacturing, construction, commissioning and operation.
10. Physical protection systems and cyber security programs are provided to address design-basis
Processes, procedures and practices shall be established as part of the overall management system
so as to achieve the design objectives. This shall include identifying all performance and
assessment parameters for the plant design, as well as detailed plans for each SSC, in order to
ensure consistent quality of the design and the selected components.
The design controls shall be such that the initial design, and any subsequent change or safety
improvement, is carried out in accordance with established processes and procedures which call
on appropriate standards and codes and address applicable requirements and design bases.
Appropriate design control measures shall also facilitate identification and control of design
The adequacy of the design, including design tools and design inputs and outputs, shall be
verified or validated by individuals or groups that are independent from those who originally
performed the work. Verifications, validations, and approvals shall be completed before the
detailed design is implemented.
The computer software used for design and analysis calculations shall be qualified in accordance
with applicable standards.
Design control measures, in the form of processes, procedures and practices, include:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
CSA N286, Management system requirements for nuclear power plants, is the Canadian standard
identifying management system requirements for the design, purchasing, construction,
installation, commissioning, operating, and decommissioning of NPPs. CNSC G-149, Computer
Programs Used in Design and Safety Analyses of Nuclear Power Plants and Research Reactors,
and CSA N286.7, Quality Assurance of Analytical, Scientific and Design Computer Programs for
Nuclear Power Plants, provide complementary requirements and guidance for analytical,
scientific and design computer programs.
Organizations from nations not using the aforementioned documents should identify the codes,
standards, and specifications on which their design and safety analysis control measures are
based, whether national or international – such as IAEA GS-G-3.5, The Management System for
Nuclear Installations Safety Guide, referenced publications, and ISO 9001:2008 Quality
Management Systems – Requirements. Such control measures should be mapped to the requisite
CSA N286 clauses to demonstrate that they satisfy Canadian requirements. Where gaps are
identified, the measures to address them should be described.
Organizational processes and procedures can be specific to design and safety analysis, or be part
of an overall management system (or quality assurance program) for other NPP lifecycle
activities. In the latter case, the organization should identify those processes and procedures
applicable to design and safety analysis.
There are no specific platforms, styles or format requirements for documenting design control
measures; however, design organizations should identify the types of documents, the style, the
format and the media (paper-based, electronic or Web-based) they intend to use to control their
design activities.
Additional information
The design authority shall identify the modern codes and standards that will be used for the plant
design, and evaluate those codes and standards for applicability, adequacy, and sufficiency to the
design of SSCs important to safety.
Where needed, codes and standards shall be supplemented to ensure that the final quality of the
design is commensurate with the necessary safety functions.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
SSCs important to safety shall be of proven design, and shall be designed according to the
standards and codes identified for the NPP.
When a new SSC design, feature or engineering practice is introduced, adequate safety shall be
demonstrated by a combination of supporting research and development programs and by
examination of relevant experience from similar applications. An adequate qualification program
shall be established to verify that the new design meets all applicable safety requirements. New
designs shall be tested before being brought into service and shall be monitored while in service
so as to verify that the expected behaviour is achieved.
The design authority shall establish an adequate qualification program to verify that the new
design meets all applicable safety design requirements.
In the selection of equipment, due attention shall be given to spurious operation and to unsafe
failure modes (e.g., failure to trip when necessary). Where the design has to accommodate an
SSC failure, preference shall be given to equipment that exhibits known and predictable modes of
failure, and that facilitates repair or replacement.
The NPP design shall draw on operational experience that has been gained in the nuclear
industry, and on the results of relevant research programs.
The design authority should describe the major design features, changes and improvements that
have been incorporated as a result of operational experience and safety research including:
Operational experience can be found in documents such as the IAEA yearly publication
Operating Experience with Nuclear Power Stations in Member States.
Additional information
• IAEA Safety Guide Series NS-G-2.11, A System for the Feedback of Experience from Events
in Nuclear Installations, Vienna, 2006.
Safety assessment is a systematic process applied throughout the design phase to ensure that the
design meets all relevant safety requirements. The safety assessment for the design shall include
the requirements set by the operating organization and by regulatory authorities. The basis for the
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
safety assessment shall be the data derived from the safety analysis, previous operational
experience, results of supporting research, and proven engineering practices.
The safety assessment shall be part of the design process, with iteration between the design and
analyses, and shall increase in scope and level of detail as the design process progresses.
Before the design is submitted, an independent peer review of the safety assessment shall be
conducted by individuals or groups separate from those carrying out the design.
Safety assessment documentation shall identify those aspects of operation, maintenance and
management that are important to safety. This documentation shall be maintained in a dynamic
suite of documents, to reflect changes in design as the plant evolves.
Safety assessment documentation shall be presented clearly and concisely, in a logical and
understandable format, and shall be made readily accessible to designers, operators and the
As per IAEA GSR Part 4, Safety Assessment for Facilities and Activities, aspects considered in
the safety assessment should include:
• defence in depth
• safety margins
• multiple barriers
• safety analysis (including both deterministic and probabilistic approaches), as well as overall
scope, approach, safety criteria, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, use of computer codes,
and use of operating experience
• radiation risks
• safety functions
• site characteristics
• radiation protection
• engineering aspects
• human factors
• long-term safety
The independent peer review should be performed by suitably qualified and experienced
Additional information
• IAEA, GSR Part 4, Safety Assessment for Facilities and Activities, Vienna, 2009.
Design documentation shall include information to demonstrate the adequacy of the design and
shall be used for procurement, construction, commissioning and safe operation, including
maintenance, aging management, modification and eventual decommissioning of the NPP.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
1. design description
2. design requirements
3. classification of SSCs
4. description of plant states
5. security system design, including a description of physical security barriers and cyber
security programs
6. operational limits and conditions
7. identification and categorization of initiating events
8. acceptance criteria and derived acceptance criteria
9. deterministic safety analysis
10. probabilistic safety assessment (PSA)
11. hazard analysis
For additional guidance on derived acceptance criteria, refer to CNSC regulatory document
REGDOC-2.4.1, Deterministic Safety Analysis.
Additional information
6. Safety Requirements
The design of an NPP shall incorporate defence in depth. The levels of defence in depth shall be
independent to the extent practicable.
Defence in depth shall be achieved at the design phase through the application of design
provisions specific to the five levels of defence.
Level One
Achievement of Level one defence in depth shall include conservative design and high-quality
construction to provide confidence that plant failures and deviations from normal operations are
minimized and accidents are prevented.
This shall entail careful attention to selection of appropriate design codes and materials, design
procedures, equipment qualification, control of component fabrication and plant construction, and
use of operational experience.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Level Two
Level two shall be achieved by controlling plant behaviour during and following a postulated
initiating event (PIE) using both inherent and engineered design features to minimize or exclude
uncontrolled transients to the extent possible.
Level Three
Achievement of Level three defence in depth shall include the provision of inherent safety
features, fail-safe design, engineered design features, and procedures that minimize the
consequences of DBAs. These provisions shall be capable of leading the plant first to a controlled
state, and then to a safe shutdown state, and maintaining at least one barrier for the confinement
of radioactive material. Automatic activation of the engineered design features shall minimize the
need for operator actions in the early phase of a DBA.
Level Four
Level four shall be achieved by providing equipment and procedures to manage accidents and
mitigate their consequences as far as practicable.
Most importantly, adequate protection shall be provided for the confinement function by way of a
robust containment design. This includes the use of complementary design features to prevent
accident progression and to mitigate the consequences of DECs. The confinement function shall
be further protected by severe accident management procedures.
Level Five
The design shall provide adequately equipped emergency support facilities, and plans for onsite
and offsite emergency response.
IAEA INSAG-10, Defence in Depth in Nuclear Safety, provides information regarding the
concept and application of defence in depth.
Guidance on performing a systematic assessment of the defence in depth can be obtained from
the IAEA safety reports series No. 46, Assessment of Defence in Depth for Nuclear Power Plants.
The application of defence in depth in the design should ensure the following:
• The approach to defence in depth used in the design should ensure that all aspects of design at
the SSCs level have been covered, with emphasis on SSCs that are important to safety.
• The defence in depth should not be significantly degraded if the SSC has multiple functions
(e.g., for CANDU reactors, the moderator and end-shield cooling systems may serve the
functions of a process system and include the functions of mitigating DECs).
• The principle of multiple physical barriers to the release of radioactive material should be
incorporated in the design; there should be a limited number of cases where there is a
reduction in the number of physical barriers (as may be the case where some components
carrying radioactive material serve the function of primary coolant barrier and containment),
and adequate justification should exist for such design choices.
• The design (e.g., in safety design guides, management system programs) should provide:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
To ensure that different levels of defence are independently effective, any design features that
aim to prevent an accident should not belong to the same level of defence as design features that
aim to mitigate the consequences of the accident.
The independence between all levels of defence should be achieved, in particular, through diverse
provisions. The strengthening of each of these levels separately would provide, as far as
reasonably achievable, an overall reinforcement of defence in depth. For example, the use of
dedicated systems to deal with DECs ensures the independence of the fourth defence level.
The design shall also allow for the fact that the existence of multiple levels of defence does not
normally represent a sufficient basis for continued power operation in the absence of one defence
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The following fundamental safety functions shall be available in operational states, DBAs and
DECs, except where the postulated accident involves a loss of that function:
1. control of reactivity
2. removal of heat from the fuel
3. confinement of radioactive material
4. shielding against radiation
5. control of operational discharges and hazardous substances, as well as limitation of accidental
6. monitoring of safety-critical parameters to guide operator actions
These safety functions shall apply to the reactor as well as fuel storage and handling.
SSCs necessary to fulfill safety functions following a PIE shall be identified. This approach shall
identify the need for such functions as reactor shutdown, emergency core cooling, containment,
emergency heat removal and power systems.
The design shall apply the principles of defence in depth to minimize sensitivity to PIEs.
Following a PIE, the plant is rendered safe by:
Achievement of the general nuclear safety objective (discussed in section 4.1) depends on all
actual and potential sources of radiation being identified, and on provision being made to ensure
that sources are kept under strict technical and administrative control.
Radiation doses to the public and to site personnel shall be as low as reasonably achievable.
During normal operation, including maintenance and decommissioning, doses shall be regulated
by the limits prescribed in the Radiation Protection Regulations.
The design shall include provisions for the prevention and mitigation of radiation exposures
resulting from DBAs and DECs.
The design shall also ensure that potential radiation doses to the public from AOOs and DBAs do
not exceed dose acceptance criteria provided in section 4.2.1. The calculated overall risk to the
public shall meet the safety goals in section 4.2.2.
A detailed radiation dose assessment should include estimated annual collective and individual
effective and equivalent radiation doses to site personnel and members of the public for normal
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
operation, potential radiation doses to the public for AOOs and DBAs, and potential releases into
the environment for DECs.
The assessment process should be clearly documented and should include the process for
consideration and evaluation of dose-reduction changes in the NPP design. Radiation doses
resulting from the operation of the NPP should be reduced by means of engineered controls and
radiation protection measures to levels such that any further expenditure on design, construction
and operational measures would not be warranted by the expected reduction in radiation doses.
The radiation dose assessment should include the expected occupancy of the NPP’s radiation
areas, along with estimated annual person-Sievert doses associated with major functions,
including radioactive waste handling, normal maintenance, special maintenance, refuelling and
in-service inspection. Such assessments should include information as to how ALARA and
operating experience are used in the design to deal with dose-significant contributors.
Additional information
• CNSC, G-129, rev. 1, Keeping Radiation Exposures and Doses “As Low as Reasonably
Achievable (ALARA)”, Ottawa, Canada, 2004.
• CSA Group, N288.2, Guidelines for Calculating Radiation Doses to the Public from a
Release of Airborne Radioactive Material under Hypothetical Accident Conditions in
Nuclear Reactors, Toronto, Canada.
The design shall include adequate provision for an appropriate exclusion zone. The
appropriateness of the exclusion zone shall be based on several factors, including:
1. evacuation needs
2. land usage needs
3. security requirements
4. environmental factors
The exclusion zone for NPPs in Canada has been typically defined as 914 metres from the reactor
building. Rather than prescribe a particular size for the exclusion zone, this regulatory document
specifies factors that must be considered in establishing an appropriate size, including evacuation
needs, land usage needs, security requirements and environmental factors.
Evacuation needs
The design should take into account emergency response requirements based on the size of the
exclusion zone and the facilities and infrastructures that are within the zone.
The exclusion zone boundary should be defined with consideration for the capabilities of onsite
and offsite emergency response. Environmental factors which can affect the response times
should be taken into consideration. The design also considers projected changes over time in land
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
use and population density, which could adversely affect response times, or the ability to shelter
or evacuate persons from both the site itself and associated emergency planning regions.
Evacuation needs are generally based on existing provincial nuclear emergency response plans.
The design should ensure that the exclusion zone is large enough to accommodate the site for the
nuclear plant (accounting for the full number of units postulated to be built at the site, whether or
not they would be built immediately).
The design activities should seek to optimize land usage by the plant as part of determining the
exclusion zone.
Security requirements
The design should provide security requirements based on the size of the exclusion zone, the
facilities and infrastructures that are within the zone, and the design of the facility. Generally, a
larger exclusion zone would require more security capabilities, in order to avoid a longer
response time. Physical characteristics of the site itself (which include geographical
characteristics, such as proximity to elevated land) also play a role in determining these
The design authority may decide to mitigate these risks while maintaining a smaller exclusion
zone, by choosing highly robust facility designs, applying engineered security measures to the
site, and having a well-designed security program. These engineered measures should be
In establishing the radius of the exclusion zone boundary, the design should take into account:
In each of the above parameters, the design should take into account projected changes over time
in land use and population density, which could adversely affect that parameter. The design
should be such that the exclusion zone, as established at the design stage, will be sustainable for
the full lifecycle of the facility.
The acceptability of the information to be provided in support of the above is discussed in section
7.22 of this document.
Environmental factors
Environmental factors which may have an impact on the size of the exclusion zone include local
meteorological conditions which could affect the radiological dose received by members of the
public. The design authority may use generic site data using conservative assumptions regarding
meteorological conditions in the absence of a specific site.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The Radiation Protection Regulations establish an effective dose limit of 1 mSv per year for
members of the public. This limit implies that a hypothetical member of the public who lives at
the exclusion zone boundary for 1 year (since no permanent dwelling is permitted within the
exclusion zone) would not accumulate a dose of more than 1 mSv from normal operation of the
Additional information
• CNSC, RD-346, Site Evaluation for New Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada, 2008.
The facility layout shall take into account PIEs to enhance protection of SSCs important to safety.
The design shall take into account the interfaces between the safety, security and safeguards
provisions of the NPP and other aspects of the facility layout, such as:
It is likely that some design requirements associated with these factors will conflict with others in
the determination of facility layout requirements. The design, therefore, shall reflect an
assessment of options, demonstrating that an optimized configuration has been sought for the
facility layout.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The presence of multiple units at a site, or common-cause events could exacerbate challenges that
the plant personnel would face during an accident. The events and consequences of an accident at
one unit may affect the accident progression or hamper accident management activities at the
neighbouring unit; available resources (personnel, equipment and consumable resources) would
need to be shared among several units. These challenges should be identified and the available
resources and mitigation strategies shown to be adequate.
The design authority shall classify SSCs using a consistent and clearly defined classification
method. The SSCs shall then be designed, constructed, and maintained such that their quality and
reliability is commensurate with this classification.
In addition, all SSCs shall be identified as either important or not important to safety. The
criterion for determining safety importance is based on:
1. safety systems
2. complementary design features
3. safety support systems
4. other SSCs whose failure may lead to safety concerns (e.g., process and control systems)
Appropriately designed interfaces shall be provided between SSCs of different classes in order to
minimize the risk of having SSCs less important to safety adversely affecting the function or
reliability of SSCs of greater importance.
The method for classifying the safety significance of SSCs important to safety should be based
primarily on deterministic methodologies, complemented (where appropriate) by probabilistic
methods and engineering judgment. The safety classification of SSCs should be an iterative
process that continues throughout the design process.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
This approach should be used for all SSCs including pressure retaining components, electrical,
instrumentation and control (I&C) and civil structures.
The identified PIEs should be grouped into limiting cases, which are referred to as bounding or
enveloping PIEs. Once these bounding PIEs are known and understood, the required safety
functions can be identified. The number of categories and classes may be chosen to allow for
graded design rules.
The time following the PIE captures the need for automatic action for short timescales, or manual
actions being acceptable for longer-term actions. The expected duration of the operation is also
important since some systems may need to operate for months. Others (such as shutdown means)
can complete their mission within seconds.
The potential severity of the consequences of a function failure should be evaluated. The severity
should be based on the consequences that could arise if the function was not performed. The
consequences of a function failure should be made assuming that the safety functions belonging
to the subsequent level of defence in depth remain functional.
• SSCs whose failure cannot be accepted because the failure will result in unacceptable
consequences with certainty should be allocated to the highest safety class.
• Supporting SSCs that are essential to achieve the safety function of the frontline SSCs to be
supported should be assigned to the same class as that of the frontline SSCs.
• An SSC that contributes to the performance of several safety functions of different categories
should be assigned to the class corresponding to the highest category of those safety functions
requiring the commensurate design rules.
• Any SSC that is not part of a safety function group, but whose failure could adversely affect
this safety function group in accomplishing its safety function (if this cannot be precluded by
design) should be classified in accordance with the safety category of that safety function
• Where the safety class of connecting or interacting SSCs is not the same (including cases
where one SSC belonging to a safety class is connected to another SSC not important to
safety), the interference between the SSCs should be separated by a device (e.g., a physical or
optical isolator) classified in the higher safety class. This is to ensure that the failure of a
lower safety class SSC will not propagate to an SSC belonging to a higher safety class.
The adequacy of the safety classification should be verified using deterministic safety analysis,
which should cover all PIEs and all the credited safety functions. This verification should be
complemented, as appropriate, by insight from probabilistic safety assessment and by engineering
The appropriate design rules and limits as indicated in section 7.5 are specified in accordance
with the safety class of SSCs.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Although the probability of SSCs being called upon during DECs is very low, the failure of safety
functions for the mitigation of DECs may lead to consequences with high severity. SSCs that
provide these safety functions should be assigned a safety category commensurate with the safety
significance. For certain complementary design features (such as onsite portable equipment) with
high redundancy and extremely low probability of being called upon, a low safety class may be
appropriate. It should be noted that not all portable equipment is included in SSCs important to
Firstly, SSCs are identified as important or not important to safety. By virtue of their roles, safety
systems, complementary design features and safety support systems will be identified as
important to safety. Additionally, other SSCs that can have a significant impact on nuclear safety
will also be identified as important to safety.
After the SSCs important to safety are identified, they are classified. The safety classification
considers a number of factors as listed above. The safety classification enables appropriate design
rules to be selected as described in section 7.5
The design authority shall establish the plant design envelope, which comprises all plant states
considered in the design: normal operation, AOOs, DBAs and DECs, as shown in figure 1.
Beyond-design-basis accident
Anticipated Practically
Normal Design-basis Design extension
operational eliminated
operation accident conditions
occurrence conditions
No severe fuel
Severe accidents
Not considered as
Design basis Design extension
design extension
Reducing frequency of occurrence
The design basis shall specify the capabilities that are necessary for the plant in operational states
and DBAs.
Conservative design measures and sound engineering practices shall be applied in the design
basis for operational states and DBAs. This will provide a high degree of assurance that no
significant damage will occur to the reactor core, and that radiation doses will remain within
established limits.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design basis for each SSC important to safety should be systematically defined and justified.
The design should also provide the necessary information for the operating organization to run
the plant safely.
The design should adopt deterministic design principles of appropriate conservatism. For
example, SSCs should be robust, tolerant of a large spectrum of faults with a gradual degradation
in their effectiveness, and should not fail catastrophically under operational states, DBAs and
The conditions for deviating from conservative and deterministic design principles should be
clearly stated, including the basis by which such deviation would be justified on a case-by-case
basis; such basis may include a more sophisticated calculation methodology that has been well
established, or a multiplicity of ways in which a particular function can be fulfilled.
A complementary design feature is a design feature added to the design as a stand-alone SSC
(including portable equipment), or added capability to an existing SSC to cope with DECs.
The design principles for complementary design features to deal with DECs do not necessarily
need to incorporate the same degree of conservatism as those applied to the design up to and
including DBAs. However, the design authority should provide reasonable assurance that the
complementary design features will function as designed when called upon.
Plant states considered in the design shall be grouped into the following four categories:
1. Normal operation is an operation within specified OLCs, including start-up, power operation,
shutting down, shutdown, maintenance, testing, and refuelling.
2. An anticipated operational occurrence (AOO) is a deviation from normal operation that is
expected to occur once or several times during the operating lifetime of the NPP but which, in
view of the appropriate design provisions, does not cause any significant damage to items
important to safety, or lead to accident conditions.
3. Design-basis accidents (DBAs) are accident conditions for which an NPP is designed
according to established design criteria, and for which damage to the fuel and the release of
radioactive material are kept within regulated limits.
4. Design extension conditions (DECs) are a subset of beyond-design-basis accidents that are
considered in the design process of the facility in accordance with best-estimate methodology
to keep releases of radioactive material within acceptable limits. Design extension conditions
could include severe accidents.
Acceptance criteria shall be assigned to each plant state considered in the design, taking into
account the principle that frequent PIEs will have only minor or no radiological consequences,
and that any events that may result in severe consequences will be of extremely low probability.
Plant states considered in the design are divided into normal operation, AOOs, DBAs and DECs.
The design requirements of SSCs should then be developed to ensure that the plant is capable of
meeting applicable deterministic and probabilistic requirements for each plant state. Note that the
plant states diagram in section 7.2 identifies BDBA as a plant state. However, only a subset of
BDBAs is considered in the design. These are DECs.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design shall minimize the unavailability of safety systems. The design shall address the
potential for accidents to occur when the availability of safety systems may be reduced, such as
during shutdown, start-up, low power operation, refuelling and maintenance.
The design shall establish a set of requirements and limitations for safe normal operation,
These requirements and limitations, together with the results of safety analysis, shall form the
basis for establishing the OLCs according to which the plant will be authorized to operate, as
discussed in section 4.3.3 of this document.
The design ensures that normal operations are carried out safely, thereby ensuring that radiation
doses to workers and members of the public, as well as any planned discharges and releases of
radioactive material from the plant, will be within the prescribed limits specified in the Radiation
Protection Regulations, and will meet the requirements of section 4.1.1 of this regulatory
Operating configurations for normal operation are addressed by the OLCs which are described in
section 4.3.3. These typically include:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• operation during transition between configurations such as reactor shutdown from power
operation (hot shutdown, cool-down)
• refuelling during normal operation, where applicable
• shutdown in a refuelling mode or other maintenance condition that opens the reactor coolant
or containment boundary
• handling of fresh and irradiated fuel
The key parameters and unique characteristics of each operational configuration, including the
specific design provision for maintaining the configuration, should be identified. The permissible
periods of operation at different configurations (e.g., power level) in the event of a deviation from
normal operating configurations, should also be identified.
The design shall also provide that, to the extent practicable, SSCs not involved in the initiation of
an AOO shall remain operable following the AOO.
The response of the plant to a wide range of AOOs shall allow safe operation or shutdown, if
necessary, without the need to invoke provisions beyond Level 1 defence in depth or, at most,
Level 2.
The facility layout shall be such that equipment is placed at the most suitable location to ensure
its immediate availability when operator intervention is required, allowing for safe and timely
access during an AOO.
The guidance in this subsection also covers elements common to AOO and DBA.
In accordance with the requirements of section 4.3.1 of this regulatory document for Level 2 and
Level 3 defence in depth, the design should include the results of the analyses of AOOs and
DBAs in order to provide a demonstration of the robustness of the fault tolerance in the
engineering design and the effectiveness of the safety systems. The analysis should cover the full
range of events over the full range of reactor power. The analysis should also cover all normal
operating configurations, including low-power and shutdown states.
For a wide range of AOOs, the design should be such that any deviations from normal operation
can be detected, and that the control systems can be expected to return the plant to a safe state,
normally without the activation of safety systems. For both AOOs and DBAs, there should be
high confidence that qualified systems (as identified in REGDOC-2.4.1, Deterministic Safety
Analysis) can mitigate the event even when acting alone.
In the analysis of AOOs and DBAs for each group of PIEs, it may be sufficient to analyze only a
limited number of bounding initiating events, which can represent a bounding response for a
group of events. The rationale for the choice of these selected bounding events should be
provided. The plant parameters that are important to the outcome of the safety analysis should
also be identified. These parameters would typically include:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Those characteristics of the safety systems, including the operating conditions in which the
systems are actuated, the time delays, and the systems’ capacity after the actuation claimed in the
design, should be specified and demonstrated to be consistent with the overall functional and
performance requirements of the systems.
Additional information
The design shall be such that releases to the public following a DBA will not exceed the dose
acceptance criterion provided in section 4.2.1.
In order to prevent progression to a more severe condition that may threaten the next barrier, the
design shall include provisions to automatically initiate the necessary safety systems when
prompt and reliable action is required in response to a PIE.
Provision shall also be made to support timely detection of, and manual response to, conditions
when prompt action is not necessary. This shall include responses such as manual initiation of
systems or other operator actions.
The design shall take into account operator actions that may be necessary to diagnose the state of
the plant and to put it into a stable long-term shutdown condition in a timely manner. Such
operator actions shall be facilitated by the provision of adequate instrumentation to monitor plant
status, and controls for manual operation of equipment.
Any equipment necessary for manual response and recovery processes shall be placed at the most
suitable location to allow safe and timely worker access when needed.
The design identifies the set of DBAs and associated conditions for which the NPP is designed.
This includes such responses as manual initiation of systems, or other operator actions.
See also section 7.3.2 of this regulatory document for guidance common to AOOs and DBAs.
Additional information
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design shall be such that plant states that could lead to significant radioactive releases are
practically eliminated. For plant states that are not practically eliminated, only protective
measures that are of limited scope in terms of area and time shall be necessary for protection of
the public, and sufficient time shall be made available to implement these measures.
Complementary design features shall be provided to cope with DECs. Their design shall be based
on a combination of phenomenological models, engineering judgments, and probabilistic
The rules and practices that have been applied to the complementary design features shall be
identified. These rules and practices do not necessarily need to incorporate the same degree of
conservatism as those applied to the design basis.
The design shall identify a radiological and combustible gas accident source term, for use in the
specification of the complementary design features for DECs. This source term is referred to as
the reference source term and shall be based on a set of representative core damage accidents
established by the design authority.
To the extent practicable, the design shall provide biological shielding of appropriate composition
and thickness in order to protect operational personnel during DECs.
In the case of plants with multiple units at a site, the use of available support from other units
shall only be relied upon if the safe operation of the other units is not compromised.
DECs are the subset of BDBAs that are considered in the design. BDBAs are all events less
frequent than DBAs; there is no lower frequency bound.
• factors of the accident progression (i.e., physical conditions, processes and phenomena)
• BDBA (including severe accident) scenarios resulting from initiating events, human actions,
and SSC operability (success or failure)
• selection of bounding events that are considered in design and determination of limiting
values and ranges of the parameters of these events
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design should identify the features that are designed for use in, or that are capable of
preventing or mitigating events considered in DECs. These features include complementary
design features and other SSCs that may be credited for DECs. These features should:
The choice of the DECs to be analyzed should be explained and justified, indicating whether it
has been made on the basis of a PSA or other analysis that identifies potential vulnerabilities of
the plant.
For use in the specification of the complementary design features for DECs, the reference source
term should be calculated for a set of representative accident scenarios based on the best-estimate
models. This should take into account the uncertainties of key parameters and the possible
changes in governing physical processes.
Accidents in this category are, typically, sequences involving more than one failure (unless these
are taken into account in the DBAs at the design stage). Such sequences may include DBAs with
degraded performance of a safety system, and sequences that could lead to containment bypass.
The analysis of those accidents may:
Where this is not possible, reasonably conservative assumptions should be made in which the
uncertainties in the understanding of the physical processes being modelled are considered. The
analysis should justify the approach taken.
Accident conditions with a significant release are considered to have been practically eliminated:
Physical impossibility can be demonstrated by a design feature that would preclude initiation or
further progress of an accident scenario. Care should be taken when assumptions are used to
support the demonstration. Such assumptions should be adequately acknowledged and addressed.
To demonstrate practical elimination as extremely unlikely with a high degree of confidence, the
following should be considered:
• The degree of substantiation provided for the demonstration of practical elimination should
take account of the assessed frequency of the situation to be eliminated and of the degree of
confidence in the assessed frequency.
• Practical elimination of an accident should not be claimed solely based on compliance with a
probabilistic cut-off value. Even if the probability of an accident sequence is very low, any
additional design features, operational measures or accident management procedures to lower
the risk further should be implemented to the extent practicable.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• The most stringent requirements regarding the demonstration of practical elimination should
apply in the case of an event with the potential to lead directly to a severe accident; i.e., from
Level 1 to Level 4 for defence in depth. For example, demonstration of practical elimination
of a heterogeneous boron dilution event in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) would require a
detailed substantiation.
• The necessary high confidence in low likelihood should, wherever possible, be supported by
means such as:
• multiple layers of protection
• application of the safety principles of independence, diversity, separation, redundancy
• use of passive safety features
• use of multiple independent controls
• It should be ensured that the practical elimination provisions remain in place and valid
throughout the plant lifetime; for example, through in-service and periodic inspections.
In each case, the demonstration should show sufficient knowledge of the accident sequence
analyzed and of the phenomena involved, substantiated by relevant evidence.
To minimize uncertainties and to increase the robustness of a plant’s safety case, demonstration
of practical elimination should preferably rely on the criterion of physical impossibility, rather
than the second probabilistic criterion (extreme unlikelihood with high confidence).
There may be different options available to fulfill the fundamental safety functions during DECs.
However, when called upon the portable onsite or offsite equipment credited is expected to be
effective with reasonable confidence.
Portable onsite or offsite equipment may be one of the means for mitigation in support of the
severe accident management guidelines.
Additional information
Early in the design process, the various potential barriers to core or fuel degradation shall be
identified, and features that can be incorporated to halt core or fuel degradation at those barriers
shall be provided.
