BJT Ac Analysis

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360 BJT AC ANALYSIS toolbar.

r. Once chosen, the Select a Component dialog box will appear; under the Fam-
ily heading, select TRANSISTORS_VIRTUAL followed by BJT_NPN_VIRTUAL.
Following an OK the symbols and labels will appear as shown in Fig. 5.148. We
must now check that the beta value is 200 to match the example under investigation.
This can be accomplished using one of two paths. In Chapter 4 we used the EDIT-
PROPERTIES sequence, but here we will simply double-click on the symbol to obtain
the TRANSISTORS_VIRTUAL dialog box. Under Value, select Edit Model to obtain
the Edit Model dialog box (the dialog box has a different appearance from that obtained
with the other route and requires a different sequence to change its parameters). The
value of BF appears as 100, which must be changed to 200. First select the BF line to
make it blue all the way across. Then place the cursor directly over the 100 value and
select it to isolate it as the quantity to be changed. After deleting the 100, type in the
desired 200 value. Then click the BF line directly under the Name heading and the
entire line will be blue again, but now with the 200 value. Then choose Change Part
Model at the bottom left of the dialog box and the TRANSISTORS-VIRTUAL dialog
box will appear again. Select OK and b  200 will be set for the virtual transistor. Note
the asterisk next to the BJT label to indicate the parameters of the device have been
changed from the default values. The label Bf ⴝ 100 was set using Place-Text as
described in the previous chapter.
This will be the first opportunity to set up an ac source. First, it is important to real-
ize that there are two types of ac sources available, one whose value is in rms units, the
other with its peak value displayed. The option under Power Sources uses rms values,
whereas the ac source under Signal Sources uses peak values. Because meters display
rms values, the Power Sources option will be used here. Once Source is selected, the
Select a Component dialog box will appear. Under the Family listing select POWER_
SOURCES and then select AC_POWER under the Component listing. An OK, and
the source will appear on the screen with four pieces of information. The label V1 can
be deleted by first double-clicking on the source symbol to obtain the AC_POWER
dialog box. Select Display and disengage Use Schematic Global Settings. To remove
the label V1, disengage the Show RefDes option. An OK, and the V1 will disappear
from the screen. Next the value has to be set at 1 mV, a process initiated by selecting
Value in the AC_POWER dialog box and then changing the Voltage (RMS) to 1 mV.
The units of mV can be set using the scroll keys to the right of the magnitude of the
source. After you change the Voltage to 1 mV, an OK will place this new value on the
screen. The frequency of 1000 Hz can be set in the same way. The 0-degree phase shift
happens to be the default value.
The label Bf ⴝ 200 is set in the same way as described in Chapter 4. The two multi-
meters are obtained using the first option at the top of the right vertical toolbar. The meter
faces appearing in Fig. 5.148 were obtained by simply double-clicking on the multimeter
symbols on the schematic. Both were set to read voltages, the magnitudes of which will be
in rms units.
After simulation the results of Fig. 5.148 appear. Note that the meter XMM1 is not read-
ing the 1 mV expected. This is due to the small drop in voltage across the input capacitor
at 1 kHz. Certainly, however, it is very close to 1 mV. The output of 245.166 mV quickly
reveals that the gain of the transistor configuration is about 245.2, which is a very close
match with the 240 obtained in Example 5.9.

Darlington Configuration Applying Multisim to the network of Fig. 5.147 with a pack-
aged Darlington amplifier results in the printout of Fig. 5.149. For each transistor the
parameters were changed to Is ⴝ 100E-18 A and Bf ⴝ 89.4 using the technique described
earlier. For practice purposes the ac signal source was employed rather than the power
source. The peak value of the applied signal is set at 100 mV, but note that the multimeter
reads the effective or rms value of 99.991 mV. The indicators reveal that the base voltage
of Q1 is 7.736 V, and the emitter voltage of Q2 is 6.193 V. The rms value of the output
voltage is 99.163 mV, resulting in a gain of 0.99 as expected for the emitter follower con-
figuration. The collector current is 16 mA with a base current of 1.952 mA, resulting in a
bD of about 8200.

