Artificial Intelligence in Project Management Systematic Literatur Ereview

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The paper finds an increased interest from the scientific community in applying artificial intelligence to project management, though some areas remain to be explored further.

The purpose of the paper was to understand the potential and limitations of applying artificial intelligence to project management by conducting a systematic literature review.

The literature review finds artificial intelligence being applied to areas of project management like project control, decision support systems, and human resource management.

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.


Artificial Intelligence in Project Management: Systematic Literature Review

Article  in  International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning · January 2022

DOI: 10.1504/IJTIP.2022.10050400


0 1,410

5 authors, including:

Renato Lopes da Costa Álvaro Lopes Dias

ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa


Rui Alexandre Henriques Gonçalves Gonçalves Leandro Ferreira Pereira

Instituto Piaget ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa


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Int. J. Technology Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2022 143

Artificial intelligence in project management:

systematic literature review

Sofia Bento*
ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa,
Lisbon, Portugal
Email: [email protected]
*Corresponding author

Leandro Pereira
BRU – Business Research Unit,
ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa,
Lisbon, Portugal
Email: [email protected]

Rui Gonçalves
PIAGET Almada,
Almada, Portugal
Email: [email protected]

Álvaro Dias
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias,
ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa,
Lisbon, Portugal
Email: [email protected]

Renato Lopes da Costa

BRU-IUL – Business Research Unit,
ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa,
Lisbon, Portugal
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: Project management is a common field in many industries, and it is

not immune to the innovations that artificial intelligence is bringing to the
world. Even so, the application of artificial intelligence is not that widespread
in companies and especially not in all of project management areas. The
reasons are not clear but seem to be related to the uncertainty of the application
of artificial intelligence in project management. The purpose of this paper was
to acknowledge the potentialities and limitations of artificial intelligence in the
specific area of project management by doing a systematic literature review

Copyright © 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

144 S. Bento et al.

with which it was possible to analyse and correlate the selected articles and
reach some patterns and tendencies. In the end, it was clear that there is an
increased interest in the scientific community in this field, although with some
areas to explore.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; project management; data mining; decision

support system; human resources management.

JEL codes: M10, M11, M15.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Bento, S., Pereira, L.,
Gonçalves, R., Dias, Á. and Lopes da Costa, R. (2022) ‘Artificial intelligence
in project management: systematic literature review’, Int. J. Technology
Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.143–163.

Biographical notes: Sofia Bento studied her Bachelor in Civil Engineering,

and started the 16-year professional path in project management, that later
combined with functions related to product management and team
management. She recently preceded the education with a Master of Business
Administration at the ISCTE Business School.

Leandro Pereira is an Assistant Professor with Habilitation in Management at

the ISCTE Business School. He holds a PhD in Project Management. He is also
the CEO and Founder of WINNING Scientific Management. He is also the
Former President of Business Case Institute, PMI Portugal Chapter and
Training Specialist of the Court of Auditors. As CEO, he receives from Best
Teams Leaders the Award of Best Team Leader and CEO of Portugal in 2017
in Portugal. He is also PMP from PMI and ROI certified. As researcher, he
published more than 100 scientific publications and ten books. As student, he
received the best student award from University of Minho. He is an
international expert in strategic management, project management, benefits
realisation management, and problem solving.

Rui Gonçalves holds a PhD in Management from the Instituto Superior de

Economia e Gestão, with research in information systems for operational risk
management, a Master’s in Statistics and Information Management from the
NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), with research in the
area of Intelligent Agents, and a Degree in Business Management from the
International University. He is currently a Guest Assistant Professor at the
NOVA IMS and works as a manager in the Business Expertise Division at SAS
Portugal. In recent years, he has coordinated the areas of operational risk,
compliance, fraud, audit and money laundering.

Álvaro Dias is a Professor of Strategy at the Instituto Superior de Gestão and

ISCTE-IUL, both in Lisbon, Portugal. He received his PhD in Management
from the Universidad de Extremadura, Spain, after an MBA in International
Business. He has over 24 years of teaching experience. He has had several
visiting positions in different countries and institutions including Brazil,
Angola, Spain, Poland and Finland. He regularly teaches in English,
Portuguese, and Spanish at undergraduate, master and doctorate levels, as well
as in executive programs. He has produced extensive research in the field of
tourism and management, including books, book chapters, papers in scientific
journals and conference proceedings, case studies, and working papers.

Renato Lopes da Costa completed his PhD in General Management, Strategy

and Business Development by ISCTE, Portugal has articles published in
several specialised journals in the East, the USA, Canada, Africa, South
Artificial intelligence in project management 145

America and Portugal. He is currently a researcher and member of

BRU-UNIDE and a Professor at the INDEG where he holds the post of
Director of the Master in Business Administration (MScBA) and guides
students in the development of master’s and PhD theses. He teaches business
strategy modules in executive and post-graduate master’s degrees. Since 2013
he has also accumulated teaching duties as an Invited Professor at the Military
Academy where he teaches the knowledge management.

