Interpretadon of The Magnetotelluric Impedance Tensor-Bahr 1987

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Interpretadon of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor: regional induction

and local telluric distortion

Article · January 1988


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1 author:

Karsten Bahr
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen


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J Geophys (\988) 62: 119-127 ..Journal of

Interpretadon of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor:

regional induction and local telluric distortion
Karsten Bahr *

Ocean Research Division A-030, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, Ca. 92093, U.S.A.

Abstract. A method for the interpretation of the magnetotel­ measure of deviation from two-dimensionality have been
luric (MT) impedance tensor, the telluric-vector technique, widely applied. In the pure 2-D case the electromagnetic
is presented. The phase information of all impedance tensor field is split into two separate modes, in each of which the
elements is used to distinguish between local telluric distor­ electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular. Therefore,
tion and regional induction. A model incorporating a super­ the diagonal elements of the impedance tensor should van­
position of the effects of local surface anomalies and a re­ ish as it is expressed by Swift's condition. More recently,
gionaI1-D, 2-D or 3-D conductivity distribution is applied. some authors forsook the demand for orthogonal electric
In 2-D regional structures, a complete separation of the and magnetic fields. Eggers' (1982) eigenstate analysis of
contributions of local and regional anomalies is possible the impedance tensor allows for other angles between the
if additional information from geomagnetic depth sounding two fields. He and some subsequent authors (La Torraca
(ODS) is used. A new skewness parameter derived from et at, 1986; Cevallos, 1986) suggest a more mathematical
phases alone is introduced to measure the three-dimension­ decomposition of the impedance tensor that retains all the
ality of the regional structure independent of local distor­ information contained in the four complex impedances.
tions. However, these papers give no proof of the physical signifi­
cance of the parameters extracted from the impedance ten­
Key words: MT tensor - Static shift Structural dimen­
sor. Counil et al. (1986) also deal with non-orthogonal elec­
sionality - Separation into local and regional contribu­
tric and magnetic bases. A detailed comparison of these
tions decomposition methods is given by Yee and Paulson (1987).
In this paper the MT impedance tensor will be explained
by a superposition of regional and local conductivity anom­
Introduction alies. 'Regional' means that the horizontal dimensions are
comparable with the depth of penetration. 'Local' struc­
Recently, two problems have often hindered an accurate tures are much smaller than the penetration depth: they
interpretation of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor: (1) cause DC distortion. It will be shown that the conventional
static shifts and (2) the so-called 'three-dimensionality' of analysis, using orthogonal electric and magnetic bases, suffi­
the tensor. The first is caused either by local zones of anom­ ciently describes a regional 2-D anomaly if the contribution
alous conductivity, which are small compared to the pene­ of the local structure has been removed from the tensor.
tration depth, or by folding of the stratum. These change A new 'skewness' coefficient, that takes into account the
the electric field in direction and magnitude. Thus, instead three-dimensionality of the regional conductivity distribu­
of an impedance, which correctly describes the resistivity tion only, will be introduced.
of the subsoil, a 'shifted' impedance is obtained. The second
problem paraphrases the fact that there is no coordinate Regional I-D resistivity distribution
system in which the diagonal elements of the impedance and local 3-D distortion
tensor disappear. Therefore, a model with a three-dimen­
sional conductivity distribution must be used to explain In magnetotellurics one assumes that in the frequency do­
the tensor impedance at a single site. main the horizontal electric field E and the horizontal mag­
These two difficulties are of course somewhat related netic field B are linked through the impedance tensor Z:
but have almost always been handled separately. Some au­
thors remove a frequency-independent distortion matrix E=Z·B.
(Larsen, 1977; Kemmerle, 1977) and extract a scalar imped­ For a resistivity distribution which is purely depth depen­
ance from the remaining tensor. Others do not deal with dent except for a thin top layer of varying conductance,
the distortion matrix, but rather examine the inner proper­ the general impedance tensor
ties of the impedance tensor. Both Swift's (1967) diagonal
minimization method for finding the strike in a 2-D struc­
ture as well as his use of the 'skewness' coefficient as a (1)