FIG. 5.149
Network of Example 5.9 redrawn using Multisim.


*Note: Asterisks indicate more difficult problems.
5.2 Amplification in the AC Domain
1. a. What is the expected amplification of a BJT transistor amplifier if the dc supply is set to
zero volts?
b. What will happen to the output ac signal if the dc level is insufficient? Sketch the effect on
the waveform.
c. What is the conversion efficiency of an amplifier in which the effective value of the current
through a 2.2-k load is 5 mA and the drain on the 18-V dc supply is 3.8 mA?
2. Can you think of an analogy that would explain the importance of the dc level on the resulting
ac gain?
3. If a transistor amplifier has more than one dc source, can the superposition theorem be applied
to obtain the response of each dc source and algebraically add the results?

5.3 BJT Transistor Modeling

4. What is the reactance of a 10@mF capacitor at a frequency of 1 kHz? For networks in which the
resistor levels are typically in the kilohm range, is it a good assumption to use the short-circuit
equivalence for the conditions just described? How about at 100 kHz?
5. Given the common-base configuration of Fig. 5.150, sketch the ac equivalent using the nota-
tion for the transistor model appearing in Fig. 5.7.

FIG. 5.150
Problem 5.
5.4 The re Transistor Model
6. a. Given an Early voltage of VA  100 V, determine ro if VCEQ = 8 V and ICQ = 4 mA.
b. Using the results of part (a), find the change in IC for a change in VCE of 6 V at the same
Q-point as part (a).
362 BJT AC ANALYSIS 7. For the common-base configuration of Fig. 5.18, an ac signal of 10 mV is applied, resulting in
an ac emitter current of 0.5 mA. If a  0.980, determine:
a. Zi.
b. Vo if RL = 1.2 k.
c. Av = Vo>Vi.
d. Zo with ro   .
e. Ai = Io >Ii.
f. Ib.
8. Using the model of Fig. 5.16, determine the following for a common-emitter amplifier if
b  80, IE(dc) = 2 mA, and ro = 40 k.
a. Zi.
b. Ib.
c. Ai = Io >Ii = IL >Ib if RL = 1.2 k.
d. Av if RL = 1.2 k.
9. The input impedance to a common-emitter transistor amplifier is 1.2 k with b  140,
ro = 50 k, and RL = 2.7 k. Determine:
a. re.
b. Ib if Vi = 30 mV.
c. Ic.
d. Ai = Io>Ii = IL >Ib.
e. Av = Vo>Vi.
10. For the common-base configuration of Fig. 5.18, the dc emitter current is 3.2 mA and a is 0.99.
Determine the following if the applied voltage is 48 mV and the load is 2.2 k.
a. re.
b. Zi.
c. Ic.
d. Vo.
e. Av.
f. Ib.

5.5 Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Configuration

11. For the network of Fig. 5.151:
a. Determine Zi and Zo.
b. Find Av.
c. Repeat parts (a) and (b) with ro = 20 k.
12. For the network of Fig. 5.152, determine VCC for a voltage gain of Av = - 160.

12 V


4.7 kΩ
2.2 kΩ
220 kΩ Io 1 MΩ

β = 90
Vi Zo Vi ro = ∞ Ω
Ii β = 60
ro = 40 kΩ

FIG. 5.151 FIG. 5.152

Problem 11. Problem 12.

*13. For the network of Fig. 5.153:

a. Calculate IB, IC, and re.
b. Determine Zi and Zo.
c. Calculate Av.
d. Determine the effect of ro = 30 k on Av.
14. For the network of Fig. 5.153, what value of RC will cut the voltage gain to half the value
obtained in problem 13?

