Smart Home Based On Li Fi Technology

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Applied Mathematics and Computer science Applied Mathematics and Computer science
Laboratory (LAMAI) Laboratory (LAMAI)
Cadi Ayyad University Cadi Ayyad University
Marrakech, Morocco Marrakech, Morocco
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract Smart homes are among the most interesting activated interface to control his connected
applications of Internet of Things that enhance the quality devices.
of human life and brings more comfort, savings, Communication between the devices at home: by
convenience and peace of mind. In this paper, we propose a
connecting devices, appliances and sensors in the
smart home system that uses Li-Fi technology as medium of
commination between all the connected devices and uses a network, they able to communicate with each other,
video surveillance system based on Wireless Visual Sensor and can be controlled remotely.
Network. Li-Fi is a high-speed bi-directional fully Energy efficiency: By providing the flexibility of
connected technology that provides transmission of data monitoring electricity consumption to consumers[1]
through illumination using LED light bulb. The use of such and permitting the system to switch on or off
technology in our proposed system ensures a high level of appliances when they are not needed in order to save
security, high speed of data transmission, low energy electricity. Otherwise, by using renewable energy to
consumption and more convenience. produce its own energy, such as installing
Keywords Elderly care; Internet of things; Light-
photovoltaic systems on the home roof.
Fidelity; Smart home; Wireless Sensor Networks; Wireless Security: By installing cameras, motion detectors,
Visual Sensor Networks. smoke and fire detectors, locks, etc., the user can
monitor and view his home no matter where he is
I. INTRODUCTION and can be notified immediately if something is out
Recent advances in wireless communications, cloud of the ordinary .
computing, Big Data and the availability of inexpensive
wireless sensors, have led to the rapid development of the However, smart home application is facing a few
Internet of Things (IoT). challenges, which need to be overcome such as
Smart home, also referred to as home automation or interoperability, cyber security / privacy and the
eHome, is among the most interesting applications of IoT interference issue caused by the radio waves of Radio
that makes human life more comfortable by providing Frequency (RF) technologies (such as WiFi) that interfere
connectivity and control of every digital devices in home, with other electronics in the home, leading to slowing its
such as air conditioning, heating, ventilation, lighting and functionality or even stop it.
security systems, regardless of time and place. Smart
home brings significant advantages to the human daily Many applications for smart home have been
life such as: envisaged like smart lighting, security systems, smart
Comfort and convenience: by controlling the appliances, elderly care and kindergartens. Most of these
home from anywhere and at any time, and by applications use standards of communication such as
setting the home devices to specific needs such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, Z-wave and WiFi to transmit the
adapting rooms heating and air conditioner to the collected data from the home environment to a Base
preferences of users or according to the weather Station (BS) called home sink or home hub.
Accessibility: by enabling people with disabilities, In this paper, we propose a smart home system that
or special needs to live more independently by uses Light-Fidelity (Li-Fi) technology as medium of
using assistive or adaptive technologies, for
example, a person who cannot see can use voice-
Fig. 1. Our Smart home system based on Li-Fi technology
commination between all the connected devices and uses One of the best advantages of Li-Fi is that it can be used
a video surveillance system based on Wireless Visual to provide both lighting and information in the same time.
Sensor Network (WVSN). Li-Fi is also characterized by its higher bandwidth, which
makes it more than sufficient for transmitting all types of
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: we start data (scalar, video, etc.) in a very short time.
in section 2 with an overview of the methods and the tools
used in the proposed system, followed by a use case of the Unlike Wi-Fi technology, Li-Fi cannot travel through
system in Section 3. Then the conclusions are presented non-transparent material such as walls, which will
in section 4.
provide more secure data transfer as it confines the data
II. OUR PROPOSED SYSTEM transmission to one area and it do not have any
In this section, we will present our proposed smart interference issue. The use of LED light in Li-Fi, makes
home system that uses Li-Fi technology for it more suitable for indoor applications because it is
communication between the connected devices, and uses cheaper and safer for eyes.
WVSN as system for surveillance. As a security system in our proposed smart home, we
Our proposed system concept is shown in Fig.1, where suggest the use of a WVSN that consist of a large number
all devices are connected to each other and to the internet of tiny visual sensor nodes called camera nodes, which
via Li-Fi and controlled by a user interface from integrate an image sensor, an embedded processor, and a
anywhere and at any time using cloud computing. wireless transceiver[6]. These nodes can collect image /
video data from a region of interest, process it
Li-Fi is a high-speed bi-directional fully connected collaboratively, and transmit the useful information to the
Visual Light Communication (VLC) technology that was BS.
proposed by the German physicist Harald Haas. It uses
visible light with wavelength in the range of 380 nm
750 nm [2] in order to provide transmission of data
through a very high switching ON and OFF speed of
LED light bulb illumination that cannot be tracked by
the human eye.

The idea behind choosing Li-Fi technology rather

than traditional RF technologies is due to its several
advantages [3] [4] [5] that are summarized in Fig.2.

Fig. 2. Li-Fi advantages

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In addition, the older person can have real-time

interactions with his doctor or his rehabilitation center in
order to have a consultation or a training session remotely
by using interactive telemedicine services.

Due to Li-Fi advantages presented in Fig.2 and the use

of WVSN, our system will provide a cheap, fast, secure
and energy efficient connected system, that enhances the
quality of human life in a more comfortable home.

In this paper, a cheap, fast, secure, and energy efficient
smart home system based on Li-Fi technology as medium
of communication and wireless visual sensor network as
video surveillance system is presented. To evaluate the
utility and the advantage of this system, an elderly care
use case is discussed.

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