Hyalinization During Orthodontic Tooth Movement A Systematic Review On Tissue Reactions

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European Journal of Orthodontics 31 (2009) 30–36 © The Author 2008.

thor 2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Orthodontic Society.
doi:10.1093/ejo/cjn080 All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: [email protected].
Advance Access publication 10 December 2008

Hyalinization during orthodontic tooth movement: a systematic

review on tissue reactions
Martina von Böhl and Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman
Department of Orthodontics and Oral Biology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands

SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to perform a meta-analysis on the literature concerning
hyalinization in relation to experimental tooth movement in animals and humans. A structured search
of electronic databases as well as hand searching retrieved 70 publications concerning the subject. After
application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 39 studies remained, of which three were in humans.
Articles on animal experiments were in the majority with most studies performed in rats. Among other
data force magnitude, type of tooth movement, duration of the experimental period, and moment of first
and last appearance of hyalinization were extracted from the included studies. The heterogeneity of the
published studies and the limited data on appearance of hyalinization made it impossible to perform a
meta-analysis. Therefore, the literature was systematically reviewed.
It appears that there are no major differences in tissue reaction between species during experimental
tooth movement. Although hyalinization is considered to be an undesirable side-effect of orthodontic
tooth movement, little attention has been paid to the phenomenon itself and its possible relationship
with stress/strain levels in the periodontal ligament (PDL) and alveolar bone or the rate after the initial
phase of tooth movement. There is a need for well-designed experimental studies to elucidate the role of
hyalinization in orthodontic tooth movement.

osteoblastic activity and osteoid deposition, which later
The purpose of orthodontic treatment is to move teeth as mineralizes. Studies over the past 100 years have reported
efficiently as possible with minimal adverse effects for the that hyalinization appears in local pressure zones of the PDL
teeth and supporting tissue. Over the past 100 years, many during ‘the initial phase’ of orthodontic tooth movement.
studies on cellular, molecular, and tissue level reactions Experimental studies have demonstrated advanced vascular
related to orthodontic tooth movement have been published, and cellular changes in the PDL after only a few hours of
which were recently summarized in four reviews (Krishnan force application. Recently, von Böhl et al. (2004b) showed
and Davidovitch, 2006; Masella and Meister, 2006; Meikle, that not only in the initial phase of orthodontic tooth
2006; Wise and King, 2008). It is assumed that an optimal movement could hyalinization be observed but also in the
force system is important for an adequate biological response later stages small hyalinized patches were found. These
in the periodontal ligament (PDL; Burstone, 1984). Factors findings confirmed the outcome of a study on changes of the
such as the type and magnitude of force (Storey and Smith, PDL during experimental tooth movement with a similar
1952; Reitan, 1985; Maltha et al., 2004) or treatment duration experimental set-up by Kohno et al. (2002). However, these
(Pilon et al., 1996) are found to be coherent with undesirable findings are contrary to the commonly accepted theory of the
tissue reactions such as sterile necrosis or root resorption. The relationship between tooth displacement and hyalinization.
appearance of necrotic tissue (also called hyalinization) is an Hyalinization during the later stages of tooth movement
important component in the process of tooth movement. could, partly, explain the differences observed clinically in
Mainly based on histological research, a pressure and a the rate of tooth movement between different patients.
tension side are distinguished during orthodontic tooth Therefore, the aim of the present study was to perform a
movement. Although more recent research has shown that systematic review of the literature on hyalinization in relation
the pressure/tension side theory is not that straightforward as
to experimental tooth movement in animals and humans.
was previously assumed (Melsen, 2001), this terminology is
still used for descriptive purposes. On the pressure side, the
biological events are as follows: disturbance of blood flow in Material and methods
the compressed PDL, cell death in the compressed area of
Search strategy for identification of studies and data selection
the PDL (hyalinization), resorption of the hyalinized tissue
by macrophages, and undermining bone resorption by Medline, PubMed, and Embase were searched until 16 May
osteoclasts beside the hyalinized tissue, which ultimately 2008 using the following search strategy:
results in tooth movement. On the tension side, blood flow is Furthermore, an Entrez cross-database search was
activated where the PDL is stretched, which promotes performed using the same search strategy. The Cochrane