5.6 kΩ

Vi Zo
Ii β = 100
390 kΩ gos = 25 μS


FIG. 5.153
Problem 13.
5.6 Voltage-Divider Bias
15. For the network of Fig. 5.154:
a. Determine re.
b. Calculate Zi and Zo.
c. Find Av.
d. Repeat parts (b) and (c) with ro = 25 k.
VCC = 16 V

3.9 kΩ
39 kΩ Io
1 μF 1 μF
β = 100
Ii ro = 50 kΩ

4.7 kΩ
1.2 kΩ 10 μF

FIG. 5.154
Problem 15.
16. Determine VCC for the network of Fig. 5.155 if Av = - 160 and ro = 100 k.
17. For the network of Fig. 5.156:
a. Determine re.
b. Calculate VB and VC.
VCC = 20 V
c. Determine Zi and Av = Vo>Vi.

3.3 kΩ 4.7 kΩ
82 kΩ 220 kΩ
Vo Vo
Vi β = 100 Vi β = 180
CC gos = 20 μS CC gos = 30 μS

5.6 kΩ 56 kΩ
1 kΩ CE 2.2 kΩ CE

FIG. 5.155 FIG. 5.156

Problem 16. Problem 17.
364 BJT AC ANALYSIS 18. For the network of Fig. 5.157:
a. Determine re.
b. Find the dc voltages VB, VCB, and VCE.
c. Determine Zi and Zo.
d. Calculate Av  Vo>Vi.

Vo Zo
β = 70
ro = 60 k⍀
24 V

3.3 k⍀ 2.2 k⍀

12 V
27 k⍀

68 k⍀ Zi

FIG. 5.157
Problem 18.

5.7 CE Emitter–Bias Configuration

19. For the network of Fig. 5.158:
a. Determine re.
b. Find Zi and Zo.
c. Calculate Av.
d. Repeat parts (b) and (c) with ro = 20 k.
20. Repeat Problem 19 with RE bypassed. Compare results.
21. For the network of Fig. 5.159, determine RE and RB if Av = - 10 and re = 3.8 . Assume that
Zb = bRE.

20 V

20 V

2.2 kΩ 8.2 kΩ
390 kΩ RB
Vo Vo

β = 140 β = 120
Vi Vi
ro = 100 kΩ gos = 10 μS

1.2 kΩ Zo RE

FIG. 5.158 FIG. 5.159

Problems 19 and 20. Problem 21.

*22. For the network of Fig. 5.160:

a. Determine re.
b. Find Zi and Av.
23. For the network of Fig. 5.161:
a. Determine re.
b. Calculate VB, VCE, and VCB.
c. Determine Zi and Zo.
d. Calculate Av  Vo>Vi.
e. Determine Ai  Io>Ii.

5.6 kΩ
330 kΩ Io
16 V
Vi β = 80
CC ro = 40 kΩ 430 k⍀
4.7 k⍀

Zi Vo
1.2 kΩ
Vi β = 200
gos = 20 μS

120 k⍀
0.47 kΩ CE 1.2 k⍀

FIG. 5.160 FIG. 5.161

Problem 22. Problem 23.

5.8 Emitter-Follower Configuration 16 V

24. For the network of Fig. 5.162:

a. Determine re and bre.
b. Find Zi and Zo.
c. Calculate Av. 270 kΩ

Vi β = 110
ro = 50 kΩ
2.7 kΩ

FIG. 5.162
Problem 24.
*25. For the network of Fig. 5.163:
a. Determine Zi and Zo.
b. Find Av.
c. Calculate Vo if Vi = 1 mV.
*26. For the network of Fig. 5.164:
a. Calculate IB and IC. VCC = 20 V
b. Determine re.
c. Determine Zi and Zo.
d. Find Av.
12 V
56 kΩ
β = 120
Vi β = 200
ro = 40 kΩ Vi
gos = 20 μS
Vo Vo
390 kΩ Io Io
Zi 8.2 kΩ
5.6 kΩ 2 kΩ

−8 V

FIG. 5.163 FIG. 5.164

Problem 25. Problem 26.
366 BJT AC ANALYSIS 5.9 Common-Base Configuration
27. For the common-base configuration of Fig. 5.165:
a. Determine re.
b. Find Zi and Zo.
c. Calculate Av.
*28. For the network of Fig. 5.166, determine Av.


