Comparison of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar - Strengths and Weaknesses - Enhanced Reader

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The FASEB Journal ife Sciences Forum Comparison of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar: strengths and weaknesses Matthew E. Falagas,*"!' Eleni I. Pitsouni," George A. Malietzis," and Georgios Pappas’ *Alfa Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Athens, Greece: ‘Deparment of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; and ‘Institute of Continuing Medical Education of Toannina, Ioannina, Greece ABSTRACT The evolution of the electronic age has Ied to the development of numerous medical databases on the World Wide Web, offering search facilities on a particular subject and the ability to perform citation analysis. We compared the content coverage and prac- tical utility of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. The official Web pages of the data- bases were used to extract information on the range of journals covered, search facilities and restrictions, and, update frequency. We used the example of a keyword search to evaluate the usefulness of these databases in biomedical information retrieval and a specific pub- ished article to evaluate their utility in performing citation analysis. All databases were practical in use and offered numerous search facilities. PubMed and Google Scholar are accessed for free. The keyword search with PubMed offers optimal update frequency and includes online early articles; other databases can rate articles by number of citations, as an index of importance. For citation analysis, Scopus offers about 20% more coverage than Web of Science, whereas Google Scholar offers results of inconsistent accuracy. PubMed remains an optimal tool in biomedical elec- tronic research. Scopus covers a wider journal range, of help both in keyword searching and citation analysis, but it is currently limited to recent articles (published after 1995) compared with Web of Science. Google Scholar, as for the Web in general, can help in the retrieval of even the most obscure information but its use is marred by inadequate, less often updated, cita- jon information.—Falagas, M. E., Pitsouni, E I., Ms etzis, G. A., and Pappas, G. Comparison of Pub Med, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar: strengths and weaknesses. FASEB J. 22, 338-342 (2008) Key Words: citation analysis + open access* Medline Insti: tuie of Scientific Information (IS1) + education * electronic da tabases THE DEVELOPMENT ALONG WITH THE SPREAD of the World Wide Web (WWW) represents 7 revolution, with rapid, practical distribution and stor age of data available worldwide. One of the most prominent examples of enhanced storage and distribu tion of important information is the development of scientific databases, the » infor ficance of which was ree a8 ‘ognized early. Specifically in the field of medicine, the nal Library of Medicine (NEM) in the United, States introduced the first interactive searchable data- base (Medline) in 1971 (1) and subsequently in 1996, (1) added the “Old Medline” database with coverage of publications between 1950 and 1965, In 1997, PubMed. (a combination of both Old Medline and Medline) was Inunched to the Internet by NLM and has become the most popular and one of the most reliable WWW. resources for clinicians and researchers. Another acknowledged source of scientific informa: tion is the Institute of Scientific Information (ISD) of Thomson Scientific, which has been serving as a data provider since the early 1960s (2), especially for citation nalyses. In recent years electronic database searching, has become the de facto mode of medical information retrieval, as shown by numerous studies highligh the utility of the WWW in medicine today (3-7). AS expected, numerous efforts have focused on refining the mode of information retrieval and augmenting citation analysis. In that vein in 2004, Scopus and Google Scholar databases were also Internet. Given that the various scientific databases, have their own characteristics, we article to compare the utility of the current most popular sources of scientific information in biomed. ical sciences, namely PubMed, Scopus, Web of Sci ence, and Google Scholar, in retrieval of information ‘on a specific biomedical subject and in citation analysis. inched to the aimed in this MATERIALS AND METHODS: We searched the official home pages of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar to identify and extract information regarding the various characteristics of these databases, We focused on the date of the official inaugur tion, content, coverage, number of keywords allowed for each search, uses, updating, owner, and characteristies and quality of citations in our analysis of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. * Conespondence: Ali Institute of Biomedical Sciences (AIS), 9) Neapoleos St, 151 23 Marousi, Greece. Exil: in.falagas@aibs ge lo 10,1006. 07.94921 SF (082-6638/08/0022-0338 © FASEB Furthermore, we evaluated the utility of these databases in retrieving information on a particular subject J) by using 3 specific keyword referring to a well-defined medical condition, we elloss” as heing specific enough as condition and a medical concept that is wot 100 vague) and 2) by attempting to perform a citation analysis for a specific recent article, A recent article from a highly cited journal was, chosen to assure that referencing to the article would be constant in the present period (the article used was Pappas, G,, Aktitidis, N., Bosikowski, M., and Tsianos, E. (2005) Brucellosis. N. Engl J. Med. 352, 2825-2336). The keyword search was repeated daily for all databases to estimate update speed. The article's citation analysis was followed through Google Scholar, Seopis, and Web of Science for a period of “The search for the identification of relevant information