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Searching keywords Number of publications
In total, 70 publications were found related to the topic of
#1 Search (“Tooth Movement”[MeSH] OR 33192 this review, 60 articles by electronic, and 10 by hand
“Orthodontics”[MeSH] OR searching. After application of the inclusion criteria, 39 of
“Orthodontics, Interceptive”[MeSH] OR
“Orthodontics, Corrective”[MeSH] the 70 studies remained (Tables 1 and 2). Thirty-six studies
#2 Search “Hyalin”[MeSH] OR hyalin* 11987 were performed in animals with a wide range of species but
#3 Search #1 AND #2 60 most of them in rats (n = 27). Three papers dealt with
experiments in humans (Table 2).
The general results can be summarized as follows:
In 27 of the 39 included articles, experiments were
performed in the rat and/or mouse (Table 1). The number
Library (Cochrane Reviews database, Central and
of animals involved in these experiments varied from
Dare) was searched for clinical studies until issue 2,
10 to 160 and the duration of the experimental period
2008. Publications before 1945 and the most recent ones
from 30 minutes to 42 days. The applied forces ranged
were hand searched in the main dental and orthodontic
from 1.2 to 50 cN. In one experiment, the incisors were
journals. Most articles were found in the following
involved, while in the other rat studies, the maxillary
journals: American Journal of Orthodontics and
molars were moved by tipping forces. In most studies,
Dentofacial Orthopedics, Angle Orthodontist, Archives
histological sections were cut parallel to the long axis of
of Oral Biology, European Journal of Orthodontics,
the tooth (sagittal), and in only three of the 27 studies was
International Journal of Calcified Tissue, and the
the cutting plane in two directions. In 13 studies, the first
European Journal of Oral Sciences, formerly the
appearance of hyalinization was reported within the first
Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research. The reference
24 hours. The other studies reported various moments of
lists of selected articles were searched and references to
first hyalinization.
related articles were followed-up. The sources retrieved
The studies dealing with rabbit (n = 1), cat (n = 1), dog
by #3 and by hand searching were evaluated by two
(n = 5), monkey (n = 2), and humans (n = 3) are shown in
independent observers (MVB and AMK-J) using the
Table 2. The duration of the experiments ranged from
following inclusion criteria:
3 hours to 112 days. Severe damage to the PDL (no
• Written in English or Dutch hyalinization) was described after rabbit incisors were
• Primary data source moved for just 3 hours (Kuitert et al., 1988). In the five
• Human, monkey, dog, cat, rabbit, rat, or mouse were studies on dogs, a wide variety of force levels were used
used as species ranging from 25 to 450 cN and mostly the teeth were moved
• Sample size should be given bodily. The duration of the experimental period varied from
• Force level should be quantified 1 to 90 days. In all but one, the histological sections were
• Tooth type cut parallel to the long axis of the teeth. The first appearance
• Data concerning hyalinization of hyalinization was seen after 1 day, while the last
appearance of hyalinized tissue was not always exactly
reported. Two studies found necrotic tissue not only in the
Data extraction phase of rest (between 4 and 20 days after force application)
but also during and after the acceleration phase, at 28 days
The same two observers extracted, independent of each (Iino et al., 2007) and after 40 and 80 days of tooth movement
other, the following data from each included study: (Von Böhl et al., 2004a).
• Year of publication In three of the 39 articles, experiments were performed in
• Species humans. The number of subjects, in the experiment, varied
• Sample size between 12 and 56 and forces ranged from 50 to 70 cN. The
• Initial force magnitude duration of the experiments varied from 5 to 76 days and the
• Type of tooth movement first appearance of hyalinization was reported after 5 days,
• Teeth moved while in one study hyalinized tissue was still observed at
• Duration of experimental period in days 49 days.
• Root preparation and cutting plane for histological
• Moment of first appearance of hyalinization after force Discussion
application In contrast to the classic narrative review, a systematic
If there was disagreement between the observers, the data review analyses the literature according to type predefined
were confirmed by mutual agreement. inclusion and exclusion criteria. A special type of systematic

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Table 1 Rat and mouse studies included in the review (n = 27). The type of tooth movement in all investigations was tipping. Studies
are listed chronologically starting from the most recent.

