Advanced-Chem Q1

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Learner’s Packet
Name: _________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________

(RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP 1)


Look around you! Everything is a product of Chemistry. You use chemicals everyday—when
you breathe, drink a glass of water or eat your favorite meal. Anything you can touch or smell or see
contains one or more chemicals. Many occur naturally but some are man-made. Chemistry is the
study of composition, properties, and structure of matter—all things that occupy space and have
mass. It is a branch of natural science that deals principally with the properties of substances, the
changes they undergo, and the natural laws that describe these changes.
Advancements in the field of chemistry have brought about major improvements in our
world. Improvements range from new medicines that cure disease, to new materials that make us
safer and stronger, to new sources of energy that enable new activities.
The study of Chemistry involves taking several observations. The study of chemistry spans
the range from qualitative in focus to quantitative. Quantitative observations are taken through
measurements. It gives results in a definite form, usually as numbers or units. Measurement is the
process of finding out how many measuring units there are in something.
In this activity, you will learn the importance and the measurement used in Chemistry.


MELC: Discuss the role of Chemistry in different areas of human needs as well as the
interrelationship of Chemistry to other fields of science.
Demonstrate understanding of mathematical methods used in Chemistry.
CG LC/ Code:
1. Identify the major field of study in Chemistry and relationship to other fields of Science.
2. Cite products and/or application of Chemistry in the society.
3. Perform scientific measurements.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


  ACTIVITY 1: Pre-Test

INSTRUCTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

_______1. What branch of Chemistry is concerned with chemical processes of living

a. Geochemistry c. Synthetic Chemistry
b. Organic Chemistry d. Biochemistry
_______2. Advances in the understanding of plant hormones regulate plant growth. In what area
does Chemistry is interrelated?
a. Energy c. Agriculture
b. Medicine d. Space Exploration
_______3. Normal human body temperature is 37oC. What is the temperature in Kelvin?
a. 273 K c. 236 K
b. 310 K d. 250 K
_______4. The quantity that is expressed as the ratio of mass in grams and the volume in cubic
centimeter is ___________?
a. Density c. Mass
b. Volume d. Temperature
_______5. How many significant figures are there in 0.00600?
a. 6 c. 1
b. 5 d. 3

ACTIVITY 2: #Chem Connect

CHEMISTRY AND SOCIETY - Chemistry has been divided into major areas of study.
Study the table below to determine the branches of Chemistry.
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY study of the structure, properties, and preparation of chemical
compounds that consist primarily of carbon and hydrogen.

INORGANIC study of the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds.


RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

ANALYTICAL involves the qualitative and quantitative determination of the chemical
CHEMISTRY components of substances.

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY study the rate of a chemical reaction, the interaction of molecules with
radiation, and the calculation of structures and properties.

BIOCHEMISTRY the study of chemical reactions or processes that take place in living

INSTRUCTIONS: The following are sub-branches of chemistry. Connect an arrow line to

what field it belongs to. The first is done for you.

Quantum Geochemistry  Forensic — the study of the
chemistry — — the study of chemistry — spatial
the the chemical the application arrangements of
composition of chemical atoms in
and changes in principles, molecules and
description of
rocks, minerals, techniques, and their effects on
the motion and methods to the
interaction of and atmosphere the chemical and
of the earth or a investigation of physical
subatomic crime.
celestial body. properties of


Photochemis Genetics  Molecular

Polymer Environmental — the biology —
try — the
chemistry  chemistry — study of
study of the the study
— the the study of genes,
chemical study of the of the
the heredity,
changes chemistry and interaction
caused by of atmospheric, s between
light. polymers. aquatic, and in living the various
soil chemistry. organisms. systems.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


Science is concerned with studying the world, the universe. Chemistry plays an
important role in almost all human endeavors. Chemists work with other scientists--biologist,
geologists, physicists, and astronomers

INSTRUCTIONS: Identify the pictures according to the field of Sciences. Write B-Biology,
G-Geology, P-Physics, A-Astronomy

1 5

2 6
Hydrothermal activity

3 Solar Led Street Light 7

4 8
Iron oxide in rocks1 Carbon Cycle

Source: Pictures taken from Google Images

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Chemistry affects your daily life. We use things that make our life healthy and comfortable.
Different products of chemistry are used in different human needs.
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the importance of Chemistry below. Arrange the letters to reveal the area
where it is evident.


1. Crops need four things for good growth: sunlight, water, nutrients from the soil, and
protection from predators such as insects. Chemistry has made major contributions within
water usage, nutrient availability, and plant protection. Through the production of pesticides,
fertilizers, and antibiotics, it is evident that chemistry has played a significant role in
maximizing the yield of animal products and crops. Many farmers choose to use chemicals to
keep weeds and pests from destroying their crops and to add more nutrients to the soil. There
are three different kinds of pesticides; herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. ... To put more
of these nutrients back into the soil many farmers will add fertilizers. Advances in the
understanding of plant hormones, which regulate plant growth, represent another opportunity
to increase the strength and viability of plants, and increase the world’s food supply.


Major contributions to health care have been made by chemistry. The development of new
drugs involves chemical analysis and synthesis of new compounds. Many recent television
programs advertise the large number of new drugs produced by chemists. Chemical sciences
can help to improve global healthcare from basic research that helps to understand the
mechanisms underlying disease, through the development of improved means of diagnosis
and through optimizing the development of effective drugs. It provides a strong basis for
understanding acid-base imbalances within the body and how different medications work.
This combines to form a set of highly interdisciplinary sciences, setting its organic, physical,
and computational emphases alongside biological areas such as biochemistry, molecular
biology, pharmacognosy and pharmacology, toxicology and veterinary.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

This is stored in the bonds of chemical compounds. It may be released during a chemical
reaction, often in the form of heat; such reactions are called exothermic. The chemical in a
battery can also supply electrical power by means of electrolysis. Chemistry innovations
enable technologies that are revolutionizing the way we generate and store them—solar cells,
wind turbines, rechargeable batteries. As the bonds between the atoms in food loosen or
break, a chemical reaction takes place, and new compounds are created. This is produced
from this reaction to keep us warm, helps us move, and allows us to grow. Different foods
store different amounts of this source.

Chemical substances can play an important role in food production and preservation.
Food additives can, for example, prolong the shelf life of foods; others, such as colors, can
make food more attractive. Flavorings are used to make food tastier. Food supplements are
used as sources of nutrition. Ingredients can be naturally occurring or artificial, but any
potential impact on our health depends mainly on the chemical compounds Chemicals, both
natural and synthetic, are added to cosmetics to provide an appealing fragrance. Even
'unscented' products may contain masking fragrances to mask the smell of other chemicals.
Chemicals used for cleaning and in cleaning products, such as laundry detergents, bleaches,
dishwashing products and other household cleaners, help improve cleaning efficiency,
making homes, offices and other environments both easier to clean and more hygienic.
Household cleaning products containing antibacterial cleaners not only remove dirt and soil,
but they also can kill the germs that may cause illness.

Research is constantly deepening our understanding of chemistry and leading to new
discoveries. The innovative products of chemistry lead to cutting edge advancements in
medical devices, aerospace, computing, cars, fuels and more. That's what chemistry enables:
advancements that drive innovation, create jobs and enhance safety in our everyday lives. The
main role of chemical engineers is to design and troubleshoot processes for the production of
chemicals, fuels, foods, and pharmaceuticals. Understanding chemistry helps you develop
new materials which could be used in electronic components such as resistors, capacitors,

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

diodes and transistors. Nanotechnology can provide solutions for cleaning contaminated soil
and water, and it will play a critical role in transforming medicine and health care.

INSTRUCTIONS: Take a look at the pictures. Select 5 of these things that you can find at
home. Study the information on their label or you may do some research to complete the
needed data in table. Take note that your answer in the Importance should be connected in the
field of chemistry.

Source: Pictures taken from Google Images


CHEMISTRY P TO OTHER Needs/Developmen and the Chemistry
FIELD OF t Behind

Ex.Toothpaste INORGANIC BIOLOGY INDUSTRY Contains water

CHEMISTRY and fluoride.
Sodium Fluoride
is the most
common active
ingredients used
to prevent decay
of our teeth.





RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


INSTRUCTIONS: A. Make your own collage. Find pictures of products from old magazines
or other sources. Paste them according to where human development they belong. (Industry,
Agriculture, Medicine, Energy, Technology) Scoring of outputs is based from a rubric.

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1

Output shows full Output shows major Output shows few Output shows
appropriateness of appropriateness of the appropriateness of very less
the topic topic the topic appropriate of
the topic

Pasted 20 or more Pasted 15-19 products Pasted 10-14 Pasted 9 or less

products of of Chemistry products of products of
Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry

Shows maximum Shows extent Shows minimum cleanliness and

cleanliness and cleanliness but less cleanliness and creativity of
creativity of work creativity of work or creativity of work work is not
vice versa evident

B. ABSTRACTION Answer the following questions:

1. What are the five major divisions of chemistry based on the focus of their study?
2. How is Chemistry related to other sciences? Cite two examples.
3. In what ways do chemistry affect your lives?


Science and Mathematics are best friends. Mathematics are fundamental to the
experimental sciences as well. From monitoring your daily temperature down to the
quantitative composition of your disinfectants to prevent viruses are applications of scientific
measurements. This lesson will focus on three important quantitative measurements that is
needed in learning Chemistry. These are as follows:
1. Scientific Notations
2. Significant Figures
3. Conversion of Units

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

INSTRUCTIONS: A. Be familiar with the parts of a Scientific Notation. Write the appropriate
scientific notation following the flowchart.

0.000 009 205
1 Small
Move decimal point
Number to the right

Number of

FINAL 9.205 x 10 -6

2 380 000 000
Move decimal point
Number to the left Number of

FINAL 3.8 x 10 8

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


1. 274 000 000 000 000 = ___________________________

2. 0.000 000 000 046 =____________________________

3. 650 000 000 000 = ____________________________

4. 0.000 000 237 = ____________________________

5. 0.000 000 004 = ____________________________

Scientific notation expresses very small and very large numbers. In Chemistry, number of
particles are expressed in scientific notation. Mathematical Operations for Scientific Notation
are as follows:


Multiply the Divide the Make the exponents Make the exponents the same.
coefficients and add coefficient then the same. The The decimal points must be
the exponent. subtract the decimal points must aligned. Subtract the
exponent of the be aligned. Add the numbers. Copy the exponent.
denominator from numbers. Copy the
the numerator. exponent.

3.0 x 104 3.0 x 104 5.40 x 103
8.87 × 108
X 2.0 x 102 ÷ 2.0 x 102 + 6.0 x 102
– 9.3 × 107
(3.0 x 2.0) x 10 4+2
3.0/2.0 x 10 4-2 5.40 x 103 88.7 × 107
6.0 x 10 6

1.5 x 10 2 + 0.60 x 103 – 9.3 × 107

6.00 x 103
79.4 × 107

Simplify: move decimal

point to the left

Final Answer : Final Answer : Final Answer : Final Answer :

6.0 x 10 6
1.5 x 10 2 6.00 x 103 7.94 × 108

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Table 2 Scientific Notation
INSTRUCTIONS: B. DO THIS!! Show your solutions.

1. (4 x 107) X (2 x 10-3) 3. (6.3x 10-2 )/ (2.1 x 104)

2. (3.45 x 104) + (2.4 x 102) 4. (9 x 10 12) – (8.1 x 10 9)

ACTIVITY 8: #Figure Me In
INSTRUCTIONS: A. Below are the Rules for Significant Figures. Identify which numbers
inside the box will support the given rules. Write the letter only.
______1. Non-zero digits are always significant
______2. Any zeros between two significant digits are significant
______3. A final zero or trailing zeros in the decimal portion ONLY are significant
______4. A zero used to fix a decimal point is never significant.
______5. Trailing zeros in a whole number with no decimal shown are NOT significant. 

A. 5007 F. 1.5000
B.32.650000 G. 0.0055
C.32621 H. 56.0078
D.300 I. 2463
E.0.0067 J. 9000

B. Following the rules, count the significant numbers. Do this by shading the right pairs with the
same color.

67.0054 200 5.20

1897 0.00025

6 1 4 3 2

Significant Figures convey useful information because these reported digits in

measurement are known. Let us know involve significant figures in calculation.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Table 3 Significant Figures

Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division

C. Now try this: Perform the needed operations.

1. 12.52 meters + 349.0 meters + 8.24 meters
2. 74.626 grams - 28.34 grams
3. 7.55 meters x 0.34 meters
4. 2.4526 meters ÷ 8.4


All measurements depend on units that serve as reference standards. The International
System of Units is a revised version of the metric system. Study the tables below

Table 4: Units of Measurement and Prefixes

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Table 5: Ratio of Equivalent Measurements

INSTRUCTIONS: Using the data above, be able to analyze and solve problems using the
units, or dimensions of measurements.
A. Match the correct conversion factors that will be needed in the given measurements.