* Present address: Institut fUr Geophysik der Universitat Got­

tingen, Postfach 2341, D-3400 Gottingen, Federal Republic of Ger­ will be obtained. The normal impedance Z. contains all
many the depth sounding information. The distortion matrix ele­

ments all' a 1 2. a21. a22 are independent of frequency and The six complex dimensionless transfer functions hH , ... , ZD
real in the frequency range in which the penetration depth describe a linear relation between the components of the
is large compared to the extension of the top layer struc­ magnetic fields at two sites. If the conductivity varies only
tures. All elements of a measured impedance tensor must in one horizontal direction as described by Eq. (2), all ele­
have the same phase if they are to be described by Eq. (1). ments except hH and Zn in a suitable coordinate system
They yield four real values which are mUltiples of the ele­ will vanish. hn and ZH belong to the E-polarization.
ments of the distortion matrix and the phase factor of the
normal impedance Z •. A sixth degree offreedom is required
The 'conductivity reference' metbod
to obtain the true magnitude of Z •. So far, this distortion
factor has been found by two methods: This section deals with situations where the strike of a re­
1) Additional information about the top layer: Kem­ gional structure, taken to be 2-D, is known from geology.
merle (1977) pursued conductivity contrasts in the top layer The combination of magnetotellurics and geomagnetic
with geoelectric methods in order to determine the elements depth sounding (Bahr, 1983; Cerv et al., 1984) offers a
of the distortion matrix. powerful tool in overcoming the handicap that the imped­
2) Additional information about the mantle conductivi­ ances Z~y and Z~,x in Eq. (2) are unknown. This is demon­
ty: Larsen (1977) calculated an undistorted impedance from strated with the interpretation of field data from station
the ratio of the vertical to the horizontal component of LAU (Laubach) in the Rhenish Massif, an uplifted and ex­
the S q variation field. This 'Z: H method' was originally posed section of the Variscian mountain belt in central
set up by Eckhardt (1963). Schmucker (1974) applied it to Europe (see Fig. 1). The SW-NE-striking HunsrUck south
Sq variations. By expanding the frequency range of the MT edge, the so-called "Hunsriick-Siidrandverwerfung" as a
method up to daily variations, the MT impedance can be deep-reaching tectonic lineament between highly resistive
linked to the undistorted impedance found with the Z:H Variscian sediments of the Rhenish Massif and unfolded
method. The resulting distortion matrix can be applied to past-Variscian sediments of higher conductivity, is described
all shorter periods as long as only one phase appears in by a 2-D model. Three sets of field data are interpreted:
the impedance tensor. If this is the case, Eq. (1) is a valid 1) The tensor impedance, free from local distortions, of
model and the regional conductivity distribution can be the 'reference station' SPO (Sponsheim) situated at the
considered 1-0. lower part of the Nahe river.
2) The tensor impedance at LAU in coordinates (x',y')
Regional 2-D resistivity distribution rotated anti-clockwise by 40°. Z~x is the impedance of E­
and loea1 3-D distortion polarization and Z~y is the impedance of B-polarization.

The superposition of a large-scale regional 2-D conductivity

anomaly and local resistivity changes in the top layer yields
the general impedance tensor


usually with different amplitudes and phases in Z~y and

Z~,x. Here, as well as in the subsequent sections, cartesian
coordinates (x, y) refer to observations while coordinates
(x', y') refer to a regional 2-D structure with x' normal to
strike. The prime (') indicates tensor elements in coordinates
(x', y'), i.e. Z~y means Z,x'y' for shortness. A is the distortion
matrix. In using Eq. (2) we postulate that the appropriate
coordinate system has already 'been found. This topic will
be pursued in a later section. Additional information is nec­
essary to obtain the correct amplitudes of the two imped­
ances Z~y and Z~x' Apart from the impedance splitting ac­
cording to Eq. (2), the large-scale regional anomaly causes
a regional amplification of the vertical magnetic component
Bz as well as spatial changes of the horizontal magnetic
components Bx and By- With the 'geomagnetic depth
sounding' method these changes can be deduced from si­
multaneous magnetic recordings at different sites. They can
be used as an additional help for modelling the regional

conductivity anomaly. The spatial differences between the t4.
• y'
magnetic fields at two sites (1, 2) are usually presented, fol­
y ,---,-'-,,-OO:::..k:..::m,,---~
lowing a suggestion by Schmucker (1970), by a perturbation
matrix: 49'N - - - - ' -_ _--l.--L_ _L-._ _...L.._ _- - '_ _---'