Authors Year Species n Force Teeth Time of sacrifice Cutting plane First Last
(centri Newton) (maxillar) hyalinization hyalinization

Tomizuka et al. 2007 Rat 43 2.3 → 13.5 M1 1, 3, 7, 10, 14 d Horizontal 1d 10 d

5→ 13.5
Hamaya et al. 2002 Rat 84 10 M1 3, 6, 12 h; 1, 2, Horizontal After 6 h
4, 7 d
Kohno et al. 2002 Rat 40 1.2, 3.6 6.5, 10 M1 7, 14 d Horizontal 7d 14 d
Nakamura et al. 2001 Rat 90 15 M1 1, 3, 5, 7 d Horizontal 1d 7d
Miyoshi et al. 2001 Rat 100 16.5 M1 3, 7, 14, 21 d Horizontal 7d 14 d
Tengku et al. 2000 Rat 32 30 M1 1, 3, 7, 14 d Sagittal 1d 14 d
Vandevska- 1997b Rat 31 50 M1 3, 7, 14, 21 d Sagittal/ 7d
Radunovic et al. horizontal
Vandevska- 1997a Rat 35 50 M1 3, 7, 14, 21 d Sagittal/ 7d 14 d
Radunovic et al. horizontal
Hellsing and 1996 Rat 42 25 M1 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, Sagittal 1d 35 d
Hammarström 28, 35, 42 d
Kagayama et al. 1996 Rat 10 10 M1 3, 7 d Horizontal 3d 7d
Brudvik and Rygh 1995 Rat 24 50 M1 2, 3,7,10,14, Sagittal 2d 10 d
21 d
Brudvik and Rygh 1994a Rat 12 50 M1 7,10 d Sagittal 7d 10 d
Brudvik and Rygh 1994b Rat/mouse 25 50 M1 7,14 d Sagittal 7d 14 d
Brudvik and Rygh 1993a Rat/mouse 49 50 M1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Sagittal 1d 8d
6, 7, 8 d
Brudvik and Rygh 1993b Rat 21 50 M1 6, 12, 24 h, Sagittal 1d 4d
2, 3, 4 d
Brudvik and Rygh 1991 Rat 25 50 M1 3, 7, 10 d Sagittal 3d 10 d
Hellsing and 1991 Rat 16 15 M1 21 d Sagittal 21 d 21 d
Bridges et al. 1988 Rat 48 60 M1/2 1, 3, 5, 7,14 d Sagittal/ 3d 7d
Engström et al. 1988 Rat 160 50 I1 3, 7 d Horizontal 3d 7d
Rygh et al. 1986 Rat 45 18–40 M1 2, 7, 14, 28 d Sagittal 2d 14 d
Lindskog and Lilja 1984 Rat 12 20, 40 M1 3 h, 1, 3, 9 d Horizontal 1d 9d
Rygh 1977 Rat 67 5, 10, 25 M1 30 min, 2, 6, Sagittal 6h 14 d
12, 24 h2, 3, 5, 14,
28 d
Rygh 1974a Rat 67 5, 10, 25 M1 30 min, 2, 6, 12 h Sagittal 2d After 5 d still
1, 2, 3, 5, 14, 28 d present
Rygh 1974b Rat 67 5, 10, 25 M1 30 min, 2, 6, 12, 24 h Sagittal 6h After 5–7 d
2, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 d still present
Rygh 1973 Rat 67 5, 10, 25 M1 30 min, 2, 6, 12, 24 h Sagittal 6h 14 d
2, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 d
Rygh 1972 Rat 67 5, 10, 25 M1 30 min, 2, 6, 12, 24 h Sagittal 6h After 5–7 d
2, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 d still present
Kvam 1972a Rat 38 20 M1 1, 12 h, 1, 2, 3 d Sagittal 1d 9d
4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 d

I1, central incisor; M1/M2, first/second molar; d, days; →, increasing force level during experiment.