1. 4 kg change to mg a. 1 L=103ml
2. 2.5 ml change to L b. 1 g = 103 mg
3. 5km to dm c. 1m=100cm
d. 1 kg = 103 g
e. 1L=106µL
f. 1m=10dm
g. 1g=106 µL
h. 1m=103mm
i. 1 km = 103m
j. 1 cm3 = 1ml

B. Complete the calculation for Dimensional Analysis. Show cancellation of units.

Ex. Express 750 dg in grams

750 dg x = 75g
10 dg

1. 0.044 km to m
0.044 km x _____ = m

2. 66.3 L to cm3
66.3 L x 1000 ml x _____ = cm 3
1 ml

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

C. Using the formulas below, convert for density and temperature.


1. mass=3.1 g 2. 37oC to K
volume=0.35 cm3 K =oC +273
D=m/v K =37 +273
=3.1 g/0.35 cm3 K=310 K
=8.9 g/cm3
Now It’s Your Turn!!!
1. You have a rock with a volume of 15cm3 and a mass of 45 g. What is its density?
2. Volume of an block is 5 cm3. If the density of the block is 250 g/cm3, what is the mass of
the block?
3. Today's weather will have a maximum temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, what is this
temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?
4. Boiling temperature of gold, 3239 K convert it Celsius.


INSTRUCTIONS: Reveal the message by calculating the Scientific Measurements.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

5 273 3 3 273 2

_____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____

3 100 6 500 3.5 1 10 7.5 2
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
5 273 3 3 273 2

_____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ____ _____ _____

104 6 8.3 6 500 3.5 6 1

_____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ____

3 100 2 7.5 9 3.5 100

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

1.5 100 273 12 6 1 3 2 -12

F =1 L to dL B=32.000 significant figure?

C=1500 m to Km E=0 oC to K
G= 35g , 10cm3 d? Y=pico
H=1 m to cm I= 7.00006 significant figure?
L=40oC to oF M=120g to dg
N=227 oC to K O=4.5x102 + 3.0x102 = x102
R=0.0098 significant figure? S=400 significant figure?
T=1.40 significant figure? U=m-32g ,d=3.6m/v v?
V=6.640x103 / 8.00 x 102


INSTRUCTIONS: Select 5 different materials you can find at home. Measure their length,
mass, volume, density or temperature using a measuring device or instrument like ruler. Then
complete the table below.

Material Quantity Measured Value Converted Value

Pencil Length 150 cm 1.5 m





RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions:

1. What are the Rules for Scientific Notation?

2. How do you determine the number of significant figures?
3. How do you calculate dimensional analysis?

  ACTIVITY 13: Post-Test

INSTRUCTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

_______1. What branch of Chemistry is concerned with qualitative and quantitative determination
of the chemical components of substances.?
a. Inorganic Chemistry Geochemistry c. Geochemistry
b. Analytical Chemistry d. Biochemistry
_______2. The chemical in a battery can also supply electrical power by means of electrolysis..
In what area does Chemistry is interrelated?
a. Space Exploration c. Medicine
b. Agriculture d. Energy
_______3. A 10.0 cm3 piece of lead weighs 114 grams. What is its density?
a. 124 g/cm3 c. 11.4 g/cm3
b. 104 g/cm3 d. 1140 g/cm3
_______4. Simplify 234.000 650 x 104
a. 2.34 000 650 x 106 c. 23.4 000 650 x 105
b. 2.34 000 650 x 102 d. 2.34 000 650 x 108
_______5. How many significant figures are there in 370.005607?
a. 6 c. 7
b. 9 d. 3

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


Write an essay by completing the sentences below. Expand your thoughts.

I have learned that

I wish to learn more about


Wilbraham, Antony al Chemistry Addison-Wesley. Fifth Edition

Internet Sources:

What is Chemistry. Retrieved from of Chemistry. Retrieved from

Importance of the carbon cycle.Retrieved from


Hydrothermal Activity .Retrieved from

Effects of chemistry. Retrieved from

Importance of chemistry. Retrieved from

Significant figures.Retrieved from

Table of units.Retrieved from

Conversion Factor.Retrieved from

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


ACT 1 1. D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D

ACT 3 1.P 2.A 3. 4.G 5.A 6.G 7.P 8.B
ACT 5 ANALYSIS (Sample answers)
CHEMISTRY P TO OTHER Needs/Developmen and the Chemistry
FIELD OF t Behind

Ex.Toothpaste INORGANIC BIOLOGY INDUSTRY Contains water

CHEMISTRY and fluoride.
Sodium Fluoride
is the most
common active
ingredients used
to prevent decay
of our teeth.

1.Water Inorganic Geology Agriculture a water molecule

contains one
oxygen and two
hydrogen atoms
that are connected
covalent bonds.

2.Alcohol Analytical Biology Medicine Isopropyl

particularly in
solutions between
60% and 90%
alcohol with 10 –
40% purified
water, is rapidly
against bacteria.

3.Carrots Biochemistry Biology Agriculture Carrots contain

elements that
keep us healthy
on many levels.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

The 3 most
are Beta-
carotene, Alpha
Carotene, and

4.Batteries Physical Physics Energy Batteries are an

energy storage
uses chemicals
to absorb and
release energy
on demand.
Lithium-ion is the
most common
battery chemistry
used to store

5.Cellphone Physical Physics Technology Cell phones emit

low levels of
radiation when in
use. The type of
radiation emitted
by cell phones is
also referred to
as radio
frequency (RF)


ABSTRACTION- (Sample answers)
1. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- study of the structure, properties, and preparation of chemical
compounds that consist primarily of carbon and hydrogen. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY-
study of the properties and behaviour of inorganic compounds. ANALYTICAL
CHEMISTRY- involves the qualitative and quantitative determination of the chemical
components of substances. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY- study the rate of a chemical
reaction, the interaction of molecules with radiation, and the calculation of structures and
properties. BIOCHEMISTRY- the study of chemical reactions or processes that take place in
living things.
2. The products of Chemistry are connected and explained by other field of sciences.?
Ex.1.Salt contains sodium that controls blood pressure and blood volume of the body.
2. Electricity is the flow of electrons through a conductor, usually in the form of a wire, this
flow is called an electric current.(physics)

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

3. Chemistry help us to live comfortably and most of the products we are using makes our
body healthy and free from viruses.
ACT1 7 1. 2.74x1014 2. 4.6x10-11 3. 6.5 x 1011 4. 2.37x10-7 5. 6x10-6
DO THIS- 1. 8 x1010 2.3.474x104 3.3x10-2 4.8.999x109
ACT 8 1. C, I 2.A,H 3. F,B 4. E.G 5. D,J
1897-4 0.00025-2 67.0054-6 200-1 5.20-3
ACT 9 1.370 2.46.28 3.2.6 4. 0.29
3A. 1 D,B 2.A 3.I F B.1.1000 2.1L, 1cm3
C.1.3g/cm 2.1250g 3.86oF 4. 2966 K
ACT 11 - (Sample answers)
Material Quantity Measured Value Converted Value

Pencil Length 150 cm 1.5 m

1. stick Length 3.50 m 350 cm

2. sugar Mass 25 g 0.0250 kg

3.water Volume 2L 2000 ml

4.block Density 0.8 g/cm3 800 kg/m3

5. water Temperature 36oC 89.6oF

ACT 12- 1. Multiply the coefficients and add the exponent. Divide the coefficient then
subtract the exponent oof the denominator from the numerator. Make the exponents the same.
The decimal points must be aligned. Add the numbers. Copy the exponent. Make the
exponents the same. The decimal points must be aligned. Subtract the numbers. Copy the
2. Non-zero digits are always significant. Any zeros between two significant digits are
significant. A final zero or trailing zeros in the decimal portion ONLY are significant. A zero
used to fix a decimal point is never significant. Trailing zeros in a whole number with no
decimal shown are NOT significant. 
3. By converting units of measurements.
ACT 13 POST TEST 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5. B


Author/ Writer: Belinda D. Ravalo, Ronalyn M. Lirio

Ma. Rowena B. Balute, Leony C. Mujal
Content Editor: Ebrahim M. Manrique
Language Editor: Lisa L. Penaflor
Education Program Supervisor: Jade O. Alberto, EdD

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


Learner’s Packet
Name: _________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________

(RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP 2)


You have learned that everything around you is matter. This matter is made up of tiny
fundamental particles that even you can’t see them still it is existing. Atom is the smallest unit into
which matter can be divided without the release of electrically charged particles. It also is the
smallest unit of matter that has the characteristic properties of a chemical element. As such, the atom
is the basic building block of chemistry.
The real nature of atoms and the connection between observable changes and events of the
atomic level were not established for more than 2000 years after Democritus. The modern process of
discovery regarding atoms began with John Dalton. He formulated hypothesis and theories that result
to Dalton’s Atomic Theory. It states that an element is composed of only one kind of atom, and a
compound is composed of particles that are chemical combinations of different kinds of atoms.
Let us go deeper with this kind of particles. Most of the atom is empty space. The nucleus is
the positively charged center of an atom and contains most of its mass. It is composed of protons,
which have a positive charge, and neutrons, which have no charge. Protons, neutrons, and the
electrons surrounding them are long-lived particles present in all ordinary, naturally occurring atoms.
Other subatomic particles may be found in association with these three types of particles. They can
be created only with the addition of enormous amounts of energy, however, and are very short-lived.



 Describe the structure and particles of an atom and explain how the atomic number
identifies an element.
 Relate the atomic spectra of elements and its energy level.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

CG LC/ Code:

1. Identify the properties of particles of atom.

2. Calculate the number of subatomic particles.
3. Describe atomic spectra and energy level of elements.


  ACTIVITY 1: Pre-Test

INSTRUCTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

_______1. What is the actual mass of a proton?

a. 9.110x10-28g c. 1.6750x10-24g
b. 1.6727x10-24g d. 9.110x1028g
_______2. How many protons are there in an element with an atomic no. of 12 and has an
atomic mass of 24?
a. 24 c. 12
b. 36 d. -24
_______3. What element has 7 electrons?
a. Carbon c. Neon
b. Oxygen d. Nitrogen
_______4. How many neutrons are there in an element with an atomic no. of 15 and has an
atomic mass of 31?
a. 15 c. 31
b. 16 d. 46
_______5. The pattern of lines formed when light passes through a prism to separate it
into the different frequencies of light is __________.
a. Energy Levels c. Excited state
b. Atomic Emission Spectra d. Electromagnetic Radiation
ACTIVITY 2: Mine: Properties
How small is an atom? A coin the size of a penny and composed of pure copper (Cu)
illustrates Dalton’s concept of the atom. Imagine grinding the copper coin into a fine dust.
Each speck in the small pile of shiny red dust would still have the properties of copper. Let us
describe the subatomic particles.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


Electrons are one of the three types of subatomic particles that make up an atom. The
other two types are protons and neutrons. Unlike protons and neutrons, electrons are
fundamental particles that cannot be divided further into smaller particles. The standard
symbol for an electron is e or e-. Lightning during the rainy season is a natural source of
electrons that powers various devices such as electric bulbs, television sets, motors, and
mobile phones. Richard Laming, G. Johnstone Stoney, and others first predicted the
possibility of electrons in an atom. Later Stoney gave the term ‘electron’ in 1891. However, it
was discovered by British physicist J.J. Thomson in the year 1897.
Electrons are located at fixed distances outside the atomic nucleus in pathways known
as electron shells or orbitals. An atom’s electronic configuration gives the address of an
electron in an atom. They are tiny in size, with an approximate radius of 2 × 10 −10 cm. They
are negatively charged with a charge of -1, which is equal and opposite to the charge of
a proton and has a mass of 9.1094 x 10-28 g, which is almost 1/2000 times the mass of proton
or neutron. Thus, it contributes very less to the total mass of an atom.
All atoms have the same number of electrons as protons, thus helping the cell become
electrically neutral. Thus in an electrically neutral atom,
Number of electrons (e–) = Number of protons (p+)
For example, the nucleus of Osmium contains 76 electrons. The force of attraction between
the oppositely charged electrons and protons helps the former move in the space around the
nucleus in their specified orbits.
RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8
Proton, a stable subatomic particle that has a positive charge equal in magnitude to a
unit of electron charge and a rest mass of 1.67262 × 10−27 kg, which is 1,836 times the mass of
an electron. Protons, together with electrically neutral particles called neutrons, make up all
atomic nuclei except for the hydrogen nucleus (which consists of a single proton). Every
nucleus of a given chemical element has the same number of protons. This number defines
the atomic number of an element and determines the position of the element in the periodic
table. When the number of protons in a nucleus equals the number of electrons orbiting the
nucleus, the atom is electrically neutral. The discovery of the proton dates to the earliest
investigations of atomic structure.

While studying streams of ionized gaseous atoms and molecules from which electrons
had been stripped, Wilhelm Wien (1898) and J.J. Thomson (1910) identified a positive
particle equal in mass to the hydrogen atom. Ernest Rutherford showed (1919) that nitrogen
under alpha-particle bombardment ejects what appear to be hydrogen nuclei. By 1920 he had
accepted the hydrogen nucleus as an elementary particle, naming it proton. High-
energy particle-physics studies in the late 20th century refined the structural understanding of
the nature of the proton within the group of subatomic particles. Protons and neutrons have
been shown to be made up of smaller particles and are classified as baryons—particles
composed of three elementary units of matter known as quarks.

Protons from ionized hydrogen are given high velocities in particle accelerators and are
commonly used as projectiles to produce and study nuclear reactions. Protons are the
chief constituent of primary cosmic rays and are among the products of some types of
artificial nuclear reactions.


