The Sick Lion Fable

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Secondary School Timing : 1H

1 st year Literary Stream

Name : School year : 2021/ 2022

The Second Term Test of English

Part One : Reading Comprehension (15pts)

Read the text carefully to do the following activities :

“The Sick Lion Fable”

Once upon a time there was an old lion who was unable
to provide himself with food by force so , he resolved
to do so by artifice. One day , He returned to his den
and laid down there pretending to be sick, taking care
that his sickness was publicly known. The animals expressed their sorrow, and came one by
one to his den where the Lion devoured them.
After many of the beasts had thus disappeared, the Fox discovered the trick and he went to
visit the perfidious lion .He stood outside of the cave, at a respectful distance while the lion
was eating his food .when the Lion saw him , he asked him “ why do you stand outside?
enter and talk with me.” “No, thank you,” said the Fox. “I notice that there are many prints
of feet entering your cave, but I see no trace of any returning.”
adapted from :
A/Comprehension and Interpretation : (8pts)
1. The text is (1pt) : a) a story b) a letter c) a blurb

2.Choose the correct answer (3pts)

a) The events took place : the zoo the city the garden
b) The lion pretended to be : a.ill b.happy c.busy
c) The fox discovered : a. the trick of the lion b.the illness of the lion c.the cave of
the lion

3. Answer the following questions according to the text. (3pts)

a) Who are the main characters?
b) Was the lion really sick? justify from the text.
c) What was the lion doing when the fox saw him?
4. What or who the underlined words refer to in the text. (1)
a) who (§1) ………………. b) where (§2)………………….

B/ Text Exploration (7pts)

1.Find in the text words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to : (1pt)
a) young(§1) =........................ b) vanished (§2) =......................
2. match words in comlumn A with their definitions in comlumn B : (1.5pts)
Words Definitions

1.A blurb a.The time and place of the story

2.Characters b.A short description of a book ,
movie written by the producers ,
writers .
c.A person , animal , a creatures in a
3.Setting story .

3.Combine each pair of sentences using words between brackets.(3pts)

a) The rabbit knocked on the door. the lion was taking a nap ( when )
b) Jean de La Fontaine was the most famous writer . He wrote fables. ( who )
d) all the animals lived in the forest . The lion was the king in the forest. ( where )
4. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final”ed”.(1.5pts)
portrayed - laughed – realised - asked - lived - decided
/t/ /d/ /id/

Part Two: Written Expression: (5pts)

Imagine what A says to B and complete the following dialogue.
b-The characters of the story are Harry, Kate and Jessica.

b-They were playing in the garden.

b-They saw a fairy castle in it.

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