The design shall also identify the equipment to be used in the management of severe accidents
including equipment that is available onsite and offsite.
The design shall include redundant connection points to provide for water and electrical power
which may be needed to support severe accident management actions.
Provisions for testing the equipment shall be provided to the extent practicable.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
A reasonable level of confidence that this equipment will perform as intended in the case of a
severe accident shall be demonstrated by fire and seismic assessments, and consideration of
environmental conditions.
Consideration shall be given to the plant’s full design capabilities, including the possible use of
safety, non-safety, and temporary systems, beyond their originally intended function. This shall
apply to any system that can be shown with a reasonable degree of assurance to be able to
function in the environmental conditions expected during a severe accident.
For DECs with severe core damage, the containment shall maintain its role as a leak-tight barrier
for a period that allows sufficient time for the implementation of offsite emergency procedures
following the onset of core damage. Containment shall also prevent uncontrolled releases of
radioactivity after this period.
Particular attention shall be placed on the prevention of potential containment bypass in severe
The design authority shall establish initial severe accident management guidelines, taking into
account the plant design features including requirements for multiple units at a site, and the
understanding of accident progression and associated phenomena.
Severe accidents represent accidents that involve significant fuel degradation, either in-core or in
fuel storage.
Detailed analysis should be performed and documented to identify and characterize accidents that
can lead to significant fuel damage or offsite releases of radioactive material (severe accidents).
In addition, evaluations should be carried out on the capability of complementary design features
to cope with DECs. The challenges to the plant presented by such events, and the extent to which
the design may be reasonably expected to mitigate their consequences should be considered in
establishing the initial severe accident management guidelines which will facilitate meeting the
expectations of CNSC REGDOC-2.3.2, Accident Management: Severe Accident Management
Programs for Nuclear Reactors.
Containment leakage in a severe accident should remain below the design leakage rate limit (as
defined in section 8.6.4) for sufficient time to allow implementation of emergency measures.
Beyond this time, containment leakage that would lead to exceeding the small and large release
safety goals should be precluded. This may be achieved by provision of adequate filtered
containment venting along with other features.
The design should include the analysis performed for severe accident progression and
consequence evaluation including assessments on topical issues, as applicable, such as:
• corium stratification
• thermal-chemical interaction between corium, steel components and vessel
• heat transfer from corium to vessel or end-shield
• hydrogen burn
• steam explosion due to molten fuel-coolant interaction
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• corium-concrete interaction
The results of the severe accident analysis should be taken into account when developing initial
severe accident management guidelines and for emergency preparedness.
Redundant connection points for water and electrical power which may be needed to support
severe accident management actions should use standard connections and be readily accessible.
These connection points should also be physically separated, to minimize risks from common-
cause events. The design should facilitate the use of equipment and supplies from onsite and
offsite locations, such as fuel supply, batteries, onsite and offsite temporary pumps, generators
and battery chargers.
Additional information
The design for the NPP shall apply a systematic approach to identifying a comprehensive set of
postulated initiating events, such that all foreseeable events with the potential for serious
consequences or with a significant frequency of occurrence are anticipated and considered.
Postulated initiating events can lead to AOOs, DBAs or BDBAs, and include credible failures or
malfunctions of SSCs, as well as operator errors, common-cause internal hazards, and external
For a site with multiple units, the design shall take due account of the potential for specific
hazards simultaneously impacting several units on the site.
The postulated initiating events (PIEs) are identified using engineering judgment and
deterministic and probabilistic assessment. A justification of the extent of usage of deterministic
safety analyses and probabilistic safety analyses should be provided, in order to show that all
foreseeable events have been considered.
Sufficient information should be provided regarding the methods used to identify PIEs, their
scope and classification. In cases where the identification methods have made use of analytical
tools (e.g., master logic diagrams, hazard and operability analysis, failure modes and effect
analysis), detailed information is expected to be presented.
A systematic approach to event classification should consider all internal and external events, all
normal operating configurations, various plant and site conditions, and failure in other plant
systems (e.g., storage for irradiated fuel, and tanks for radioactive substances).
The design should take into account failure of equipment that is not part of the NPP, if the failure
has a significant impact on nuclear safety.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
For further information on the safety analysis for the identified PIEs, refer to section 9.0 of this
Additional information
The plant design shall take into account the potential for internal hazards, such as flooding,
missile generation, pipe whip, jet impact, fire, smoke, and combustion by-products, or release of
fluid from failed systems or from other installations on the site. Appropriate preventive and
mitigation measures shall be provided to ensure that nuclear safety is not compromised.
Internal events which the plant is designed to withstand shall be identified, and AOOs, DBAs and
DECs shall be determined from these events.
The possible interaction of external and internal events shall be considered, such as external
events initiating internal fires or floods, or that may lead to the generation of missiles.
The design should take into account specific loads and environmental conditions (temperature,
pressure, humidity, radiation) imposed on structures or components by internal hazards.
The design considers internal missiles which can be generated by failure of rotating components
(such as turbines), or by failure of pressurized components. For those potential missiles
considered to be credible, the following actions should be taken:
• a realistic assessment is made of the postulated missile size and energy, and its potential
• potentially impacted components associated with systems required to achieve and maintain a
safe shutdown state are identified
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The civil design takes into account loads generated by internal hazards in the environmental
loading category consistent with section 7.15.
Various interactions between the plant and the environment, such as population in the
surrounding area, meteorology, hydrology, geology and seismology shall be identified during the
site evaluation and environmental assessment processes. These interactions shall be taken into
account in determining the design basis for the NPP.
Applicable natural external hazards shall include such hazards as earthquakes, droughts, floods,
high winds, tornadoes, tsunami, and extreme meteorological conditions. Human induced external
hazards shall include those that are identified in the site evaluation, such as potential aircraft
crashes, ship collisions, and terrorist activities.
The design should take into account all site characteristics that may affect the safety of the plant,
and should identify the following:
• site-specific hazard evaluation for external hazards (of human or natural origin)
• design assumptions or values, in terms of recurrence probability of external hazards
• definition of the design basis for external hazards
• collection of site reference data for the plant design (geotechnical, seismological,
hydrological, hydrogeological and meteorological)
• evaluation of the impact of the site-related issues to be considered in the application,
concerning emergency preparedness and accident management
• arrangements for the monitoring of site-related parameters throughout the life of the plant
• earthquakes
• extreme meteorological conditions of temperature, snow, freezing rain, hail, frost, subsurface
freezing and drought
• floods due to tides, tsunamis, seiches, storm surges, precipitation, waterspouts, dam forming
and dam failures, snow melt, land slides into water bodies, channel changes and work in the
• cyclones (e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes) and straight winds
• abrasive dust and sand storms
• lightning
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Natural external hazards that are evaluated and screened out may be based on the following
• a phenomenon that occurs slowly or with adequate warning with respect to the time required
to take appropriate protective action
• a phenomenon which in itself has no significant impact on the operation of an NPP and its
design basis
• an individual phenomenon which has an extremely low probability of occurrence
• the NPP is located sufficiently distant from or above the postulated phenomenon (e.g., fire,
• a phenomenon that is already included or enveloped by design in another phenomenon (e.g.,
storm-surge and seiche included in flooding or accidental small aircraft crash enveloped by
tornado loads)
Malevolent acts including aircraft crashes are considered separately, in section 7.22.
For civil design, human induced hazards which are classified as DBAs are taken into account as
loads in the abnormal or extreme environmental load category, consistent with section 7.15. Less
frequent human induced hazards are considered part of DECs.
Additional information
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• American Nuclear Society (ANS), 2.3, Estimating Tornado, Hurricane, and Extreme Straight
Line Wind Characteristics at Nuclear Facility Sites, La Grange Park, Illinois, 2011.
• CNSC, RD-346, Site Evaluation for New Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada, 2008.
• IAEA, NS-G-3.1, External Human Induced Events in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Power
Plants, Vienna, 2002.
• National Research Council (NRC), National Building Code of Canada, Ottawa, Canada,
Events that may result from other events, such as a flood following an earthquake, shall be
considered to be part of the original PIE.
Where the results of engineering judgment, deterministic safety assessments and probabilistic
safety assessments indicate potential combinations of events, such combinations of events should
be considered to be AOOs, DBAs or DECs, depending on their likelihood of occurrence.
The design authority shall specify the engineering design rules for all SSCs. These rules shall
comply with appropriate accepted engineering practices.
The design shall also identify SSCs to which design limits are applicable. These design limits
shall be specified for operational states, DBAs and DECs.
Methods to ensure a robust design are applied, and proven engineering practices are adhered to in
the design, as a way to ensure that the fundamental safety functions would be achieved in all
operational states, DBAs and DECs.
The engineering design rules for all SSCs should be determined based on their importance to
safety, as determined using the criteria in section 7.1. The design rules should include, as
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• fail-safe design
• equipment qualification:
• environmental qualification
• seismic qualification
• qualification against electromagnetic interference
• operational considerations:
• testability
• inspectability
• maintainability
• aging management
• management system
The design of complementary design features should be such that they are effective for fulfilling
the actions credited in the safety analysis, with a reasonable degree of confidence. Other SSCs
that are credited for DECs should also meet this expectation.
Design rules should include relevant national and international codes and standards. In cases of
SSCs for which there are no appropriate established codes or standards, an approach derived from
existing codes or standards for similar SSCs may be applied; in the absence of such codes and
standards, the results of experience, tests, analysis or a combination of these may be applied, and
this approach should be justified.
A set of design limits consistent with the key physical parameters for each SSC important to
safety for the nuclear power plant should be specified for all operational states, DBAs and DECs.
The design limits specified are consistent with relevant national and international codes and
All SSCs important to safety shall be designed with sufficient quality and reliability to meet the
design limits. A reliability analysis shall be performed for each of these SSCs.
Where possible, the design shall provide for testing to demonstrate that the reliability
requirements will be met during operation.
The safety systems and their support systems shall be designed to ensure that the probability of a
safety system failure on demand from all causes is lower than 10-3.
The reliability model for each system may use realistic failure criteria and best-estimate failure
rates, considering the anticipated demand on the system from PIEs.
Design for reliability shall take account of mission times for SSCs important to safety.
The design shall take into account the availability of offsite services upon which the safety of the
plant and protection of the public may depend, such as the electricity supply and external
emergency response services.
The design for reliability is based on meeting applicable regulatory requirements and industry
standards. The design should provide assurance that the requirements of CNSC RD/GD-98,
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Reliability Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, will be met during operation. Not all SSCs
important to safety identified in the design phase will necessarily be included in the reliability
• the plant is designed, constructed, and operated in a manner that is consistent with the
assumptions and risk importance of these SSCs
• these SSCs do not degrade to an unacceptable level during plant operations
• the frequency of transients posing challenges to SSCs is minimized
• these SSCs function reliably when challenged
The reliability of SSCs assumed in the design stage needs to be realistic and achievable.
Deterministic analysis or other methods may be used if the PSA lacks effective models or data to
evaluate the reliability of SSCs.
Failure of a number of devices or components to perform their functions could occur as a result of
a single specific event or cause. CCFs could also occur when multiple components of the same
type fail at the same time. This could be caused by occurrences such as a change in ambient
conditions, saturation of signals, repeated maintenance error or design deficiency.
Additional information
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants Separation
The design shall provide sufficient physical separation between:
Where physical separation by horizontal distance alone may not be sufficient for some CCFs
(such as flooding), vertical separation or other protection shall be provided.
Where physical separation is not possible, safety support system equipment may share physical
space. In such cases, the reasons for the lack of separation and justification for the space sharing
arrangement shall be explained in the design documentation.
Where space sharing is necessary, services for safety systems and for other process systems
important to safety shall be arranged in a manner that incorporates the following considerations:
1. A safety system designed to act as backup shall not be located in the same space as the
primary safety system.
2. If a safety system and a process system must share space, then the associated safety functions
shall also be provided by another safety system in order to counter the possibility of failures
in the process system.
The design shall provide effective protection against common-cause events where sufficient
physical separation among individual services or groups of services does not exist. The design
authority shall assess the effectiveness of specified physical separation or protective measures
against common-cause events.
Physical separation may be achieved by barriers, distance (both horizontal and vertical) or a
combination of the two. For example, the design may provide elevation differences of redundant
equipment to protect against flooding. Diversity
Diversity shall be applied to redundant systems or components that perform the same safety
function by incorporating different attributes into the systems or components. Such attributes
shall include different principles of operation, different physical variables, different conditions of
operation, or production by different manufacturers.
It is important that any diversity used achieves the desired increase in reliability. For example, to
reduce the potential for a CCF, the application of diversity shall be examined for any similarity in
materials, components, and manufacturing processes, or subtle similarities in operating principles
or common support features. If diverse components or systems are used, there shall be a
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
reasonable assurance that such additions are of overall benefit, taking into account associated
disadvantages such as the extra complication in operational, maintenance, and test procedures, or
the consequent use of equipment of lower reliability.
• design diversity
• equipment diversity
• functional diversity
• human factor engineering diversity
• signal diversity
• software diversity
For I&C systems important to safety, it is recommended to use an automated diverse backup
system. A manual diverse backup system could be used; its justification should include a human
factor engineering analysis.
• different technologies
• different approaches within the same technology
• different architectures within the same technology
A diversity and defence in depth analysis should be conducted, to assess design vulnerabilities to
CCF. If the defence in depth analysis reveals that certain safety functions could be affected by
CCF, the design should provide for a diverse backup system to perform the safety functions
affected by the CCF. Independence
Interference between safety systems or between redundant elements of a safety system shall be
prevented by means such as electrical isolation, functional independence, and independence of
information (e.g., data transfer), as appropriate.
Means for providing independence include physical separation, functional independence and
independence from the effects of data communication errors. Generally, a combination of these
methods should be applied to achieve an acceptable level of independence.
Functional independence (such as electrical isolation) should be used, in order to reduce the
likelihood of adverse interaction between equipment and components of redundant or connected
systems resulting from normal operation or failure of any component in the systems.
SSCs important to safety should be independent of the effects of an event to which they are
required to respond. For example, an event should not cause the failure or loss of a safety system
or safety function that is necessary to mitigate the consequences of that event.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Redundant portions of a safety group should be independent from each other, to ensure that the
safety group can perform its safety function during (and following) any event that requires that
The functional failure of the support features of a safety system should not compromise the
independence between redundant portions of a safety system, or between a safety system and a
system of lower safety classification.
The potential for harmful interactions between those SSCs important to safety that might be
required to operate simultaneously should be evaluated, and the effects of any harmful
interactions should be prevented.
In the analysis of the potential for harmful interactions of SSCs important to safety, due account
should be taken of physical interconnections, and of the possible effects of one system’s
operation, maloperation or malfunction on the local environmental conditions for other essential
systems. This would ensure that changes in environmental conditions do not affect the reliability
of systems or components while functioning as intended.
Each safety group shall be able to perform the required safety functions under the worst
permissible systems configuration, taking into account such considerations as maintenance,
testing, inspection and repair, and equipment outage.
Analysis of all possible single failures, and all associated consequential failures, shall be
conducted for each component of each safety group until all safety groups have been considered.
Unintended actions and failure of passive components shall be considered as two of the modes of
failure of a safety group.
The single failure shall be assumed to occur prior to the PIE, or at any time during the mission
time for which the safety group is required to function following the PIE. Passive components
may be exempt from this requirement.
Exemptions for passive components may be applied only to those components that are designed
and manufactured to high standards of quality, that are adequately inspected and maintained in
service, and that remain unaffected by the PIE. Design documentation shall include justification
of such exemptions, by analysis, testing or a combination of analysis and testing. The justification
shall take loads and environmental conditions into account, as well as the total period of time
after the PIE for which the functioning of the component is necessary.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Check valves shall be considered to be active components if they must change state following a
The application of the single-failure criterion (SFC) in design should follow a systematic
approach applied to all safety groups. The approach should be adequately verified, such as by
using failure modes and effects analysis. The SSCs inside the safety group should include both
the primary SSCs and the supporting SSCs.
The detectability of failures is implicit in the application of the SFC. Detectability is a function of
the system design and the specified tests. A failure that cannot be detected through periodic
testing, or revealed by alarm or anomalous indication, is non-detectable. An objective in a single-
failure analysis is to identify non-detectable failures. To deal with identifiable but non-detectable
failures, the following actions should be considered:
• preferred action: the system or the test scheme should be redesigned to make the failure
• alternative action: when analyzing the effect of each single failure, all identified non-
detectable failures should be assumed to have occurred. Therefore, the design should take
appropriate measures to address these non-detectable failures, such as adequate redundancy
and diversity
Justification in support of an exception to the SFC should consider the consequences of failure,
practicality of alternatives, added complexity and operational considerations. The integrated
effect of all exceptions should not significantly degrade safety; in particular, defence in depth
should be preserved.
For passive components that are exempt from the SFC, the following should be considered in
order to demonstrate a high degree of performance assurance:
Any consideration for an exception to the SFC during testing and maintenance should fall into
one of the following permissible categories:
• the safety function is provided by two redundant, independent systems (e.g., two redundant,
fully effective, independent cooling means)
• the expected duration of testing and maintenance is shorter than the time available before the
function is required following an initiating event (e.g., spent fuel storage pool cooling)
• the loss of safety function is partial and unlikely to lead to significant increase in risk even in
the event of failure (e.g., small area containment isolation)
• the loss of system redundancy has minor safety significance (e.g., control room air filtering)
• the loss of system redundancy may slightly increase PIE frequency, but does not impact
accident progression (e.g., leak detection)
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
A request for an exception during testing and maintenance should also be supported by a
satisfactory reliability argument covering the allowable outage time.
The OLCs should clearly state the allowable testing and maintenance time, along with any
additional operational restrictions, such as suspension of additional testing or maintenance on a
backup system for the duration of the exception.
Additional information
• IAEA, Safety Series No. 50-P-1, Application of the Single Failure Criterion, Vienna, 1990.
• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Standard 379, Application of the
Single-Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems, Piscataway,
New Jersey, 1988.
Knowing the failure modes of SSCs is important in applying the fail-safe concept to SSCs
important to safety. An analysis, such as a failure modes and effects analysis, should be
performed so as to identify the potential failure modes of SSCs important to safety.
The design shall take into account the time allowed for each equipment outage and the respective
response actions.
If the design does not allow online maintenance or online testing for certain equipment, the
design should adequately demonstrate that the equipment can maintain its reliability target
between outages.
The time allowed for each equipment outage and the respective response actions should be
specified in the OLCs.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
1. the process and safety functions are not required or credited at the same time
2. if the process function is operating, and a PIE in that system is postulated, it can be shown
that all essential safety functions of the system that are required to mitigate the PIE are
3. the system is designed to the standards of the function of higher importance with respect to
4. if the process function is used intermittently, then the availability of the safety function after
each use, and its continued ability to meet requirements, can be demonstrated by testing
5. the requirements for instrumentation sharing are met
Where justified, there may be sharing between a safety system and a non-safety system (such as a
process or control system).
The reliability and effectiveness of a safety system shall not be impaired by normal operation, by
partial or complete failure in other systems, or by any cross-link generated by the proposed
The design shall include provisions to ensure that the sharing of instruments does not result in an
increased frequency in demand on the safety system during operation.
If the design includes sharing of instrumentation between a safety system and a non-safety
system, then the following requirements shall apply:
1. sharing shall be limited to the sensing devices and their pre-amplifiers or amplifiers as needed
to get the signal to the point of processing
2. the signal from each shared sensing device shall be electrically isolated so that a failure of a
non-safety system cannot be propagated to a safety system
3. an isolation device shall always be associated with the safety system and shall be classified
and qualified accordingly
In exceptional cases when SSCs are shared between two or more reactors, such sharing shall
exclude safety systems and turbine generator buildings that contain high-pressure steam and
feedwater systems, unless this contributes to enhanced safety.
If sharing of SSCs between reactors is arranged, then the following requirements shall apply:
1. safety requirements shall be met for all reactors during operational states, DBAs and DECs
2. in the event of an accident involving one of the reactors, orderly shutdown, cool down, and
removal of residual heat shall be achievable for the other reactor(s)
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
When an NPP is under construction adjacent to an operating plant, and the sharing of SSCs
between reactors has been justified, the availability of the SSCs and their capacity to meet all
safety requirements for the operating units shall be assessed during the construction phase.
All pressure-retaining SSCs shall be protected against overpressure conditions, and shall be
classified, designed, fabricated, erected, inspected, and tested in accordance with established
standards. For DECs, relief capacity shall be sufficient to provide reasonable confidence that
pressure boundaries credited in severe accident management will not fail.
All pressure-retaining SSCs of the reactor coolant system and auxiliaries shall be designed with
an appropriate safety margin to ensure that the pressure boundary will not be breached, and that
fuel design limits will not be exceeded in operational states, or DBA conditions.
The design shall minimize the likelihood of flaws in pressure boundaries. This shall include
timely detection of flaws in pressure boundaries important to safety.
Unless otherwise justified, all pressure boundary SSCs shall be designed to withstand static and
dynamic loads anticipated in operational states, and DBAs.
SSC design shall include protection against postulated pipe ruptures, unless otherwise justified.
The operation of pressure relief devices shall not lead to significant radioactive releases from the
Where two fluid systems operating at different pressures are interconnected, failure of the
interconnection shall be considered. Both systems shall either be designed to withstand the higher
pressure, or provision shall be made so that the design pressure of the system operating at the
lower pressure will not be exceeded.
Adequate isolation shall be provided at the interfaces between the reactor coolant system and
connecting systems operating at lower pressures, in order to prevent the overpressure of such
systems and possible loss-of-coolant accidents. Consideration shall be given to the characteristics
and importance of the isolation and its reliability targets. Isolation devices shall be either closed
or close automatically on demand. The response time and speed of closure shall be in accordance
with the acceptance criteria defined for postulated initiating events.
All pressure boundary piping and vessels shall be separated from electrical and control systems to
the greatest extent practicable.
Pressure-retaining components whose failure will affect nuclear safety shall be designed to permit
inspection of their pressure boundaries throughout the design life. If full inspection is not
achievable, then it shall be augmented by indirect methods such as a program of surveillance of
reference components. Leak detection is an acceptable method when the SSC is leak-before-break
For the design of pressure-retaining systems and components, the design authority should ensure
the selection of codes and standards is commensurate with the safety class and is adequate to
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
provide confidence that plant failures are minimized. This is achieved by using industry standards
– such as CSA N285, General requirements for pressure-retaining systems and components in
CANDU nuclear power plants and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – to meet the
requirements of different classes of pressure-retaining systems, components, piping and their
supports. Alternative codes and standards may be used if this would result in an equivalent or
superior level of safety; justifications should be provided in such cases.
The design should make provisions to limit stresses and deformation of SSCs important to safety
during and after PIEs. The list of PIEs should be comprehensive, and the loads generated by them
should be included in the design analysis. The loads generated by these PIEs should be included
in the stress analyses required by the design.
REGDOC-2.5.2 requires the design to minimize the likelihood of flaws in pressure boundaries.
For example, the reactor coolant pressure boundary should be designed with sufficient margin to
ensure that, under all operating configurations, the material selected will behave in a non-brittle
manner and minimize the probability of rapidly propagating fractures.
The pressure boundary components in an NPP almost invariably contain process fluids at very
high temperature and pressure. The design should take into account the location of high-energy
lines in relation to SSCs important to safety, in order to limit or reduce pipe whip concerns. This
includes consideration, where applicable, of items such as:
A qualified leak-before-break (LBB) system design will permit the design authority to optimize
protective hardware – such as pipe whip restraints and jet impingement barriers – and to redesign
pipe-connected components, their supports and their internals.
• LBB should be only applied to high-energy, ASME Code Class 1 or 2 piping or the
equivalent. Applications to other high-energy piping may be performed based on an
evaluation of the proposed design and in-service inspection requirements.
• No uncontrolled active degradation mechanism should exist in the piping system to be
qualified for LBB.
• An evaluation of phenomena such as water hammer, creep damage, flow accelerated
corrosion and fatigue should be performed to cover the entire life of the high-energy piping
systems. To demonstrate that water hammer is not a significant contributor to pipe rupture,
reliance on historical frequencies of water hammer events in specific piping systems coupled
with reviews of operating procedures and conditions may be used for this evaluation.
• Leak detection methods for the reactor coolant should ensure that adequate detection margins
exist for the postulated through-wall flaw used in the deterministic fracture mechanics
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
evaluation. The margins should cover uncertainties in the determination of leakage from a
piping system.
• Stress analyses of the piping that is considered for LBB should be in accordance with the
requirements of section III of the ASME code or equivalent.
• The LBB evaluation should use design basis loads and, after construction, be updated to use
the as-built piping configuration, as opposed to the design configuration.
• The methodology should take account of potential for degradation by erosion, corrosion, and
erosion-cavitation due to unfavourable flow conditions and water chemistry.
• The methodology should take account of material susceptibility to corrosion, the potential for
high residual stresses, and environmental conditions that could lead to degradation by stress
corrosion cracking.
In addition, leak detection methods for the reactor coolant should be examined so as to ensure
that adequate detection margins exist for the postulated through-wall flaw used in the
deterministic fracture mechanics evaluation.
The design authority customarily uses finite element methods to show that all of the pressure
boundary components (both vessels and piping) meet the structural integrity requirements
imposed by applicable design codes and standards. When finite element methods are used for
design analyses covering all ASME (or equivalent) class components, the design authority should
ensure that:
• finite element modelling and analysis assumptions are checked to make sure they are justified
and conservative
• finite element mesh is properly refined to account for geometric structural discontinuities
with proper element shapes and aspect ratios
• loads and boundary conditions are correct and properly applied in the finite element models
• load combinations and scale factors applied to unit load cases conform to design or load
• linearized stress results, obtained from load combinations, are compared with ASME code (or
equivalent) allowable limits
The design shall include an equipment environmental qualification (EQ) program. Development
and implementation of this program shall ensure that the following functions can be carried out:
1. the reactor can be safely shut down and kept in a safe shutdown state during and following
AOOs and DBAs
2. residual heat can be removed from the reactor after shutdown, and also during and following
AOOs and DBAs
3. potential for release of radioactive material from the plant can be limited, and the resulting
dose to the public from AOOs and DBAs can be kept within the dose acceptance criteria
4. post-accident conditions can be monitored to indicate whether the above functions are being
carried out
The environmental conditions to be accounted for shall include those expected during normal
operation, and those arising from AOOs and DBAs. Operational data and applicable design assist
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
analysis tools, such as the probabilistic safety assessment, shall be used to determine the envelope
of environmental conditions.
The equipment qualification program for SSCs important to safety shall include the consideration
of aging effects due to service life.
Equipment qualification shall also include consideration of any unusual environmental conditions
that can reasonably be anticipated, and that could arise during normal operation or AOOs (such as
periodic testing of the containment leak rate).
Equipment and instrumentation credited to operate during DECs shall be demonstrated, with
reasonable confidence, to be capable of performing their intended safety function(s) under the
expected environmental conditions. A justifiable extrapolation of equipment and instrumentation
behaviour may be used to provide assurance of operability, and is typically based on design
specifications, environmental qualification testing, or other considerations.
The designer should provide detailed processes and specifications for an equipment EQ program,
for qualifying safety-related equipment associated with systems that are essential to perform the
credited safety functions. The EQ program should address qualification criteria and methods
used, and all anticipated environmental conditions upon which the qualification of the equipment
(mechanical, electrical, I&C and certain post accident monitoring) is based.
The designer should identify the EQ-related standards and codes (e.g., CSA, IEEE and ASME).
The latest editions of the applicable standards for use in the equipment qualification are preferred;
any deviations should be justified.
Service conditions should be identified to determine required qualification methods as they apply
to various types of qualification (e.g., harsh environments, mild environments, radiation-only
harsh environments).
• a distinction between mild and harsh environments (e.g., specific criteria to define plant
environments as either mild or harsh)
• a list of bounding harsh DBAs for qualification of equipment
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Qualification methods
The design should describe methods used to demonstrate the performance of safety-related
equipment when subjected to a range of environmental conditions during operational states or
DBAs. The methods should determine whether equipment should be qualified for mild or harsh
For harsh environment qualification, the design should include the following:
• For equipment and components located in a DBA harsh environment, type tests are the
preferred method of qualification (particularly for electrical equipment) of qualification;
where type tests are not feasible, justification by analysis or operating experience (or a
combination of both) may be used.
• Equipment should be reviewed in terms of design, function, materials and environment, to
identify significant aging mechanisms caused by operational and environmental conditions
occurring during normal operation. Where a significant aging mechanism is identified, that
aging should be taken into account in the equipment qualification.
• The qualification should systematically address the sequence of age conditioning, including
sequential, simultaneous, synergistic effects, and the method for accelerating radiation
degradation effects.
• Appropriate margins, as given in EQ-related standards, should be applied to the specified
environmental conditions.
• For certain equipment (e.g., digital I&C equipment, and new advanced analog electronics)
additional environmental conditions – such as electromagnetic interference, radio frequency
interference, and power surges – should be addressed.
For mild environment qualification, equipment may be considered qualified, provided that:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Protective barriers
The design should address protective barriers, if applicable. When protective barriers are
designed to isolate equipment from possible harsh environmental conditions, the barriers
themselves should be addressed in a qualification program. Examples of protective barriers
Additional information
7.9.1 General
The design shall include provision of instrumentation to monitor plant variables and systems over
the respective ranges for operational states, DBAs and DECs, in order to ensure that adequate
information can be obtained on plant status.
This shall include instrumentation for measuring variables that can affect the fission process, the
integrity of the reactor core, the reactor cooling systems, and containment, as well as
instrumentation for obtaining any plant information that is necessary for its reliable and safe
The design shall be such that the safety systems and any necessary support systems can be
reliably and independently operated, either automatically or manually, when necessary.
The design shall include provision for testing, including self-checking capabilities.
The design shall provide for periodic testing of the entire channel of instrumentation logic, from
sensing device to actuating device.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design shall facilitate maintenance, detection and diagnosis of failure, safe repair or
replacement, and recalibration.
The design shall also include the capability to trend and automatically record measurement of any
derived variables that are important to safety.
