SA Scaffold Summary

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The key takeaways are the summarized scaffold requirements for Saudi Aramco outlined in the document.

The document outlines the minimum administrative requirements for the safe design, erection, supervision, inspection, alteration, and dismantling of scaffolds according to Saudi Aramco standards.

According to the document, a scaffold inspector is responsible for identifying scaffold hazards, verifying compliance with safety standards, and recording inspection results.

SA Scaffold Summary

Summarized Requirements Of Scaffold Work, In Saudi Aramco

Abu Abbas
7 Dec, 2018
For any suggestion, rectification, clarification or obtaining a copy of this material, contact on [email protected]
whatsapp +923335027622
About The Document:
This document contains the summarised information on scaffold requirements of Saudi Aramco. It is not an official
document of Saudi Aramco. Information is collected from latest available resources, on the purpose of “Easy To
It is not solely designed for Scaffold Supervisor/Inspector Test, but may help in this regard. This document can
be utilised by HSE professionals, auditors and scaffold craftsman to improve on ground competency level.

In need of your prayers

Abu Abbas
07th Dec, 2018
[email protected]

Unless not mentioned, the material is collected from;
 G.I 8.001 “Safety Requirements For Scaffold” (issued on: 12/11/2016) {in this document, mentioned as “GI”}
 Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual (revised on: 07/25/2017) {in this document, mentioned as “CSM”}
 Saudi Aramco (SA) Scaffold Safety Handbook (revised: July 2003) {in this document, mentioned as “SASSH”}

Document History

The document will be updated if a change/update of SA standard is obtained, or on response for addition/rectification.

Initial 00 07th Dec, 2018

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Group “HSE Notebook @ FIST”

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By Questions And Answers
1. Which GI governs/related-to scaffolding work?
Which is the GI for scaffolding work?
The GI 8.001
2. What GI 8.001 states?
What is mentioned in GI 8.001?
 The GI 8.001, under the title of “Safety Requirements for Scaffold”, provide/states Minimum Administrative
Requirements for the safe design, erection, supervision, inspection, alteration, and dismantling of Stationary
and Mobile Scaffold with fixed platform heights.
 This GI contains minimum administrative requirements for safe scaffold works in SA (Saudi Aramco) areas.
3. Where GI 8.001 is applicable/applied?
Applied to Scaffolds erected by contractors or SA department, anywhere in SA’s area of scope.
4. Who is the issuing authority/organization of GI 8.001?
“General Instruction Manual” 8.001 “Safety Requirements For Scaffold” is issued by Loss Prevention
Department of Saudi Aramco.
5. What is Scaffold Field Inspection Checklist?
It is a checklist with minimum requirements for field inspection of various types of Scaffolds.
6. What, Scaffold Inspector is supposed to do?
What are the Responsibilities of a Scaffold Inspector?
Identify Scaffold Hazards, Verify Compliance with applied standard (SA Standard) and Record Inspection Results.
7. Who is Scaffold Supervisor?
 SA certified, full-time employee (of scaffold erector) having authority, training and experience necessary to
competently direct and do immediate supervision of craftsman, perform Scaffold work and also he verify
compliance with applicable standard.
 SA Certified Person who is immediate supervisor of craftsman (workmen/scaffolders) performing erection,
altering or dismantling scaffold, as per applicable standard.
8. What is Scaffold Plan?
It is a scaffold design/layout package consists of drawings, design loads, scaffold material specifications and size,
manufacturer’s technical data for couplers and fittings and structural calculations required for “special
scaffolds” or when requested by SA for other Scaffolds.
9. What is a Scaffold Plan Completeness Check List?
It is a check list (SA Form 9613) for verifying completeness of information required for Scaffold Plan.
{This checklist shows all things need to be completed, when submitting “Scaffold Plan”}
10. When a Scaffold Plan Is Required?
“Scaffold Plan” is required for all scaffolds over 12.2m (40ft) in height, for all “Special Scaffolds” or for any other
scaffold as required by the Loss Prevention Department (LPD).
11. What is the purpose of Scaffold Tags?
Why Scaffold Tags are used?
What is the purpose of using Scaffold Tags?
 Scaffold Tags are use to communicate with end user of the scaffold. Tags informs about the status of
scaffold to those, want to use scaffold, and all other having concern with job and/or site safety. By using
tags of different colours, it is made clear to all that a particular scaffold is complete and inspected (was safe
to use at time of inspection), need special requirements (i.e. of Full Body Harness) to use it or it is unsafe
and no one is allowed to use the scaffold (except scaffold craftsman).
 Scaffold card are used to “indicate” the status of scaffold that it is safe to use or not, or can be used only
wearing and properly anchoring (tie-off) full body harness.
12. What are different Tags used in Saudi Aramco, and their SAP Material Numbers?
Describe/name different Tags used in Saudi Aramco:
Tags of Three different colours are used In Saudi Aramco Scaffold Tag System
 Red Scaffold Tag, SAP Material # 1000123277 (also it is Holder for other Tags)
 Green Scaffold Tag, SAP Material # 1000123290
 Yellow Scaffold Tag, SAP Material # 1000123293

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13. What does Red Tag mean?
Read Tag means that, the scaffold is unsafe to use. Nobody is allowed to use Red Tag Scaffold, except Scaffold
Craftsman (Scaffolder), to perform erection, dismantling or alteration of the scaffold.
A Scaffold can be Red Tagged, because;
 It is under erection, dismantling or alteration
 It is not inspected yet or inspection date is expired
 Have any other Safety concern, or scaffold is no-more required and is ready or dismantling
14. What Green Tag shows/indicates?
A Green Tag shows that, the scaffold is complete and has been inspected, and was found safe to use at the time
of inspection.
15. What Yellow Tag indicates?
Yellow Tag indicates that Scaffold has been inspected and can be used by the workers, only when wearing
properly anchored Fall Arrest System, including Full Body Harness and Lanyard.
16. When/Why/Where Yellow Tag is used?
Yellow Tag is used on those Scaffolds, where the Fall Protection (Guardrail) cannot be completely erected
and/or the Platform Unit (Boards/Planks) cannot be completely decked (Opening in Platform).
These things can only be, by genuine reason (e.g. Pipe Passing through Platform), a Yellow Scaffold Tag
does not permit (allow) intentional erection or use of an incomplete scaffold. Foundation, Load bearing Tubes,
braces and couplers, all must be proper and as per standard, no compromise on stability and Structure of
17. Does a Green/Yellow Tag is enough to use a scaffold?
No, a pre-use inspection, shall be conducted, prior to the first use on each shift.
18. Is green tag scaffold is always safe to use?
No, a green Tag does not mean that scaffold is always safe to use, it states/indicates that scaffold was found
safe to be used at the time of Inspection. Any modification can lead to endanger the scaffold stability and/or
Therefore User Inspection Checklist and Periodic Inspection system is in-place (used), and users are
instructed to not alter any scaffold.
19. What is a User Inspection Checklist?
A Checklist, to assist users of a Scaffold and work Permit Issuer/Receiver, in performing a Pre-Use Safety
Inspection. It is printed on Backside of Green and Yellow Scaffold Tags.
It shows few major points about scaffold, to be observed, before using the Scaffold. These points are considered
essential for user safety and are prone to change (mostly changed) by users of scaffold.
20. Who is Scaffold Erector?
Scaffold Erector is the Organization (Company) for the proper design, erection, alteration, and dismantling of
the scaffold. It can be a SA maintenance organization or an outside contractor.
21. Who is Specialized Scaffold Contractor?
An approved contractor Scaffold Erector (company or a division/unit of the company), that specializes in, and
performs all phases of scaffold design and erection, as his sole business.
22. What is structural alteration?
Any change in the frame configuration of the Structural Elements (used to carry load or for stability) of an
existing scaffold. e.g. any change in Ledger or Post.
23. Is the GI is only reference to follow in Scaffold erection?
Is the GI is only set of rules to follow in scaffold erection?
In addition to GI 8.001, Chapter II-2, II-5 and II-6 of CSM, are to be followed, unless it is categorised as special
Scaffold. (Part 2, chapter 2 Scaffolding, chapter 5 Fall Protection, chapter 6 Concrete Construction)
24. Does Scaffold of any height is to be in compliance with GI 8.001?
Up to which height of a scaffold, GI 8.001 rules are not applied?
Scaffold less than 1.8m (6 ft) is exempted/free from GI 8.001 requirements.
25. Who will deal Scaffold over 12.2m (40ft)?
What is the requirement for a Scaffold over 12.2m (40ft)?
Special Scaffold and Scaffold over 12.2m (40ft) tall shall be designed, erected, altered, inspected and dismantled
by SA approved Special Scaffold Contractors.
26. Who will prepare Scaffold Plan?
(To be prepared by) Specialized Scaffolding Contractor.
27. Who will sign and verify the design of a Special Scaffold, before submitting to Proponent, for review?
Design must be checked and verified by Degree Structural Engineer.
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28. What else should be calculated by Degree Structural Engineer?
Support Reaction (including wind speed), on a supporting structure, should be calculated by Degreed Engineer.
29. Can Specialized Scaffold Contractor (SSC), prepare and approve his own plan and calculations, before
submitting to proponent?
No, SSC shall utilize an independent AS approved General Engineering Services (GES) design consultant or the
structural engineering group of the project, Lump Sum Turnkey (LSTK) contractor, to prepare or review and
approve it.
30. What should/will Proponent do before submitting/forwarding Scaffold Plan to LPD, for approval?
The proponent will review Scaffold Plan for completeness and verify that Scaffold meets job functionality,
access and clearance requirements prior to submitting the scaffold plan for review by the LPD.
In case of Special Scaffold supported by existing structure, the proponent’s designated engineering Organization
(is responsible for.) will also conform the adequacy of the existing structure to support the Scaffold Loads,
including wind load and for ensuring that all necessary precautions (e.g. Shoring) are taken, prior to submitting
the plan for review by LPD.
{Proponent will submit to Local Area Loss Prevention Division (ALPD), means local officers of LPD}
31. When a scaffold plan is required, when it should be submitted to ALPD?
When a scaffold plan is required, proponent shall submit complete plan to ALPD as:
 Two weeks, before erection of scaffold
 Four weeks, for special scaffold, before erection of scaffold
32. When a plan is complete and no rework is required, within how many days ALPD should accept the plan?
When no rework is required, plan shall be accepted with one week, after submittal (i.e. after receiving from
33. What proponent will do with a plan of special scaffold which is reviewed and reworked by ALPD?
Proponent will submit (another) plan to CSD, after review and rework of ALPD.
34. What is the role of CSD in Scaffold Plan?
CSD Civil Engineering Unit Will performs a structural engineering review of the Scaffold Plan for Special Scaffold,
submitted by Proponent, after review and rework of ALPD.
35. Within how many days CSD will approve a plan?
If information is complete and no rework is required, CSD will approve plan of special scaffold within two weeks
from the day it is received from proponent.
36. What should be done with a Scaffold Plan after it is accepted by CSD?
A copy of the final, accepted Scaffold Plan shall be sent to ALPD and the Proponent should file it for use as a
model Scaffold Plan for similar jobs in the future.

