The Wives of The Holy Prophet Notes

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The wives of

the Holy
By: Loviza Imran G8B
1.Khadija bint Khuwaylid (r.a)
● She was the daughter of Khuwaylid bin Asad bin
Abdul-Uzza ibn Qusayy bin Kilab from the Quraish
● Before the advent of Islam, she was called
“Tahirah” (the pure one)
● She was a wealthy tradeswoman.
● She sent the Prophet (PBUH) a proposal looking at
his good management, truthfulness and honesty.
● Khadeeja was a widow at the time. When they got
married, Prophet was 25 y/o and Khadeeja was 40
● Together they had 6 children; 4 girls (Zainab,
Ruqaiyyah, Umm-e-Kulthum and Fatima) and 2
boys (Qasim and Abdullah). The sons passed away
in their early childhood and all the daughters
except Fatima passed away.
● Khadeeja was the first woman to believe in the
message of Muhammad (PBUH).
● Until Khadeeja was alive, the Prophet (PBUH)
didn’t marry any other woman.
● She was the first person to comfort the Prophet
(PBUH) when he met Jibraeel for the first time.
● Among the female Muslims she was the first to
embrace Islam. Ibne Hisham has said, “She was a
true minister and a sincere advisor of the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) in his arduous mission of
spreading Islam.”
● She personally attended to the needs of the
Prophet (PBUH) and served him devotedly.
● She helped and supported him when he didn’t
have a supporter or a helper against the pagans.
● When she was 65 y/o, she died in Ramadan in the
10th year of Prophethood and was laid to rest in

2.Sawdah bint Zam’ah (r.a)

● She was from the tribe of Quraish and her father’s
name was Zam’aa bin Qaiya.
● Among the early converts to Islam.
● When her husband, Sukran bin Amir died, the
Prophet married her in the month of Shawwal.
● She was the first woman whom the Prophet
(PBUH) married after Khadijah.
● She had a reputation for her manners and decency
of behavior.
● She was among the firmest believers in Islam.
● When the Prophet(PBUH) told his wives to stay at
home after his death, Sawdah always remained in
the house and would say, “I have done Hajj and
Umrah and now as per the commandment of
Rasulullah, I would stay at home.”
● She died in Madinah during the caliphate of Umar.

3.Ayesha bint Abu Bakar (r.a)

● She was the daughter of Abu Bakar, the first caliph
of Islam.
● One of the most knowledgeable women among
the Companions
● Considered to be the top jurist and scholar of
● Her marriage to the Prophet (PBUH) was 2 years
before Hijrah and after the battle of Badr she
moved into the house of the Prophet and stayed
there until his demise.
● Amr bin al-Aas reported that he asked the Prophet
as to who was the most beloved to him among the
people. The Prophet replied,”Ayesha”.
● On many occasions the Prophet would tell her: “O
Ayesha! Here is Jibraeel. He gives you salam.”
(Agreed upon)
● Ayesha was a great memorizer of Ahadith, poetry
and Arab history.
● She had also memorized the whole Quran.
● She was very kind to slaves and would free them
after purchasing them.
● Abdullah ibn Zubair sent one Lakh dirhams to her
and she gave them out as Sadaqah.
● She died in 57 A.H and was buried in Jannat-ul-
Baqi in Madinah.

4.Zainab bint Khuzaimah (r.a)

● She was the daughter of Khuzaimah and was from
Bani Hilal bin Amir Sasaah.
● Her first marriage took place with Tufail ibn Harith
and second with Ubaidah ibn Harith who were the
cousins of the Prophet.
● Her third marriage was with Abdullah ibn Jahsh
who was martyred in the battle of Uhud. After this,
the Prophet married her.
● Before her conversion to Islam, she was known as
Umm-ul-Masakeen (Mother of the Needy) due to
her benevolence.
● She was the first among Mothers of the Believers
to be buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.
● She lived with the Prophet for about 2-3 months
and then passed away in 627 C.E. at the age of

5.Umm-e-Salmah (r.a)
● Real name was Hind bint Abi Umaiyyah.
● She came from the Makhzum branch of the
Quraish tribe.
● She was the cousin of Khalid bin Waleed.
● Among the first Muslim women to migrate to
● She was first married to Abu Salmah. It is narrated
that when Abu Salmah passed away, she went to
the Prophet (PBUH) and said: “O Allah’s Prophet!
Abu Salmah has passed away”.
● The Prophet instructed her to pray in these words:
“O Allah, forgive me and him and succeed him for
me with that which is good.”
● She got married to the Prophet(PBUH) in 4 A.H.
and was 30 y/o at that time.
● She is considered to be the most knowledgeable
after Ayesha (r.a).
● Mostly she would act as Prophet (PBUH)’s advisor
and he appreciated her suggestions.
● She accompanied him on the occasion of the Last
● Once she noted that the prayers were being
delayed by the Imam from the recommended time
so she rebuked and told him about the proper
practice of Holy Prophet(PBUH)
● She died at a mature age of 86 in 60 A.H.

