Institute of Management, Nirma University MBA HRM (2022-24) Topic: Fieldwork Orientation Workshop Date of Workshop: 19.12.2022-21.12.2022

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MBA HRM (2022-24)

Topic: Fieldwork Orientation Workshop

Date of Workshop: 19.12.2022- 21.12.2022

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Name: Paridhi Jain Prof. Hardik Shah Roll Number:
228124 Prof. Harismita Trivedi

Date of Submission: 29.12.2022


HRM is the effective management of personnel within a company. With the use of HR management, the
performance of workers and the company's key goals can be harmonized. Managers of human resources
supervise plans to make sure the company meets its objectives in addition to significantly contributing to
corporate decision-making. These tactics include evaluations of current staff members and predictions of
upcoming recruits based on company needs.
HRM ensures that a business operates effectively. The process starts with creating the right policies that are in
line with the requirements of the role and ends with ensuring the company's successful business growth. HRM
functions as a covert agent linking all organizational parts to promote smooth progress.

 To better grasp the systems, processes, and subsystems of HRM.
 To understand the role for these systems


 Through observation or questioning, understanding the systems and sub-systems in the company
 Trying to establish a relationship between the sub-systems and systems
 Comparing the systems and sub-systems across similar companies for better understanding.

During our orientation, Mr. Upendra Singh explained these functions.

1. Controlling
2. Planning
3. Organizing
4. Directing

Sub-systems below: -
 Job Analysis
 Selection & Recruitment
 Training and Development
 Compensation & Benefits
 Performance Management
 Workplace Relations
 Employee Participation
 Succession Planning
 Employment Relations
 Health and Safety Rules
Through the fieldwork, we will get valuable information on how the HRM functions. Understanding
organizational HRM processes, systems, and sub-systems is also aided by this. The fieldwork helps students
better understand the curriculum and prepares them to handle projects and case studies that are based on real-
world experiences addition to helping them acquire specialized management skills, so preparing them for the
workplace. This will prepare us for our summer internship and acquaint us with how things are done on a daily

Companies C1 C2 C3 C4
1. ATUL  Based on the people The HRM Businesses benefit Training modules
LTD development strategy function from training and should be created with
and skill shortages, of training development by the organization's
create a yearly and recruiting and policies in mind, since
training plan. developm maintaining top this will aid in the
 Together with ent is talent, enhancing employees' skill
corporate HR, responsibl morale and job development. We must
implement all e for these satisfaction, watch how the company
development duties. enhancing prioritizes the various
initiatives across the productivity, and systems during the
organization. raising profitability. T&D process.
 Ensure that internal
training and
development events
are carried out
smoothly, and that
the organization of
external activities is
 Analyse HR data and
metrics and prepare
 Enhance employee
engagement through
various identified

2. GSFC  Prepare pertinent These It seeks to fairly Attrition rates are

statistical responsibi compensate staff currently growing
information on the lities fall members for their across the board.
company's within the contributions to the Compensation plays a
workforce. purview business. It finds a small but significant
 Coordinate efforts of positive control on role in workforce
with the appropriate performan employee turnover or shortages.
parties to support the ce productivity and Getting the best talent
recruiting, managem motivates them to set and keeping employees
promotion, and ent, higher standards and are among the
verification learning achieve predefined objectives of pay
processes for HR and objectives. management.
consultants, rehiring, developm
internal promotions, ent, and
and the creation of pay
newspaper managem
advertising. ent.
 Record the
compensation of the
employee in
accordance with HR
policy and structure.

3. TECH  Together with the The HRM The cornerstone of a We must watch the
MAHI CPO, develop function successful company is Strategic Management
NDRA revolutionary HR of strategic human process in action to
strategies and make Strategic resource management learn how the company
sure the strategic Managem because, when done assigns priorities.
goals are met. ent is right, it ensures that
 Make ensuring that responsibl everyone inside the
HR systems and e for these company is moving in
procedures are duties. the same direction.
continually improved
and aligned with
modern best
 To find areas for
improvement in HR
procedures and
practices, analyze the

4. TATA  Employee These The major objective We must examine the

AIG recruitment, responsibi of a recruitment and R&S and PM
evaluation, lities lie selection policy is to procedures and
interviewing, and under offer a fair and determine how the
onboarding Compensa transparent hiring company ranks the
 Relations with tion & procedure that may various systems.
coworkers, payroll Benefits, assist HR personnel in
benefits, and training Training selecting the most
 Anchor the talent & qualified applicant.
management for all Developm
the employees in ent, and
your area/business Recruitme
unit, including nt &
performance Selection.
promotions, training
and development etc.

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