Fig. 1. MT sites within the Rhenish Massif and Harz Mountains

(hatched areas) of the uplifted and exposed Variscian mountain
belt in West Germany. (v) Tertiary volcanic areas of Vogelsberg
and Westerwald, ( ... ) gabbro massif of Bad Harzburg



- 0

---- 0.1 ---+­

265 Qm

132 Qm


No hII .. 28k m_

I. Qm

100 ,Qm

9 ~lm

1.0 Qrn Fig. 2. Simplified 2 D model of the resistivity

distribution in a SE-NW-running vertical cut
60 Kcblenz
through the northern Rhinegraben and the
200 Qm Hunsriick. Site names SPO, OPE, etc. refer to ZH
145 5'Qm
t:z .ZlL
plots as well as to the conductivity cross-section.
The right block and the laterally homogeneous
layers from 20 km depth downwards show the
-OPE SPO vertical resistivity-depth profile of LAD as
70 Qm
calculated from the impedance which is corrected
for local distortions. The left block (up to 20 km
l.50 depth) is derived from MT measurements at
7"10'E d'1(j'E
1 Qm SPO. For further explanation, see text

3) Geomagnetic transfer functions ZH according to of the E-polarization Z~x at LAU is 70° at frequencies
Eq. (3) on a depth sounding profile which connect both around 100 cycles per hour (Fig. 3). It was also found by
MT sites. ZH refers to the magnetic field in the x' direction. 16dicke et al. (1983). Field and model data show, corre­
Schmucker's (1971) 'inhomogeneous layer' algorithm is spondingly: (1) At 600 cph the phases are almost equal and
used for E- and B-polarization. The model is presented and the anisotropy corrected for local effects is near unity, i.e.
explained in Fig. 2. Adapting the impedance of the model a'lD case'. (2) At longer periods the phase of the E-polar­
to that measured at SPO works well over the whole period ization Z~" exceeds that of the B-polarization Z~y and the
range. Figure 2 shows the adaption of the model-generated anisotropy becomes larger than 1. The conducting layer
anomalous magnetic field transfer function ZH to the mea­ underneath the Hunsriick acts as a continuation of the low­
sured one. Figure 3 shows the adaption of both impedances resistive subsoil of SPO and decreases the phase of the B­
measured at LAU. In addition to the two phases, the fre­ polarization below 45° even though site LAU is on the
quency dependence of the anisotropy Z~y/Z;" is also shown. highly resistive Rhenish Massif.
The anisotropy remaining after splitting off a frequency­ The distortion factors of the impedance at LAU were
independent distortion matrix must be explained solely by found for very long periods by independently adapting each
use of the regional conductivity model. However, the unmo­ impedance Z~y, Z;" to the undistorted impedance obtained
dified anisotropy is also influenced by local distortion. The from the Z:H method (Bahr, 1985). The result was an
model incorporates a conducting layer at 20 km depth un­ =0.70, all = 1.75 and all and all about zero in coordinates
derneath the Hunsriick. This layer explains why the phase (x', i). Therefore, the correction factor of the anisotropy

1.S IZ~yl/llyJ
MT I corrected I +

::\ t\ H~f.

