ABC Guide To Dropped Object Prevention Vol. 1 Worksite Hazard Management For DROPS

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Shell Projects & Technology


ABC Guide to Dropped

Object Prevention
Vol. 1

STOP Worksite Hazard

DROPPED Management for
Introduction 5
Mandatory Requirements 6
DROPS focal points 13
DROPS calculator 14
Tubular handling 15
Derrick Temporary Equipment 19
Lifting and hoisting 22
No‑Go and Red Zones 26
Reliable securing 28
Galvanic corrosion 30
Bolted connections 32
Securing pins/safety pins 41
Correct use of cotter pins 42
Securing devices (wires, chains and couplings) 44
Securing of personnel 46
Derrick evacuation equipment 48
Securing of tools at height 50
Securing of permanently attached equipment 58
Load carrier Units (LcU) 92
Correct use of shackles 94
Correct use of eye bolts/eye nuts 96
Racks and storage 98
Unnecessary equipment at height 102
Securing of parts, equipment and material during work at height 104
Post inspection/final check of the work site 106
Observation technique 107

  Contents 3
4 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted
Dropped objects have accounted for the
great majority of potential and actual fatalities in Wells
operations over the last two years. In the first half of 2009,
we experienced a potentially fatal incident involving
a dropped object every four days. This situation cannot

We intend to address this challenge with determination

and rigour and have therefore initiated a global campaign
built on the foundations of our new Prevention of Dropped
Objects Manual (EP 2009-9039).

This ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention is part of

this campaign and includes the mandatory requirements
for the worksite as set out in the Prevention of Dropped
Objects Manual. It also provides guidelines to facilitate
compliance with the Worksite Hazard Management

I believe that by following the guidance of this handbook

at all times and at all locations we shall make significant
progress in the elimination of dropped objects. Through
this increased focus and the support of everyone who
works on our sites, this will save lives.

Peter Sharpe
Executive Vice President Wells
October 2009

  Introduction 5
There are four principles each with a number of
Mandatory Requirements as set out in the Prevention
of Dropped Objects Manual. They are designed to
prevent harm to personnel and damage to equipment
from dropped objects in the execution of Shell’s
drilling, completion and well intervention activities.

The four principles are:

1. Contractors providing equipment and personnel on

Shell well sites shall have a Dropped Object Prevention
Scheme (DROPS) in place.

2. A systematic DROPS inspection programme shall be

in place.

3. Worksite Hazard management for DROPS shall be

in place.

4. Audits to check for compliance with DROPS shall be

in  place.

The Mandatory Requirements for each principle are listed

on the following pages.

6 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Principle 1: Contractors providing
equipment and personnel on Shell well
sites shall have a DROPS that meets, as a
minimum, the following requirements.
1.1 All contracts for the provision of drilling, completion
and well intervention services shall comply with the
requirements of the Prevention of Dropped Objects
Manual (EP 2009‑9039), EP Manage Logistics –
Lifting and Hoisting HSE (EP 2005‑0264), the Shell
Group Lifting and Hoisting and Working at Height
manuals, and compliance shall be verified prior to
contract commencement.

1.2 The personnel roles and responsibilities, required

competencies, training and operational interfaces
shall be documented and communicated.

1.3 A worksite DROPS Lead shall be appointed

for each worksite and be accountable for the
implementation of these DROPS Mandatory

  Mandatory Requirements 7
Principle 2: A systematic DROPS inspection
programme shall be in place that meets, as
a minimum, the following requirements.
2.1 All equipment and loads shall be inspected prior
to transportation, for secure retention or removal of
loose objects not intended for transportation to the
operations site or return to logistics base.

2.2 Routine DROPS inspections shall be performed

weekly and on rig‑up of other well intervention
equipment. These inspections shall be verified, once a
month, with a follow‑up inspection by the contractor’s
representative or Shell site representative.

2.3 An independent dropped object survey of the

permanent installation structure (fixed derrick type
rigs) shall be performed prior to all rig start‑ups
and every two years thereafter.

2.4 A documented procedure for pre‑mast raising,

post‑mast raising and pre‑mast lowering inspections
shall be in place and strictly followed.

2.5 Dropped object inspections shall be performed

following jarring of stuck pipe, activities causing
excessive vibrations or severe storms.

8 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Principle 3: Worksite hazard management
of DROPS shall be in place that meets, as
a minimum, the following requirements.
3.1 The workplace checklist – handling tubulars shall be
used and applied for tubular handling operations.

3.2 Forklifts used for tubular handling shall be fitted

with a pipe clamp to prevent pipes inadvertently
rolling off the forklift.

3.3 Equipment that is not an integral part of the structure

on which it is mounted shall have a suitable
secondary method of retention to the structure.
The correct installation and secondary retention of
all permanent equipment in the inventories shall be
shown in a picture book that is available on site.
The equipment condition shall be visually inspected
against the requirement in the picture book during
routine DROPS inspections.
Appropriately rated secondary retention lines shall
be installed as a minimum underneath all winch,
tong hanging and other load bearing lines in
such a manner as to catch the line in the event it
‘jumps’ the sheave or one of the components of the
sheave rigging system fails. The safety line shall
be secured to an independent point and not to the
same suspension point as the sheave itself. Ideally,
the safety line will also be secured integrally
through the sheave cheek plates. The safety line
shall not interfere with the effective operation of the
sheave mechanism.

  Mandatory Requirements 9
3.4 A Management of Change procedure shall be
followed prior to mounting fixtures to existing
structures, or installing new equipment at height,
and shall include engineering design review and
approval at appropriate level in the Asset owner’s

3.5 Inventories shall be in place for all equipment in the

derrick, substructure and moonpool. The inventories
shall be updated with location and precise details
of all new or modified equipment, including
equipment from third party contractors, even if it is
only installed on a temporary basis.

3.6 A maintenance management system shall record

all permanent equipment at height (as noted in the
derrick inventory) and its maintenance requirements
and frequency. Maintenance activities (including,
e.g. visual and NDT inspections) shall be performed
in accordance with the system requirements.

3.7 A derrick temporary equipment register shall be

in place, and contain all equipment temporarily
installed or used at height. Temporary equipment
shall include hand tools used by persons in the
derrick and any third party equipment.

3.8 All hand tools, to be used at height, shall be tethered

to prevent them from dropping. This requirement
shall be clearly stated in the relevant written
procedures and the Job Safety Analysis (JSA).

10 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

3.9 A complete register of lifting equipment (as per
EP 2005‑0264) shall be available to record data
on all lifting equipment and its certification status,
including ID number, SWL and date into service.
The register shall include items such as slings,
shackles, pad eyes, trolley beams, hoists, tuggers,
manlifts, manriders, harnesses, lifting subs, forklifts,
lifting attachments or devices.

3.10 All personnel lifting operations shall be

authorised by the Site Manager as referenced in
EP 2005‑0264‑SP‑01 and the Shell Group Lifting
and Hoisting Manual.

3.11 Incident reporting of all dropped objects shall be

recorded in Fountain Incident Management noting the
potential as determined from the DROPS calculator.

