How Li Fi Will Improve The Reliability of Internet of Things

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072



Manirafasha Cedrick1, M Anandraj2, Bugingo Jean de Dieu3

1, 2PG Scholar, ECE Department, PRIST University, India

3 PG Scholar, EIE Department, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Abstract - Light fidelity (Li-Fi) is a new technology that 2. LI-FI
applies light as a medium and offers a speed that is higher
than the current wi-fi that we have. Li-Fi uses light as trans- Li-Fi can be considered as a Wi-Fi which uses light. That is,
receivers. Internet of Things (IoT) is a ubiquitous network light is used in lieu of electromagnetic waves to broadcast
where objects (things) are connected together to share data data and instead of Wi-Fi routers, Li-Fi would use lamps as
among them. In IOT, devices have to connect instantly to carry transceivers that can light a hall and simultaneously transmit
out their tasks efficiently. To achieve this, a very wide and receive information (figure 2). Since light bulbs are
bandwidth is required because any delay would make people’s simple and can be used almost anywhere, it is feasible to
lives at risk. This paper is subdivided into 3 parts. First, we will have a high number of access points [9].
examine how Li-Fi works and its requirements, Second, We will Li-Fi differs from Wi-Fi in the type of modulation that is
look at what requires IoT to accomplish its work, and finally used. For Li-Fi, direct modulation is used avoiding the
discuss on how Li-Fi would improve the behavior of IoT. addition of extra components like intermediate frequencies
as done in radio frequency systems.
Key Words: Li-Fi, IoT, Wi-Fi
Li-Fi is a category of Visible Light Communication; an LED
1. INTRODUCTION light flickers at speeds undetectable to the naked eye to
transmit data. In fact, it’s been demonstrated that
With the increase of technology nowadays, the number of information can be transmitted at as much as 224 gigabits
things that require connecting together increases day by day. per second [10], the equivalent of 18 movies of 1.5 GB each
By the year 2020, the number of things will escalate up to 20 being downloaded every single second in lab conditions. In
billion which will require a very high bandwidth to an office setting, speeds up to 100 times faster than average
withstand them. The current Wi-Fi transmissions of mass Wi-Fi speeds were achieved. The LED lights require so little
quantities of data are putting a strain on the current energy; they can be powered by a standard Ethernet cord. It
technologies. By the year 2019, Up to ten billion mobile was suggested by Harald Haas who invented Li-Fi that the
devices will exchange data and that’s just mobile devices. We smart light bulbs could be energized by cell based charging
can imagine how tremendous it would be if, big data servers batteries. In addition, Li-Fi does not cause harm to humans,
and IoT devices were involved. It would be a tremendous unlike Wi-Fi that uses electromagnetic waves which cause
load for the internet service providers (ISP) to satisfy the interference, meaning it could have important applications
needs of different subscribers. This gives us a clear view on in sensitive locations like healthcare facilities.
how the current speed of data would not suffice in coming 5 A light node can send in real-time the magic world of the
years. Li-Fi was proposed to provide a very wide bandwidth very far deep underwater and underground. Light nodes
compared to what radio waves provide now. There are enable divers to readily communicate among themselves and
various challenges of how Li-Fi would be implemented in the with dolphins and other protected sea life.
indoor and outdoor environment. Wi-Fi is an incredible A light node can send data about petrol reservoirs and
resource, but it is still limited, and as connectivity spreads, nuclear reactors from some kilometers deep. A Li-Fi node
both across the world and throughout the Internet of Things, can be embedded in security access cards to allow persons to
problems will arise if Wi-Fi is our only option. Li-Fi devices access secured gates/areas.
work so well because they attempt to transmit not one data
stream, but thousands of data streams in parallel, at higher Astronauts can share information using light node that
speeds. You’re all trying to share a limited resource: the makes it possible in free space gravity through light and
radio spectrum. Think of it as a lake and there are as many sends data to outer Li-Fi nodes which in turn send it to earth
people as possible trying to get as much water as possible. through satellites networks in a reliable and secure manner.
[11] The current Wi-Fi has security and propagation
mechanisms issues and its characteristics keep adding While the light enables eyes to see in the dark, the Li-Fi node
additional loss. uses the light to enable internet users to communicate
anytime anywhere in a secure and energy efficient way than

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2686
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

ever before. Li-Fi communication and networking

technology is, therefore, a true candidate of the Internet of
Things and ubiquitous communications.