Model )(
l( )I(

i ctyxl !IZ~yl
MT + +
Model ):( )(




)( )(

__ ______________~____________~,______________~__________~~.
T~ ~ f
.1 1. 10. 100. 600 cph
Fig. 3. Frequency dependence of the two phases and the impedance anisotropy of site LAU: measured values and those generated
with the model described in Fig. 2. Z;" refers to E-polarization and Z~y refers to B-polarization

due to local distortion is al da22 = 2.50. This factor is deter­ Decoupling of local and regional anomalies
mined again here for all periods by comparing the model
anisotropy describing the regional anomaly with the mea­ This section deals with the frequently occurring situation
sured one. that the strike of the regional anomaly is initially unknown.
The differences between measured and synthetic imped­ With Z.L and Z II as the undistorted impedances of B- and
ances at periods over 1 h probably arise from modelling E-polarization and A as the distortion matrix, the imped­
the Rhenish Massif as an infinitely extended 2-0 structure, ance tensor, in the coordinate system given by the strike
although the penetration depth at these periods corresponds of the regional anomaly, is:
to its true extent. The phase of the synthetic impedances
at longer periods changes if, instead of a 2-0 model calcula­
tion, a 3-0 one is used (Wannamaker et aI., 1984).
z=(aa all

21 a22
12).( 0
a 22
The regional amplification of the vertical magnetic field
is caused by the spatial change of conductance (Schmucker, Z.L and Z II are the inpedances of the regional 2-0 anomaly.
1970). Therefore, single-frequency data of the ZH transfer Each of them appears in one column of the impedance ten­
function are insufficient to detect a hidden shift of the im­ sor. We consider 'telluric vectors'
pedance at site LAU because such a shift would vary the
'conductance jump' from LAU to SPO only slightly. How­ e'",=a12 ZII x' +a22 ZII ~'
ever, the resolution of this reference conductivity method and
is enhanced when considering a wide frequency range. The
depth of the conductive layer under the Rhenish Shield, (5)
which would also be biased by a hidden shift, can be deter­
mined by adapting the model to geomagnetic transfer func­ where X' and y' are unit vectors. e~ or e~ defines an in-phase
tions at suitable frequencies. By use of this technique, Tez­ and an out-of-phase telluric vector with regard to the north
kan (1986) determines the depth of a conductive layer under or the east components of the magnetic field, respectively.
the Black Forest where local distortions shift the impedance, If local anomalies are absent or if they are quasi 2-0 in
hindering an accurate determination of this depth from MT the same coordinates, e~ points towards west and e~ towards
data only. north. In the particular coordinate system which is consid­

ered here, the in-phase and the out-of-phase vector are par­ The subscripts 1, 2, referring to the two different signs of
allel, but they are rotated out of their normal position: the root in Eq. (11), describe two coordinate systems in
which either the impedance tensor elements belonging to
ex or those belonging to e~ have the same phase.
If all elements of the impedance tensor have the same
In the (x, y) coordinates all elements of the impedance tensor phase, it follows that A = B = C = 0 and no strike angle is
contain different linear superpositions of Zl. and Z II: the obtained. Then the regional conductivity distribution is only
tensor is depth dependent and ZII =Zl. and Eq. (4) corresponds to
(6) Larsen's formulation, Eq. (1).
If the impedance tensor is exactly described by Eq. (4)
where T is a rotation tensor and A· Z' is the impedance in the appropriate coordinate system, it should be the case
tensor described by Eq. (4). While in Eq. (4) only two phases that IXI = IX]. - 90°. Let
occur, now each element of the impedance tensor has a
different phase (compare Fig. 4). The expressions

(7) be the tensor of a 90° rotation. Thus,

are considered in the following instead of the original im­

pedances. Transformation of these modified impedances (12)
into a new coordinate system which is rotated clockwise
by an angle IX yields At a rotation of 90°, the phases of e~ and e~ are commutable.
The condition that the two angles which are due to the
D'1 =D 1 COS(21X)+S2 sin (2 IX)
two different signs of the root in Eq. (11) differ by 90° leads
S2=S2 COS(21X)-Dl sin(21X), (8)
while SI and D z are rotationally invariant.
We wish to find the rotation angle IX for which the trans­
formed tensor takes the simple form of Eq. (4). The condi­ and therefore
tion that the two elements Z xx and Z)'X of the rotated imped­
ance tensor which belong to the same telluric vector ex C=[D 1,S2]-[SI' Dz]=O. (13)
have the same phase is Im(ZxJZyx)=O or (Bahr, 1985)
The term C is rotationally invariant because S 1 and D].
Re[Sl +Dl cos(2cc)+Sz·sin(2cc)]
are so and
Re[ -D2 -Dl sin(2lX)+S2 'COS(2lX)]

