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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Writing of complete names and understanding of different directions are very important in every test;
hence, you are advised to do so. Read, re-read, understand and analyze the directions in every test number before answering. DO
“Your limits are somewhere up there, waiting for you to reach beyond infinity.”
- Arnold Henry
DIRECTION: Read and understand the items below. Choose the letter of the appropriate answer.
1. When rocks are exposed to rainfall and different temperatures, they are broken into smaller pieces. Which of the following
describes the breaking down of rocks?
a. Busting b. Tearing c. Wearing d. Weathering
2-5. For item 2-5. Examine the pictures below and tell which type of weathering is illustrated.

a. Biological Weathering c. Environmental Weathering

b. Chemical Weathering d. Physical Weathering

a. Biological Weathering c. Environmental Weathering

b. Chemical Weathering d. Physical Weathering


a. Biological Weathering c. Environmental Weathering

b. Chemical Weathering d. Physical Weathering


a. Biological Weathering c. Environmental Weathering

b. Chemical Weathering d. Physical Weathering

1| P r e p a r e d b y : S i r K e n t M e r v i n E . C o l o c a r
6. Which of the following differentiates the types of weathering?
a. Physical weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces, chemical weathering decomposes rocks due to changes in
their chemical composition, biological weathering breaks rocks due to intervention of orgamisms
b. Biological weathering breaks rocks by changing its chemical composition, physical weathering breaks rocks through the
intervention of organisms, chemical weathering breaks rocks with the aid of wind
c. Chemical weathering breaks rocks by the roots of plants, Physical weathering breaks rocks through the changes in its
composition, biological weathering breaks rocks trough the aid of the wind
d. None of the above
7. When volcanoes erupt, magma is released. Some reach the surface while some stay underground, however it doesn’t matter
whether magma reach the surface or not, rocks are formed. Which of the following classifies the rocks formed?
a. Igneous rocks b. sedimentary rocks c. metamorphic rocks d. gems
8. Which of the following determines the classification of rocks formed from cooled magma?
a. nature of cooling b. rate of cooling c. type of crystal formed d. rocks texture
For items 9-12, Determine the type of the following rocks based on how and where they were cooled.
9. Basalt
a. Extrusive igneous rock c. Stratified rock
b. Intrusive igneous rock d. Metamorphic rock
10. Gabbro
a. Extrusive igneous rock c. Stratified rock
b. Intrusive igneous rock d. Metamorphic Rock
11. Granite
a. Extrusive Igneous rock c. Stratified rock
b. Intrusive Igneous rock d. Metamorphic rock
12. Pumice
a. Extrusive igneous rock c. Stratified rock
b. Intrusive igneous rock d. Metamorphic rock
13. When rocks are pushed against each other the forces that may come from vertical or horizontal direction can make the rocks
collide or rise from one to another. Which conclusion can be made from this fact?
a. The collision results to the formation of mountains.
b. The collision results to the formation of valleys
c. The collision results to the formation of rivers.
d. The collision results to the formation of island arcs.
14. When rocks are pulled apart, forces that come from opposite directions can separate rocks. Which of the following inference
can be made?
a. Continents are formed. c. Volcanoes are formed.
b. Plateaus are formed. d. Valleys are formed.
15. When rocks are pulled in different directions, the forces break rocks into smaller pieces. This rock breakage may result to __?
a. Boundaries b. Fault c. Rivers d. Mountains
For items 16-18. Examine the picture below and tell the type of stress present on each.

a. Compression b. Shear c. Tension d. All of them


a. Compression b. Shear c. Tension d. None of them


a. Compression b. Shear c. Tension d. Split

2| P r e p a r e d b y : S i r K e n t M e r v i n E . C o l o c a r
19. Rearrange the following events pertaining to the process of the seafloor spreading into the correct order.
I. Seafloor separates at the mid-ocean ridges where new crusts form.
II. Newly formed oceanic crusts moves laterally away from the ridge.
III. Old oceanic crusts are dragged down at the trenches and re-incorporated back into the mantle.
IV. The process is driven by mantle convection currents rising at the ridges and descending at the trenches.

a. I, II, III, IV b. IV, III, II, I c. IV, II,III, I d. I, III, II, IV

20. Based on the observations on seafloor spreading, which of the following Does Not belong to the group?
a. Composition of oceanic crust c. Seafloor topographic features
b. Sediment thickness d. None of the above
21. Evidence regarding seafloor spreading and continental drift theories were found. Which of the following differentiate seafloor
spreading from continental drift?
a. Edges of the continents fit together
b. Similarity of rock types found in another continents
c. Matching of fossils
d. None of the above
22. Wegener is to Continental drift as sea floor spreading is to: ___________
a. Holmes b. Hess c. Hose d. Fred
23. Alfred Wegener found remains of plants and animals that match from one continent to the other, rock samples that also match
from one continent to the other including rocks found across ocean basins. What conclusion can be made from this evidence?
a. The continents once belong to a one huge continent.
b. The continents have the same life forms back in the past.
c. The animals have travelled from one continent to another through migration.
d. Animals served as seed spreader from one continent to another back in the past.
24. Which of the following statements support the theory seafloor spreading?
a. Newly formed oceanic crust moves laterally away from the ridge with the motion like that of a conveyor belt.
b. Fossils of the same kind of animal were found in most of the continents.
c. Edges of the continents fit together.
d. Presence of glacial stations.
25. Arrange the following phases of the Wilson cycle into its correct order.
I. Rifting within the supercontinent leads to the opening of new ocean basin and formation of oceanic crust.
II. Passive margin cools and sinks, and sediment accumulates along the edge.
III. Convergence begins, initiating subduction and eventual ocean closure.
VI. Continent-continent collision forms the next supercontinent.
a. II, VI, I, III b. I,II,III,IV c. IV, III, II, I d. III,II,IV,I
For items 26-30. Examine the following pictures and tell the stage of ocean basin evolution it illustrates.

a. embryonic b. mature c. juvenile d. suturing


a. embryonic b. mature c. juvenile d. suturing


a. embryonic b.mature c. juvenile d. suturing

3| P r e p a r e d b y : S i r K e n t M e r v i n E . C o l o c a r

a. terminal b. mature c. juvenile d. suturing


a. terminal b. mature c. juvenile d. suturing


DIRECTION: Briefly discuss your answer on the following questions. (5 points each)

1. The different categories of sedimentary rocks.

2.-5. Effect of the following on the formation of the layers of rocks:
2. Weathering
3. Deposition
4. Lithification
5. Transport
6. Upon knowing the importance of rocks around us, hoe can you promote the utilization of these resources?

“To be creative means to connect. It’s to abolish the gap between the body, the mind, and the soul, between
science and art, between fiction and nonfiction.”
-Nawal El Saadwi
*End of Test*

4| P r e p a r e d b y : S i r K e n t M e r v i n E . C o l o c a r

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