Neutron, neutral subatomic particle that is a constituent of every atomic nucleus except

ordinary hydrogen. It has no electric charge and a rest mass equal to 1.67493 × 10−27 kg—
marginally greater than that of the proton but nearly 1,839 times greater than that of
the electron. Neutrons and protons, commonly called nucleons, are bound together in the
dense inner core of an atom, the nucleus, where they account for 99.9 percent of the atom’s
mass. Developments in high-energy particle physics in the 20th century revealed that neither
the neutron nor the proton is a true elementary particle; rather, they are composites of
extremely small elementary particles called quarks. The nucleus is bound together by the
residual effect of the strong force, a fundamental interaction that governs the behaviour of the
quarks that make up the individual protons and neutrons.

The neutron was discovered in 1932 by the English physicist James Chadwick. Within
a few years after this discovery, many investigators throughout the world were studying the
properties and interactions of the particle. It was found that various elements, when
bombarded by neutrons, undergo fission—a type of nuclear reaction that occurs when the
nucleus of a heavy element is split into two nearly equal smaller fragments. During this
reaction each fissioned nucleus gives off additional free neutrons, as well as those bound to
the fission fragments. In 1942 a group of American researchers, under the leadership of the
physicist Enrico Fermi, demonstrated that enough free neutrons are produced during the
fission process to sustain a chain reaction. This development led to the construction of
the atomic bomb. Subsequent technological breakthroughs resulted in the large-scale
production of electric power from nuclear energy. The absorption of neutrons by nuclei
RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8
exposed to the high neutron intensities available in nuclear reactors has also made it possible
to produce large quantities of radioactive isotopes useful for a wide variety of purposes.
Furthermore, the neutron has become an important tool in pure research. Knowledge of its
properties and structure is essential to an understanding of the structure of matter in general.
Nuclear reactions induced by neutrons are valuable sources of information about the atomic
nucleus and the force that binds it together.

Let us Take a look again how small they are!!

The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
of that element. Thus, it identifies an element. Using the periodic table, Determine the no. of
electrons and protons by its atomic number.
Relationships : Atomic no. = Number of protons =Number of Electrons
Atomic Mass - Atomic Number = Number of Neutrons

Atomic Atomic
Number Mass

ACTIVITY 3:: Atoms of the First Ten Elements

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the table below:


Hydrogen H 1 1 1 1 1
Helium He 2 4 2 2 2

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

The electrons surrounding the atomic nucleus are arranged in a series of levels of
increasing energy. Each element has a unique number of electrons in a unique configuration
therefore each element has its own distinct set of energy levels. This arrangement of energy
levels serves as the atom's unique fingerprint.

According to the wave model, light consists of electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic radiation includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light,
ultraviolet waves, x-rays and gamma rays. The frequency and wavelength including light are
inversely related.

ACTIVITY 4: Who am I? Atomic Spectra or Energy Levels!

INSTRUCTIONS: Given the descriptions below, be able to point out if this means the atom’s
spectra or energy level. Check your answers.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Descriptions Atomic Spectra Energy Levels
1.The orbit of one or more
electrons around an atom's nucleus. ______________ ______________

2. Involves the measurement

of electromagnetic radiation 
emitted from atoms. ______________ ______________

3. Derived from the transition of

electrons from one discrete electron
orbital in an atom to another. ______________ ______________

4. Fixed distances from the nucleus of an

atom where electrons may be found. ______________ ______________

5. As you go farther from the nucleus,

electrons at higher levels have more energy,

and their energy increases by a fixed,
discrete amount. ______________ ______________

6. The emission of a chemical element

or chemical compound is the frequencies of
electromagnetic radiation emitted due to
an atom or molecule making a transition
from a high energy state to a lower
energy state ______________ ______________

7. The electrons surrounding an atom are

located in regions around the nucleus.

It represents the 3-dimensional space
surrounding the nucleus where electrons
are most likely to be. ______________ ______________

8. Energy values that an electron in an

atom can have or occupy. The lowest energy

state or energy level is called the ground state. ______________ ______________

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

9.  The unique pattern of light given off
by an element when it is given energy · ______________ ______________ 

10. When atoms are excited

they emit light of certain wavelengths
which correspond to different colors. ______________ ______________

The lines on the atomic spectrum relate to electron transitions between energy levels, if
the electron drops an energy level a photon is released resulting in an emission line and if the
electron absorbs a photon and rises an energy level an absorption line is observed on the

Atomic emission spectra are produced when excited electrons return to the ground
state. The emitted light of electrons corresponds to energies of the specific electrons.
An atomic emission spectrum is the pattern of lines formed when light passes through a
prism to separate it into the different frequencies of light it contains. 

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Source: Pictures taken from Google Images

INSTRUCTIONS: A. Find the no. of subatomic particles of the ff. elements:

1. Calcium
B. Describe the atomic spectra of the ff. elements:


INSTRUCTIONS: Make your own atomic spectrum. Select five elements except
those mentioned above. Use the black part of the illustration board for your spectrum. Use
strips colored papers for their spectrum. Explain your work and paste it in the board. Scoring
of outputs is based from attached rubric.


CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
CONTENT Output shows full Output shows major Output shows few Output shows

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

appropriateness of appropriateness of appropriateness of very less
the topic the topic the topic appropriate of
the topic
PERFORMANCE Identified 5 Identified 4 elements. Identified 3 Identified 1-2
elements. elements. elements.
APPEARANCE Shows maximum Shows extent Shows minimum cleanliness and
cleanliness and cleanliness but less cleanliness and creativity of
creativity of work creativity of work or creativity of work work is not
vice versa evident


Answer the following questions:

1. What are the atomic structures and its properties?
2. Why is atomic number important?
3. In what ways do atomic spectra related to energy levels?

ACTIVITY 8: Post-Test

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_______1. What is the actual mass of a electron?
a. 9.110x10-28 g c. 1.6750x10-24 g
b. 1.6727x10-24 g d. 9.110x1028 g
_______2. How many protons are there in an element with an atomic no. of 34 and has an
atomic mass of 79?
a. 34 c. 45
b. 79 d. 113
_______3. How many neutrons are there in an element with an atomic no. of 54 and has
an atomic mass of 131?
a. 54 c. 77
b. 131 d. 185

_______4. What is the atomic no. of Chlorine?

a. 17 c. 34

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

b. 16 d. 35
_______5. The pattern of lines formed when light passes through a prism to separate it into
the different frequencies of light is/are _______.
a. Energy Levels c. Excited state
b. Atomic Emission Spectra d. Electromagnetic Radiation


Write an essay by completing the sentences below. Expand your thoughts.

I have learned that

I wish to learn more about


Wilbraham, Antony al Chemistry Addison-Wesley. Fifth Edition

Internet Sources:

Atom Britannica.Retrieved from

Properties of Atom. Retrieved from

Electron Retrieved from

Proton. Retrieved from

Periodic Table. Retrieved from

Atomic Spectra. Retrieved from

Energy Level. Retrieved from

Ground State. Retrieved from


RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

ACT 1 PRE-TEST 1. B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B


In the
P+ +1 +1.6x10-19 1.00727 1.7x10-24

no 0 1.00866 1.7x10-24 In the

0 nucleus

e- -1 -1.6x10-19 0.00054858 9.1x10-28

Outside the



Hydrogen H 1 1 1 1 1
Helium He 2 4 2 2 2
Lithium Li 3 7 3 3 4
Beryllium Be 4 9 4 4 5
Boron B 5 11 5 5 6
Carbon C 6 12 6 6 6
Nitrogen N 7 14 7 7 7
Oxygen O 8 16 8 8 8
Fluorine F 9 19 9 9 10
Neon Ne 10 20 10 10 10

ACT 4 levels
2.atomic spectra
3. atomic spectra
4. energy levels
5. energy levels
6. atomic spectra
7. energy levels
8. energy levels
9. atomic spectra
10 atomic spectra


RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

1. Calcium p+= 20 e- = 20 no= 20
2.Krypton p+= 36 e- = 36 no= 48
3.Silver p+= 47 e- = 47 no= 55
4.Barium p+= 56 e- = 56 no= 81
5.Mercury p+= 80 e- = 80 no=121

B. The elements emit light of certain wavelengths which correspond to different colors. The
emitted light can be observed as a series of colored lines with dark spaces in between Each
element produces a unique set of spectral lines. Since no two elements emit the same spectral
lines, elements can be identified by their line spectrum. Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Neon
and Iron have different colored lines.


1. Proton, a stable subatomic particle that has a positive charge equal in magnitude to a unit
of electron charge and an absolute mass of 1.7x10-24 g, It is found inside the nucleus. Electron
is a negatively charged particle with an absolute mass of 9.1x10-28 g and located outside the
nucleus. Neutron with a mass of 1.7x10-24 is a neutral particle found in the nucleus.
2. Atomic number determine the number of particles.
3. The lines on the atomic spectrum relate to electron transitions between energy levels, if the
electron drops an energy level a photon is released resulting in an emission line and if the
electron absorbs a photon and rises an energy level an absorption line is observed on the

ACT 8 POST TEST 1. A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A


Author/ Writer: Belinda D. Ravalo, Ronalyn M. Lirio

Ma. Rowena B. Balute, Leony C. Mujal
Content Editor: Ebrahim M. Manrique
Language Editor: Lisa L. Penaflor
Education Program Supervisor: Jade O. Alberto, EdD


Learner’s Packet
RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8
Name: _________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________

(RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP 3)


In order to understand the arrangement of the periodic table, and to be able to use it, the
arrangement of the electrons in atoms should be considered. The electrons in the atom exist in
energy levels or shells, which increase in energy as they increase in distance from the nucleus.
These energy levels are designated by whole numbers or sometimes by capital letters as 1 or K, 2
or L, 3 or M, 4 or N, 5 or O, 6 or P, 7 or Q, respectively.
In the modern theory of atomic structure these energy levels represent areas of greatest
electron density probability. The energy levels are further divided into sublevels or subshells.
These sublevels are designated by the letters: s for the first possible sublevel, p for the second
sublevel, d for the third, f for the fourth, g for the fifth and from here on they simply go in
alphabetical order. Furthermore, each sublevel consists of a set of orbitals.


LC: Describe the atomic orbitals of an atom

Specific Objectives:

1. Differentiate the types of orbitals.

2. Create an orbital diagram for a given element.
3. Realize and state that the fundamental structure of an atom and proper arrangement
of its particles build a better entity.


RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

A.   ACTIVITY 1: What’s In: Identifying Orbitals
INSTRUCTIONS: Given the electron configuration of iron below, identify the orbitals
present in every energy level and the number of electrons occupying in every orbital. Write
your answer in the table provided for. (Hint: energy level=whole number, orbitals = letters and
number of electrons=exponent)

26 Fe – 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6

Energy Level Orbital Number of Electrons

ACTIVITY 2: What’s New

2.1 – Orbitals’ Shape
Direction: Examine the Figure 1 below and answer the given questions that follow.

Fig. 1. Shape of orbitals.

1. Describe the shape of the of the following orbitals:
a. s orbital - _____________________
RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8
b. p orbital - _____________________
c. d orbital - _____________________
2. How many orientations do the following orbitals have?
a. s orbital - _____________________
b. p orbital - _____________________
c. d orbital - _____________________
3. Specify the orientations for every orbital.
a. s orbital - _______________________
b. p orbital - _______________________
c. d orbital - _______________________

4. If every orientation contains 2 electrons, how many electrons are there in every orbital?
a. s orbital - ________________________
b. p orbital - ________________________
c. d orbital - ________________________
5. Arrange the following orbitals in decreasing energy level. Write only the letter of your
a. 2s b. 4d c. 1s d. 2p e. 3p
Answer: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

2.2 – Orbital Diagram

Direction: Write arrows in the box/es of every orbital according to the following
⮚ Each box should consist only of a pair of arrows directed oppositely, one
upward spin and one downward spin.
⮚ Write the upward arrow/s first in all the boxes of every orbital before pairing
the downward arrow/s according to the sequence of the number indicated therein.
⮚ The total number of arrows, both upward and downward must be equal to the
number of electrons or atomic number in the given nuclide.
Number one is done for you.
Atom Orbital Diagram
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p

1.. px py pz

13Al ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑
1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6

2. px py pz px py pz

6 C
1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

3. px py pz px py pz

17 Cl
1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6

4. px py pz px py pz

8 O
1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6

5. px py pz px py pz

14 Si
1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6

A. What Is It?

Orbital is a region in space, with a particular shape, in which electrons can be found 90
percent of the time. It is commonly designated by a combination of numerals and letters that
represent specific properties of the electrons associated with the orbitals—for example, 1s, 2p,
and 3d. The numerals, called principal quantum numbers, indicate energy levels as well as
relative distance from the nucleus. A 1s electron occupies the energy level nearest the nucleus
while a 2s electron, less strongly bound, spends most of its time farther away from the nucleus.
The letters, s, p, d, and f designate the shape of the orbital. These shapes are as follows:
1. Spherical shape for s.
2. Dumbbell shape for p (with dumbbell arranged along either the x axis, the y axis or the
z axis)
3. Four-lobed electron cloud for d orbitals.
4. Complex shapes for all orbitals beyond this.
The letters s, p, d, f, originally were used to classify spectra descriptively into series called
sharp, principal, diffuse, and fundamental, before the relation between spectra and atomic
electron configuration was known.