review is the meta-analysis, which statistically combines In most studies, tipping tooth movements had been
the results from separate but comparable studies to provide performed, which leads to uneven stress and strain
an overall quantitative summary (Petrie et al., 2003). In the distribution in the PDL. This experimental set-up makes it
present research, the aim was to perform a systematic review impossible to induce hyalinization in a reproducible way.
of existing data in the literature concerning hyalinization Furthermore, in most studies, the experimental period was
and tooth movement. While this aim was achieved, it was rather short, which makes it questionable whether the linear
not possible to perform a subsequent meta-analysis as the phase of tooth movement was ever reached. This is important
data could not be combined for statistical analysis. Three as structural changes in the bony and periodontal tissues
main problems encountered were inhomogeneity of the during the different phases of tooth movement alter the
experimental set-up, variability in the sections, which were local biomechanical environment, which leads to modulation
evaluated for the presence of hyalinization, and a large of the biological response. Besides, in most studies, the
interindividual variation in the biological response to force. orientation of the histological sections may have masked

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Table 2 Studies on other species included in the review (n = 12). Listed by the first author and according to species.

First authors Year Species n Force cN Type of Teeth Time of sacrifice Cutting plane First Last
movement hyalinization hyalinization

Kuitert et al. 1988 Rabbit 35 50 Tipping I1 max 3, 6, 24 h Horizontal 3h 1d

Furstman et al. 1971 Cat 3 150 Tipping C max/mand 1, 3, 5 d Sagittal 24 h 5d
Iino et al. 2007 Dog 12 50 Tipping P3 mand 7, 14, 28, 56 d Sagittal 7d 28 d
Von Böhl et al. 2004b Dog 15 25 Bodily P2/M1 mand 1, 4, 20, 40, 80 d Sagittal 1d 80 d
Von Böhl et al. 2004a Dog 15 25,300 Bodily P2/M1 mand 1, 4, 20, 40, 80 d Sagittal 1d 80 d
Oates et al. 1978 Dog 1 60 Bodily P2 max 12 d Sagittal ? ?
Fortin 1971 Dog 6 145–450 Bodily P1 mand 30, 90 d ? 7–14 d ?
Melsen 2001 Monkey 6 10 Intrusion I1−I2 max 112d Horizontal ? ?
Melsen 1999 Monkey 5 100, 200, 300 Bodily P2/M3 mand 77d Horizontal ? ?
Kurol and 1998 Human 56 50 Tipping P1/P2 max 7, 14, 21, 28 d Sagittal 7d 49 d
Owman-Moll 35, 42, 49 d (bucco-palatal)
Buck and Church 1972 Human 12 70 Tipping P1 max 7, 14, 21, 28 d Horizontal 7d 14 d
Kvam 1972b Human 40 50 Tipping P1 max 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, ? 5d 10 d
35, 45, 76 d

n, sample size; cN, centiNewton; I1/I2, central/lateral incisor; C, canine; P1/P2/P3, first/second/third premolar; M1/M2/M3, first/second/third molar;
max, maxilla; mand, mandible; d, days; →, increasing force level during experiment; ?, no information available in the publication.

