Basic-Geometry Final

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Notes / Rough Work


Point, line and plane

Notes / Rough Work
There are three basic concepts in geometry. These concepts are the “point”, “line” and

A fine dot, made by a sharp pencil on a sheet of paper, resembles a geometrical point
very closely. The sharper the pencil, the closer is the dot to the concept of a geometrical

The surface of a smooth wall or the surface of a sheet of paper or the surface of a
smooth blackboard are close examples of a plane. The surface of a blackboard is,
however, limited in extent and so are the surfaces of a wall and a sheet of paper but
the geometrical plane extends endlessly in all directions.

A line in geometry is always assumed to be a straight line. It extends infinitely far in
both directions. It is determined if two points are known. It can be expressed in terms
of the two points, w h i c h a r e w r i t t e n i n c a p i t a l l e t t e r s . T h e f o l l o w i n g l i n e i s
called AB.


Or, a line may be given one name with a small letter. The following line is named line k.


We can draw infinitely many

k lines from a single point.

(1) of (44)
A line segment is a part of a line between two endpoints. It is named by its endpoints,
for example, A and B. Notes / Rough Work
AB is a line segment. It has a definite length.

If point P is on the line and at the same distance from A as well as from B, then P is the
midpoint of segment AB. When we say AP = PB, we mean that the two line segments
have the same length.


A part of a line with one endpoint is called a ray. AC is a ray of which A is an endpoint.
The ray extends infinitely far in the direction away from the endpoint.


An angle is formed by two rays with the same initial point. So an angle looks like the
one in the figure below.


Definition : An angle is the union of two non-collinear rays with a common initial

The two rays forming an angle are called the “arms” of the angle and the common initial
point is called the “vertex” of the angle.

Notation : The angle formed by the two rays AB and AC, is denoted by the symbol
BAC or CAB.

It is at times convenient to refer the angle BAC, simply as A. However this cannot be
done if there are more than one angle, with the same vertex A.

Also, it is convenient to denote angles by symbols such as 1, 2, 3, etc.


3 C

(2) of (44)
Types of angles
Notes / Rough Work
Vertical angles

When two lines intersect, four angles are formed. The angles opposite to each other
are called vertical angles and are equal to each other.

a c

a and c are vertical angles,  a =  c.

b and d are vertical angles,  b =  d.

Straight Angle

A straight angle has its sides lying along a straight line. It is always equal to 180°.


 ABC =  B = 180°.
i.e.,  B is a straight angle.

Adjacent angles

Two angles are adjacent if they share the same vertex and a com mon si de but no
angle is inside the other angle.ABC and CBD are adjacent angles. Even though
they share a common vertex B and a common side AB,  ABD and  ABC are not
adjacent angles because one angle is inside the other.


Supplementary angles

If the sum of two angles is a straight angle (180°), the angles are supplementary
and each angle is the supplement of the other.

a b

 G is a straight angle = 180°

 a +  b = 180°.  a and  b are supplementary angles.

(3) of (44)
E1. What is the supplement of an angle whose measure is 57°?
Notes / Rough Work

Sol. The supplement = 180° – 57° = 123°.

E2. The supplement of an angle is one third of the angle. Find the supplement of the

Sol. Let the angle be x. So, the supplement is x/3.

Now, x + x/3 = 180° or 4x/3 = 180° or x = 135°.
Hence, the supplement = 135/3 = 45°.

Right angles

If two supplementary angles are equal, they are both right angles. A right angle is
one-half of 180°. Its measure is 90°. A right angle is symbolised by .

G is a straight angle.
b + a = G, and a = b.
a and b are right angles.
b a
Complementary angles

If the sum of two angles is 90°, the angles are complementary and each angle is
the complement of the other.


For example, if  Y is a right angle and

 a +  b =  Y = 90°, then
 a and  b are complementary angles.

E3. What is the complement of an angle whose measure is 47°?

Sol. The complement = 90° – 47° = 43°.

E4. The complement of an angle is two third of the angle. Find the complement of the

Sol. Let the angle be x. So, the complement is 2x/3.

Tw o pa ra ll el l i n es n ev er
Now, x + 2x/3 = 90° or 5x/3 = 90° or x = 54°. meet, and if two lines are not
parallel they will definitely
54  2 have a point of intersection.
Hence, the complement =  36 .

(4) of (44)
Acute angles
Acute angles are the angles whose measure is less than 90°. No two acute angles can Notes / Rough Work
be supplementary. Two acute angles can be complementary angles.

C or C
 C is an acute angle.

Obtuse angles
Obtuse angles are the angles whose measure is greater than 90° and less than 180°.


 D is an obtuse angle.

Reflex angle
An angle with measure more than 180° and less than 360° is called a reflex angle.

180°< a < 360°

E5. Categorise the following angles as acute, right, obtuse, reflex and straight angle
: 37°, 49°, 138°, 90°, 180°, 89°, 91°, 112°, 45°, 235°.

Sol. Acute angles : 37°, 49°, 45°, 89°.

Right angle : 90°.
Obtuse angles : 138°, 91°, 112°.
Reflex angle : 235°.
Straight angle : 180°.