Instrumentation shall be adequate for measuring plant parameters for emergency response
The design shall include reliable controls to maintain plant variables within specified operational
The safety systems shall be designed so that, once initiated automatically or manually, the
intended sequence of protective actions shall continue until completion.
The design shall minimize the likelihood of operator action defeating the effectiveness of safety
and control systems in normal operation and AOOs, without negating correct operator actions
following a DBA.
System control interlocks shall be designed to minimize the likelihood of inadvertent manual or
automatic override, and to provide for situations when it is necessary to override interlocks to use
equipment in a non-standard way.
Various safety actions shall be automated so that operator action is not necessary within a
justified period of time from the onset of AOOs or DBAs. In addition, appropriate information
shall be available to the operator to confirm the safety action.
Particular attention should be paid to the provision of start-up instrumentation for measuring
variables that can affect the fission process, the integrity of the reactor core, the reactor cooling
systems and containment, as well as instrumentation for obtaining any plant information that is
necessary for reliable and safe operation.
The monitoring should not be limited to process variables of safety and safety-related systems. It
should include the monitoring of radiation, hydrogen, seismic, vibration, and as applicable, loose
parts and fatigue.
The measurements should include continuous and discrete plant variables. Detection and testing
should also consider failure, degradation, unsafe conditions, and deviation from specified limits,
operator errors, and self-diagnosis. Correction of invalid, inauthentic and corrupted functions or
data should be applied, to maintain the reliability of systems.
Once safety systems are initiated, the reset of safety system functions should require separate
operator actions for each system-level function. Deliberate operator action should be required to
return the safety systems to normal. However, this should not prevent the use of essential
equipment protective devices (such as the protection for electrical or mechanical components) or
the provision for deliberate operator interventions (such as trip and isolation of the switchgear).
Seal-in of safety system actuation is generally required at system or subsystem level, but not
required at individual channel level.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design should provide for the capability to record, store and display historical information, if
such displays will help plant staff to identify patterns and trends, understand the past or current
state of the system, perform post-accident analysis, or predict future progressions.
The design should take into account redundancy, independence, common-cause failure,
interaction with other systems, and signal validation, so as to meet the reliability target.
When a safety system has been taken out of service for testing or maintenance, clear indication
should be provided for the duration of testing or maintenance activities. For any safety systems
being bypassed, the bypassed condition should also be clearly annunciated.
If the use of a system for testing or maintenance can impair an I&C function, the interfaces
should be subject to hardware interlocking in order to ensure that interaction with the test or
maintenance system is impossible without deliberate manual intervention.
Testing provisions that are permanently connected to safety systems should be part of the safety
systems and should be the same class as the safety systems unless reliable buffering is in place or
system performance is not negatively impacted.
The interlock systems important to safety should either reduce the probability of occurrence for
specific events, or maintain safety systems in an available state, during an accident. The interlock
systems should be described and justified.
Means should be provided to automatically initiate and control all safety actions, except those for
which manual action alone has been justified. Examples of situations in which manual action
alone might be justified include:
The value of each input parameter used in safety system functions, the status of each trip and
actuation function in each division, and the status of each system initiation, should be available to
plant operators.
Additional information
• CSA Group, N290.14, Qualification of Pre-developed Software for Use in Safety Related
Instrumentation and Control Applications in Nuclear Power Plants, Toronto, Canada.
• CSA Group, N290.6, Requirements for Monitoring and Display of Nuclear Power Plant
Safety Functions in the Event of an Accident, Toronto, Canada.
• IAEA, NS-G-1.3, Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to Safety in Nuclear
Plants, Vienna, 2002.
• IEC, 61226, Nuclear Power Plants - Instrumentation and Control Important to Safety -
Classification of Instrumentation and Control Functions, Geneva, 2009.
• IEC, 61513, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important to Safety,
General Requirements for Systems, Geneva, 2011.
• IEC, 60987, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important to Safety –
Hardware Design Requirements for Computer-Based Systems, Geneva, 2007.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• IEC, 62385, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important to Safety –
Methods for Assessing the Performance of Safety System Instrument Channels, Geneva, 2007.
• IEC, 60880, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to
Safety – Software Aspects for Computer-Based Systems Performing Category A Functions,
Geneva, 2006.
• IEC, 60671, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to
Safety – Surveillance Testing, Geneva, 2007.
• IEEE, 7-4.3.2, Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power
Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2010.
• IEEE, 603, Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations,
Piscataway, New Jersey, 2009.
A top-down software development process shall be used to facilitate verification and validation
activities. This approach shall include verification at each step of the development process to
demonstrate that the respective product is correct, and validation to demonstrate that the resulting
computer-based system or equipment meets its functional and performance requirements.
If pre-developed software is used in systems or equipment important to safety, then the software
(and any subsequent release of the software) shall be developed, inspected, and tested in
accordance with standards of a category commensurate with the safety function provided by the
given system or equipment.
The software development process, including control, testing, and commissioning of design
changes, as well as the results of independent assessment of that process, shall be reviewable and
systematically documented in the design documentation.
Where a function important to safety is computer-based, the following requirements shall apply:
1. Functions not essential to safety are separate from and shown not to impact the safety
2. The safety function is normally executed in processors separate from software that
implements other functions, such as control, monitoring, and display.
3. The requirements associated with diversity apply to computer-based systems that perform
similar safety functions – the choice of diversity type shall be justified.
4. The design incorporates fail-safe and fault tolerance features, and the additional complexity
ensuing from these features results in an overall gain in safety.
The standards and practices used for computer-based systems or equipment are identified prior to
the design. The I&C development lifecycle, which implements the identified requirements,
should be coordinated with the human factors engineering lifecycle and the cyber security
lifecycle, since they have a strong influence on I&C development.
The I&C development lifecycle includes verification and validation activities. These activities
should be identified and use appropriate engineering approaches; e.g., a top-down or bottom-up
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
approach. The relationship between design and verification and validation should be indicated
and the outcome of verification and validation activities should be documented.
The pre-developed software should have the same level of qualification as for software that is
written specifically for the application. The qualification of software should be verified through
the national or international standards relevant to the qualification activities of pre-developed
When the pre-developed software was not developed to equivalent standards, they may be used to
implement IEC 61226 category B and C functions. However, a qualification plan and
qualification report should be prepared to demonstrate that this software is fit for its intended
purpose and meet the requirements in IEC 62138.
The complete software development documentation should provide all information throughout
the software development lifecycle.
Additional information:
• IAEA, NS-G-1.1, Software for Computer Based Systems Important to Safety in Nuclear
Plants, Vienna, 2000.
• IEC, 62138, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important for Safety –
Software Aspects for Computer-Based Systems Performing Category B or C Functions,
Geneva, 2004.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Instrumentation is provided to ensure that essential information is available for assessing plant
conditions, monitoring safety system performance, making decisions related to plant responses to
abnormal events, and predicting radioactive material releases. Instrumentation is also provided
for recording vital plant parameters and variables, such as:
The design should provide the design basis, design criteria, and display criteria for the accident
monitoring parameters.
Accident monitoring instrumentation meets the single-failure criterion (section 7.6.2). The design
should ensure that there are no common-causes that can lead to the failure of instrumentation
providing redundant measurements.
To the extent practicable, the same variables and displays should be used for both normal
operation and accident monitoring.
Additional information:
• CSA Group, N290.6, Requirements for Monitoring and Display of Nuclear Power Plant
Safety Functions in the Event of an Accident, Toronto, Canada.
• IEC, 61226, ed. 3.0, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important to
Safety – Classification of Instrumentation and Control Functions, Geneva, 2009.
• IEC, 62138, ed. 1.0, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important for
Safety – Software Aspects for Computer-Based Systems Performing Category B or C
Functions, Geneva, 2004.
• IEEE, 497, Standard Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2010.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The safety support systems shall ensure that the fundamental safety functions are available in
operational states, DBAs and DECs. Safety support systems provide services such as electrical
power, compressed air, water, and air conditioning and ventilation to systems important to safety.
Where normal services are provided from external sources, backup safety support systems shall
also be available onsite.
The design shall incorporate emergency safety support systems to cope with the possibility of loss
of normal service and, where applicable, concurrent loss of backup systems.
The systems that provide normal services, backup services and emergency services shall have:
1. sufficient capacity to meet the load requirements of the systems that perform the fundamental
safety functions
2. availability and reliability commensurate with the systems to which they supply the service
The design basis for any compressed air system that serves an item important to safety at the NPP
should specify the quality, flow rate and cleanness of the air to be provided.
Systems for air conditioning, air heating, air cooling and ventilation should be provided (as
appropriate) in auxiliary rooms or other areas at the nuclear power plant, so as to maintain the
required environmental conditions for systems and components important to safety, in all plant
Pre-installed equipment can be credited for accident mitigation after 30 minutes where only
control room actions are needed or after 1 hour if field actions are needed. These actions should
be limited to operating valves, starting pumps, etc. Guidance is provided in section 8.10.4 for
justification of such actions.
If equipment is not pre-installed, but is stored onsite, it can normally be credited after 8 hours.
However, this should be justified based on an assessment of the actions required and the
availability of procedures and training to support those actions. It is possible that longer times
may be necessary for complex actions. Equipment or supplies stored offsite or support staff from
offsite should not normally be credited for 72 hours. Again, the value used should be justified and
may be longer.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Guidance on redundant connection points for temporary services is described in section
The design authority shall define the guaranteed shutdown state (GSS) that will support safe
maintenance activities of the NPP.
The design shall provide two independent means of preventing recriticality from any pathway or
mechanism when the reactor is in the GSS.
The shutdown margin for GSS shall be such that the core will remain subcritical for any credible
changes in the core configuration and reactivity addition. Where possible, this shall be achieved
without operator intervention.
A GSS is where the reactor remains in a stable, sub-critical state, independent of any perturbation
in reactivity produced by any change in core configuration, core properties, or process system
The design should describe the GSSs that are expected to be used over the life of the facility,
including steps for GSS placement and removal, and functional tests to be performed.
The design of the NPP, including that of external buildings and SSCs integral to plant operation,
shall include provisions for fire safety.
7.12.1 General
Suitable incorporation of operational procedures, redundant SSCs, physical barriers, spatial
separation, fire protection systems, and design for fail-safe operation shall achieve the following
general objectives:
Buildings or structures shall be constructed using non-combustible or fire retardant and heat
resistant material.
Fire is considered an internal hazard. The essential safety functions shall be available during a
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Fire suppression systems shall be designed and located such that rupture, or spurious or
inadvertent operation, will not significantly impair the capability of SSCs important to safety.
• fire protection features such as programs and procedures, fire prevention, fire detection, fire
warning, emergency communication, fire by-product management, fire suppression and fire
containment, non-combustible construction, seismic and environmental qualification of fire
protection equipment
• the use of physical barriers to segregate redundant SSCs important to safety
The design should address protection from fire by demonstrating that a defence in depth approach
has been implemented. Supporting documents are expected to include a comprehensive design
report, code compliance review, a fire hazard assessment, fire safe shutdown analysis, and a fire
protection program.
An independent third-party review of the design assessing compliance against the applicable fire
codes and standards used in the design for protection from fires and explosions should be
performed. The review should provide a definitive statement that the design conforms to the
identified codes and standards, meets good engineering practices, and achieves fire protection
The design should comply with the requirements of the following codes and standards:
• CSA Group, N293, Fire protection for nuclear power plants, Toronto, Canada.
• NRC, National Building Code of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 2010.
• NRC, National Fire Code of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 2010.
• U.S. NRC, NUREG-1852, Demonstrating the Feasibility and Reliability of Operator Manual
Actions in Response to Fire, 2007.
• Nuclear Energy Institute, NEI 00-01, Guidance for Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Circuit Analysis,
Washington, D.C., 2005.
Additional information
• IAEA, NS-G-2.1, Fire Safety in Operation of Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2000.
• IAEA, Safety Report Series No. 8, Preparation of Fire Hazard Analysis for Nuclear Power
Plants, Vienna, 1998.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• IAEA, NS-G-1.7, Protection Against Internal Fires and Explosions in the Design of Nuclear
Power Plants, Vienna, 2004.
• National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Fire Protection Handbook, Quincy,
Massachusetts, 2008.
• NFPA, 805, Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor
Electric Generating Plants, Quincy, Massachusetts, 2010.
• NFPA, 804, Standard for Fire Protection for Advanced Light Water Reactor Electric
Generating Plants, Quincy, Massachusetts, 2010.
• NEI, 00-01, Guidance for Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Circuit Analysis, Washington, D.C.,
• NEI, 04-02, rev. 1, Guidance for Implementing a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire
Protection Program under 10 CFR 50.48(c), Washington, D.C., 2005.
• Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection
Engineering, Bethesda, Maryland, 2008.
• U.S. NRC, NUREG/CR-6850, EPRI 1011989, Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methods
Enhancements, Washington, D.C., 2010.
• U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, section, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR edition - Fire Protection Program,
Washington, D.C., 2009.
• U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.189, Fire Protection for Operating Nuclear Power Plants,
Washington, D.C., 2009.
• U.S. NRC, NUREG-1852, Demonstrating the Feasibility and Reliability of Operator Manual
Actions in Response to Fire, Washington, D.C., 2007.
1. Persons not intimate with the initial event (including the public, occupants, and emergency
responders) are protected from injury and loss of life.
2. Persons intimate with the initial event have a low probability of injury or death.
To demonstrate that the above life safety objectives have been achieved, the design shall provide:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
10. sufficient structural integrity and stability of buildings and structures to ensure the safety of
workers and emergency responders during and after a fire
11. protection of workers from the release or dispersion of hazardous substances, radioactive
material, or nuclear material as a result of fire
The National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) and the National Fire Code of Canada (NFCC)
are objective-based national model codes. The provisions of the NBCC and NFCC are considered
the minimum acceptable measures for meeting the objectives of safety, health, structural
protection, and fire protection of buildings. As such, additional fire protection measures may be
required to meet the regulatory requirements detailed in this regulatory document. Additional fire
safety provisions are usually assessed and documented in the code compliance and fire hazard
assessment, as required by CSA N293, Fire protection for nuclear power plants.
As indicated in section 7.12.2, the NBCC and the NFCC cover the minimum fire safety and fire
protection features that must be incorporated at the time of building design and construction.
Additional fire protection measures may be required to meet the regulatory requirements detailed
in section 7.12.3. Additional fire safety provisions are usually assessed and documented in the
code compliance, fire hazard assessment and fire safe shutdown analysis, as required by CSA
The seismic qualification of all SSCs shall meet the requirements of Canadian national or
equivalent standards.
The design shall include instrumentation for monitoring seismic activity at the site for the life of
the plant.
1. SSCs whose failure could directly or indirectly cause an accident leading to core damage
2. SSCs restricting the release of radioactive material to the environment
3. SSCs that assure the subcriticality of stored nuclear material
4. SSCs such as radioactive waste tanks containing radioactive material that, if released, would
exceed regulatory dose limits
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design of these SSCs shall also meet the DBE criteria to maintain all essential attributes, such
as pressure boundary integrity, leak-tightness, operability, and proper position in the event of a
The design shall ensure that no substantive damage to these SSCs will be caused by the failure of
any other SSC under DBE conditions.
Seismic fragility levels shall be evaluated for SSCs important to safety by analysis or, where
possible, by testing.
A beyond-design-basis earthquake (BDBE) shall be identified that meets the requirements for
identification of DECs as described in section 7.3.4. SSCs credited to function during and after a
BDBE shall be demonstrated to be capable of performing their intended function under the
expected conditions. Such demonstration shall provide high confidence of low probability of
failure (HCLPF) under BDBE conditions for these SSCs. This demonstration need not be seismic
qualification by testing.
Design and beyond design load categories are defined to demonstrate structural performance in
operational states, DBAs and DECs. In addition, beyond design load categories are considered for
structural performance in DECs. Earthquake load is not part of the normal load category
corresponding to normal operation. Site design earthquake load, according to the CSA N289
series on seismic design and qualification, is defined under the severe load category
corresponding to AOO. A DBE is defined as a part of the abnormal or extreme load category
corresponding to DBA. BDBE load should be considered under DECs.
Seismic input motion, derived from the DBE, should be based on seismicity and geologic
conditions at the site and expressed in such a manner that it can be applied for the qualification of
SSCs. The DBE is defined by multiplying the mean site specific uniform hazard spectrum with a
probability of occurrence of 10-4/yr by a design factor, defined in the standard ASCE 43-05,
Seismic Design Criteria for Structures, Systems and Components in Nuclear Facilities. The
probability of occurrence of the defined DBE is therefore equivalent to the probability of DBAs.
A minimum seismic input motion, consistent with national or international standards, should be
considered in the design phase for the DBE. The minimum seismic input motion should take into
account frequencies of interest for SSCs.
Structural layout criteria, including structural separation, should follow best engineering practices
and lessons learned from past earthquakes.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
incorporated in soil constitutive models used in the analysis. To account for uncertainties in soil
properties a range with at least three values (upper limit, best estimate and lower limit) should be
taken into account in the analysis according to CSA N289.3, Design procedures for seismic
qualification of nuclear power plants, clause 5.2.3.
The analysis of SSI should take into account all effects due to kinematic interaction (effect of
applied seismic ground motion on massless structure) and inertial interaction (inertial forces
developed in the structure due to the seismic ground motion). The detail and sophistication of
soil-structure models should be in accordance with the purposes of the analyses. The frequency
range of interest determines aspects of the structure model and the SSI model parameters.
The frequency range of interest should be based on the combination of the frequency range of the
earthquake input, the soil properties, the frequency range of building response (including
response of subsystems modelled in the main building or structure model), and the frequency
range of the response parameter of interest. Refined finite element meshes and increased
analytical rigor are required to transmit higher frequencies through the analytical models.
Damping ratios for structural systems and sub-systems should be taken into account according to
recognized standards such as ASCE 43-05 and CSA N289.3. For generating the in-structure
response spectra to be used as input to the structure mounted systems and components, Response
Level 1 damping of the structure is more appropriate unless the structure response generally
exceeds demand over capacity factor given in ASCE 43-05.
The seismic design of structural systems should be categorized according to seismic design
category (SDC) 1 to 5 as per ASCE 43-05.
SDC 1 and 2 structural systems should be in accordance with the National Building Code of
Canada, Division B, Part 4. According to the Code, SDC 1 should be as normal and SDC 2 as
All structures important to safety are classified as SDC 5. However, the designer may still
classify some structures as SDC 3, 4 and 5 provided that they include proper justification.
Guidance on SDC 3, 4 and 5 (if SDC 3 and 4 are used) structural systems are provided as follows:
• for concrete containment, the design should be based on the American Society of Civil
Engineers, ASCE 43-05 (SDC 5, limit state D) and CSA N287.3, Design Requirements for
Concrete Containment Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants
• for steel containment, the design should be based on ASCE 43-05 (SDC 5), 2010 ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III: Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant
Components, Division 1, Subsection NE: Class MC Components and U.S. NRC Regulatory
Guide 1.57, Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Metal Primary Reactor
Containment System Components
• for concrete and steel safety related structures the design should be based on ASCE 43-05
(SDC 5, limit state D) and CSA N291, Requirements for Safety-Related Structures for
CANDU Nuclear Power Plants
For all safety design categories in an NPP, ductility requirements should be in accordance with
CSA-A23.3, Design of Concrete Structures for concrete structures and CSA S16, Design of Steel
Structures for steel structures assuming that the structures are ductile or type D. These ductility
requirements should provide margins for the BDBE.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Sub-system analysis should follow the guidance presented for structural systems with the
following criteria specific to sub-system supports:
Multiple support seismic input of sub-systems and components should take into account their
inertial and kinematic components. The analysis should follow ASCE 04 or CSA N289.3, Design
procedures for seismic qualification of nuclear power plants.
Seismic design of sub-systems and components should be in accordance with ASCE 43-05
section 8.2.3 which follows ASME Code.
For equipment qualified by testing, multi-axis, multi-frequency testing is acceptable for the DBE
in accordance with the requirement of IEEE 344-2004 – IEEE Recommended Practice for
Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations and that the
testing response spectrum should be at least a factor of 1.4 times the required response spectrum
throughout the frequency range. Any deviation from this should be conservatively justified on a
case-by-case basis.
Any evaluation for BDBE should utilize the methodology in the Electrical Power Research
Institute, (EPRI) TR-103959, Methodology for Developing Seismic Fragilities to determine if a
HCLPF goal is met.
Beyond-design-basis margin should be such that seismically induced SSC failure probabilities do
not contribute to the total core damage frequency and small and large release frequency to the
extent that they do not meet the safety goals. To support meeting the safety goals, the acceptance
criterion for BDBE should demonstrate that the plant HCLPF is at least 1.67 times the DBE.
The seismic isolation of SSCs is an acceptable design approach to limit seismic demand. Seismic
isolation devices should be designed, manufactured and installed to withstand a seismic action
defined by a DBE without any failure, preserving its mechanical resistance and full load bearing
capacity during and after the earthquake. Moreover, the devices and the whole structural system
should be designed to withstand a BDBE up to 2 times the spectral accelerations of the DBE
without major damage and preserving its function. It includes the provisions to accommodate the
structural displacements up to 2 times the displacements under DBE conditions.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Additional information
In order to maintain the NPP within the boundaries of the design, the design shall be such that the
SSCs important to safety can be calibrated, tested, maintained and repaired (or replaced),
inspected, and monitored over the lifetime of the plant.
These activities shall be performed to standards commensurate with the importance of the
respective safety functions of the SSCs, with no significant reduction in system availability or
undue exposure of the site personnel to radiation.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
SSCs that have shorter service lifetimes than the plant lifetime shall be identified and described in
the design documentation.
In cases where SSCs important to safety cannot be designed to support the desirable testing,
inspection, or monitoring schedules, one of the following approaches shall be taken:
1. Proven alternative methods, such as surveillance of reference items, or use of verified and
validated calculation methods, shall be specified.
2. Conservative safety margins shall be applied, or other appropriate precautions shall be taken,
to compensate for possible unanticipated failures.
Details of alternate approaches to SSC monitoring shall be provided in the design documentation.
The design shall provide facilities for monitoring chemical conditions of fluids, and of metallic
and non-metallic materials. In addition, the means for adding or modifying the chemical
constituents of fluid streams shall be specified.
The design shall identify the needs for related testing when specifying the commissioning
requirements for the plant.
The design shall provide the means to gather baseline data, in order to support maintenance-
related testing, inspection and monitoring.
While in-service testing, maintenance, repair, inspection and monitoring take place primarily
during the operating phase of the plant’s lifecycle, the NPP is designed to permit the effective
implementation of these activities during operation. In particular, the reactor core should be
designed to permit the implementation of a material surveillance program to monitor the effects
of service conditions on material properties throughout the operating life of the reactor.
The design should establish a technical basis of SSCs that require in-service testing, maintenance,
repair, inspection and monitoring.
The development of strategies and programs to address in-service testing, maintenance, repair,
inspection and monitoring is a necessary aspect of the plant design phase. The strategies and
programs to be implemented for these in-service activities should be developed so as to ensure
that plant SSCs remain capable and available to perform their safety functions. The design should
incorporate provisions recognizing the need for in-service testing, maintenance, repair, inspection
and monitoring, as well as to permit the repair, replacement and modification of those SSCs
likely to require such actions, due to anticipated operating conditions. In addition, activities which
need to be carried out during the construction and commissioning phases should be identified, in
order to provide a meaningful baseline data of the plant, at the outset of its operating life.
The strategies should include well-planned and effective programs for evaluating and trending
SSCs performance, coupled with an optimized preventive maintenance program.
• the intended design life, design loading conditions, operational requirements and safety
significance of SSCs
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
If risk informed in-service inspection methodologies are used when defining the scope of an
inspection program, the methodology should be clearly documented.
SSCs important to safety should be designed and located to make surveillance and maintenance
simple, to permit timely access, and in case of failure, to allow diagnosis and repair, and
minimize risks to maintenance personnel.
Means provided for the maintenance of SSCs important to safety should be designed such that the
effects on the plant safety are acceptable.
Additional information
• ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code-2010, Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of
Nuclear Power Plant Components, New York, 2010.
• CNSC, RD-334, Aging Management for Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada, 2011.
• CNSC, RD/GD-210, Maintenance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada,
• CSA Group, N287.7, In-service Examination and Testing Requirements for Concrete
Containment Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants, Toronto, Canada.
• CSA Group, N285.4, Periodic inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant components,
Toronto, Canada.
• CSA Group, N285.5, Periodic inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant components,
Toronto, Canada.
• CSA Group, N291, Requirements for Safety-Related Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power
Plants, Toronto, Canada.
• IAEA, Safety Guide NS-G-2.6, Maintenance, Surveillance and In-Service Inspection in
Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2002.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
7.15.1 Design
The NPP design shall specify the required performance for the safety functions of the civil
structures in operational states, DBAs and DECs.
Civil structures important to safety shall be designed and located so as to minimize the
probabilities and effects of internal hazards such as fire, explosion, smoke, flooding, missile
generation, pipe whip, jet impact, or release of fluid due to pipe breaks.
External hazards such as earthquakes, floods, high winds, tornadoes, tsunamis, and extreme
meteorological conditions shall be considered in the design of civil structures.
Settlement analysis and evaluation of soil capacity shall include consideration of the effects of
fluctuating ground water on the foundations, and identification and evaluation of potential
liquefiable soil strata and slope failure.
Civil structures important to safety shall be designed to meet the serviceability, strength, and
stability requirements for all possible load combinations under the categories of normal operation,
AOO, DBA and DEC conditions, including external hazards. The serviceability considerations
shall include, without being limited to, deflection, vibration, permanent deformation, cracking,
and settlement.
The design specifications shall also define all loads and load combinations, with due
consideration given to the probability of concurrence and loading time history.
Environmental effects shall be considered in the design of civil structures and the selection of
construction materials. The choice of construction material shall be commensurate with the
designed service life and potential life extension of the plant.
The plant safety assessment shall include structural analyses for all civil structures important to
The design authority should provide the design principles, design basis requirements and criteria,
and applicable codes and standards, design and analysis procedures, the assumed boundary
conditions and the computer codes used in the analysis and design.
All internal and external hazard loads are specified in section 7.4. Earthquake design input loads
and impacts of malevolent acts, including large aircraft crash can be found in sections 7.13 and
7.22, respectively.
Load categories corresponding to the plant states are defined in this section so as to demonstrate
structural performances as follows:
• normal condition loads which are expected during the assumed design life of the NPP
• AOO loads (or severe environmental loads)
• DBA loads (or abnormal or extreme environmental loads)
• DEC loads (or beyond-design loads)
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design should identify all DEC loads considered in the structure design and provide the
assessment methodology and acceptance criteria.
The structural design should withstand, accommodate or avoid foundation settlement (total and
differential), according to its performance requirements.
The structural design should consider the impact of aging on the structure and its material.
The design should include sufficient safety margins for the buildings and structures that are
important to safety.
The physical and material description of each civil structure and its base slab should include:
Containment structure
The design should specify the safety requirements for the containment building or system,
including, for example, its structural strength, leak tightness, and resistance to steady-state and
transient loads (such as those arising from pressure, temperature, radiation, and mechanical
impact) that could be caused by postulated internal and external hazards. In addition, the design
should specify the safety requirements and design features for the containment internal structures,
(such as the reactor vault structure, the shielding doors, the airlocks, and the access control and
The design pressure of the containment building should be determined by increasing by at least
10% the peak pressure that would be generated by the DBA (refer to clause 4.49 of IAEA NS-G-
1.10, Design of Reactor Containment Systems for Nuclear Power Plants).
Ultimate internal pressure capacity should be provided for the containment building structures
including containment penetrations.
If the containment building foundation is a common mat slab which is not separated from the
other buildings foundation, the impact should be evaluated.
Concrete containment structures should be designed and constructed in accordance with the CSA
N287 series, as applicable:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• N287.1, General Requirements for Concrete Containment Structures for CANDU Nuclear
Power Plants, for general requirements in documentation of design specification and design
• N287.2, Material Requirements for Concrete Containment Structures for CANDU Nuclear
Power Plants, for material
• N287.3, Design Requirements for Concrete Containment Structures for CANDU Nuclear
Power Plants for design
• N287.4, Construction, Fabrication and Installation Requirements for Concrete Containment
Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants, and N287.5, Examination and Testing
Requirements for Concrete Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Plants, for
containment construction and inspection
• N287.6, Pre-operational proof and leakage rate testing requirements for concrete
containment structures for nuclear power plants, for pressure test before operation
Steel containment structures should be designed according to the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section III, Division 1, Subsection NE, Class MC Components or equivalent
standard. Stability of the containment vessel and appurtenances should be evaluated using ASME
Code Case N-284-1, Metal Containment Shell Buckling Design Methods, Section III, Division 1,
Class MC.
For other requirements on the design of containment structures, refer to section 8.6.2 of this
regulatory document.
Safety-related structures
The safety-related structures other than the containment should be designed and constructed in
accordance with CSA N291, Requirements for safety-related structures for CANDU nuclear
power plants.
Additional information
• American Concrete Institute (ACI), 349-06, Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related
Concrete Structures & Commentary, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2007.
• ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section III, Division 2, Section 3, Code for
Concrete Containments, New York, 2010.
• IAEA, NS-G-1.10, Design of Reactor Containment Systems for Nuclear Power Plants,
Vienna, 2004.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
7.15.2 Surveillance
The design shall enable implementation of periodic inspection programs for structures important
to safety in order to verify that the as-constructed structures meet their functional and
performance requirements.
The design shall also facilitate in-service monitoring for degradations that may compromise the
intended design function of the structures. In particular, the design shall permit monitoring of
foundation settling.
Pressure and leak testing shall be conducted on applicable structures to demonstrate that the
respective design parameters comply with requirements.
The design shall facilitate routine inspection of sea, lake, and river flood defences and
demonstrate fitness for service.
For concrete containments, it is important to accommodate the structural integrity inspection and
pressure testing for pre-operational and in-service phases. The inspection and pressure testing
programs should be provided and meet the applicable requirements listed in CSA N287.6, Pre-
operational proof and leakage rate testing requirements for concrete containment structures for
nuclear power plants, and CSA N287.7, In-service examination and testing requirements for
concrete containment structures for CANDU nuclear power plants.