3.12 All rig locations and C&WI locations shall indicate

No‑Go Zones and Red Zones. All persons on
location shall be made aware of these zones.
xx No‑Go Zones in which there is a high potential
risk for dropped objects. These areas shall
be controlled with a permit to work and be
physically marked off at all times with rigid or
chained barriers.
xx Red Zones in which there is a medium potential
risk for dropped objects. A designated person
in charge (PIC) shall be accountable for
permitting personnel to enter the Red Zone.
Step back safety zones adjacent to the Red
Zone shall be clear and shall have fixed gates
across designated access points to Red Zones
to provide additional control and increase

  Mandatory Requirements 11
Principle 4: Audits to check for compliance
with this manual shall be in place that meets,
as a minimum, the following requirements.
4.1 Local Area Compliance audits (Level 2) shall
be performed every two years and Contractor/
Facility audits (Level 3) shall be performed annually
against the requirements of this manual.

4.2 C&WI operations shall be audited on completion

of rig‑up for non‑routine operations and on an
annual basis for routine operations.

Forbidden equipment and practices

Numerous incidents have occurred as a result of misuse
of equipment, lack of maintenance or misplaced creativity
by individuals trying to get the job done. To avoid such
incidents, the following high risk items are forbidden.
xx Uncertified lifting equipment including ‘home made’
lifting devices.
xx Surface drill pipe filters.
xx Use of hammers with wooden handles at height.
xx Bolts secured with a double nut arrangement.
xx Use of welding rods/wire/tie wraps instead of properly
engineered split pins or safety pins.
xx Use of hooks on any part of the rigging on winch lines
and stabbing board.
xx Slings wrapped around derrick/mast beams.
xx Unsecured water bottles, grease tubes/guns.
xx Drifting stands in the derrick without a formally
documented procedure and JSA detailing how the
No‑Go or Red Zones will be controlled.

Note: This list does not represent a fully comprehensive list

of forbidden practices.

12 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

DROPS focal points
DROPS focal points have been assigned to assist with the
roll‑out of the campaign in all areas and will be given the
full commitment and support of Shell management and
their contractors.

The DROPS focal points are:

Area Name Contact

VP Wells HSE Gordon Graham +31 70 447 7251
[email protected]
New Ventures+ Bob Baister +31 70 447 4497
[email protected]
Deepwater Doyle Galloway +1 281 544 3870
[email protected]
Brazil John Cook +55 21 3984 7418
[email protected]
Americas Michael Corcoran +1 504 728 4789
[email protected]
Asia Rik De Bruijn +60 85 45 20 65
[email protected]
Africa Ronald Leichsenring +234 1 27 65698
[email protected]
Europe Stacey Murphy +44 1224 883454
[email protected]
Oman Mark van de Velden +968 24677950
[email protected]

DROPS wellsite leads, will be assigned with the

implementation of the mandatory requirements on site.

More information and updates to the above can be

found on the DROPS website:

  DROPS focal points 13

DROPS calculator
The DROPS calculator shown in Figure 1 provides a
common benchmark in the classification of the potential
consequences of a dropped object. It plots the mass of a
dropped object against the distance it falls to determine its
possible consequences.

Figure 1: Drops Calculator

The Drops calculator is available at:
exe/open/43594494 as well as on Drops forum website

The DROPS calculator has been developed on the basis of

kinetic energy calculations and is to be used as a guide,
in combination with the Shell RAM matrix. The calculator
does not take account of the shape of the dropped object,
e.g. sharp objects, which can potentially increase the
consequences should the object strike a person.
14 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted
Tubular handling
Dropped tubulars are the largest single
category of dropped objects.
DROPS Mandatory Requirements

3.1 The workplace checklist, ‘Handling Tubulars’ shall be

used and applied for tubular handling operations.

3.2 Forklifts used for tubular handling shall be fitted

with a pipe clamp to prevent pipes inadvertently
rolling off the forklift.

Workplace checklist – Handling Tubulars

1. The checklist is intended for use on drilling rigs and
hoists, for rigfloor activities such as tripping and
moving pipe.
2. Observe the drill crew from a safe location. You may
also need to discuss some of the questions with them.
3. The expected performance standard is that all
questions which apply can be ticked ‘yes’.

  Tubular handling 15
Workplace checklist
Location: ................................. Date: .... /.... /............
Aspects of tubular handling observed: Yes or No
Pre‑job team talk
Drillfloor layout and equipment
Tubular handling task – details
Question: Yes, No or N/A
Pre‑job team talk
Evidence that the talk was well‑prepared?
Translations provided if required?
Linked to documented procedures for the task, and a risk
Full team present and contributing?
Clearly defined responsibilities?
No more than one ‘Green Hand’ or Relief in team?
If so, ‘buddy’ for that person agreed?
Discussion of relevant Life‑Saving Rules?
Reinforcement of obligation to ‘STOP the job’ if deemed/
perceived to be unsafe?
Team talk suitably recorded? (subject(s) discussed and
those present).
Driller has clear sight of working area?
Where applicable, hands-free communication system
functional and tested between driller and roughnecks and
driller and derrickman (monkeyboard)?
Correct bails, elevators, slips rigged up? All elevators and
lifting subs shall be inspected (checked), and independently
double checked prior to handling tubulars, for correct size,
latch function, latch springs, hinge pins, elevator shoulder
and sub thread type?
All other equipment needed is readily available?
All equipment not needed is stored, leaving a clear work area?
All tong pinch points clearly marked as hazardous?

16 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

All tong hand‑holds clearly marked and soft grips fitted
were suitable?
Any temporary equipment tested before the task begins?
Checklist(s) used for these tests?
Tubular handling task (by observation, for ...... minutes)
Clear line of sight between driller, floormen, derrickman?
Correct pipe handling by floormen? (palms, not fingers,
crossed hands). No hands/fingers inside pin at any time?
Two people for stabbing operations? Stabbing guide used?
Buddy demonstrating and coaching Green Hand or Relief?
Physical barriers in place and effective?
Slipping hazards suitably minimised?
Rope used for tailing in pipe?
Drillfloor tailing: rope double‑wrapped and properly knotted?
V‑door tailing: rope live end double wrapped through shackle?
Flush‑mounted slips?
All pipe fingers down before derrickman leaves his position?
Protectors, drifts, etc. returned to deck/ground level safely or
stored safely on rig floor.
When crane is used: tubulars tailed in are slung double
wrapped with load balanced? Tag lines installed and of
sufficient length? Dedicated banksman? Radio comms available
and tested with Crane operator, banksman and rigfloor?
Tubular handling teamwork
Jobs rotate for long tasks?
Team members observed watching out for each other?
‘Time Out’ called?
Called by: ........................ Reason: .......................................
Feedback and debriefing session?
Location: .......................... Time taken: .......................... mins.
Check completed by: Position:
............................................. .........................................

  DROPS calculator 17
Forklift clamp
All forklift trucks used for handling tubulars should
have a clamp fitted that holds the tubulars firmly in
place when they are being moved. Some examples are
shown in Figures 2 and 3. Approved design is required.

Figure 2: Forklift truck handling tubulars with a clamp

Figure 3: Close up of the forklift truck clamp

18 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Derrick Temporary
DROPS Mandatory Requirement

3.7 A derrick temporary equipment register shall be

in place, and contain all equipment temporarily
installed or used at height. Temporary equipment
shall include hand tools used by persons in the
derrick and any third party equipment.

Derrick temporary equipment register example

Temporary equipment includes all hand tools taken into
the derrick. Temporary equipment, such as wire line sheaves,
coiled tubing equipment and casing handling equipment,
which has to be rigged up in the derrick shall be subjected to
the same degree of scrutiny as the fixed derrick equipment.
All lifting points, shackles, safety slings and lifting slings shall
be visually inspected as a minimum by the driller.

All third party equipment shall be inspected by the drilling

contractor, prior to installation of the equipment in the derrick.