3.6 kΩ
+6 V −10 V

β = 75
gos = 5 μS
6.8 kΩ 4.7 kΩ
Ii Io
Vi Vo
3.9 kΩ
Zi α = 0.998 Zo
gos = 10 μS
−5 V

FIG. 5.165 FIG. 5.166

Problem 27. Problem 28.

5.10 Collector Feedback Configuration

29. For the collector feedback configuration of Fig. 5.167:
a. Determine re.
b. Find Zi and Zo.
c. Calculate Av.
*30. Given re = 10 , b  200, Av = - 160, and Ai = 19 for the network of Fig. 5.168, deter-
mine RC, RF, and VCC.
*31. For the network of Fig. 5.49:
a. Derive the approximate equation for Av.
b. Derive the approximate equations for Zi and Zo.
c. Given RC = 2.2 k, RF = 120 k, RE = 1.2 k, b  90, and VCC = 10 V, calculate
the magnitudes of Av, Zi, and Zo using the equations of parts (a) and (b).

12 V VCC

3.9 kΩ RC
220 kΩ RF
Vo Vo

Zo re = 10 Ω
Vi Vi
β = 200
β = 120
Ii ro = 80 kΩ
ro = 40 kΩ


FIG. 5.167 FIG. 5.168

Problem 29. Problem 30.

5.11 Collector DC Feedback Configuration

32. For the network of Fig. 5.169:
a. Determine Zi and Zo.
b. Find Av.

1.8 kΩ
39 kΩ 22 kΩ
1 μF
10 μ F
β = 80
gos = 22 μS
1 μF


FIG. 5.169
Problems 32 and 33.

33. Repeat problem 32 with the addition of an emitter resistor RE  0.68 k.

5.12–5.15 Effect of RL and Rs and Two-Port Systems Approach

*34. For the fixed-bias configuration of Fig. 5.170:
a. Determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo.
b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.63 with the parameters determined in part (a) in place.
c. Calculate the gain AvL = Vo>Vi.
d. Determine the current gain AiL = Io>Ii.

18 V

3.3 kΩ
680 kΩ
1.8 μF Io
1.8 μF
Vi β = 100
Ii RL 4.7 kΩ


FIG. 5.170
Problems 34 and 35.

35. a. Determine the voltage gain AvL for the network of Fig. 5.170 for RL = 4.7 k, 2.2 k, and
0.5 k. What is the effect of decreasing levels of RL on the voltage gain?
b. How will Zi, Zo, and AvNL change with decreasing values of RL?
*36. For the network of Fig. 5.171:
a. Determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo.
b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.63 with the parameters determined in part (a) in place.
c. Determine Av = Vo>Vi.
d. Determine Avs = Vo>Vs.
e. Change Rs to 1 k and determine Av. How does Av change with the level of Rs?
f. Change Rs to 1 k and determine Avs. How does Avs change with the level of Rs?
g. Change Rs to 1 k and determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo. How do they change with the change in Rs?
h. For the original network of Fig. 5.171 calculate Ai  Io>Ii.


3 kΩ
1 MΩ
1 μF
Ii Rs 1 μF
β = 180
+ 0.6 kΩ
Vs Zi

FIG. 5.171
Problem 36.

*37. For the network of Fig. 5.172:

a. Determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo.
b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.63 with the parameters determined in part (a) in
c. Determine AvL and Avs.
d. Calculate AiL.
e. Change RL to 5.6 k and calculate Avs. What is the effect of increasing levels of RL on the
f. Change Rs to 0.5 k (with RL at 2.7 k) and comment on the effect of reducing Rs on
Av s .
g. Change RL to 5.6 k and Rs to 0.5 k and determine the new levels of Zi and Zo. How are
the impedance parameters affected by changing levels of RL and Rs?

24 V

4.3 kΩ
560 kΩ
10 μ F Io
Ii Rs 10 μF
β = 80
+ 1 kΩ
RL 2.7 kΩ
Vs Zo

FIG. 5.172
Problem 37.