Some properties of angles

Linear pair of angles

From the figure  AOC and  BOC are adjacent angles. Look at the non-common
arms, OA and OB. These are two opposite rays or these are collinear. We have a name
for them also.

Definition : Two adjacent angles are said to form a linear pair of angles if their non-
common arms are two opposite rays. Now, look at the figure below


A O One and only one line can

pass through two distinct
(i) (ii) points.

(5) of (44)
In each of the figures above,  AOC and  COB form a pair of adjacent angles. In
figure (ii) we have a linear pair of angles. If adjacent angles  AOC and  COB form Notes / Rough Work
a linear pair, then

 AOC +  COB = 180°.


Two adjacent angles are a linear pair of angles if and only if they are supplementary.

Parallel lines

Two lines meet or intersect if there is one point that is on both lines. Two different lines
may either intersect at a single point or never intersect, but they can never meet in
more than one point.

P b

Two lines in the same plane that never meet no matter how far they are extended are
said to be parallel, for which the symbol is ||. In the following diagram a || b.


 If two lines in the same plane are parallel to a third line, then they are parallel to
each other. Since a || b and b || c, we know that a || c.


 Two lines that meet each other at right angle are said to be perpendicular, for
which the symbol is . Line a is perpendicular to line b.

90° 90°

 Two lines in the same plane that are perpendicular to the same line are parallel to
each other.

a b

90° 90°

(6) of (44)
 Line ‘a’  line ‘c’ and line ‘b’  line ‘c’.  a || b. A line intersecting two other lines
is called a transversal. Line ‘c’ is a transversal intersecting lines ‘a’ and ‘b’.
Notes / Rough Work

The four angles between the given lines are called interior angles and the four
angles outside the given lines are called exterior angles. If two angles are on
opposite sides of the transversal, they are called alternate angles.

y x
z w

q p
r s

z, w, q and p are interior angles.

y, x, r and s are exterior angles.
z and p are alternate interior angles, so are w and q.
y and s are alternate exterior angles, so are x and r.

Pairs of corresponding angles are y and q; z and r; x and p, and w and s.

Two lines intersected by a transversal are parallel, if

1. the corresponding angles are equal, or

2. the alternate interior angles are equal, or
3. the alternate exterior angles are equal, or
4. interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary.

Line a y x
z w

q p
Line b
r s

If a || b, then
1. y = q. z = r, x = p and w = s.
2. z = p and w = q.
3. y = s and x = r.
4. z + q = 180° and p + w = 180°.

Since vertical angles are equal, p = r, q = s, y = w, and x = z. If any one
of the four conditions for equality of angles holds true, then the lines are parallel.


Vertically opposite angles

are congruent.

(7) of (44)
E6. In the given figure, two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal. Find the
measure of angle y. Notes / Rough Work



Sol. The two labelled angles are supplementary.

 2x + (3x + 50°) = 180°.
5x = 130°  x = 26°.
Since y is vertical to the angle whose measurement is 3x + 50°, it has the
same measurement.
 y = 3x + 50° = 3(26°) + 50° = 128°.

Mini Revision Test # 01

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks.

1. A part of a line with one end point is called a.....

2. Two adjacent angles are a linear pair of angles if and only if they are........
3. A line intersecting two other lines is called a.....
4. Two angles are said to be supplementary if their sum is .....
5. Two angles are said to be complementary if their sum is .....
6. The angle formed by the two rays AB and AC, is denoted by the symbol
....... or .......
7. When two lines intersect, four angles are formed. The angles opposite
each other are called .......
8. Two angles are ....... if they share the same vertex and a common side
but no angle is inside another angle.
9. If a ray stands on a line, the sum of the two adjacent angles so formed
is .......
10. Two lines in the same plane that are perpendicular to the same line are
...... to each other.


If two complementary angles contain

a° and b°, then a° + b° = 90°.

(8) of (44)
Challenge Problems # 01 Notes / Rough Work
1. What is the number of distinct triangles with integral valued sides and
perimeter as 14? (Q. code - 110805001)
(1) 6 (2) 5 (3) 4 (4) 3

2. The lengths of the sides of a triangle are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 . If the

smallest angle is °, what are the measures of the other two angles?
(Q. code - 110805002)

(1) 2  , 3  (2) (90 – )°, 90°

  
(3) , (4) 2°, 3°
2 3

3. In the given figure, PQ || ST and TV || RS, TU  ST. Find QRS.

(Q. code - 110805003)


(1) 120° (2) 125° (3) 135° (4) None of these


Definition: A polygon is a closed figure bounded by straight lines. Each of the line-
segments forming the polygon is called its side. The angle determined by two sides
meeting at a vertex is called an angle of the polygon.





Remark: For n = 3, the polygon has the special name– triangle and similarly for n =
4, the polygon has the special name– quadrilateral.
Adjacent angles are
Some other special names are complementary if their
exterior sides are
Pentagon (n = 5).
perpendicular to each other.
Hexagon (n = 6).
(9) of (44)
Definition: A polygon P 1 P 2.... P n is called convex if for each side of the polygon, the
line containing that side has all the other vertices on the same side of it. Notes / Rough Work

All the three figures given (triangle, pentagon and hexagon) are convex polygons.