37. What should be checked before starting scaffolding erection?
 The area should be checked (Job site should be surveyed) to mitigate/reduce potential hazard, such as
Debris, overhead power lines, electric cables, excavations, roads, etc.
 For Scaffold requiring Scaffold Plan, ALPD reviewed Plan must be available.
 Scaffold Material shall be checked for defects and to ensure that they meet all SA requirements.
38. Who should do site survey, before erecting Scaffold?
Proponent representative (i.e. work permit Issuer) and Scaffold Supervisor.
39. What should be done with material that is defective or does not comply with SA requirements?
Any material which is damaged, weakened or not meets the applicable codes and standards, shall be marked
with Bright Fluorescent Orange paint and immediately removed from SA properties.
Such material should be destroyed to make sure, it cannot be reused on any other SA facility or project site.
40. Who is responsible/authorise to give direction to erect, alter and dismantle Scaffold on SA site/project?
Scaffold Supervisor (employed by the Scaffold erector)

Initial Installation And Tagging

41. Who can use red tag scaffold?
Only Scaffold Crafts-Man (Scaffolder) can use a Red Tag Scaffold.
42. When a Red Tag Scaffold can be used?
Red Tag Scaffold can only be used by Scaffold Craftsman for the Purpose of Erection, Dismantling, Alteration or
Correcting Scaffold Deficiencies.

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43. What shall be done with a scaffold, once its erection is complete?
What scaffold supervisor shall do, when a scaffold is erected?
The scaffold supervisor shall inspect the scaffold personally and complete and sign the applicable “Scaffold Field
Inspection Checklist”. After that he will fill Green or Yellow Tag and Insert in Scaffold Tag Holder or handover to
Scaffold Inspector as applicable.
44. What shall scaffold Inspector do with signed tag given to him by Scaffold Supervisor?
He will inspect the scaffold personally and fill appropriate “Scaffold Field Inspection Checklist”. If find complying
with standard and safe, he will sign in his section, put/write next inspection date and insert the tag into the
scaffold tag holder.
45. Scaffold Supervisor and Inspector can fill/use one “Scaffold Field Inspection Checklist”?
No, both have to fill separate Checklist.
(Supervisor will fill one Checklist, when inspecting/checking scaffold and when inspector will inspect that
scaffold, he will use another/new/separate checklist.)
46. Which scaffold needs only supervisor inspection?
Scaffold Supervisor can sign which scaffold tag, solely?
Supervisor 1 can insert tag with only his sign in:-
Scaffolds those need only scaffold supervisors (1) sign are:-
Any Scaffold equal to or less then 6m (20ft) and are not Special Scaffolds.
47. What is required to be written on Scaffold Tag?
Location, Load duty of Scaffold (tick only), Number of Planked Levels and Levels allowed to be used on single
time, Sign and Certificate number of Supervisor and inspector (when applicable for inspector) and date of next
inspection. Moreover green or yellow tag must contain (handwritten) ID number, similar as written on red
48. Is Scaffold Supervisor is only responsible to direct Scaffold erection, altering and dismantling?
What is another major responsibility of a Scaffold Supervisor, other than directing Scaffold Craftsman for
Scaffold erection, altering and dismantling?
He is also responsible to make sure that PPE including Personal Fall Arrest equipment/System is used by his
Scaffold Craftsman, in accordance with SA requirements.
49. Is Full Body Harness is required for Scaffold Craftsman while erecting, altering or dismantling scaffold?
What is fall protection requirement for Scaffold Craftsman?
Each Scaffold Craftsman shall continuously wear a full body harness with a shock-absorbing lanyard wile
erecting, altering or dismantling a scaffold, at 1.8m height and greater, if not protected by guardrail.
50. Where should a scaffold craftsman tie his lanyard?
Can scaffold craftsman tie his lanyard with scaffold?
Scaffold craftsman shall anchor his lanyard to scaffold, only if a strong anchor point (Lifeline) is not available.
51. When a Red Tag shall be used on a scaffold?
When to install Red Tag on a scaffold?
During the entire time, a scaffold is being erected, altered, repaired or dismantled, a Red “Do Not Use” Scaffold
Tag shall be continuously attached to the scaffold at each point of access and must be remain until supervisor
(and Inspector) did not inspect the scaffold and insert green or Yellow Tag.
* During initial erection of scaffold, Red Tag is installed on completing/erection-of first lift.
52. What is the proper way to attach a Red Tag (Tag Holder) with a Scaffold?
It shall be attached to the scaffold by placing a scaffold tube through the hole in the holder and shall not be tied
to scaffold by using wire, string, clamps, etc.
53. What is the maximum limit for next inspection date?
After how long a scaffold must be re inspected?
After the date of initial inspection, the next inspection date shall not be more than Two weeks.
54. What the supervisor will do after inspecting a scaffold which is more than 6m (20ft) in height?
What the supervisor will do when he inspect and sign tag for a scaffold of more than 6m high?
He will hand-over his signed tag to scaffold inspector.
55. Which scaffold other then higher then 20ft, needs scaffold inspectors inspection?
Any Special Scaffold, even not higher then 20ft (6m).
56. Can a Scaffold Supervisor also inspect the same scaffold as a Scaffold Inspector, when he has both
Scaffold Supervisor and Inspector can be one person for a Scaffold?
No, One person, even posses/have both certifications, cannot inspect a scaffold both as Supervisor and
Inspector. (A person can only sign/inspect for one position, only for Supervisor or Inspector.)