38. For the voltage-divider configuration of Fig. 5.173:

a. Determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo.
b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.63 with the parameters determined in part (a) in
c. Calculate the gain AvL.
d. Determine the current gain AiL.
e. Determine AvL, AiL, and Zo using the re model and compare solutions.
39. a. Determine the voltage gain AvL for the network of Fig. 5.173 with RL = 4.7 k, 2.2 k,
and 0.5 k. What is the effect of decreasing levels of RL on the voltage gain?
b. How will Zi, Zo, and AvNL change with decreasing levels of RL?

FIG. 5.173
Problems 38 and 39.

40. For the emitter-stabilized network of Fig. 5.174:

a. Determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo.
b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.63 with the values determined in part (a).
c. Determine AvL and Avs.
d. Change Rs to 1 k. What is the effect on AvNL, Zi, and Zo?
e. Change Rs to 1 k and determine AvL and Avs. What is the effect of increasing levels of Rs
on AvL and Avs?
f. Determine Ai  Io>Ii.



FIG. 5.174
Problem 40.

*41. For the network of Fig. 5.175:

a. Determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo.
b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.63 with the values determined in part (a).
c. Determine AvL and Avs.
d. Change Rs to 1 k and determine AvL and Avs. What is the effect of increasing levels of Rs
on the voltage gains?
e. Change Rs to 1 k and determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo. What is the effect of increasing levels of
Rs on the parameters?
f. Change RL to 5.6 k and determine AvL and Avs. What is the effect of increasing levels of
RL on the voltage gains? Maintain Rs at its original level of 0.6 k.
g. Determine Ai = with RL = 2.7 k and Rs = 0.6 k.


FIG. 5.175
Problem 41.

*42. For the common-base network of Fig. 5.176:

a. Determine Zi, Zo, and AvNL.
b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.63 with the parameters of part (a) in place.
c. Determine AvL and Avs.
d. Determine AvL and Avs using the re model and compare with the results of part (c).
e. Change Rs to 0.5 k and RL to 2.2 k and calculate AvL and Avs. What is the effect of
changing levels of Rs and RL on the voltage gains?
f. Determine Zo if Rs changed to 0.5 k with all other parameters as appearing in Fig. 5.176.
How is Zo affected by changing levels of Rs?
g. Determine Zi if RL is reduced to 2.2 k. What is the effect of changing levels of RL on the
input impedance?
h. For the original network of Fig. 5.176 determine Ai  Io>Ii.

FIG. 5.176
Problem 42.

5.16 Cascaded Systems

*43. For the cascaded system of Fig. 5.177 with two identical stages, determine:
a. The loaded voltage gain of each stage.
b. The total gain of the system, Av and Avs.
c. The loaded current gain of each stage.
d. The total current gain of the system AiL = Io >Ii.
e. How Zi is affected by the second stage and RL.
f. How Zo is affected by the first stage and Rs.
g. The phase relationship between Vo and Vi.
Ii Rs 1 μF V 1 μF Io PROBLEMS 371
i Vo
CE amplifier CE amplifier
+ 0.6 kΩ
Zi = 1 kΩ Zi = 1 kΩ
Vs RL 2.7 kΩ
Zo = 3.3 kΩ Zo = 3.3 kΩ Zo
– Zi
Av NL = – 420 Av NL = – 420

Zo Zi
1 2

FIG. 5.177
Problem 43.

*44. For the cascaded system of Fig. 5.178, determine:

a. The loaded voltage gain of each stage.
b. The total gain of the system, AvL and Avs.
c. The loaded current gain of each stage.
d. The total current gain of the system.
e. How Zi is affected by the second stage and RL.
f. How Zo is affected by the first stage and Rs.
g. The phase relationship between Vo and Vi.