Regular polygon : A polygon is called a regular polygon if all its sides and angles are
In the given figure, the hexagon is a regular polygon.

Congruent and similar polygons

If two polygons have equal corresponding angles and equal corresponding sides, they
are said to be congruent. Congruent polygons have the same size and shape. The
symbol for congruence is 

 

When two sides of the polygons are equal, we indicate the fact by drawing the same
number of short lines through the equal sides.



This indicates that AB = EF and CD = GH.

Two polygons with equal corresponding angles and corresponding sides in proportion
are said to be similar. The symbol for similar is ~.



Similar figures have the same shape but not necessarily the same size.

Triangles and their types

A triangle is a polygon with three sides. Triangles are classified by measuring their
sides and angles.
The sum of the angles of a plane triangle is always 180°. The symbol for a triangle is
. The sum of any two sides of a triangle is always greater than the third side.

(10) of (44)
Notes / Rough Work
Equilateral triangles have equal sides and equal angles. Each angle measures 60°.
In the  ABC, A
AB = AC = BC.
A = B = C = 60°.
3 2
 Area 
a .


Isosceles triangles have two sides equal. The angles opposite to the equal sides are
equal. The two equal angles are sometimes called the base angles and the third angle
is called the vertex angle. Note that an equilateral triangle is isosceles.

In the FGH, F
FG = FH.
FG  GH.
G = H. G H
F is vertex angle.
G and H are base angles.

 Area 
(4 a2  b2 ) .


Scalene triangles have all three sides of different length and all angles of different
measure. In a scalene triangle, the shortest side is opposite the angle of smallest
measure, and the longest side is opposite the angle of greatest measure.
In the ABC, A
AB > BC > CA.
 C > A > B.

E7. Find the area of a triangle whose sides are 2.22 m, 2.46 m and 1.90 m.

Sol. If the three sides a, b, c, of a triangle are given, we know that the area of the
triangle is obtained by the formula.

Area  s(s  a) (s  b)(s  c) where s  .
In this case,

2 . 22  2.46  1.90 6.58

s m m = 3.29 m = 329 cm.
2 2

 A 329 (329  222)(329  246)(329  190) sq. cm.

 Area = 20153 = 2.015 sq.m.

(11) of (44)
E8. Find the perimeter and area of ABC & LMN.
Notes / Rough Work
5 cm
3 cm 36 ft 36 ft
25 ft

B 52 ft
4 cm

Sol. Perimeter of  ABC = 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 cm.

Area of  ABC = × 4 × 3 = 6
Perimeter of  LMN = 36 + 36 + 52 = 124 ft.

Area of  LMN = × 52 × 25 = 650 sq.ft.

E9. Find the altitude of a right triangle with area 50 sq. ft and base 8 ft.

Sol. Area of a right triangle = × base × altitude.

50 = × 8 × altitude.
 altitude = 12.5 ft.

Right angled triangle

Right angled triangle contains one right angle. Since the right angle is 90°, the other
two angles are complementary. They may or may not be equal to each other. The side
of a right triangle opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse. The other two
sides are called legs. The Pythagorean theorem states that the square of the
length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs.
In the ABC,
AC is the hypotenuse.
AB and BC are legs.
c b
B = 90 °.
A + C = 90°.
 a 2 + c 2 = b 2. B a C

E10. ABC is a right triangle with B = 90°. If AB = 12 and BC = 5, then what is the
length of AC?

Sol. AB 2 + BC 2 = AC 2.
 AC 2 = 12 2 + 5 2 = 144 + 25 = 169.
 AC = 13.

(12) of (44)
E11. Show that a triangle with sides 15, 8 and 17 is a right triangle.
Notes / Rough Work

Sol. The triangle will be a right triangle if a 2 + b 2 = c 2.(as shown above)

 15 2 + 8 2 = 17 2.
 225 + 64 = 289.
 the triangle is a right triangle and 17 is the length of the hypotenuse.

Properties of triangles

 Sum of the three interior angles of a triangle is 180°.

 When one side is extended in any direction, an angle is formed with another side.
This is called the exterior angle.

 Interior angle + corresponding exterior angle = 180°.

 An exterior angle = Sum of the other two interior angles not adjacent to it.

 Sum of any two sides is always greater than the third side.

 A triangle must have at least two acute angles.

Properties of similar triangles

If two triangles are similar, then ratio of sides = ratio of heights = ratio of perimeters
= ratio of medians = ratio of angle bisectors = ratio of inradii = ratio of circumradii.
In the above result, ratio of sides refers to the ratio of corresponding sides etc.
Also, ratio of areas = ratio of squares of corresponding sides.

Right triangle

ABC is a right triangle with A = 90°.

If AD is perpendicular to BC, then
(a) Triangle ABD ~ Triangle CBA and BA 2 = BC × BD.
(b) Triangle ACD ~ Triangle BCA and CA 2 = CB × CD.
(c) Triangle ABD ~ Triangle CAD and DA 2 = DB × DC.

Two triangles are similar

Two triangles are similar if the angles of one of the triangles are respectively equal to
the angles of the other, and the corresponding sides are proportional.