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57. Who will write “Next Inspection Date” on the scaffold tag, which have to contain Supervisor’s and Inspector’s
Scaffold Inspector shall write “Next Inspection Date”, in such scaffold cards.
* When inspector's sign is not required (i.e. scaffold is not special or less than 6 m in height), scaffold supervisor
will write date of next inspection and insert the tag in holder.
58. Who will insert Green or Yellow Tag for Special Scaffold or for Scaffold over 20ft (6m)?
Who will insert Green or Yellow Tag which have to contain Supervisor’s and Inspector’s Signs?
Scaffold Inspector.
59. What Scaffold Supervisor and Inspector shall do with the filled and signed “Scaffold Field Inspection
The signed “Scaffold Field Inspection Checklists” Shall be submitted to Work Permit Issuer’s unit or SA Project
Site Office (as applicable).
60. For how long a “Scaffold Field Inspection Checklist” shall be kept in record, with issuer’s unit or with SA
Project Site Office?
Until the Scaffold has been dismantled. (During the entire life of scaffold).
61. Can a scaffold over 6m, be used after Scaffold Supervisor Sign, while Inspector Inspection/sign is still
Can we use scaffold with tag signed by scaffold supervisor only, when height of scaffold is more than 6m?
No, Inspection and Signed Tag from both Scaffold Supervisor and Inspector are required to use such scaffold.
62. Which tag will be used when a scaffold have missing structural member (e.g. Bearer, runner post or Brace)?
Such scaffold cannot be tagged, other than red.
63. When Yellow Tag will be installed?
Yellow Tag will be used on a scaffold with/having platform or guardrail, physically cannot be completely erected.
(i.e. interference with equipment or structure prevents complete installation of Guardrail or Planks).
64. Does Yellow Tag permits intentional erection/use of incomplete scaffold?
No, Yellow Tag does not allow intentional erection/use of incomplete Scaffold.
65. Are Scaffold Supervisor or Inspector are responsible for the Safety of Scaffold’s entire Life?
 No, they are not responsible/accountable if other alters, without their knowledge, a scaffold with a scaffold
tag they previously sign.
 No, they are not responsible if someone alter/make-change in scaffold without their knowledge and
66. What will be the ID number on Green/Yellow Tag?
The Hand Written Scaffold ID (identification) number on Green/Yellow Tag shall match/same-as the ID number
Printed on the Scaffold Tag Holder (Red Tag).
67. Scaffold Tag can be used on any other Scaffold?
No, The Tag cannot be used for any other scaffold, until dismantling of the scaffold for which it is written.
68. Green and Yellow cards can be reused?
No, they cannot be reused (i.e. “white outing” previous signatures and inspection dates, is not allowed).
69. Who is allowed to alter or repair any part of an existing scaffold?
Scaffold craftsman, under direction of supervisor, who originally erect the scaffold, can repair or alter a part of
any existing scaffold, including guardrails, planks and ladders.
70. Does every access need tag to be installed?
Is tag required on every access?
Yes, every scaffold access must have Red, Green or Yellow Tag (Similar/same on all access points).
71. Does altered scaffold need re-inspection before reuse?
Yes, the altered/modified scaffold must be re-inspected along with filling of “Scaffold Field Inspection Checklist”,
by scaffold supervisor (if applicable, also by inspector) and newly signed tag shall be inserted.
72. Anyone can do/make alteration in a scaffold?
No, alteration shall only be done under direction of scaffold supervisor, who originally supervise/direct erection
of the scaffold.
73. After first/initial inspection, when a scaffold shall be re-inspected?
At least after every two weeks, a scaffold shall be re-inspected.
74. What is the purpose of re-inspection at every two weeks?
 This bi-weekly inspection is performed to revalidate/re-check the integrity of the scaffold
 To determine that, is the scaffold has been altered or otherwise become unsafe, or is still safe to use
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75. What if scaffold is found unsafe in bi-weekly inspection?
Green or Yellow Tag must be removed and “Do Not Use” (Red Tag) shall be made visible.
76. Who will conduct the pre-use inspection?
The immediate supervisor of the workers those will use the scaffold (usually Work Permit Receiver and the
issuer/designated representative) shall perform this pre-use inspection of the scaffold.
77. What is the purpose of pre-use inspection?
This pre-use inspection is to ensure that the scaffold has not been improperly altered, that no major safety
defects are present and that green/yellow scaffold tag is in place and still valid (inspection date is not passed).
78. Is there any checklist for this pre-use inspection of scaffold?
Yes, the “Scaffold User’s Safety Checklist” on the reverse side of the green and yellow scaffold tags, should be
used to assist in this pre-use inspection.
79. If during the pre-use inspection or any other time during work, it is found that scaffold is unsafe or tag is no-
more/not valid; who can remove tag and what he should do?
Any person, who find any defeasance, can remove tag and shall immediately inform Work Permit Issuer or
Proponent. All work requiring use of that scaffold shall be stopped, until corrective action is taken.
80. What are the conditions, when only scaffold craftsman will be allowed to work on scaffold (permit can be
issued), which fails pre-use inspection?
When scaffold is found unsafe during pre-use inspection, permit can be issued for scaffold craftsman, to work
on scaffold, only to rectify/correct any defeasance.
81. What shall be written on the permit which allows a crew to work on yellow tag scaffold?
The issuer shall note/wrote on the work permit that, use of a personal fall arrest system, including properly
anchoring lanyard, is required at all times by anyone, while on (when using) the scaffold.
82. What shall be done, when scaffold’s intended use is complete and it is conformed that no other
workers/work need to use the scaffold?
The green/yellow tag must be removed and scaffold must be tagged red, and to be dismantled as soon as
83. What shall be considered while dismantling a scaffold?
Dismantling of the scaffold shall be planed, orderly and performed level by level from top to bottom. Section
above Ties or Guys will be completely removed, before removing tie or guy. Scaffold components, tools and
fittings shall be lowered to the ground in an orderly manner by rope, etc. and not thrown down. Material must
be inspected, returned and properly stored at designated storage location immediately after the scaffold is
84. What is role of CSD in scaffold plans?
Consulting Services Department is responsible for conducting structural engineering reviews of scaffold plans
including design calculations, for all “special scaffolds”.
85. What is the role of T&D?
Training and Developing section is responsible for providing scaffold training coursed for Saudi Aramco employs
and administering SA certified Scaffold Supervisor and certified Scaffold Inspector Certification tests and issuing
certification card to SA and contractor employs, who pass the test.
86. What is the role of LPD in a scaffold plan?
Loss Prevention Department through its area offices, conduct reviews of scaffold plan for completeness and for
conformance to SA’s Safety requirements.
LPD also conducts random field compliance review of scaffold.
87. What are the major responsibilities of Proponent?
Ensure that all requirements of GI 8.001 are strictly followed. Establish an issuing process for holders,
inserts/tags and pens. Conforming the structural adequacy of any existing structure used to support a scaffold
and its intended load and ensure that all necessary precautions (e.g. shoring) are taken.
Maintaining communication in written with work permit issuer and to scaffold erector, the name of
certified and allowed supervisor and inspector.
88. With reference to height, when a scaffold will be considered a Special Scaffold?
In height, Scaffold will become special when it is above 38m (but Plan is required above 12.2m,
Plan will be approved by GES or LSTK). In addition to plan, approved engineering drawing is required for
construction of such scaffolds.

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89. What are the types/categories in SA scaffold certifications?
What are the types of performance tests in SA?
The certifications are:
 Scaffold Supervisor 1 (S-1)
 Scaffold Supervisor 2 (S-2T)
 Scaffold Supervisor 2 (S-2S)
 Scaffold Inspector (I)
90. What are limitations in different scaffolding certifications?
What are the responsibilities of each scaffolding certification holder?
Describe responsibilities of each certified person?
 Scaffold Supervisor 1 (S-1) commonly called as S 1, can supervise, inspect and sign tag for all scaffolds,
including special scaffold.
 Scaffold Supervisor II-T; can supervise, inspect, and sign scaffold tags for only Tube and Coupler Scaffolds
less than 12.2 m (40 ft) tall, excluding special scaffold.
 Scaffold Supervisor II-S; can supervise, inspect, and sign scaffold tags for only System Scaffolds or Fabricated
Tubular Frame Scaffolds (including tubular bracing and tie-ins) less than 12.2 m (40 ft) tall, excluding special
 Scaffold Inspector (I), can inspect and sign scaffold tags for all scaffold, including special scaffold.
91. What is a special scaffold?
When a scaffold will be called as “special scaffold”?
A scaffold will be called/classed as “Special Scaffold”, when it meets any one or more of conditions mentioned
 Any scaffold over 38 m (125 ft)
 A tube and coupler scaffold which exceeds the maximum limits in SA CSM Chapter 2-2 Scaffolding (as in
Table 1, below)
 Any scaffold cantilevered (exceeded outward) by more than 3 m (10 ft)
 Any scaffold (except tank bracket scaffolds) with a total platform over 30 square meters (320 sq ft) that is
supported by or hung from an existing structure, or is within 3 m (10 ft) of any other scaffold supported by
or hung from the same structure
 Any access scaffold also supporting loads greater than 240 kg/m2 (50 psf), including piping, equipment,
masonry, new or existing structures, or loads other than workers and their materials
 Formwork shoring constructed of scaffold material supporting elevated concrete slabs/decks more than 100
mm (4 in)
 Any scaffold supported by or hung from wind girders or roof of floating roof tank
 Supported by or hung from one or more outrigger beams (SASSH)
Simply: A Scaffold is a Special Scaffold when it is:
 Over 38 m
 Cantilevered more than 3 m
 More than 30 m2 hung/supported platform, or supported from same structure within 3 m of such scaffold
 Designed to support more than 240 kg/m2
 Supporting concrete of more than 100 mm
 Supported by or hung from wind girders or roof of floating roof tank
 Supported by or hung from one or more outrigger beams (SASSH)
 Tube and coupler scaffold having platform more than as (described in CSM) mentioned below:
Table 1
Light Duty Tube and Coupler Scaffold
Maximum Number Of Working Level Maximum Total Number Maximum Scaffold Height
Planked/Platform Levels
1 9 38 m (125 ft)
2 6 38 m (125 ft)
3 3 28 m (91 ft)
Medium Duty Tube and Coupler Scaffold
1 7 38 m (125 ft)
2 2 24 m (78 ft)