6.Hafsah bint Umar (r.a)

● She was the daughter of Umar bin Al-Khattab and
her mother was Zainab bint Mazun.
● She was married to Khunais bin Huzaifawho who
was a part of the Battle of Badr and Uhud and he
later died because of wounds in the third year of
● After his death, the Prophet married her.
● She was a virtuous woman whom Jibraeel
acknowledged when he told the prophet that she
fasts and prays at night and she would be his wife
in paradise as well.
● She could read and write, and had a strong
knowledge of Islamic matters.
● She was given the charge of keeping the official
copy of the Quran, the Mushaf, during the
caliphate of Usman.
● She died in Madinah in 40 A.H.

7. Zainab bint Jahsh (r.a)

● She was the daughter of Umayma bint Abd ul-
Muttalib, who was the paternal aunt of the
Prophet (PBUH).
● She embraced Islam in Makkah during the early
Dawah of Islam.
● She was married to Zaid bin Harith, the freed slave
of the Prophet (PBUH) but their marriage ended in
divorce .
● The Prophet married her on Allah’s command in 5
● She was the first wife to die after he passed away,
the Prophet had foretold: “My wife with long
hands will be the first to meet me after my death.”
● Her funeral prayer was led by Umar.
● She was polite in disposition and constant in saying
her prayers and observing fasts.
● She was generous, religious, pious and truthful in
8. Jawairiyah bint Al-Harith (r.a)
● She was the daughter of Harith who was the chief
of Banu Mustaliq.
● She was defeated by Muslims and many of her
tribesmen were taken prisoner, when the battle of
Banu Mutaliq was fought.
● She went to the Prophet(PBUH) to seek help, he
asked her :"Would you like to consider a better
deal?” She replied, "What is it, O Prophet of
Allah?” The Prophet said, “I pay off for you and
marry you.” Jawairiyah was glad and said;
“Certainly O Allah’s Prophet.”
● When news came about their marriage, Muslims
freed the war prisoners because they had come
the Holy Prophet's kin and this made many
captives accept Islam.
● She became a very staunch Muslim praying and
fasting regularly.
● She passed away at the age of 65, in 56 A.H.
● She is buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi, Madinah.

9.Umm-e-Habibah (r.a)
● Her real name was Ramlah and she was the
daughter of Abu Sufiyan ibn Harb.
● Her brother was Muawiyah bin Abi Sufiyan.
● Early convert to Islam and migrated to Abyssinia.
● Her husband was Ubaidullah bin Jahsh who left
Islam and died as a non-believer.
● The Prophet (PBUH) sent her a proposal and
Najashi conducted their marriage, also gave her
4,000 dirhams and sent her to Madinah guarded
by Shurahbil bin Hasanah.
● She arrived in Madinah in the sixth year of Hijrah
and was about 30 y/o at the time.
● She was gentle and virtuous by nature.
● She was careful with the Prophet's traditions.
● She was well served in the matters of Shariah.
● She passed away in 44 A.H.

10. Safiyah bint Hai (r.a)

● She was the daughter of Hai bin Akhtab; the chief
of Banu Nadeer.
● She was married to Sallam bin Mishkam and then
later to his brother but later he died and she was
taken as a war-prisoner.
● Some companions came to the Prophet and asked
him to marry her as she wouldn't look good
working as a maid.
● The Prophet (PBUH)freed her and as a result of
this, many jews accepted Islam.
● She was very dignified in her behaviour, was
forbearing and scholarly.
● She was looked upon as a centre of light and
learning she also loved Prophet(PBUH) alot.
● When he fell ill, she said: “I pray that your
affliction had befallen me.”
● She was a foundation of knowledge and died in 50
● She was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi, Madinah.

11. Maimoonah bint Al-Harith (r.a)

● She was the daughter of al-Harith.
● Her original name was Barrah.
● She belonged to the tribe of Amir bin Sa’ad of
● Sister of Umm-ul-Fazl who was the wife of Abbas.
● She was married to Masood bin Amr who divorced
her and then got married to Abu Ruhm who died.
● The Prophet married her in 7 A.H. after completing
his Umrah.
● Always tried to act and complete the acts of
Sunnah and urge others as well.
● She passed away in 51 A.H.
● About her character, Ayesha said: “... she surely
was the most righteous among us and the kindest
towards her relatives.”

12. Rehana bint Zaid (r.a)

● She belonged to the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadeer
and was married to a man of banu Quraiza.
● She became a captive with the Banu Quraiza tribe
so the Prophet (PBUH) freed her and then married
● She died in 21 A.H. and was buried in Jannat-ul-
Baqi, Madinah.

13. Maria Qibtiya (r.a)

● Christian ruler of Egypt sent her as a slave to the
Prophet (PBUH).
● She was the mother of Prophet’s son, Ibrahim who
passed away in childhood.
● She was a god-fearing and kind hearted woman.
● She died in 637 C.E.

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