In Activity 2.2, you will see that there is only a single box present in energy level 1 which
means there are no p orbitals in the first energy level, but there is a set of three in each of the
higher levels. These different p orbitals are px, py, and pz. Likewise, the d orbitals would have 5
boxes since it has 5 electron clouds such as dxy, dxz, dyz, dx2-y2 and dx2.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

A set of p orbitals all taken together gives roughly a spherical shape, and so with the d
orbitals. The dumbbell-shaped cloud for a particular p orbital does not have a definite surface
area boundary but that the electron density probability simply becomes lesser away from the
electron cloud represented by the dumbbell -shaped drawing. The axes that are used in the
illustration in Figure 1are not part of the atom.
To visualize the distribution of electrons in an atom, an orbital diagram is a great help. It
shows how the orbitals in every energy level are filled up. In activity 2.2, you will see that every
box contains a maximum of only two arrows representing the electrons which are directed
oppositely. This means that no two electrons with the same spin can occupy the same orbital.
Electrons enter energy levels according to the lowest available sublevel as stated in the Aufbau
order. Also, in filling a particular sublevel, Hund’s rule is applied which states that electrons
occupy orbitals of equal energy one at a time before there is any pairing as denoted by the
sequence of numbers in activity 2.2.

ACTIVITY 3: What’s More?

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill-in the table below with the necessary information being asked.

Orbital Energy Orbital Diagram Shape of
Level orbital





ACTIVITY 4: What I have Learned

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

INSTRUCTIONS: Identify what is asked or described in each item then write the letter of the
correct answer in your answer sheet.
1. Which one of the following statements about s orbitals is incorrect?
a. they are found in all principal energy levels
b. they are spherical in shape
c. they can only hold one electron
d. the maximum number of s orbitals in any principal level is 1
2. Which one of the following statements about p orbitals incorrect?
a. they are found in all principal energy levels
b. they have a dumb-bell shape
c. there are three types of p orbital
d. each p orbital can hold up to two electrons
3. Which one of the following statements about d orbitals incorrect?
a. they are not found in the first two principal energy levels
b. they are associated with transition elements
c. there are 5 types of d orbital
d. d orbitals are filled before p orbitals in the same principal energy level
(Choices in items 1 to 3 should be in sentence case.)
4. The Aufbau Principle states that ___.
a. only two electrons can occupy an orbital
b. electrons enter the lowest available energy level
c. electrons remain unpaired if possible
d. orbitals are regions in space where one is likely to find an electron
5. Which one of the following statements about orbitals is incorrect?
a. orbitals can hold up to two electrons
b. orbitals are regions in space where one is likely to find an electron
c. orbitals can hold two electrons provided they are spinning in the same direction
d. s, p, d and f orbitals are possible

6. Which one of the following statements is correct?

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

a. the 3d sub level is filled before the 4s sub level
b. the 3rd principal energy level only contains 8 electrons
c. principal energy levels get closer together as they get further from the nucleus
d. orbitals are always filled in numerical order
7. Which orbital has the least amount of energy?
a. p orbital
b. s orbital
c. d orbital
d. All have the same amount of energy
8. What is the shape of an S orbital?
a. sphere
b. clover-like
c. dumbbell
d. too complex to know it
9. How many electrons can occupy any one atomic orbital?
a. 2
b. 1
c. 8
d. 18
10. Which atomic orbital/s is/are present in the third energy level?
a. s, p and d
b. only s
c. s and p
d. only p


RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

V. Reflection
Complete the statement below.

In the activity, I learned that ______________________________________________


I enjoyed most on_______________________________________________________


I want to learn more ____________________________________________________



Redmore, F.H. Fundamentals of Chemistry: Special Philippine Edition. Reliable Publishing
House, Inc. 1980.

Internet Sources:

Orbital.Retrieved from

Shape of Orbital.Retrieved from

Chemistry Shapes.Retrieved from


Answer Key
A. Activity 1.
Energy Level Orbital Number of Electron/s
1 s 2
2 s 2
p 6
3 s 2

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

p 6
d 6
4 S 2

B. Activity 2.
1. a. s orbital - sphere
b. p orbital - dumbbell
c. d orbital - clover-like

2. a. s orbital - 1
b. p orbital - 3
c. d orbital - 5

3. a. s orbital - s
d. p orbital - px, pz, py
e. d orbital - dxy, dxz, dyz, dx2-y2, dz2

4. a. s orbital - 2
b. p orbital - 6
c. d orbital - 10
5. Answer: __b___, __e___, __d___, __a___, __c___

Activity 2.2
(with Orbital Diagram
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p
px py pz
13 Al
↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑
1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6

px py pz px py pz
↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑
1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6

px py pz px py pz
17 Cl
↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑
1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6

px py pz px py pz
↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 2 1 4 2 5 3

px py pz px py pz
14 Si
↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑
1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 6

Activity 3
Fill-in the table below with the necessary information being asked.
Orbital Energy Orbital Diagram Shape of
Level orbital

2s1 2 1 ↑

2p4 2 4 ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑

3d7 3 7 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑

5f11 5 11 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ______

4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10.



Learner’s Packet
Author/ Writer:

Content Editor:
Belinda D. Ravalo, Ronalyn M. Lirio
Ma. Rowena B. Balute, Leony C. Mujal
Ebrahim M. Manrique
Language Editor: Lisa L. Penaflor
Education Program Supervisor: Jade O. Alberto, EdD

Name: _________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

(RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP 4)


In the previous lessons, we have considered the arrangement of the electrons in energy
levels, sublevels, and orbitals. But perhaps you do not know yet where the numerical values
come from: for example why there is a maximum of 2 electrons in the first energy level or why
the first energy level only contains s orbital.
All these values come from the solutions to the wave equation. This equation, called the
Schrodinger wave equation, is a complex equation that has many different possible solutions.
Each of the allowed solutions give a set of three quantum numbers. These are the principal
quantum number (n), secondary quantum number (l) and the magnetic quantum numbers (ml).
The fourth quantum number (ms) is added for the fact that there can be two electrons, with
opposite spins, in any orbital. These four quantum numbers are used to describe the probable
location of an electron in an atom.


MELC: Determine the quantum numbers for an energy level.

CG LC/ Code:

1. Cite and explain the four quantum numbers.

2. Identify the values of each quantum number.
3. Write the set quantum numbers in a given orbital


ACTIVITY 1: Know Me Better!

A. Infer the information revealed in the orbital notation given in the box and answer the
given questions below.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8
1. What does the coefficient (whole number) in the notation denote? _____________
2. What is being represented by the letter s? _______________
3. What does the exponent mean? _________________

ACTIVITY 2: What’s New

INSTRUCTIONS: Read and understand the instructions given in each of the activities below and
answer the questions that follows.

Activity 2.1 – Quantum Numbers

Direction: Examine the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
Fig. 1. Orbital’s Representation

1. What are the four quantum numbers depicted in the diagram?
a. _____________________
b. _____________________
c. _____________________
d. _____________________
2. Give the equivalent quantum number for the following:
a. energy level/shell - _____________________
b. sublevel/subshell - _____________________

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

c. orbital - _____________________
d. electron (valence) - _____________________

3. Relate the quantum numbers to your previous lesson and be able to describe each.
a. Principal quantum number (n) - _________________________________
b. Azimuthal or Secondary quantum number (l) - ________________________
c. Magnetic quantum number (ml) - _________________________________

d. Spin quantum number (ms) - _______________________________________


Activity 2.2 – Identifying Principal Quantum Number

Direction: Determine the value for the principal quantum number of the given orbital in
the table.

Set of Orbital Value of Principal Quantum Number

1. 3p
2. 4f
3. 2p
4. 5s
5. 6d

Activity 2.3 – Identifying Azimuthal or Secondary Quantum Number

Direction: Determine the value of azimuthal quantum number (l) using the equation,
l = n – 1.
If n is The Value for Azimuthal Quantum Number (l) is

Activity 2.4 – Identifying Magnetic Quantum Number

Direction: Fill up the table below with the correct answer. Read and analyze the
following procedures.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

1. Determine all the possible values of azimuthal quantum number (l) using the equation,
l ≤ n – 1. Write your answer in the second column.
2. Determine the kind of orbital (s,p,d,f) equivalent to your answer in column 2 using the
following equivalent values: s if l=0; p if l=1; d if l=2; and f if l=3.
3. Combine the principal quantum number (n) in column 1 to the equivalent orbital you
have obtained in procedure 2. Write your answer in column 3. (Items 1 & 2 are done for

Principal Value for Azimuthal Quantum

Quantum Number
Name of the Subshells or
Number (n)
l≤n-1 Orbital

1 0 1s

0 2s
2 1 2p

Activity 2.5 – Determining Magnetic and Spin Quantum Numbers

1. Draw the orbital diagram of the given set of orbitals found in column 1of the table.
2. Encircle the last arrow you have drawn.
3. A range of integral numbers (positive and negative, including 0) is written below each
box representing a set of orbital. Take note where the valence electron (last arrow) falls.
Write that number in column 2. That is the value for the magnetic quantum number.
4. To determine the spin quantum number, refer to procedure number 2. If the spin of the
arrow is upward, the ms is equal to +1/2 but if the spin is downward the ms is equal to -
1/2. Write your answer in column 3. The first item is done for you.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Value for
Value for Spin
Set of Orbitals Orbital Diagram Number (ml)
Number (ms)

1. s2 ↑ ↓ 0 1

2. p3
-1 0 +1

3. d8
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

4. f10
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3

What Is It

Quantum numbers are used to describe the probable location of an electron in an

atom. These are the following:
1. Principal quantum number (n) – specifies the energy level and is related to the size of
the electron cloud or the general distance from the nucleus for a particular group of
2. Azimuthal or secondary quantum number (l) – it is also known as the angular or orbital
quantum number. It describes a particular sublevel and determines the shape of the
electron probability distribution. It depends on the value of n. This can be determined
using the equation l ≤ n – 1. Therefore, if n=1, l can only be zero. If
ℓ = 0 it is called s orbital, ℓ = 1 for p orbital, ℓ = 2 for d orbital, and ℓ = 3 for f orbital.
This quantum number is very important since it specifies the shape of an atomic orbital
and strongly influences chemical bonds and bond angles.
3. Magnetic quantum number (ml) - describes the energy levels available within a
subshell and yields the projection of the orbital angular momentum along a specified
axis. The values of mℓ range from – to + ℓ, with integer steps between them. As reflected
in your answer in Activity 2.5, the s subshell (ℓ = 0) contains one orbital, and therefore
the mℓ of an electron in the s subshell will always be 0. The p subshell (ℓ = 1) contains
three orbitals clouds, (px, py & pz), so the mℓ of an electron in a p subshell will be −1, 0,

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

or 1. The d subshell (ℓ = 2) contains five orbitals, with mℓ values of −2, −1, 0, 1, and 2.
The value of the mℓ quantum number is associated with the orbital orientation.
4. Spin quantum number (ms) – it accounts the spin of the electrons. It does not come
from the allowed solutions to the wave equation. Since it is found that at any given orbital
can hold a maximum of two electrons with opposite spins, there must be two possible
values of ms for each value of ml (that is, for each particular orbital). These values for
ms can either be +½ or – ½ ; that is for each value of ml, there are two possible values
of ms, or two allowed energies within each orbital.

ACTIVITY 3: What’s More

INSTRUCTIONS: Determine what is being asked in the following items.

1. Write the set of quantum numbers (n, l, ml, ms) for
a. boron
b. 4p3
2. What is wrong with the following sets of quantum numbers?
a. 2, 2, 0, + ½
b. 2, 0, 0, 0
3. How many electrons in a given atom can have the following sets of quantum numbers?
a. n = 2, l = 1, ml = -1
b. n = 2, l = 1, ml = -1, ms = + ½

ACTIVITY 4: What I have Learned

INSTRUCTIONS: Match each quantum number in column A with its definition in
column B

Column A Column A

1. Azimuthal Quantum a. Main energy level occupied by the electron


2. Magnetic Quantum b. Shape of an orbital that corresponds to a particular

Number sublevel.

3. Principal Quantum c. Numbers and orientations of orbitals around the

Number nucleus.