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(As per SASSH & CSM)
 Hot Surface: Is the surface of a structure or equipment that is hotter than 70C (160F)
 Work on scaffold, roof or other temporary elevated work areas, is not allowed during sustained winds of more
than 65 Kph (40 mph), storms and lightning
 Every scaffold and scaffold component shall be capable of supporting without failure, its own weight (dead load)
and at least 4 times the maximum intended load (live load)(D + 4L)
 Post (standard) shall be capable of supporting, without failure, four times all gravity loads (i.e. 4D+4L)
 Light-duty scaffold supports; uniformly distributed maximum intended load of 120 Kg/m2 (1.2 kN/m2)(25
 Medium-duty scaffold supports; uniformly distributed maximum intended load of 240 Kg/m2 (2.4 kN/m2)(50
 Special-duty scaffold is designed to supports; uniformly distributed maximum intended loads of greater than
240 Kg/m2 (2.4 kN/m2)(50 lb/ft2)
Tubes and Fittings:
 Scaffold tubing shall be of 48.3 mm (1.9 in) nominal outer diameter
 2 lengths, from 500 lengths are required to mechanically tested, as per ASTM A370 or EN 10002-1
Marking Requirements On Tubes:
 The marking interval on the tube shall not exceed 1.5 m (5 ft)
 Depth of embossed character shall be at least 0.2 mm (0.008 in)
 Height of character shall ne minimum 4 mm (0.16 in)
Couplers And Fittings:
 Applied loads (un-factored) on a coupler shall be less than 40 % of the rated SWL (to ensure a safety factor of 4)
 Scaffold coupler shall be tightened to the torque as indicated by the manufacturer, preferable between 4 Kg-m
(40 N-m) (30 ft-lbs) and 8 Kg-m (80 N-m) (60 ft-lbs)
 Safe working load (slip along the tube) of right-angle (double) coupler (EN74, Class A) is 6.3 kN (630 Kg)(1415 lb)
 Safe working load (slip along the tube) of adjustable (swivel) coupler (EN74,Class A) is 5.3 kN (530 Kg)(1190 lb)
o Class B, of both couplers have SWL of 9.4 kN (940 Kg (2100 lb))
 Bearer (putlog/single) coupler’s SWL (force to pull the tube axially out of the coupler) is 0.53 kN (53 Kg (120 lb))
 End-to-end (sleeve) (type B) coupler’s SWL for Tension is 3.0 kN (300 Kg (675 lb)) and for Bending is 0.59 kN/m
(435 lb/ft (59 Kg)
 Joint-pin SWL against Tension is 0 kN (it cannot withstand against tension load), however, it can withstand a
compression load of similar as a scaffold tube/post
 Solid sawn timber planks shall be of solid sawn timber, and may be either of following dimensions(size);
o 2 × 10 in, nominal
o 2 × 9 in, rough
o 38 mm × 225 mm, basic or
o 50 mm × 225 mm basic
 LVL planks shall measure 38 mm (1 ½ in) thick by 225 mm (9 in) wide, or larger
 LVL scaffold planks shall have an allowable span at least 1.8 m (6 ft) for the three-man concentrated load case
(as shown in Figure 2.10 of CSM & SASSH Table II.9.3)
 Fabricated metal planks and platform span shall be able to support, without failure, the platform unit’s own
weight and at least 4 (four) times the 1-man and 2-man concentrated load case as shown in Figure 2.10 of CSM
 Plank ends shall not be split more than 25 mm (1 in) without metal banding
 Plank ends shall not be split over 300 mm (12 in), even with banding
 Plank ends shall not be twisted from end-to-end or curled from side to side, more than 13 mm (½ in)
 When height of a stack exceeds 20 planks, measures shall be taken to tie or bond succeeding layers
 Timber sill (sole board); at least 225 mm (9 in) wide by 38 mm (1-½in) thick
 Sill shall extend under two (2) posts, when not practicable, sill for one post shall be at least 765 mm (30 in) long
 Size of base plate; 6 × 6 in (150 × 150 mm) and ¼ in (6 mm) thick
 Screw jack shall not be adjusted to more than 2/3 of the total length of the threaded section
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Structure (Frame):
 When a bearer is coupled to a supporting runner, the coupler (joint) shall be as close as possible to post, not in
access of 300 mm (12 in)
 Bearers, including board bearers, shall extend at least 100 mm (4 in) beyond the centerline of runner and shall
provided full contact with the coupler
 The lowest runners and bearers (base lift) shall be located approximately 150 mm (6 in) above the scaffold base
(except where this is not possible)
 When end-to-end (sleeve) coupler is used for joints in runners or bearers, the joint shall not be located more
than 300 mm (12 in) from post
 When runner bearer joint is more than 300 mm (12 in) from node point, runner or bearer can be joined by end-
to-end (sleeve) coupler and overlapped by 600 mm (24 in) tube, with equally spaced two adjustable (swivel)
couplers with each runner or bearer (minimum total 4 couplers), in this setup, joints shall not be located in
middle third of the runner or bearer span
 Preferably, properly designed system scaffold should be used instead of tube and coupler construction for
scaffolds over 38 m (125 ft) tall
 No lift height shall exceed 2 m (6.5 ft)
Light Duty:
 Light duty tube and coupler scaffold can be of size; {Note 1}
o 1 m (3.25 ft) Transverse and 2.7 m (9 ft) longitudinal (maximum)
o 1.2 m (4 ft) Transverse and 2.4 m (8 ft) longitudinal (maximum)
 The maximum uniformly distributed load on (each) working level shall be 120 Kg/m2 (1.2 kN/m2)(25 lb/ft2)
 Scaffold of 38 m (125 ft), having 9 planked levels, at a time one (1) level can be used *
 Scaffold of 38 m (125 ft), having 6 planked levels, two (2) levels can be used simultaneously (at a time) *
 Scaffold of 28 m (91 ft), having 3 planked levels, all 3 (three) can be used at a single time *
* Crossing any one limit (number of planked or in-use levels, or height), scaffold will be classed Special Scaffold
Medium Duty:
 Maximum allowed transverse post spacing is 1.2 m (4 ft) and maximum allowed longitudinal post spacing is 1.8
m (6 ft) {Note 1}
 The maximum distributed load on (each) working level shall not exceed 240 Kg/m2 (2.4 kN/m2)(50 lb/ft2)
 1 (one) board bearer (intermediate transom) shall be installed in each bay of every platform (planked) level
 For scaffold of 38 m (125 ft) tall, having 7 planked levels, one (1) platform can be used at any single time *
 For scaffold of 24 m (78 ft) tall, having 2 planked levels, both/two (2) can be used simultaneously (at any single
time/same time) *
* Crossing any one limit (number of planked or in-use levels, or height), scaffold will be classed Special Scaffold
Special Duty:
 Any scaffold which is specially designed and constructed to carry maximum intended load greater than 240
Kg/m2 (2.4 kN/m2)(50 lb/ft2)
 Minimum headroom clearance for scaffold platforms and landing shall be 1.8 m (6 ft)
 Minimum headroom clearance above walking/working surface, including stairways (except scaffold), shall be 2
m (6.5 ft)
 The maximum deflection for platform unit shall not exceed 1/60th of the span length, when supporting any
concentrated or uniformly distributed maximum intended load
 Securing of plank in platform, by fiber rope or wire lashing, clamped toeboard, or other equivalent means, is
especially important for planks of length less than 1.8 m (6 ft)
 Ends of planks shall extend beyond the centerline of their end support bearer (transom) by at least 150 mm (6
in) {unless cleated or otherwise restrained by equivalent means}
 End of planks shall not extended beyond the centerline of their end support bearer (transom), more than 300
mm (12 in)
 Planks overlap shall occur only over supports (board bearers) and planks lap lengths shall not be less than 300
mm (12 in)
 Scaffold platforms, landings, and walkways shall be at least 675 mm (27 in)(3 planks) wide, including during
scaffold erection, dismantling and alteration
 Number of planks per 1 m transverse space will be 4, and in 1.2 m, 5 planks can be accumulated (in width)

