Yerevan State University Geospatial Models and Representations

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General Information

University Yerevan State University

Course title Geospatial Models and Representations

Course/Module code
Course type Compulsory

Year of Study 1st year

Term/Semester Fall

Credits awarded 3 ECTS

Degree Bachelor

Enrollment status Full-Time

- Basic knowledge of Data base structure

- Basic knowledge of GIS

Prerequisites and co-
requisites (if
applicable): - Basic knowledge of spatial analysis

- Proficient knowledge in programming

Lecturer’s details

Name, surname
Academic title
Contact details
Office hours and
consultation schedule

Course Structure
Type (compulsory/ Compulsory
Introduction to database modeling; understanding of geospatial data
Course Goal architecture (vector, raster data and imagery); basics of spatial data
infrastructure; introduction to crowdsourcing and working with Apps
On the completion of this course, students should be able to:
- design a schema for feature data and describe it
- perform a relational join connecting the attribute tables based on the
Learning Outcomes principles of relational database system
- understand the difference between imagery and thematic raster data
- Creating and perform data collection through the data collection apps

1. The Principles of Data base modeling

2. Acquisition and integration of feature data
3. Raster data and imagery
Course contents: 4. Principles of the FAIR data
5. Spatial data infrastructures
6. Creation of apps for data collection

This course is evaluated as follows:

60% Assignments
Assessment methods
and criteria 15% Final Exam
25% In-class Exercises and Quizzes
1. Esri Academy(web course): Introduction to spatial data
2. Esri Academy: About joining and relating tables
3. Schade, S. et al. (2020). Geospatial Information Infrastructures. In:
Guo, H., Goodchild, M.F., Annoni, A. (eds) Manual of Digital Earth.
Springer, Singapore.
textbooks and links 4. Pingel, T. (2018). The Raster Data Model. The Geographic Information
(in order of Science & Technology Body of Knowledge (3rd Quarter 2018 Edition),
relevance): John P. Wilson (Ed.). DOI: 10.22224/gistbok/2018.3.11
5. What is open data -
6. Esri Academy (web course): Teaching with GIS: Field Data
Collection Using ArcGIS

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