Ii Rs Vi 10 μF Io Vo
Emitter - follower CE amplifier
+ 1 kΩ 10 μF
Zi = 50 kΩ Z i = 1.2 kΩ
Vs RL 2.2 kΩ
Zo = 20 Ω Zo = 4.6 kΩ
– Zi Zo
Av ≅ 1 Av = – 640

Zo Zi
1 2

FIG. 5.178
Problem 44.

45. For the BJT cascade amplifier of Fig. 5.179, calculate the dc bias voltages and collector current
for each stage.
46. a. Calculate the voltage gain of each stage and the overall ac voltage gain for the BJT cascade
amplifier circuit of Fig. 5.179.
b. Find AiT = Io >Ii.



FIG. 5.179
Problems 45 and 46.
372 BJT AC ANALYSIS 47. For the cascode amplifier circuit of Fig. 5.180, calculate the dc bias voltages VB1, VB2, and VC2.
*48. For the cascode amplifier circuit of Fig. 5.180, calculate the voltage gain Av and output voltage Vo.
49. Calculate the ac voltage across a 10-k load connected at the output of the circuit in Fig. 5.180.

+20 V

1.5 kΩ
1 μF
7.5 kΩ
50 μ F Q2
β = 200

6.2 kΩ
10 μ F Q1
Vi β = 100
10 mV

3.9 kΩ
1 kΩ 100 μF

FIG. 5.180
Problems 47 and 49.
5.17 Darlington Connection
50. For the Darlington network of Fig. 5.181:
a. Determine the dc levels of VB1, VC1, VE2, VCB1, and VCE2.
b. Find the currents IB1, IB2, and IE2.
c. Calculate Zi and Zo.
d. Determine the voltage gain Av  Vo/Vi and current gain Ai  Io>Ii.

Vi β1 = 50, β 2 = 120
Ii VBE = VBE = 0.7 V
1 2

10 μF

FIG. 5.181
Problems 50 through 53.
51. Repeat problem 50 with a load resistor of 1.2 k.
52. Determine Av  Vo>Vs for the network of Fig. 5.181 if the source has an internal resistance of
1.2 k and the applied load is 10 k.
53. A resistor RC  470  is added to the network of Fig. 5.181 along with a bypass capacitor
CE  5 mF across the emitter resistor. If bD  4000, VBET = 1.6 V, and ro1 = ro2 = 40 k
for a packaged Darlington amplifier:
a. Find the dc levels of VB1, VE2, and VCE2.
b. Determine Zi and Zo.
c. Determine the voltage gain Av  Vo>Vi if the output voltage Vo is taken off the collector
terminal via a coupling capacitor of 10 mF.
5.18 Feedback Pair PROBLEMS 373
54. For the feedback pair of Fig. 5.182:
a. Calculate the dc voltages VB1, VB2, VC1, VC2, VE1, and VE2.
b. Determine the dc currents IB1, IC1, IB2, IC2, and IE2.
c. Calculate the impedances Zi and Zo.
d. Find the voltage gain Av = Vo>Vi.
e. Determine the current gain Ai = Io>Ii.


68 Ω



FIG. 5.182
Problems 54 and 55.

55. Repeat problem 54 if a 22- resistor is added between VE2 and ground.
56. Repeat problem 54 if a load resistance of 1.2 k is introduced.

5.19 The Hybrid Equivalent Model

57. Given IE (dc) = 1.2 mA, b  120, and ro  40 k, sketch the following:
a. Common-emitter hybrid equivalent model.
b. Common-emitter re equivalent model.
c. Common-base hybrid equivalent model.
d. Common-base re equivalent model.
58. Given hie = 2.4 k, hfe = 100, hre = 4 * 10-4, and hoe = 25 mS, sketch the following:
a. Common-emitter hybrid equivalent model.
b. Common-emitter re equivalent model.
c. Common-base hybrid equivalent model.
d. Common-base re equivalent model.
59. Redraw the common-emitter network of Fig. 5.3 for the ac response with the approximate
hybrid equivalent model substituted between the appropriate terminals.
60. Redraw the network of Fig. 5.183 for the ac response with the re model inserted between the
appropriate terminals. Include ro.
61. Redraw the network of Fig. 5.184 for the ac response with the re model inserted between the
appropriate terminals. Include ro.
62. Given the typical values of hie = 1 k, hre = 2 * 10-4, and Av = - 160 for the input con-
figuration of Fig. 5.185:
a. Determine Vo in terms of Vi.
b. Calculate Ib in terms of Vi.
c. Calculate Ib if hreVo is ignored.
d. Determine the percentage difference in Ib using the following equation:
Ib(without hre) - Ib(with hre)
% difference in Ib = * 100%
Ib(without hre)
e. Is it a valid approach to ignore the effects of hreVo for the typical values employed in this