Im[Sl +Dl cos(2lX)+S2·sin(2lX)]

Im[ -D 2 -D 1 sin(21X)+S2·cos(2lX)] as seen from Eqs. (8) and (10). C disappears, no matter which
1m (Zxx) coordinate system is chosen, if the regional conductivity
(9) distribution is exactly two-dimensional. In a purely depth­
dependent resistivity distribution, the condition
A similar condition exists which links the elements of the
telluric vector ey • (14)
The sine of the differences between the phases of each
pair of impedances are now abbreviated by use of the' com­ is fulfilled in addition.
mutators', e.g.
[SI, S2] =Re(SI) Im(S2)- Im(SI) Re(S2) A phase-sensitive skewness coefficient
=Im(S2' S!) (10) The parameter C can be used to set up a new measure
of the three-dimensionality of the regional conductivity dis­
([Dl' D z], [Dl' S2] and [SI, D 2 ] correspondingly).
Equation (9) with (10) becomes

- A sin (2 IX)+ B cos (2 IX) + C =0,
It is related to the conventional skew
A =[SI' Da + [S2' D 2]
B=[SI,S2] [D 1 ,D2 ] by the ratio
C = [Db S2] -[SI' D2J.
The solution is
of the phase-sensitive skew to the conventional skew. ~ I
tan IX I. 2= ± [(B + c)/(B - C) + (AI(B - C)2J 1/]. - AI(B - C). represents the relative contribution of local distortion to
(11) K, e.g. for ~ ~ 1 it is totally determined by this distortion.

Wl!Ighted mean c
.. a
... '~
10 (Imll' J 1)~(ImIZ'JJ)2 / \ Swif t's angle
(RefZ.JI12.( Re(Z"I)2 I \~ b
I "f
I "

I '"

If ..... , ..... - __

Fig. 4. Phases of the elements of the impedance tensor

(bottom) and phases of the 'telluric vectors', according
to Eq. (20), of site WAL, T= 1 min, at a stepwise
coordinate transformation. The impedances of the
main diagonal elements are comparable with their
confidence intervals for angles around 75° and 35°,
and they have negative phases there. Then, it is not
useful to calculate a phase according to Eq. (20) there.
Elsewhere, lLlZ/ZI<O.l (.8=68%) and ILlcPl<5°; the
errors of all phases are smaller than the referred
differences between cPez and cP.,. For further
explanation, see text

Tbe strike of a regionall-D anomaly another uplifted and exposed piece of the Variscian moun­
tain belt (Fig. 1). The phases of the four impedance tensor
Swift's (1967) method to determine the strike of a 2-D struc­
elements and their dependence on the chosen coordinate
ture leads to the analytical solution
system are illustrated in Fig. 4. At (X2 =47" the phases tPx.'1
(18) and tP'I'I which belong to e'l correspond, but the other two
do not tally at alL At (Xl =59" the phases belonging to ex
which depends on the moduli of the impedances, as does are exactly identical, the other two are almost identical.
the skew [Eq. (16)]. Therefore, this formula may be inappro­ This behaviour leads to the second method.
priate for finding the regional trend in the particular case B) The coordinate system defined by (Xl> in which the
where local telluric distortion determines those moduli. phases of the 'rotation-sensitive' telluric vector ex coincide,
A coordinate system in which one of the axes coincides is used. That telluric vector is usually the one with the
with the strike of the regional anomaly and in which the smaller moduli of impedance.
impedance tensor takes the form of Eq. (4), can be found C) Changing from four to two phases can result in
in various ways: smoothing noisy data. Then, only the phases of the telluric
A) If 1'/ <0.1, the regional anomaly is assumed to be vectors, defined by
exactly two-dimensional and C is set to zero:
tan (2 (X) = B/A. (19)
To evaluate Eq. (11) or Eq. (19) the phases of all four
elements of the impedance tensor have to be known. Ran­ (20)
dom data errors can vary the value of 1'/. If 1'/ 0 due to *'
data errors or deviations of the 2-D geometry, then (Xl
-IX2 *'
90". This is demonstrated by use of field data from are analysed. <P e", means the phase of the entire electric field
site WAL, a site within the Harz Mountains, representing correlated with the north component of the magnetic field,

