MCT Formative Assessment Report 1 - Nouf Rashed - H00247132

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Hi Nouf,

Thank you for the observation today! Overall, you did a solid job. There were many strong components in
your lesson, for example, the cohesiveness of the lesson. You understand the components well (whole group,
activities, exit ticket, etc.) However, there are a few areas that need to be refined. My main concern was with
your ability to align your lesson plan to the implementation you presented. I wasn’t quite sure was
happening at the beginning. When you presented your exit ticket, I was able to see what your goal was.
~HM/ Feb. 7
Hi Nouf,
Good effort today on working on your areas of improvement. The effort you put into aligning your objective
to your lesson activities was clear- good work. You seemed to struggle a bit today with the learners. They
were inattentive and very active. Think about classroom management skills that can mitigate disruption.
Please see my feedback below.
~HM/Feb. 28

MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form

Student name: Nouf Rashed Ali Rashed Alkindi Student ID: H00247132
MCT name: Hiea Mizyed Course code: EPC4909
MST name: Ms. Natalie Da Silva-Caires Placement School: Ahmed Bin Zayed
Subject: Math/ Grade 1/ Obs. 2 English Date: 9 Feb 2023/ Feb. 28

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to formally observe
the trainee’s performance and to give formative feedback based on the selected teaching competencies. Each
competency has an explanation to support the MST on the focus for each area.

Professional Dispositions (Explanation)

Focus Area: Care, initiative, and consistency of performance
• Responds actively to students’ needs
• Cares for students’ well-being
• Serves students and/or the school beyond the classroom
• Shows initiative and self-direction
• Initiates communication with family members and responds promptly to concerns
• Interacts effectively and responsively with families to support student learning
• Applies new knowledge of content or methods actively and reasonably
• Demonstrates consistent performance throughout TP

 Communicates well with MCT- responds well to emails, calls, etc.
 Established good relationship with the MST
 Good relationship with students. They seem comfortable with Nouf and respond well to her

Areas for improvement:

 Submit lesson plan at least 24hrs before observation
 Obs. 2 well done, here. Thank you for your submission.

Planning for Teaching & Learning (Explanation)

Focus Area: Developmentally and culturally appropriate unit and lesson planning
• Engages in day-to-day and long-range planning
• Develops focused lessons
• Identifies appropriate flexible grouping strategies based on instructional goals
• Identifies and selects activities/strategies that engage students
• Applies knowledge of diverse ways of knowing and prior experiences to design culturally responsive practices
• Integrates and effectively responds to issues of diversity (e.g., stereotypes, prejudices, institutional barriers,
discriminatory policies, privilege, power) in planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating responsive practices
• Selects materials appropriate for diverse student populations (e.g. language proficiencies, special needs, gifted,
cultural groups, gender)

 Great job with using a warm up video to introduce the lesson
 Lesson flow was good (great job sharing the objectives with students, activity time, and exit ticket)

Areas for improvement:

 Please see my feedback on the lesson plan. They were many areas that need improvement.
 Obs. 2 Good effort in aligning objective to lesson activities. Just be careful in giving the students the activity
that aligns to their needs.
Managing Teaching & Learning (Explanation)
Focus Area: Classroom management strategies
• Demonstrates ability to turn unexpected situations into teachable moments
• Applies effective procedures for managing individual, small group, and whole class activities
• Responds positively and equitably to appropriate and inappropriate behaviour
• Uses appropriate strategies to redirect off-task behaviour
• Implements appropriate approaches to guide positive behaviour
• Manages disruptive behaviour effectively
• Implements efficient procedures for use of materials
• Generates enthusiasm and/or appreciation for learning

 Good job reminding students of the rules
 Good use of sticks (to ensure equity)
 Reward system was appropriate and seemed to engage learners, especially that it was a group incentive .
 Good systems set in place- I like how you easily transitioned students from one activity to the next.
Areas for improvement:
 When students were working on their activities, adding a timer on the smartboard would help you organize the
 Also, when students went to their activity, some were sitting waiting for the material to get started. Find a way
to organized this better to transition more smoothly and avoid downtime. (continue to make progress here)
 Obs. 2 There was some down time during the carpet time. You need to implement strategies that will keep
students engaged during this time or send them to their activities earlier.
 Timer implemented .
 Students were very active today. This makes it more challenging to teach. What strategies can you implement
for classroom management?

Implementing Learning (Explanation)

Focus Area: Learner-centred teaching strategies and techniques, and use of appropriate learning
• Demonstrates knowledge of a variety of student-centred teaching strategies and techniques, and learning
technologies appropriate for the Early Childhood context
• Uses student-centred strategies and techniques to promote learning
• Uses a wide variety of appropriate learning technologies, resources and activities to promote learning

 Although it was very short, I enjoyed watching the students engage in talk, pair, share. If you set a timer at this
time, it would make things go more smoothly.
Areas for improvement:
 Although activities were well selected, incorporating technology for one would be fun 
 Did you personalize based on student needs (adapting teaching or differentiation). How were the more able
students challenged?
 Continue to make progress here. Although you had many activities in your plan. It seemed like you were a bit
confused on which activities enrich versus support learners.
Assessing Learning (Explanation)
Focus Area: Assessment data to inform planning
• Examines recorded student assessment data available with MST/school
• Interprets available student assessment data to determine teaching and learning next steps
• Utilizes student assessment data in lesson and unit planning

 The student self-assessment
Areas for improvement:
 The exit ticket was not aligned to the activity the students did. This would have been better implemented during
activities for the more able children. ( continue to make progress here. Thank you for making pickers! I’m
hoping to see this next time)
 Also, exit ticket should be quick and include all the students. The way you presented it, only a few students were
able to show what they know

Reflection (Explanation)
Focus Area: Reflection on teaching and learning
• Reflects actively and consistently upon own practice to enhance teaching and learning
• Considers making necessary adjustments in teaching and learning based on learners’ performance
• Determines appropriate instructional actions based on self-reflection
• Evaluates how these instructional actions demonstrate foundational understanding (Theories of child development,
interplay of developmental domains, learning approaches, approaches to teaching and learning in ECE context, content
areas in ECE, health, safety, and nutrition in early years etc.)

 Enjoyed my lesson- the flow
 Well prepared. Enjoy working independently.
 Worked hard the activities

Areas for improvement:

 Provide students with more examples, have them do activities in front of each other (modelling)
 Classroom management strategies

Action Plan (Objectives, actions, implementation timeline, resources):

To be decided after Nouf writes her reflection based on Gibbs Framework

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