FIG. 5.183 FIG. 5.184

Problem 60. Problem 61.

FIG. 5.185
Problems 62 and 64.

63. Given the typical values of RL = 2.2 k and hoe = 20 mS, is it a good approximation to
ignore the effects of 1>hoe on the total load impedance? What is the percentage difference in
total loading on the transistor using the following equation?
RL - RL 7 (1>hoe)
% difference in total load = * 100%
64. Repeat Problem 62 using the average values of the parameters of Fig. 5.92 with Av = - 180.
65. Repeat Problem 63 for RL = 3.3 k and the average value of hoe in Fig. 5.92.
5.20 Approximate Hybrid Equivalent Circuit
66. a. Given b  120, re  4.5 , and ro = 40 k, sketch the approximate hybrid equivalent
b. Given hie = 1 k, hre = 2 * 10-4, hfe = 90, and hoe = 20 mS, sketch the re model.
67. For the network of Problem 11:
a. Determine re.
b. Find hfe and hie.
c. Find Zi and Zo using the hybrid parameters.
d. Calculate Av and Ai using the hybrid parameters.
e. Determine Zi and Zo if hoe = 50 mS.
f. Determine Av and Ai if hoe = 50 mS.
g. Compare the solutions above with those of Problem 9. (Note: The solutions are available in
Appendix E if Problem 11 was not performed.)
68. For the network of Fig. 5.186:
a. Determine Zi and Zo.
b. Calculate Av and Ai.
c. Determine re and compare bre to hie.

2.2 kΩ
68 kΩ
5 μF
Vi hfe = 180
Zo hie = 2.75 kΩ
5 μF
hoe = 25 μS

12 kΩ
Zi 1.2 kΩ 10 μF

FIG. 5.186
Problem 68.

*69. For the common-base network of Fig. 5.187:

a. Determine Zi and Zo.
b. Calculate Av and Ai.
c. Determine a, b, re, and ro.

hfb = −0.992
hib = 9.45 Ω
hob = 1 μ A/V

+ 10 μ F
10 μF +
1.2 kΩ 2.7 kΩ
Vi + – Vo
Zi 4V 12 V Zo
– +
– –

FIG. 5.187
Problem 69.

5.21 Complete Hybrid Equivalent Model

*70. Repeat parts (a) and (b) of Problem 68 with hre = 2 * 10-4 and compare results.
*71. For the network of Fig. 5.188, determine:
a. Zi.
b. Av.
c. Ai = Io>Ii.
d. Zo.
*72. For the common-base amplifier of Fig. 5.189, determine:
a. Zi.
b. Ai.
c. Av.
d. Zo.

2.2 kΩ
470 kΩ Io
Ii 5 μF
1 kΩ hfe = 140
+ Zo hie = 0.86 kΩ
+ 5 μF hre = 1.5 × 10− 4
hoe = 25 μS
Vs Vi
1.2 kΩ 10 μ F


FIG. 5.188
Problem 71.

hib = 9.45 Ω
hfb = −0.997
hob = 0.5 μ A/V
hrb = 1 × 10− 4
0.6 kΩ Io

5 μF + 5 μF +
1.2 kΩ 2.2 kΩ
Vs Vi Vo
Zi + – Zo
– 4V 14 V
– +
– –

FIG. 5.189
Problem 72.
5.22 Hybrid P Model
73. a. Sketch the Giacoletto (hybrid p) model for a common-emitter transistor if rb = 4 ,
Cp = 5 pF, Cu = 1.5 pF, hoe = 18 mS, b  120, and re = 14.
b. If the applied load is 1.2 k and the source resistance is 250 , draw the approximate
hybrid p model for the low- and mid-frequency range.