Special design provisions should be made to accommodate in-service inspection and pressure
testing of concrete containments (e.g., providing sufficient physical access, providing alternative
means for identification of conditions that can lead to degradation in inaccessible areas, or
providing remote visual monitoring of high-radiation areas). Programs should be implemented for
the examination of inaccessible areas, monitoring of ground water chemistry, and monitoring of
settlements and differential displacements. The design should also provide for equipment and
instrumentations, for example a strain gauge, to monitor stress, strain and any deformation of the
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The drop of large loads lifted and handled in areas where there are systems and components that
are important to safety shall be taken into account in the design. The potential load due to the
large load drop shall be taken into account in the analysis of DBAs.
SSCs important to safety shall be designed so that they can be manufactured, constructed,
assembled, installed and erected in accordance with established processes that ensure the design
will achieve the required level of safety.
All plant systems shall be designed such that, to the greatest extent practicable, commissioning
tests can be performed to confirm that design requirements have been achieved.
The design shall include provisions to facilitate the commissioning activities. In particular, the
design of the I&C systems shall make provisions for start-up neutron sources and dedicated start-
up instrumentation for conditions in which they are needed.
The design shall specify commissioning requirements including data to be recorded and retained.
In particular, the design shall clearly identify any non-standard or special commissioning
requirements, which shall be specified in design documentation.
Due account should be taken of relevant experience that has been gained in the construction and
commissioning of other similar plants and their associated SSCs. Where best practices from other
relevant industries are adopted, such practices should be shown to be appropriate to the specific
nuclear application.
The design should include preliminary plant commissioning requirements for both pre-
operational and initial start-up tests:
The design authority should provide general guidance to control commissioning activities,
including administrative controls that will be used to develop, review and approve individual test
procedures, coordination with organizations involved in the test program, participation of plant
operational and technical staff, and the review, evaluation and approval of test results.
The design should include general guidance about how (and to what extent) the test program will
use and test the plant’s operating, surveillance and emergency procedures.
The design should include test abstracts of SSCs and unique design features, which will be tested
to verify that SSCs performance is in accordance with the design. These test abstracts should
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
include the objectives, pre-requisites, test methods, and acceptance criteria that will be included
in the test procedures.
The design should include the acceptance criteria of commissioning activities that are necessary
and sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that, if these commissioning activities are
performed and the acceptance criteria met, the as-built facility will conform to the approved plant
design and applicable regulations.
The scope of the acceptance criteria should be consistent with the SSCs that are in the design
descriptions. In general, each system should have sufficient acceptance criteria that verify the
information in the design descriptions. The level of detail specified in the acceptance criteria
should be commensurate with the safety significance of the functions and bases for that SSC.
The acceptance criteria should be objective and unambiguous, match the design commitments,
and be able to be verified by adequate inspections, tests, and analyses during the construction and
commissioning stages.
Additional information
• IAEA, Safety Standards Series No. NS-G-2.9, Commissioning for Nuclear Power Plants,
• IAEA, SSR 2/2, Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Commissioning and Operation, 2011.
• U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, Chapter 14, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition, 2007.
The design shall take due account of the effects of aging and wear on SSCs. For SSCs important
to safety, this shall include:
1. an assessment of design margins, taking into account all known aging and wear mechanisms
and potential degradation in operational states, including the effects of testing and
maintenance processes
2. provisions for monitoring, testing, sampling, and inspecting SSCs so as to assess aging
mechanisms, verify predictions, and identify unanticipated behaviours or degradation that
may occur during operation, as a result of aging and wear
Additional requirements are provided in RD-334, Aging Management for Nuclear Power Plants.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design shall provide for the detection, exclusion and removal of all foreign material and
corrosion products that may have an impact on safety.
The design shall incorporate appropriate features to facilitate the transport and handling of new
fuel, irradiated fuel, and radioactive waste in accordance with the requirements of the Packaging
and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations. Related considerations shall include facility
access, as well as lifting and packaging capabilities.
The design shall provide a sufficient number of safe escape routes that will be available in
operational states, DBAs and DECs, including seismic events. These routes shall be identified
with clear and durable signage, emergency lighting, ventilation and other building services
essential to their safe use.
Escape routes shall be subject to the relevant Canadian requirements for radiation zoning, fire
protection, industrial safety, and plant security, which include assurance of the ability to escape
from containment regardless of the pressure in containment.
Suitable alarm systems and means of communication shall be available at all times to warn and
instruct all persons in the plant and on the site.
The design shall ensure that diverse methods of communication are available within the NPP and
in the immediate vicinity, as well as to offsite agencies, in accordance with the emergency
response plan.
Additional information
• CSA Group, N293, Fire protection for nuclear power plants, Toronto, Canada.
• CNSC, G-225, Emergency Planning at Class I Nuclear Facilities and Uranium Mines and
Mills, Ottawa, Canada, 2001 or successor document.
• IAEA GS-R-2, Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency,
Vienna, 2002.
• NRC, National Building Code of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 2010.
• NRC, National Fire Code of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 2010.
The design shall include a human factors engineering program plan. Relevant and proven
systematic analysis techniques shall be used to address human factors issues within the design
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
2. provide means for identifying the occurrence of human error, and methods by which to
recover from such an error
3. mitigate the consequences of error
The human factors engineering program shall also facilitate the interface between the operating
personnel and the plant by promoting attention to plant layout and procedures, maintenance,
inspection, training, and the application of ergonomic principles to the design of working areas
and working environments.
Appropriate and clear distinction between the functions assigned to operating personnel and those
assigned to automatic systems shall be facilitated by systematic consideration of human factors
and the human-system interface. This consideration shall continue in an iterative way throughout
the entire design process.
The human-system interfaces in the main control room, the secondary control room, the
emergency support facilities, and in the plant, shall provide operators with necessary and
appropriate information in a usable format that is compatible with the necessary decision and
action times.
Human factors verification and validation plans shall be established for all appropriate stages of
the design process so as to confirm that the design adequately accommodates all necessary
operator actions.
To assist in the establishment of design criteria for information display and controls, each
operator shall be considered to have dual roles: that of a systems manager (including
responsibility for accident management) and that of an equipment operator. Verification and
validation activities shall be comprehensive, such that the design conforms to human factors
design principles and meets usability requirements.
The design shall identify the type of information that facilitates an operator’s ability to readily:
1. assess the general state of the plant, whether in operational states, DBAs or DECs
2. confirm that the designed automatic safety actions are being carried out
3. determine the appropriate operator-initiated safety actions to be taken
The design shall provide the type of information that enables an equipment operator to identify
the parameters associated with individual plant systems and equipment, and to confirm that the
necessary safety actions can be initiated safely.
Design goals shall include promoting the success of operator action with due regard for the time
available for response, the physical environment to be expected, and the associated psychological
demands made on the operator.
The need for operator intervention on a short time scale shall be kept to a minimum. Where such
intervention is necessary, the following conditions shall apply:
1. the information necessary for the operator to make the decision to act is presented simply and
2. the operator has sufficient time to make a decision and to act
3. following an event, the physical environment is acceptable in the main control room or in the
secondary control room, and in the access route to the secondary control room
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
This section applies to the design of all plant systems where there are human factors (HF)
considerations. Human factors means “factors that influence human performance”, as defined in
CNSC P-119 Policy on Human Factors. In practice, it is expected that most plant systems will
require some consideration of HF.
The systematic approaches and processes taken for HF in design should meet international
standards and good practices. HF codes and standards that are used by the design authority for the
plant design should be identified and evaluated for their suitability, applicability, sufficiency and
The design expectations are provided below for use in different design stages.
A human factors engineering program plan demonstrates how HF considerations are incorporated
into the design activities. Further guidance on how to develop such a plan is provided in the
CNSC G-276 Human Factors Engineering Program Plans and U.S. NRC NUREG-0711,
Revision 2, Human Factors Engineering Program Review Model. The technical elements
described in the plan should be supported by subsequent verification and validation activities for
the resulting design, as described in CNSC G-278 Human Factors Verification and Validation
The HF in design activities are effectively integrated in the overall engineering design process
and incorporated early enough to make an effective contribution to safety. There should be a
sufficient number of trained, qualified and experienced HF specialists to carry out the HF in
design activities provided that established criteria pertaining to system complexity and
importance to safety are met.
Systematic analytical approaches are used to establish the HF inputs. Such analyses should be
conducted from the earliest stages of design, to provide a strong foundation upon which the
design solutions are based. The specific HF analyses should be:
• appropriate to the activities in question that they cover, considering the risk of the activities
and the novelty of the design
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• function analysis
• task analysis
• human reliability analysis
• hazard analysis
• link analysis
• information requirements analysis
• staffing analysis
• usability analysis
• operability and maintainability analysis
The design should also provide research or study reports for any work carried out as part of the
process of developing and testing any human-system interface technologies (e.g., displays and
controls) that are new to NPP applications and that may have a bearing on safety.
The design should demonstrate that steps have been taken in developing the design to reduce or
eliminate, where practicable, the potential for human error; that there are acceptable means by
which to identify error; that methods are provided by which to recover from the error; and that the
consequences of error can be mitigated.
There should be evidence that a systematic process exists for the design of work areas, work
environments, and human-system interfaces for SSCs throughout the plant. The design should
demonstrate consideration of HF issues for all aspects of the plant, not just control areas. HF
aspects should be considered where off-the-shelf SSCs are specified and procured. Operating
experience concerning HF issues gained from existing or similar systems should be considered in
the design.
A significant aspect of this systematic process is the use of modern human factors codes,
standards, and good practices in developing the design. Guidance is provided in U.S. NRC
NUREG-0700 Revision 2, Human-System Interface Design Review Guidelines.
The design should demonstrate that operators (and any other potential users) in the main control
room, the secondary control room, the emergency support facilities, and in the plant, are provided
with the necessary and appropriate information in a format that is compatible with necessary
decision and action times. The same kind of considerations should apply to other users of
equipment (e.g., maintainers and technicians) elsewhere in the plant.
Operating personnel
Personnel who have operating experience from similar plants should be actively involved in the
design process to ensure that consideration is given as early as possible to the future operation
and maintenance of the SSCs.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Formal interfaces should be defined between the HF in design group(s) and the various design
engineering groups involved in the design process; this facilitates the interactions and sharing of
information to achieve good integration of HF considerations in the design.
Evaluations are an essential part of HF in the design process and include both verification and
validation activities. Evaluation criteria (i.e., design requirements and standards) should be
established prior to conducting these evaluations.
HF verification activities should be carried out (generally by vendor and licensee) to confirm that
the design conforms to HF design standards and has been implemented as intended in the plant.
Validations should be carried out iteratively at various stages of the design process, ensuring that
the task fidelity is appropriate. Data from the validation activities should be analysed and the
results should be used to improve the design. Validation should confirm that the system,
including the human components and procedures to support the tasks, meets the specified system
and usability requirements. Validations should also demonstrate that operations and maintenance
personnel can successfully carry out their tasks in a safe manner.
Additional information
• ANSI/ANS, 58.8-1994, Time Response Design Criteria for Safety-Related Operator Actions,
La Grange Park, Illinois, reaffirmed 2008.
• CNSC, G-323, Ensuring the Presence of Sufficient Qualified Staff at Class I Nuclear
Facilities – Minimum Staff Complement, Ottawa, Canada, 2007.
• CNSC, G-276, Human Factors Engineering Program Plans, Ottawa, Canada, 2003.
• CNSC, G-278, Human Factors Verification and Validation Plans, Ottawa, Canada, 2003.
• CNSC, P-119, Policy on Human Factors, Ottawa, Canada, 2000.
• CSA Group, N290.6, Requirements for Monitoring and Display of Nuclear Power Plant
Safety Functions in the Event of an Accident, Toronto, Canada.
• CSA Group, N290.4, Requirements for Reactor Control Systems of Nuclear Power Plants,
Toronto, Canada.
• IEC, 61839, Nuclear Power Plants – Design of Control Rooms – Functional Analysis and
Assessment, Geneva, 2000.
• IEC, 60964, Nuclear Power Plants – Control Rooms – Design, Geneva, 2009.
• IEEE, 1289, IEEE Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering in the Design of
Computer-Based Monitoring and Control Displays for Nuclear Power Generating Stations,
Piscataway, New Jersey 1998.
• IEEE, 1023, IEEE Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems,
Equipment, and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey,
• U.S. NRC, NUREG/CR-1278, Handbook of Human Reliability Analysis with Emphasis on
Nuclear Power Plant Applications- Final Report, Piscataway, New Jersey , 2011.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design shall provide physical features such as protection against design-basis threats (DBTs),
in accordance with the requirements of the Nuclear Security Regulations.
The engineering safety aspects of robustness and protection from malevolent acts should account
The basis for identifying malevolent acts considered in the design is the potential to cause a
release of radioactivity to the public and the environment.
Threats from credible malevolent acts are referred to as design-basis threats (DBTs). More severe
but unlikely threats are referred to as beyond-design-basis threats (BDBTs). Both types of threats
shall be considered in the design.
Threats identified as DBTs shall have credible attributes and characteristics of potential insider or
external adversaries, who might attempt unauthorized removal of nuclear material or sabotage
against which a physical protection system is designed and evaluated.
BDBTs are threats too unlikely to warrant incorporation into the design basis, but for which the
consequences shall be assessed in order to establish means of mitigation to the extent practicable.
Consistent with the concept of defence in depth, the design shall provide multiple barriers for
protection against malevolent acts, including physical protection systems, engineered safety
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
provisions, and measures for post-event management, as appropriate. The failure of a preceding
barrier shall not compromise the integrity and effectiveness of subsequent barriers.
The identification of vital areas involves the identification and location of SSCs that require
protection, in order to prevent significant radioactive releases. The vital areas include the reactor
building and the spent fuel pool, including the structure housing the spent fuel pool. The
protection measures for these identified vital areas should be assessed.
Based on identified threats, the DBT and BDBT sets of load cases should be selected. Each load
case selected should be the worst case scenario for a given threat.
The plant design shall take into account the role of structures, pathways, equipment, and
instrumentation in providing detection, delay, and response to threats.
Vital areas shall be identified and taken into account in the design and verification of robustness.
For vital areas, the design shall allow enough delay for effective intervention by the onsite or
offsite response force, taking structures, detection and assessment into account. These areas shall,
to the extent practicable, be protected from inadvertent damage while performing defensive
The design shall provide appropriate means for access control and detection, and for minimizing
the number of access and egress points to protected areas. Such points shall include storm sewers,
culverts, service piping, and cable routing that could be used to gain access to the facility.
The design shall also take into account the placement of civil utilities to minimize access
requirements for such activities as repair and maintenance, in order to reduce threats to the
protected area and vital areas.
The design authority shall also develop a methodology for assessing the challenges associated
with BDBTs. This methodology shall be applied to determine the margins available for
shutdown, fuel cooling and confinement of radioactivity. Significant degradation of engineering
means may be permitted.
Vital areas are designed according to the tiered approach related to the level of the threat as
described below.
For the loadings induced by DBT, the structural design methodology applies conservative design
measures and sound engineering practices that meet codes and standards.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
For the first-tier BDBT (events more severe than DBT), sufficient structural integrity to protect
important systems should be provided. The design code criteria may be relaxed; however, the
design methodology should be followed.
For the second-tier BDBT (extreme events), degradation of the containment barrier may be
accepted; however, the degradation should be limited. The structures of vital areas should be
designed for the second-tier BDBT that may exceed design code limits but within documented
material and structural limits.
The aircraft crash loading functions related to DBTs and BDBTs are “classified”, and are
available to licensees and applicants upon request to the CNSC.
It is acceptable to model the whole aircraft as a load that impacts the structure. However, the
design should be such that the loading functions due to the crash of the modelled aircraft against a
rigid target envelope are acceptable.
Two distinct types of structural failure modes should be reviewed: local (punching - brittle)
failure and global (flexural-plastic) failure. The loading characteristics and structural behaviour
for these two failure modes are different, and should be reviewed separately. However, it should
be noted that, in some cases, these two failure modes (e.g., an aircraft crash) may act
simultaneously or quasi-simultaneously.
Most technical references consider engines, in the case of an aircraft crash, as the critical missiles.
Such local damage modes would not, in general, result in structural collapse; but they may cause
damage to safety-related systems or components. Application of empirical formulae for
perforation and scabbing is an acceptable approach to assess structural behaviour under local,
concentrated loading.
Global structural response effects refer to the overall building behaviour in response to the
applied impact loading. The global response can be characterized by major structural damage,
such as significant perforation or collapse of large portions of the building walls, floors, and load
carrying frames. The impact could also potentially induce significant vibrations or “shock
loading” throughout the building.
In the case of an aircraft crash, in the absence of adequate design measures, local damage
associated with the impact of a missile into the wall could result in scabbing of concrete from the
rear face. Ultimately, it could result in local fracture of rebar, allowing perforation of the wall by
the residual crushed engine mass and remaining portion of the shaft. Global structural damage,
however, is generally associated with the deformation of the entire structural system. Adequate
design measures should be provided to meet the acceptance criteria provided in section 7.22.3.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design of the facility’s physical protection system should consider changes in threat,
enhanced understanding of the potential vulnerabilities of the facility, its systems and structures
as well as advances in physical protection approaches, systems, and technologies.
The design shall provide for the ongoing availability of fundamental safety functions during
BDBTs; these provisions will depend on the severity of the threat.
For more severe events, there shall be a safe shutdown path that comprises at least one means for
each of the following:
1. reactor shutdown
2. fuel cooling
3. retention of radioactivity from the reactor
There shall be sufficient structural integrity to protect important systems. Two such success paths
shall be identified where practical.
For extreme events, there shall be at least one means of reactor shutdown and core cooling.
Degradation of the containment barrier may allow the release of radioactive material; however,
the degradation shall be limited. In these cases, the response shall include onsite and offsite
emergency measures.
The acceptance criteria for both local and global behaviour should be satisfied simultaneously.
The structural acceptance criteria for local behaviour should include the following:
• For DBTs, there should be no scabbing of the rear face of structural elements, possibly with
limited, easily repairable, superficial spalling of concrete.
• For severe BDBTs, there should be no scabbing of the rear face of structural element, or
possible limited scabbing (concrete cover), if confined by the steel liner. The steel liner
should remain leak-tight.
• For extreme BDBTs, there should be no perforation, according to the applicable formula with
a corresponding increase factor of 1.2 applied to the calculated thickness.
Further information on the design and construction for containment and other safety-related
structures can be found in the CSA N287 series of standards, and in CSA N291, Requirements for
Safety-Related Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants, respectively.
Additional information
• ACI, Standard 349, Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures and
Commentary, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2007.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Computer-based I&C systems and components important to safety shall be protected from cyber
attacks in order to maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability.
A cyber security program shall be developed, implemented and maintained so as to achieve the
security required in each phase of the computer-based I&C systems’ lifecycle.
Cyber security features shall not adversely affect the functions or performance of SSCs important
to safety.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• documentation for how the design authority establishes, implements and maintains the
program to provide high assurance that the systems subject to security protective measures
are protected
• application of defence in depth protective strategies to provide a high level of assurance that
the program has adequate cyber security capability
• addressing potential security vulnerabilities in each phase of the computer-based I&C
systems lifecycle for computer-based systems important to safety
• inclusion of security controls for a secure development environment during the development
• defensive strategy
• asset identification, and security controls
• roles and responsibilities
• policies and procedures
• awareness and training
• configuration management
• information protection
• coordination with other security programs
• incident reporting and recovery plan
• program maintenance
The defensive architecture should have cyber security defensive levels separated by security
boundaries. The systems requiring the greatest degree of security should be located within the
most secure boundaries.
The design authority should identify the design features that provide a secure operational
environment of the systems important to safety.
• deficiencies in the design that may allow inadvertent, unintended, or unauthorized access or
modifications to the systems (hardware and software), which may degrade the reliability,
integrity or functionality of the systems during operations
• non-performance of the safety functions by the systems in the presence of undesired
behaviour of connected systems
The following should be considered for the protection of computer-based I&C systems and
components important to safety functions:
• the computer-based I&C systems and components important to safety should be protected,
along with those support systems and components which, if compromised, would adversely
affect safety functions
• cyber attacks should include either physical or logical threats (with either malicious or non-
malicious intent), originating from inside and outside of the perimeter of the system’s facility
• computer-based systems and components should include computer hardware, software,
firmware, and interfaces
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The computer-based I&C systems important to safety should be protected from physical attacks
and unauthorized physical or logical access, and should meet the following expectations:
• all systems, components and network cabling important to safety should be installed in a
plant location that physically secures the equipment
• effective methods should be used, such as including appropriate combinations of
programmatic controls and physical security measures (e.g., locked enclosures, locked rooms,
alarms on enclosure doors)
• unnecessary or unauthorized access to the setpoint adjustments and calibration adjustments
should be limited
• connections needed for temporary use should be disabled when not in use (e.g., connection of
maintenance and development computers)
• unused data connections should be disabled
• all data connections for systems and components should be placed within enclosures
• any remote access to the safety system from a computer located in an area with less physical
security than the safety system should be limited
• access to the safety systems should be logged, and the security logs should be checked
• wireless communication should not be implemented for safety systems
• safety systems should be designed such that virus protection software is not required
• dedicated communication of plant data between the plant and the emergency support facilities
(either onsite or offsite) should be provided using secure protocols
Security functions and security supporting functions of I&C systems should not adversely affect
the functions of systems and components important to safety. The design should ensure that
neither the operation nor failure of security measures implemented will adversely affect the
ability of the systems important to safety.
Implementation of any individual security control or function, or of the complete set of applied
controls for safety systems, should consider the following:
Provisions should be made for periodic and post-maintenance verification, to confirm that the
security features are properly configured and operating.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Additional information
• IAEA, Nuclear Security Series No. 17, Computer Security at Nuclear Facilities, Vienna,
• IEEE, 7-4.3.2, IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear
Power Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2010.
• IEC, 61513, Nuclear Power Plant -Implementation and Control Important to Safety -
General Requirements for Systems, Geneva, 2011.
• NEI, 08-09, rev.6, Cyber Security Plan for Nuclear Power Reactors, Washington, D.C.,
• NEI, 10-04, rev.2, Identifying Systems and Assets Subject to the Cyber Security Rules,
Washington, D.C., 2012.
• U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 5.71, Cyber Security Programs for Nuclear Facilities,
Washington, D.C., 2010.
7.23 Safeguards
NPPs are subject to the obligations arising from Canada’s international agreements, and to
requirements pertaining to safeguards and non-proliferation.
The design and the design process shall ensure compliance with the obligations arising from the
safeguards agreement between Canada and the IAEA. These features allow for the permanent
installation of safeguards equipment and the provision of services required for the ongoing
operation of that equipment shall be provided.
For the purposes of this document, the term “safeguards” denotes a system of inspection and
other verification activities undertaken by IAEA in order to evaluate a state’s compliance with its
obligations, pursuant to its safeguards agreement with the IAEA, under the Treaty on the Non-
Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The objective of the Canada-IAEA safeguards agreement is
for the IAEA to provide annual assurance to Canada and to the international community that all
declared nuclear material is employed in peaceful, non-explosive uses, and that there is no
indication of undeclared nuclear material or activities.
The CNSC is the governmental authority responsible for implementing the Canada-IAEA
safeguards agreement.
Safeguards considerations should be integrated during the early design phase of a new NPP. This
approach is a well-established practice in the Canadian nuclear industry and can avoid the
retrofitting of safeguards equipment after a design is completed, which could otherwise result in
substantial cost increases in terms of redesign work, timeline extensions and additional demands
on human resources. If there is a requirement to install IAEA safeguards equipment to monitor
nuclear material flows and inventories, accurate plant layout requirements should be identified
early in the process, so as to ensure that appropriate “design space” is allocated for critical
safeguards installations equipment.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Additional information
• CNSC, RD-336, Accounting and Reporting of Nuclear Material, Ottawa, Canada, 2010.
• CNSC, GD-336, Guidance for Accounting and Reporting of Nuclear Material, Ottawa,
Canada, 2010.
7.24 Decommissiong
Future plant decommissioning and dismantling activities shall be taken into account, such that:
1. materials are selected for the construction and fabrication of plant components and structures
with the purpose of minimizing eventual quantities of radioactive waste and assisting
2. plant layout is designed to facilitate access for decommissioning or dismantling activities,
including for plants with multiple units at a site, periods when some units are operating and
some are under decommissioning
3. consideration is given to the future potential requirements for storage of radioactive waste
generated as a result of new facilities being built, or existing facilities being expanded
Future plant decommissioning and dismantling activities considered at the design phase should
include considerations of experience gained from the decommissioning of existing plants, as well
as those plants that are in long-term safe storage. Experience suggests that the decommissioning
of NPPs could be facilitated if it received greater attention at the design stage. The consideration
of decommissioning at the design stage is expected to result in lower worker doses and reduced
environmental impacts.
Additional information
• CNSC, G-219, Decommissioning Planning for Licensed Activities, Ottawa, Canada, 2000.
• CSA Group, N294, Decommissioning of Facilities Containing Nuclear Substances, Ottawa,
• IAEA, TECDOC-1657: Design Lessons Drawn from the Decommissioning of Nuclear
Facilities, Vienna, 2011.
• IAEA, Safety Guide WS-G-2.1, Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants and Research
Reactors, Vienna, 1999.
• Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), No. 6924, Applying Decommissioning Experience to the
Design and Operation of New Nuclear Power Plants, Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development, Paris, 2010.
• NEA, No. 6833, Decommissioning Considerations for New Nuclear Power Plants,
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 2010.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
8. System-Specific Requirements
Reactor core parameters and their limits shall be specified. The design shall consider all
foreseeable reactor core configurations for normal operation.
The reactor core, including the fuel elements, reactivity control mechanisms, reflectors, fuel
channel and structural parts, shall be designed so that the reactor can be shutdown, cooled and
held subcritical with an adequate margin in operational states, DBAs and DECs.
The anticipated upper limit of possible deformation or other changes due to irradiation conditions
shall be evaluated. These evaluations shall be supported by data from experiments, and from
experience with irradiation. The design shall provide protection against those deformations, or
any other changes to reactor structures that have the potential to adversely affect the behaviour of
the core or associated systems.
The reactor core and associated structures and cooling systems shall:
1. withstand static and dynamic loading, including thermal expansion and contraction
2. withstand vibration (such as flow-induced and acoustic vibration)
3. ensure chemical compatibility, including service-related contaminants
4. meet thermal material limits
5. meet radiation damage limits
The reactor core design shall include provisions for a guaranteed shutdown state as described in
section 7.11.
The shutdown margin for all shutdown states shall be such that the core will remain subcritical
for any credible changes in the core configuration and reactivity addition.
If operator intervention is required to keep the reactor in a shutdown state, the feasibility,
timeliness, and effectiveness of such intervention shall be demonstrated.
The design of the reactor core should provide confidence that the permissible design limits, under
operational states, DBAs and DECs, are not exceeded, taking into account engineering tolerances
and uncertainties associated with the calculations.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The nuclear design deals with flux and power distribution within the reactor core, the design and
use of reactivity control systems for normal operation and for shutting down the reactor, core
stability, the various reactivity feedback characteristics, and the physics of the fuel.
The design of the reactor core and associated coolant and fuel systems should take into account
all practical means so that, in the power operating range, the net effect of the prompt inherent
nuclear feedback characteristics tends to compensate for a rapid increase in reactivity and power.
The consequences of those accidents that would be aggravated by a positive reactivity feedback
should be either acceptable, or be satisfactorily mitigated by other design features.
The design should take into account measurements made in previous reactors and critical
experiments and their use in the uncertainty analyses. The design should define the measurements
to be made, including start-up confirmatory tests and periodically required measurements.
Defence in depth
The nuclear design should incorporate inherently safe features to reduce the reliance on
engineered safety systems or operational procedures. Defence in depth and related principles
should be applied in the design of the reactivity control safety function, such that the fission chain
reaction is controlled during operational states, and, when necessary, terminated for DBAs and
The nuclear design should provide for effective means to ensure success of the following safety
functions to:
The design limits for the power densities and power distributions should be determined from an
integrated consideration of fuel design limits, thermal limits, decay heat limits, and AOO and
accident analyses. For power distribution, the reactor core design should demonstrate the
• There is a high level of confidence that the proposed design limits can be met within the
expected operational range of the reactor, taking into account:
• the analytical methods and data for the design calculations
• uncertainty analyses and experimental comparisons presented for the design calculations
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• the sufficiency of design cases calculated covering times in fuel reload cycle, or during
on-power fuelling (depending upon the reactor design, reactivity devices configurations,
and load-follow transients)
• special problems (such as power spikes due to densification), possible asymmetries, and
misaligned reactivity devices
• There is a high level of confidence that, during normal operation, the design limits will not be
exceeded, based on consideration of information received from the power distribution
monitoring instrumentation. The processing of that information should include:
• calculations (instrument-calculation correlations) involved in the processing
• operating procedures used
• the requirements for periodic check measurements
• the accuracy of design calculations used in developing correlations when primary
variables are not directly measured
• the uncertainty analyses for the information and processing system
• the requirements for instruments, the calibration and calculations involved in their use,
and the uncertainties involved in conversion of instrument readings into power
• the limits and set points for control actions, alarms, or automatic trip for instrument
systems and demonstration that these systems can maintain the reactor within design
power distribution limits (including the instrumentation alarms for the limits of normal
operation (e.g., offset limits, control bank limits) and for abnormal situations (e.g., flux
tilt alarms)
• measurements in previous reactors and critical experiments, including their use in the
uncertainty analyses
• measurements needed for start-up confirmatory tests and the required periodical
The limiting power distributions should be determined such that the limits on power densities and
peaking factors can be maintained in operation. These limiting power distributions may be
maintained (i.e., not exceeded) administratively (i.e., not by automatic shutdown), provided a
suitable demonstration is made that sufficient, properly translated information and alarms are
available from the reactor instrumentation to keep the operator informed.
The design should establish the correlation between design power distributions and operating
power distributions, including instrument-calculation correlations, operating procedures used, and
measurements that will be taken. Necessary limits on these operations should be established.
