ZiniosEdge Company Overview

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+91 9591810823 www.ziniosedge.com


Who We Are 03

About ZiniosEdge 04

What We Do 05

Ar4ficial Intelligence and Machine Learning 06

Applica4on Development and Moderniza4on 08

Visualiza4on and Interac4ve Solu4ons 11

Augmented Reality 15

Virtual Reality 16

Mixed Reality 17

Managed Cloud Services 19

Contact Us 21
Who we are
Founded in 2004

Microso0 Gold Partner since 2008

Competencies: Microso0 PlaOorms & Technology Stacks including

PowerBI, MS Dynamics, MS Azure Cloud and O365

ISO 27001 cer<fied

6000 person years of so0ware development experience

In the elite list of ‘20 Most promising Microso0 solu<ons provider’

Awarded best so0ware exporter by FKCCI in 2016

Founded in 2016


Competencies: UI UX, AR VR MR and eCommerce

1000 person years of so0ware development experience

We are now

Collec<vely 18 years of business engineering in IT, Outsourcing,

Consul<ng, Product Development and Professional Services

Strong Management team with 100 person years of experience in

Informa<on Technology

Delivery and Program management team cer<fied in CSM, PMP, Six

Sigma and ITIL

100+ happy customers & growing month on month

Diversified experience in managing customers across five con<nents in

different zones

Developing solu<ons using new age digital technologies.

Well versed with HIPAA, SOX, Sec<on 508, ADA, GDPR, PCI DSS

Member of: IJCCIK, IACC, FKCC and BCIC.

About Us
As a technology and crea0ve organiza0on, we enable
and support large to small enterprises and start-up
businesses as a technology, design/crea0ve partner
and talent partner.

We’ve team of cer0fied engineers with diverse skills

in enterprise grade technologies, plaBorms and
microservices architecture.

We are helping mul0ple organiza0ons and enterprises

on Digital Transforma0on (DX) strategies and

What We Do
We specialize in product and applica1on design &
development, specifically in Virtual Reality (VR), Our focus areas
Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR),
eCommerce on web, mobile and cloud plaCorms.

Visualiza,on and
We have experience in developing IoT/IIoT, Ar1ficial
Interac,ve Solu,ons
Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) based
solu1ons for Automo1ve, Manufacturing, Retail,
Telecommunica1ons, Logis1cs, Oil and Energy
Ar,ficial intelligence and
Machine Learning

As a MicrosoM Gold Partner, we offer range of

services on D365, O365 and MicrosoM Azure. Managed Cloud Services and
Other enterprise offerings include various services on
Salesforce, SAP and Oracle products.
Applica,on Development and

Ar#ficial Intelligence
& Machine Learning

Defect Detection

Decision Making

Document Parsing

Chatbot and Digital Assistant

ZiniosEdge has exper0se in various Ar0ficial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies. Our exper0se is
backed by deep research and learning in AI / ML technologies on MicrosoA Custom Vision, TensorFlow and
Python based frameworks to deliver cost effec0ve solu0ons.

Our team of IT professionals are experienced and capable enough to integrate cogni0ve technology with AI so
that the developed solu0on easily tunes in with the business needs. We offer smart AI / ML solu0ons that are
cost effec0ve in nature and offers detailed insights that can help the business grow.

Success Story

ERP Assistant (BOT for ERP) for a US based company

Engagement Overview Solu@on Approach

Opera&ng the ERP applica&on requires deep learning Alexa and Crotona based BOT solu&on can retrieve
curve, most of top and mid management rely on their required informa&on from ERP applica&on. This can
assistants to retrieve the data through ERP. be used on top of MicrosoD dynamics Nav, Axapta
and SAP.

Automa@c Contract Analysis for a US based company

Engagement Overview Solu@on Approach

One of the leading legal firm wanted to analyze more Automa&c Contract Analysis analyzes exis&ng and
than 70,000 old legal documents. This was to ensure, new customer contracts and classifies them into
that contracts with their customers – oDen many groups that are synchronized with exis&ng legal
years old – are checked with regards to the regulatory categories. The document elements are recorded and
requirements that apply today. compared and then AI generates corresponding links.
This enables a highly efficient search for specific
documents and elements.