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Covering Gap:
 Gap between platform units (planks etc.) shall be less than 25 mm (1 in)
 Gaps more than 25 mm (1 in) but less than 50 mm (2 in) wide (where object can fall from these gaps), shall be
covered with properly secured plywood strips or equivalent (e.g. “Uniq-Scaffgap”)
 Gaps more than 50 mm (2 in) but less than 600 mm (2 ft) wide, shall be covered with at least 20 mm (¾ in) thick,
exterior grade plywood
 Plywood (exterior grade plywood) used to cover gapes, shall be overlapped at least the width of gap, but not
less than 300 mm (12 in), on both sides of gape and held in place with cleats
 Gaps larger than 600 mm (2 ft) in width shall be covered with properly secured (not nailed) cross planks
Plank Span:
 The maximum span for solid sawn wood and LVL planks of 38 mm (1 ½ in) to 42 mm (1 ⅝ in) thickness, shall not
exceed 1.5 m (5 ft) {unless mentioned properly by manufacturer {Note 2}
 The maximum span for solid sawn wood and LVL planks of 50 mm (2 in) or more thickness, shall not exceed 2.4
m (8 ft) {unless mentioned properly by manufacturer{Note 1}
 Planks span (of any size 38, 42, or 50 mm) shall not exceed 1.5 m (5 ft) for use in wet applications (e.g. offshore)
Fall Protection:
 Each person who could fall more than 1.8 m (6 ft), shall be protected from fall by a fall protection system
(guardrail or personnel fall arrest system)
 Scaffold erector/craftsman shall properly anchor his lanyard whenever he is not protected by guardrail system
and could fall more than 1.8 m (6 ft)
 Guardrails are required on all open sides and ends of elevated platforms/work-areas, where a person could fall
at 1.8 m (6 ft) or more
 Guardrail (rigid or wire rope) or use of personal fall arrest system is required, when working within 1.8 m (6 ft)
of the edge of a roof (flat or slope), near roof openings, or when working at any location on a roof with a slope
of 1:4 (vertical: horizontal)(25 degrees) or greater
* When working on, over or near water, complete guardrail system shall be provided. Where impractical,
personal fall arrest system shall be used.
 Top edge of top-rail shall be between 0.95 m (38 in)(minimum) and 1.15 m (45 in)(maximum)
 Vertical upright for guardrail shall not be more than 2.5 m (8.2 ft) apart (away/at distance) {Table 2}
 Guardrail system shall be able to withstand 90 Kg (200 lb) force {applied in any downward/horizontal direction
at any point on the toprail or equivalent member}
 Guardrail system or use of personal fall arrest system is required when the horizontal distance from the edge of
elevated work area, scaffold platform or landing to the face of wall or structure exceeds (is more than) 360 mm
(14 in)
* For less distance guardrail is not required, however falling object protection shall be provided by covering
gape by planks, by use of toeboards, by net or any other means
 In bracket scaffold, guardrail system shall be provided on the inside platform edge whenever the gap between
platform and tank exceeds 360 mm (14 in)
 At hoisting area, at least 1.2 m (4 ft) long, complete guardrail system shall be provided (if possible) on each side
of the access point (through which material is hoisted)
 Fall arrest equipment shall limit the maximum arresting force on the user’s body to 818 kg (1800 lb)
 Each part and section, component, of personal fall arrest system, shall be rated and labeled of capacity of at
least 2,268 Kg (5,000 lb) including anchorage (Simply)
o Full body harness and shock-absorbing lanyard shall have capacity of supporting 2,268 kg (5,000 lb) dead weight
(minimum breaking strength)
o D-rings and snap hooks can withstand against minimum tensile stress of 2,268 kg (5,000 lb) and proof tested by
manufacturer on minimum tensile load of 1,633 kg (3,600 lb) without showing any sign of failure
o Gates of snap hooks and carabiners can withstand against load applied on then of 1,633 kg (3,600 lbs), so that
no such damage occur which can release/open gate
o Self-retracting lifeline’s components, when fully extended, can withstand against a minimum static load of 1,361
kg (3,000 lb)
o Anchorage (anchor point for lanyard, lifeline (including self retracting lifeline)) shall be capable of supporting at
least 2,268 kg (5,000 lb)per person attached {Table 2}
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Free Fall:
 Maximum free fall of a person, in any case, will not be more than 1.8 m (6 ft)
 Self-retracting lifelines shall limit free fall to 0.6 m (2 ft) or less
Shock-absorbing lanyard:
 Limits the arresting force to 408 kg (900 lb)
 Maximum length of 1.8 m (6 ft)
 Shock-absorbing lanyard shall bring a person to complete stop and limit his maximum deceleration distance to
within 1.07 m (3.5 ft)
 Shall be anchored to a point where it can prevent worker from free fall of more than 1.8 m (6 ft) or striking any
lower level (and preferable above shoulder height)
o No modification is allowed, that increase free fall distance of more than 1.8 m (6 ft) {two lanyard are not
allowed to attached with each other} {Table 2}
* Shock-absorbing lanyard {ANSI, 1.8 m length} is to be attached at least 5.5 m (18 ft) above the impact surface
Work on over near water:
 Floating ring shall be provided at intervals not greater than 15 m (50 ft) apart, when personnel are working
above or near water (Guardrail or PFAS shall be used) {No more discussed in CSM}
 Personnel working at heights and their supervisors shall undergo refresher training at least every 3 years
Horizontal Lifeline:
 Shall be minimum 12 mm (½ in) diameter wire rope
 Shall have breaking strength of least 9,000 kg (20,000 lb).
 Shall have safety factor of at least 2 against failure (including anchor points)
 Be capable of supporting 2,268 kg (5,000 lb) per person attached (applied anywhere on lifeline)
 Shall be maintained with an unloaded sag at the center not greater than 30 cm (12 in) for every 10 m (33 ft) of
lifeline length between anchor points and have means of tensioning (e.g. turnbuckles).
 Have no more than 3 persons attached at one time, between anchor points, unless designed by the degreed
engineer for attaching more persons (maintaining safety factor of 2).
Vertical Lifeline:
 Shall be wire rope with minimum diameter of 10 mm (3/8 in)
 Only 1 (one) person be attached at single time
 Shall be attached with an anchor point able to supporting at least 2,268 kg (5,000 lb) dead weight
Falling Object Protection:
 Toeboards shall be installed along all edges of scaffold platforms and stair/ladder landings, that are more than
1.8 m (6 ft) above lower level (or physically prevent personnel access/entry to the lower area/area-below)
 Protective screen against material fall, shall be minimum of No. 18 gauge wire with a maximum 1.2 cm (½ in)
mesh and to be fixed with guardrails and toeboard {Table 2}
 Material shall not be stored within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the roof edge, unless a guardrail system, including toeboards,
is erected along the edge
 No wall section more than one story high shall be permitted to stand alone without lateral bracing, unless it is
designed in such way (self-supporting) and is in safe condition
 Wood toeboard shall be at least 25 mm (1 in) thick
 It shall covers a height of 100 mm (4 in) from the level of walking/working surface. (4 in (100 mm) in height)
 Gap/clearance between walking/working surface and toeboard shall not be more than 6mm (¼ in)
 It shall be capable of withstanding, without failure against a force of at least 23 Kg (50 lb), in any direction
Lowering And Rising Material:
 Gin wheel shall be kept at a minimum distance from platform, not greater/more than 750 mm (30 in)
 Material to be raised with gin wheel, shall not exceed 50 Kg (110 lb)
 Gin wheel rope shall be of the correct size to suit the gin wheel, usually 18 mm (¾ in)
 Horizontal tube holding gin wheel shall be fixed with right-angle coupler to two (2) scaffold posts (standards)
Access Aggress (Entry & Exit):
 A safe means of entry and exit shall be provided and used whenever the elevated work area or scaffold platform
is 0.6 m (2 ft) above or below a point of access (60 cm / 600 mm)
 Horizontal travel distance to nearest exit shall not exceed 15 m (50 ft). (A means of exit shall be provided at
least every 30 m (100 ft))
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 General Requirements:
 Ladder shall have uniformly spaced rungs, between 250 mm (10 in) and 360 mm (14 in) (on center)
o Preferable space between rungs is 300 mm (12 in)
 Minimum distance between side rails of straight ladder or any section of extension ladder shall be 29 cm (11½ in
– 290 mm) (except for tripod ladder) {Table 2}
 Ladder Positioning:
 Straight and extension ladder shall be placed at a slope of 4:1 (75 degrees) {Note 3}
 Ladder shall be extended at least 1 m (3 ft) above the landing platform, eave or roof line {Table 2}
 The bottom rung of ladder shall not be more than 300 mm (1 ft) above the lower level used to mount the ladder
{Table 2}
 Ladder Clearances:
 Climbing side of ladder shall have clearance (perpendicular distance) of 76 cm (30 in), from the rung to nearest
projecting object. When unavoidable obstructions are encountered/there, minimum distance of 61 cm (24 in)
shall be maintained with use of “Deflector Plates”
 At minimum 18 cm (7 in) perpendicular distance shall be maintained between ladder rungs/steps and any
obstruction behind the ladder {Table 2}
 The minimum vertical toe clearance shall be 100 mm (4 in) above the top edge of the rung
 From centerline of ladders, on both sides, 38 cm (15 in) clearance shall be maintained {Table 2}
 41 cm (16 in) clear distance shall be maintained between side rails of adjacent ladders or stepladder
 Ladder Usage (Fall Protection On Ladder):
 When work is performed while standing on ladder at height of more than 1.8 m (6 ft), a personal fall arrest
system (PFAS) shall be used or one hand shall remains grasping/holding the ladder
 3 (Three) point contact shall be maintained while climbing or descending a ladder
 Stepladder:
 The length of (portable) “Stepladder” shall not exceed 6 m (20 ft)
 Extension ladder:
 Up to and including 11 m (36 ft) extension ladder, when fully extended, shall have 1.2 m (4 ft) overlap
 11 to 14.6 m (36 to 48 ft) fully extended extension ladder shall have overlap of 1.5 m (5 ft)
 Job-Made Ladder:
 Shall not exceed 4.5 m (15 ft) in length (both single and double rung ladders) {Shall not be used “on scaffold”}
 When more than 25 workers have one job-made ladder for access or egress from a working area or when
simultaneous two-way traffic is expected, the ladder shall be a double-rung ladder
Side rails:
 Nominal 2 × 4 (in) lumber (or larger) shall be used for side rails of single-run ladder
 Nominal 2 × 4 (or larger) lumber shall be used for side and middle rails of double-rung ladder of up to 3.6 m (12
ft) long
 For double-rung ladder of 3.6 to 4.5 m (12 to 15 ft) long, side rails shall be of nominal 2 × 6 (or larger) lumber
 Rungs, up to and including 50 cm (20 in) long, shall have at least (minimum), thickness of 2 cm (0.78 in) and
width of 8 cm (3 in)
 Rungs, over 50 cm (20 in) up to and including 76 cm (30 in) long, shall be minimum (at least) 2 cm (0.78 in) thick
and 9.5 cm (3.75 in) wide
 Rungs shall be inset into the edges of side rails 13 mm (½ in), or filler blocks shall be used on the rails between
o 3 (three) common nails or equivalent strength fasteners of 10 d shall be used to secure rungs
 Rungs shall be parallel, level and uniformly spaced between 25 cm (10 in) and 36 cm (14 in) on center. Preferred
rung spacing is 30 cm (12 in) {Table 2}
 Landing Requirements For Ladder:
 Safe landing shall be provided at top of all ladders and at least every 9 m (30 ft) of ladder height
 For internal ladder; opening in platform shall be at least 675 mm (27 in)(3 planks) wide and not less than 900
mm (36 in) deep
 For external ladder; width of step-through openings in guard rails system, shall not be less than 675 mm (27 in)
or more than 760 mm (30 in)
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Temporary Stairways:
Minimum width of temporary stairways shall be 560 mm (22 in)
Provide landing platform when a door or gate opens on stairways, swing of the door/gate shall not reduce the
effective width of platform to less than 50 cm (20 in) {Table 2}
 Shall be installed between 30 degrees and 50 degrees above horizontal.
o Preferred slope is between 30 to 35 degrees
 Riser height shall not exceed 20.5 cm (8 in) or less than 15 cm (6 in) {Table 2}
 Tread depth shall not exceed 28 cm (11 in) or less than 22 cm (9 in)
 Variation/difference in (size of) risers height and treads depth shall not be over 6 mm (¼ in)
 Landing:
 Shall have landing at not more than every 3.7 m (12 ft) of vertical rise
 Length of landing shall be 760 mm (30 in) long (in direction of travel) and 560 mm (22 in) wide
 Guardrail system shall be installed on all open sides and edges of landings, where a person could fall 1.8 m (6 ft)
or more
 Handrails:
 When have 4 or more risers, or rising more than 76 cm (30 in) in height (whichever is less) shall have (sloping)
handrail and mid-rail system on open sides
o Enclosed stairways shall have one (1) sloping handrail on the right side descending
 Height of handrail shall be between 940 mm (37 in) and 860 mm (34 in) {from upper surface of handrail to
surface of the tread, at forward edge with face of riser}
 8 cm (3 in) clearance shall be kept between the handrail and adjacent wall or objects
 Sloping handrails and guardrails at landings, shall withstand against 90 Kg (200 lb) of force {applied in any
downward or horizontal direction at any point along the toprail or handrail}
Ramps and Walkways:
 Ramps or walkways 1.8 m (6 ft) or more above lower level shall have complete guardrail system
 Ramps or walkways shall not be inclined more than a slope of one (1) vertical unit to three (3) horizontal units
{20 degrees above the horizontal} (scaffold platforms and landings shall be level)
o Slope not exceeding 15 degrees are preferred
 Cleats are required, 35 cm (14 in) apart (at distance of), for every ramp or walkway, having slope of more than
1 vertical to 8 horizontal (7 degrees above the horizontal) {Table 2}
 Cords, leads, hoses, etc., shall (if possible) be supported at least 2.4 m (8 ft) above walking/working platforms
{by non-conductive material}
 Tie, outrigger frames or equivalent means are required to prevent/restrain a supported scaffold from tipping,
when scaffold height exceeds 4 times of its minimum base dimension {over 4:1 height-to-width ratio}
o Upper section of a stepped scaffold shall not have a height over/more-than four (4) times the width of
that section, unless ties are properly installed to ensure stability
 Tie-tube (which is connected to building or structure) shall be attached/coupled to at least two (2) posts
(standards) or horizontal members (e.g. runners)
 When outrigger frames are used, they shall extend the base dimension to more than ¼ of the scaffold height
 The lowest level of tie (or guys) shall be installed at the lift located closest to the height of 4 times the minimum
base dimension (4:1)
 Ties (or guys) shall be spaced vertically every 8 m (26 ft)(4 lifts) or less
 Ties (and guys) shall be installed on both ends of the scaffold and at horizontal intervals not to exceed 9 m (30
ft) {measured from one end towards the other}
 Guys shall slope at approximately 45 degrees above the horizontal (gays are no more discussed in new SA-CSM)
 Ties to reveal tubes (reveal ties) shall not exceeds 50 % of the total number of the ties used/installed on
scaffold, and shall be evenly distributed over the scaffold area
* Guys are no more discussed in CSM
 Raker shall be a single piece of scaffold tubing not more than 6.4 m (21 ft) {i.e. maximum length of a raker is one
complete tube}
 Raker angel shall not be greater than 75 degrees (4:1) or less than 65 degrees (2:1)
 Only one (1) additional lift can be installed on the scaffold, above the raker tie-in point
 The top of raker shall be coupled to the scaffold, no higher than the third (3rd) lift