The breakdown of design power distributions into the following components should be
The reference design core power distributions (axial, radial, and local distributions and peaking
factors) used in AOO and accident analyses should be established. In addition, power
distributions within fuel pins should be established.
The design limits for power densities (and thus for peaking factors) during normal operation
should be such that acceptable fuel design limits are not exceeded during AOOs and that other
limits are not exceeded during DBAs and DECs. The design limits, along with related
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Reactivity coefficients
The design should establish and characterize the bounding reference values for reactivity
coefficients. These reference values should be conservative.
The range of plant states to be covered should include the entire operating range – from cold
shutdown through full power – and the extremes reached in AOOs, DBAs and DECs. It should
include the full range of the fuelling cycle, and an appropriate range of reactivity device
The design calculations of reactivity coefficients should cover the full applicable range of the
variables and modelling approximations in AOO and accident analyses, including approximations
related to modelling and nodalization of the reactor cooling system. Where applicable, the
difference between intra- and inter-assembly moderator coefficients needs to be established.
• calculated nominal values for the reactivity coefficients, such as the coolant and moderator
coefficients (temperature, void, or density coefficients), the Doppler coefficient and power
• uncertainty analyses for nominal values, including the magnitude of the uncertainty and the
justification of the magnitude (by examination of the accuracy of the methods used in
calculations), and comparison, where possible, with reactor experiments.
• combination of nominal values and uncertainties to provide suitably conservative values for
use in reactor steady-state analysis (primarily control requirements), stability analyses, and
the AOO and accident analyses
For comparisons to experiments, it is important to show that the experiments are applicable and
relevant, and the experimental conditions overlap the operating and anticipated accident
It is recognized that reactivity coefficients of the design are important in determining the reactor
behavior and safety characteristics. This document does not have specific requirements on the
sign or magnitude of the reactivity coefficients including the power coefficient of reactivity.
Instead, this document requires a number of design provisions related to the nuclear design to
ensure that the design is acceptable for reactor control, stability and plant safety. If a reactor
design has a positive power coefficient of reactivity for any operating state, the design authority
should demonstrate that operation with a positive power coefficient is acceptable, by showing:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• a bounding value of power coefficient of reactivity has been calculated for all permitted
operating states and used in control, stability, and safety analyses
• measurements of the power coefficient of reactivity are conducted at start-up and periodically
for certain operating limiting core conditions to demonstrate that measured values are
bounded by calculated values with adequate margin
• the reactor control system is designed with adequate reliability and has the capability to
automatically accommodate for a positive power coefficient of reactivity for a wide range of
The design should ensure that the likelihood of exceeding specified criteria of the AOOs without
shutdown is sufficiently small, by demonstrating either that the criteria are met, or that a diverse
shutdown means is installed, which reduces significantly the probability of a failure to shutdown.
The nuclear design should ensure that the criticality of the reactor during refuelling is controlled.
If on-power refuelling is used to compensate for core reactivity depletion, the nuclear design
should establish the values of core excess reactivity, maximum local powers, amount of fuel
loaded per refuelling operation and frequency of refuelling load. The design should also ensure
that the maximum core excess reactivity and predicted local power peaks will not exceed the
control system capability and fuel thermal limits.
Core stability
Power oscillations that could result in conditions exceeding specified acceptable fuel design
limits should be reliably and readily detected and suppressed.
• phenomena and reactor aspects that influence the stability of the nuclear reactor core
• calculations and considerations given to xenon-induced spatial oscillations
• potential stability issues, due to other phenomena or conditions
• verification of the analytical methods for comparison with measured data
Analytical methods
The analytical methods and database used for nuclear design and reactor physics analyses should
be consistent with modern best practices. Also, the experiments used to validate the analytical
methods should be adequate representations of fuel designs in the reactor and ranges of key
parameters in the validation database should overlap those expected in design and safety analysis.
The design should be such that the analytical methods used in the nuclear design (including those
for predicting criticality, reactivity coefficients, burnup and stability) as well as the database and
nuclear data libraries used for neutron cross-section data and other nuclear parameters (including
delayed neutron and photo neutron data and other relevant data) are adequate and fit for
application, based on adequate qualification. The qualification should be based on proven
practices for validation and verification, using the acceptable codes and standards.
A validation or verification method can be proven either by meeting accepted verification and
validation standards, or by established practice, or some combination of these. New method(s) are
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
“proven” by performing a number of acceptance and demonstration tests that show the method(s)
meets pre-defined criteria.
• neutron flux spectrum above 1 million electron volts (MeV) in the core, at the core
boundaries, and at the inside vessel wall, if applicable
• assumptions used in the calculations, these include the power level, the use factor, the type of
fuel cycle considered, and the design life of the vessel
• computer codes used in the analysis
• the database for fast neutron cross-sections
• the geometric modelling of the reactor core, internals, and vessel(s)
• uncertainties in the calculations
Additional information
• CSA Group, N286.7.1, Guideline for the application of N286.7-99, Quality assurance of
analytical, scientific, and design computer programs for nuclear power plants, Toronto,
• CSA Group, N286.7, Quality Assurance of Analytical, Scientific, and Design Computer
Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, Toronto, Canada.
• CSA Group, N290.4, Requirements for reactor control systems of nuclear power plants,
Toronto, Canada.
• CSA Group, CAN3-N290.1, Requirements for the Shutdown Systems of CANDU Nuclear
Power Plants, Toronto, Canada.
• IAEA, NS-G-2.5, Core Management and Fuel Handling for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna,
• IAEA, NS-G-1.12, Design of the Reactor Core for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2005.
• U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.77, Assumptions Used for Evaluating a Control Rod Ejection
Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors, Washington, D.C., 1974.
• U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.203, Transient and Accident Analysis Methods, Washington,
D.C., 2005.
The reactor design should be such that the plant will operate within the specified operating limits
for the entire reactor lifecycle (including intermediate reactor core states).
The design should provide for functional tests to be performed periodically for monitoring the
health of the reactor components.
The design should provide for the capability to monitor online important core parameters, to
ensure that the acceptable operating limits for the reactor are not exceeded during normal
operation. The types of detectors and other devices used in monitoring the core parameters should
be described.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The reactor control strategy should be defined, to ensure that the reactor will be restored to an
acceptable safe state if any reactor parameter deviates from its allowed domain. The control
strategy should be such that fuel integrity will be maintained for all AOOs.
The refuelling scheme should be developed to ensure that the intermediate refuelling
configurations do not have more reactivity than the most reactive configuration approved in the
design. The core parameters for the intermediate configurations should be within their approved
The design should allow for data acquisition during reactor operation and record-keeping for later
retrieval and analysis.
The design should take into account the details of fuel management strategy including the loading
of fuel into the fresh core, and the criteria for determining the location of fuel assemblies to be
unloaded from the reactor and loaded with fresh fuel.
For reactor designs where a significant fraction of the fuel is replaced or shuffled during fuelling,
the design should provide for diagnostic tests at startup. These tests should verify that the core
parameters are within their allowed range.
The reactor internals classified as core support structures according to the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), Section III, Division 1, NG-1121, Core Support Structures,
should be designed, fabricated, and examined in accordance with the provisions of ASME BPVC
Section III Division 1, subsection NG.
Those reactor internals not classified as ASME BPVC Code, Section III, Division 1, Core
Support Structures should be classified as internal structures in accordance with ASME Code,
Section III, Division 1, Subsection NG-1122. The design criteria, loading conditions, and
analyses that provide the basis for the design of reactor internals (other than the core support
structures) should meet the guidelines of ASME Code, Section III, Division 1, Subsection NG-
3000, and be constructed so as to not adversely affect the integrity of the core support structures.
If other guidelines (e.g., manufacturer standards or empirical methods based on field experience
and testing) are the bases for the stress, deformation, and fatigue criteria, those guidelines should
be identified and their use justified in the design.
For non-ASME code structures, components and supports, design margins presented for
allowable stress, deformation, and fatigue should be equal to or greater than margins for other
plants of similar design with successful operating experience. Any decreases in design margins
should be justified.
Specific reactor internals of a high safety class should be designed, fabricated, and examined in
accordance with the applicable codes and standards, such as ASME Section III for light water
reactors (LWR), and CSA N285.0, General Requirements for Pressure-retaining Systems and
Components in CANDU Nuclear Power Plants for CANDU.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Fuel assemblies and the associated components shall be designed to withstand the anticipated
irradiation and environmental conditions in the reactor core, and all processes of deterioration that
can occur in operational states. The fuel shall remain suitable for continued use after AOOs. At
the design stage, consideration shall be given to long-term storage of irradiated fuel assemblies
after discharge from the reactor.
Fuel design limits shall be established to include, as a minimum, limits on fuel power or
temperature, limits on fuel burnup, and limits on the leakage of fission products in the reactor
cooling system. The design limits shall reflect the importance of preserving the fuel matrix and
cladding, as these are first and second barriers to fission product release, respectively.
The design shall account for all known degradation mechanisms, with allowance being made for
uncertainties in data, calculations, and fuel fabrication.
Fuel assemblies shall be designed to permit adequate inspection of their structures and
components prior to and following irradiation.
In DBAs, the fuel assembly and its component parts shall remain in position with no distortion
that would prevent effective post-accident core cooling or interfere with the actions of reactivity
control devices or mechanisms. The design shall specify the acceptance criteria necessary to meet
these requirements in DBAs.
The requirements for reactor and fuel assembly design shall apply in the event of changes in fuel
management strategy, or in operating conditions, over the lifetime of the plant.
Fuel design and design limits shall reflect a verified and auditable knowledge base. The fuel shall
be qualified for operation, either through experience with the same type of fuel in other reactors,
or through a program of experimental testing and analysis, to ensure that fuel assembly
requirements are met.
The fuel design and qualification should provide assurance that the reactor core design
requirements in section 8.1 are met.
Acceptance criteria should be established for fuel damage, fuel rod failure, and fuel coolability.
These criteria should be derived from experiments that identify the limitations of the material
properties of the fuel and fuel assembly, and related analyses. The fuel design criteria and other
design considerations are discussed below.
Fuel damage
Fuel damage criteria should be established for all known damage mechanisms in operational
states (normal operation and AOOs). The damage criteria should assure that fuel dimensions
remain within operational tolerances, and that functional capabilities are not reduced below those
assumed in the safety analysis. When applicable, the fuel damage criteria should consider high
burnup effects based on irradiated material properties data. The criteria should include stress,
strain or loading limits, the cumulative number of strain fatigue cycles, fretting wear, oxidation,
hydriding (deuteriding in CANDU reactors), build-up of corrosion products, dimensional
changes, rod internal gas pressures, worst-case hydraulic loads, and LWR control rod
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Fuel rod failure applies to operational states, DBAs and DECs. Fuel rod failure criteria should be
provided for all known fuel rod failure mechanisms. The design should ensure that fuel does not
fail as a result of specific causes during operational states. Fuel rod failures could occur during
DBAs and DECs, and are accounted for in the safety analysis.
Assessment methods should be stated for, fuel failure mechanisms, reactor loading and power
manoeuvring limitations, and fuel duty which lead to an acceptably low probability of failure.
When applicable, the fuel rod failure criteria should consider high burnup effects, based on data
of irradiated material properties. The criteria should include:
• hydriding
• cladding collapse
• cladding overheating
• fuel pellet overheating
• excessive fuel enthalpy
• pellet-clad interaction
• stress-corrosion cracking
• cladding bursting
• mechanical fracturing
Fuel coolability
Fuel coolability applies to DBAs and, to the extent practicable, DECs. Fuel coolability criteria
should be provided for all damage mechanisms in DBAs and DECs. The fuel should be designed
to ensure that fuel rod damage will not interfere with effective emergency core cooling. The
cladding temperatures should not reach a temperature high enough to allow a significant metal-
water reaction to occur, thereby minimizing the potential for fission product release. The criteria
should include cladding embrittlement, fuel rod ballooning, structural deformation and, in
CANDU, beryllium braze penetration.
Other considerations
Programs for testing and inspection of new fuel, as well as for online fuel monitoring and post-
irradiation surveillance of irradiated fuel should be established.
Fuel specification
The design should establish the specification of fuel rods and assembly (including LWR control
rods) in order to minimize design deviations and to determine whether all design bases are met
(such as limits and tolerances).
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The thermalhydraulic design should be such that sufficient margin exists with regard to
maintaining adequate heat transfer from the fuel to the reactor coolant system, to prevent fuel
sheath overheating. The design requirements can be demonstrated by meeting a set of derived
acceptance criteria, as required by REGDOC-2.4.1, Deterministic Safety Analysis.
Critical heat flux (CHF) is defined as the heat flux at departure from nucleate boiling (DNB),
commonly used in pressurized water reactors (PWRs), or at dryout, commonly used in CANDU
It should be noted that, although a thermal margin criterion is sufficient to demonstrate that
overheating from a deficient cooling mechanism can be avoided; other mechanistic methods may
be acceptable as CHF is not considered as a failure mechanism. In some designs, CHF conditions
during transients can be tolerated if it can be shown by other methods that the sheath temperatures
do not exceed well-defined acceptable limits. However, any other criteria than the CHF criterion
should address sheath temperature, pressure, time duration, oxidation, embrittlement etc., and
these new criteria should be supported by sufficient experimental and analytical evidence. In the
absence of such evidence, the core thermal-hydraulic design is expected to demonstrate a thermal
margin to CHF.
The demonstration of thermal margin is expected to be presented in a manner that accounts for all
possible reactor operational states and conditions, as determined from operating maps including
all AOOs. The demonstration should also include long term effects of plant aging and other
expected changes to core configuration over the operating life of the plant.
In addition to the demonstration of thermal margin, the core thermal-hydraulic design should also
address possible core power and flow oscillations and thermal-hydraulic instabilities. The design
should be such that power and flow oscillations that result in conditions exceeding specified
acceptable fuel design limits are not possible or can be reliably and readily detected and
Additional information
• ANSI/ANS, 57.5, Light Water Reactor Fuel Assembly Mechanical Design and Evaluation,
La Grange Park, Illinois, 1996.
• CNSC, G-144, Trip Parameter Acceptance Criteria for the Safety Analysis of CANDU
Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada, 2006.
• U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports
for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition - Fuel System Design, Section 4.2, Washington,
D.C., 2007.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The reactor core control system shall detect and intercept deviations from normal operation with
the goal of preventing AOOs from escalating to accident conditions.
Adequate means shall be provided to maintain both bulk and spatial power distributions within a
predetermined range.
The control system shall limit the positive reactivity insertion rate to a level required to control
reactivity changes and power manoeuvring.
The control system, combined with the inherent characteristics of the reactor and the selected
operating limits and conditions, shall minimize the need for shutdown action.
The control system and the inherent reactor characteristics shall keep all critical reactor
parameters within the specified limits for a wide range of AOOs.
In the design of the reactivity control devices, due account shall be taken of wear-out and of the
effects of irradiation, such as burnup, changes in physical properties and production of gas.
Reactivity control
• the acceptable fuel design limits are not exceeded as a result of a wide range of AOOs
• no single malfunction of the reactivity control function can cause a violation of the acceptable
fuel design limits
The nuclear design reactivity control requirements and control provisions should:
• compensate for long-term reactivity changes of the core; this includes reactivity changes due
to depletion of the fissile material in the fuel, depletion of burnable poison in some of the fuel
rods (where applicable), and buildup of fission products and transuranic isotopes
• compensate for the reactivity change caused by changing the temperature of the reactor from
the zero-power hot condition to the cold shutdown condition
• compensate for the reactivity effects caused by changing the reactor power level from full
power to zero power
• assure reactivity management during the fuelling cycle, and intermediate times during the
fuel cycle
• compensate for the effects on the power distribution and stability of the high cross-section
neutron capture of the xenon-135
• cover uncertainties associated with the control rods, including:
• manufacturing tolerances
• methods errors
• operation other than planned
• control element absorber depletion
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The nuclear design should establish the following for reactivity device configurations, including
(where applicable) control rod patterns, and reactivity worth for:
The design shall provide the reactor coolant system (RCS) and its associated components and
auxiliary systems with sufficient margin to ensure that the appropriate design limits of the reactor
coolant pressure boundary are not exceeded in operational states or DBAs.
The design shall ensure that the operation of pressure relief devices will not lead to significant
radioactive releases from the plant, even in DBAs. The RCS shall be fitted with isolation devices
to limit any loss of radioactive coolant outside containment.
The material used in the fabrication of the component parts shall be selected so as to minimize
corrosion and activation of the material.
Operating conditions in which components of the pressure boundary could exhibit brittle
behaviour shall be avoided.
The design shall take into account all conditions of the boundary material in normal operation
(including maintenance and testing), AOOs, DBAs and DECs, as well as expected end-of-life
properties affected by aging mechanisms, the rate of deterioration, and the initial state of the
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design of the moving components contained inside the reactor coolant pressure boundary,
such as pump impellers and valve parts, shall minimize the likelihood of failure and associated
consequential damage to other items of the reactor coolant system. This shall apply to operational
states and DBAs, with allowance for deterioration that may occur in service.
The design shall provide a system capable of detecting and monitoring leakage from the reactor
coolant system.
The design should have adequate provisions with regards to RCS and reactor auxiliary systems.
The design should meet design limits for the worst conditions encountered in normal operation,
AOOs and DBAs, including pressurized thermal shock and water hammer loads. The RCS and
reactor auxiliary systems should meet – or contribute to meeting – the following objectives:
• maintain sufficient reactor coolant inventory for core cooling both in and after all postulated
initiating events considered in the design basis
• remove heat from the core after a failure of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, in order to
limit fuel damage
• remove heat from the core in appropriate operational states, DBAs and DECs with the reactor
coolant pressure boundary intact
• transfer heat from other safety systems to the ultimate heat sink
The design of each reactor auxiliary system should ensure that automatic action by the system
cannot impair a safety function.
The following provides a few examples of design expectations of the RCS and reactor auxiliary
For designs that include a pressurizer, the design authority should demonstrate the adequacy of
the following:
• volume and capability to accommodate load changes, and to accommodate secondary side
transients without the need for pressure relief to the containment to the extent practicable
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• capability to withstand thermal shock, particularly in spray nozzles and connections to the
main RCS circuit
• control of pressure, such as via heaters, sprays, coolers or steam bleeding
For designs that use forced primary flow, the design authority should demonstrate the adequacy
of the following:
• primary pump performance characteristics, including head and flow characteristics, flow
coastdown rate, single and two-phase pump performance
• pump operating parameters (e.g., speed, flow, head)
• pump net positive suction head needed to avoid cavitation
• pump seal design and performance (including seal temperature limitations, if applicable)
• vibration monitoring provisions
Additional information
• IAEA, NS-G-1.9, Design of the Reactor Coolant System and Associated Systems in Nuclear
Power Plants Safety Guide, Vienna, 2004.
The design shall also facilitate surveillance in order to determine the metallurgical conditions of
materials for which metallurgical changes are anticipated.
The inventory in the RCS and its associated systems shall be sufficient to support cool down from
hot operating conditions to zero-power cold conditions without the need for transfer from any
other systems.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
If necessary for operational states and DBAs, the design shall provide means of monitoring
reactor core coolant inventory.
Means of estimating the core coolant inventory in DECs shall be provided, to the extent
The design should take into account the provision of adequate capacity, volumetric changes,
leakage, flow rate and storage volumes in the systems performing this function.
The means of removing residual heat shall meet reliability requirements on the assumptions of a
single failure and the loss of offsite power, by incorporating suitable redundancy, diversity, and
independence. Interconnections and isolation capabilities shall have a degree of reliability that is
commensurate with system design requirements.
Heat removal shall be at a rate that prevents the specified design limits of the fuel and the reactor
coolant pressure boundary from being exceeded.
If a residual heat removal system is required when the RCS is hot and pressurized, the design
shall ensure that it can be initiated at the normal operating conditions of the RCS.
The main steam isolation valves (MSIVs) shall be installed in each of the steam lines leading to
the turbine, and located as close as practicable to the containment structure.
Where MSIVs are credited with preventing steam flow into containment, they shall be capable of
closing under the conditions for which they are credited.
Where MSIVs provide a containment barrier, they shall meet the containment requirements that
apply to those conditions for which they are credited.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Steam lines up to and including the first isolation valve and, where applicable, steam generators
shall be qualified to withstand a DBE.
The auxiliary feedwater, steam generator pressure control, and other auxiliary systems, shall
prevent the escalation of AOOs to DBAs or DECs.
The design shall be such as to minimize the potential for any missiles from a turbine break-up
striking the containment, or striking other SSCs important to safety.
• a turbine control and over-speed protection system should control turbine action under all
normal or abnormal operating conditions, and should ensure that a full load turbine trip will
not cause the turbine to over-speed beyond acceptable limits
• the over-speed protection system should meet the single-failure criterion, and should be
testable when the turbine is in operation
• the turbine main steam stop and control valves, and the reheat steam stop and intercept valves
should protect the turbine from exceeding set speeds, and should protect the reactor system
from abnormal surges
• the turbine generator set should have the capability to permit periodic testing of components
important to safety while the unit is operating at rated load
• an in-service inspection and testing program for main steam and reheat valves should be
• the arrangement of connection joints between the low-pressure turbine exhaust and the main
condenser should prevent adverse effects on any safety-related equipment in the turbine room
in the event of a rupture (it is preferable not to locate safety-related equipment in the turbine
• the design should consider the potential impacts of any missiles which may result from a
turbine break-up striking the SSCs important to safety; the selection of the axes orientation of
the turbine generator should minimize such potential
Additional information
• U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, Chapter 10, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition – Steam and Power Conversion
System, Washington, D.C., 2007.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design shall provide means of reactor shutdown capable of reducing reactor power to a low
value, and maintaining that power for the required duration, when the reactor power control
system and the inherent characteristics are insufficient or incapable of maintaining reactor power
within the requirements of the OLCs.
The design shall include two separate, independent, and diverse means of shutting down the
At least one means of shutdown shall be independently capable of quickly rendering the nuclear
reactor subcritical from normal operation in AOOs and DBAs, by an adequate margin, on the
assumption of a single failure. For this means of shutdown, a transient recriticality may be
permitted in exceptional circumstances if the specified fuel and component limits are not
At least one means of shutdown shall be independently capable of rendering the reactor
subcritical from normal operation, in AOOs and DBAs, and maintaining the reactor subcritical by
an adequate margin and with high reliability, for even the most reactive conditions of the core.
Means shall be provided to ensure that there is a capability to shut down the reactor in DECs, and
to maintain the reactor subcritical even for the most limiting conditions of the reactor core,
including severe degradation of the reactor core.
Redundancy shall be provided in the fast-acting means of shutdown if, in the event that the
credited means of reactivity control fails during any AOO or DBA, inherent core characteristics
are unable to maintain the reactor within specified limits.
While resetting the means of shutdown, the maximum amount of positive reactivity and the
maximum rate of reactivity increase shall be within the capacity of the reactor control system.
The effectiveness of the means of shutdown (i.e., speed of action and shutdown margin) shall be
such that specified limits are not exceeded, and the possibility of recriticality or reactivity
excursion following a PIE is minimized.
For the two means of shutting down the reactor to be independent of each other, they do not share
components. If both means act inside the core and complete separation is not possible, adequate
separation of ex-core components should be demonstrated.
The design uses diverse methods for all aspects of the shutdown means such as:
• the insertion of solid control rods and injection of a solution of neutron absorbing material are
the diverse methods normally used in water-cooled reactors
• diverse methods should be considered in the design of sensors, logic and actuation of the
shutdown means
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
As stated in this regulatory document, “redundancy shall be provided in the fast-acting means of
shutdown” unless the safety analysis demonstrates that, for any AOO or DBA coincident with
failure of a single fast-acting means of shutdown, the acceptance criteria can be met. In which
case, only one fast-acting means of shutdown would be required.
For shutdown means based on injection of a neutron absorbing solution, chemistry-related issues
(such as avoiding precipitation) should be addressed.
The design authority should specify the requirements for inspection, test and maintenance,
including commissioning tests to verify the speed and depth of shutdown for each shutdown
For LWR designs, fuel rod bowing can lead to loads on control rod guide tubes which may impair
a rod-based shutdown means. The fuel design should ensure that this does not occur in
operational states and DBAs.
The most reactive conditions of the core required for the analysis normally include a core with
maximum allowable excess reactivity (for example, following batch refuelling) and the most
reactive conditions for coolant and moderator temperature and density (for example, at cold
shutdown conditions for a reactor with a negative temperature coefficient of reactivity).
For CANDU reactors, there is a possibility of an in-core loss of coolant accident (LOCA). This
poses a special challenge to reactivity control systems. In particular, hydraulic loads from an in-
core LOCA can damage shutoff rod guides, and possibly damage poison injection nozzles. If
shutdown action is required for an in-core LOCA, the design specification should identify how
many reactivity devices may be damaged by the in-core LOCA. This should be consistent with
the assumptions in the safety analysis. The results of the analysis of the extent of the damage and
supporting experiments should be provided.
The performance criteria for the speed and depth of a fast acting shutdown means should be
provided by the design authority. A shutdown means is considered to be effective if the safety
analysis acceptance criteria are met. The performance criteria for an adequate subcriticality
margin of a shutdown means should be provided by the design authority.
For LWRs, in particular pressurized water reactors (PWRs), a large LOCA can lead to significant
hydraulic loads on core internals, such as control rod guides in the upper plenum. Core barrel
distortion could lead to misalignments. If control rod insertion is credited in the safety analysis
for a large LOCA (most PWRs do not credit rod movement), the design should demonstrate that
control rod insertion will not be impeded.
For each credited means of shutdown, the design shall specify a direct trip parameter to initiate
reactor shutdown for all AOOs and DBAs in time to meet the respective derived acceptance
criteria. Where a direct trip parameter does not exist for a given credited means, there shall be
two diverse trip parameters specified for that means.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
For all AOOs and DBAs, there shall be at least two diverse trip parameters unless it can be shown
that failure to trip will not lead to unacceptable consequences.
There shall be no gap in trip coverage within the OLCs for any operating condition (such as
power, temperature), taking into account plant aging. This shall be ensured by the provision of
additional trip parameters if necessary. A different level of effectiveness may be acceptable for
the additional trip parameters.
The extent of trip coverage provided by all available parameters shall be documented for the
entire spectrum of failures for each set of PIEs.
An assessment of the accuracy and the potential failure modes of the trip parameters shall be
provided in the design documentation.
The effectiveness of trip parameters should be assessed through safety analysis performed in
accordance with REGDOC-2.4.1, Deterministic Safety Analysis.
Trip coverage should be demonstrated across the full range of operating states, for all credited
shutdown means and all credited trip parameters. Note that the number of credited shutdown
means and the number of credited trip parameters can vary with the event, the reactor design, and
whether there is a direct trip available.
Defining derived acceptance criteria appropriate to a particular design is the responsibility of the
design authority. CNSC REGDOC-2.4.1, Deterministic Safety Analysis, provides the
Derived acceptance criteria should be defined separately for AOOs and DBAs. The derived
acceptance criteria should be set to give an appropriate level of confidence that a fundamental
safety function is assured, or that a barrier to fission product release will not fail. The derived
acceptance criteria should:
Direct trips are the preferred means of actuating a shutdown means, due to their robustness and
low dependence on calculational models.
Diverse trip parameters measure different physical variables on the reactor, thus providing
additional protection against common mode failure. Where it is impracticable to provide full
diversity of trip parameters, different measurement locations, different instrument types and
different processing computers should be provided. Manual trip is considered an acceptable trip
parameter, if the operator has adequate time to initiate the shutdown action following
unambiguous indication of the need to perform the action (in accordance with section 8.10.4).
It is the responsibility of the design authority to identify and justify those trip parameters that can
be considered “direct”. The design authority should also demonstrate that any trip parameters that
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
are a measure of the event, but not a measure of the challenge to acceptance criteria, cannot be
“masked” or “blinded” by control system action or other means.
Trips that are dependent on a number of measured variables, such as low DNBR (departure from
nucleate boiling ratio) trips in PWRs can only be considered direct if all the variables are direct.
Guidance on applying the requirements for number and diversity of trip parameters is given in
REGDOC-2.4.1, Deterministic Safety Analysis.
REGDOC-2.4.1 also provides the minimum expectations for the number of trip parameters.
A manual reactor trip can be considered to be equivalent to a trip parameter, if the requirements
for crediting operator action from the main control room are met (see section 8.10.4) and the
reliability of manual shutdown meets the reliability requirements for an automatic trip.
8.4.2 Reliability
The design shall permit ongoing demonstration that each means of shutdown is being operated
and maintained in a manner that ensures continued adherence to reliability and effectiveness
Periodic testing of the systems and their components shall be scheduled at a frequency
commensurate with applicable requirements.
The reliability calculation should include sensing the need for shutdown, initiation of shutdown,
and insertion of negative reactivity. All elements necessary to complete the shutdown function
should be included.
The reliability of the shutdown function should be such that the cumulative frequency of failure
to shutdown on demand is less than 10-5 failures per demand, and the contribution of
all sequences involving failure to shutdown to the large release frequency of the safety goals is
less than 10-7/yr. This considers the likelihood of the initiating event and recognizes that the two
shutdown means may not be completely independent.
Section 7.6.2 requires that the shutdown function be delivered even in the presence of any single
failure and even during the worst configuration from testing and maintenance. For example, for a
rod based system to meet the SFC, the safety analysis may assume that the two highest worth
control rods are unavailable (one for testing, and one assumed to fail on demand, in accordance
with the SFC). In this case, no further testing of rods would be allowed until the rod under testing
becomes available.
The means for manual actuation and for monitoring shutdown status shall be provided in the main
control room and secondary control room.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
All water-cooled nuclear power reactors shall be equipped with an emergency core cooling
system (ECCS). The function of this safety system is to transfer heat from the reactor core
following a loss of reactor coolant that exceeds makeup capability. All equipment required for
correct operation of the ECCS shall be considered part of the system or its safety support
Systems that supply electrical power or cooling water to equipment used in the operation of the
ECCS shall be classified as safety support systems, and shall be subject to all relevant
requirements and expectations.
The design shall take into account the effect on core reactivity of the mixing of ECCS water with
reactor coolant water, including possible mixing due to in-leakage.