4. Spin Quantum Number d. Indicates which way the electron is spinning.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

II - Direction: Identify what is asked or described in each item then write the letter of the
correct answer in your answer sheet.
1. The quantum numbers for three electrons in an atom of silicon are shown. What is the
correct order from lowest to highest energy of these electrons?
1. 𝑛=2, 𝑙=1, 𝑚l =+1, 𝑚s =− ½
2. 𝑛=3, 𝑙=1, 𝑚 l = -1, 𝑚 s =− ½
3. 𝑛=2, 𝑙=0, 𝑚l = 0, 𝑚s = + ½
a. 3, 1, 2 b. 2, 3, 1 c. 2, 1, 3 d. 1, 2, 3
2. Which of these sets of four quantum numbers does not exist?

a. 𝑛=2, 𝑙=2, 𝑚l = 0, 𝑚s=+ ½

b. 𝑛=3, 𝑙=2, 𝑚= -1, 𝑚s=+ ½

c. 𝑛=1, 𝑙=0, 𝑚l= 0, 𝑚s=+ ½

d. 𝑛=4, 𝑙=3, 𝑚= -2, 𝑚s=+ ½

3. The quantum numbers for the valence electron in an atom of lithium are 𝑛=2,=0,𝑚=0,and
𝑚=+ ½ .What are the quantum numbers for the second valence electron in an atom of

a. 𝑛=2, l=1, 𝑚l= 0, and 𝑚s=− ½

b. 𝑛=3, l=0, 𝑚l= 0, and 𝑚s=+ ½

c. 𝑛=2, l=0, 𝑚l= 0, and 𝑚s =− ½

d. 𝑛=2, l=0, 𝑚l=1, and 𝑚s =+ ½

4. What is the orbital of an electron that has principal quantum number equal to 5 and
secondary quantum number equal to 2?
a. 2p b. 5p c. 2d d. 5d

5. What is the set of quantum numbers that describes an electron in a 3p5 orbital?

a. 3, 0, 1, = ½ c. 3, 1, 0, + ½
b. 3, 0, 1, - ½ d. 3, 1, 0, - ½


Complete the statement below.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

In the activity, I learned that ______________________________________________

I enjoyed most on_______________________________________________________


I want to learn more ____________________________________________________



Redmore, F.H. Fundamentals of Chemistry: Special Philippine Edition. Reliable Publishing
House, Inc. 1980.

Internet Sources:

Electron configuration.Retrieved from.



Activity 1: Know Me Better!

1. energy level
2. sublevel/orbital
3. number of electrons
Activity 2.1
1. a. Principal quantum number
b. Azimuthal or secondary quantum number

c. Magnetic quantum number

d. Spin quantum number
2. a. Principal quantum number
b. Azimuthal or secondary quantum number
c. Magnetic quantum number
d. Spin quantum number
3. a. Principal quantum number (n) – specifies the energy level and is related to the size
of the electron cloud or the general distance from the nucleus for a particular group of

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

b. Azimuthal or secondary quantum number (l) – it is also known as the angular or
orbital quantum number. It describes a particular sublevel and determines the shape of
the electron probability distribution.
c. Magnetic quantum number (ml) - describes the energy levels available within a
subshell and yields the projection of the orbital angular momentum along a specified
axis. The value of the mℓ quantum number is associated with the orbital orientation.
d. Spin quantum number (ms) – it accounts the spin of the electrons. It has a value of
either be +½ or – ½.
Activity 2.2
1. 3 2. 4 3. 2 4. 5 5. 6

Activity 2.3
1. 0 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3 5. 4
Activity 2.4

Principal Value for Azimuthal Quantum

Quantum Number
Name of the Subshells or
Number (n)
l≤n-1 Orbital

1 0 1s

0 2s
2 1 2p

0 3s
3 1 3p

2 3d

0 4s
4 1 4p

2 4d

3 4f

Activity 2.5
Value for
Value for Spin
Set of Orbital Diagram Number
Number (ms)
Orbitals (ml)

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

1. s2 ↑↓ 0 +½

2. p3 ↑ ↑ ↑ +1 +½
-1 0 +1

3. d8 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ 0 -½
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

4. f10 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 0 -½
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3

Activity 3.1
1. a. 2, 1, -1, + ½ b. 4, 1, +1, + ½
2. a. when n=2, l can only be 0 or 1 not 2
b. ms can only be + ½ or – ½ not 0
3. a. 2 electrons b. 1 electron
4. a. 1s b. 3d c. 6p d. 5f e. 2s

ACTIVITY 4 I- 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. d
II- 1. a 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. d


Learner’s Packet
Author/ Writer: Belinda D. Ravalo, Ronalyn M. Lirio
Ma. Rowena B. Balute, Leony C. Mujal
Content Editor: Ebrahim M. Manrique
Language Editor: Lisa L. Penaflor
Education Program Supervisor: Jade O. Alberto, EdD

Name: _________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________

(RO_Advanced Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP 5)

Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8 FOR LEARNERS:
Do you still remember the different elements that you tried to memorize in your Grade 9
Science class? What do you think is the importance of studying the periodic table? Yes, it is as
valuable as a map for a traveler. A map will guide a traveler on his journey to his destination. In like
manner, the periodic table of elements will be your guide in your study of Chemistry. In a single page
are valuable information about the elements.

You probably have learned in your Grade 9 class how the periodic table was developed and
the scientists who contributed in its development. The man who developed the concept of atomic
number was the English chemist- G.J. Moseley (1887-1915). He found out that the correct way to
arrange elements is not by atomic mass, but by atomic number. So, why do you think was
Mendeleev’s periodic table valid at all? It is because atomic masses generally increase with atomic
number. Mendeleev may have arranged the elements according to the wrong property- but he
somehow found the correct pattern! As chemists now know and as you have learned in your
chemistry subject, the atomic number equals both the number of protons in an atom’s nucleus and the
number of electrons in the atom. This time, you will learn what kind of information you can get from
the periodic table, and how to get this.


MELC: Locate the position of the elements in the periodic table based on atomic
number and electronic structure


1. Identify the period, group and family where an element belongs

2. Determine the valence configuration of atoms, given their atomic numbers.


  ACTIVITY 1: Oh! Oh! The Places You’ll Go!

Here are some interesting glance at the periodic table which may amaze you more…
 It is called the periodic table because the rows are called periods.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

 There is a total of 118 elements in the periodic table. 90 elements are found in nature, and
others are man-made.
 The International Union of Pure Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) takes care of the periodic table.
 The only metal which is so soft that it can be to cut with a knife and light enough to float on
water is Lithium.
 The lightest element is Hydrogen – its atomic weight is 1 and that is why it is found in the top
left corner of the periodic table.
 The atomic weight of Uranium is 238 being the heaviest element.
 The Noble Gases helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon are unreactive.
 The first man-made element is Technetium. Its basic uses are to locate bone cancers in x-rays.
 75% of the elements on the periodic table are metals.
 Periodic table of Mendeleev is in the ascending as order of atomic weight and the modern
periodic table is according to increasing atomic number.
 Mercury and bromine are only two elements that are liquid in room temperature.
 Dmitry Mendeleev was supposedly late in submitting his work on 63 elements. So in order to
finish it quickly he constructed a table of all the elements according to their atomic weights to
understand the elements better and to complete his work easily. He was the one who made
periodic table.


A. Without looking at a periodic table, write as many chemical symbols as you can to fill the
table below.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

B. See if you can find the places! Use your periodic table and write the letters of the elements
that match the numbers given. The first one is done for you.
1. 95 68 53 20 AmErICa________________
2. 16 91 53 7 _____________________________
3. 85 2 7 16 _____________________________
4. 84 57 60 _____________________________
5. 10 90 68 57 60 16 _____________________________
6. 74 13 99 _____________________________
7. 9 88 7 58 _____________________________
8. 6 1 53 11 _____________________________
9. 18 32 7 22 11 _____________________________
10. 35 53 73 53 7 _____________________________
11. 15 68 92 _____________________________

How are you able to unlock the terms in each item? _________________________________
Are you amazed with your answers? Why/Why not? _________________________________

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

C. ACTIVITY 2: Fill Me Up!
Use the periodic table to fill in the chart below. Then, answer the guide questions that
follow. Number 1 was done as your guide.
Element Symbol Atomic # of # of Rounded (show Period Group
Number protons electrons Atomic work)
Mass # of
1 Oxygen O 8 8 8 16 16 - 8 = 8 2 6A
2 Beryllium
3 Lithium
4 Boron
5 Carbon
6 Nitrogen
7 Fluorine
8 Neon
9 Sodium
10 Magnesium
11 Silicon
12 Aluminum
Guide Questions:
1. How did you determine the period of each given element?
2. What do you observe on the atomic numbers and atomic masses of elements belonging in the
same period?
3. Based from the above activity, how can you locate the position of the elements in the periodic



Let’s find out if you will get the correct answers. Please read on…
Knowing the names and symbols of elements is important prior to our discussion of
how the elements are arranged in the periodic table and how we can use this arrangement to
describe their properties. Remember that there is no definite rule in giving names to elements.
However, if we will observe the names of the elements in the periodic table, we may notice
that their names were derived from any of the following:

1. Latin Names. Examples: natrium (Na) for sodium, ferrum (Fe) for iron, and kalium(K) for

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

2. Properties of the Element. Examples: iodine, I, (from the word iodes meaning violet);
fluorine, (F) (from the word fluer meaning flow); and tungsten, W, (from a Swedish word
meaning hard)
3. Mythological figures. Examples: niobium, Nb (from Niobe, daughter of King Tantalus);
tantalum, Ta, (from King Tantalus); and thorium, (from the Norse god Thor).
4. Name of the Discoverer or Scientist. Examples: einsteinium, Es (Albert Einsteinium);
curium, Cm,Pierre and Marie Curie); and nobelium, No( A. Nobel, the discoverer of
5. Place/ Country of Discovery. Examples: francium, Fr, (France); Germanium, Ge, (German)
and californium, Cf, (California, USA).
6. Atomic number. Elements of atomic number 104 and higher are assigned names based on
atomic number. Examples: unnilquadium, Unq, (from un-4 nil-quad-ium or 1-0-4);
unnilpentium, Unp, (atomic number 105); unnil hexium, Unh, (atomic number 106); and
unnilseptium, Uns, (atomic number107).

Fig. 4-2. Periodic Table of Elements. Image taken from

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Main Features

Mendeleev organized elements according to recurring properties to make a periodic

table of elements. The 18 vertical columns in the periodic table are known as groups or
families. Elements within a group (column) display similar characteristics. The heading of
each group may be a number, and the letter A or B. Group A elements are known as
representative elements; Group B, transition elements. The groups may also be labeled with
family names. For example, IA elements are known as the alkali metals; IIA, alkaline earth
metals; and so on. The group numbers of the elements represent the number of electrons in
their outermost shell (valence electrons). Sodium, potassium and lithium belong to group 1
because they only have one electron in their outermost shell. Calcium, beryllium and barium
have two electrons in their outermost shell; hence, they belong to group II.

Fig. 4-3. Representative elements. Image retrieved from

Fig. 4-4. Transition Metals. Image retrieved from

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

The seven horizontal rows in the periodic table (the periods) reflect the filling of
electron shells around the nucleus, so when a new row begins, the elements stack on top of
each other with similar properties. For example, helium and neon are both fairly unreactive
gases that glow when an electric current is passed through them. Lithium and sodium both
have a +1oxidation state and are reactive, shiny metals.

Fig. 4-5. Periods and Groups. Image retrieved from

The first period contains the two lightest elements, hydrogen and helium. The second
and third periods contain 8 elements each; the fourth and fifth have 18 elements; and the sixth
and seventh consist of 32 elements. However, you may notice that out of these 32 elements,
15 are shown separately, to make the periodic table more compact. These elements starting
with lanthanum and actinium are referred to as the lanthanide and actinide series, respectively.
See the figure below.

Fig. 4-6. Image retrieved from

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

A zigzag line crosses the periodic table from boron to astatine dividing the elements
into two classes: metals and nonmetals. Elements touching the line on either side have
properties intermediate of these two classes, and are therefore called semi-metals or
metalloids. See the figure below.

Fig. 4-7. Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids. Image retrieved from

The periodic table of elements also groups the elements into four blocks or sections.
These are the s-, p-, d-, and f-blocks.
1. Elements which belong to the s-block end in the notation s1 or s2. This tells us that the s
orbital contains either one or two electrons. These include the first two families.

2. Elements which belong to the p-block end their notation with p. These tells us that the s
orbital has been filled and the p orbital has started to fill with electrons. Elements in the s-
and p-blocks belong to the A families, the representative elements.

3. The d-block begins in the fourth period. It includes elements whose notations end in d and
p.this marks elements that started to fill their d subshells with electrons only after the
outer s shell has filled. They can be found beginning with the third period.

4. The f-block elements are found in the sixth and seventh periods. The lanthanide and
actinide series belong to the f-block. Elements found in the d- and f-blocks belong to the B
family of elements or transition elements.
You can make use of the above information in locating the elements in the periodic table. You
may also refer to the figure on the next page.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Fig. 4-8. Orbital Shell Blocks. Image retrieved from

Electronic Configuration and the Periodic Table

What do you think is the relationship of the electronic configuration of elements to the
arrangement of elements in the periodic table? Let us have the element oxygen (O-8) for
example. Its configuration is:
1s2 2s2 2p4
Recall that this represents the arrangement of the electrons in the atom. This electronic
configuration will help us locate the position of the given element in the periodic table. Take
note of the following:
1. The numerical coefficient represents the principal energy level. In the periodic table, the
period represents the filling of a new principal energy level. This means that if you take
the highest numerical coefficient in the notation, you can locate the period in which the
element is found. For Oxygen, it’s 2. Now, look at the periodic table and locate

2. The exponents represent the number of electrons in each subshell. The total number of
electrons in the highest energy level is known as the number of valence electrons. Valence
electrons are those in the outermost (or farthest) energy level of the atom. In our example
above, oxygen has 6 valence electrons. The number of valence electrons for main group
elements also indicates the group to which the element belongs. Hence, oxygen belongs to
Group VI.