(13) of (44)
Notes / Rough Work
(Equiangular triangles) A.A.A.
If two triangles are equiangular, their corresponding sides are proportional. In triangles
ABC and XYZ,
if A = X, B = Y, C = Z, then AB/XY = AC/XZ = BC/YZ.


(3 sides proportional)
If 2 triangles have their corresponding sides proportional, then they are equiangular.
In triangles ABC and XYZ,
if AB/XY = AC/XZ = BC/YZ, then A =X, B =Y,C =Z.

(Ratio of two sides and included angle)

If one angle of the triangle is equal to one of the angles of the other triangle and the
sides containing these angles are proportional, then the triangles are similar.
If A = X and AB/XY = AC/XZ,
then B = Y, C = Z.

If triangles ABC and XYZ are similar, then it is denoted by ABC ~ XYZ.

Congruency of triangles

Two triangles are said to be ‘CONGRUENT’ if they are equal in all respects (sides and



The three sides of one of the triangle must be equal to the three sides of the other,

The three angles of the first triangle must be equal to the three angles of the other
respectively. Thus, if  ABC and  XYZ are congruent, (represented as  ABC  
XYZ), then
AB = XY, AC = XZ, BC = YZ and
A = X, B = Y, C = Z.


(Side . angle . side) S.A.S.

If AB = XY, A = X, AC = XZ, then triangle ABC  triangle XYZ.

(14) of (44)
(Angle . angle . side) A.A.S.
If B = Y, C = Z, AC = XZ, then triangle ABC  triangle XYZ. Notes / Rough Work
(Angle . side . angle) A.S.A.
If B = Y, BC = YZ, C = Z, then triangle ABC  triangle XYZ.

(Side . side . side) S.S.S.

If AB = XY, AC = XZ, BC = YZ, triangle ABC  triangle XYZ.

(Right angle hypotenuse side) (R.H.S)



If B = Y = 90°, Hypotenuses AC = XZ, AB = XY, then

triangle ABC  triangle XYZ.

Note: Congruent triangles are definitely similar but similar triangles may
not be congruent.

Mini Revision Test # 02

DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions.

1. What is the measure of each acute angle of an isosceles right angled

2. One of the acute angles of a right triangle is 42°. Find the measure of the
other acute angle.
3. Two angles of a triangle measure 92° and 58° respectively. Find the
measure of the third angle.
4. One of the acute angles of a right triangle is double the other. Find the
measure of its smallest angle.
5. Each of the equal angles of an isosceles triangle is double the third angle.
What is the measure of the third angle?
6. The measures of the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. Find the
measure of its greatest angle.
7. One of the angles of a triangle is equal to the sum of the other two. Find
the measure of the greatest angle.
8. What is the measure of each angle of an equilateral triangle?
9. The measures of the acute angles of a right triangle are in the ratio 1 : 5.
Find the measure of its angles.
10. Match the following :
i. Right triangle i. 120°, 28°, 32°.
ii. Isosceles right triangle ii. 60°, 60°, 60°.
iii. Obtuse scalene triangle iii. 90°, 42°, 48°.
iv. Equilateral triangle iv. 108°, 36°, 36°.
v. Acute angled isosceles v. 45°, 45°, 90°.
vi. Obtuse isosceles triangle vi. 65°, 50°, 65°.

(15) of (44)
Challenge Problems # 02 Notes / Rough Work
1. In the given figure AP  AB, AP || EF || BQ and AF || DE. Find DEB.
(Q. code - 110806001)



22° 12°

(1) 20° (2) 22° (3) 26° (4) 34°

2. In the given ABC (not drawn to scale), D is the midpoint of the side BC,
such that ADB is acute and seg AE  seg BC. If AE = DE = BE, then =?
(Q. code - 110806002)


(1) 1 (2) 5 (3) 2.5 (4)

3. In triangle ABC, AB = 20 cm and BC = 30 cm and BD is an angle bisector

(point D lies on AC). Point E is taken on BC so that DE is parallel to AB and
point K is taken on DC so that EK is parallel to BD. If (AD - KC) = 1, then
what is the length of AC? (Q. code - 110806003)
(1) 21 (2) 26 (3) 25 (4) None of these


A quadrilateral is a polygon of four sides. The sum of the interior angles of a

quadrilateral is 360°.

Parallelogram A D

AD || BC A + B = 180°
AD = BC  ABD  CDB
AB || DC  ABC  CDA
D = B BP = PD
A = C

(16) of (44)
E12. Find the perimeter and the area of the parallelogram PQRS given below.
Notes / Rough Work

3.5 ft 3 ft

S 4 ft R
Sol. Perimeter = 2(3.5 + 4) = 15 ft.
Area = 4 × 3 = 12 sq.ft.

Rhombus A D
If in a parallelogram, all the sides are equal, then the P
parallelogram so formed is a rhombus.

Some important properties

 DAB = DCB & ADC = ABC.

 AP = PC, DP = PB & APD = 90°.

 ADP = PDC, ABD = PBC.

 ADC + DCB = 180° & DAB + ABC = 180°.



Area of a rectangle is the product of two adjacent sides.

 Area = ab.

E13. The perimeter of a rectangle is 36 cm. If the length of one of the sides is 12 cm,
then find its area.

