Practical Teaching Experience Lesson Planning Template

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Wood ISTC 301/501

Practical Teaching Experience

Lesson Planning Template
This document is to be completed and submitted before you are scheduled to teach your lesson. Only one copy per
student pair (with both names on the template) need be submitted
Student Pair Names

Arielle Barrett and Gerad Sherman

Lesson Content Area (i.e. math, language, science)
Grade Level
Title of Lesson

Measure Up (Lesson on Measuring)

Grade 3- Common Core Mathematical Standards

Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a
whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the
quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent
fractions on a number line diagram.
Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers
marked with halves and fourths of an inch.

Students will use measurement tools in order to measure classmates heights and various objects to be able to
properly locate different fourths and halves of inch on a ruler by the end of class.
Teacher Preparation/ Equipment & Materials


Sticky Notes
6 measuring tools to measure students height- 5 feet long (60 inches) ( Created by the teacher)
Ruler Print Out
Projector ( For the youtube video).
Promethean board
Activoter clickers
Measure Up Homework sheet

C. Wood ISTC 301/501


We will use ActiveInspire for students to be able to show their ability to locate measurements on a ruler and
students will watch a youtube video on measuring in fourths. We will also use the Activotes as a formative
assessment for the students to practice and measure their progress as we move through the lessons.
Introducing the Lesson: (Your lesson objective(s) MUST be visible to students before you begin teaching)

Objective: Students will use measurement tools in order to measure classmates heights and various objects to
be able to properly locate different fourths and halves of inch on a ruler by the end of class.
Warm up: 5 minutes
1. The teacher will open up with the lesson by reading to the class a scenario. The scenario will
read as followed:
Mary has pencils in her bookbag ranging in different sizes, some long and some short. Even though,
Mary notices the difference in size of her pencils, she wants to know the actual length of all her pencils.
However, Mary does not know how or what to use to find the lengths of her pencils. How and what can Mary
use to find the lengths of her pencils?
2. The teacher will then instruct students to think-pair-share with a partner sitting next to them for
30 seconds about possible answers to Marys problem.
3. The teacher will then call on partners to share that are raising their hand and sitting quietly.
a. After students responses, the teacher will follow up with questions such as:
i. Why do you think Mary can that tool to measure?
ii. Are there any other tools Mary could use?
What is the best tool for Mary to use?
4. The teacher will then instructs that today they will be exploring how to measure with rulers
and other measuring tools in order to discover how to properly and accurately measure materials.

Plans for Differentiation- We will hold

close to the ideas of UDL ensuring that we are using multiple means of
representation, action/expression, and engagement. With the activities and the formative assessment, we will
make sure that the directions are both presented orally and that they are written on the board. In the case of
the test with the Activotes, the questions are listed in written form and the teacher will read them outloud as
each question is revealed. As for the multiple means of action and expression, the students will have
activities ranging from individual activities, to group discussions, to working on the board in front of the
class, to their homework that they will take home and bring back completed the following day. Additionally,
the diversity of teaching styles between the two teachers as well as the varying activities being offered in each
lesson will help all students no matter how they learn.
Procedures for teaching the Content:

Explore: 20 mins

C. Wood ISTC 301/501

1. The teacher will inform students that they are going to be able to practice measuring by
measuring the height of their classmates.
2. The teacher will inform students to use what they know about measuring to measure their
assigned partner.
3. The teacher will show the class the measurement tool, created by the teacher, they will use to
measure each other's height.
4. The measuring tool is broken into fourths and halves and measures up to 5 feet (60 inches).
There will be six of these measuring tools taped against the classroom wall and lined up accordingly
for accurate measurement.
5. The teacher will inform students that they must be precise as possible when measuring their
partner's height and should not be rounding.
6. Then, the teacher will show on the board the assigned partners and will instruct the students to
find their partner by walking to where their partner is and then sit down once they have found their
7. Each partner will receive a sticky note, where they will record their height after being measure
by their partner.
8. Next, the teacher will evenly distribute pairs between each of the six measuring tools.
9. Students will be expected to wait patiently as they are waiting to get their height measure and
to measure their partner's height.
10. While the students are measuring each other, the teacher will put a ruler marked with halves
and fourths of an inch on their desk for the discussion leading into the explain.
11. Once partners have measured each other and recorded their heights, they will place their sticky
notes on the whiteboard.
12. Then they will return to their seats and will be asked to analyze the ruler on their desk and to
record their observations about the ruler in their math journal.
13. After all students have recorded their heights and analyzed the ruler, the teacher will lead a
discussion about the results of the activity.
14. The teacher will ask students:
a. What are some different lengths on the whiteboard?
b. What do we notice about the different height lengths?
c. How did students how to measure their partner?
d. Was the measuring tool easy to read/use?
e. What did they notice about the measuring tool?
15. The teacher will inform students that rulers and other measuring tools can be broken up into
different equal parts (fractions) making up a whole and today we are going to learn how to properly
locate different measurements and measure with rulers that are broken into halves and fourths of an
Explain: 15 mins
1. The teacher ask students to refer to the ruler that was placed on their desks.
2. The teacher will have students share their observations about the ruler.
3. The teacher will inform students that the ruler is broken up into four equal parts for each whole
4. The teacher will then play a video explaining measuring with a ruler broken up into fourths.
5. The teacher will pause on different parts of the video to explain further to students and to ask
a. Stop at 0:35 seconds
i. Ask students do they see how the ruler is broken into four parts

C. Wood ISTC 301/501


Call on a student to come up to the board and show the four

b. Stop at 0:56 seconds
i. Ask students how is 2/4=?
ii. In order to show students how 2/4 is equal to , draw a rectangle
broken up into four parts and color two parts green and explain to students how half is
colored and the other half is not colored which represents equal amounts so 2/4=.
c. Stop at 1:58 seconds and 2:22 seconds (which will stop watching the
i. Have students figure out the measurements for each of the lines.
6. After the video, the teacher and whole class will teacher will label the different
parts/measurement lengths on their rulers.
Extend: 10 mins
1. The teachers will introduce the activity and give an example of what the students will be doing
by measuring one of the items on the screen.
2. The teacher will then ask for student volunteers to come up to the board one at a time to
participate in the exercise.
3. Students will come up to the front of the class and will use the ruler to measure the objects on
the screen to the nearest quarter inch.

Evaluate: 5 minutes
ActivInspire/Activote for measuring in quarters
1. The students will be presented with a series of questions showing measurements marked on a
2. The students will choose the correct answer and record that answer using their Activote
3. We would set up before the class a list of Activotes assigned to each student and the students
would get the Activote that corresponds with their name on the list.
4. As the students answer the questions, their scores will be recorded and then used to gauge their
progress during the lesson.
5. The Questions will be:
a. 1) 71/2 Inches
b. 2) 3/4 Inches
c. 3) 1 Foot
d. 4) 101/4 Inches
e. 5) 31/4 Inches
f. 6) 1/2 Foot
6. Depending on the efficacy of the lesson, this can either be used as just a method for us as
teachers to monitor students progress or it can be used as a graded assessment.

Summary and Lesson Closure:

1. The teacher will go over the different objects the class measured throughout the lesson such as

C. Wood ISTC 301/501

a pencil and book.

2. The teacher will inform students that next week will start adding measurements, like the length
of the book and the length of the pencil, in order to learn about adding fractions and eventually
subtracting fractions.
Formative Assessment : How will you conduct a quick assessment to determine who needs review or if this
lesson needs to be taught again in a different method. This need not be a test or quiz it can be a worksheet or
other activity or an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning (this could be oral, written, art, etc.)
ActivInspire/Activote for measuring in quarters
1. The students will be presented with a series of questions showing measurements marked on a
2. The students will choose the correct answer and record that answer using their Activote
3. We would set up before the class a list of Activotes assigned to each student and the students
would get the Activote that corresponds with their name on the list.
4. As the students answer the questions, their scores will be recorded and then used to gauge their
progress during the lesson.
Extension of learning:
Students will complete a homework assignment called Measure Up. Students will find 10 things to measure
and record their lengths. Students will then put their lengths in order from shortest to longest.
Definition of Terms

Differentiating Instruction: To differentiate instruction is to recognize students varying background knowledge, readiness,
language, preferences in learning, interests, and to react responsively.
Formative Assessment: Measurements which allow one to determine the degree to which students know or are able to do
a given learning task, and which identifies the part of the task that the student does not know or is unable to do. Outcomes
suggest future steps for teaching and learning

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