The senior service company representative shall confirm

that the equipment has been inspected for defects
(e.g. damage during shipping) since its arrival onboard.

  Derrick Temporary Equipment 19

The derrick temporary equipment register shall be
completed for all temporary equipment to ensure that all
items are accounted for and have been removed from
the derrick after the completion of any task. A derrick
temporary equipment checklist (see below) should be
completed prior to installation of equipment in derrick.

Derrick temporary equipment register

The following register is to be filled out and updated by the
driller. When this register is completed, it is to be kept on
file for a period of six months.
Type of Person Equipment Equipment Equipment Driller’s
equipment responsible is up in removed permanently signature
derrick from derrick installed
(date/time) (date/time)

Derrick temporary equipment checklist example

Item Task Checked
1 Current certification for all lifting equipment
used to install temporary equipment in the
derrick (i.e. slings, shackles, snatch blocks
and lifting points) is available on the rig and
has been checked by the relevant supervisor,
including valid certification for the temporary
equipment itself (if applicable).
2 Safe working load, colour code and
identification number is clearly visible on all
lifting equipment to be used for this task.

20 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Item Task Checked
3 All securing methods to be used for temporary
equipment comply with the Asset owner’s
requirements and guidelines.
4 Appropriate rigging equipment as specified
in the Asset owners (e.g. drilling contractor)
specifications is to be used to anchor temporary
equipment in the derrick, e.g. a sling wrapped
around derrick steel work is not acceptable, a
beam clamp/pad eye shall be used.
5 Temporary equipment rigging and securing
arrangement has been discussed with a
qualified person.
6 Temporary equipment rig‑up will be checked
for balance as close as possible to the rig
floor prior to hoisting into the derrick.
7 Pad eye or structure from which the temporary
equipment is suspended is adequate for
the maximum possible load and has valid
8 Proposed location of temporary equipment
in the derrick has been assessed by the Asset
owner to check for potential clashes with
derrick travelling equipment, e.g. top drive,
racking arms, winch wires, etc.).
9 If applicable, the senior third party
representative has given written verification that
his equipment has been inspected for defects
(e.g. damage during transportation) prior to use.
10 Derrick temporary equipment register has
been completed detailing number, location
and type of all temporary equipment in the
derrick. Ensure register is updated as soon as
equipment is removed from the derrick.

Supervisor’s Name Date


  Derrick Temporary Equipment 21

Lifting and hoisting
This section contains information on the
Shell lifting and hoisting Mandatory
Requirements, a template for a lift plan and
the ten questions for a safe lift checklist.

DROPS Mandatory Requirements

3.9 A complete register of lifting equipment (as per

EP 2005‑0264) shall be available to record data
on all lifting equipment and its certification status,
including ID number, SWL and date into service.
The register shall include items such as slings,
shackles, pad eyes, trolley beams, hoists, tuggers,
manlifts, manriders, harnesses, lifting subs, forklifts,
lifting attachments or devices.

3.10 All personnel lifting operations shall be

authorised by the Site Manager as referenced in
EP 2005‑0264‑SP‑01 and the Shell Group Lifting
and Hoisting Manual.

Shell mandatory – lifting and hoisting

22 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Confirm that you can answer ‘yes’ to the “10 Questions for a Safe
Lift” before all lifting and hoisting operations.
1. Is everyone aware of and do they fully understand
the lifting and hoisting procedures applicable to
the lift?
2. Has everyone attended the toolbox talk?
3. Has a pre‑use inspection of the lifting equipment
been carried out and are the lifting accessories
tagged or marked with:
• safe working load?
• a unique identification number?
• a valid certification date?
4. Are all safety devices working?
5. Does everyone know the person‑in‑charge of the lift?
6. Is everyone competent and aware of his or her tasks?
7. Is there a current lift plan and Job Safety Analysis and
does everybody understand the job and precautions?
8. Does everyone know the environmental limits, e.g.
maximum permissible wind speed for the lift?
9. Is the lift area controlled and is everyone out of the
way if the load falls or swings?
10. Are signalling methods and communication agreed
and clear to you?

  Lifting and hoisting 23

Lift plan example
Location: Area:
Permit number: Risk assessment number:
Lifting plan number: Technical review:
Description of lifting operation:

Is sketch of lifting operation enclosed?
  Yes   Routine   Non‑routine
Weight load:
   Estimated   Assessed
Lifting equipment and accessories to be used (specify type, SWL):
colour code

All Lifting operations require the following to be considered but
this list is not exhaustive:
 Weight, size, shape and centre  Working under suspended loads.
of gravity of load.
 Method of slinging/attaching/  Overturning/load integrity/need
detaching load. for tag lines.
 Availability of approved lifting  Environmental conditions
points on load. including weather.
 Pre‑use equipment checks by  Experience, competence and
operator. training personnel.
 Proximity hazards, obstructions,  Number of personnel required
path of load. for task.
  Lifting over live equipment.  Communication requirements.
  Conflicting tasks in area.  Only certified and colour coded
equipment to be used.

24 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Method(s) of communication to be used:
 Radio  Verbal  Hand signals
Steps taken to eliminate danger to personnel involved and
others, including barriers where appropriate:

Planned by:
Name: Signature: Date:

     /   /  
Approved by person in charge (PIC):
Name: Signature: Date:

     /   /  
Reviewed by: (the competent person conducting the lift must
carry out the review of the lifting plan)
Name: Signature: Date:

     /   /  
Task Details: (Use continuation sheet if required)
No. Task Details Individual

  Lifting and hoisting 25

No‑Go and Red Zones
DROPS Mandatory Requirement

3.12 All Shell wells locations shall indicate No‑Go Zones

and Red Zones. All persons on location shall be
made aware of these zones.
xx No‑Go Zones are those in which there is a high
potential risk for dropped objects. These areas
shall be controlled with a permit to work and be
physically marked off at all times with rigid or
chained barriers.
xx Red Zones are those in which there is a medium
potential risk for dropped objects. A designated
person in charge (PIC) shall be accountable for
permitting personnel to enter the Red Zone. Step
back safety zones adjacent to the Red Zone
shall be clear and shall have fixed gates across
designated access points to Red Zones to provide
additional control and increase awareness.

Some No-Go and Red Zones will change during different

phases of an operation. Changes to the No-Go zones shall
be managed via the Permit To Work System.

Floormen move in and out of the Red Zone depending on

the operation. It is important to define the Red Zone for
each location/rig. ‘Safer’ areas shall be clearly defined
using Step Back Safety Zones – areas where floormen will
step back to during movement of the blocks.

26 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Step back Safety Zone
Drilling Red Zone

Figure 4: Example Red Zone changes according to operations

It is not intended to define the rig floor as a No‑Go Zone

hence Red Zone classification. In some areas, the catwalk
area is defined as No‑Go during tripping and a work
permit is required. This has proven to be a control which
has saved peoples lives, particularly when dealing with
automated or semi‑automated equipment. HAZID sweeps of
the Facility should be done with help of suitably skilled staff

Example Red Zone protocol

A Red Zone protocol such as the following should be in
place on all drill sites.
xx All personnel should check the boards at the drill floor
entrance for current Red Zone status before visiting the
drill floor.
xx Permission to enter a Red Zone must be given by the
driller or his delegate before personnel do so.
xx Liaise with the driller or delegate immediately on
entering the drill floor.
xx Everyone should communicate their requirements clearly.
  No‑Go and Red Zones 27
Reliable securing
This section of the handbook applies to
equipment that is going to be procured
and to equipment that is already in use on
many installations.