and the extraction of data was performed by two of the authors independently (E.LP. and G.AM,). Any discrepa cies were discussed in meetings with the senior author (MEF). The evaluation of utility of the databases for a specific keyword search and a specific article was performed by GP. RESULTS, General characteristics of the databases ous character: In Table 1 we present data regarding. istics of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Scopus is the database that indexes a larger number of journals than the other three databases studied. Web of Science does not provide any data regarding open access articles that it includes (if any) PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science origi- « from the United States, whereas Scopus originates from Europe. PubMed and Google Scholar are free and provide open access to all interested clinicians, searchers, and trainees and also to the public in gen- cral. Scopus and Web of Science are databases that belong to commercial providers and require an access fee. Regarding Google Scholar, although relevant data are not summarized anywhere, the d tially a part of a popular WWW search engine, wi means that there are no limits on the languages cow ered, keywords allowed per search, and list of covered journals, provided for the latter that an electronic edition exists. Similarly there are no data for the frequency of Google Scholar updates (sce later discus sion of this topic). PubMed focuses mainly on medicine and biomedical sciences, whereas Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar cover most scientific fields. Web of Science covers the oldest publications, because its indexed and archived records go back to 1900, PubMed allows the larger number of keywords per search but is the only database of the four that docs not provide citation analysis. Scopus includes articles published from 1966, on, but information regarding citation analysis is avail able only for articles published after 1996, PubMed was developed by the NLM, a division of the National Institutes of Health, and rapidly became syn- onymous with medical literature research worldwide. It SCIENTIFIC DATABASES, PROS AND CONS offers a quick free search with numerous keywords as well as limited searching with is eriteria [ie search by authors, journal, date of publication, date of addition to PubMed, or type of article]. The results of a search can be displayed in a listing including from 5-500 items per page or asa summary [in which the full title, the names of the authors, the source and PubMed identification (PMID) of each article are presented]. and the list ean also be presented with abstracts, if available. Information on whether an abstract is avail able, and free text access is comprehensively repre sented by a displayed icon. A search can easily be sent to text, a file, the clipboard, e-mail, an RSS feed, and an order. PubMed also allows for direet use of other seareh engines developed by the NEM, such as GENSAT, OMIM, and PMG, the later allowing for free full text access to a wide array of previous «lecacles’ publications from numerous journals. Thus, PubMed now offers >1 million freely available articles of which a significant number come from digitized back is ‘One major advantage of PubMed, not reproduced by Scopus or Web of Science, is that itis readily updated not only with printed literature but also with literature that has been presented online in an carly version before print publication by various journals. In con- trast, Scopus and Web of Science are readily updated for printed li ‘The Scopus database was developed by Elsevier, bining the characteristics of both PubMed and Web of Science. These combined characteristics allow for enhanced utility, both for medical literature re- and academic needs (citation analysis), yet a ess to the database is not free, although reviewers for numerous Elsevier medical journals are entitled to 1 month of free use. It offers a quick search, a basic search, an author search, an advanced search, and a source search. In the basic search the results for the keywords chosen can be limited by date of publishing, by addition to Scopus, by document type, and by subject areas, whereas the author search is based only ‘on author names, The advanced search combines the basic search without the limits and the author search, and more operators and codes are allowed. The source search is confined to selection of a subject area source type (i.e, trade publication or conference pro- ceedings), a source title, the ISSN number, and the publisher. ‘The search results in Scopus can be displayed as a listing of 20-200 items per page, and documents can be saved to a list and/or can be exported, printed, or emailed, The results can be refined by source title, author name, year of publication, document. type, and/or subject area, and a new search can be initiated within the results. The presence of an abstract, refer- ences, and free full text is noted under each article ttle, in addition to where these can be found. When ab- stracts are displayed, the keywords are highlighted. The fields that can be included in the output are optional (i, citation information, bibliographical information, ature but do not include online early 319 TABLE 1. Characteristics of databases Characternie Pai Med Scope Web of Science Google Scholar Date of official 06/1 11/2004 2004" 1/2008 inauguration Content No. of journals 6000 (827 open access) 12,850 (600 open 8700 No data provided access) (theoretically all cleetronie resources) English (plus any language) Languages nish (plus 56 other Tanguages) English (plus more than 30 other Tanguages) Physical sciences, health sciences, life sciences, social sciences English (plus 45 other languages) Focus (field) Bi Cove clinical journals, dental journals, nursing journals, ‘biomedicine, medicine, history of medicine, bioethics, space, life logy, life environmental