The ECCS shall meet the following criteria for all DBAs involving loss of coolant:
1. All fuel assemblies and components in the reactor shall be kept in a configuration such that
continued removal of the residual heat produced by the fuel can be maintained.
2. A continued cooling flow (recovery flow) shall be supplied to prevent further damage to the
fuel after adequate cooling of the fuel is re-established by the ECCS.
The ECCS recovery flow path shall be such that impediment to the recovery of coolant following
a loss of coolant accident by debris or other material is avoided.
The design shall ensure that maintenance and reliability testing can be carried out without a
reduction in the effectiveness of the system below the OLCs, if the testing is conducted when
ECCS availability is required.
In the event of an accident when injection of emergency coolant is required, it shall not be readily
possible for an operator to prevent the injection from taking place.
All ECCS components that may contain radioactive material shall be located inside containment
or in an extension of containment.
ECCS piping in an extension of containment that may contain radioactivity from the reactor core
shall be subject to the following requirements:
Intermediate or secondary cooling piping loops shall have leak detection, whether the ECCS
recovery system is inside or outside of containment, with the leak detection being such that upon
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
detection of radioactivity from the ECCS recovery flow, the loops can be isolated as per the
requirements for containment isolation.
Inadvertent operation of all or part of the ECCS shall have no detrimental effect on plant safety.
The design authority should describe any reactivity control function performed by the ECCS,
together with necessary limits and conditions. For example, PWRs often credit soluble boron in
the ECCS accumulators and storage tanks, to supplement control rod insertion for long term
reactivity control.
ECCS designs should be proven by appropriate experimental programs and computer modelling.
It should be demonstrated that there is adequate experimental evidence of ECCS effectiveness.
• mechanisms for core bypassing (e.g., downcomer bypass during blowdown in PWRs, or core
bypass via steam generators in CANDU)
• effects of non-condensable gas on ECCS performance
• phenomena that can impede core refill and rewet (such as periods of stagnation, steam
binding in PWR steam generators, parallel channel effects in CANDU)
• effect of multi-dimensional flow in heat transport system headers in CANDU
• effect of non-uniform channel flow resistance in the CANDU core (e.g., peripheral low-flow
and low-power channels having much higher flow resistance for ECCS refill)
• effect of the pressurizer
Section 8.5 requires that the ECCS is capable of removing residual heat over an extended period.
This normally involves recovering water spilled from the break, cooling it and returning it to the
reactor. It should be demonstrated that:
• the design is capable of recirculating coolant even in the presence of the maximum quantity
of debris that may be present after a LOCA
• possible chemical effects in the reactor building recovery sump have been considered, and
any chemical precipitates and other species (such as gels, colloids etc.) cannot significantly
impair ECCS recovery flow (for example, at strainers or the heat exchangers)
• recovery actions (such as transfer to hot leg injection of ECCS, or transfer to the normal
residual heat removal system) are described and shown to be achievable; long-term removal
of heat by boiling in the core could potentially lead to deposition or fouling (for example,
precipitation of boric acid crystals) impairing flow and heat transfer
• wear on bearings and seals has been considered, including abrasion by small particles and
chemical corrosion
• natural circulation flows, where credited, are capable of providing sufficient flows and cannot
be impaired by such effects as accumulation of non-condensable gas or adverse temperature
Sections 7.14 and 7.16 describe the inspection, test and maintenance requirements which should
• commissioning tests to verify flow, pressure drop and (if applicable) tank isolation after
injection for accumulators and other makeup tanks
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• commissioning tests to verify pump head, flow and system pressure drop for pumped
As stated in this regulatory document, “in the event of an accident when injection of emergency
coolant is required, it shall not be readily possible for an operator to prevent the injection from
taking place.” This can be achieved by a variety of methods to ensure that the blocking action is
intentional (such as requiring multiple actions, sequential actions, actions that are spatially
separated, or actions that have to be performed by different people).
Emergency operating procedures should prohibit blocking of ECCS injection, unless there is clear
and unambiguous indication that it is not needed (for example, if there is clear indication that
there is adequate inventory to ensure core cooling, and that the inventory is not decreasing).
Injection of a large volume of cold water may cause pressurized thermal shock to the reactor
coolant pressure boundary, or distortion of reactor internals. The design authority should
demonstrate that thermal shock has been adequately addressed in the design, in terms of
calculating transient fluid conditions at key locations, as well as resulting metal temperature and
the corresponding stresses.
Water hammer loads may be generated by operation of valves, or by condensation when cold
water is injected into steam filled systems. The design authority should demonstrate that a water
hammer assessment has been performed.
8.6 Containment
8.6.1 General
Each nuclear power reactor shall be installed within a containment structure, so as to minimize
the release of radioactive materials to the environment during operational states and DBAs.
Containment shall also assist in mitigating the consequences of DECs. In particular, the
containment and its safety features shall be able to perform their credited functions during DBAs
and DECs, including melting of the reactor core. To the extent practicable, these functions shall
be available for events more severe than DECs.
The containment shall be a safety system and may include complementary design features. Both
the containment system and the complementary design features shall be subject to the respective
design requirements provided in this regulatory document.
The design shall include a clearly defined continuous leak-tight containment envelope, the
boundaries of which are defined for all conditions that could exist in the operation or maintenance
of the reactor, or following an accident.
All piping that is part of the main or backup reactor coolant systems shall be entirely within the
main containment structure, or in an extension to the containment structure.
The containment design shall incorporate systems in order to assist in controlling internal
pressure and the release of radioactive material to the environment, following an accident.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
2. equipment required to isolate the containment envelope and maintain its completeness and
continuity following an accident
3. equipment required to reduce the pressure and temperature of the containment and reduce the
concentration of free radioactive material within the containment envelope
4. equipment required for limiting the release of radioactive material from the containment
envelope following an accident
When the containment design includes the use of compressed air or non-condensable gas systems
in response to a DBA, the autonomy of the compressed air system shall be demonstrated.
In the event of a loss of compressed air, containment isolation valves shall fail in their safe state.
The design authority shall identify where and when the containment boundary is credited for
providing shielding for people and equipment.
The design should establish acceptance criteria for inspection, testing and maintenance provisions
including, as applicable:
The effects of release of compressed air inside the containment after isolation (for example,
leakage from air-operated valves) should be considered in calculating containment pressure loads.
Additional information:
• CSA Group, N287.3, Design Requirements for Concrete Containment Structures for CANDU
Nuclear Power Plants, Toronto, Canada.
• CSA Group, N290.0/N290.3, package, General requirements for safety systems of nuclear
power plants and Requirements for the containment system of nuclear power plants, Toronto,
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
1. effects of other potential energy sources, such as possible chemical reactions and radiolytic
2. limited experience and experimental data available for defining accident phenomena and
containment responses
3. conservatism of the calculation model and input parameters
The positive and negative design pressures within each part of the containment boundary shall
include the highest and lowest pressures that could be generated in the respective parts as a result
of any DBA.
The containment structure shall protect systems and equipment important to safety in order to
preserve the safety functions of the plant.
The design shall support the maintenance of full functionality following a DBE for all the parts of
the containment system credited in the safety analysis.
The seismic design of the concrete containment structure shall have an elastic response when
subjected to seismic ground motions. The special detailing of reinforcement shall allow the
structure to possess ductility and energy-absorbing capacity, which permits inelastic deformation
without failure.
Section 8.6.12 indicates that, in addition to the specific requirements for DBAs, consideration is
given to severe accidents, so as to provide reasonable confidence that the containment will
perform as credited in DEC analysis.
For additional guidance on the design of containment structures refer to section 7.15.
8.6.4 Leakage
Leakage rate limits
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
A test acceptance leakage rate shall provide the maximum rate acceptable under actual
measurement tests. Test acceptance leakage rate limits shall be established for the entire
containment system, and for individual components that can contribute significantly to leakage.
The containment structure and the equipment and components affecting the leak tightness of the
containment system shall be designed to allow leak rate testing:
The design shall provide ready and reliable detection of any significant breach of the containment
A modern containment should be able to achieve a leakage rate less than 0.5% containment air
mass per day at the maximum containment pressure from any DBA. For example, modern
designs achieve a maximum leakage rate of 0.1% to 0.5% containment air mass per day at design
The safety leakage rate limit is the maximum leakage rate that will allow the dose acceptance
criteria to be met for any AOO or DBA; the containment should be designed with a much lower
leakage. Testing for compliance throughout the reactor life ensures that the design leakage rate is
not exceeded.
Additional information
• CSA Group, N287.7, In-service Examination and Testing Requirements for Concrete
Containment Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants, Toronto, Canada.
• CSA Group, N287.6, Pre-operational proof and leakage rate testing requirements for
concrete containment structures for nuclear power plants, Toronto, Canada.
All containment penetrations shall be subject to the same design requirements as the containment
structure itself, and shall be protected from reaction forces stemming from pipe movement or
accidental loads, such as those due to missiles generated by external or internal events, jet impact,
and pipe whip.
All penetrations shall be designed to allow for periodic inspection and testing.
If resilient seals such as elastomeric seals, electrical cable penetrations, or expansion bellows are
used with penetrations, they shall have the capacity for leak testing at the containment design
pressure. To demonstrate continued integrity over the lifetime of the plant, this capacity shall
support testing that is independent of determining the leak rate of the containment as a whole.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Keeping the number of penetrations through the containment to a minimum should consider the
need for separation and redundancy, and be consistent with modern designs.
Automatic isolation valves shall be positioned to provide the greatest safety upon loss of
actuating power.
Piping systems that penetrate the containment system shall have isolation devices with
redundancy, reliability, and performance capabilities that reflect the importance of isolating the
various types of piping systems. Alternative types of isolation may be used where justification is
Where manual isolation valves are used, they shall be readily accessible and have locking or
continuous monitoring capability.
Each auxiliary line that is connected to the reactor coolant pressure boundary, and that penetrates
the containment structure, shall include two isolation valves in series. The valves shall be
normally arranged with one inside and one outside the containment structure.
Where the valves provide isolation of the heat transport system during normal operation, both
valves shall be normally in the closed position.
Systems directly connected to the reactor coolant system that may be open during normal
operation shall be subject to the same isolation requirements as the normally closed system, with
the exception that manual isolating valves inside the containment structure will not be used. At
least one of the two isolation valves shall be either automatic or powered, and operable from the
main and secondary control rooms.
For any piping outside of containment that could contain radioactivity from the reactor core, the
following requirements shall apply:
1. The design parameters shall be the same as those for a piping extension to containment, and
are subject to the requirements for metal penetrations of containment.
2. All piping and components that are open to the containment atmosphere shall be designed for
a pressure greater than the containment design pressure.
3. The piping and components shall be housed in a confinement structure that prevents leakage
of radioactivity to the environment and to adjacent structures.
4. This housing shall include detection capability for leakage of radioactivity and shall include
the capability to deal safely with the leakage.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Each line that connects directly to the containment atmosphere, that penetrates the containment
structure and is not part of a closed system, shall be provided with two isolation barriers that meet
the following requirements:
1. two automatic isolation valves in series for lines that may be open to the containment
2. two closed isolation valves in series for lines that are normally closed to the containment
3. the line up to and including the second valve is part of the containment envelope
Closed systems
All closed piping service systems shall have at least one single isolation valve on each line
penetrating the containment, with the valve being located outside of, but as close as practicable
to, the containment structure.
Where failure of a closed loop is assumed to be a PIE or the result of a PIE, the isolations
appropriate to the system shall apply.
Closed piping service systems whether inside or outside the containment structure which form
part of the containment envelope, require no further isolation if:
Where provision is made for entry of personnel for surveillance or maintenance purposes during
normal operation, the design shall specify provisions for personnel safety, including emergency
egress. This requirement shall also apply to equipment air locks.
Containment openings for the movement of equipment or material through the containment
should be designed to be closed quickly and reliably, in the event that isolation of the
containment is required.
The need for access by personnel to the containment should be minimized. Following an accident,
access to the containment for the purpose of ensuring the safety of the facility (for either short or
long term) should not be necessary.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
pressure differentials which may cause damage to load-bearing and safety systems during AOOs,
DBAs and DECs.
The design of internal structures shall consider the hydrogen control strategy, and assist in the
effectiveness of that strategy.
Acceptable methods should be used to calculate pressure differentials and demonstrate that there
will be no loss of safety function to load-bearing structures and safety systems during AOOs,
DBAs and DECs (including consideration of hydrogen). In particular, the analyses of a large
LOCA, main steamline break and DBE are expected to lead to challenging conditions. Analysis
assumptions should ensure that they are conservative with respect to containment pressure,
compartment differential pressure and hydrogen distribution, as well as the safety functions of
The internal structures should provide adequate return flow paths for coolant (e.g., from a
postulated pipe break to the containment sump) if credited in the safety analysis. The possibility
of obstruction of the flow paths by debris should be considered.
For additional guidance on the design of internal structures refer to section 7.15.
Additional information
• CSA Group, N291, Requirements for Safety-Related Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power
Plants, Toronto, Canada.
The means of providing systems to remove heat and reduce pressure in the containment can vary
widely between designs and may employ systems such as:
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Pressure and energy management equipment credited in DBAs is treated as part of the
containment system. For example, if credited, fan motors should be designed for operation in
post-accident combustible gas conditions.
For DECs, all heat sources should be considered, including combustion of gases, metal-water
reactions and the formation of solid solutions (including eutectics). The design should ensure that
the heat removal capacity is consistent with analysis of containment conditions.
Air systems (such as instrument air and breathing air) should be reliably isolated after a
postulated initiating event that requires containment isolation, in order to prevent containment
over-pressurization and to reduce combustion and explosion effects.
1. reduce the amount of fission products that might be released to the environment during an
2. prevent deflagration or detonation that could jeopardize the integrity or leak tightness of the
1. provide isolation of all sources of compressed air and other non-condensable gases into the
containment atmosphere following an accident
2. ensure that, in the case of ingress of non-condensable gas resulting from a PIE, containment
pressure will not exceed the design limit
3. provide isolation of compressed air sources to prevent any bypass of containment
Coverings and coatings shall also be selected considering the need for their removal and
replacement to permit access to components for maintenance and inspection.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design authority should demonstrate that there is confidence that interference with safety
functions and other safety systems by coverings, coatings, and materials is minimized. Examples
• insulation materials, corrosion products, delaminated paints and coatings that may foul ECC
recovery flow paths or prevent operation of equipment
• use of rubberized sealing materials that could melt or otherwise fail, and lead either to
additional containment leakage or failure of a safety-related component or system
• materials that may react under post-accident conditions to generate combustible, corrosive or
poisonous gases
Where large structures in containment are credited as heat sinks in computing post-accident
pressure and temperature in containment, calculations should use consistent information about
coating materials and their thermal properties.
The ability of the containment system to withstand loads associated with design extension
conditions (DECs) shall be demonstrated in design documentation, and shall include the
following considerations:
1. various heat sources, including residual heat, metal-water reactions, combustion of gases, and
standing flames
2. pressure control
3. control of combustible gases
4. sources of non-condensable gases
5. control of radioactive material leakage
6. effectiveness of isolation devices
7. functionality and leak tightness of airlocks and containment penetrations
8. effects of the accident on the integrity and functionality of internal structures
The design authority shall demonstrate that complementary design features have been
incorporated that will:
1. prevent a containment melt-through or failure due to the thermal impact of the core debris
2. facilitate cooling of the core debris
3. minimize generation of non-condensable gases and radioactive products
4. preclude unfiltered and uncontrolled release from containment
Provisions for DECs vary greatly between designs. The claimed functionality and analysis should
be supported by adequate evidence.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The containment leakage rate in DECs with core damage should not exceed the design leakage
rate for a sufficient period to allow for the implementation of offsite emergency measures. This
period should be demonstrated, with reasonable confidence, to be at least 24 hours.
The design should minimize generation of combustible, non-condensable gases from corium-
concrete interaction.
Containment venting design should take into account such factors as:
Experimental or analytical evidence should be provided to demonstrate that venting will not lead
to unfiltered and uncontrolled releases of radioactive materials into the environment.
The design shall include systems for transferring residual heat from SSCs important to safety to
an ultimate heat sink. This overall function shall be subject to very high levels of reliability
during operational states, DBAs and DECs. All systems that contribute to the transport of heat by
conveying heat, providing power, or supplying fluids to the heat transport systems, shall be
therefore designed in accordance with the importance of their contribution to the function of heat
transfer as a whole.
Natural phenomena and human induced events shall be taken into account in the design of heat
transfer systems, and in the choice of diversity and redundancy, both in the ultimate heat sinks
and in the storage systems from which fluids for heat transfer are supplied.
The design shall extend the capability to transfer residual heat from the core to an ultimate heat
sink so that, in the event of a severe accident considered as a DEC:
1. acceptable conditions can be maintained in SSCs needed for mitigation of severe accidents
2. radioactive materials can be confined
3. releases to the environment can be limited
The safety significance and reliability requirements of the heat transfer to an ultimate heat sink
should be addressed with respect to any claims made in the safety case for their availability to
provide cooling for operational states, DBAs and DECs.
The design shall include an emergency heat removal system (EHRS) which provides for removal
of residual heat in order to meet fuel design limits and reactor coolant boundary condition limits.
If the design of the plant is such that the EHRS is required to mitigate the consequences of a
DBA, then the EHRS shall be designed as a safety system. There shall be reasonable confidence
that the EHRS will function during DECs, if required.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Correct operation of the EHRS equipment following an accident shall not be dependent on power
supplies from the electrical grid or from the turbine generators associated with any reactor unit
that is located on the same site as the reactor involved in the accident.
Where water is required for the EHRS, it shall come from a source that is independent of normal
The design shall support maintenance and reliability testing without a reduction in system
effectiveness below what is required by the OLCs.
As far as practicable, inadvertent operation of the EHRS, or of part of the EHRS, shall not have a
detrimental effect on plant safety.
If the fire water supply or system components are interconnected to the EHRS, operation of one
shall not impair operation of the other.
The emergency heat removal system is to provide a path to ultimate heat sink, in the case that
normal heat removal capabilities are not available. The purpose of this system is to prevent events
from escalating and to mitigate their consequences.
Emergency heat removal relates to post-accident heat removal and may be provided by a number
of systems, depending on circumstances:
For all means of emergency heat removal, the design should be such that all equipment is
appropriately designed to function in the class of accidents for which it is credited.
If the system credited has another role in normal operation, then the design should be such that
the system will meet the requirements of a safety system when used in DBAs or DECs. The
design basis requirements for the system in this role should be provided.
Many of the actions associated with operation of the systems credited for emergency heat
removal may not be initiated automatically. When there is reliance on manual operation, the
review of human factors considerations should have very high importance.
Primary side emergency heat removal could be through normal shutdown cooling means. The
design should be such that:
• a means of depressurizing the primary system is provided and the means of depressurization
meets the requirements of a safety system, or
• the shutdown cooling system is capable of being operated at full primary pressure and
Passive or non-passive (e.g., natural circulation or pumped) heat removal may be used. Non-
passive systems require emergency power. Natural circulation systems should demonstrate the
capability over the full range of applicable operating conditions.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Secondary side emergency heat removal that relies on water being provided to the secondary side
of steam generators may be provided by a separate pumped supply or by a secondary
depressurization and gravity feed. The water supply should meet the requirements of a safety
The design shall specify the required functions and performance characteristics of each electrical
power system that provides normal, standby, emergency and alternate power supplies to ensure:
1. sufficient capacity to support the safety functions of the connected loads in operational states,
DBAs and DECs
2. availability and reliability is commensurate with the safety significance of the connected
The requirements of both the standby and emergency power systems may be met by a single
Electrical power systems shall be designed to include the various modes of interaction between
offsite power and onsite power. In addition, design provisions shall be established for coping with
grid disturbances including conditions caused by solar flare (coronal mass ejection) events.
1. environmental and electromagnetic conditions to which electrical equipment and cables may
be subjected
2. limits on electromagnetic emissions conducted or radiated from electrical equipment
The electrical power systems shall include appropriate protection, control, monitoring and testing
A systematic approach should be followed to identify the electrical power systems needed in
order to ensure that SSCs necessary to fulfill the safety functions are powered from electrical
power supplies with appropriate safety classification and reliability.
The design bases, design criteria, regulatory documents, standards, and other documents that will
be used to design the electrical power systems should be specified.
For each of the electrical power systems, the design bases include:
• consideration of all modes of operation, plant states up to DECs and all credible events that
could impact the electrical power systems
• reliability and availability targets for systems and key equipment
• capacity and performance requirements
• identification of all loads (i.e., the systems and equipment that require electric power to
perform their safety functions) including electrical characteristics, maximum demand
conditions, and safety classification
• protective schemes and coordination of protection
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• specification of acceptable ranges of voltage and frequency for continuous operation of the
connected loads for each electrical power system
• identification of acceptable ranges for onsite and offsite transient disturbance events that
could impact electrical power systems
The design should specify the requirements for the preferred power supply (PPS) (i.e., the normal
alternating current (AC) power supplies for plant electrical systems important to safety) and the
plant interface with the transmission grid to reduce the potential for loss of normal AC power
Transmission system studies should be undertaken for reasonably expected grid system
conditions and disturbances to demonstrate that normal AC power supplies will not be degraded
to a level that causes unnecessary challenges to safety systems, standby and emergency power
supply systems. Performance criteria should be established for:
• unit generator performance during defined frequency and voltage excursions to ensure that
generators remain connected to the electrical grid
• lightning and surge protection design provisions to protect the plant electrical distribution
systems against transient over-voltage conditions such as switching and lightning surges
The normal AC electrical power systems should have the capacity and capability to supply all
plant electrical loads during operational states, DBAs and DECs.
Electrical power supply from the offsite power system to the onsite power system should be
supplied by a minimum of two physically independent transmission lines designed and located in
order to minimize the likelihood of their simultaneous failure. The safety analysis should provide
information concerning offsite power circuits coming from the transmission system to the plant
switchyard. A switchyard common to both circuits is acceptable, but separate transmission line
towers should be used. For some reactor designs, it might be sufficient to have only one offsite
power connection, although this should be justified.
Each of the plant’s offsite transmission lines should have the capacity and capability to supply
power to all plant electrical loads under all plant states.
A minimum of one offsite transmission line and associated PPS should be designed to be
automatically available to provide power to its associated safety divisions within a few seconds
following an AOO or a DBA.
A second PPS circuit should be designed to be available within a period of time commensurate
with the requirement to support plant safety functions during AOOs and DBAs.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
For plants designed for house load operation, the normal AC power system should be designed to
accommodate generator voltage and frequency transients associated with transferring from
normal operation to the house load operating mode.
Additional information
• CSA Group, N290.5, Requirements for electrical power and instrument air systems of
CANDU nuclear power plants, Toronto, Canada (note: CSA N290.5 is a CANDU specific
document which particularly addresses the two group design philosophy).
• IAEA, NS-G-1.8, Design of Emergency Power Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna,
• IEEE, 1050, Guide for Instrumentation and Control Equipment Grounding in Generating
Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey 1996.
• IEEE, C62.23, IEEE Application Guide for Surge Protection of Electric Generating Plants,
Piscataway, New Jersey, 1995.
• IEEE, 141, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial
Plants, Piscataway, New Jersey, 1993.
• IEEE, 242, IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2001.
• IEEE, 308, IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2001.
• IEEE, 387, IEEE Standard Criteria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power
Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 1995.
• IEEE, 279, IEEE Standard: Criteria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating
Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 1971.
• IEEE, 665, IEEE Standard for Generating Station Grounding, Piscataway, New Jersey,
reaffirmed 2001.
1. maintain the plant in a safe shutdown state and ensure nuclear safety in DBAs and DECs
2. support severe accident management actions
Dedicated onsite fuel storage facilities shall have a sufficient quantity of fuel to operate standby
and emergency power sources while supplying connected loads.
The PPS to the electrical power systems shall be from offsite power or the main generator.
1. identify all events for which actuation of standby and emergency power sources are required
2. specify the required start-up time and safety load energization times for standby and
emergency power sources such that they are available in a time commensurate with the safety
function of the connected loads
3. specify conditions for electrical protection to trip standby and emergency power sources to
protect equipment from significant failure
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design of the emergency power system shall take into account common-cause failures
involving loss of normal power supply, and standby power supply (if applicable). The emergency
power system shall be electrically independent, physically separate and diverse from normal
power supply, and standby power system (if applicable).
Standby and emergency power sources should consist of complete electrical generating units
including all support auxiliaries, a stored energy supply for starting and a dedicated and
independent fuel supply system with onsite storage.
The stored energy supply for starting standby or emergency power sources should have sufficient
stored energy for five consecutive start attempts.
The design shall include provisions for periodic testing for DC power and uninterruptible AC
power supplies to confirm their capability.
DC power systems
Redundant load groups should each have a DC power supply division consisting of one or more
batteries, one or more battery chargers, distribution system, protection and isolation features.
Each DC power supply division should be independent and physically separate from other DC
Battery chargers should be designed to prevent transients on the AC supply from affecting the
functioning of the DC system, and from DC transients affecting the AC supply.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The electrical characteristics and requirements of the connected loads should be considered in the
design so that interactions with the uninterruptible AC power system do not degrade the safety
support functions of the loads supplied.
The alternate AC power source shall be available and located at or nearby the NPP, and shall:
1. be connectable to but not normally connected to the offsite or onsite standby and emergency
AC power systems
2. have minimum potential for common mode failure with offsite power or the onsite standby
and emergency AC power sources
3. be available in a timely manner after the onset of a station blackout
4. have sufficient capacity and reliability for operation of all systems required for coping with
station blackout and for the time required to bring and maintain the plant in a safe shutdown
The design shall include provision for periodic capacity testing of the alternate power supply to
confirm its capability to cope with a station blackout event.
The plant’s capability to maintain critical parameters (reactor coolant inventory, containment
temperature and pressure, room temperatures where critical equipment is located) and to remove
decay heat from irradiated fuel should be analyzed for the period that the plant is in a station
blackout (SBO) condition.
The capability of the DC systems required to monitor critical parameters and power the lighting
and communication systems during an SBO should be evaluated for adequacy.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design shall identify events both internal and external to the MCR that may pose a direct
threat to its continued operation, and shall provide practicable measures to minimize the effects of
these events.
The safety functions that can be initiated by automatic control logic in response to an accident
shall be capable of being initiated manually from the MCR.
The layout of the controls and instrumentation, and the mode and format used to present
information, shall provide operating personnel with an adequate overall picture of the status and
performance of the plant and provide the necessary information to support operator actions.
The design of the MCR shall be such that appropriate lighting levels and thermal environment are
maintained, and noise levels shall be minimized in accordance with applicable standards and
The design of the MCR shall take ergonomic factors into account to provide both physical and
visual accessibility to controls and displays, without adverse impact on health and comfort. This
includes hardwired display panels as well as computerized displays, with the aim of making these
displays as user-friendly as possible.
Cabling for the I&C equipment in the MCR shall be arranged such that a fire in the secondary
control room (SCR) cannot disable the equipment in the MCR.
The design shall provide visual and, if appropriate, audible indications of plant conditions and
processes that have deviated from normal operation and that could affect safety.
The design shall also allow for the display of information needed to monitor the effects of the
automatic actions of all control, safety, and safety support system.
The MCR shall be provided with secure communication channels to the emergency support
facilities and to offsite emergency response organizations, and to allow for extended operating
There should be sufficient displays in the MCR to monitor all safety functions.
The design should prevent unsafe manual operations (e.g., by using a logic interlocking,
depending on the plant status).
Where safety and non-safety system are brought into close proximity, the design should keep
adequate functional isolation and physical separation.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Appropriate measures are taken, including the provision of barriers between the control rooms
and the external environment, and adequate information is provided for the protection of
occupants of the control room against hazards such as high radiation levels resulting from DBAs
or DECs, release of radioactive material, fire, or explosive or toxic gases.
The manual initiation of safety functions provides a form of defence in depth for abnormal
conditions (including the common-cause failure of the automatic control and protection systems)
and supports long-term post-accident operation. Manual actuation should be provided to both
system and component levels, where appropriate.
The display and manual controls for critical safety functions initiated by operator action should be
diverse from computerized automatic safety systems.
Habitability assessments should be conducted for all control facilities. The minimum duration of
habitability should be sufficient to fulfill the required safety function in each facility. Criteria for
control room habitability should be established.
1. display safety-critical parameters within the full range expected in operational states, DBAs
and DECs
2. track data trends
3. indicate when process or safety limits are being approached or exceeded
4. display the status of safety systems
The SPDS shall be designed and installed such that the same information is made available in a
secure manner to the emergency response facility.
The SPDS shall be integrated and harmonized with the overall control room human-system
interface design.
The primary function of the SPDS is to serve as an operator aid in the rapid detection of abnormal
conditions, by providing a display of plant parameters from which the safety status of operation
may be assessed in the control room. The display system may include other functions that aid
operating personnel in evaluating plant status. The design of the display system should be flexible
to allow for future incorporation of advanced diagnostic concepts and evaluation techniques.
The SPDS should display a minimum set of plant parameters or derived variables from which the
safety status of the plant can be assessed. These parameters and variables relate to functions such
• reactivity control
• reactor core and irradiated fuel cooling
• heat removal from primary system
• reactor coolant system integrity
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• radioactivity control
• containment integrity
The display of abnormal operating conditions significant to safety should be distinctly different in
appearance from the display depicting normal operating conditions.
The information displayed by the SPDS display should be presented in ways that are easy for the
operators to read and understand.
The display should be designed to improve the operator’s recognition, comprehension, and
detection of abnormal operating states.
The design shall identify all events that may pose a direct threat to the continued operation of the
MCR and the SCR. The design of the MCR and the SCR shall be such that no event can
simultaneously affect both control rooms to the extent that the essential safety functions cannot be
For any PIE, at least one control room shall be habitable and accessible by means of a qualified
Instrumentation, control equipment, and displays shall be available in the SCR, so that the
essential safety functions can be performed, essential plant variables can be monitored, and
operator actions are supported.
Safety functions initiated by automatic control logic in response to an accident shall also be
capable of being initiated manually from the SCR.
