Scaffold Plan Completeness Checklist

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Saudi Aramco 9613 (10/16) Page 1 of 4

FOR T71-C-0101 / 0201 / 0301

Scope of Work
1a √ Brief description of work to be performed from the scaffold
1b √ Duration of work
1c √ Exact Location where the scaffold will be erected

Scaffold Drawings
2a √ Height of scaffold shown
2b √ Length and width of scaffold at base shown
2c √ Type of scaffold (Tube & Coupler, Fabricated tubular frame, System, etc.) noted. w/ Access Tower (Ladder)
2d √ Light-duty, Medium-duty, or Special-duty load rating noted and used for design of scaffold
2e √ Maximum intended Load (Personnel, equipment, tools, and materials) per working level noted. 1.20 kN/m2
2f √ Total number of planked/platformed levels noted. See Scaffold Plan
2g √ Maximum number of working levels noted. See Scaffold Plan
2h √ Tubing size (diameter, wall thickness) and material specification (including yield stress) noted. 48.30 mm OD x 3.20mm THK
2i √ Platform units type, size, and material specified
2j √ Drawing adequately show complete construction information and details for the scaffold:
2k √ - Posts, bearers, runners, horizontal (plan) and vertical bracing, etc.
2l √ - Attachment or ties to buildings or structures/ guy wires and their anchors
2m √ - Ladders or other access to all working levels
2n √ - Guardrail systems locations, dimensions, and toprail, midrail and toeboard sizes
2o √ - Base support details, including base plates and sills
2p √ Drawn to scale on at least "A3" size paper and scale noted on drawings
2q √ Scaffold fully and properly dimensioned
2r √ Plan views show complete layout of all horizontal members (Bearers, runners, horiz. Bracing, etc.)
2s √ Elevation views show complete layout of all vertical members (Post, braces, etc.)
2t √ All potential obstructions and interferences (piping, cable trays, platforms, etc.) shown and cleared
2u √ All areas to remain free of scaffold obstruction shown (road, corridors, etc.)
2v √ If stair are used, adequate handrails are provided and detailed
2w √ Note or signature on drawings to show they have been checked for accuracy

Other Information
3a √ Manufacturer's specifications and technical data for materials, planks, fittings, etc., included.
3b √ Name and contact phone numbers for the proponent organization and scaffold erector organization


Package Complete Check: Is the design package complete? Does it includes-
4a Complete Structural steel Calculations
4b Engineering program native files : STAAD, etc.
4c Complete structural steel drawings
4d Filled-up & signed: SA form 9613 (10/01): Scaffold Plan Completeness Checklist
4e Materials test reports
4f Manufacturer's Product specification data

Preparation of Structural Calculations

5a Structural Calculations: Are Calculations performed in accordance with SAES-A-204?
5b Units: Are the calculations done using SI metric or imperial units as required by para. 5 of SAES-A-204?
5c Symbols: Does structural design have the same annotations or nomenclature as required by Para 6 of SAES-A-204?
5d Equations: Are all equations used clear and in accordance with Para.7 of SAES-A-204?
5e Assumptions: Are Assumptions used in an order manner based on required by Para. 8 of SAES-A-204?
5f Parameters: Are the Parameters used justified as required by Para. 9 of SAES-A-204?
General Presentation : Does the Calculation presentation include the items below as para. 10 of SAES-A-204?
5g.1 Name of the Originator
5g.2 Name of the Checker
5g.3 Title which described the contents of the calculations
5g.4 Date of the Calculations
5g.5 Table of Contents
5g.6 Listing of codes and references
5g.7 General description of the structural design methodology
5g.8 Design criteria
5g.9 Load Derivation for all loads
5g.10 Calculations accompanied by sketches
5g.11 Calculations of special connections including splices
5g.12 Others (Specify: ________________________________________________________________________)
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Computer Calculations: Are computer calculations performed in accordance with Para. 11 of SAES-A-204?
5h.1 A soft copy of engineering design program in native file(s). I.e. STAAD, other
5h.2 Computer input data initialed to ensure that it is checked
5h.3 Computer models accompanied by sketches with join and members numbers, supports conditions and loadings
5h.4 Computer output accompanied by the corresponding input
5h.5 Summary of analysis results are provided or extracted from the computer output
5h.6 Others (Specify:_________________________________________________________________________)