3. Finally, the family of the element depends on the last subshell occupied by the electron of
the elements. For instance, the electronic configuration of oxygen ends in p, which means
that it belongs to family A. That is how you will know that oxygen belongs to Group VIA.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

We can use the foregoing information to locate the elements in the periodic table,
and consequently, to write the valence configuration or the abbreviated configuration of
the elements. The valence configuration is the notation in the last energy level of the
element. In our example for oxygen, it’s [He] 2s2 2p4.
Now, Let’s check whether you have learned from the discussion above…

A. Identify the group of each of the following:

1. Potassium
2. Phosphorus
3. Tin
4. Magnesium
5. Chlorine
B. Identify the period of each of the following:
1. Carbon
2. Lead
3. Silver
4. Iron
5. Mercury
C. Classify each of the following as representative, transition, noble gas, or inner transition:
1. Manganese 3. Neon 5. Magnesium
2. Copper 4. Uranium
D. Determine the valence configuration of the following atoms, given their atomic numbers.
1. Cl-17 4. O-8
2. Na-11 5. Mg-12
3. Al-13

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


Congratulations on finishing the learning packet! You have

just had an amazing learning journey and for sure, you will
have the same in the succeeding modules.
This time, share to the class your final insights by
completing the following sentence prompts.

I have learned that

I wish to ask my teacher

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


Soriano, Emil F., Chemistry for the New Millennium: Science and Technology
Textbook for Third Year High School, Chapter 4 pages 102-109
H. Eugene Lemay, Jr. et al Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World, Chapter 5
pages 159-171

Internet Sources: retrieved August 4, 2021 , retrieved August 5, 2021 CHAPTER 6 NOTES: The Periodic Table, retrieved August 2, 2021 - blank periodic table, retrieved August 2, 2021 ›LecturePDF Chapter 5. Periodicity and the Periodic Table,
retrieved August 1, 2021 - Periodic Table worksheet, retrieved August 1, 2021 - Advanced Chemistry Periodic Table Worksheet 1 -
LHWHS COUNSELING, retrieved August 1, 2021
https://www. retrieved July 31, 2021


Activity I: Oh! Oh! The Places You’ll Go!

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

B. Oh! Oh! The Places You’ll Go!
1. AmErICa
2. SPaIN
3. AtHeNS
4. PoLaNd
5. NeThErLaNdS
6. WALeS
7. FRaNCe
8. CHINa
9. ArGeNTiNa
10. BrITaIN
11. PErU

Activity 2: Fill Me Up!

Element Symbol Atomic # of # of Rounded (show Period Family

Number protons electrons Atomic work)
Mass # of
1 Oxygen O 8 8 8 16 16 - 8 = 8 2 6A
2 Beryllium Be 4 4 4 9 9-4 = 5 2 2A
3 Lithium Li 3 3 3 7 7-3= 4 2 1A
4 Boron B 5 5 5 11 11-5= 6 2 3A
5 Carbon C 6 6 6 12 12-6= 6 2 4A
6 Nitrogen N 7 7 7 14 14-7 = 7 2 5A
7 Fluorine F 9 9 9 19 19-9 = 10 2 7A
8 Neon Ne 10 10 10 20 20-10= 10 2 8A
9 Sodium Na 11 11 11 23 23-11= 12 3 1A
10 Magnesium Mg 12 12 12 24 24-12= 12 3 2A

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

11 Silicon Si 14 14 14 28 28-14= 14 3 4A
12 Aluminum Al 13 13 13 27 27-13= 14 3 3A

Activity 3. The Modern Periodic Table

A. Groups
1. Potassium – 1A
2. Phosphorus - 5A
3. Tin – 4A
4. Magnesium - 2A
5. Chlorine – 7A
B. Periods
1. Carbon - 2
2. Lead - 6
3. Silver - 5
4. Iron - 4
5. Mercury – 6
1. Manganese - transition
2. Copper - transition
3. Neon – noble gas
4. Uranium – inner transition
5. Magnesium - representative
D. Valence Configuration
1. Cl-17 - [Ne] 3s2 3p5
2. Na-11 – [Ne] 3s1
3. Al-13 – [Ne] 3s2 3p1
4. Ga-31 – [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p1
5. Mg-12 – [Ne] 3s2

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Author/ Writer: Belinda D. Ravalo, Ronalyn M. Lirio,

Ma. Rowena B. Balute, Leony C. Mujal
Content Editor: Ebrahim M. Manrique

Learner’s Packet
Name: _________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________

(RO_AdvancedChemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP 6)


In the context of chemistry and the periodic table, periodicity refers to trends or recurring
variations in element properties with increasing atomic number. Periodicity is caused by regular and
predictable variations in element atomic structure. Periodicity was helpful to Mendeleev because it
showed him gaps in his periodic table where elements should be. This helped scientists find location
they would take in the periodic table.
Moseley corrected Mendeleev’s table by using atomic numbers instead of atomic masses to
predict three more yet- to-be-discovered elements then, namely: technetium, promethium, and
rhenium. These were discovered in 1937, 1945, and 1925, respectively. On the basis of these
developments, the periodic law or periodicity can be stated as follows:
“When the elements are arranged according to increasing atomic numbers, certain properties
repeat periodically.”
Now that the elements have been discovered, scientists and students like you may use
periodicity to make predictions about how elements will behave in chemical reactions and their
physical properties. Periodicity helps chemists predict how the new, super heavy elements might look
and behave.


MELC: Predict periodic variations in physical and chemical properties of elements

CG LC/ Code:

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

1. Predict the physical and chemical properties of elements based on their position in the
Periodic Table
2. Arrange elements according to periodic trends.


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the questions below. Write only the letter of your answer.
1. The Periodic Law is
a. a theory.
b. a number.
c. a law stating that all properties of an element result from arrangements of elements based on
atomic number.
d. an element on the Periodic Table.

2. Which of the following will decrease as you move left to right across a period of the Periodic
a. electron affinity c. electronegativity
b. atomic radius d. atomic number

3. Which elements are poor conductors of electricity and heat?

a. Metals c. metalloids
b. Nonmetals d. actinides

4. Which of the following types of elements has some physical and chemical properties of
metals, as well as some properties of nonmetals?
a. Metalloids c. lanthanides
b. Actinides d. transition elements

5. Which of the following elements has the smallest atomic radius?

a. Sulfur c. Chlorine
b. Aluminum d. Sodium
6. Sodium, mercury, argon, and neon are used in the production of lamps. There are fewer safety
guidelines regarding the handling of neon and argon than for mercury and sodium. Which of the
following best describes the elements within the group of the Periodic Table that contains neon
and argon gas?
a. Gaseous at room temperature and highly reactive with metals
b. Solid at room temperature and mildly reactive with strong acids
c. Gaseous at room temperature and mostly unreactive with metals

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

d. Solid at room temperature and mostly unreactive with strong acids
7. Elements in a group of the Periodic Table are described below:
• Soft silvery-white color • Good conductor of thermal energy
• Good conductor of electricity • Atoms contain a single valence electron
• Contains elements that are among the most reactive in water
8. Which group is described?
a. Alkali Metals c. Halogens
b. Alkaline Earth Metals d. Noble Gases


Read and perform the indicated procedure in the activity below.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8
RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8
Read thoroughly the concept of periodicity below and answer the given questions.

Some trends can be inferred from the arrangement of elements in the periodic table. All of
these trends are fundamentally due to the following:
1. The gradual increase of the atomic number from left to right
2. The successive filling of an energy levels from top to bottom

Properties That Display Periodicity

Electron configurations allow us to understand many periodic trends . Periodicity can include
many different properties, but the key recurring trends are:
❖ Atomic Radius - This is half the distance between the middle of two atoms just touching each
other. Atomic radius decreases moving left to right across a period and increases moving
down a group. The trend of decreasing radius from left to right of the table ends with the
noble gases. When a new period begins, there is a notable increase in the radius. Ionic radius
is the distance for ions of the atoms and follows the same trend. Although it might seem like
increasing the number of protons and electrons in an atom would always increase its size, the
atom size doesn't increase until a new electron shell is added. Atom and ion sizes shrink
moving across a period because the increasing positive charge of the nucleus pulls in the
electron shell.

Fig. 5-3. Atomic Radius of Elements

Image retrieved from

❖ Ionization Energy - This is the energy needed to completely remove an electron from an atom
or ion. It measures the tendency of an atom to lose its outermost electron. It increases moving
left to right across the table and decreases moving down a group. Thus, the noble gases have
the highest ionization energy in every period. Generally, metals have low ionization energies.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Fig. 5-4. Trend in Ionization Energy of Elements
Image retrieved from

Fig. 5-5. Ionization Energy of Elements

Image taken from Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World, Chapter 5 p.178


RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Fig. 5-6. Image taken from Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World, Chapter 5 p.179

⮚ Evaluate your work. Consult the table of atomic radius in Fig. 5-3 and ionization
energies in Fig. 5-5 from the discussion above to confirm your answer.


(a) Which of the following atoms is smallest: lithium, beryllium, or magnesium?

(b) Which of these atoms has the highest ionization energy?

❖ Electronegativity - A measure of how readily an atom forms a chemical bond. This directly
opposes the tendency to discard electrons, a property that distinguishes metals. Therefore, a
higher electronegativity translates to greater nonmetallic and less metallic properties.
Electronegativity increases moving left to right across a period and decrease moving down a
group. This trend is, however, not observed among the noble gases.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Fig. 5-7. Electronegativity Trend
Image retrieved from

Fig. 5-8. Electronegativity Values of Period 3 Elements

Image retrieved from

❖ Electron Affinity - This is the energy released when an atom gains an electron. It is also a
measure of how readily an atom accepts an electron. Electron affinity increases moving
across a period and decreases moving down a group. It has a negative value while ionization
energy has a positive value. Nonmetals usually have higher electron affinities than metals.
Group VIIA elements or halogen group have the highest electron affinity which makes them a
very active family. The noble gases are an exception to the trend since these elements have
filled electron valence shells and electron affinity values approaching zero. However, the
behavior of the noble gases is periodic. In other words, even though an element group might
break a trend, the elements within the group display periodic properties.

❖ Reactivity of Metals- another periodic property that can be observed from the periodic table
relates to the property of metals. Generally, metals tend to give up electrons. The more easily
an atom lets go of its electrons, the more metallic it is. This tendency varies with the different
metals, increasing as you go down a group of representative elements, and decreasing from
left to right.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

To cite a few examples, consider the reaction of Group 1 elements with water. Sodium reacts
violently with water decomposing it and producing much heat that often ignites the hydrogen
released. Potassium also reacts readily with water; but with rubidium and cesium, the reaction
involves a violent explosion.

Fig. 5-9. Summary of Periodic Trends

Image retrieved from

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Periodic Variations
Property Going across a period Going down a group
(left to right) (top to bottom)
Atomic size decreases increases
Ionization Energy increases decreases
Electron affinity increases decreases
Reactivity of metals decreases increases
Electronegativity increases decreases

Group 1A Elements (ns1, n ≤ 2)

• Group 1A elements have low ionization energies and therefore a great tendency to lose the
single valence electron. In fact, in the vast majority of their compounds they are
unipositive ions. These metals are so reactive that they are never found in the pure state in
nature. They react with water to produce hydrogen gas and the corresponding metal
Group 2A Elements (ns2, n ≤ 2)
• The alkaline earth metals are somewhat less reactive than the alkali metals. Both the first and
the second ionization energies decrease from beryllium to barium. The reactivities of alkaline
earth metals with water vary quite markedly. Beryllium does not react with water; magnesium
reacts slowly with steam; calcium, strontium, and barium are reactive enough to attack cold
Group 3A Elements (ns2 np1, n ≤ 2)
• The first member of Group 3A, boron, is a metalloid; the rest are metals. Boron does not form
binary ionic compounds and is unreactive toward oxygen gas and water. The next element,
aluminum, readily forms aluminum oxide when exposed to air:
Group 4A Elements (ns2 np2, n ≤ 2)
• The first member of Group 4A, carbon, is a nonmetal, and the next two members, silicon and
germanium, are metalloids. The metallic elements of this group, tin and lead, do not react
with water, but they do react with acids (hydrochloric acid, for example) to liberate hydrogen
Group 5A Elements (ns2 np3, n ≤ 2)
• In Group 5A, nitrogen and phosphorus are nonmetals, arsenic and antimony are
metalloids, and bismuth is a metal. Thus, we there is a greater variation in properties
within the group.
Group 6A Elements (ns2 np4, n ≤ 2)
• The first three members of Group 6A (oxygen, sulfur, and selenium) are nonmetals, and
the last two (tellurium and polonium) are metalloids. Oxygen is a diatomic gas; elemental
sulfur and selenium have the molecular formulas S8 and Se8, respectively; tellurium and
polonium have more extensive three-dimensional structures.
• Polonium is a radioactive element that is difficult to study in the laboratory. Oxygen has a
tendency to accept two electrons to form the oxide ion (O2) in many ionic compounds.
Group 7A Elements (ns2 np5, n ≤ 2)

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

• All the halogens are nonmetals with the general formula X2, where X denotes a halogen
element. Because of their great reactivity, the halogens are never found in the elemental form
in nature. The last member of Group 7A, astatine, is a radioactive element.
Group 8A Elements (ns2 np6, n ≤ 2)
• All noble gases exist as monatomic species. Their atoms have completely filled outer ns and
np subshells, which give them great stability. (Helium is 1s2.) The Group 8A ionization
energies are among the highest of all elements, and these gases have no tendency to accept
extra electrons.