Sol. Let the length of the rectangle = 12 and breadth = y.

 2 × 12 + 2y = 36.
24 + 2y = 36 or 2y = 12.  y = 6 cm.
Area = xy = 72

E14. The length of a rectangle is 10 cm and its perimeter is 30 cm. Find the area
of the rectangle.

Sol. Perimeter = 30 cm , length = 10 cm, breadth = y.

 2 × 10 + 2y = 30.
 20 + 2y = 30.
 2y = 10. i.e. y = 5.
 area = 10  5 = 50

(17) of (44)
Some important properties
Notes / Rough Work
 AD = BC, DC = AB, A = B = C = D = 90°.

 DP = PB = AP = PC.


A a D


Area of a square = a 2 .

Diagonal of a square = a 2 .

Also, area of a square = (diagonal) 2 .

E15. If the area of a square is 16 sq. ft, then find the length of each side.

Sol. Area of a square = (length of one side) 2

length of one side = 16 = 4 ft.

E16. If the perimeter of a square is 24 inches, then what is its area?

Sol. If perimeter is 24 inches, length of each side

= 24/4 = 6 inches.
 Area = (6) 2 = 36 sq. inches.

Some important properties

 A = B = C = D = 90°.

 AB = BC = CD = DA.

Trapezium (Trapezoid) b1

AD || BC. h

AD and BC are bases. B C

AB and DC are legs.
h = altitude.


If a quadrilateral is not a parallelogram or a trapezoid but it is irregularly shaped, its

area can be found by dividing it into triangles, attempting to find the area of each, and
adding the results.
(18) of (44)
The chart below shows at a glance the properties of each type of quadrilateral.
Notes / Rough Work

Parallelogram Trapezium
(Opposite sides and opposite (One pair of opposite
angles are equal. Diagonals sides are parallel)
bisect each other)

Rectangle Square Rhombus

Opposite sides are All sides are equal. All sides are equal.
equal. Each angle is Each angle is 90°. Opposite angles are
90°. Diagonals Diagonals bisect equal. Diagonals
bisect each other. each other at right bisect each other at
Diagonals are of angles. Diagonals right angles.
equal length. are equal.

 Important results and formulae

 The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180°.

 The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side.

 Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of opposite interior angles.

 Conditions of congruence of triangles are SAS, SSS, ASA and RHS.

 Angles opposite to equal sides in a triangle are equal and vice versa.

 If two sides of a triangle are unequal, the greater side has greater angle opposite
to it and vice versa.
 If the square of the longest side of a triangle is equal to the sum of squares of the
other two sides, the triangle is right-angled. Angle opposite to the longest side is
a right angle.
 If the square of the longest side of a triangle is greater than the sum of squares
of the other two sides, the triangle is obtuse-angled. Angle opposite to the
longest side is obtuse.
 If the square of the longest side of a triangle is less than the sum of squares of
the other two sides, the triangle is acute-angled.
 Perimeter of a triangle is greater than the sum of its medians.

 Triangles on the same or congruent bases and of the same altitude are equal in area.

 Triangles equal in area and on the same or congruent bases are of the same
 Parallelograms have opposite sides and opposite angles equal.

 Diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two congruent triangles.

 Diagonals of parallelogram bisect each other. If a pair of opposite sides of a

quadrilateral are parallel and equal, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
 The line–segment joining midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the
third side and half of it. Conversely, the line drawn through the midpoint of one
side of a triangle parallel to the other, passes through the midpoint of the third.
 Conditions of similarity of two triangles are SAS, SSS, ASA and AA.

 Areas of similar triangles are in the ratio of squares of corresponding sides,

altitudes or medians.
 The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles. The figure formed
by joining the midpoints of the sides of a rhombus is a rectangle.
 The diagonals of a rectangle are equal and bisect each other.

 The diagonals of a square are equal and bisect each other at right angle.

(19) of (44)
Mini Revision Test # 03 Notes / Rough Work
DIRECTIONS: Determine whether the given statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. One side of a rectangle is 4 m and its diagonal is 5 m. The perimeter of

the rectangle is 12 m.
2. The diagonal of a square field measures 50 m. Its area is 1250 sq.m.
3. The area of an equilateral triangle with side 10 cm is 255
4. A rectangular plot is 110 m by 65 m. It has a path 2.5 m wide all round it
on the inside. The area of the path is 750 sq.m.
5. The area of a triangle is 48 If its base is 12 cm, its altitude is 8 cm.

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks.

6. An isosceles right triangle has area 200 The length of its
hypotenuse is .....
7. The lengths of the diagonals of the rhombus are 18 cm and 16 cm. The
area of the rhombus is .....
8. The area of an equilateral triangle whose side is 12 cm is ....
9. The area of a parallelogram whose base is 4 cm and the height is 5 cm
is .....
10. The area of rectangle whose sides are in the ratio 3 : 2, is 2400
Its length is ......