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 Bottom and midpoint/middle of raker, shall be tied-back/coupled to at least two (2) posts (standards), by
horizontal tubes
 For an insulated line of less than 300 V, a distance of 1 m (3 ft) shall be kept
 For insulated and non-insulated line of 300 V to 50 kV (300 to 50,000 V), distance shall be 10 ft (3 m)
 For insulated and non-insulated lines of above 50 kV, distance shall be 3 m (10 ft) plus(+) 10 mm (0.4 in) for each
1 kV above 50 kV
 Alternative for insulated and non-insulated lines, distance equal to two (2) times (×) the length of the line
insulator, but not less than 3 m (10 ft), is to be maintained
 Base of scaffold shall be away from edge of excavation or trench at least 1.5 times (×) the depth of excavation
{Note 4} * Table 5
 All vertical bracing of tube and coupler and system scaffold are required to be between 35 and 55 degrees
 All out door system scaffolds shall be vertically braced in both directions (between 35 and 55 degrees) to its full
height for each 10 m (33 ft) of run
 Joint in brace can be made by end-to-end (sleeve) coupler or by overlapping at least 300 mm (12 in) of brace
ends and join them with at least two (2) adjustable (swivel) couplers
 Bracing shall be attached in minimum distance from node points, not in access of 12 in (300 mm)(30 cm)
o Transverse (sectional) brace shall be connected to either post (standard) or runner (ledger) as close as
possible to the intersection (node point) of the bearer (transom) and post (standard), not more than 30
cm (12 in) from the node point
o Longitudinal (facade) brace shall be connected to post (standard) as close as possible to the intersection
point (node point) of the runner (ledger) and post (standard), not in excess of 300 mm (12 in) from the
node point
 In wide scaffold, transverse “zig-zag” bracing, shall be installed and repeated across the width in such that no
more than 3 (three) bays are open without transverse brace and shall be installed at both ends and repeated
along the length of scaffold at least 3rd (third) line of post
 Transverse “X” bracing; should be repeated up to the height of scaffold at least every 3rd (third) lift {2 (two)
adjacent open lift height permitted}
o In wide scaffold, shall be repeated in width, such that no more than 3 (three) adjacent bays are open
without transverse bracing
o In length, shall be installed at both ends and repeated at least every 3rd (third)line of post
 Longitudinal (facade) bracing for scaffold; whose length is greater than its height, the bracing shall be installed
to full height and repeated along the length of scaffold, at least every 5th (fifth) post (in opposite direction, along
front and rear of scaffold)
 Interior longitudinal Zig-Zag bracing (i.e. a birdcage scaffold); bracing shall be installed from base of first post to
top of 2nd (second) post, at first lift, then in alternate direction until reach to the top of scaffold, and repeated
along the length of the scaffold such that no more than 4 (four) adjacent bays are open without longitudinal
braces, it shall be repeated across the width at least every third (3rd) line of post
Mobile and Tower Scaffolds:
 Maximum post spacing for light duty mobile and tower (tube and coupler) is 2 m (6.5 ft) in both direction
o In this case at least 2 (two) equally spaced board bearers shall be used/installed
 Maximum post spacing for medium duty mobile and tower scaffold is, 1.5 m (5 ft), in both directions
 Steel caster of not less than 13 cm (5 in) in diameter, shall be used with light-duty mobile scaffold {Table 2}
 Medium duty mobile scaffold shall have heavy-duty steel caster, not less than 18 cm (7 in) in diameter {Table 2}
 The upper working platform height of any mobile tower scaffold shall not exceed 3 times of its minimum base
dimension {where exceeding, provide outriggers to achieve required base dimension}
 The uppermost platform of static tower (free standing stationary tower) shall not exceed 4 times of its minimum
base dimension {where exceeding, provide outriggers to achieve required base dimension}
 When mobile scaffold is moved (only manually pushed), force shall not be applied at a height of greater than 1.5
m (5 ft) above the scaffold’s base/supporting surface
 The maximum height of mobile scaffold shall not exceed 12.2 m (40 ft)
 Plan (horizontal) bracing shall be installed at the base lift, at the top lift and at least every 3rd (third) lift of all
mobile and tower scaffolds (to prevent racking/twisting)

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Fabricated Tubular Frame:
 Fabricated tubular frame scaffold shall not be used for a loading greater than a light-duty loading of 120
Kg/sq.m (1.2 kN/m2)(25 lbs/ft2)
 The maximum height of fabricated tubular frame scaffold shall be 6 m (20 ft)
Bracket Scaffold:
 Bracket scaffold shall only be used to support a light-duty loading of 120 Kg/sq.m (1.2 kN/m2)(25 lbs/ft2)
Brackets Straps:
 Bracket straps, welded to the tank wall, shall be at least 250 mm (10 in) wide × 75 mm (3 in) × high × 10 mm
(3/8 in) thick, with bends at the center for inserting brackets
 The gap created by the bent section of the bracket strap must be compatible in size with the bracket to be
inserted, with a 3 mm (1/8 in) maximum clearance
 Bracket strap shall be welded to the tank shell for a length of at least 150 mm (6 in), along the top edge of the
strap (two welds of 75 mm (3 in) minimum)
 In downward (vertical) 25 mm (1 in) shall be welded, along each side of strap
{Weld on bottom side of bracket is not required, and for type of bracket shown in figure 2.65 of CSM, 1” vertical
weld is not necessary}
 5 mm (3/16 in) fillet weld, shall be done/performed on tank strap welding
 With 38 mm (1 ½ in) thick wood planks, maximum circumferential distance between brackets shall not be more
than 1.5 m (5 ft) on center
 With 50 mm (2 in) thick wood planks, maximum circumferential distance between brackets shall not be more
than 2.4 m (8 ft) on center
 3.2 m (10.5 ft) distance is allowed when board and other components met the specifications of 29 CFR 1926.450
(OSHA), Appendix A, Section 2 (z) “Tank Builder’s Scaffold” {Note 5, a}
 Working levels shall be at least 2 (two) planks wide, but not more than 3 (three) planks wide
 Planks overlap shall be in one direction only, with minimum overlap of 23 cm (9 in)
 When gap between platform and tank exceeds 360 mm (14 in), guardrail system shall also be installed on the
inside platform edge
 When guardrail are constructed using wire rope, it shall be 10 mm (3/8 in) diameter wire rope
 Top guardrail shall be not more than 1.15 m (45 in) or less than 0.95 m (38 in), above the walking/working
surface {Note 5, b}
 Guardrail support uprights, shall be secured into sleeves or over a spigot pins, those are welded to brackets and
have size of 150 mm (6 in)
o Size of sleeve or spigot pin can be 100 mm (4 in) when “Safety Pin”(hair pin) is used {Figure 2.66 in CSM}
Underhung Scaffold:
 All underhung scaffold shall be hung from structures capable of supporting at least 4 (four) times the load
imposed on them by scaffold
* Complete guardrail system shall be provide
Suspended By Tube And Coupler:
 Vertical hanger tube should be in one length, where required, joint should be single lapped using at least four
(4) swivel (adjustable) couplers
 Trapeze tube measures between 450 and 600 mm (1.5 to 2.0 feet) in length
 Trapeze tube shall be installed approximately 600 mm (2 ft) below the lowest platform level
 At least one board bearer shall be installed when the hanger tube longitudinal spacing is more than allowed
span for the thickness of plank {CSM 2.5.6 (in this document, subheading; Plank Span)}
 Splices in ladder beams shall be as close as possible to hanger tubes and are not permitted within the middle
half of the ladder beam span
Constructed By System Scaffold:
Underhung scaffold may be constructed by system scaffold, limitations are as:
 Galvanized, not painted (unpainted) system scaffold (cup-locking, rosette, or captive-wedge can be used)
 When rosette, or captive-wedge type of scaffold is used, install plan brace or use properly locked-in
prefabricated metal planks.
 Joints in hanger tubes are not allowed when hanging scaffold is constructed by using system scaffold

