Time Work Sheet 01

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TIME & WORK sheet 01 finished if both are working in alternate days Ram

starting first.
Q 1. John can complete a piece of work in 12 days while
Abraham can complete the same work in 18 days. If they Q15. 300 soldiers have food for 120 days; they consume
both work together, then how many days will be required the food for 40 days after which 60 soldiers left. The
to finish the work? remaining food will last for how many more days?

Q 2. If 'salman' completes a piece of work in 3 days, Q16.In the beginning, Ram works at a rate such that he
which 'Ali' completes it in 5 days and 'Khan' takes 10 can finish a piece of work in 24 hrs, but he only works at
days to complete the same work. How long will they take this rate for 16 hrs. After that, he works at a rate such
to complete the work, if they work together? that he can do the whole work in 18 hrs. If Ram is to
finish this work at a stretch, how many hours will he take
Q 3. ‘Amrish’ can do a piece of work in 12 days while to finish this work?
‘puri’ can do it in 15 days , In how many days work would
be finished if both work for 2 days then ‘Amrish’ left . Q17. A can do a piece of work in 10 days, and B can do
the same work in 20 days. With the help of C, they
Q 4. ‘Rajat’ can do a piece of work in 18 days and finished the work in 4 days. C can do the work in how
‘kapoor’ can do it in 24 days, in how many days the work many days, working alone?
would be finished if ‘Rajat’ work for 2 days , after that
‘kapoor’ joined him. Q18. A and B can do a piece of work in 40 days, B and
C can do it in 120 days. If B alone can do it in 180 days,
Q 5. ‘Amit’ is twice as efficient as ‘Bachchan’ and takes in how many days will A and C do it together?
90 days less to complete the job. Find the time in which
they can finish the job together. Q19. A and B undertake to do a piece of work for Rs.
450. A can do it in 20 days and B can do it in 40 days.
Q 6. Santa is twice as good as Banta and together they With the help of C, they finish it in 8 days. How much
complete a piece of work in 20 days. In how many days should C be paid for his contribution?
will Santa alone will finish the work?
Q20. Jagga and Jasoos can do a piece of work in 70
Q 7. A and B can together do a piece of work in 15 days. and 60 days respectively. They began the work together,
B alone can do it in 20 days. In how many days can A but Jagga leaves after some days and Jasoos finished
alone do it? the remaining work in 47 days. After how many days did
Jagga leave?
Q 8. 20 men can do a task in 24 days, in what time 16
persons can do the same task? Q21. Shah and Rukh undertake to do a piece of work for
Rs. 480. Shah alone can do it in 75 days while Rukh
Q 9. 40 men can do a task 60 days, in what time 20
alone can do it in 40 days. With the help of Khan, they
persons can do 75% of the previous task?
finish the work in 25 days. How much should Khan get
Q10. 32 people can do a task in 10 days working 6 for his work?
hours in a day , in what time 24 people can do twice of
Q22. 3600 men had provisions for 59 days. They started
the task working 8 hours in a day?
consuming, but after 10 days, reinforcement arrives. As
Q11. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 15, 12, a result, the remaining food lasted for 36 days. What
10 days respectively. A and B started the work together was the strength of the reinforcement?
and left after 4 days. If the remaining work can be done
Q23. If either 24 men or 36 women can reap a field in 40
by C, then in how many days the total work get
days, then 16 men and 16 women will reap the field in
how many days?
Q12. 6 men can pack 12 boxes in 7 days by working for
Q24. 3 men and 6 boys can do a piece of work in 12
7 hours a day. In how many days can 14 men pack 18
days; 4 men and 7 boys can do the same in 10 days.
boxes if they work for 9 hours a day?
Then, 6 men and 6 boys can do three times the amount
Q13. A & B can make paintings in 6 days, B & C can of this work in how many days?
make those paintings in 10 days. If A, B & C together
Q25. If 1200 men working for 6 hrs/day can check 4000
can finish the work in 4 days, then A & C together will do
answer sheets in 20 days, then 3500 men working for
it in how many days.
9hrs/day can check 7000 answer sheets in how many
Q14. Ram can do a task in 20 days while Shyam can do days?
it in 30 days. In how many days the work would be

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