Challenge Problems # 03

1. Neeraj has a rectangular field of size 20 × 40 sq. mt. He has to mow the
field with a moving machine of width 1 mt. If he mows the field from the
extremes to the centre, then the number of rounds taken by him to mow
half of the field will be (Q. code - 110807001)
(1) 3 .5 (2) 3.8 (3) 3 (4) 4

2. A square, whose side is 2 meters, has its corners cut away so as to form an
octagon with all sides equal. Then the length of each side of the octagon, in
meters is (Q. code - 110807002)

2 2 2 2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

3. Four villages lie at the vertices of a square of side 1 km. What is the
smallest length of road needed to link all village together?
(Q. code - 110807003)
(1) 3 km (2) 2.73 km (3) 2.88 km (4) 4 km

4. In the above figure, DF = 4 units A( DFE) = 6 sq.

units, DE = EC, find the area of ABCD.
(Q. code - 110807004) A B

(1) 100 sq. units

(2) F
90 3 sq.units

(3) 60 3 sq. units

(4) None of these
(20) of (44)
Notes / Rough Work


For online DCS, please enter the Q. code to view the solutions on the SRC.

Circle Notes / Rough Work

The following figure shows the parts of a circle.





Centre of a circle is the point within that circle from which all the straight lines drawn
to the circumference are equal in length.

Circumference of a circle is the length of the outer periphery of the circle. It is also
known as the perimeter of the circle.

Radius of a circle is the distance from the centre of the circle to the circumference. A circle is symmetrical about
every diameter. Hence any
chord AB perpendicular to a
Chord of a circle is a straight line that divides the circle into two parts. diameter is bisected by the
Diameter of a circle is the chord that passes through the centre of the circle. The
diameter is twice the length of the radius .
Also, any chord bisected by
a diameter is perpendicular
In case of the diameter, it is the largest possible chord that can be drawn in a circle. to the diameter.

Imp. B
The problem of finding lengths and areas related to figures with curved boundaries is
of practical importance in our daily life.

(1) of (32)
If A and C denote the area and perimeter (also called circumference) respectively, of
a circle of radius r, then Notes / Rough Work
A= r 2 , C = 2r

Here  (a letter of Greek alphabet) is the ratio of circumference to the diameter of a

circle. It stands for a particular irrational number whose value is given, approximately
to two decimal places, by 3.14 or by the fraction .

E1. Find the circumference of a circle with area 25 sq ft.

Sol. Area of the circle = r 2 = 25

 r = 5 ft.
 circumference = 2r = 10ft

E2. Find the area of a circle with circumference 30 cm.

Sol. Circumference = 2r = 30

r = 15 cm.
 area = r 2 =  × 15 2 = 225sq. cm.

Sector and segment of a circle: See the figures given below.




(i) (ii)
In figure (i) note that the area enclosed by a circle is divided into two regions, viz.,
OBA (shaded) and OBCA (non-shaded). These regions are called major and minor
sectors respectively.

A minor sector has an angle , subtended at the centre of the circle. The boundary of
a sector consists of arc of the circle and the two lines OA and OB.

In fig (ii), the area enclosed by a circle is divided into two segments. Here segment
PRQ (shaded) is the minor one and segment PQS (non-shaded) is the major one. The
boundary of a segment consists of an arc of the circle and the chord dividing the circle
into segments.

Area of a sector and length of arc

The arc length l and the area A of a sector of angle  in a circle of radius r, are given

r r 2 1
l , A . We also note that A  lr .
180 360 2

(2) of (32)
E3. Complete the following table.
Notes / Rough Work
Radius 2 A rea Circumference
r A C
1 1 -- --
2 4 -- --
3 9 -- --
4 16 -- --


r2 Area = r2 C = 2r
1 1  2
2 4 4 4
3 9 9 6
4 16 16 8

E4. The length of the minute hand of a clock is 7 cm. Find the area swept by the minute
hand in 10 minutes. (Take  = 22/7).

Sol. The minute hand describes a circle of radius 7 cm.

It describes an angle of  6 per minute.
Thus, we get a sector of angle 6° and radius 7 cm per minute.

r 2 22 7  7  6 77
Its area    = 2.567 sq. cm.
360 7 360 30
Area of the sector described in one minute = 2.567 sq. cm.
Area described in 10 minutes = 2.567 × 10 sq. cm = 25.67 sq. cm.

E5. A sector is cut from a circle of radius 21 cm. The angle of the sector is 150°. Find
the length of its arc and area.

Sol. Length of the arc of the sector,

l  r cm.

150 22
   21 cm = 55 cm.
180 7

Area of the sector   r 2 sq. cm.

150 22
   21  21 cm2 = 577.5 sq. cm.
360 7

(3) of (32)
Mini Revision Test # 01 Notes / Rough Work
DIRECTIONS: Determine whether the given statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. The sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is 540°.

2. The perimeter of a regular hexagon with side a is 6a.
3. The circumference of a circle whose radius is 14 cm is 176 cm.
4. The perimeter of a regular hexagon with side 8 cm is 48 cm.
5. The area of a quadrant of a circle with radius 14 cm is 148 sq. cm.

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks.

6. All circles measure .... degrees.

7. The area of a regular hexagon with side 8 cm is .....
8. If the radius of a circle is decreased by 50%, its area will decrease by ....
9. If the diameter of a circle is increased by 100%, its area is increased
by ....
10. The length of minute hand on a wall clock is 14 cm. The area swept by it
in 30 minutes is ....