The design of the SCR shall ensure that appropriate lighting levels and thermal environment are
maintained, and noise levels align with applicable standards and codes.
Ergonomic factors shall apply to the design of the SCR to ensure physical and visual accessibility
to controls and displays, without adverse impact on health and comfort. These shall include
hardwired display panels as well as computerized displays that are as user-friendly as possible.
Cabling for the I&C equipment in the SCR shall be such that a fire in the MCR cannot disable the
equipment in the SCR.
The SCR shall be equipped with an SPDS similar to that in the MCR. As a minimum, this display
system shall provide the information required to facilitate placing and keeping the plant in a safe
shutdown state when the MCR is uninhabitable.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The SCR shall be provided with secure communication channels to the emergency response
facility and to offsite emergency response organizations.
Sufficient controls, indications, alarms and displays should be provided in the SCR to bring the
plant to a safe state, to provide assurance that a safe state has been reached and maintained, and to
provide operators with information on the status of the plant and the trends in key plant
Suitable provisions outside the MCR should be made for transferring control to the SCR
whenever the MCR is abandoned.
There should be adequate routes through which, under emergency conditions, the operation staff
from one control room can safely leave and reach another control room.
Refer to section 8.10.1 for other applicable design guidance and expectations.
The emergency support facilities shall consist of a technical support centre (TSC) and an onsite
emergency response facility. The technical support centre and the emergency response facilitycan
be located in one place or separated.
The emergency support facilities shall provide equipment, facilities, and communication means
for trained staff to manage, control and coordinate any emergency response as well as to provide
technical support to operations, emergency response organizations, and severe accident
management evaluation.
The emergency support facilities design shall ensure that appropriate lighting levels and thermal
environment are maintained, and that noise levels are minimized in accordance with applicable
standards and codes.
The emergency support facilities shall include secure means of communication with the MCR,
SCR, and other important points in the plant, and with onsite and offsite emergency response
1. includes provisions to protect occupants over protracted periods from the hazards resulting
from DBAs and DECs
2. is equipped with adequate facilities to allow extended operating periods
The emergency response facility shall include a SPDS similar to those in the MCR and in the
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Information about the radiological conditions in the plant and its immediate surroundings, and
about meteorological conditions in the vicinity of the plant, shall be accessible from the ERF.
The design provides emergency support facilities which include a technical support center and an
onsite emergency response facility
• provide technical support and plant management to plant operation personnel during
emergency conditions
• handle peripheral duties and communication not directly related to reactor manipulations in
order to relieve the burden of reactor operators during emergency conditions
• prevent congestion in the control rooms
• perform emergency support functions until the emergency response facility is functional
To facilitate the above functions, the TSC should be located as close as possible to control rooms
with sufficient size to accommodate the technical support staff.
Equipment should be provided to gather, store, and display data needed in the TSC to analyze
plant conditions.
The TSC should have a complete and up-to-date repository of plant records and to aid the
technical analysis and evaluation of emergency conditions.
Equipment should be provided in the emergency response facility for the acquisition, display, and
evaluation of all radiological, meteorological, and plant system data pertinent to determine offsite
protective measures.
Equipment used in performing essential emergency response facility functions should be located
within the emergency response facility complex. However, supplemental calculations and
analytical support of emergency response facility evaluations may be provided from facilities
outside the emergency response facility.
The emergency response facility data system should be designed to achieve an appropriate level
of reliability.
The location of the emergency response facility should ensure optimum functional and reliability
characteristics for carrying out its specific functions.
If the TSC and emergency response facility are located in one place, then they should be
physically separate from the control rooms with adequate distance to ensure the capability of
carrying out its functions.
In the case of plants with multiple units at a site, the emergency support facilities should be
demonstrated to be adequate to respond to common-cause events in multiple units.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
1. there are clear, well-defined, validated, and readily available operating procedures that
identify the necessary actions
2. there is instrumentation in the control rooms to provide clear and unambiguous indication of
the necessity for operator action
3. following indication of the necessity for operator action inside the control rooms, there are at
least 30 minutes available before the operator action is required
4. following indication of the necessity for operator action outside the control rooms, there is a
minimum of 1 hour available before the operator action is required
For automatically initiated safety systems and control logic actions, the design shall facilitate
backup manual initiation from inside the appropriate control room.
The design should ensure that no failure of monitoring or display systems will influence the
functioning of other safety systems.
The available time before operator action can be credited should be counted from the receipt of an
unambiguous indication of a potential accident (typically an alarm) and includes diagnostic time.
The time available to perform the actions should be based on the analysis of the plant response to
AOOs and DBAs, using realistic assumptions. The time required for operator action should be
based on a human factors engineering analysis of operator response time, which (in turn) is based
on a documented sequence of operator actions. Uncertainties in the analysis of time required are
identified and assessed. An adequate time margin should also be added to the analyzed time.
If operator action is required for actuation of any safety function, other than meeting the
requirements of this regulatory document, the analysis should also demonstrate that:
• there is sufficient time available for the operator to perform the required manual action
• the operator can perform the actions correctly and reliably in the time available
The sequence of actions should use only alarms, controls, and displays that would be available in
locations where the tasks will be performed and should be available in all scenarios analysed.
An integrated system test should also be conducted, to validate the manual actions credited in the
safety analysis, using a full-scale simulator. Tasks conducted outside the control room should be
included in the integrated system validations.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Where justified, alternative action times may be used. The alternative action times should make
due allowance for the complexity of the action to be taken, and the time needed for activities such
as diagnosing the event and accessing the field location.
Additional information
• ANSI/ANS, 58.8, Time Response Design Criteria for Safety Related Operator Actions, La
Grange Park, Illinois, 2008.
• CSA Group, N290.4, Requirements for Reactor Control Systems of Nuclear Power Plants,
Toronto, Canada.
• CNSC, G-225, Emergency Planning at Class I Nuclear Facilities and Uranium Mines and
Mills, Ottawa, Canada, 2001, or successor document.
• IEC, 60964, Nuclear Power Plants - Control Rooms – Design, Geneva, 2009.
• IEC, 60965, Nuclear Power Plants - Control Rooms - Supplementary Control Points for
Reactor Shutdown Without Access to the Main Control Room, Geneva, 2009.
• NEI 99-03, Control Room Habitability Assessment Guidance, Washington, D.C., 2001.
• U.S. NRC, NUREG-0696, Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities,
Washington, D.C., 1981.
• U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.196, Control Room Habitability at Light-Water Nuclear
Power Reactors, Washington, D.C., 2003.
The design shall include provisions to treat liquid and gaseous effluents in a manner that will
keep the quantities and concentrations of discharged contaminants within prescribed limits, and
that will support application of the ALARA principle.
The design of the NPP shall minimize the generation of radioactive and hazardous waste. The
design shall also include adequate provision for the safe onsite handling and storage of
radioactive and hazardous wastes, for a period of time consistent with options for offsite
management or disposal.
Additional information
This shall include a liquid waste management system of sufficient capacity to collect, hold, mix,
pump, test, treat, and sample liquid waste before discharge, taking expected waste and accidental
spills or discharges into account.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
1. controlling all gaseous contaminants so as to conform to the ALARA principle and ensure
that concentrations remain within prescribed limits
2. collecting all potentially active gases, vapours, and airborne particulates for monitoring
3. passing all potentially active gases, vapours, and airborne particulates through pre-filters,
absolute filters, charcoal filters, or high efficiency particulate air filters where applicable
4. delaying releases of potential sources of noble gases by way of an off-gas system of sufficient
The design shall provide a ventilation system with an appropriate filtration system capable of:
Radiological zones may be established in the NPP design, according to the potential
contamination hazards in each area. The ventilation system should be designed such that any air
movement between various zones, due to pressure difference, takes place from an area of lower
contamination to an area of higher contamination. Recirculation of air within one zone or
room may be permitted.
1. control the release of gaseous contaminants and hazardous substances to the environment
2. ensure conformation to the ALARA principle
3. maintain airborne contaminants within prescribed limits
The filtration system shall reliably achieve the necessary retention factors under the expected
prevailing conditions, and shall be designed in a manner that facilitates appropriate efficiency
A gaseous waste management system is designed to collect all active or potentially active gases,
vapours, or airborne particulates that may occur, in order to monitor and filter the effluent before
it is released to the atmosphere. The filter units should be placed in a fully enclosed room with
concrete walls and floors thick enough to protect station personnel from radiation. Monitors
should be provided in the stack to detect any activity in the effluent. Gaseous activity from areas
such as the fuel storage pools, service areas and active laboratories should also be monitored and
filtered before discharge to the atmosphere.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Additional information
• CNSC, G-129, Keeping Radiation Exposures and Doses “As Low as Reasonably Achievable
(ALARA)”, Ottawa, Canada, 2004.
• CSA Group, N292.3, Management of Low-and Intermediate-level Radioactive Waste,
Toronto, Canada.
• IAEA, Safety Standards Series GS-G-3.3, The Management System for the Processing,
Handling and Storage of Radioactive Waste Safety Guide, Vienna, 2008.
There shall be barriers to prevent the insertion of incorrect, defective or damaged fuel into the
There shall be provisions to prevent contamination of the fuel and the reactor.
The design shall meet the requirements found in CNSC RD-327, Nuclear Criticality Safety.
The design should provide the basis for the fuel handling and storage systems. The design should
include provisions for monitoring and alarming, for criticality prevention, and for shielding,
handling, storage, cooling, transfer and transport of nuclear fuel.
Considerations such as packaging, fuel accounting systems, storage, criticality prevention, fuel
integrity control, foreign material exclusion procedures and fuel security, should be taken into
account in the design.
The requirements for criticality safety requirements are provided in CNSC RD-327, Nuclear
Criticality Safety. Comprehensive guidance on criticality safety and complete technical reference
is provided in CNSC GD-327, Guidance on Nuclear Criticality Safety.
The design should include provisions to prevent contamination of the fuel by foreign materials
(greases, tramp uranium etc.) and prevent the spread of contamination into the reactor.
Additional information
• ANSI/ANS, 57.1, American National Standard Design Requirements for Light Water
Reactor Fuel Handling Systems (as applicable), La Grange Park, Illinois, 1992.
• IAEA, NS-G-2.5, Core Management and Fuel Handling for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna,
• IAEA, NS-G-1.4, Design of Fuel Handling and Storage Systems for Nuclear Power Plants,
Vienna, 2003.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
A design for a water pool used for fuel storage shall include provisions for:
1. controlling the chemistry and activity of any water in which irradiated fuel is handled or
2. monitoring and controlling the water level in the fuel storage pool
3. detecting leakage
4. preventing the pool from emptying in the event of a pipe break
5. sufficient space to accommodate the entire reactor core inventory at all times
The design of irradiated fuel storage pools shall include means for preventing the uncovering of
fuel in the pool in operational states, DBAs and DECs.
The design for a water pool used for fuel storage shall include provisions for DECs by:
1. ensuring that boiling in the pool does not result in structural damage
2. providing temporary connections to enable the refill of the pool using temporary supplies
3. providing temporary connections to heat removal systems for power and cooling water
4. providing hydrogen mitigation in the spent fuel pool area
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
5. ensuring that severe accident management actions related to the spent fuel pool can be carried
Hydrogen mitigation in the spent fuel pool area is particularly important if it is envisaged that the
pool may be used for fission product scrubbing as part of containment venting. Hydrogen
mitigation in the spent fuel pool area may not be necessary if draining of the pool beyond make-
up capability can be precluded.
The amount of failed fuel left in the core may impact the safety case of the design. The design
should specify the criterion for continued operation with failed fuel in the core, or to unload the
fuel assembly from the core. The design should allow for the removal of failed fuel in as timely a
manner as possible. The design should provide for the inspection and quarantine of failed fuel in
the fuel handling and storage facilities.
The design and layout of the plant shall make suitable provision to minimize exposure and
contamination from all sources. This shall include the adequate design of SSCs to:
The NPP should be divided into zones based on predicted dose rates, radioactive contamination
levels, concentration of airborne radionuclides, access requirements and specific requirements
(such as the need to separate safety trains). The criteria and rationale for radiation zone
designations – including zone boundaries for normal, refuelling and accident conditions – should
be provided. These criteria should be used as the basis for the radiation shielding design.
From a radiological protection perspective, careful assessment should be made of the access
requirements for operation, inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement and decommissioning of
equipment; these considerations should be incorporated into the design. The design should also
provide lay down space for special tools and ease for servicing activities. The design should also
have features such as platforms or walkways, stairs, or ladders that permit prompt accessibility
for servicing or inspection of components located in higher radiation zones.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The use of remote technology for maintenance and surveillance in high radiation areas should be
considered and incorporated. Preference should be given to the use of appropriate engineering
controls and design features over process or administrative controls.
Reliable equipment that requires minimum surveillance, maintenance, testing and calibration
should be chosen.
Operating experience should be reflected in the criteria and rationale provided in the design.
Additional information
• CNSC, G-129, Keeping Radiation Exposures and Doses “As Low as Reasonably Achievable
(ALARA)”, Ottawa, Canada, 2004.
• IAEA, Safety Guide RS-G-1.1, Occupational Radiation Protection, Vienna, 1999.
• IAEA, Safety Standards Series NS-G-1.13, Radiation Protection Aspects of Design for
Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2005.
To minimize radiation exposure, the plant layout shall provide for efficient operation, inspection,
maintenance, and replacement. In addition, the design shall limit the amount of activated material
and its build-up.
The design shall account for frequently occupied locations, and support the need for human
access to locations and equipment.
The design shall enable operator access for actions credited for post-accident conditions.
Shielding should be designed based on the zone delineation described in section 8.13. The
shielding design criteria (including the methodology for shield parameters and choice of shield
material) should be provided. In establishing specifications for shielding, account should be taken
of the buildup of radioactive materials over the lifetime of the NPP.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The design shall minimize the movement of radioactive materials and the spread of
contamination, and to provide appropriate decontamination facilities for personnel.
Provisions should be made for controlling the exit(s) from the radiation zones. Monitoring of
personnel and materials should be established at the access and egress points for the radiation
zones. Access to areas of high dose rates or high levels of radioactive contamination should be
controlled through the provision of lockable doors and interlocks. Routes for personnel through
radiation zones and contamination zones should be minimized in order to reduce the time spent in
transiting these zones. Radiation zones where personnel spend substantial time should be
designed to the lowest practical dose rates and ALARA.
Within the radiation zones, changing areas for personnel should be provided at selected locations
to prevent the spread of radioactive contamination during maintenance and normal operation.
Within these change areas, consideration should be given to the need for decontamination
facilities for personnel, radiation monitoring instruments and storage areas for protective clothing.
A physical barrier should clearly separate the clean area from the potentially contaminated area.
1. for monitoring the local radiation dose rate at places routinely occupied by operating
2. where the changes in radiation levels may be such that access may be limited for periods of
3. to indicate, automatically and in real-time, the general radiation level at appropriate locations
in operational states, DBAs and DECs
4. to give sufficient information in the control room or at the appropriate control location for
operational states, DBAs and DECs, to enable plant personnel to initiate corrective actions
when necessary
Monitors shall be provided for measuring the activity of radioactive substances in the
Facilities shall be provided for monitoring individual doses to and contamination of personnel.
Stationary equipment and laboratory facilities shall be provided to determine the concentration of
selected radionuclides in fluid process systems as appropriate, and in gas and liquid samples
taken from plant systems or the environment.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Stationary equipment shall be provided for monitoring the effluents prior to or during discharge
to the environment.
1. appropriate disposal of radioactive materials, either to onsite storage or through removal from
the site
2. reduction in the quantity and concentration of radioactive materials produced
3. control of dispersal within the plant
4. control of releases to the environment
5. decontamination facilities for equipment, and for handling any radioactive waste arising from
decontamination activities
6. minimization of radioactive waste generation
Additional guidance can be found in CSA N288.4, Environmental Monitoring Programs at Class
I Nuclear Facilities and Uranium Mines and Mills.
9. Safety Analysis
9.1 General
A safety analysis of the plant design shall include hazard analysis, deterministic safety analysis,
and probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) techniques. The safety analysis shall demonstrate
achievement of all levels of defence in depth, and confirm that the design is capable of meeting
the applicable expectations, dose acceptance criteria and safety goals.
Radioactive sources other than the reactor core, such as the spent fuel pool and fuel handling
systems, shall be considered. Impacts for multiple units at a site if applicable, shall be included.
The first step of the safety analysis shall be to identify PIEs using a systematic methodology, such
as failure modes and effects analysis. Both direct and indirect events shall be considered in PIE
identification. Requirements and guidance for identification of PIEs is given in section 7.4 of this
The safety analysis shall be iterative with the design process, and result in two reports: a
preliminary safety analysis report, and a final safety analysis report.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The preliminary safety analysis shall assist in the establishment of the design-basis requirements
for the items important to safety, and demonstrate whether the plant design meets applicable
The Class I Nuclear Facilities Regulations requires a preliminary safety analysis report
demonstrating the adequacy of the NPP design to be submitted in support of an application for a
licence to construct a Class I nuclear facility. A final safety analysis report demonstrating the
adequacy of the design is required for an application for a licence to operate a Class I nuclear
Hazard analysis shall collect and evaluate information about the NPP to identify the associated
hazards and determine those that are significant and must be addressed. A hazard analysis shall
demonstrate the ability of the design to effectively respond to credible common-cause events.
As discussed in section 9.1, the first step of the hazard analysis is to identify PIEs. For each
common-cause PIE, the hazard analysis shall identify:
1. the plant design incorporates sufficient diversity and separation to cope with credible
common-cause events
2. credited SSCs are qualified to survive and function during and following credible common-
cause events, as applicable
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The hazard analysis report shall include the findings of the analysis and the basis for those
findings. This report shall also:
1. include a general description of the physical characteristics of the plant that outlines the
prevention and protection systems to be provided
2. include the list of safe shutdown equipment
3. define and describe the characteristics associated with hazards for all areas that contain
hazardous materials
4. describe the performance criteria for detection systems, alarm systems, and mitigation
systems, including requirements such as seismic or environmental qualification
5. describe the control and operating room areas and the protection systems provided for these
areas, including additional facilities for maintenance and operating personnel
6. describe the operator actions and operating procedures of importance to the given analysis
7. identify the plant parameters for which the event is limiting
8. explain the inspection, testing, and maintenance parameters needed to protect system integrity
9. define the emergency planning and coordination requirements for effective mitigation,
including any necessary measures to compensate for the failure or inoperability of any active
or passive protection system or feature
The objective of the hazard analysis is to determine the adequacy of protection of the NPP against
internal and external hazards, while taking into account the plant design and site characteristics.
To ensure the availability of required safety functions and operator actions, all the SSCs
important to safety (including the main control room, secondary control room and emergency
support facilities) should be adequately protected against relevant internal and external hazards.
The hazard analysis should establish a list of relevant internal and external hazards that may
affect plant safety. For the relevant hazards, the review should demonstrate, by using
deterministic and probabilistic techniques, that the probability or consequences of the hazard are
sufficiently low so that no specific protective measures are necessary, or that the preventive and
mitigating measures against the hazard are adequate.
All internal and external hazards are considered as part of PIEs. The hazards that make an
insignificant contribution to plant risk can be screened out from the detailed analysis; however,
the rationale for this screening should be provided. The remaining PIEs constitute the scope of the
hazard analysis. The design should specify design-basis hazards, establishing clear criteria. The
design-basis hazards should be analyzed using the deterministic safety analysis rules and criteria
provided in section 9.4. Such analysis should also demonstrate the adequacy of the
complementary design features in mitigating radiological consequences of design extension
The hazard analysis should demonstrate that the design incorporates sufficient safety margins.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Additional information
• CNSC, RD-346, Site Evaluation for New Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada, 2008.
• CNSC, RD/GD-369, Licence Application Guide: Licence to Construct a Nuclear Power
Plant, Ottawa, Canada, 2011.
• CSA Group, N293, Fire protection for nuclear power plants, Toronto, Canada, 2012.
• CSA Group, N289.4, Testing procedures for seismic qualification of nuclear power plants,
Toronto, Canada.
• IAEA, NS-G-3.3, Evaluation of Seismic Hazards for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2002.
• IAEA, NS-G-1.5, External Events Excluding Earthquakes in the Design of Nuclear Power
Plants, Vienna, 2003.
• IAEA, NS-G-3.1, External Human Induced Events in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Power
Plants, Vienna, 2002.
• IAEA, NS-G-3.5, Flood Hazard for Nuclear Power Plants on Coastal and River Sites,
Vienna, 2003.
• IAEA, NS-G-3.4, Meteorological Events in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Power Plants,
Vienna, 2003.
• IAEA, SSG-18, Meteorological and Hydrological Hazards in Site Evaluation for Nuclear
Installations, Vienna, 2011.
• IAEA, NS-G-1.7, Protection Against Internal Fires and Explosions in the Design of Nuclear
Power Plants, Vienna, 2004.
• IAEA, NS-G-1.11, Protection Against Internal Hazards other than Fires and Explosions in
the Design of Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2004.
• IAEA, NS-G-1.6, Seismic Design and Qualification for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2003.
• IAEA, SSG-9, Seismic Hazards in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations, 2 Vienna, 2010.
The deterministic safety analysis shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements
specified in CNSC regulatory document REGDOC-2.4.1, Deterministic Safety Analysis.
Additional information
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The probabilistic safety assessment shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements
specified in CNSC REGDOC-2.4.2, Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Nuclear Power
Additional information
• ASME/ANS, RA-Sa-2009, Standard for Level 1/Large Early Release Frequency PRA for
Nuclear Power Plant Applications, La Grange, Illinois, 2009.
• CNSC RD/GD-369, Licence Application Guide: Licence to Construct a Nuclear Power
Plant, Ottawa, Canada, 2011.
• CNSC, REGDOC-2.4.2, Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Nuclear Power Plants,
Ottawa, Canada, 2014.
• IAEA, SSG-3, Development and Application of Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for
Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2010.
• IAEA, SSG-4, Development and Application of Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for
Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2010.
• IAEA, Safety Series No. 50-P-10, Human Reliability Analysis in Probabilistic Safety
Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 1995.
• IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 25, Review of Probabilistic Safety Assessments by
Regulatory Bodies, Vienna, 2002.
• IAEA, Safety Series No. 50-P-7, Treatment of External Hazards in Probabilistic Safety
Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 1995.
• IAEA, Safety Report Series No.10, Treatment of Internal Fires in Probabilistic Safety
Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 1998.
The design shall make adequate provision to protect the environment and to mitigate the impact
of the NPP on the environment. A review of the design shall confirm that this provision has been
A systematic approach shall be used to assess the potential biophysical environmental effects of
the NPP on the environment, and the effects of the environment on the NPP.
The design should incorporate the “best available technology and techniques economically
achievable” (BATEA) principle for aspects of the design related to environmental protection.
The design shall demonstrate through process, monitoring, control, prevention, and mitigation
measures that the releases of nuclear and hazardous substances will conform to the ALARA
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
The lifecycle assessment shall identify various sources of nuclear and hazardous substances in
design, operation, and decommissioning, along with their possible environmental impacts on
human and non-human biota.
1. resource requirements for the NPP such as fuel, energy, and water
2. depletion of ground and surface water resources
3. contamination of air, soil and water resources
4. nuclear and hazardous substances used
5. types of waste generated – gaseous, liquid and solid
6. quantities of waste generated
7. impact of cooling water intake on entrainment and impingement
8. impact of water output on the thermal regime of the receiving environment
Technological options shall be considered in establishing design objectives for controlling and
monitoring releases during start-up, normal operation, shutdown, and potential abnormal and
emergency situations. Appropriate limits shall be included in the plant OLCs.
Pollution prevention principles shall be applied when considering the technological design
options for cooling water systems, in order to minimize adverse environmental impact.
The design authority should demonstrate adherence to the principles of optimization and pollution
prevention, through the demonstration of the application of the ALARA and BATEA principles.
The lifecycle assessment referenced in this regulatory document should include an initial estimate
of the total inventory of all radioactive and hazardous materials which will be used or generated
during the plant’s lifetime. All systems at the reactor site should be accounted for, and
consideration given to substances such as hydrazine, carbon dioxide, chloro-fluoro-carbons,
volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, total organic carbon, dust or suspended solids,
detergent, solvents, heavy metals (e.g., copper), chlorine, phosphorous, ammonia and ammonium,
morpholine, oil, or grease. The nature of such substances (solid, liquid, gas, pH, and temperature),
their management and the wastes created should be accounted for.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
• process changes
• technological advances or changes in scientific knowledge and understanding
• cost of achieving the environmental benefits or reducing the environmental impacts
• socioeconomic factors
• time limits for installation of new and existing plants
• other environmental impacts (including energy requirements)
• other such factors as deemed appropriate by the regulator
The selected condenser cooling technology should incorporate the latest in mitigation technology
and techniques.
Additional information
The requirements in this regulatory document are intended to be technology neutral for water-
cooled reactor designs. It is recognized that specific technologies may use alternative approaches.
The CNSC will consider alternative approaches to the requirements in this document where:
Any alternative approach shall demonstrate equivalence to the outcomes associated with the use
of the requirements set out in this regulatory document.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
This appendix provides further detailed guidance on acceptance criteria related to structural
analysis of containment structures for robustness against malevolent acts in support of section
1. damage to the internal structures and to the containment due to extensive deformations of the
containment building
2. shock damage to fragile components directly attached to the containment wall
3. induced vibration
4. structural integrity of the reserve water tank (e.g., CANDU design)
5. structural integrity of the polar crane
Structural acceptance criteria for reinforced concrete elements are given in table 1. Acceptance
criteria for steel are given in table 2.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Shear Flexure
ductility, Support rotation in
μa degrees(1.2), θ a
Beams Flexure 2 3
Shear: elastic
concrete only behaviour (4) 1.3
concrete + stirrups 1.6
stirrups only 3.0
compression 1.3
Slabs Flexure 4 6
Shear: elastic
concrete only behaviour (4) 1.3
concrete + stirrups 1.6
stirrups only 3.0
compression 1.3
Beam- Flexure 2 3
columns, Essentially
walls and
slabs in Shear elastic 1.3 (3)
compression behaviour (4)
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
4. Essentially elastic behaviour means elastic structural analysis using design strain acceptance
criteria of 1% for reinforcement in tension and 0.35% for concrete in compression.
Further information on the design and construction for containment and other safety-related
structures can be found in the CSA N287 series of standards, and in CSA N291, Requirements for
Safety-Related Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants, respectively.
Figure 2: Reactor building under soft missile impact: global behaviour – support rotation
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Membrane principal
0.01 0.050
strain (tensile)
Carbon steel plate Local ductile
tearing effective NA 0.140/TF*
Membrane principal
0.01 0.067
strain (tensile)
304 stainless steel plate Local ductile
tearing effective NA 0.275/TF*
Post–tensioning steel
Tensile strain 0.010 0.030
(ungrouted tendons)
Post–tensioning steel
Tensile strain 0.010 0.020
(grouted tendons)
*TF = triaxiality factor
σ1 + σ 2 + σ 3
TF =
Where σ 1 , σ 2 and σ 3 are principal stresses and σ e is effective or equivalent stress.
The values in table 1 and table 2 are maximum values under the loading condition. For reinforced
concrete, the maximum compression strain for DBTs is 0.0035.
The strains are not provided in table 2 for second-tier BDBTs, but can be deduced from support
rotations given in table 1.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
EQ environmental qualification
HF human factors
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
acceptance criteria
Specified bounds on the value of a functional indicator or condition indicator used to assess the ability of
a structure, system or component to meet its design and safety requirements.
Any unintended event (including operating errors, equipment failures or other mishaps), the consequences
or potential consequences of which are not negligible from the point of view of protection or safety.
Note: For the purposes of this document, accidents include design-basis accidents and beyond-design-
basis accidents. Accidents exclude anticipated operational occurrences, which have negligible
consequences from the perspective of protection or safety.
accident conditions
Deviations from normal operation more severe than anticipated operational occurrences, including
design-basis accidents and design extension conditions.
aging management
Engineering, operations and maintenance actions to control, within acceptable limits, the effects of
physical aging and obsolescence of structures, systems and components.
The fraction of time that a component or system is able to function. “Availability” can also mean the
probability that a component or system will be able to function at any given time.
best estimate
Unbiased estimate obtained by the use of a mathematical model, calculation method or data to
realistically predict behaviour and important parameters.
beyond-design-basis accident
Accidents less frequent than design-basis accidents. A beyond design basis accident may or may not
involve fuel degradation.
beyond-design-basis threat
Threat conditions more severe than a design-basis threat, which may result in structural degradation and
may involve containment degradation.
A chemical process that involves oxidation sufficient to produce heat or light.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
A process of activities intended to demonstrate that installed structures, systems and components and
equipment perform in accordance with their specifications and design intent before they are put into
common-cause failure
A concurrent failure of two or more structures, systems or components due to a single specific event or
cause, such as natural phenomena (earthquakes, tornadoes, floods etc.), design deficiency, manufacturing
flaws, operation and maintenance errors, and human-induced destructive events.
Note: Complementary design features may also be referred to as “additional safety features”.
confinement boundary
A continuous boundary without openings or penetrations and that prevents the release of radioactive
materials out of the enclosed space.
Use of assumptions, based on experience or indirect information, about a phenomena or behaviour of a
system being at or near the limit of expectation, which increases safety margins or makes predictions
regarding consequences more severe than if best-estimate assumptions had been made.
A method or physical structure designed to prevent the release of radioactive substances.
core damage
Core degradation resulting from event sequences more severe than design-basis accidents.
Assuming the correct operation of a structure, system or component or correct operator action, as part of
an analysis.
critical groups
A group of members of the public that is reasonably homogeneous with respect to its exposure for a given
radiation source, and is typical of individuals receiving the highest effective dose or equivalent dose (as
applicable) from the given source.
cyber security
Protection of digital computer-based systems or components throughout the lifecycle of the system from
threats and malicious actions, or inadvertent actions that result in unintended consequences; this includes
protection for unauthorized, unintended and unsafe modifications to the system, and for unauthorized
disclosure and retention of information, software or data associated with the system that could be used to
perform malicious or misguided acts that could affect the functionality and performance of the system.
design authority
The entity that has overall responsibility for the design process, or the responsibility for approving design
changes and for ensuring that the requisite knowledge is maintained.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
design basis
The range of conditions and events taken explicitly into account in the design of the facility, according to
established criteria, such that the facility can withstand them without exceeding authorized limits by the
planned operation of safety systems.
design-basis accident
Accident conditions for which a reactor facility is designed, according to established design criteria, and
for which the damage to the fuel and the release of radioactive material are kept within authorized limits.
design-basis threat
A set of malevolent acts that the CNSC considers possible.