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Suspended By Wire Rope Scaffold:
 Each wire rope or cable and connecting hardware of underhung scaffold shall be capable of supporting, without
failure, at least 6 (six) times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to that rope
 Wire suspension rope shall be minimum 9 mm (3/8 in) diameter
 Wire rope shall be wrapped at least twice (two times(two turns)) around the supporting member and twice (two
times) around the bearers (ledgers) of the scaffold
 There shall be a minimum of 3 (three) clips installed on each load end and attachment end of each wire rope {on
each end, where rope will be tied/wrapped minimum 3 clamps shall be used}
 Clips shall be spaced a minimum of 6 (six) times the diameter of rope (i.e. 6 × diameter of rope)
 All suspension wire ropes shall be covered with insulation material extending at least 1.2 m (4 ft) above the
working platform, when welding work is carried out on platform
{Suspension scaffold is no more discussed in CSM}

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Common Measurements
150 mm (15 cm) (6 in):
1. Minimum height of Riser, in temporary stairways
2. Minimum size of base plate (6 × 6 in)
3. Requirement for a plank ends to be extend (if not cleated), from centerline of their end support bearer
4. Base lift (kicker lift) height (except where this is not possible)
5. The requirement for welding bracket strap along the top edge of the strap (in two 3 in welds, minimum)
6. The size for spigot pin or sleeve, for guardrails uprights support in tank-builder(bracket scaffold) {when
safety pin (hair pin) is not used}
300 mm (30 cm) (12 in):
1. Sag allowed in horizontal (unloaded) lifeline, for every 10 m (33 ft) length between anchor points
2. Preferable space between rungs of portable ladder, stepladder, and job-made ladder (on center)
3. Height of bottom/first rung of ladder, from lower level
4. Maximum allowed split in plank ends, with banding
5. Maximum allowed planks extension (length), beyond the centerline of their end support bearer (transom)
6. Minimum planks overlap in platforms (except in bracket scaffold)
7. Minimum overlap of plywood on both sides of a gape, when used to cover gape of less than 2 ft.
8. Maximum distance for a brace attachment point, from node point
9. Overlap requirement for brace-tubes/bracing
10. Maximum allowed distance from post, for a bearer (end bearer/transom) to be attached with runner
11. Maximum allowed distance from post, for a bearer or runner joint made with end-to-end coupler
12. Width of a specified board, for tank-builder scaffold. (If Used, Not Mandatory)
600 mm (60 cm) (2 ft) (24 in):
1. Requirement for ladder or other means of access started with difference of elevation
2. Maximum width of a gape, which can be covered by a plywood
3. Minimum width of a gape, which need to be covered by cross planks
4. Size of tube used to overlap, abutted runner or barer, to make joint
5. Maximum size of trapeze tube
6. Approximate distance of a trapeze tube below/beneath the runner
760 mm (76 cm) (30 in):
1. Length of landing of temporary stairways (in direction of travel)
2. Minimum height of temporary stairways, when handrails are required to be installed
3. Clearance/distance required on the climbing side of a ladder
4. Maximum length of rung in job made ladder, which require 20 mm thickness and 95 mm width
5. Minimum length of sill/sole board (765 mm)
6. Maximum width of step-through opening in guardrail, when external ladder is used
7. Maximum distance of gin wheel from platform
1.8 m (6 ft):
1. When reached to this height from lower level, requirement of fall protection system starts/applicable/applied;
a. Guardrails are required on all open sides and ends of elevated platforms/work-areas, landings, ramps,
b. Toeboards shall be installed along all edges of elevated work areas
c. Scaffold erector have to anchor his lanyard, when not protected by guardrail
d. Lanyard shall be used and anchored (if possible) to a point where it can prevent worker from free fall of
more than 6 ft, when not protected by guardrail
e. When working from a ladder on height of 6 ft or more, worker need to keep one hand on ladder
continuously or use personal fall arrest system
2. Guardrail (rigid or wire rope) or use of personal fall restraint system is required, when working in 1.8 m of the
edge of a roof (flat or sloop)
3. From edge of roof, prohibited area to store material, If guardrail including toeboard is not installed
4. It is the maximum length of lanyard
5. Maximum free fall distance allowed while using shock absorber lanyard
6. Minimum headroom clearance for scaffold platform and landing
7. Planks of less than 6 ft, needs special importance in securing by toeboard, fiber rope, clamp or any other means
8. Maximum allowed longitudinal post spacing for medium-duty tube and coupler scaffold

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Table 2
# Item/Measurement SASSH CSM 2017
1 Vertical upright (puncheon) for guardrail is required at 2.7 m (9 ft) 2.5 m (8.2 ft)
2 When a longer lanyard is needed/required Two lanyard can be Two lanyard cannot be
connected (hook to eye), connected, self-retracting
self-retracting lifeline (inertia real) is to
lanyard/lifeline (inertia be used
real) is preferred
3 Lifeline wire rope size Horizontal and vertical Horizontal lifeline shall be
lifeline shall be of of minimum 12 mm
minimum 10 mm diameter wire rope.
diameter wire rope. Vertical lifeline shall be of
minimum 10 mm diameter
wire rope.
4 Allowed slope in scaffold platforms Slope of scaffold platform Scaffold platforms and
shall not exceed 1 vertical landings shall be level.
to 4 horizontal
5 Temporary Ramps, cleats are required at sloop of 1 vertical to 4 horizontal 1 vertical to 8 horizontal
6 Minimum distance between side rails of ladder (width of 30 cm (300 mm - 12 in) 29 cm (11 ½ in - 290 mm)
7 Ladder shall extend above landing platform, eave or 900 mm (3 ft) 1 m (3 ft)
roof (at least … m)
8 The distance of bottom rung of ladder from 600 mm (2 ft) 300 mm (1 ft)
ground/lower level
9 Minimum distance between ladder and any fixed object 250 mm (10 in) 18 cm (180 mm – 7 in)
on back side of ladder (From face of rung on (between ladder
climbing side to back steps/rungs and any
side) object on backside)
10 Clear distance on both sides, from center line of ladder 330 mm (33 cm - 13 in) 38 cm (380 mm - 13 in)
11 Distance between rungs of job-made ladder Shall be 30 cm (12 in), Between 25 cm (10 in) and
from top of rung to top of 36 cm (14 in), Proffered 30
next rung cm (12 in) (on center)
12 Job-made ladder length 1) Single run ladder shall Job-Made ladder shall not
not exceed 4.5 m (15 ft) exceed 4.5 m (15 ft) in
in length between length.
supports (base and top
2) Double run ladder shall
not exceed 4.5 m (15 ft)
in length.
13 Distance required for each one (1) kV, over 50 kV in 100 mm (4 in) 10 mm (0.4 in)
addition to 3 m (10 ft) (now 1 in for 2.5 kV)
14 Unless otherwise specified by manufacturer’s For all system scaffolds For outdoor system
instructions, vertical bracing of system scaffold (in both directions, to full scaffolds
height, on every 10 m, as (in both directions, to full
close to 45 degrees as height, on every 10 m,
possible) between 35 to 55 degrees)
15 Use of Non-Embossed tubing Can be used, with Non embossed tubes
reduced dimensions than cannot be used in scaffold
embossed tubes construction
16 Requirement for outriggers or other supporting means When mobile or tower When mobile scaffold
on mobile and tower scaffold height scaffold exceeds from 4 exceeds from, 3 times the

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times the minimum base minimum base dimension.
dimension When tower scaffold
exceeds from, 4 times the
minimum base dimension.
17 Requirement of board bearer (intermediate transom) in At least one board bearer At least one board bearer
hanging scaffold shell be installed when shall be installed when the
the hanger tube spacing hanger tube longitudinal
is more than 1.5 m (5 ft), spacing is more then
in longitudinal direction allowed span for the
thickness of plank {CSM
18 Standards and References There is no statement for cancelation or restriction for
using standards or references including standard
marking on material, mentioned in SASSH, however
changed and updated references and standards are
mentioned in CSM (5th edition)
19 Definition of Special Scaffold Hanging or supported As mentioned in GI:
(for underhung) scaffold from a structure Hanging or supported
with a total platform area scaffold from a structure
over 30 square meters with a total platform area
(320 sq ft) is a special over 30 square meters
scaffold. (320 sq ft) is a special
scaffold. In addition to this
if a scaffold is hanging or
supported within 10 ft (3
m) to another scaffold
hanging or supported with
same structure, it will be a
special scaffold.
(when used for supporting concrete)
Not mentioned in SASSH Formwork shoring
constructed of scaffold
material supporting
elevated concrete
slabs/decks more than 100
mm (4 in)
20 Manual movement of mobile tower Can be pushed or pulled For movement a tower
manually to move can only be pushed
21 Fall arrest system capacity This cannot be counted as change, but further
Below mentions are having differences in measurement mentioned in “mm” or “cm”, but in “in”, they are same.
Mentioned here for clarification. {Note 6, on page 26}
22 Material fall protection screen, minimum mesh size 13 mm (1.3 cm) (½ in) 1.2 cm (½ in)
23 Mobile scaffold caster size For light duty: 120 mm For light duty: 13 cm (5 in)
(12 cm) (5 in)
For medium duty: 170 For medium duty: 18 cm
mm (17 cm) (7 in) (7 in)
24 Temporary Stairways, Riser size Riser height shall not Riser height shall not
exceed 215 mm (21.5 cm) exceed 20 cm (200 m) (8
(8 in). in).
25 Minimum size of landing platform when a door or gate Swing of the door/gate Swing of the door/gate
opens on stairways: shall not reduce the shall not reduce the
effective width of effective width of platform
platform to less than 510 to less than 50 cm (500
mm (51 cm) (20 in) mm) (20 in)
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Table 3
Standard/Reference Title Of Standard/Reference
General Instruction (GI) 8.001 Safety Requirements For Scaffolds
ANSI/ASSE A10.8 Safety Requirements For Scaffolding
ASTM A123 – or – EN 10240 Hot-Dip Galvanizing (on iron and steel products)
ASTM A370 – or – EN 10002-1 Mechanical Testing (of steel products)
ASTM A500 – or – EN 10021 Specification For Steel Tubing (testing and inspection requirements)
EN 39 – or – BS 1139 Marking required on tubes (Specification For Steel Tubing)
EN 74 – or – BS 1139 Marking required on fittings
29 CFR 1926, Subpart L, Scaffolding U.S. Code Of Federal Regulations (CFR) for scaffolding
OSHA 3150 A Guide To Scaffold Use In The Construction Industry
ANSI/ASSE A10.32 Fall Protection System For Construction And Demolition
ANSI Z359.1 Safety Requirements For Personal Fall Arrest System (equipments)
ANSI/ALI A 14.2 Portable Metal Ladder Safety Requirements
EN 131 Ladders
West Cost Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB), Solid Sawn Wood Scaffold Planks (shall be certified by and bear the
Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB), or other grade stamp)
approved by American Lumber Standards
“PROOF TESTED”, “SCAFFOLD PLANK”, and Marking requirement on LEV planks, (along with brand, plank span,
“OSHA” name or mark of product certification body, and month and year of
* Standards and reference are written simply for memorization, check CSM and SASSH for detail and accurate wording.