It covers all the equipment, components and

circumstances, e.g. corrosion, that have the
potential to cause or become a dropped object
and what should be done to prevent this.

DROPS Mandatory Requirements

3.3 Equipment that is not an integral part of the structure

on which it is mounted shall have a suitable
secondary method of retention to the structure.
The correct installation and secondary retention of
all permanent equipment in the inventories shall be
shown in a picture book that is available on site.
The equipment condition shall be visually inspected
against the requirement in the picture book during
routine DROPS inspections. Appropriately rated
secondary retention lines shall be installed as a
minimum underneath all winch, tong hanging and
other load bearing lines in such a manner as to
catch the line in the event it ‘jumps’ the sheave
or one of the components of the sheave rigging
system fails. The safety line shall be secured to an

28 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

independent point and not to the same suspension
point as the sheave itself. Ideally, the safety line will
also be secured integrally through the sheave cheek
plates. The safety line shall not interfere with the
effective operation of the sheave mechanism.

3.10 All hand tools, to be used at height, shall be tethered

to prevent them from dropping. This requirement shall
be clearly stated in the relevant written procedures
and the Job Safety Analysis (JSA).

Shell wishes to acknowledge Statoil, SFS and the Drops

Forum for the base material for this section. This section
is intended as guidance to assist in meeting the Shell
Mandatory Requirements, as defined in the manual
EP 2009-9039 and noted elsewhere in this ABC Guide.

The use of 'Must' in this section should be interpreted as a

requirement to meet the Best Practice.

  Reliable securing 29
Galvanic corrosion
Cathode (protected) more noble
Acid-proof steel A4 - passive
(more noble)

Stainless steel A2 - passive


Iconel - passive
Nickel - passive
Silver solder
Copper/nickel alloys
Iconel - active
Nickel - active
Tin solder
Stainless steel A4 - active
Stainless steel A2 - active
Cast steel
Steel and iron
(less noble)

Aluminium 2024 - T4
Aluminium 1100
Galvanised steel
Magnesium alloys
Anode (corrodes) less noble

Figure 5: Nobility of various metals

Galvanic corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals with

different voltage potentials are in contact with each other
in the presence of an electrolyte (damp film or seawater/
fresh water). When this happens, the less noble metal
becomes the anode and the more noble metal the cathode
(see Figure 5).

30 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

If a steel screw is fixed into a copper plate, the screw will
be the anode since copper is the nobler metal (Figure 6).
The screw will rust rapidly as the difference in potential
is great.

Figure 6: Steel screw on a copper plate

If the same steel screw is fixed into a less noble plate, e.g.
a zinc plate, the screw will be the cathode and will not rust
(Figure 7). The zinc plate will corrode, as it is less noble
than the screw.

Figure 7: Steel screw on a zinc plate

For these reasons, it is important that all securing devices

are of the stainless steel type. This applies to cotter pins,
safety pins, securing wire and locking wire for threading
through nuts and bolts, etc.

  Reliable securing 31
Bolted connections
At present, bolts are being produced to 85 different
industrial standards and the requirements for bolted
connections (Figure 8) vary for the different sectors
depending on the given design, operational and
maintenance requirements.

Achieving a stable bolted connection will, therefore,

require a qualified evaluation of the following factors.
xx Load design.
xx Choice of materials with a view to mechanical
properties and corrosion resistance.
xx Use of lubricant where appropriate.
xx Pre‑tensioning and use of the correct torque equipment.
xx Need for locking bolts to secure against loss of torque/

Eighty‑five per cent of all damage to bolts is due to fatigue.

This is primarily a result of:
xx dynamic load with inadequate pre‑tensioning
xx overload resulting in reduced pre‑tensioning.

Figure 8: Bolted connections

32 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Special bolts

Bondura Bolt

Bondura has a construction that can take up movement

and ovality by using expanding tapered sleeves at both
ends of the bolt. There are several variants of the bolt,
both straight-through versions to other that are fitted
from one side. Standard screws are tightened to press
in the cones. The bolt is fixed directly to the machine or
equipment with locking screws. This prevents the bolt from
loosening, falling out or rotating in the bolt hole. Bondura
bolts must be fitted and maintained in accordance with
the manufacturer’s specifications. Bondura is certified in
compliance with API 8C and F.E.M. regulations.

Areas of use:
For example, as a replacement for clevis bolts in top drives
and hinge bolts on dollies, pipe handling equipment and

Figure 9: Bondura bolt 6.6 Bondura bolt 6.1

  Reliable securing 33

Superbolt/Supernut are constructed such that standard

nuts are replaced by 'stretch nuts' with integrated jackbolts
and washers. Use can be very beneficial in terms of
HSE because only hand tools are needed for fitting and
dismantling. Rigging of heavy torque equipment and use
of sledgehammers during installation and disassembly
is avoided. An additional benefit is that time is saved
during the operations. Bolts must be fitted and maintained
in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
Both Superbolt and Supernut are available in a special
corrosion resistant offshore version.

Areas of use:
Almost unlimited;
available in both inch and
millimetre dimensions and
diameters from M20 to

Figure 10: Superbolt

34 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Bolted Connections

Dual nuts are forbidden for locking of bolted connections.

The following methods are recommended for locking
bolted connections.

Nord-Lock Bolt Securing System

When correctly installed, the Nord-Lock Bolt securing

system provides a guaranteed secure bolted connection.
Locking is achieved by means of two washers that ensure
the clamping force is maintained in the bolted connection.
Nord-Lock has DnV (Det Norske Veritas) type approval.

Areas of use:
Particularly suitable for connections exposed to vibrations,
e.g. grating, loudspeakers, cable trays, ladders,
guide rails, etc. But it has an almost unlimited range of

Figure 11: Nord‑Lock bolt securing system

  Reliable securing 35
Spiral Lock

Spiral Lock is an all-metal lock nut/bolt and has a specially

designed threaded profile that locks when tightened and
distributes the tension over the whole length of the thread.
This provides better load distribution, which helps to
improve the locking of the bolt connection.

Areas of use:
Almost unlimited, frequently used for critical bolt

Figure 12: Spiral Lock

36 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Castle nut with cotter pin
Adopted from the aviation industry, Castle nuts provide a
visual and reliable method for locking bolted connections.
The nut has radial slots and is locked by noncorrosive
cotter pins that are inserted through a hole in the bolt.

Areas of use:
Unlimited, but frequently used for critical bolt connections.

60 d





Figure 13: Correct installation of cotter pins in bolts

  Reliable securing 37
Nyloc lock nut
Nyloc lock nuts are extensively used throughout the
industry. Nyloc lock nuts should only be used once.
Standard Din 985 Nyloc nuts have a temperature rating
from -70 °C to +120 °C.

Areas of use:
This type of nut is recognised for locking in connections
where a certain degree of lost pre-tension can be

Figure 14: Figure 15: Figure 16:

Nylock lock nut All-metal lock nut All-metal lock nut

All-metal lock nuts

All-metal lock nuts can be used on all bolt dimensions.
The nut locks by the threaded section or top of the nut
deforms/splits, or through the nut having a toothed ring
under the collar. This provides greater friction between
the bolt/underlay and nut, providing a secure connection.
There are many varieties and suppliers on the market.

Areas of use:
These nuts have an almost unlimited area of use.