Challenge Problems # 01

1. The length of the common chord of two circles of radii 15 cm and 20 cm

whose centers are 25 cm apart, is (in cm) (Q. code - 110905001)
(1) 24 (2) 25 (3) 15 (4) 20

2. Given below are three circles, each of radius 20 and

centres at P, Q and R; further AB = 5, CD = 10 and F E Q
EF =12. What is the perimeter of the triangle PQR?
(Q. code - 110905002)
(1) 120 (2) 66
(3) 93 (4) 87

3. There is a square of side x and two circle are drawn with radius x and from
opposite vertices Find the area enclosed? (Q. code - 110905003)

4. There are 5 congruent circles arranged in a row such that their centers are
in the same straight line and the distance between their centers is less than
their diameter, as shown. If a circle from either of the ends is removed, the
area of the entire ensemble reduces by 22 square cm and if the circle in the
middle is removed, the area of the entire ensemble reduces by 20 square
cms. The area of the ensemble is (square cm) (Q. code - 110905004)

(1) 100 (2) 104 (3) 108 (4) 112

5. In the given figure, O is the center of the circle. C

BOC = 100 degrees and BAD = 15 degrees. If AE || POINT TO REMEMBER
CB, what is angle ADE (degrees)? 100°
15° O
(Q. code - 110905005) In equal circles or in the
(1) 30 (2) 35 D same circle, equal chords are
equidistant from the centre.
(3) 45 (4) 50
Chords, which are
equidistant from the centre,
are equal.

(4) of (32)
Cube and cuboid
Notes / Rough Work
A rectangular brick is an example of a cuboid. A chalk box is another example. A cuboid
is also called a rectangular parallelopiped.

It has six faces, each one a rectangle. All faces intersect at right angles. Opposite
faces are parallel and congruent. There are three pairs of parallel faces. Two adjacent
faces meet along a line segment called an edge. A cuboid has twelve edges.


The faces are the rectangles ABCD, PQRS, APQB, QBCR, CRSD and DSPA. The sum of
the areas of these six faces is the total surface area of the cuboid. Rectangles ABCD,
PQRS form a pair of opposite faces. Its eight vertices are A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S.

It is easily seen from the figure that

AB = PQ = RS = DC = l, say.
Similarly BC = AD = PS = QR = b.
and AP = BQ = CR = DS = h.

We may say that l is the length, b, the breadth and h, the height of the cuboid.

When l = b = h  0, i.e., when all the sides of a cuboid are equal in length, it is called
a cube.

volume of cuboid = l × b × h.
Total surface area of cuboid = 2[lb + bh + hl].
Volume of cube of side a = a 3.
Total surface area of cube of side a = 6a 2.

E6. The measurements of a cuboidal luggage box are 48 cm, 36 cm and 28 cm. Find
the volume of the box. How many of cloth is required to make a cover for
the box?

Sol. (i) The required volume

= 48 × 36 × 28 = 48384
(ii) The quantity of cloth required to make the cover of the box = Total surface
area of the box
= 2[48 × 36 + 36 × 28 + 28 × 48]
= 2 × 48 × [1 × 36 + 3 × 7 + 28 × 1]
= 96 × 85 = 8160

An angle at the centre of a

circle is twice any angle at
the circumference subtended
by the same arc.

(5) of (32)
Notes / Rough Work
An object, having lateral (curved) surface and congruent circular
cross section, is called a circular cylinder. The line joining the B
centres of these circular cross sections is called the axis of the
cylinder. If the axis of the cylinder is perpendicular to the circular
sections, then the cylinder is called a right circular cylinder
otherwise it is called an oblique cylinder.
Hence, the area of the curved surface = 2  rh.
The space enclosed by a cylinder as given above has a volume.
Total surface area = 2r 2 + 2rh.
The volume of a cylinder with radius r and height h
= area of the base multiplied by the height =  r 2 h.

E7. The diameter of a cylinder is 28 cm and its height is 20 cm. Find (i) the curved
surface area, (ii) the total surface area and (iii) the volume of the cylinder.
(Assume   ).

Sol. (i) Curved surface area = 2  rh.

2  14  20 cm2 = 1760
(ii) Total surface area = 2 r(h + r).

2  14  (20  14 ) cm2 = 88 × 34 = 2992
(iii) Volume = r 2h.

  14  14  20 cm3 = 12320
 Capacity of the cylinder = 12.32 litres.
(1000 = 1 litre).


A cone has a curved surface with a vertex and a circular base. In the figure V is the
vertex, base is a circle with centre O and radius OA = r.

h l

A' A
O r

We deal with a right circular cone, in which the line VO (height) is perpendicular to the
base. Hereafter we will mean by cone, a right circular cone.

(6) of (32)
The distance of the vertex from any point on the circular base is called the slant height
of the cone and is usually denoted by l. Notes / Rough Work
A cone of radius r, height h has slant height l  r 2  h2 .

1 2
Volume = r h.
Curved surface area =  rl.
Total surface area =  r(l + r).

E8. A cone of height 24 cm has curved surface area 550 Find its volume.
(Assume   ).
Sol. If r cm is the radius of the base and l cm the slant height
(see figure), we know that
OA = r, OV = h, AV = l,
24 cm

l 2 = r 2 + 24 2 = r 2 + 576.