sciences, business, administration, finance and economics, chemistry anel materials social sciences, ars and humanities sciences science, engineerin pharmacology, veterinary science, social sciences, arts and humanities Period covered 1950-present 1966-present 1900-present ‘Theoretically all available electronically Databases Medline (1965-presemt), old 100% Medline, Science cittion index PubMed, OCLC First covered, Medline (1950-1965), Embase, expanded, social ‘Search PubMed Central, inked to Compendes, sciences citation other, more specialized, World textile index, arts and NLM databases index, Fluidex, humanities citation Geabase, index, index. Biobase chemistry, current chemical reactions No. of No limit 30 rr ‘Theoretically no limit Keywords allowed Search ‘Abstracts oo) 4) “ w Authors ro) (+) w) w Guattions -) (+) ) w Patents oO rr) wo Oo Uses Links to retated articles, Links to fulliext Links to fillet, Links to fulltext articles, Tinks to fulltext (5426 articles and Tinks to related free fulltext articles, links journals), links to free full other library articles to journals, Hinks t0 text articles fora subset of resources related articles, inks to journals (827 open access libraries journals) Updating Daly Weekly Monthly on average Developer/owner National Center for Thomson Scientific Google Ine. (US) (county) Biotechnology (Netherlands) and Health Care Information (NCBI), NIM Corporation (US) (us) Gitation analysis None Total number of As for Web of Science Next to each paper listed is articles citing plus the total ‘work on atopic number of articles or by an fon a topic or by an indivieluat individual author author cited in other articles ‘a “cited by” link; licking fon this Tink shows the citation analysis * PubMed was created by the NLM of the United Sates withthe intention of making the content of Medline accessible via the I Web of Science was created by Thomsen Scientific to make ciation indies (that E. Garfield asessed since the carly 1960s) accessible via the Internet abstract, and keywords). The citation analysis that Sco- puss performs is presented as a table with numbers of cited articles for individual years, as well as the total number of cited references for all years, The articles cited can be accessed by simply clicking on the number 340 Vol.22. Febmuary 2008 The FASEB Journal of citations. In addition, Scopus has search tips written in 10 languages. Web of Science was developed by Thomson Scien- tific, a part of the Thomson Corporation, another private company, and has dominated the field of aca- FALAGAS ET AL demic reference, mainly through the annual release of he journal impact factor, a tool for evaluating the importance and influence of specific publications. The impact factor has been highly criticized but remains the most widely used of the indexes available. It has a quick search (by entering a topic), an advanced scarch, a gencral search, and a cited reference search. Help is offered for all types of searches of author, of group author, and of full source title, as well as of abbrevi- ations sd reference search the search can he limited by cited author, cited work, and cited years, whereas the cited author index and the cited work index can be presented, if the researcher requires it. ‘The results of a search can he displayed as. listing of 10-50 items per page. The full title, author names, and source are provided. When the full texts available, the option of “view free fall text” is present. Related records can be found, sorted by latest date, times cited, rele- vance, first author, publication year, and source title. The results can be analyzed (ie, by author, country/ territory, or document type), and the ci presented with a label bar chart. The results can be refined, and the researcher can view or exclude records Google Scholar was developed by Google Inc., an- other private company, but itis freely accessible and aims to summarize all electronic references on a sub- Jject. There is no journal frame /list available for Google Scholar, because it presumably lists all publications that have emerged from the electronic search. Being essen- tially a Web search engine, itsaim isto reach the widest auclience available. It allows a quick search and an advanced search. In the advanced search the results can he limited by tile words, authors, source, date of publication, ane subject areas. The languages of the interface and of the search are optional. The results can be displayed asa listing of 10-800 items per page. Each retrieved article is represented by title, authors, and souree, bu wet and information on free full text availability are not proxided by Google Scholar Under each revieved article the number of cited noted and can be retrieved by clicking on the relevant link. By clicking on the article title, Google Scholar leads you to list of possible links to the article, usually on the journal's site, but for older articles the link is directed to the PubMed citation. In addition, Google Scholar provides links to relevan allows for a general Google Web search, using self selected keywords from the article and the author name. tation report is article articles and Utility cial A search on the word “brucellosis” elicits thousands of results by all of the databases. PubMed’s simple search elicits the newest ones first and PubMed is updated daily, including online early articles, thus allowing for a comprehensive follow-up of a specifi subject. On the other hand, some of the results returned (roughly 5%) were of peripheral relevance to the subject (a kind of false-positive result). Relevant articles (as categorized SCIENTIFIC DATABASES, PROS AND CONS by PubMed) can also be assessed. Unfortunately, the relevance is inconsistent. Updates to Scopus and Web of Science were less frequent, generally on a weekly basis. The results produced by Scopus corresponded to its extended listing of included journals