38 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Tab washer/tab plate DIN 93/463
Tab washers can be used on all dimensions and in any
place designed for the use of tab washers. There are
several types with different areas of use for locking either
nuts or bolts. It is important to use the right type for each

Areas of use:
Typically in use on machinery where it is important to
prevent the bolt from rotating.

Figure 17: Tab washer

Figure 18: Tab plate

  Reliable securing 39
Lock-wiring of bolts is a locking method adopted from the
aviation industry. In brief, the method involves threading
a special stainless wire through a hole in the bolt head,
twisted and locked to the next bolt or structure, thus
preventing the bolt to rotate and loosen. The wire can be
used to lock a maximum of three bolts in a row, as shown
in the illustration. (For info on the size of the hole in the
bolt head, see ISO7378).

Areas of use:
Used extensively for locking external bolted
connections on drilling and pipe-handling equipment.
Often used where there are no through-bolts and/
or there is a need for easy visual control of the locking.

Figure 19: Lock-wiring of bolts

40 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Securing pins/safety pins
Within the industry various types of inappropriate securing
pins are used. These are unsafe because they can easily
be knocked out, for example; spring type split pin.

Best practice
xx NB! Securing pins of the type shown in the pictures
must never be used in lifting appliances.
xx Securing pins shall provide secondary retention.
xx Securing pins shall be of the proper size and quality.
xx Securing pins shall be secured by wire (where this is
xx appropriate) to prevent drop.
xx It is a requirement that securing pins as described
above are inspected regularly and replaced when

Areas of use:
Scaffolding bolts, security bolts on removable railings,
claw couplings and securing brackets on gas cylinder
racks, etc.

Figure 20: Securing pins/safety pins

  Reliable securing 41
Correct use of cotter pins
The industry has experienced problems with the correct use
of cotter pins and the choice of materials.

Best practice
xx Cotter pins must be bent to prevent them from being
knocked out.
-- Where there is a danger of personnel exposed, the
cotter pin must be bent as shown in the illustration.
xx When hoisting persons and loads, always use four part
xx Linchpins, spring type split pins or any other type of
safety pins that can be knocked out must not be used
for lifting operations.
xx Cotter pins should be made of stainless steel.
xx It is a requirement that cotter pins as described above
are inspected regularly and replaced when required.

42 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 21: Cotter pin in a shackle bolt

60 d


Figure 22: Correct installation of cotter pins in bolts

  Reliable securing 43
Securing devices (wires, chains and couplings)
Wherever possible, equipment installed at height shall
have integrated secondary retention. If not possible, or
where equipment is exposed to the risk of collision, the
equipment must be equipped with secondary retention
securely attached to the structure.

Best practice
xx Securing devices must be dimensioned in accordance
with the equipment supplier’s calculations. The quality
of materials used must be consistent throughout the
entire assembly.
xx Only acid-proof securing wire (AISI 316, type 7x19
IWRC) shall be used. Wires must be locked with double
press locks (for example Talurit locks). The locks must
be made of copper and the minimum distance between
the locks must be approximately equal to the length of a
fully crimped lock.
xx All connectors/snap hooks must be made of acid proof
steel (AISI 316) and be equipped with locks. Snap
hooks attached to shackles should have eyelets.
xx Chain must be made of acid-proof (AISI 316) or
galvanised steel.
xx Shackles for use with securing devices should have
rotating bolt with nut and cotter pin, marked with
WLL/SWL and traceability, at least in the form of batch
xx The chain or securing wire must be as short as possible
to minimise the potential fall energy.
xx Securing devices must be installed, maintained and
inspected in accordance with the instructions provided
in the user manual or maintenance instructions.

44 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 23: Securing devices (wires, chains and couplings)

  Reliable securing 45
Securing of personnel
When working at height, for which anti‑fall equipment as
shown in Figure 24 is mandatory, the necessary expertise
is required to ensure safe working conditions.

Best practice
xx Anyone using personal protective equipment against
falls from heights must have documented training.
The training must also cover rescue methods.
xx The necessary rescue equipment must always be
available at the work place.
xx The equipment must have approval markings (e.g. CE)
and comply with an accepted standard.
xx The equipment must be checked at least every six
months by a competent person.
xx The control or validity date must be shown on
the equipment.
xx The choice of equipment must be made after evaluating
the geometry of the work place.

For more information refer to the Shell Manual for

Working at Heights

46 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 24: Anti‑fall equipment

  Reliable securing 47
Derrick evacuation equipment
xx Equipment must be protected from wear and harsh
xx Equipment should be stored in cabinet/locker to
protected it from UV radiation and weather.
xx The riding belt or harness must be attached to
the evacuation block or to the guide line where
xx Evacuation block, guide line, attachment point,
couplings and shackles are defined as evacuation
equipment/anti-falling devices and must be checked,
certified and marked accordingly.
xx Anchor points for suspension must be able to support at
least 10kN.
xx The equipment must be checked at least every 12
months by a competent person and shall be marked
with the next inspection date.
xx Safe access to and use of the equipment must be

48 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 25: Evacuation equipment (example only)

  Reliable securing 49
Securing of tools at height
Securing of tools at height (<5kg)
There is a significant potential of dropped objects when
using tools at height.

Best practice
xx Use of tools at height must be risk-assessed.
xx Wires and connectors must be used between the tools,
belt or bag.
xx Swivels with set screws should not be used.
xx Weak link shall be installed between the bagbelt and
safety wire.
xx A tool bag with internal loops should be used when
various tools are deployed at height.
xx Wrist straps must not be used because of potential
personal injury.
xx If an attachment point other than the belt or bag is
required, use an appropriate part of the surrounding
structure, preferably above the work level.
xx In limited areas, for example the derrick, flare boom
and cranes, tools used at height must be logged out
and in to ensure that nothing is left behind.
xx All tools at height to be registered (e.g. in derrick
log book).

50 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 28: Safety wires and

Figure 26: Weaklink Figure 29: Internal securing loops

Figure 27: Tethered tools Figure 30: Securing tools

  Reliable securing 51
Securing tools at height (5‑25kg)
Methods for securing heavy tools and hand-held machinery
for use at height have not been adequately defined. In
view of the major potential for serious damage if such tools
or machinery are dropped, it is important to have clear

Best practice
xx All use of heavy tools and hand-held machinery at
height must be risk-assessed.
xx All heavy tools and hand-held machinery used at height
must be secured against drop both when in use and
while being transported.
xx Securing devices must be dimensioned in accordance
with verifiable calculations and documented drop tests
(see the section on securing devices).
xx Securing points for tools and machinery must be in
place above the work site and the securing device must
be as taut as possible.
xx In limited areas, for example the derrick, flare boom
and cranes, tools used at height must be logged out
and in to ensure that nothing is left behind.

52 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 31: Tools secured against falling

  Reliable securing 53
Securing of other portable equipment at height
Several reported dropped object incidents are related to
radios, pagers and gas detectors.

Best practice
xx All portable equipment used at height must be secured
against being dropped.
xx Carrying pouches must always be used for radios and
any other portable equipment that don’t have certified
securing points.
-- Locks on the pouches must have a double securing
mechanism to prevent unintentional opening.
xx Belt clips which allow equipment to become detached
when turned 180º should not be used.
xx Belts with snap fasteners are not recommended
for securing of equipment at height.

Figure 32: Example radio holder

54 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 33: Portable equipment secured to the body

Figure 34: Portable equipment secured to the body

  Reliable securing 55
Tool cabinets for work at height
Tool cabinets/lockers for work at height have now been
installed at many Facilities. Unfortunately, a number of
irregularities have been observed regarding securing,
control and registration of tools.