Applica'on Development
and Moderniza'on

Applica'on Engineering

Application Modernization

Applica'on Tes'ng

Maintenance & Support

ZiniosEdge helps organiza1ons build, modernize and integrate business-cri1cal applica1ons to improve
performance, efficiency, reduce opera1ng costs and enhance the services provided to employees and
end customers.

We help in gradual transforma1on of monolith enterprise and legacy applica1ons to light weight
microservices or API driven applica1ons with minimal or zero impact on the customer experience and
security aspects. This ensures the customer trust and loyalty is intact and remains unchanged during
the digital transforma1on journey.

Success Story
Module and Portal Development for an ERP Solu9ons Provider for Real
Estate Businesses
ERP Tool

Engagement Overview Solu9on Approach

Leading Indian company, provider of ERP solu9ons to Successfully developed several modules for the
enterprise companies in Engineering, Construc9on, exis9ng product ak^long with development of new
Contrac9ng, and the Real Estate (ECCR) domain. portals for various func9ons.

Their services are designed specifically to support and We implemented portals such as- Vendor, Contractor,
manage complex business processes of the ECCR Dashboard, GST, etc.
industry. The solu9on comprised of 20+ modules. Some of the
key ones: Land, Liaison, Legal, Engineering, Es9ma9on
and Finance.

Report Building Web Applica9on Development for a US-based

SoCware Company

Report building Automa9on Tool Development

Engagement Overview
Client is an industry expert in providing INNOVATIVE
Solu9on Approach
Successfully developed the report builder web
Client has designed, developed, customized, and
applica9on using Agile methodology.
maintained dozens of training programs to sa9sfy
requirements of standards (followed in US) such as Implemented and enhanced features of web
NERC PER-005 and 49 CFR 243. applica9on which made the report building process
highly efficient and produc9ve.
Client has produced full range of materials needed to
support such standards, including job task analysis Web applica9on comprised of following modules:
(JTA), training designs, training materials, and policy/ Data Library, Report Designer and Report Builder.
procedure documents.

Success Story
Courier Tracking Web Applica%on for an Indian Transporta%on &
Logis%cs Company

Transporta%on and logis%cs Industry

Engagement Overview Solu%on Approach

Client is one of the well-established transporta4on Successfully developed the web applica4on, which
and logis4cs companies in India. helped the client for tracking their shipments with
Provides road and air delivery services in Europe, the
Middle East and Africa, Asia-Pacific, and the The shipment tracking tool comprised of following
Americas. screens: Entry Screen, Approve Screen and Statement
Being one of the leading logis4cs company in the Genera4on Screen.
world, they are known to deliver close to a million
consignments ranging from documents to parcels on
a daily basis.

Mobile App, Enterprise Web App Integra%on for a Tax

Refund Organiza%on in New Zealand

iOS and Android Na%ve app

Engagement Overview Solu%on Approach

Started in FY15-16 with an objec4ve of developing Integra4on of Website, Enterprise Web app and
website, mobile app and enterprise portal for back Mobile app using REST APIs.
office opera4ons management. We architected and designed end-to-end product for
En d to En d co m p l ete p ro d u c t d e s i g n a n d mobile and web.
development life cycle for website users for tax Technologies: iOS and Android Mobile App, ASP.Net
refund op4ons, back office and mobile app for user Core, C#, MS Azure, REST API and MS SQL Server
registra4on. 2014 R2.

Visualiza:on and
Interac:ve Solu:ons

UI Templates


Mock-up and Wireframe


Visualiza(on and
Interac(ve Solu(ons

Dashboard Designing

Data Visualiza(on

Visual Repor(ng & Analy(cs

Enabling key Interac7ve touchpoints on mobile and web

applica7ons for capturing customer insights can be AR VR MR XR Applica(ons
improved with appropriate User Experience (UX) for
each user type.