7 A’ O A
  rl = 550  rl = 550  .
Squaring both sides, we get r 2 l 2 = (25 × 7) 2.
 r 2 (r 2 + 576) = (25 × 7) 2 = 625 × 49
or r 4 + 576r 2 – (625 × 49) = 0
or (r 2 – 49) (r 2 + 625) = 0
Here r 2 + 625  0.  r 2 – 49 = 0.
radius of the base (r) = 7 cm.

1 2 1 22
Volume = r h    7  7  24 cu. cm. = 1232
3 3 7

E9. A sector of a circle of radius 12 cm has the angle 120°. It is rolled up so that two
bounding radii are joined together to form a cone. Find the volume of the cone.
(Take   )

Sol. The length of the arc of the sector     12 cm =8  cm.
 perimeter of the base of the cone = 8  cm.
If r cm is the radius of the base, then 2  r = 8 
 radius r = 4 cm.
The slant height of the cone (l) = 12 cm.

2 2
Height of the cone (h)  l  r cm .

 144  16 cm  128 cm = 8  2 cm.

Let V be the volume of the cone. Then

V   4  4  8 2 = 189.5 . (approximately).
3 7
Every an gle at the
circumference subtended by
the diameter of a circle is a
right angle triangle.

(7) of (32)
Sphere: surface area and volume
Notes / Rough Work
A hollow sphere can be described as a set of all points in space (of three dimensions)
equidistant from a fixed point, called the centre. Tennis ball and fully blown volley ball
are two examples of hollow spheres.

The space enclosed by a sphere has a volume. It is customary to call this volume as the
volume of the sphere.

4 3
A sphere of radius r has, volume  r .
3 r
Among all solids of given volume, the sphere has smallest
surface area. Surface area of sphere = 4  r 2 .


When a plane through the centre of a sphere divides the sphere into two equal parts,
each part is called a hemisphere.
A hemisphere of radius r has
2 3
Volume  r , Curved surface area = 2  r 2 and
Total surface area = 2  r 2 +  r 2 = 3  r 2.

E10. The surface area of a sphere is 5544 sq.m. Find its volume.

Sol. We have 4 r 2 = 5544.

 r 2   441 .  r = 21 i.e., radius = 21 m.
4 3 4 22
Now, Volume  r    21  21  21 = 38808 cu.m.
3 3 7

Mini Revision Test # 02

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the volume of a cuboid with dimensions 12 m, 10 m and 8 m?

2. What is the total surface area of a cube with side 5 cm?
3. Two cubes each with 12 cm edge are joined end to end. Find the volume
of the resulting cuboid.
4. If the edge of a cube is increased by 50%, then find the percentage
increase in its surface area.
5. A cylinder has a diameter of 14 m and its volume is 110 cu.m. Find the
height of the cylinder.
6. What is the slant height of a cone with base radius 21 cm and height 28 cm?
7. How much canvas will it take to make conical tent 6 m in height and 8 m
in diameter at the base?
8. What is the number of balls of diameter 2 cm each that can be made from
a sphere of diameter 20 cm?
9. The surface area of a sphere is 616 Find its radius.
10. The surface area of a cube is 1944 Find its volume. POINT TO REMEMBER

For the same height and

Challenge Problems # 02 radius volume of cone is one-
third that of the cylinder.

(8) of (32)
Notes / Rough Work
1. X wants to paint his room (four walls and the ceiling) which is cuboidal in
shape. He wants to find out the cost of paint but he does not know the
exact dimensions of his room. The only thing he knows is that the length,
width and height of his room are in the ratio 5 : 3 : 4. Y, X’s best friend, has
a room which is 10% longer, 20% wider and 15% shorter (in height) than
X’s room and that his cost of paint was 4838.37. If the price of paint to be
used by X is the same as that used by Y, what would be X’s approximate
cost of paint for painting his room (Rs.)? (Q. code - 110906001)
(1) 4000 (2) 4200 (3) 4500 (4) 4100

2. A right circular cone of height h is cut by a plane parallel to the base and at
a distance from the base, then the volumes of the resulting cone and
the frustum are in the ratio (Q. code - 110906002)
(1) 1 : 3 (2) 8 : 19 (3) 1 : 4 (4) 1:7

3. What is the ratio of volume of parts A : B : C if height of part A = height of

part B = height of part C in the following figure? (Q. code - 110906003)

4. A cone of radius ‘r’ is there whose slant height = diameter of the cone.
Inside this cone, the largest possible sphere is placed. Inside this sphere,
largest possible cube is placed. Insider this cube, largest possible cylinder
is placed. What is the volume of the cylinder? (Q. code - 110906004)

5. Three cylinders each of ht 16 cm and radius of base 4cm are placed on a

plane so that each cylinder touches the other two. Then the volume of the
region enclosed between the 3 cylinder is (Q. code - 110906005)

(1) 90 (4 3  ) (2) 98 (2 3   )

(3) 98 ( 3   ) (4) 128 (2 3   )


Th e cy li n der i s a pr is m ,
whereas cone is a pyramid.

(9) of (32)

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