STAAD Computer Input & Output: Are the design information below assigned correctly?
5i.1 Consistent Units?
5i.2 Material Properties?
5i.3 Boundary conditions?
5i.4 Primary loads including dead, live & wind?
5i.5 Load combinations based on SA mandatory requirements
5i.6 Design code: i.e.AISC unified, etc.
5i.7 Design method ASD or LRFD
5i.8 Member Kz and Ky (effective length factor along local z and y axes)?
5i.9 Member Lz and Ly (length to calculate slenderness ratio for buckling about local z and y axes)?
5i.10 Member UNL (Unsupported length for calculating flexural strength)
5i.11 Analysis results are checked against errors, warnings, member failure, drift, deflection, etc.
5i.12 Others (Specifiy:________________________________________________________________________)

Structural Design
6a Design Objective : Is the design objective clearly described?
6b Design Methodology: Is the design methodology clearly described and easy to understand?
6c Design Codes & References: Are all replicable codes & reference listed?

Design Requirement: Are the design requirements of ASSDC Correctly used in the design?
6d.1 Flexural Members : 4L + D
6d.2 Compression Members 4(L + D)
6e Design Loads: Are all design loads been specified and derived?
6f Scaffold load rating : Is the scaffold system load rating specified?

Material Specifications: Are scaffold system materials and grades in accordance with Para. 2.4.2 of CSM-II-2?
6g.1 Structural steel tubes
6g.2 Structural steel couplers
6g.3 Wood Planks
6g.4 Manufacturer's Specification Data: (E.g. Plywood, Primary/secondary beams, etc.)
6g.5 Others (Specifiy:_________________________________________________________________________)

Manual Calculations: Are manual calculations for critical members included in the design package?
6h.1 Design of platform
6h.2 Design of bearer (transom/intermediate transom)
6h.3 Design of runner (Ledger)
6h.4 Design of critical post
6h.5 Design of coupler (Capacity check)
6h.6 Design of ladder beam
6h.7 Design of post supporting ladder beam
6h.8 Design of splice
6h.9 Design of lateral tie-back
6h.10 Design of bracing (Horizontal and vertical-trans and long) against wind load
6h.11 Design of plywood (Formworks)
6h.12 Design of secondary beam (Formworks)
6h.13 Design of Primary beam (Formworks)
6h.14 Design of adjustable base jack (With of w/o sill (Sole board) - Capacity check
6h.15 Design of Baseplate (with or w/o sill (Sole board))
6h.16 Check for bearing (soil etc.)
6h.17 Check for existing support structure (to carry the proposed scaffolds).
6h.18 Additional Info (Specify:__________________________________________________________________)

Structural Drawings
7a Scaffold drawings: Are adequate plans, elevations and sections details provided on the drawings?
7b Scaffold details: Are all structural design information reflected and properly represented on drawings?

Connections: Are the connection details per below items submitted as part of the design package?
7c.1 Are splices (Post or/and beams) locations shown on the drawings?
7c.2 Are splices Post or/and Beams) locations shown on the drawings?
7c.3 Are splices details shown on design drawings
7c.4 Others (Specify:________________________________________________________________________)

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Design Preparation and Check

8a Competent Preparer: Is the package prepared by competent preparer (Including calculations & drawings)?
8b Competent Checker: Is the package checked by competent checker (Including calculations & drawings)?

Design Reference: Are all reference documents listed below used in the package (Including required version)
9a SAES-A-204 - Preparation of Structural Calculations
9b ASSDC - Access Scaffolding Structural Design Criteria
9c CSM - Construction Safety Manual
9d GI 8.001 - Safety Requirements for Scaffold
9e Other (Specify : SASSH - Saudi Aramco Scaffold Safety Handbook )

The needed information, shown above, has been verified as being contained within this scaffold plan package by:

Scaffolding Contractor Proponent Loss Prevention

Date 3/14/2023
Telephone Number 055 816 1948
Is This scaffold plan complete (Y/N)? Y
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Purpose of this Checklist : To help the scaffold erector, Proponent, and loss prevention verify that the scaffold plan
is complete (contains all necessary information) before it is submitted for Saudi Aramco review. Signature(s) at
bottom of the checklist only indicate that scaffold plan is complete and ready for review. Signature(s) do not indicate
that the scaffold plan is correct or otherwise approved for erection.