One of the key aspects of Digital Transforma7on (DX) is

to empower your customer and get the right feedback
from them. We have helped mul7ple organiza7ons and
enterprises with our UI UX exper7se to modernize their
mobile and web applica7ons.

Success Story

Dashboard wireframe and

design development


Wireframe and prototype development

for the web applica8on


Success Story

Development of applica/on for 3D showcase

of proper/es belonging to Vulcan Group


Design and development of web and

mobile applica/ons for use in mari/me maintenance



Learning Apps

Field Service Support Apps

Training Apps

We have AR VR MR and XR exper1se in developing interac1ve and immersive solu1ons on mobile and
web applica1ons, which can be experienced on various head mount devices (HMD) like MicrosoC
HoloLens 1 and 2, Oculus, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality headset, Google Cardbox and on various
mobile devices.


Scene Creation

Experience Apps

Simulation Apps

App Tes'ng in HMDs


Product Demo Apps

On screen Instruction Apps

Troubleshoo9ng Apps

Success Story

Authoring and AR Experience for CISCO devices

Engagement Overview Challenges addressed

American mul,na,onal technology conglomerate The client was looking for a service provider who
headquartered in San Jose, California, in the center of could develop web based authoring plaCorm to
Silicon Valley. compose AR experience for networking devices.

Cisco develops, manufactures and sells networking Field service can use the AR applica,on on mobile
hardware, telecommunica,ons equipment and other device to auto-detect the device in network sta,ons.
high-technology services and products.


Pla>orm to compose AR VR and MR experience for real estate domain

Engagement Overview Challenges addressed

US company, which is a Mixed Reality partner of The client was looking for a service provider who
MicrosoI building solu,ons for enterprise like Vulcan could develop the composite plaCorm to develop AR
Group, JEDunn, JLL and Sotheby’s. VR MR applica,on with fast turn around ,me.

Their services are designed specifically for Real estate Rework and redesign was part of AR VR MR mobile
domain professionals who are into selling and app development for each real estate end-client.
renova,ng proper,es.


Managed Cloud

Continuous Integration

Cloud setup & Migra5on

Data Backup

Data Security

ZiniosEdge helps organiza1ons in their cloud adop1on journey and data migra1on from on-premise to cloud
environment. We provide consulta1on, strategy and solu1on architecture on Microso? Azure, AWS, GCP
and Alibaba Cloud.

We have exper1se in seGng up of DevOps process to manage CI CD pipeline and help organiza1ons in
pipeline management using Jenkins and data orchestra1on using Kubernetes, Chef and Puppet.

The combina1on of our experience in various cloud plaOorms, cloud development and integra1on
technologies, mixed with our unique approach ensures you get a safer and beRer performing system with
less down 1me and faster deployment of changes.

Success Story

Managed Cloud Services

Business Context & Challenges Benefits Delivered

Leading producer of in/mate apparel industry with Op/mizing the Azure infrastructure.
innova/ve products based out of Aus/n, Texas. The
Significant Cost Savings.
company holds 14 patents and 18 trademarks for
cuBng-edge designs. Highly available and op/mized infrastructure.

Business and reputa/on loss due to frequent outages

of on-premise Infra.

Performance boHlenecks.

Managed Cloud Services

Business Context & Challenges Benefits Delivered

Premier supply chain advisory firm focused on Scalable model for future state.
enabling digitally connected and an/-fragile Supply Increased func/onality and Business value to
Chains. Provides solu/on & Services for business
insights to innovate and build a compe//ve
advantage. Head quartered in San Jose, CA. Improved Quality of Services.

Legacy Ac/ve Directory Infra.

AD issues related to replica/on, /me stamp and


Under-compliance on user management.

Contact Us

ZiniosEdge So,ware Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

M G Road: 4th Floor, Gopalakrishna Complex,

45/3 Residency Road, Bengaluru, India.

[email protected]


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