with respect to that north component. As in the second Table 1. Skewness coefficients. according to Eqs. (15-17). of three
method, the telluric vector whose phase is changed more sites at period T= 1 min
profoundly by rotation, for example ex, is searched for.
In the particular case where [Sl, D 2J =0 and the skew Station '7
K is nevertheless non-zero, this skew can be explained by
a maladjustment y of the electrodes with respect to the mag­ PFE 0.15 2.28 0.35
WAL 0.61 0.26 0.16
netometer: TEL 1.09 0.07 0.08


(Cox et al., 1980). This possibility cannot be distinguished

from the case that in Eq. (4) one telluric vector dominates: _ Plutonites
(at 1 +a~l)112IZ.L1 ~(at2 + a~2)lI2IZIlI. In that case, only Z.L
determines the phase of SI and Dz.; and tan(y)=a l l /a21 Zechstein
is the rotation of this telluric vector caused by local distor­ subdivision
tion. Carboniferous

~ Upper Devonian

Application to field data in the Harz Mountains _ Lower Devonoan

Table 1 shows both the modulus-sensitive and the phase­

sensitive skew of three stations in the Harz Mountains. The 10km
NW-SE-striking southwest edge of the Harz, which delimits
the Variscian sediments from the younger sediments of the
Harz' southern forelands, can be considered as a regional Fig. 5. MT stations in the Harz mountains
2-D anomaly with respect to two sites WAL, TEL (see
Fig. 5). But the folding of the Variscian sediments is rotated
by 70'" from this direction: 'The Harz Mountains have an Comparison of methods
inner structure which runs southwest-northeast and a Her­
If only a regional 2-D structure but no top layer anomaly
cynian stretched contour which runs northwest-southeast'
(Mohr, 1978). Although the conventional skew [Eq. (16)] exists, the transformed impedances according to Eq. (7) re­
is large for stations WAL and TEL, the regional conductivi­ duce to
ty distribution is two-dimensional as indicated by the small S~ =0 S2 =Z~y+Z;.r
phase-sensitive skew from Eq. (15). The folding acts like a
'local' anomaly and causes a linear polarization of the elec­ D~ =0 D2 =Z~y-Z~.r
tric field in one preferred direction. Because this direction
in a coordinate system given by the strike of the regional
does not coincide with one of the axes of the coordinate
structure. If the coordinate system is rotated by an angle
system given by the regional 2-D anomaly, the conductivity ex, the impedances
distribution looks three-dimensional: K> '1.
At site PFE, a site on the Harzburg's gabbro massif, SI =0 Sz. =Sl cos(2cx)
the situation is reversed. Here the regional conductivity dis­
tribution appears to be 3-D, but is concealed by a nearly Dl =S;' sin(2cx) Dz.=D;'
2-D local distortion, in which all is much larger than a2Z. are observed. The conventional method of strike determina­
but with a 12 and aZ. l nearly zero in proper coordinates. tion, Eq. (18), of course recovers the original strike. The
The pronounced anisotropy al t/aZ.2 causes D2 to over­ phase-sensitive method yields
whelm S l' Therefore, the modulus-sensitive skew is small:
K<'1. A [S2,D 2J [S;',D2]cos(2cx)
The rotation angles for W AL, found with the help of
B = - [Dl' D 2 ] = -[S2' D;'] sin(2ex)
Methods A), B), C), are marked in Fig. 4. Within the small
angular interval 470 <ex< 59°, one finds the phases 4Je =40° C=[D l ,S2] =[S;',Sl] sin(2cx)cos(2ex)=0
and 4Je",=600-70° according to Eq. (20). Swift's criterion
Eq. (18) yields ex= 55°. But if only the off-diagonal elements
are analysed in this coordinate system, one finds 4JXY ~ 4Jyx tan(2cc)= B/A
~40°. The phase bound to the telluric vector ex is hidden
by the distortion. The phases 4Jey =40° and 4Je,,=65° at 1­ from Eq. (19). Thus this method, too, recovers the original
min period correspond well to the two phases of site LAU strike and yields a skew '1=0 according to Eq. (15).
(compare Fig. 3) and they can also be interpreted by a simi­ In the opposite case, where only a surface anomaly ex­
lar model of a high-resistive slab of a thickness limited to ists, the conventional method [Eq. (18)] will still yield some
20 km. Then, 4Je y. is the phase of the B-polarization with strike direction. Gamble et al. (1982) suggest the determina­
regard to the regional anomaly of the southwest edge of tion of a regional strike from a generalization of Eq. (18).
the Harz. But if both phases are taken to be about 400 They replace the impedances D 1, S2 by averages of those
according to Swift's criterion, there would be no clue to expressions obtained from several sites. This might result
the lower boundary of the high-resistive domain. in a average of local strikes rather than a regional one.