Best practice
xx Each cabinet/locker shall be equipped with a list of
contents and be kept locked.
xx A designated person must be responsible for the cabinet
to ensure that all tools taken from and returned to the
cabinet are logged.
xx The contents of the tool cabinet for work at height and
its accompanying log book must be checked at the end
of every shift.
xx All tools must be adequately equipped for securing at
height and must have documented attachment points.
xx In addition to the necessary tools, cabinets should be
equipped with a sufficient number of:
-- correctly dimensioned safety wires with approved
swage locks;
-- connectors/snap hooks with locking;
-- tool bags with internal fastening devices;
-- special belts for fastening of tools and bag;
-- weak links for fastening between the harness/belt
and safety wire.

56 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 35: Tool cabinet

  Reliable securing 57
Securing of permanently attached equipment
Piping and equipment feedthroughs
Significant shortcoming in piping and equipment
feedthrough and missing hole covering are found
throughout the industry.

Best practice
xx All piping and equipment feedthroughs in decks and
grating must have a toe board and must be covered to
the greatest extent possible.
xx Canvas or a cladding material can be used. This is
especially important in areas where there is equipment
requiring periodic maintenance. Done properly and
preferably permanently, it will be an efficient measure
against dropped objects.

Figure 36: Example of piping and equipment feedthroughs

58 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Major defects in railings have been observed in the
industry, and particularly in collapsible, movable and
aluminium railings.

Best practice
xx Railing must be 1100mm high as a minimum and have
integrated toe boards that are at least 100mm high
xx Railing must have a functional design for the area it is
intended to secure, e.g. wire mesh must be installed as
required (locked areas).
xx Railings shall not have deformations or cracks that
affects the functionality or strength.
xx It must always be possible to insert movable railings
into the fastenings and insert a securing through-bolt.
xx The safety bolt must be adequately locked using a
securing pin, snap hook (with eyelet) or a cotter pin
(see also the section on securing pins).
xx Both the safety bolt and locking must be secured in the
immediate vicinity of the attachment.
xx All connections between elements in the railing must be
secured with through-bolt and lock nut.
xx Use of setscrews are not recommended in permanent
xx Railings and attachment points for collapsible and
movable railings must be inspected on a regular basis
to maintain adequate securing and functionality.

  Reliable securing 59
Toe boards
Shortage of and incorrectly installed toe boards are observed
throughout the industry. Commonly, the gap between the toe
board and deck are exceeding requirements.

Best practice
xx Decks, gangways and platforms must have toe boards
with a minimum height of 100mm.
xx On stairways, every step must have a toe board with a
minimum height of 50mm.
xx All landings in stairways must have toe boards with a
minimum height of 100mm.
xx The gap between the deck or grating and toe board
must not exceed 10mm.

Figure 37: Toe boards

60 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

At present there are a number of different ways of fastening
grating to underlying structures or frames. As a result of
vibrations and defective locking of fastening, there are
incidents of loose grating and loose or missing fastening clips.

Best practice
xx Grating must be adequately fixed to underlying structures
to prevent loosening due to vibrations or loads.
xx Grating should be secured against major sideways
displacement in all directions.
xx Through-bolts or threaded connections with locknut, are
recommended for securing to structure.
xx Openings in the grating must not exceed 20mm where
personnel may traffic the area below, and should
otherwise not exceed 35mm.

Figure 38: Different types of grating fastenings

  Reliable securing 61
Swing gates
On many swing gates, the hinges are fitted without the
required material quality or design strength to serve the
intended function. Many older gates also lack integrated
toe boards.

Best practice
xx Gates must be of the same strength as the surrounding
xx Gates must be secured in order to prevent disengaging.
xx Gates must open/swing inwards to the platform or
xx Gates must be designed to automatically return to and
remain in closed position.
xx On floating rigs/installations it is recommended to fit a
latch to secured the gate in closed position.
xx Toe boards must be integrated in gates.
xx Wherever possible, the hinges should be an integral
part of the gate.
xx Swing gates must be inspected and maintained on a
regular basis to ensure adequate function.

62 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 39: Example swing gate

  Reliable securing 63
Floodlights are rarely adequately secured against dynamic
drop caused by hits from moving equipment.

Best practice
xx Floodlights must be positioned to prevent being hit by
xx If there is a potential of the floodlights being hit by
mobile equipment/loads, they should be protected with
reinforced cages.
xx Floodlights must be equipped with two independent
barriers. The attachment points should be integrated,
for example with eye bolts threaded into the floodlight
xx Strength of attachment points and securing devices,
related to the relevant fall energies must be evaluated.
xx Fastening devices for securing of equipment to bracket or
structure should be fitted with secondary retention.
xx Hatches for replacement of light bulbs must be hinged or
secured with wire to the floodlight housing/frame.
xx For new installations or for installing securing devices
on existing equipment, a user manual maintenance
instructions should be available. The instructions should
also cover securing devices.

64 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 40: Floodlight

  Reliable securing 65
Light fittings
There have been several serious incidents where both the
cover and the casing of light fittings have dropped.

Best practice
xx Lighting fixtures must be positioned to prevent being hit
by mobile equipment/loads.
xx Lighting fixtures and brackets should be fitted with
secondary retention.
xx Safety wires attachment points should be integrated in
both ends of the fixture.
xx Battery packs must be fitted with secondary retention.
xx Above walkways and other trafficked areas fixtures with
power cable in from one side only, requires that the
opposite end is secured with a safety wire.
xx The cover should have hinges that can be fitted on
either side.
xx The component rail should be hinged and must allow
for adequate securing in the closed position.
xx Strength of attachment points and securing devices,
related to the relevant fall energies must be evaluated.
xx For new installations or when installing securing
devices on existing fixtures, user manuals/maintenance
instructions should be available. The instructions must
also cover securing devices.

66 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 41: Example light fittings

  Reliable securing 67
Navigation lights

Best practice
xx The bolts used to attach navigation lights to brackets
and structures should be equipped with secondary
xx Attachment brackets must have holes for attachment of
safety wires.
xx Cover for electrical connections must be hinged or
secured with wire.
xx Strength of attachment points and securing devices,
related to the relevant fall energies must be evaluated.
xx Navigation lights with sliding grooves for bolt
attachment to the structure, are not recommended.
xx For new installations or when installing securing devices
on existing equipment, a user manual/maintenance
instructions should be available. The instructions must
also cover securing devices.

68 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 42: Navigation light

  Reliable securing 69
CCTV cameras
Within the industry, it is identified that CCTV cameras have
been inadequately secured.

Best practice (integrated solution)

xx CCTV camera location must be evaluated to prevent risk
of being hit by moving equipment/loads.
xx In areas where there is crane activity, cameras should
be shielded by protective cages.
xx The camera casing must be fastened to the bracket and
structure with adequate locking of attachment bolts.
xx The attachment point for securing devices should form
an integrated part of the camera casing and bracket.
xx Strength of attachment points and securing devices,
related to the relevant fall energies must be evaluated.
xx For new installation or when installing securing devices
on existing equipment, a user manual/maintenance
instructions should be available. The instructions should
also cover securing devices.