with a greater number of citations. False-positive results in. Scopus could be eliminated if one is searching for articles including the keyword in the title only, but that search, omitted a few relevant articles (an analog to false- negative results). By clicking on the head of the rele- vant column, articles can be rearranged by most cited in declining order, thus allowing the uninitiated searcher to familiarize himself or herself with the outstanding articles on the subject. PubMed does not possess such a facility. Google Scholar presents results with the most cited first. Although online early articles included, updates are less frequent (in a period. certainly exceeding 1 month). Searching for citations of a specific article can be a difficult task for academic candidates, and the task is even more difficult when the question of which journal citations are eligible is raised. The use of Web of Science has been the standard, yet Scopus docs offer more citation analyses; in our ease, Scopus listed! 20% ticles referencing our example in any given period than did Web of Science. Admittedly, some of these additional citations were derived from vague journals in non-English languages, yet even Web of Science lists similar journals. The inclusion criteria of Web of Science, similar to the criteria used for caleu- lating the impact factor, have repeatedly been the subject of dispute (8). Both databases include only published articles and not online early ones. One major factor that may bias these results though is the selection of a recent article as an example. If an older article were chosen, Scopus would offer limited citation infor. mation, hecause it covers a significantly shorter period than Web of Science, This observation has also been confirmed in a previous comparison of the three ci tion databases (9). The use of Google Scholar to determine citations for the particular article was disap- pointing. The reference list was much shorter than those for the other databases and, as mentioned cartier, Updates was less frequent. It was obvious that Google Scholar only cited articles that were accessible electron- ically accessible. When we assessed articles for other examples, duplicate references (false-positive citations) A final interesting observation was that citation anal ysis could be adequately updated when Google was used, with article year/volume/page numbers as key= word. In that way, most online carly articles were rapiclly identified, although the vast number of results prohibits any adequate citation analysis to be performed DISCUSSION A critical review of the information we were able to, collect regarding the four sources of scientific informa- at tion that we focused on suggests the following conelu- sions. PubMed is a very handy, quick, and easy to use database. Its practicality in use, the fact that itis free, and the authority it has gained through the years have made it the most frequently used resource for informa- tion in the biomedical field. Scopus includes a more expanded spectrum of jour- nals than PubMed and Web of Science, and its citation, analysis is faster anel includes more articles than the citation analysis of Web of Science. On the other hand, the citation analysis that Web of Science presents provides better graphics and is more detailed than the citation analysis of Scopus, probably because Web of Science has been designed with the intention of satis- fying users in citation analysis, a field discussed and debated by scientists for decadles. There is a debate in the scientific community on Google Scholar is a database that should be used by clinicians (10, 11), because of its inadequacies (12, 13) and the fact that much information about its content coverage remains unknown. Results with Google Scholar are displayed in relation to times of visits from, users, not in relation to another index of quality of the publication. Google Scholar presents all the benefits and draw: backs of the WWW, It sometimes offers unique options the scientific field (10, 14): in our example, using. Web search option, a free full text of the article could, be retrieved from various Web sites, whereas other databases and the journal itself did not offer free access, at the moment. The access may possibly be illegal, but this is a characteristic of the WWW: information is, ample, but access is often uncontrolled. The need for a systematic reconstitution of the pros and cons of each, database and the development of a formula for free access to stich a powerful database apart from PubMed seems warranted, In conclusion, scientific databases of biomedical in- formation are frequently used by both clinicians and, researches. In this article, we compared the content and various practical aspects in the utility of the main 342 Vol.22. Febmuary 2008 The FASEB Journal databases of biomedical scientific information. We found that PubMed « aan important resource for clinicians and researchers, Scopus covers a wider jour nal range and offer the capability for citation analysis [currently limited to recent articles (published after 1995) compared with Web of Science], and Google Scholar can help in the retrieval of even the most oblique information, but is marred by inadequate, less often updated, citation information a MEP. had the idea for this article, MEP, and GP. developed the methodology used. ELP., GAM, and GP. identified the relevant data, MILF. and ELLP. wrote the first, draft of the manuscript that was revised extensively by G.P. All authors participated in subsequent revisions of the manus script and approved its final version, ME. is the guarantor REFERENCES: nups//wol.nih gov /datalsses/ databases lamedine tn 2. IST Web of Knowledge. hp: / Tang. Hand Ng. J 11, (2008) Googling fora diagnoxe—nse of Google 34 diagnostic aid: Internet based stds. BMJ 3 Tess 4. Henzinger Mand Lawrence, S. 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