Table 4
Reference Specification
ASTM A 500, Grade B 290 N/mm (42 Ksi) (30 kg/mm2) minimum yield stress,

3.4 mm (0.13 in) or 3.76 mm (0.15 in) nominal wall

EN 39, thickness type 4 235 N/mm2 (34 Ksi) (24 kg/mm2) minimum yield stress,
4.0 mm (0.16 in) nominal wall thickness.
BS 1139 Is equal to EN 39, thickness type 4
235 N/mm2 (34 Ksi) (24 kg/mm2) minimum yield stress,
4.0 mm (0.16 in) nominal wall thickness.
EN 10219 320 N/mm2 (46 Ksi) (32 kg/mm2) minimum yield stress,
3.2 mm (0.125 in) nominal wall thickness.
{ EN 39, thickness type 3, with same thickness is not
ASTM A 53, Grade B 240 N/mm2 (35 Ksi) (24 kg/mm2) minimum yield stress,
{Not discussed in CSM} 3.68 mm (0.145 in) nominal wall thickness.

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Table 5
Insulated And Non Insulated
Voltage Minimum Distance Alternative
Less than 300 V (insulated) 1 m (3 ft) 2 times the length of line insulator,
Less than 50 kV 3 m (10 ft) but not less than 3 m (10 ft)
More than 50 kV 3 m (10 ft) plus 10 mm (0.4 in) for 2 times the length of line insulator,
each 1 kV over/more-than 50 kV but not less than 3 m (10 ft)


Table 6
Type Of Coupler Type Of Load EN 74 Class Rated SWL (safety factor of 1.6)
Right-angle (double/load-bearing) Slip along a tube B 9.4 kN (940 Kg (2100 lb))
coupler A 6.3 kN (630 Kg (1415 lb))
Adjustable (swivel) coupler Slip along a tube B 9.4 kN (940 Kg (2100 lb))
A 5.3 kN (530 Kg (1190 lb))
End-to-end (sleeve) coupler Tension B 3.0 kN (300 Kg (675 lb))
Bending B 0.59 kN/m (435 lb/ft (59 Kg/m))
Bearer (putlog/single) coupler Force to pull the tube axially - 0.53 kN (53 Kg (120 lb))
out of the coupler
Joint pin Tension - 0 kN (0 kg (0 lb))

Note 1:
 Larger post spacing may be used if justified (per section 9.8.1 of SASSH & per section 2.5.1 of CSM) by structural
calculations or load tests submitted for review per GI 8.100, along with material tensile/yield stress test reports
for the specific scaffold tubing to be used.
Note 2:
 Longer spans for planks are allowed, when planks fulfill requirements of SASSH (section 9.8.1) and CSM (section
2.4.3) and literature/documents of manufacturer supports (mentioned in documents) longer spans and
identification mark of manufacturer is clearly marked/present on boards. However in wet applications (e.g.
offshore) span shall not be more than 1.5 m (5 ft).
Note 3:
 If the ladder is installed in more degreed than 75 (4:1), it can still be used, but it’s side rails have to be clamped
(tied rigidly) from top, middle and bottom.
Note 4:
 Required distance from excavation or trench (i.e. 1.5 times (×) the depth of excavation), can be reduce, if
precautionary measures are taken to prevent the collapse of the excavation and the integrity of the scaffold
foundation is ensured.
Note 5:
a) 3.2 m (10.5 ft) distance is allowed between bracket on their center, when 50 mm (2 in) thick by 300 mm (12 in)
wide “Douglas Fir” or “Southern Yellow Pine” of “Selected Structural Grade” or “Scaffold Grade” plank is used
and all other components are certified to meet requirements of 29 CFR 1926.450 (OSHA), Appendix A, Section 2
(z) “Tank Builder’s Scaffold”.
b) Guardrails and supporting uprights that are certified to meet 29 CFR 1926.450 (OSHA), Appendix A, Section 1 (d)
may be used for bracket scaffolds.

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SI Units Of Length
Millimeter (mm) Centimeter (cm) Meter (m) Kilometer (km)
10 1
25.4 2.54
1000 100 1 0.100
1000 1
10 m = 1 dam (decameter) 10 dam = 1 hm (hectometer) (so 1 hm = 100 m)
1 km = 1000 m, 10 hm, 100 dam

Imperial Units Of Length

1 in (inch) Further divided up to 32 parts, e.g. ½ , 1/16 in 3/16 in = 5 mm (approximately)
12 in 1 ft (foot)
3 ft 1 yd (yard) 36 in
1 Furlong 220 yd 660 ft 7920 in
1 mi (mile) 1760 yd 5280 ft 63360 in 8 furlong

Different Units And Their Counterparts

25.4 mm (2.54 cm) 1 in
30.48 cm {30 cm} 12 in 1 ft
1m 3.2808 ft {3.28 ft} 1.09361 yd {1.09 yd}
1m 39.36996 in {39.36 in}
0.9144 m {0.91 m} 3 ft 1 yard
1 Km 0.6213712 mi 1093.613 yd
1.609344 Km 1 mi 0.8689741 M
1 km 0.5399555 M (Nautical Mile)
1.852 km 1M 1.150782 mi

Division Of Inch In Millimeter

in mm
1 25.400
½ 12.700
¼ 6.350
⅛ 3.175
1/16 1.588
1/32 0.794
3/16 4.762
⅜ 9.525

Note 6:
 When converting values from one system to another as from “mm” to “in” resulting number is not always a
“round number”, sometime this variation is removed to got an nearest round number so can be east to
remember or mention.

* Information on this page is collected from different sources, including internet.

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Do you know, every time when you have to go up or down to other level which is 2 ft (600 mm) (0.6 m) or more from
where you are standing, you have to use a ladder, stairs/stairways, ramp, or walkway. It is not safe and easy to bring up
your feet too high, so the first step shall be in easy foot reach and not more than 1 ft (300 mm).
When you have to climb a ladder, make sure, it is supported by both side rails and not by rung, and is installed
at angle of 75 degrees (4:1). If it is not tied from top or bottom, call your friend to hold it for you. Do not forget if it is
installed in more degrees than 75 (vertical), Top, Middle and Bottom of ladder should be tied to supporting structure
(e.g. Scaffold). As you know, distance of rung from each other can be 10 to 14 in, but 12 in (300 mm) (30 cm) is
preferred distance and it is closer to the minimum required distance between side rails of ladder (width between side
rails / ladder width), i.e. 11.5 in (29 cm).
Try to observe, that for a comfort and safe steeping on runs, 7 in (180 mm) (18 cm) distance is maintained from
face of rung from your side (i.e. climbing side) to any fixed object which is at back side of ladder. More over 4 in (100
mm) vertical clearance is required above each rung (i.e. vertical toe clearance). Remember if any fixed object or
structure like pipe or beam is there and 10 in clearance towards back of ladder cannot be maintained and this 4 in
vertical clearance is there, you can carryon climbing. Here you will need clearance on you both sides to protect your
shoulders from injury, so check that; is there any object so close? From center of your ladder to each/both sides there
should be nothing in 330 mm (13 in). If there is another ladder used close to your ladder, both must have 16 in (410
mm) clearance/distance between them (not from center of ladder, but from side rail of one to side rail of other,
including for step ladders).
Now you watched for your foot, your front and your sides, don’t forget your back. For a safe climbing you need
760 mm (30 in) clearance from rung to nearest projecting object, when any fix object comes in climbing way like a
beam, minimum distance/clearance at that point can be reduced to 24 in (610 mm), only when deflector plates are used
(i.e. a plate or board is installed in such a way that it gradually reduce the distance from maximum to minimum and in
that way your head or back will not suddenly strike with fixed structure or object). Do not forget this 30 in distance, you
will need it again here, when an external ladder is used with a platform, the step-through opening (opening/gate in
guardrails) its maximum allowed width of opening is 30 in (760 mm) and the minimum is 27 in (675 mm). This 27 in (675
mm) (size of 3 planks) is again used as minimum width of opening for access when an internal ladder access is used in a
platform. It is easy to remember when you compare it with distance for your shoulder protection, used for climbing
ladder, i.e. 13 in on each side from center of ladder, and is total of 26, but you need 36 in (900 mm – 90 cm) clearance
for your back (depth), in internal access.
Your feet will reach landing platform level, following (after) your hands, it means you need to hold on until you
safely step on platform. Therefore if ladder is extended 1 m (3 ft) above landing platform, it will be considered
appropriate and safe.
Now you are on platform, “Have A Safe Landing”.

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