70 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 43: CCTV camera

  Reliable securing 71
Crane boom cameras
Within the industry there have been several incidents
where a crane camera has been struck during lifting

Best practice
xx Crane boom cameras must have two independent
xx Bolts used for attaching the crane boom camera to
brackets and structures should be fitted with secondary
xx Attachment points for the safety wire should be
integrated as part of the camera casing. Alternatively,
special clamps can be fitted round the camera casing.
xx The safety wire must run from the camera casing
through the camera bracket and then through the
attachment bracket before being attached securely to
the structure of the crane boom.
xx Strength of attachment points and securing devices,
related to the relevant fall energies must be evaluated.
xx For new installations or when installing securing devices
on existing equipment, a user manual/maintenance
instructions should be available. The instructions should
also cover securing devices.

72 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 44: Crane boom camera

  Reliable securing 73

Best practice
xx Loudspeakers location must be evaluated to prevent risk
of being hit by moving equipment/loads.
xx If there is a risk of being hit by mobile equipment/loads,
loudspeakers must either be protected by reinforced
braces or equipped with a safety wire.
xx Bolts used to fasten loudspeakers to brackets and the
structure should be fitted with secondary retention, as an
alternative a safety wire can be attached between bracket
and structure.
xx Strength of attachment points and securing devices,
related to the relevant fall energies must be evaluated.
xx For new installations or when installing securing devices
on existing equipment, a user manual/maintenance
instructions must be available.
xx The instructions should also cover securing devices.

74 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 45: Loudspeakers

  Reliable securing 75
Junction boxes and cabinets installed at height
Within the industry, it is revealed incorrect positioning
of junction boxes and cabinets, defective suspension
fastening and inadequate securing of hatches, doors and

Best practice
xx Junction boxes and cabinets must be located where
they do not obstruct passageways, evacuation routes or
moving equipment.
xx The type and design of attachment and safety devices
must be in accordance with calculated loads and
known potential external stress factors.
xx Fastening devices for securing of equipment to bracket
or structure shall be fitted with secondary retention.
xx Where there is danger of the equipment being struck
by moving equipment/loads, it must be protected by a
reinforced cage or be fitted with a safety wire.
xx Covers must be secured by fasteners that are secured
and locked to prevent loosening, and must be secured
with wire or chain.
xx Strength of attachment points and securing devices,
related to the relevant fall energies must be evaluated.
xx As a minimum, the manufacturer’s instructions for
installation and maintenance (user manual) must be
complied with.

76 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 46: Junction box and cabinet

  Reliable securing 77
Cable trays and cable ladders

Best practice
xx Only approved bolt connections shall be used for
fastening and couplings.
xx Cable fixing clamps with screw connections are used
for safe and functional securing of instrument cables.
xx When attaching the cable support system to a structure,
the risk of galvanic corrosion must be assessed and
insulation considered where appropriate.
xx The user manual and instructions for use must also
provide guidelines for correct installation, both in the
joints and the attachment.
xx In addition, the user manual/instructions for use
must provide guidelines for necessary maintenance/
retightening and inspection of both electro-steel and bolt
and screw connections.

78 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 47: Cable tray

  Reliable securing 79
Wind walls
Within the industry, many damaged and loose plates have
been revealed in wind walls. This is due both to faulty
installation and to external factors (collisions with mobile
equipment and harsh environment).

Best practice
xx Wind wall panels must be fastened to a separate
support/structure and never to the main structure.
xx Wind wall panels must always be reinforced using
horizontal steel beams in accordance with the design
xx Areas that are exposed to collision risk must have
stronger corner mountings secured by through-bolts and
lock nuts.
xx The preferred attachment solution is through-bolts with
washers and lock nuts.
xx The user manual/instructions must also provide
guidelines for correct installation of both joints and
attachment points.
xx Guidelines must be available on essential maintenance
and inspection of wind wall panels and their attachment

80 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Sign installation methods have in many cases been found

Best practice
xx Signs, brackets and frames for signs must always be
securely attached and the frames should be of metal.
xx Where the underlying material permits, sign frames
should be attached using through-bolts with lock nuts.
xx Fasteners used for attachment to brackets and structures
should be fitted with secondary retention.
xx Identification tags that are painted or glued are
recommended for identification of piping systems. On
hot surfaces, identification tags should be attached with
plastic-coated steel bands.

Figure 48: Example of signs

  Reliable securing 81
Valve handles and valve wheels installed
at height
Many cases have occurred where valve wheels and valve
handles for manual valves are not adequately secured.

Best practice
xx Valve wheels and handles must be fitted with secondary
xx Where possible, nuts and cotter pins should be used in
the valve stem on stationary valve handles and wheels
(Nordlock and Nyloc nuts can also be used where
-- On large handles and wheels, bolts and lock nuts
should be used instead of cotter pins.
xx When mobile handles or wheels are used, they should
be secured.
-- When not in use, handles and wheels should be
stored in a suitable and safe location.
xx If Seeger rings are used for locking/securing, frequent
inspections/maintenance should be carried out to check
for corrosion and/or mechanical damage.
xx On wheels that are secured by a set screw only, replace
the set screw with a through-bolt and lock nut.
xx Safety wire with a lockable snap hook may be an
alternative if the securing methods mentioned above
cannot be used.

82 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 49: Example valve wheels and handles

  Reliable securing 83
Locks on insulation cladding
There have been many instances within the industry where
pieces of insulation cladding have dropped from heights
due to vibrations, corrosion or strong winds.

Best practice
xx Insulation cladding must be securely fastened to prevent
locks from loosening unintentionally.
xx The locks should be secured with secondary retention,
either by using a bolt and lock nut or by inserting a
stainless cotter pin through the securing holes in the
locks or similar.
xx Maintenance routines must include inspection of the
cladding to ensure that it is in good condition.

84 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 50: Example locks on insulation cladding

  Reliable securing 85
Snatch blocks

Best practice
xx Blocks must have two barriers both in the suspension
and the shaft.
xx A maintenance programme must be established in
accordance with the user manual, including requirement
for inspection every twelve months of blocks, shackles
and lifting lugs by a competent person.
-- Blocks must be dismantled at the request of the
competent person or in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations or, in any case, at
least every fifth year.
xx Snatch blocks and suspension shackles should
preferably be marked with coloured tie wraps using the
designated colour code of the year.

86 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 51: Snatch block

  Reliable securing 87
Umbilical roller sheaves (Banana sheaves)
As a result of inadequate securing of rollers in umbilical
roller sheaves, there have been several serious incidents.

Best practice
xx An umbilical roller sheave must have maintenance
programme and be subjected to testing and
inspection every twelve months in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
xx Rollers must be secured with two independent barriers,
for example, through-bolts with lock nuts or cotter pins.
xx An umbilical roller sheave must be used exclusively
for the purpose for which it was delivered, i.e. it is not
permitted to use it for suspending wires.
xx The umbilical must be installed on deck and the support
rollers reinstalled and secured.
xx A user manual and maintenance instructions for the
equipment must be available The instructions must cover
installation, inspection and maintenance. Instruction
must also include securing devices.
xx Sheaves and suspension devices should preferably be
marked with coloured tie wraps using the designated
colour code of the year.

88 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 52: Umbilical roller sheaves

  Reliable securing 89
Loop hoses
Faulty installation or inadequate maintenance of loop
hoses, and especially high-pressure hoses, is a potential
safety risk.

Best practice
xx The equipment manufacturer’s instructions for installation
and technical description must be followed.
xx Clamps must be attached and securely fastened where
the hose is marked with; 'Attach safety clamp here'.
xx Safety chains must be as short as possible and installed
as close to the vertical as possible, to prevent fall
energy and pendulum effect.
xx Securing devices for hoses must be designed to support
the maximum loads generated by a burst hose. The
design basis must be documented.
xx The required resistance to wear and tear, chemicals,
heat and UV radiation must also be documented
xx The securing system for hoses must be certified and
xx The securing devices must be checked and marked in
accordance with the norm for lifting appliances.
xx In addition to correct instructions for installation, the
user manual/maintenance instructions should contain
guidelines for necessary maintenance and inspection of
the hose securing system.