The designation applied to a given system or set of components that enables the establishment and
maintenance of physical, electrical and functional independence from other redundant sets of components.
The presence of two or more redundant systems or components to perform an identified function, where
the different systems or components have different attributes so as to reduce the possibility of common-
cause failure.
The components of the Earth, including:
equipment qualification
The process for certifying equipment as having satisfied the requirements for operability under conditions
relevant to its safety function(s). This includes the generation and maintenance of evidence to ensure that
equipment will operate on demand, under specified service conditions, to meet system performance
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
exclusion zone
Pursuant to section 1 of the Class I Nuclear Facilities Regulations, a parcel of land within or surrounding
a nuclear facility on which there is no permanent dwelling and over which a licensee has the legal
authority to exercise control.
external event
Events unconnected with the operation of a facility or the conduct of an activity that could have an effect
on the safety of the facility or activity.
Note: External events include, but are not limited to, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes.
external hazard
An event of natural or human-induced origin that originates outside the site and whose effects on the
reactor facility are considered as potentially hazardous.
fail-safe design
Design whose most probable failure modes do not result in a reduction of safety.
A process of combustion characterized by heat emission and accompanied by smoke or flame, or both.
hazard analysis
The process used to systematically identify and assess hazards to evaluate the potential internal, external,
human-made and natural events that can cause the identified hazards to initiate faults that develop into
heat sink
A system or component that provides a path for heat-transfer from a source (such as heat generated in the
fuel) to a large heat-absorbing medium.
human factors
Factors that influence human performance as it relates to the safety of the reactor facility, including
activities during design, construction, and commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning
independent systems
Systems that are each capable of performing a required function while remaining unaffected by the
operation or failure of the other system.
internal event
Any event that proceeds from a human error or from a failure of a structure, system or component.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
internal hazard
Hazards that originate from the sources located on the site of the reactor facility (both inside and outside
plant buildings).
Note: Examples of internal hazards are internal fires, internal floods, turbine missiles, onsite
transportation accidents and releases of toxic substances from onsite storage facilities.
jet impact
The potential internal hazard associated with high pressure fluid released from a pressure retaining
A situation where leakage from a flaw is detected during normal operation, allowing the reactor to be shut
down and depressurized before the flaw grows to the critical size for rupture.
licensing basis
A set of requirements and documents for a regulated facility or activity comprising:
• the regulatory requirements set out in the applicable laws and regulations
• the conditions and safety and control measures described in the facility’s or activity’s licence and the
documents directly referenced in that licence
• the safety and control measures described in the licence application and the documents needed to
support that licence application
malevolent act
An illegal action or an action that is committed with the intent of causing wrongful harm.
management system
A set of interrelated or interacting elements (system) for establishing policies and objectives and enabling
the objectives to be achieved in an efficient and effective way. The management system integrates all
elements of an organization into one coherent system to enable all of the organization’s objectives to be
achieved. These elements include the structure, resources, and processes. Personnel, equipment, and
organizational culture as well as the documented policies and processes are parts of the management
system. The organization’s processes have to address the totality of the requirements on the organization
as established in, for example, IAEA safety standards and other international codes and standards.
missile generation
The hazard associated with the sudden high-speed propulsion of debris.
mission time
The duration of time within which a system or component is required to operate or be available to operate
and fulfill its safety function following an event.
normal operation
Operation of a nuclear power plant within specified operational limits and conditions including startup,
power operation, shutting down, shutdown, maintenance, testing and refuelling.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
offsite power
The alternating current (AC) power supplied from the transmission system (grid), to the plant electrical
power distribution systems.
onsite power
Power supplied from a plant’s alternating current (AC) power systems, direct current (DC) power systems
and uninterruptible AC power systems.
operational states
States defined under normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences.
passive component
A component whose functioning does not depend on an external input such as actuation, mechanical
movement or supply of power.
plant states
A configuration of nuclear power plant components, including the physical and thermodynamic states of
the materials and the process fluids in them.
Note: For the purpose of this document a plant is said to be in one of the following states: normal
operation, anticipated operational occurrence, design-basis accident, or beyond-design-basis accident
(severe accidents and design extension conditions are subsets of the beyond-design-basis accident state).
Note: A postulated initiating event is not necessarily an accident itself; rather, it is the event that initiates
a sequence that may lead to an anticipated operational occurrence, a design-basis accident, or a beyond-
design-basis accident, depending on the additional failures that may occur.
Technically feasible and justifiable while taking cost-benefit considerations into account.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
practically eliminated
The possibility of certain conditions occurring being physically impossible or with a high level of
confidence to be extremely unlikely to arise.
pressure boundary
A boundary of any pressure-retaining vessel, system, or component of a nuclear or non-nuclear system.
• A level 1 PSA identifies and quantifies the sequences of events that may lead to the loss of core
structural integrity and massive fuel failures
• A level 2 PSA starts from the Level 1 results and analyzes the containment behaviour, evaluates the
radionuclides released from the failed fuel and quantifies the releases to the environment
• A level 3 PSA starts from the Level 2 results and analyzes the distribution of radionuclides in the
environment and evaluates the resulting effect on public health.
Set of interrelated activities that transform inputs into outputs.
process system
A system whose primary function is to support (or contribute to) the production of steam or electricity.
proven design
A design of a component(s) can be proven either by showing compliance with accepted engineering
standards, or by a history of experience, or by test, or some combination of these. New component(s) are
“proven” by performing a number of acceptance and demonstration tests that show the component(s)
meets pre-defined criteria.
residual heat
The sum of heat originating from radioactive decay, fission in the fuel in the shutdown state, and the heat
stored in reactor-related structures, systems and components.
Provision of alternative (identical or diverse) structures, systems and components, so that any one can
perform the required function regardless of the state of operation or failure of any other.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
A system of international inspections and other verification activities undertaken by the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in order to evaluate, on an annual basis, Canada’s compliance with its
obligations pursuant to the safeguards agreements between Canada and the IAEA.
safety analysis
Analysis by means of appropriate analytical tools that establishes and confirms the design basis for the
items important to safety; and ensures that the overall reactor facility design is capable of meeting the
acceptance criteria for each plant state.
safety culture
The characteristics of the work environment, such as values, rules and common understandings, that
influence employees’ perceptions and attitudes about the importance that the organization places on
safety group
Assembly of structures, systems and components designated to perform all actions required for a
particular postulated initiating event to ensure that the specified limits for AOOs and DBAs are not
exceeded. It may include certain safety and safety support systems, and any interacting process system.
safety limits
Limits on operational parameters within which an authorized facility has been shown to be safe.
safety margin
A margin to a value of a safety variable for a barrier or a system at which damage or loss would occur.
Safety margins are considered for those systems and barriers whose failure could potentially contribute to
radiological releases.
safety system
A system important to safety, provided to ensure the safe shutdown of the reactor or the residual heat
removal from the core, or to limit the consequences of anticipated operational occurrences and design-
basis accidents.
severe accident
An accident more severe than a design-basis accident and involving severe fuel degradation in the reactor
core or spent fuel pool.
shutdown state
A subcritical reactor state with a defined margin to prevent a return to criticality without external actions.
single failure
A failure that results in the loss of capability of a component to perform its intended safety function(s),
and any consequential failure(s) resulting from it.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
station blackout
A complete loss of alternating current (AC) power from offsite and onsite main generator, standby and
emergency power sources. Note that it does not include failure of uninterruptible AC power supplies and
direct current power supplies. It also does not include failure of alternate AC power.
Note: Structures are the passive elements: buildings, vessels, shielding, etc. A system comprises several
components, assembled in such a way as to perform a specific (active) function. A component is a
discrete element of a system. Examples are wires, transistors, integrated circuits, motors, relays,
solenoids, pipes, fittings, pumps, tanks and valves, etc.
• intentional acts that could pose a threat to the security of the nuclear facility
• the exploitation of weaknesses in the physical protection measures of a nuclear facility
trip parameter
A measurement of a variable that is used to trigger a safety system action when the trip parameter set
point is reached.
uncertainty analysis
The process of identifying and characterizing the sources of uncertainty in the safety analysis, evaluating
their impact on the analysis results, and developing – to the extent practicable – a quantitative measure of
this impact.
The extent to which a product can be used by specified users, to achieve specified goals, with
effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
CNSC References
2. CNSC, RD-334, Aging Management for Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada, 2011.
3. CNSC, G-149, Computer Programs Used in Design and Safety Analyses of Nuclear Power
Plants and Research Reactors, Ottawa, Canada, 2000.
4. CNSC, RD-321, Criteria for Physical Protection Systems and Devices at High-Security Sites,
Ottawa, Canada, 2010.
5. CNSC, G 219, Decommissioning Planning for Licensed Activities, Ottawa, Canada, 2000.
7. CNSC, G-225, Emergency Planning at Class I Nuclear Facilities and Uranium Mines and
Mills, Ottawa, Canada, 2001 or successor document.
8. CNSC, G-323, Ensuring the Presence of Sufficient Qualified Staff at Class I Nuclear
Facilities – Minimum Staff Complement, Ottawa, Canada, 2007.
10. CNSC, GD-336, Guidance for Accounting and Reporting of Nuclear Material, Ottawa,
Canada, 2010.
11. CNSC, GD-327, Guidance for Nuclear Criticality Safety, Ottawa, Canada, 2010.
12. CNSC, G-276, Human Factors Engineering Program Plans, Ottawa, Canada, 2003.
13. CNSC, G-278, Human Factors Verification and Validation Plans, Ottawa, Canada, 2003.
14. CNSC, G-129, rev. 1, Keeping Radiation Exposures and Doses “As Low as Reasonably
Achievable (ALARA)”, Ottawa, Canada, 2004.
15. CNSC, RD/GD-369, Licence Application Guide: Licence to Construct a Nuclear Power
Plant, Ottawa, Canada, 2011.
16. CNSC, RD/GD-210, Maintenance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada,
19. CNSC, RD-363, Nuclear Security Officer Medical, Physical, and Psychological Fitness,
Ottawa, Canada, 2008.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
20. CNSC, REGDOC-2.4.2, Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Nuclear Power Plants,
Ottawa, Canada, 2014.
23. CNSC, RD/GD-98, Reliability Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada, 2012.
25. CNSC, G-274, Security Programs for Category I or II Nuclear Material or Certain Nuclear
Facilities, Ottawa, Canada, 2003.
26. CNSC, REGDOC-2.3.2, Accident Management: Severe Accident Management Programs for
Nuclear Reactors, Ottawa, Canada, 2013.
27. CNSC, RD-346, Site Evaluation for New Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada, 2008.
28. CNSC, G-208, Transportation Security Plans for Category I, II or III Nuclear Material,
Ottawa, Canada, 2003.
29. CNSC, G-144, Trip Parameter Acceptance Criteria for the Safety Analysis of CANDU
Nuclear Power Plants, Ottawa, Canada, 2006.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Additional Information
The following documents contain additional information that may be of interest to persons
involved in the design of nuclear power plants.
CSA Group
6. CSA Group, N285.0/N285.6 Series, General requirements for pressure-retaining systems and
components in CANDU nuclear power plants/Material Standards for reactor components for
CANDU nuclear power plants, Toronto, Canada.
7. CSA Group, N286.7.1, Guideline for the application of N286.7-99, Quality assurance of
analytical, scientific, and design computer programs for nuclear power plants, Toronto,
8. CSA Group, N288.2, Guidelines for Calculating Radiation Doses to the Public from a
Release of Airborne Radioactive Material under Hypothetical Accident Conditions in
Nuclear Reactors, Toronto, Canada.
9. CSA Group, N288.4, Environmental monitoring programs at Class I nuclear facilities and
uranium mines and mills, Toronto, Canada.
10. CSA Group, N293, Fire protection for nuclear power plants, Toronto, Canada.
11. CSA Group, N290.0/N290.3 PACKAGE, General requirements for safety systems of nuclear
power plants and Requirements for the containment system of nuclear power plants, Toronto,
12. CSA Group, N292.3, Management of Low and Intermediate-level Radioactive Waste,
Toronto, Canada.
13. CSA Group, N286, Management system requirements for nuclear power plants, Toronto,
14. CSA Group, N285.4, Periodic inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant components,
Toronto, Canada.
15. CSA Group, N285.5, Periodic inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant components,
Toronto, Canada.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
16. CSA Group, N290.14, Qualification of Pre-developed Software for Use in Safety Related
Instrumentation and Control Applications in Nuclear Power Plants, Toronto, Canada.
17. CSA Group, N286.7, Quality Assurance of Analytical, Scientific, and Design Computer
Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, Toronto, Canada.
18. CSA Group, N290.1, Requirements for the Shutdown Systems of CANDU Nuclear Power
Plants, Toronto, Canada.
19. CSA Group, N290.4, Requirements for reactor control systems of nuclear power plants,
Toronto, Canada, 2011.
20. CSA Group, N290.5, Requirements for Electrical Power and Instrument Air Systems of
CANDU Nuclear Power Plants, Toronto, Canada.
21. CSA Group, N290.6, Requirements for monitoring and display of nuclear power plant safety
functions in the event of an accident, Toronto, Canada.
22. CSA Group, N290.15, Requirements for the safe operating envelope of nuclear power plants,
Toronto, Canada.
23. CSA Group, N291, Requirements for Safety-Related Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power
Plants, Toronto, Canada.
24. CSA Group, N289 series on seismic design and qualification of nuclear power plants.
1. International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA), Safety Series No. 50-P-1, Application of
the Single Failure Criterion, Vienna, 1990.
2. IAEA, Safety Reports Series No. 46, Assessment of Defence in Depth for Nuclear Power
Plants, Vienna, 2005.
4. IAEA, Nuclear Security Series No. 17, Computer Security at Nuclear Facilities, Vienna,
5. IAEA, NS-G-2.5, Core Management and Fuel Handling for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna,
6. IAEA, WS-G-2.1, Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants and Research Reactors Safety
Guide, Vienna, 1999.
8. IAEA, NS-G-1.8, Design of Emergency Power Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna,
9. IAEA, NS-G-1.4, Design of Fuel Handling and Storage Systems in Nuclear Power Plants
Safety Guide, Vienna, 2003.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
10. IAEA, TECDOC-1657, Design Lessons Drawn from the Decommissioning of Nuclear
Facilities, Vienna, 2011.
11. IAEA, NS-G-1.10, Design of Reactor Containment Systems for Nuclear Power Plants,
Vienna, 2004.
12. IAEA, NS-G-1.9, Design of the Reactor Coolant System and Associated Systems in Nuclear
Power Plants, Vienna, 2004.
13. IAEA, NS-G-1.12, Design of the Reactor Core for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2005.
14. IAEA, SSG-2, Deterministic Safety Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2009.
15. SSG-3, Development and Application of Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear
Power Plants, Vienna, 2010.
16. IAEA, SSG-4, Development and Application of Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for
Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2010.
17. IAEA, Safety Reports Series No. 3, Equipment Qualification in Operational Nuclear Power
Plants: Upgrading, Preserving and Reviewing, Vienna, 1998.
18. IAEA, NS-G-1.5, External Events Excluding Earthquakes in the Design of Nuclear Power
Plants, Vienna, 2003.
19. IAEA, NS-G-3.1, External Human Induced Events in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Power
Plants, Vienna, 2002.
20. IAEA, NS-G-3.3, Evaluation of Seismic Hazards for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2002.
21. IAEA, NS-G-2.1, Fire Safety in Operation of Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2000.
22. IAEA, NS-G-3.5, Flood Hazard for Nuclear Power Plants on Coastal and River Sites,
Vienna, 2003.
23. IAEA, TECDOC-967, Rev.1, Guidance and Considerations for the Implementation of
INFCIRC/225/Rev.4, The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities,
Vienna, 2002.
24. IAEA, TECDOC-1276, Handbook on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials and
Facilities, Vienna, 2002.
25. IAEA, Safety Series No. 50-P-10, Human Reliability Analysis in Probabilistic Safety
Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 1995.
26. IAEA, NS-G-1.3, Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to Safety in Nuclear Power
Plants, Vienna, 2002.
27. IAEA, INSAG-19, Maintaining the Design Integrity of Nuclear Installations throughout their
Operating Life, Vienna, 2003.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
28. IAEA, NS-G-2.6, Maintenance, Surveillance and In-Service Inspection in Nuclear Power
Plants, Vienna, 2002.
29. IAEA, GS-R-3, The Management System for Facilities and Activities, Vienna, 2006.
30. IAEA, GS-G-3.5, The Management System for Nuclear Installations, Vienna, 2009.
31. IAEA, GS-G-3.3, The Management System for the Processing, Handling and Storage of
Radioactive Waste Safety Guide, Vienna, 2008.
32. IAEA, NS-G-3.4, Meteorological Events in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Power Plants,
Vienna, 2003.
33. IAEA, SSG-18, Meteorological and Hydrological Hazards in Site Evaluation for Nuclear
Installations, Vienna, 2011.
36. IAEA, NS-G-2.2, Operational Limits and Conditions and Operating Procedures for Nuclear
Power Plants, Vienna, 2000.
37. IAEA, Safety Report Series No. 8, Preparation of Fire Hazard Analysis for Nuclear Power
Plants, Vienna, 1998.
38. IAEA, GS-R-2, Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency,
Vienna, 2002.
39. IAEA, NS-G-1.7, Protection Against Internal Fires and Explosions in the Design of Nuclear
Power Plants, Vienna, 2004.
40. IAEA, NS-G-1.11, Protection Against Internal Hazards other than Fires and Explosions in
the Design of Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2004.
41. IAEA, NS-G-1.13, Radiation Protection Aspects of Design for Nuclear Power Plants,
Vienna, 2005.
42. IAEA, Safety Reports Series No. 25, Review of Probabilistic Safety Assessments by
Regulatory Bodies, Vienna, 2002.
43. IAEA, NS-G-1.2, Safety Assessment and Verification for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna,
44. IAEA, General Safety Requirements Part 4, Safety Assessment for Facilities and Activities,
Vienna, 2009.
45. IAEA, Safety Series No. 110, The Safety of Nuclear Installations, Vienna, 1993.
46. IAEA, SSR 2/2, Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Commissioning and Operation, Vienna,
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
47. IAEA, SSR 2/1, Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Design, Vienna, 2012 (revision of NS-R-1).
48. IAEA, NS-G-1.6, Seismic Design and Qualification for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 2003.
49. IAEA, SSG-9, Seismic Hazards in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations, Vienna, 2010.
50. IAEA, NS-G-2.15, Severe Accident Management Programmes for Nuclear Power Plants,
Vienna, 2009.
51. IAEA, NS-G-1.1, Software for Computer Based Systems Important to Safety in Nuclear
Power Plants, Vienna, 2000.
52. IAEA, NS-G-2.11, A System for the Feedback of Experience from Events in Nuclear
Installations, Vienna, 2006.
53. IAEA, Safety Series No. 50-P-7, Treatment of External Hazards in Probabilistic Safety
Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, 1995.
1. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC), NUREG-6684, Advanced Alarm
Systems: Revision of Guidance and Its Technical Basis, Washington, D.C., 2000.
2. U.S. NRC, NUREG/CR-6633, Advanced Information Systems Design: Technical Basis and
Human Factors Review Guidelines, Washington, D.C., 2000.
4. U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.77, Assumptions Used for Evaluating a Control Rod Ejection
Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors, Washington, D.C., 1974.
5. U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 5.71, Cyber Security Programs for Nuclear Facilities,
Washington, D.C., 2010.
6. U.S. NRC, NUREG 1852, Demonstrating the Feasibility and Reliability of Operator Manual
Actions in Response to Fire, Washington, D.C., 2007.
7. U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.76, Design Basis Tornado and Tornado Missiles for Nuclear
Power Plants, Washington, D.C., 2007.
8. U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.57, Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Metal
Primary Reactor Containment System Components, Washington, D.C., 2007.
9. U.S. NRC, NUREG/CR-7007, Diversity Strategies for Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation
and Control Systems, Washington, D.C., 2010.
10. U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.91, Evaluations of Explosions Postulated to occur on
Transportation Routes near Nuclear Power Plants, Washington, D.C., 1978.
11. U.S. NRC, NUREG/CR-6850, EPRI 1011989, Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methods
Enhancements, Washington, D.C., 2010.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
12. U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.189, Fire Protection for Operating Nuclear Power Plants,
Washington, D.C., 2009.
13. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0696, Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities,
Washington, D.C., 1981.
14. U.S. NRC, Branch Technical Position (BTP) 7-19, Guidance for Evaluation of Diversity and
Defense-in-Depth and in Digital Computer-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems,
Washington, D.C., 2007.
15. U.S. NRC, NUREG/CR-1278, Handbook of Human Reliability Analysis with Emphasis on
Nuclear Power Plant Applications-Final Report, Washington, D.C., 2011.
16. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0711 Rev.2, Human Factors Engineering Program Review Model,
Washington, D.C., 2004.
17. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0700 Rev.2, Human-System Interface Design Review Guidelines,
Washington, D.C., 2002.
18. U.S. NRC, NUREG-6393, Integrated System Validation: Methodology and Review Criteria,
Washington, D.C., 1997.
19. U.S. NRC, NUREG/CR-6303, Method for Performing Diversity and Defense-in-Depth
Analyses of Reactor Protection Systems, Washington, D.C., 1994.
20. U.S. NRC, 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power
Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants, Washington, D.C., 2007.
21. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, section 3.8.1, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition - Concrete Containment,
Washington, D.C., 2007.
22. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, section 3.8.3, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition - Concrete and Steel Internal
Structures of Steel or Concrete Containments, Washington, D.C., 2010.
23. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, chapter 8, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis
Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition - Electric Power, Washington, D.C., 2007.
24. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, section 14.3.10, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition - Emergency Planning –
Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria, Washington, D.C., 2007.
25. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, section, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition - Fire Protection Program,
Washington, D.C., 2009.
26. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, chapter 18, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants – Human Factors Engineering, Washington,
D.C., 2007.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
27. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, chapter 14, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition – Initial Test Program and ITAAC
– Design Certification, Washington, D.C., 2007.
28. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, section 3.8.4, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition – Other Seismic Category I
Structures, Washington, D.C., 2010.
29. U.S. NRC, NUREG 0800, section 3.7.3, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition - Seismic Subsystem Analysis,
Washington, D.C., 2007.
30. U.S. NRC, NUREG-0800, chapter 10, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition – Steam and Power Conversion
System, Washington, D.C., 2007.
31. U.S. NRC, Regulatory Guide 1.203, Transient and Accident Analysis Methods, Washington,
D.C., 2005.
3. ANSI/ANS, 57.5, Light Water Reactor Fuel Assembly Mechanical Design and Evaluation,
La Grange Park, Illinois, 1996.
4. ANSI/ANS, 58.8-1994, Time Response Design Criteria for Safety-Related Operator Actions,
La Grange Park, Illinois, reaffirmed 2008.
5. ANS, 2.26, Categorization of Nuclear Facility Structures, Systems, and Components for
Seismic Design, La Grange Park, Illinois, reaffirmed 2010.
6. ANS, 2.3, Estimating Tornado, Hurricane, and Extreme Straight Line Wind Characteristics
at Nuclear Facility Sites, La Grange Park, Illinois, 2011.
8. ASCE, 58, ASCE Manual Reports on Engineering Practice, Structural Analysis and Design
of Nuclear Plant Facilities, Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities,
Reston, Virginia, 1980.
9. ASCE, 04-98, Seismic Analysis for Safety-Related Nuclear Structures, Reston, Virginia,
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
10. ASCE/Structural Engineering Institute, 43-05, Seismic Design Criteria for Structures,
Systems and Components in Nuclear Facilities, Reston, Virginia, 2005.
11. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, New York, 2010.
12. ASME, QME-1-2002, Qualification of Active Mechanical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power
Plants, New York, 2002.
13. ASME, NQA-1-2008, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications,
New York, 2008.
14. ASME, ASME/ANS RA-Sa-2009, Standard for Level 1/Large Early Release Frequency PRA
for Nuclear Power Plant Applications, New York, 2009.
15. Communications Security Establishment, TRA-1, Harmonized Threat and Risk Assessment
(TRA) Methodology, Ottawa, Canada, 2007.
16. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), TR-103959, Methodology for Developing Seismic
Fragilities, Palto Alto, California, 1994.
17. EPRI, Technical Report, Rev.1, Nuclear Power Plant Equipment Qualification Reference
Manual, Palto Alto, California, 2010.
20. European Standard, EN 1337-1, Structural Bearings – General Design Rules, European
Committee for Standardization, Brussels, 2000.
21. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 60964, Nuclear Power Plants - Control
Rooms – Design, Geneva, 2009
22. IEC, 60965, Nuclear Power Plants - Control Rooms - Supplementary Control Points for
Reactor Shutdown Without Access to the Main Control Room, Geneva, 2009.
23. IEC, 61839, Nuclear Power Plants – Design of Control Rooms – Functional Analysis and
Assessment, Geneva, 2000.
24. IEC, 60780, Ed. 2.0, Nuclear Power Plants - Electrical Equipment of the Safety System –
Qualification, Geneva, 1998.
25. IEC, 61226, Ed. 3.0, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important to
Safety – Classification of Instrumentation and Control Functions, Geneva, 2009.
26. IEC, 61513, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important to Safety,
General Requirements for Systems, Geneva, 2011.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
27. IEC, 60987, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important to Safety –
Hardware Design Requirements for Computer-Based Systems, Geneva, 2007.
28. IEC, 62385, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important to Safety –
Methods for Assessing the Performance of Safety System Instrument Channels, Geneva, 2007.
29. IEC, 60880, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to
Safety – Software Aspects for Computer-Based Systems Performing Category A Functions,
Geneva, 2006.
30. IEC, 62138, Ed. 1.0, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Important for
Safety – Software Aspects for Computer-Based Systems Performing Category B or C
Functions, Geneva, 2004.
31. IEC, 60671, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control Systems Important Safety –
Surveillance Testing, Geneva, 2007.
32. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 379-1988, Application of the Single-
Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems, Piscataway, New
Jersey, 1988.
33. IEEE, C62.23-1995, IEEE Application Guide for Surge Protection of Electric Generating
Plants, Piscataway, New Jersey, 1995.
34. IEEE, 1289, IEEE Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering in the Design of
Computer-Based Monitoring and Control Displays for Nuclear Power Generating Stations,
Piscataway, New Jersey, 1998.
35. IEEE, 1023, IEEE Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems,
Equipment, and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey,
37. IEEE, 141, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial
Plants, Piscataway, New Jersey, 1993.
38. IEEE, 242, IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2001.
39. IEEE, 344, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment
for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2004.
40. IEEE, 497, IEEE Standard Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear
Power Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2010.
41. IEEE, 308 IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2001.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
42. IEEE, 7-4.3.2, IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear
Power Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2010.
43. IEEE, 279, IEEE Standard: Criteria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating
Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 1971.
44. IEEE, 665-1995, IEEE Standard for Generating Station Grounding, Piscataway, New Jersey,
reaffirmed 2001.
45. IEEE, 627, IEEE Standard for Qualification of Equipment Used in Nuclear Facilities,
Piscataway, New Jersey, 2010.
46. IEEE, 323, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2003.
47. IEEE, 387, IEEE Standard Criteria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power
Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 1995.
48. IEEE, 603, IEEE Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating
Stations, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2009.
49. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 9001:2008, Quality Management
Systems – Requirements, Geneva, 2008.
50. Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), No.6924, Applying Decommissioning Experience to the
Design and Operation of New Nuclear Power Plants, Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development: Paris, 2010.
51. NEA, No.6833, Decommissioning Considerations for New Nuclear Power Plants,
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Paris, 2010.
52. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), NEI 08-09 Rev.6, Cyber Security Plan for Nuclear Power
Reactors, Washington, D.C., 2010.
53. NEI, 00-01, Guidance for Post Fire Safe Shutdown Circuit Analysis, Washington, D.C.,
54. NEI, 99-03, Rev.0, Control Room Habitability Assessment Guidance, Washington, D.C.,
55. NEI, 04-02, Rev. 1, Guidance for Implementing a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire
Protection Program under 10 CFR 50.48(c), Washington, D.C., 2005.
56. NEI, 07-13, Methodology for Performing Aircraft Impact Assessments for New Plant
Designs, Washington, D.C., 2011.
57. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Fire Protection Handbook, Quincy,
Massachusetts, 2008.
58. NFPA, 805, Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor
Electric Generating Plants, Quincy, Massachusetts, 2010.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
59. NFPA, 804, Standard for Fire Protection for Advanced Light Water Reactor Electric
Generating Plants, Quincy, Massachusetts, 2010.
61. National Research Council (NRC), National Building Code of Canada, Ottawa, Canada,
63. Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Society of Fire Protection Engineers Handbook of Fire
Protection Engineering, Bethesda, Maryland, 2008.
64. Unified Facilities Criteria, 3-340-02, Structures to Resist the Effects of Accidental Explosions,
Washington, D.C., 2008.
65. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Guidelines for the Design and Assessment of
Concrete Structures Subjected to Impact, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 1990.
May 2014 REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
Facilities and activities within the nuclear sector in Canada are regulated by the Canadian Nuclear Safety
Commission (CNSC). In addition to the Nuclear Safety and Control Act and associated regulations, these
facilities and activities may also be required to comply with other regulatory instruments such as
regulatory documents or standards.
Effective April 2013, the CNSC’s catalogue of existing and planned regulatory documents has been
organized under three key categories and twenty-five series, as set out below. Regulatory documents
produced by the CNSC fall under one of the following series:
Note: The regulatory document series may be adjusted periodically by the CNSC. Each regulatory
document series listed above may contain multiple regulatory documents. For the latest list of regulatory
documents, visit the CNSC's website.