How did you find

the activities?

Now, Let’s check whether you have learned from the discussion and activities above…

A. Select the letter of the best answer in each item.

1. Which of the following is true about elements in the uppermost right corner of the periodic
table in exclusion of noble gases?
a. They are more metallic.
b. They are less metallic.
c. They are more likely to exhibit nonmetallic property.
c. They tend to get ionized to attain stability.
2. Group _____ have low ionization energies and therefore a great tendency to lose the single
valence electron. The vast majority of their compounds they are unipositive ions.
a. I A elements c. I B elements
b. II A elements d. VII A elements
3. The _____ metals are somewhat less reactive than the _____ metals. Both the first and the
second _____ decrease from beryllium to barium.
a. alkaline earth – alkali – ionization energies
b. alkali – alkaline earth – ionization energies
c. transition – alkali – electron affinity
d. inert – alkaline earth – electron affinity

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

4. Element X is located at period 2 and group IA. Element Y can be spotted at period 3 –
group VII A. Which of the following statements hold true for both elements?
a. Element X may combine with element Y to form a metal-chloride.
b. In terms of atomic size, element X is smaller than element Y.
c. Element X is more electronegative than element Y.
d. Element Y is a halogen which may combine with X to form an alkali bromide.
B. Arrange the following in the order of increasing atomic size:
1. Ar, Na, Al
2. I, Cl, Br, F
3. Al, Br, O, N

C. Arrange the following in the order of increasing ionization energy:

1. Be, Mg, B, Al
2. N, P, As, Bi
3. Li, Be, B, Na

D. Arrange the following in the order of decreasing electron affinity.

1. Ca, S, Si, Ar
2. Na, Si, P, Ne
3. Br, Ge, Se, Kr

E. Of the following sets of elements, identify the most metallic.

1. N, P, As, Bi,
2. V, Sc, Mn, Ti
3. Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba

F. Which of the following elements is the most electronegative?

1.F, P, S, As
2. Ge, Ca, S, Si
3. Cl, I, Se, O
4. O, B, N, C
5. I, Br, Cl, F

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8


Soriano, Emil F., Chemistry for the New Millennium: Science and Technology
Textbook for Third Year High School, Chapter 4 pages 110-120
H. Eugene Lemay, Jr. et al Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World, Chapter 5
pages 159-184

Internet Sources: -
properties Periodic Variations in Element Properties retrieved August 4, 2021
retrieved August 3, 2021 CHAPTER 6 NOTES: The Periodic Table, retrieved August 2, 2021

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8 ›LecturePDF Chapter 5. Periodicity and the Periodic Table,
retrieved August 1, 2021


Activity I - Pretest
1. c
2. b
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. c
7. a
Activity II - Graphing Atomic Number vs. Atomic Radius

1. Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium

2. The graph shows that as you move across a period, the atomic radius gets smaller while as
you move down a group, the atomic radius gets bigger. This may be explained by the filling
up of new energy level as the atomic number increases down a group.
Activity III - Periodic Trends
A. Now, try this…
Answer: (a) beryllium (b) beryllium
Study Check
A. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. d
B. Increasing atomic size:
1. Ar, Al, Na
2. F, Cl, Br, I
3. O, N, Al, Br
C. Increasing Ionization Energy
1. Mg, Al, Be, B
2. Bi, As, P, N
3. Na, Li, Be, B
D. Decreasing Electron Affinity
1. S, Si, Ar, Ca

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

2. P, Si, Ne, Na
3. Br, Se, Ge, Kr
E. Most metallic
1. Bi
2. Sc
3. Ba
F. Most electronegative
1. F
2. S
3. Cl
4. O
5. F



Author/ Writer: Belinda D. Ravalo, Ronalyn M. Lirio,

Learner’s Packet
Content Editor:
Language Editor:
Ma. Rowena B. Balute, Leony C. Mujal
Ebrahim M. Manrique
Lisa L. Penaflor
Education Program Supervisor: Jade O. Alberto, EdD

Name: _________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________

(RO_AdvancedChemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP 7)


Chemical formulas are symbolic

representations of substances. These
chemical symbols express the elements
present and the ratios in which the atoms
are combined. They are also used as basis
in classifying substances. Written on the
balloons are examples of chemical

This learning packet is concerned

of writing the chemical formulas of ionic
compounds and molecular compounds.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

MELC: Write the chemical formulas of inorganic compounds.

CG LC/ Code:
1. Distinguish between inorganic ionic compounds and inorganic molecular compounds
2. Write the chemical formulas of inorganic ionic compounds and inorganic molecular



In general, what element differentiates an organic compound from inorganic
compound? Organic compounds are carbon-containing compounds like, methane (CH4)
butane (C4H10) and ethanol (CH3CH2OH). Inorganic compounds are compounds that contain
elements other than carbon, such as, sodium chloride (NaCl), ferrous sulfate (FeSO 4) and
nitric acid (HNO3). Therefore, it is the presence of the element carbon that differentiates
organic from inorganic compound. However, there are carbon-containing compounds which
are considered inorganic such as, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and the
polyatomic ions, cyanide (CN-1), bicarbonate (HCO3-1) and carbonates (CO3-2).

Classify each of the following compounds as organic or inorganic compound. Write

OC if the compound is organic and IC if it is inorganic.

_____ 1. magnesium bromide (MgBr2) _____ 4. potassium hydroxide (KOH)

_____ 2. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) _____ 5. Ethylene (C2H4)
_____ 3. Propane (C3H8) _____ 6. Lithium chloride (LiCl)


Inorganic compounds can be classified into ionic compounds and molecular
compounds. Ionic compound is composed of cation (+ charged ion) and anion (- charged ion).
Generally, it is composed of metal and non-metal.

metal nonmetal

lithium bromide Li+1 Br-1 LiBr

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

cation anion

Here are some other examples of ionic compound. Please take note how the chemical
formulas are written; potassium bromide (KBr), zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and aluminium oxide
(Al2O3). Conventionally, the cation is written first followed by the anion. Below is the list of
common cations and anions in which you need to be familiar of in writing chemical formulas.


copper (I) ANIONS tin(II)
potassium ANIONS
K+1 copper(II) BrO
bromite Cu2-1+2 tin(IV)
hydroxide Sn+4
Silver AgF+1-1 mercury(I) HCO
bicarbonate Hg3+1-1 lead(II) +2
permanganat PbMnO4-
magnesium MgCl+2
-1 mercury(II) CNO
cyanate Hg-1+2 lead(IV)
e Pb1+4
gold(I) -1 +1 As+3
bromide CaBr
Calcium +2 --1 cyanide CNAu arsenic(III)
nitrate NO3-1
gold(III) -2 +3 +5
NaI+2 sulphate SOAu
nitrite AsNO2-1
iron(II) -2+2 +3
Barium BaO+2-2 sulphite SOFe
perchlorate SbClO4-1
iron(III) -2+3 Sb+5
sulphide ZnS+2-2
Zinc carbonate COFe
chlorate ClO3-1
nitride N-3 cobalt(II)
oxalate Co4-2+2
C2O chlorite ClO2-1
aluminum Al+3 +3
phosphide P-3 cobalt(III) CrCo
dichromate 2O7
hypochlorite ClO-1
carbide C+2 nickel(II)
chromate Ni4-2
CrO iodate IO3-1
nickel(III) PONi -3+3
ammonium NH4+1 phosphate 4 iodite IO2-1
bromate BrO3-1

How do you think chemical formulas of ionic compounds are written? Here are the rules on
writing them;

1. Write the symbol of cation followed by the anion of a compound. Then simply criss-cross the
charges and make them as their subscripts.
ex. aluminum oxide Al+3 O-2 Al2O3

3. A subscript of one should no longer be indicated.

ex. sodium chloride Na+1 Cl-1 NaCl
calcium fluoride Ca+2 F-1 CaF2

4. If the subscripts are both divisible by a number, divided them by their greatest common factor.
ex. barium oxide Ba+2 O-2 BaO
tin(IV) oxide Sn O
+4 -2

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

5. If a subscript of polyatomic ion is greater than 1, enclose the polyatomic ion in parentheses.
ex. magnesium phosphate Mg+2 PO4-3 Mg3(PO4)2
ammonium sulfite NH4 SO3
+1 -2

A. Now, let us have an activity to see if you have learned something in how to write chemical
formulas of ionic compounds.
Complete the table by writing the chemical formulas of the ionic compounds from the given ions.

Br-1 O-2 OH-1 PO4-3

B. Write the chemical formulas of the following ionic compounds on the space provided.

1. potassium chloride __________ 6. lithium carbide __________

2. barium oxide __________ 7. lead (IV) carbonate __________

3. calcium fluoride __________ 8. ammonium chloride __________

4. ferric oxide __________ 9. sodium iodide __________

5. aluminum hydroxide __________ 10. mercury (II) oxide __________




Unlike ionic compound, molecular compounds are composed non-metals. They have discrete
molecular units indicated by Greek prefixes. For example, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide
(CO2) and diiodine pentoxide (I2O5). Greek prefixes on its name denote the number of atoms present
in the compound. Look at the figure below and study how the chemical formulas for molecular
compounds are written.

carbon monoxide carbon dioxide diiodine pentoxide


1 carbon atom 1 carbon atom 2 iodine atoms

1 oxygen atom 2 oxygen atoms 5 oxygen atoms

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

As shown in the figure above, writing chemical formula for molecular compound is usually
straightforward. You just need to write the symbol of elements in the same order as that in its name
and translate the Greek prefixes into number by writing it as its subscript. Consider the following

GREEK PREFIXES Write the chemical formula of the following molecular compounds.
Mono 1
Di 2 Write the chemical formula
1. dinitrogen monoxideof the following molecular compounds.
Tri 3 1. sulfur 2.
trioxide __________ ____________6. Selenium dioxide
sulphur dioxide
tetra 4 __________
penta 5 3. dinitrogen pentoxide ____________
hexa 6 2. xenon diflouride __________ 7. iodine
hepta 7 trichloride4. chlorine __________
triflouride ____________
octa 8
3. phosphorus tribromide
5. dichlorine monoxide__________
____________ 8. xenon
nona 9 tetraflouride __________
deca 10
4. iodine 1. N2O __________
pentaflouride 2. SO2 3. N2O5 9.4.diodine
CF3 heptoxide
5. Cl2O

5. bromine monoflouride __________ 10. dinitrogen trioxide __________


Let us sum up what you have learned. Let us see if you can now distinguish ionic
compounds from molecular compound and can write the correct chemical formulas. Answer
the activities that follows.
From the symbols written on the balloons below, fill in the table by grouping the
chemical formulas into ionic compounds and molecular compounds.




Write the chemical formulas of the following inorganic compounds on the space
provided after its chemical name.

potassium sulfide calcium chloride

silver nitrate tin(IV) sulfate
barium hydroxide selenium dioxide

diphosphorus ammonium
RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8
pentachloride phosphate
aluminium sulfide zinc hydroxide
tetraphosphorus bromine
decoxide monoflouride

calcium chlorate cobalt(II) nitrate

ferric oxide silver iodide


Congratulations! You have done a great job in finishing this learning packet. This time, share your
insights and questions by completing the prompts below.

Things I have learned today: ________________________________________________________


I wish to ask about _________________________________________________________________




Villamar, Rufino Jr. A. Chemistry, Latest Edition. Quezon City, Metro Manila. St Bernadette
Publishing House, 2012.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Chang, Raymund. General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, 5th Edition. New York USA, McGraw
Hill Companies Inc., 2008.


_IC__ 1. magnesium bromide (MgBr2) _IC__ 4. potassium hydroxide (KOH)
_IC__ 2. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) _OC_ 5. Ethylene (C2H4)
_OC_ 3. Propane (C3H8) _IC__ 6. Lithium chloride (LiCl)

Br-1 O-2 OH-1 PO4-3
Na+1 NaBr Na20 NaOH Na3PO4
Ca+2 CaBr2 CaO Ca(OH)2 Ca3(PO4)2
Sn+4 SnBr4 SnO2 Sn(OH)4 Sn3(PO4)4
NH4+1 NH4Br (NH4)2O NH4OH (NH4)3PO4

1. potassium chloride - KCl 6. lithium carbide - Li3C
2. barium oxide - BaO 7. lead(IV) carbonate - Pb(CO3)2
3. calcium fluoride - CaF2 8. ammonium chloride - NH4Cl
4. ferric oxide - Fe2O3 9. sodium iodide - NaI
5. aluminum hydroxide - Al(OH)3 10. mercury(II) oxide - HgO

1. sulfur trioxide - SO3 6. Selenium dioxide - SeI2
2. xenon diflouride - XeF2 7. iodine trichloride - ICl3
3. phosphorus tribromide - PBr3 8. xenon tetraflouride - XeF4
4. iodine pentaflouride - IF5 9. diodine heptoxide - I2O7
5. bromine monoflouride - BrF 10. dinitrogen trioxide - N2O3


RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

SO 3 MgF2

NaCl CO2
H2 O

MgF2 H2O



potassium sulfide K2S calcium chloride CaCl2

silver nitrate AgNO3 tin(IV) sulfate Sn(SO4)2

barium hydroxide Ba(OH)2 selenium dioxide SeO2

diphosphorus P2Cl5 ammonium (NH4)PO3

pentaclhoride phosphate
aluminium sulfide Al2S3 zinc hydroxide Zn(OH)2

tetraphosphorus P4O10 bromine BrF

decoxide monoflouride

calcium chlorate cobalt(II) nitrate

ferric oxide silver iodide



Learner’s Packet
Author/ Writer:
Content Editor:
Belinda D.De
Ma. Rowena
la Cruz,
P. NazB.
Balute, Leony C. Mujal
Content Editor:
Editor: Mary
Language Program
Editor: Supervisor: Jade
Lisa L.
Alberto, EdD
Education Program Supervisor: Jade O. Alberto, EdD

Name: _________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

RO_AdvancedChemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP 8


Each compound has a name that indicates its composition. Such names are called systematic names
and are based on a set of rules drawn up by IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry. IUPAC is the world’s authority on chemical nomenclatures.