90 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 53: Example loop hose

  Reliable securing 91
Load carrier Units (LcU)
Several serious incidents related to the use and dispatch of
load carriers have been revealed.

Best practice
xx Chain slings must have the necessary certification, be
intact and without twists. Shackles must be equipped
with nuts and cotter pins (i.e. four part).
xx LCUs must have the necessary identification and
certified lifting lugs.
xx Lifting lugs, doors, hinges and locks must not be
deformed or damaged.
xx Permitted loads in containers and baskets must be well
distributed and adequately secured by stamping, use
of lashing and nets (baskets). Lashing must not come
in contact with sharp edges. Padding should be used
where appropriate. Heavy objects must be placed at
the bottom.
xx On LCUs with attached equipment such as pumps,
tanks, winches, etc., check and ensure that no
equipment protrudes from the frame.
xx Tanks must have secured and sealed manholes/valves.
All attached equipment (grids, covers, plates, etc.) must
be adequately secured. The permitted load must not be
-- It must be ensured that there are no loose objects in
the forklift pockets or on top of the LCUs or in loads.
-- Check of equipment must be documented by a
signature before transport to or from a location.

92 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 54: Forklift pockets and roof

Figure 55: Forklift pockets, frame, tank and tank top

Figure 56: Forklift pockets, frame and tank top

  Reliable securing 93
Correct use of shackles
Best practice
xx Shackles must be certified, and approved, i.e. be
marked with the designated colour code of the year
(preferably by using coloured tie wraps).
xx Shackles must be equipped with two barriers: nut and
cotter pin.
xx Shackles must only be used for their intended purpose
and manner.
xx The user must be familiar with the applicable limitations
and guidelines for use.
xx Shackles are designed to support the load at the bottom
of the hollow torus and evenly across the shackle bolt.
xx If shackles are exposed to loads in other places, this
must be taken into account during use as it will reduce
xx Point loads on the shackle bolt should be kept to a
minimum as it will reduce capacity.
xx On shackles with a capacity of more than 8.5 t, or
have large openings, the reduction factor shown
at the bottom of the figure may be used to prevent
deformation of the shackle bolt.

94 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 57: Safe use of shackles - limitations

  Reliable securing 95
Correct use of eye bolts/eye nuts
Best practice
xx Eye bolts/eye nuts must be certified, and approved, i.e.
be marked with the designated colour code of the year
(preferably by using coloured tie wraps).
xx Eye bolts/nuts must only be used for their intended
purpose and manner.
xx The user must be familiar with the applicable limitations
and guidelines for use.
xx Eye bolts/nuts for use on and offshore shall be at least
grade 80.
xx Grade 80 eye bolts/nuts are labelled with the permitted
load in the least advantageous direction, i.e. 90
degrees on the fastening bolt.
xx Eye bolts/nuts must be adequately tightened prior to
xx Manufacturer installed eye bolts/nuts are normally
appropriate for use during installation/removal of the
units they are installed on, e.g. gear boxes, pumps,
motors and valves.
xx Eye bolts/nuts must be removed after use, and the
threads in the equipment on which they have been used
must be preserved by for example; grease and a plastic

96 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 58: Figure showing correctly and incorrectly installed eye bolts.
Note: only grade 80 (or better) eye bolts shall be used offshore.

  Reliable securing 97
Racks and storage
The design of racks for storage of material and equipment
is often not appropriate to ensure safe storage.

Best practice
xx Ensure that temporary storage in modules is permitted
in a controlled manner with respect to type of goods,
duration, storage area and house keeping.
xx Storage must not obstruct accessibility or evacuation of
the module.
xx Ensure that the stored materials do not obstruct access
to emergency equipment.
xx Storage racks and storage areas must be designed
to ensure that equipment cannot accidentally drop to
lower levels.
xx The heaviest equipment should be stored lowest.
xx On mobile units, temporary storage space/racks must
be fastened and shelves shall be equipped with baffle
xx Storage racks should be appropriately secured to avoid
toppling/collapse e.g. due to top heavy loading.

98 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 59: Example temporary storage rack

  Reliable securing 99
Temporary/permanent storage of gas cylinders
Gas cylinders temporarily stored are often poorly secured
with rope or cargo straps.

Best practice
xx Storing of gas cylinders must not obstruct passage.
xx Gas cylinders must be stored and secured safely.
xx Storing of gas cylinders must be risk assessed.
xx Temporarily stored gas cylinders must be secured with
a chain.
xx Permanent storage racks must be equipped with
securing brackets/chains.

100 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 60: Storage rack with bolted cylinder brackets

Figure 61: Temporary storage of cylinders secured with chain

  Reliable securing 101

Unnecessary equipment at height
Obsolete equipment is often found at height. This
equipment is often excluded from established inspection
and maintenance procedures, and introduces a
considerable risk potential.

Best practice
xx It is required on regular basis to evaluate what
equipment is required or should be removed.
xx The assessment should establish whether equipment
should be relocated to reduce the risk of collision with
mobile equipment.
xx Inspection and maintenance procedures should be
revised regularly, to ensure inspection and maintenance
of all equipment installed at height.
xx Final checks must be carried out consistently to ensure
that no equipment materials are forgotten at height.

For more examples visit the Shell DROPS website:

102 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Figure 62: Examples of unnecessary equipment found at height

  Reliable securing 103

Securing of parts, equipment and
material during work at height
The potential for dropped objects during repair and
installation work at height is severe and is reflected in a
significant proportion of reported incidents.

Best practice
xx All repair and maintenance work at height must be risk
xx All parts, equipment and material used at height must
be secured against drop.
xx Small parts must be stored in suitable storage containers
or similar.
xx In limited areas, for example the derrick, flare boom
and cranes, tools used at height must be logged out
and in to ensure that nothing is left behind.
xx When the work is complete, a final check must be
carried out, to ensure that no material or equipment
have been left at height.

See also page 50 for more information on tools at height

and page 20 for temporary equipment register.

104 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

  Reliable securing 105
Post inspection/final check of the work site
Always keep your work site tidy.

Best practice
xx Tools, equipment and material must be secured in a
safe location, at the end of each shift.
xx When the work is finished, a final check and inventory
count must be carried out to ensure that no tools,
equipment or material are not left behind at height.
xx The work site must be left in a tidy and clean state, and
all tools, equipment and material must be returned to
their designated storage place.

106 ABC Guide to Dropped Object Prevention Restricted

Observation technique
In order to identify potential Dropped Objects, it is
important to be trained in observation techniques or
similar. The training must include methods for reliable
securing of equipment.

Best practice
xx Allow ample time.
xx Limit size of the area.
xx Concentrate on a small number of categories and
inspect in a structured way to maintain an overview
xx Limit the number of personnel in each area, to keep an
xx Any findings not in conformity with the established
standard or checklist are photographed, given an
accurate description and site reference.
xx Inspection, identification and categorisation of findings
are the first steps in minimising the potential for
dropped objects.
xx Follow-up and correction of findings are decisive factors
in preventing dropped objects.

Additional reference:

  Reliable securing 107

ECCN: Not subject to EAR – No release of Technology.

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