Following Eggers (1982), those methods which try to the surface anomaly itself is of interest, the distortion matrix
give a complete representation of the impedance tensor are can be obtained from an examination of this surface anoma­
compared in the following, in terms of the number of de­ ly by some DC method (Kemmerle, 1977). Where the con­
grees of freedom obtained: ductivity of the mantle is to be investigated, the normal
1) The conventional coordinate transformation yields (undistorted) impedance can be calculated from magnetic
two principal impedances (4 degrees of freedom), the strike long-period data with the Z:H method (Larsen, 1977). The
(1) and the skew (1). The ellipticity of the polarization ellipse distortion matrix, which is obtained by comparing that nor­
SdD2 provides additional information but not a full degree mal impedance with the measured impedance tensor, can
of freedom (Eggers, 1982). This method is 'incomplete' as be applied to all shorter periods as long as only one phase
it does not use all the information contained in the tensor. appears in the tensor. Otherwise, the regional conductivity
2) Eggers' eigenstate formulation yields two complex distribution is not purely depth dependent. By introducing
eigenvalues (4), two non-orthogonal principal directions (2) a new, rotationally invariant skew, this paper suggests a
and two ellipticities (2). This method gives a complete math­ test for the question of whether the regional structure is
ematical description of the MT tensor. 2-D. It is the phases that are examined, not the amplitudes
3) The method described in this paper deals with the of the impedance tensor elements as in the conventional
impedances belonging to the two telluric vectors (4), the skewness analysis.
regional strike (1), the regional skew (1) and the distortion To explain the two phases of a seriously distorted im­
matrix (4). From the elements of the distortion matrix, the pedance tensor of a site in the Rhenish Massif, a model
'amplification' (ai2 +a~2)l/2 and the angular deviation calculation with a 2-D resistivity distribution which does
a l2 /a 22 of the telluric vector ex as well as the equivalent not contain the local structures was carried out. Geomag­
distortion terms of ey could be calculated. Ten independent netic depth sounding data which are not influenced by the
parameters are necessary, while the impedance tensor pro­ local structures were used as an additional check. As the
vides only eight degrees of freedom. The additional two model space includes a reference site with a known, un­
degrees of freedom are the static shifts of the impedances distorted impedance, there exists an initial value for the
ofthe two telluric vectors: these amplifications, (ai 2 + a~2)l/2 resistivity. By comparing the measured impedances with the
and (ail +a~dl/2, remain unknown as long as no additional modelled ones, real distortion coefficients were obtained.
information besides the MT tensor is used. This 'reference conductivity' method offers another tech­
The model of a regional 2-D conductivity structure and nique for removing DC distortion.
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schaft under grant Ba 889/1.
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