Scaffold over 12.2 meters (40feet) Tall: Scaffold Erector's representative shall complete section "A" and sign at
the bottom of checklist confirming that scaffold plan is complete, before submittal of scaffold plan (with checklist
attached) to the proponent. Proponent shall verify scaffold plan is complete and sign at bottom, before submittal to
the Area Loss Prevention Division (ALPD) for review. ALPD review is required for all scaffolds over 12.2m (40 ft.) TALL
and for special scaffolds.

Special Scaffolds, Including Scaffold over 38 m (125 ft.) tall: Scaffold Erector's representative shall complete
both sections "A" and "B". Proponent shall verify both sections before submittal of scaffold plan to ALPD. For Special
Scaffolds, review of scaffold plan by Consulting Services Department (CSD), Civil Engineering Units is required, after
review by ALPD is complete

Scaffold Drawings:
2a) Height of scaffold - height measured from the foundation to the uppermost (highest) platform.
2b) Length of scaffold - measured between the extreme posts (standards) along the runners (ledgers).
Width of scaffold - measured between the outside and inside posts (standards) along the bearers (putlog or
transom) or at right angles to the runners (ledgers).
2c) Type of scaffold:
* Tube and coupler
System, with manufacturer's brand name noted (e.g., typical system scaffolds used in Saudi Aramco include
SGB "Cuplock", SSF "Kwikstage", and layher "Allround").
2d) Each scaffold must have a Load Rating, as follows
* Light Duty - maximum uniformly distributed load on the platform shall not exceed 120 kg/m2 (25 psf)
Commonly used for inspection, painting, access and light cleaning.
* Medium duty - Maximum uniformly distributed load on the platform shall not exceed 240 kg/m2 (50 psf)
Used when light materials are deposited on the platforms.
* Special duty - Maximum uniformly distributed load on the platform exceeds 240 kg/m2 (50 psf). Used
when scaffold is required to carry heavy loads, such as masonry, piping or equipment.
2e) Maximum total weight (Personnel, equipment, tools, materials, etc.,) that each platform needs to support.
2f) The maximum, total number of levels that will be planked or decked at one time.
2g) The maximum number of platforms that will be in use by workmen at one time (working levels).
2h) Diameter and wall thickness of tubing to be used, tubing material specification (i.e., ASTM, BS) and minimum
specified yield stress (Fy) noted.
2i) Planking or scaffold deck (fabricated) type, size, and material specification.
2k) Are locations and spacing for all posts (standards), bearers (putlog transoms), and runners (ledgers) clearly
shown on the drawing(s)?
2l) Are all attachments or ties to buildings or structures clearly shown and detailed on the drawing(s)?
2m) Are ladders, stair, or other access to all working levels clearly shown on the drawing(s)?
2n) Are guardrail (top-rail, mid-rail, and toeboard) locations, dimensions, and sizes clearly shown?
2o) Are foundations and other supports, including base plates and sills, fully detailed?
2p) Are drawings drawn to scale on at lease size "A3" paper (297 x 420 mm) and the scale noted?
2q) Are complete dimensions shown to fully locate all scaffold components?
2t) Are all potential obstructions and interferences clearly shown? Will they prevent the construction of the scaffold
exactly as shown? In most cases, this will require as site visit to confirm.
2u Have areas that should remain free of scaffold obstructions, such as roads, corridors and excavations, been
adequately considered? May require a site visit to verify.
3a) Are Specifications, technical data, brochures or other manufacturer's information for scaffold components and
fittings included in the submittal package?
Special scaffold: either: (a) higher than 38m (125 ft.) or exceeds the maximum height limits in section 9.11 of the
Saudi Aramco Scaffold Safety handbook; (b) cantilevered by more than 3 m (10 ft.); © over 30 square meters
(320 sq. ft.) total platform area and supported by or hung from an existing structure or building (e.g.. Roof, pipe,
rack, offshore platform); (d) supporting loads greater than 240kg/sq.m (50 psf), including piping, equipment,
masonry, new or existing structures, or loads other than workers and their material; (e ) supported by or hung from
one or more outrigger beams; or (f) supported by or hung from wind girders or roofs of floating roof tanks.


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