Internet of Things (IoT) is a Ubiquitous network in which all

things in a network are connected together remotely using
sensors in order to share data. [1]

There are three basic important requirements of IoT;

Sensing data, Processing, and connectivity. All these
requirements provide obstacles to implementing IoT in
future by challenging us by several issues related to the huge Fig-1 Li-Fi environment
number of devices and huge data transferred in the world.
The challenges of IoT-devices can simply be clarified as
As expected in future, billions of IoT devices are connected to
follows [1]:
the network, so the bandwidth consumption is another
challenge for IoT connectivity. Bandwidth on a cellular
A reliable bidirectional signaling is very important with IoT
network is expensive.
connected devices to make the routing data easy. Data needs
As foreseen, billions of IoT devices are to be connected to the
to be shared between point A and point B in a fast, secure
network, so the bandwidth consumption is brought into
and reliable way.
question for IoT connectivity. Bandwidth on a cellular
network is expensive.
Security is a very important factor in IoT’s connectivity.
IOT is not to be thought as Machine to machine (M2M)
When sending or receiving a stream of data, it is essential to
communication but they are different (figure 3).
make sure that the IoT device or server has a correct
authorization to send or receive the data. Open ports: An IoT 3. LI-FI IN IOT
device is dangerously defenseless when it’s about an open
port out to the Internet. Therefore, an end to end encryption
There are, by all means, drawbacks. In the very sunny day,
between IoT devices is needed. the receivers wouldn't be able to differentiate the signal, and
Omnipresent Detection unlike Wi-Fi, Li-Fi signal cannot pass through walls.
It is the ability to know immediately when an IoT device
drops off or connects to the network. Omnipresent detection Of course, these constraints could be overmastered with
gives an exact state of all devices connected to a network. technologies like smart architecture where the light follows
This gives the ability to monitor IoT devices and fixes any the user around the space. Algorithms will determine
problems that may arise within the network. lighting and access to data more and more.
Power consumption
Sending data among IoT Devices takes a toll on power and Lights do not create an electromagnetic reaction like the way
CPU consumption. With all this, communication needs an Wi-Fi does. This emphasizes that it could have applications
efficient cellular system using HetNet 4G or 5G as a long in medicine, healthcare, and life sciences.
battery life, and also a smart sensor built in IoT device.
The idea that Li-Fi cannot penetrate through walls results in
a more secure data stream; users must be physically in the
space in order to access the data but some consider this as a
drawback because two people in the same house in different
rooms cannot access same data.

Li-Fi uses direct modulation, unlike RF systems. Besides, it

uses cheap components such as LEDs and photodetectors. It
is, hence, possible to create cheap and tiny transceivers that
enable any LED light to behave as a high-speed data
transmitter (figure 1).

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2687
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig- 4: LEDs in Cars Communicating via the Li-Fi Lighting

Fig -2: How li-fi works
As this paper has demonstrated, Li-Fi is a promising
IoT would fit well and well in Li-Fi and be enabled by it. IoT technology that can be used to provide affordable wireless
needs multiple access points and this is easily done in Li-Fi technology access to unreachable areas, where light can
since simple light bulbs are used and these can technically be reach. The throughput set to be achieved by Li-Fi technology
any number of access points. shows that Li-Fi is the perfect tool in IoT networks as it (Li-
Fi) offers higher speed compared to convention Wi-Fi.

Though it offers high-speed, IoT systems are not constraints

exempt, some challenges arise such as security, signaling and
omnipresent detection. With Li-Fi, IoT systems can
overcome signaling and security related challenges and with
a proper monitoring of IoT systems connected over LiFi, the
omnipresent detection can be tackled. The features of not
passing through walls, less radiation, and the possibility of
having a good number of access points make Li-Fi suitable
for IoT.


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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2688
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2689

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