5.23 Variations of Transistor Parameters

For Problems 74 through 80, use Figs. 5.124 through 5.126.
74. a. Using Fig. 5.124, determine the magnitude of the percentage change in hfe for an IC change
from 0.2 mA to 1 mA using the equation
hfe(0.2 mA) - hfe(1 mA)
% change = ` ` * 100%
hfe(0.2 mA)
b. Repeat part (a) for an IC change from 1 mA to 5 mA.
75. Repeat Problem 74 for hie (same changes in IC).
76. a. If hoe = 20 mS at IC = 1 mA on Fig. 5.124, what is the approximate value of hoe at
IC = 0.2 mA?
b. Determine its resistive value at 0.2 mA and compare to a resistive load of 6.8 k. Is it a
good approximation to ignore the effects of 1>hoe in this case?
77. a. If hoe = 20 mS at IC = 1 mA of Fig. 5.124, what is the approximate value of hoe at
IC = 10 mA?
b. Determine its resistive value at 10 mA and compare to a resistive load of 6.8 k. Is it a
good approximation to ignore the effects of 1>hoe in this case?
78. a. If hre = 2 * 10-4 at IC = 1 mA on Fig. 5.124, determine the approximate value of hre at
0.1 mA.
b. For the value of hre determined in part (a), can hre be ignored as a good approximation if
Av = 210?
79. a. Based on a review of the characteristics of Fig. 5.124, which parameter changed the least PROBLEMS 377
for the full range of collector current?
b. Which parameter changed the most?
c. What are the maximum and minimum values of 1>hoe? Is the approximation 1>hoe 储 RL ⬵ RL
more appropriate at high or low levels of collector current?
d. In which region of current spectrum is the approximation hreVce ⬵ 0 the most appropriate?
80. a. Based on a review of the characteristics of Fig. 5.126, which parameter changed the most
with increase in temperature?
b. Which changed the least?
c. What are the maximum and minimum values of hfe? Is the change in magnitude signifi-
cant? Was it expected?
d. How does re vary with increase in temperature? Simply calculate its level at three or four
points and compare their magnitudes.
e. In which temperature range do the parameters change the least?

5.24 Troubleshooting
*81. Given the network of Fig. 5.190:
a. Is the network properly biased?
b. What problem in the network construction could cause VB to be 6.22 V and obtain the given
waveform of Fig. 5.190?

VCC = 14 V

RC 2.2 kΩ ve (V)
vi (mV)
R1 150 kΩ
10 μ F
0 t vo 0 t
10 μ F C2
VB = 6.22 V
β = 70 ve
VBE = 0.7 V
Rs – 0 t

+ R2 39 kΩ
RE 1.5 kΩ 10 μ F

FIG. 5.190
Problem 81.

5.27 Computer Analysis

82. Using PSpice Windows, determine the voltage gain for the network of Fig. 5.25. Display the
input and output waveforms.
83. Using PSpice Windows, determine the voltage gain for the network of Fig. 5.32. Display the
input and output waveforms.
84. Using PSpice Windows, determine the voltage gain for the network of Fig. 5.44. Display the
input and output waveforms.
85. Using Multisim, determine the voltage gain for the network of Fig. 5.28.
86. Using Multisim, determine the voltage gain for the network of Fig. 5.39.
87. Using PSpice Windows, determine the level of Vo for Vi = 1 mV for the network of Fig. 5.69.
For the capacitive elements assume a frequency of 1 kHz.
88. Repeat Problem 87 for the network of Fig. 5.71.
89. Repeat Problem 87 for the network of Fig. 5.82.
90. Repeat Problem 87 using Multisim.
91. Repeat Problem 87 using Multisim.

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