the presence of hyalinization. Mostly, the roots were cut data from different studies. For this reason, Lemon and
parallel to the long axis in the midsagittal plane of the tooth. Dunnett (2005) argued for a critical rather than a systematic
However, it has been shown previously that as a consequence review. The opinion held by the authors of the present study
of local stress and shear concentrations, most hyalinized is that concurrent systematic analysis of experimental and
areas are not found in the area of the central plane but human studies, as performed in this review, ensures the best
lingually and buccally from it (Von Böhl et al., 2004a,b). use of available data.
Evaluation of only a few vertical sections around the central In the present systematic review on hyalinization during
plane as carried out in most of the studies ignores the orthodontic tooth movement, two main groups of studies
presence of hyalinization, which leads to different were distinguished: those describing changes of bone, root
outcomes. surface, and PDL at the histological level and papers related
Finally, the data showed large interindividual variations to differences in response to applied forces.
in the biological response to a force, which makes it difficult
to compare results of different studies. In an earlier
Histological studies
systematic review on force magnitude in relation to
orthodontic tooth movement (Ren et al., 2003), the same Sandstedt (1904) reported bone resorption on the pressure
problems were encountered, which prevented statistical side and bone deposition on the tension side after force
analysis of summary results across the included studies. application to a tooth, resulting in discussions about ideal or
In this review, both animal and human studies were optimal magnitude of orthodontic forces. Schwarz (1932)
included. Systematic reviews of animal studies continue to stated that physiological tooth movement without damage
be controversial. According to the Reviewing Animal Trials to the PDL or root should be possible if the pressure in the
Systematically (RATS) group, a great deal of animal PDL does not exceed capillary blood pressure. Vandevska-
research is wasted because of poor evaluation through Radunovic et al. (1997a,b) more than 60 years later came to
systematic reviews and it should be made obligatory to similar conclusions. Ultrastructural changes of the PDL
conduct a systematic review of animal studies before human have been investigated extensively by Rygh (1972, 1973,
studies begin (Pound et al., 2004). However, animal and 1974a,b, 1977), Rygh et al. (1986), and Brudvik and Rygh
clinical studies have important differences. Animal studies (1991, 1993a,b, 1994a,b, 1995). All these studies proceed
try to control all possible variables besides the studied from the assumption that the normal structure and
intervention. For ethical reasons, the number of animals has organization at the pressure side of the PDL is lost first and
to be restricted and earlier research cannot simply be accompanies arrest in tooth movement, and secondly, the
repeated. Moreover, each experiment necessarily differs in resulting necrotic tissue must be broken down by
its design, method, and outcome variables from those that phagocytosis. In this process of undermining resorption, an
have been carried out earlier making it difficult to combine influx of phagocytotic cells such as macrophages, foreign

