Geralynn Otero Final Lesson Plan

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STEM 433/533 Lesson Planning Template

(Complete answers in Purple font)

Name: Geralynn Otero Grade: 2nd Grade Topic: Measurement and Geometry
Brief Lesson Description:
In this lesson, students will be provided the opportunity to use different measurement tools in order to measure
objects within the classrooms well as learning what to use in order to measure those items. Students will be
introduced to different tools while working with their peers.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to use the appropriate tool to measure the length of objects around the classroom.

How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about employing culturally sustaining pedagogical
strategies? (Think equal opportunity, student interests, race, gender, disabilities etc.)
When creating and implementing this lesson plan, I considered the many ways students can be more hands on and
interactive with each other as well as how I can accommodate those students who may need the extra help or a
more advanced lesson. I plan to allow my students to use the interactive white board to show their knowledge of
the terms we are discussing as well as work with their peers to learn about the new measurement tools we will use
during this unit. Students will be able to measure objects of choice within the classroom while engaging and
interacting and enjoying the lesson they are being taught.

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Students should already know what measuring tools are.
Students should know what measuring is.
Students should have a sense of what measuring looks like.
Math VA SOL: Visual Arts VA SOL: NCTM Standard:

Measurement and Geometry: 2.17 The student will create works Understand measurable attributes
2.8 The students will estimate and of art inspired by a variety of of objects and the units, systems,
measure concepts, themes, and/or literary and processes of measurement.
a. length to the nearest inch; and sources.
b. weight to the nearest pound
Specific Problem-Solving Strategy being used:

1. Measurement
2. Geometry
3. Data
Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:

1. Centimeters and inches are the same.

2. Some objects are too large to measure.
3. Some objects are too small to measure.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions: (Discrepant events are awesome to
use here)
Introducing Measurement Duration: 20-30 minutes
1. Students will gather at their seats from large group discussion to go over three main questions.
- How do we measure?
- What tools do we use to measure?
- What is measurement?
2. Teacher will ask students to take out their math notebook, write down these three questions with their
own answer.
3. Teacher will encourage student to think and share if they had to measure an item or space or if they have
seen someone measure an item or space.
4. Teacher will ask students why measuring is important and allow students to share.
5. Using the smartboard, the teacher will allow for students to write a list of tools that they or someone else
uses to measure.
6. After students have finished. The teacher will post the already made anchor chart that displays the vocab
and terms.
EXPLORE: Lesson Description – Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:
- Measuring Interactive Google Drive File
- Teacher will show: Let’s Measure- Choose Your Tools! From MightyOwl Math
- Rulers
- Yardsticks
- Measuring Tape
- Meter Stick
- Math Notebook
1. Students will be provided different measurement tools.
2. Students will use the tools to measure different objects in the classroom with the measurement tool
assigned to them.
3. Teacher will instruct the students to measure different items with their tool, the students will be given 5
minutes before exchanging tools with someone else in order to measure with the new tool.
4. Teacher will instruct students to pick a partner.
5. Students must stand next to each other; Teacher will instruct one student to hold the end of the yarn while
the other student unravels the yarn to the end of the classroom.
6. Student will cut the yarn and begin to measure the yarn with their tool.
7. Teacher will instruct students to share how long their piece of yarn is and the measurement of the
8. Students will write their findings and what they learned for the day inside of their math journal.

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

1. Ruler
2. Foot
3. Meter
4. Length
5. Measure
6. Measuring
7. Width
8. Measuring Tape
9. Centimeter
10. Inch
11. Yardstick
- Construction Paper
- Interactive White Board
- Markers
- Vocabulary Word Print Out
- Math Notebooks
- Crayons
- Colored Pencils
1. Provide students with construction paper
2. Students should divide the construction paper into three columns.
3. Teacher will load the same onto the white board for students with the list of vocabulary words.
4. Teacher will have the students one by one raise their hands in order to match the images correctly from
tool to units, to the objects.
5. Students will complete this task until all terms have a been placed into a column.
6. Teacher will review the columns with the students.
7. Teacher will instruct students to take their Math Notebooks out and begin working on their Math
Vocabulary Word Visuals.
8. Students will use the white board as well as their prior knowledge to draw visuals.
9. Students will work on their vocabulary for the remainder of the math period until all visuals are
completed and glued into their math notebook.

ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:

Mini Lesson:

1. Measurement Monsters
- Crayons
- Markers
- Colored Pencils
- Construction Paper
- Rulers
- Measurement Monster print out
- Glue

1. Wrapping up the end of the lesson, student will work on creating measurement monster out of scrap paper from the paper
2. Teacher will introduce Measurement Monsters as a creative activity with very little directions.
3. Students will use the scrap paper to create their own measurement monster ranging in any size and shape.
4. Students must measure the height of the monster, the length of the monster, the height of the monster’s leg and the length of
the monsters’ feet, the monsters’ mouth, and so on. All parts of the monster must be measured.
5. Students will share their monsters with the class and hang it onto the class artwork board.
Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):
Students will be evaluated during the interactive white board lesson, and the measurement of the classroom
Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report) (Include a rubric):

1. Measurement Pretest

2. Measurement Test
Students will be not be needing a rubric, they will be scored on their pre and posttest.

Plan for differentiation: (Be sure to specifically address the following learners)
 Students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., autism, ADHD, mild learning disorders): These students
will be provided extra time on task with the help of the teacher if needed. These students will also be
provided with more resources and materials with enlarged writing.
 ELL: These students will be provided vocabulary cards in their native language and given extra time to
complete task.
 Gifted learners: Asked to measure items and multiply the two together.

Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:

 How will you evaluate your practice?
 Where might/did learners struggle in the lesson? The students might struggle when measuring certain
objects and cannot decide on the length if it falls between two whole numbers. Students may be confused
or uncertain if they are measuring correctly or using the correct measurement.
 How can the lesson be strengthened for improved student learning?
Provide students more in-depth of each material as far as the numbers between the whole numbers on
rulers. Also providing students with their own material to use and have during test, group activities.
 Did the lesson reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies? If not, how can this be enhanced?
Yes, did reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies.

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