This Learning Packet will give you the rules in naming chemical compounds and at the same
time will help you master chemical nomenclatures for ionic compounds, molecular compounds and
acids and bases.


MELC: Name inorganic compounds.

CG LC/ Code:
1. State rules in naming ionic compounds, molecular compounds and acids and bases.
2. Name chemical formulas of ionic compounds, molecular compounds and acids and




From your previous lesson, you have learned that ionic compounds are made up of a
cation and anion. They are formed from a metal and non-metal. Many ionic compounds are

binary compounds or compounds

formed from just two elements.
Usually these two elements are
reactive metals and non-metals. Figure
on the right shows the list of reactive
metals and non-metals.
The rule in naming binary ionic
Figure 1. Reactive metals (green) and non-metals (blue)

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

compound is name first the cation (metal)
followed by the non-metal (anion) ending
in –ide.

Examples: NaCl - sodium chloride CaF2 - calcium fluoride

BaO - barium oxide KI - potassium iodide

Name the following binary ionic compounds. You may refer to the list of cations and anions
on the previous Learning Packet.

1. MgO - _______________________ 4. BaF2 - ______________________

2. K2O - _______________________ 5. NaBr - ______________________
3. CaS - _______________________



Transition metals can form two or more cations such as, iron, cobalt, gold, nickel and many others.
Let us take iron for example. Iron forms two cations, Fe +2 and Fe+3. The rule in naming ionic
compounds with transition metal is to use Roman Numerals. This is called Stock System. In this
system, Fe+2 is named as iron (II) while Fe+3 is iron(III). The anion if monoatomic will end with –ide.

Example: FeCl2 - iron(II) chloride MnO - Manganese(II) oxide

FeCl3 - iron(III) chloride Mn2O3 - Manganese(III) oxide
MnO2 - Manganese(IV) oxide

Name the following binary ionic compounds.

1. CoO - _______________________ 4. Sb2O5 - ____________________

2. SnCl4 - _______________________ 5. PbF4 - ____________________
3. Cu3N2 - _______________________


Ionic compounds can also be formed a by polyatomic ions. The rule in naming ionic compounds with
polyatomic ions is to name first the cation followed by the name of the anion.

Examples: Al(OH)3 - aluminum hydroxide NH4NO3 - ammonium nitrate

FeSO4 - iron(II)sulphate Li3PO3 - lithium phosphate

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Name the following binary ionic compounds.

1. NaOH - ___________________ 4. CaCO3 - _________________

2. Pb(NO3)2 - ___________________ 5. Sn(NO2)4 - _________________
3. (NH4)2C2O4 - ___________________


The strategy in naming ionic compound is to look at the cations and anions together with their
subscripts. Remember that subscripts were formed from the criss-crossing of their charges. Now that
you know how to name ionic compounds, please try to answer the activity below.

Complete the table by writing the chemical formulas of the ionic compounds formed from the
given ions and by naming them. An example is done for you.

Cl-1 S-2 NO2-1 PO4-3

lithium chloride






In general, molecular compounds are formed when two non-metals combine. They are also
called binary molecular compounds. The rule in naming binary molecular compound is to use Greek
prefixes and end the second element with -ide. These prefixes denote the number of atoms in each
molecule. You may refer to the list of Greek Prefixes on the previous Learning Packet.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Note that “mono” is not used on the first element of a binary molecular compound. When
prefix ending in -a or –o is used for oxide, the ending -a or –o is dropped.

CO SO2 N2 O4
sulphur dioxide dinitrogen tetroxide
carbon monoxide
1 sulfur atom 2nitrogen atoms
1 carbon atom
2 oxygen atoms 4 oxygen atoms
1 oxygen atom

Examples: SO3 - sulphur trioxide IF5 - diiodine pentaflouride

BrF - bromine monoflouride SeI2 - selenium diiodide


Name the following molecular compounds.

1. PCl3 - ________________________ 6. ICl3 - _____________________

2. N2O4 - ________________________ 7. Br2O7 - _____________________

3. BrCl - ________________________ 8. PBr3 - _____________________

4. P4O6 - ________________________9. XeF4 - _____________________

5. Cl2O - ________________________ 10. P4O10 - _____________________




A. Binary Acids
Acids are compounds that produce hydrogen ions (H+1) when dissolved in water. A binary
acid is formed when hydrogen combines with non-metallic element. There are two ways to name
binary acid with the same chemical formula depending on their state.

1. If the acid is in gaseous state, just state the name hydrogen and the name of the anion
ending in –ide. The symbol (g) indicates that the acid is in gaseous state.

Example: H+1 and Cl-1 HCl (g) hydrogen chloride

H+1 and S-2 H2S (g) hydrogen fluoride
H+1 and Br-1 HBr (g) hydrogen chloride

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

2. If the acid is in liquid state, a pattern is followed in naming it. The symbol (aq) indicates
that the acid is in liquid state.

hydro + anion (ending in -ic) + acid

Example: H+1 and Cl-1 HCl (aq) hydrochloric acid

H+1 and S-2 H2S (aq) hydrofluoric acid
H+1 and Br-1 HBr (aq) hydrochloric acid

B. Oxyacids or Oxoacids

An oxyacid is an acid containing H, O and other elements. The chemical formula can be
obtained from hydrogen ion H+1 and an oxyanion. Oxyanions are polyatomic anions containing
oxygen, except for OH-1 and O2-2. The patterns below are followed.

1. If the name of the oxyanion ends in –ate, the acid is named as,
oxyanion (ending in –ate) + acid

Example: H+1 and ClO3-1 HClO3 chloric acid

H+1 and SO4-2 H2SO4 sulfuric acid
H+1 and BrO3-1 HBrO3 boric acid

2. If the name of the oxyanion ends in –ite, the acid is named as,

oxyanion (ending in –ous) + acid

Example: H+1 and ClO2-1 HClO2 chlorous acid

H+1 and SO3-2 H2SO3 sulfurous acid
H+1 and BrO2-1 HBrO2 borous acid

A. Write the chemical formulas of the following pairs of ions and then name the acids.

1. H+1 and NO3-1 - ______________ - __________________________________

2. H+1 and NO2-1 - ______________ - __________________________________

3. H+1 and ClO-1 - ______________ - __________________________________

4. H+1 and CO3-2 - ______________ - __________________________________

5. H+1 and ClO4-1 - ______________ - __________________________________

B. Name the following acids.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

1. HF(g) - __________________________

2. HIO4 - __________________________

3. H3PO4 - __________________________

4. HI (aq) - __________________________

5. H2C2O4 - __________________________

Bases are compounds that yield hydroxide ions (OH-1) when dissolved in water. In
general, bases form from the cations of metals and hydroxide ion. The pattern in naming
bases is,

cation + hydroxide

Example: K+1 and OH-1 KOH potassium hydroxide

Na+1 and OH-1 NaOH sodium hydroxide
Al+3 and OH-1 Al(OH)3 potassium hydroxide

Name the following bases.

1. LiOH - ___________________________

2. Zn(OH)2 - ___________________________

3. Fe(OH)3 - ___________________________

4. Ba(OH)2 - ___________________________

5. Cu(OH)2 - ___________________________



Now that you have mastered naming ionic compounds, molecular compounds and acids and
bases. Kindly answer the following activities to sum up your learnings.
Name the following inorganic compounds. See to it that you have a copy of periodic table
with the list of cations and anions.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

1. Na2CrO4 - ________________________________ 11. Ca(OH)2 - ____________________________
2. HBr (aq) - ________________________________ 12. NH4I - ____________________________
3. Li2CO3 - ________________________________ 13. K2O2 - ____________________________
4. I2O5 - ________________________________ 14. Sn(SO3)2 - ____________________________
5. KI - ________________________________ 15. HClO2 - ____________________________
6. Cu(OH)2 - ________________________________ 16. KOH - ____________________________
7. CoF2 - ________________________________ 17. Al2S3 - ____________________________
8. HC2H3O2 - ________________________________ 18. NH4NO2 - ____________________________
9. CaCl2 - ______________________________ 19. BrF - ____________________________
10. SI4 - ________________________________ 20. MgO - ____________________________


Congratulations! You have done a great job in finishing this learning packet. This time, share
your insights and questions by completing the prompts below.

Things I have learned today: ___________________________________________________


I wish to ask about ___________________________________________________________



Villamar, Rufino Jr. A. Chemistry, Latest Edition. St Bernadette Publishing House, 2012.

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

Chang, Raymund. General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, 5th Edition. New York USA, McGraw
Hill Companies Inc., 2008.


1. MgO - magnesium oxide 4. BaF2 - barium flouride
2. K2O - potassium oxide 5. NaBr - sodium bromide
3. CaS - calcium sulphide
1. CoO - cobalt (II) oxide 4. Sb2O5 - antimony (V) oxide
2. SnCl4 - tin (IV) chloride 5. PbF4 - lead (IV) flouride
3. Cu3N2 - copper (II) nitride
1. NaOH - sodium hydroxide 4. CaCO3 - calcium carbonate
2. Pb(NO3)2 - lead (II) nitrate 5. Sn(NO2)4 - tin (IV) nitrite
3. (NH4)2C2O4 - ammonium oxalate
Cl-1 S-2 NO2-1 PO4-3

LiCl Li2S LiNO2 Li3PO4

lithium chloride lithium sulfide lithium nitrite lithium phosphate

BaCl2 BaS Ba(NO2)2 Ba3(PO4)2

barium chloride barium sulfide barium nitrite barium phosphate

FeCl3 Fe2S 3 Fe(NO2)3 FePO4

Fe+3 Iron (III)
Iron (III) chloride Iron (III) sulfide Iron (III) nitrite phosphate


NH4+1 ammonium ammonium ammonium ammonium
chloride sulfide nitrite phosphate

1. PCl3 - phosphorus triflouride 6. ICl3 - iodine trichloride
2. N2O4 - dinitrogen tetroxide 7. Br2O7 - dibromine heptoxide
3. BrCl - bromine monochloride 8. PBr3 - phosphorus tribromide
4. P4O6 - tetraphosphorus hexoxide 9. XeF4 - xenon tetraflouride
5. Cl2O - dichlorine monoxide 10. P4O10 - tetraphosphorus decoxide

1. H+1 and NO3-1 - HNO3 - nitric acid

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

2. H+1 and NO2-1 - HNO2 - nitrous acid
3. H+1 and ClO-1 - HClO - hypochlorous acid
4. H+1 and CO3-2 - H2CO3 - carbonic acid
5. H+1 and ClO4-1 - HClO4 - perchloric acid

1. HF(g) - hydrogen flouride
2. HIO4 - periodic acid
3. H3PO4 - phosphoric acid
4. HI (aq) - hydroiodic acid
5. H2C2O4 - oxalic acid

1. LiOH - lithium hydroxide
2. Zn(OH)2 - zinc hydroxide
3. Fe(OH)3 - iron (III) hydroxide
4. Ba(OH)2 - barium hydroxide
5. Cu(OH)2 - copper (II) hydroxide

1. Na2CrO4 - sodium chromate 11. Ca(OH)2 - calcium hydroxide
2. HBr (aq) - hydrobromic acid 12. NH4I - ammonium iodide
3. Li2CO3 - lithium carbonate 13. K2O2 - potassium peoxide
4. I2O5 - diiodine pentoxide 14. Sn(SO3)2 - tin (IV) sulfate
5. KI - potassium iodide 15. HClO2 - chlorous acid
6. Cu(OH)2 - copper (II) hydroxide 16. KOH - potassium hydroxide
7. CoF2 - cobalt (II) flouride 17. Al2S3 - aluminum sulfide
8. HC2H3O2 - acetic acid 18. NH4NO2 - ammonium nitrite
9. CaCl2 - calcium chloride 19. BrF - bromine monoflouride
10. SI4 - sulphur tetraiodide 20. MgO - magnesium oxide


Author/ Writer: Belinda D. Ravalo, Ronalyn M. Lirio,

Ma. Rowena B. Balute, Leony C. Mujal
Content Editor: Ebrahim M. Manrique
Language Editor: Lisa L. Penaflor
Education Program Supervisor: Jade O. Alberto, EdD

RO_Advance Chemistry _Grade 10_Q1_LP1-8

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