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body giant cells, fibroblasts, and (pre)osteoclasts invade of orthodontic tooth movement varied among and within
from the adjacent undamaged areas and eliminate the dogs (Pilon et al., 1996; von Böhl et al., 2004b). On the
hyalinized tissue, which makes orthodontic tooth movement other hand, with a substantially different force regimen and
possible. In recent publications, however, necrotic tissue force magnitude, the rates of tooth movement were almost
was found not only in the phase of arrest but also during the same among or within individuals (Owman-Moll et al.,
acceleration and the linear phase of experimental tooth 1996a,b; Van Leeuwen et al., 1999).
movement (Kohno et al., 2002; von Böhl et al., 2004a,b; It has been suggested that individual differences in tooth
Iino et al., 2007). Interestingly Iino et al. (2007) found movement characteristics could be related to an individual
hyalinization of the PDL after corticotomy at the same side variation in anatomic structures, bone/mineral density, or
only after 7 days but not at later stages, possibly due to cellular activity within the PDL and alveolar bone. Supra-
initial acceleration of the bone turnover mechanism. Taking alveolar fibres and the structure of the collagen fibres of the
all findings together, it is suggested that development and PDL might also be attributed to individual differences.
removal of hyalinization is a process instead of a single Other factors could be significant variations in metabolic
event during tooth displacement. This would explain the capacity, which determine the rate of bone turnover and the
appearance of necrotic tissue not only during the second reaction of the connective tissue. Klein-Nulend et al. (2003)
phase of the time-displacement curve (the phase of rest) but assumed that the process of remodelling is determined by
also in the linear phase. Therefore, the time point during strain-derived canalicular fluid flow that regulates osteoclasts
orthodontic tooth movement at which histological evaluation activity, while microdamage might also play a role in
takes place seems to be decisive in identifying hyalinization. osteoclast guidance (Martin, 2007). Other factors, which
In this respect, histological analysis of human material is could cause individual differences in the process of bone
limited by the fact that orthodontically moved teeth have to remodelling are possibly related to variation in the level of
be extracted, which disrupts the PDL, while the surrounding cytokines and growth factors such as PGE2, IL-1ß, and
bone cannot be investigated. TGF-ß1. These signalling proteins are products of the
In addition, this review showed that in rats and mice nervous, immune, and endocrine systems, but many locally
hyalinization occurred earlier in the experimental phase than produced growth factors have also been found to modulate
in other species. Reitan and Kvam (1971) reported that the tissue remodelling (Krishnan and Davidovitch, 2006;
alveolar bone in rats showed a higher density than in humans. Meikle, 2006; Wise and King, 2008). Presently, it is not
In addition, the osteoid layer along the bone surface seems to known exactly which role those factors play in the
be less abundant in rats than in humans, which could explain inflammatory reaction evoked by cell necrosis.
the faster hyalinization. The narrower width of the rats’ PDL The major obstacle in performing this systematic review
induces higher forces and relatively more local strain on the of the existing literature on hyalinization in relation to
alveolar bone, which leads to a diminished blood flow and experimental tooth movement was the very limited number
formation of a necrotic area. Another explanation could be of studies that dealt specifically with the topic of hyaliniz-
the higher rate of bone turnover during the remodelling ation (Kohno et al., 2002; von Böhl et al., 2004a,b; Iino et al,
process incident to orthodontic tooth movement in rats than 2007; Tomizuka et al, 2007). In most investigations on
in humans (Kvam, 1967; Rygh, 1974b). orthodontic tooth movement, initial hyalinization is
described, but progress and decay are only mentioned as an
aside. Most of the literature pertained to hyalinization as an
Studies related to individual differences in response to
undesirable event related to experimental tooth movement
applied forces
especially during the phase of arrest in the initial phase of
The findings of this review showed a wide variety of applied orthodontic treatment. It must be emphasized that there is
force levels. However, a clear relationship between force an urgent need for well-designed experimental studies to
level, timing, and extent of hyalinization could not be found. elucidate the role of hyalinization in orthodontic tooth
Even with a force as low as 5 cN, hyalinization occurred and movement. Such research requires a large sample size as
the timing of the event seemed to be independent of the force hyalinization must be analysed at different time points
level. The assumption that higher forces lead to more especially during the late phases of orthodontic treatment.
hyalinization cannot be confirmed from the data of this review. The location and timing of hyalinization during orthodontic
An interesting finding from a recent study, however, was that tooth movement might be derived from simulation of
an initially light and gradually increasing force resulted in less orthodontic tooth movement in a finite element model, in
hyalinization than a heavier initial force that increased to the which the PDL is also modelled.
same end force level (Tomizuka et al., 2007).
The systematic review of Ren et al. (2003) showed, in
both animal and human experiments that large individual
differences exist in the amount and rate of tooth movement. Meta-analysis of the available data in the literature on
Even with standardized, constant, and equal forces, the rate orthodontic tooth movement and hyalinization is not

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possible due to heterogeneity of the published studies. Hellsing E, Hammarström L 1991 The effects of pregnancy and fluoride on
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has been paid to the phenomenon itself and its possible surface changes in experimental orthodontics in rat: a light and scanning
relationship with stress/strain levels in the PDL and alveolar electron microscope study. European Journal of Orthodontics 18: 11–
bone or the rate of tooth movement after the initial phase.
Iino S, Sakoda S, Ito G, Nishimori T, Ikeda T, Miyawaki S 2007
There is an urgent need for well-designed experimental Acceleration of orthodontic tooth movement by alveolar corticotomy in
studies to elucidate the role of hyalinization in orthodontic the dog. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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1996 Localization of glycosaminoglycans in periodontal ligament
during physiological and experimental tooth movement. Journal of
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Address for correspondence
Klein-Nulend J, Nijweide P J, Burger E H 2003 Osteocyte and bone
Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman structure. Current Osteoporosis Reports 1: 5–10
Department of Orthodontics and Oral Biology Kohno T, Matsumoto Y, Kanno Z, Warita H, Soma K 2002 Experimental
tooth movement under light orthodontic forces: rates of tooth movement
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre and changes of the periodontium. Journal of Orthodontics 29: 129–135
PO Box 9101 Krishnan V, Davidovitch Z 2006 Cellular, molecular, and tissue-level
6500 HB Nijmegen reactions to orthodontic force. American Journal of Orthodontics and
The Netherlands Dentofacial Orthopedics 129: 469 e1–e32
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