1 Introduction

Artificial intelligence is a reality in our days getting more and more relevancy. However,
there is still much to explore both scientifically and business wise. With the internet
revolution a new phenomenon has been occurring, artificial intelligence. Being a new
reality, markets and users have been awakening and adapting to what are now the
inevitable changes. But in most industries, there is still reluctance in its full
establishment. This is perfectly mentioned in Dwivedi et al. (2021) where authors even
point out the uncertainty of the path. This problematic withholds the implementation of
artificial intelligence and in some cases brought to light the necessity of the creation of
boundaries and principles of use, with the intent of promoting responsibility and respect
to all parties involved (Clarke, 2019; Haenlein and Kaplan, 2019; Lima et al., 2022).
However, there are clear signs that artificial intelligence has a large potential, which
cannot be ignored, and that is recognised by companies that even believe that humans and
artificial intelligence will work together in the future (Candelon et al., 2021). Together,
they can take advantage of what some studies already indicate, that internal factors can
deliver more innovation and better performance, assuring organisational growth
(Kyläheiko et al., 2017). Having this into account it seems important to consider: do we
know the full potential of artificial intelligence? Is it being applied to all areas? Do
decision-makers use artificial intelligence? Are we implementing it through all the
business structures? From CEO till the last employees? Are employees refusing its
implementation with fear of losing their jobs?
Literature gives us some indication of the potential of artificial intelligence. For the
first Ju et al. (2020) showed that innovation has a positive impact in a company’s
performance, and Ong and Uddin (2020) point out that with the new era of data, artificial
intelligence applications will significantly expand. But several other articles observe
findings in more specific areas as the advantages of artificial intelligence in project
control (García et al., 2017) and production management (Durana et al., 2021), or the
several areas pointed by Haefner et al. (2021) where artificial intelligence can already
benefit the company’s innovation. And the list continues with demonstrated benefits in
project duration forecasting (Wauters and Vanhoucke, 2016), supply chain management
(Toorajipour et al., 2021) and even in the purchasing process (Allal-Chérif et al., 2020).
Other areas can also be considered, like the evaluation and measuring of different IT
strategies (Loh and Mortara, 2017) and the development of strategic roadmaps and its
implementation supported by project management (Kerr and Phaal, 2017).
To achieve our goals, and since this theme is wide and with a great deal to be
explored, the chosen path was narrowed to the current state of the art, the areas within
artificial intelligence that have been studied, the potential existing gaps and the market’s
146 S. Bento et al.

orientation for its development. Considering all this a systematic literature review has
imposed itself as the best methodology to obtain most of the recent studies and have a
clearer perspective of the path being outlined. The applications of artificial intelligence
are vast, so it was chosen to restrict the analysis to project management as it is an area
present in most business areas and with recognised importance to all of them.
Considering the theme in analysis and all its problems, the goal is to have an
overview of the presence of artificial intelligence in project management. The research
will focus on the gains that the use of artificial intelligence can deliver to project
management, but also the limitation that organisations will face when trying to apply it
and will look to what the literature points out as the main areas of project management
where artificial intelligence can be use in a more extensive way and with more success.
The article is organised in four sections. After the introduction, there is a section
dedicated to the followed methodology, specifying the methodology and tools used, the
data collection and selection, and the data treatment. The intent was to clarify the options
taken in the research, with the purpose of being adjusted to the objectives. The next
section is the bibliometric analysis, where the obtained relevant data was critically
analysed. To interpret the findings the discussion section critically analysed and discusses
the findings of the application of the methodology and tools. To final section present the
conclusions of the research, with its possible contributions to these fields and an
indication for future lines of research.

2 Methodology

To reach the defined target the systematic literature review was conducted, due to the
large amount of information available and its constant increase. The aim is to collect,
select and analyse what would be most relevant studies on the last years for the respective
topic. Being the systematic literature review the mean to achieve the goal, the next phase
is to establish the terms to be researched, specify the databases in which it will be
reproduced and the criteria to be met. With the constraints perfectly defined the matching
articles will be compiled and analysed trying to correlate and evaluate the sampled
The systematic literature review will use the preferred reporting items for systematic
reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMAs) methodology approach (Moher et al., 2009). Its
selection was mainly because of its capabilities to improve the results and guarantee its
replicability and because it provides a very structed process that helps to conduct a
rigorous systematic review. The PRISMA methodology considers a set of steps to
achieve the intended results with a flow of information identical to one in Figure 1. For
the data analysis we select Citespace because of its capabilities for visualising and
analysing trends and patterns in scientific literature, mainly its functions for the
interpretation of network patterns, finding citation hotspots and building clusters from
citing articles.

2.1 Data collection and selection

Data collection is a fundamental part of the systematic literature review, as it sets the
primary source of data, from which the results will be deeply influenced. The definition
of the search conditions was carefully considered.
Artificial intelligence in project management 147

For the data collection the defined search terms were ‘artificial intelligence’ and
‘project management’ or ‘machine learning’ and ‘project management’. The quotation
mark search returned the values that included the words exactly as they are. In the search
engines these terms were searched in all the titles, abstracts, or keywords of the
respective databases. Selected databases were deliberately limited to avoid excessive
duplicates. The selected ones were the most considered in these types of research, Web of
Science ( and Scopus (
Important to highlight that the search data was of May 2021, so data from further that
year was not considered and represented in the database collection. The database
collection was of a total of 2.083 records, 1.880 of Scopus and 203 of Web of Science.
This initial database had to be more optimised to provide data only related to the
proposed objective. As so the PRISMA methodology was continued, and the selection
began always having in considerations the research questions. To improve the data
selection, the results were all gathered in an excel spreadsheet.

Figure 1 Data selection process (PRISMA methodology)

Source: Author
148 S. Bento et al.

Table 1 Selected articles

Title Authors
A comparative study of artificial intelligence methods M. Wauters and M. Vanhoucke
for project duration forecasting
A decision support system (DSS) for facilitating the A. Shalaby and A. Hassanein
scenario selection process of the renegotiation of PPP
A deterministic contractor selection decision support N. Semaan and M. Salem
system for competitive bidding
A hybrid method for improved stability prediction in C. Qi, A. Fourie, G. Ma and X. Tang
construction projects: a case study of stope hanging
wall stability
A knowledge-based risk management tool for O. Okudan, C. Budayan and I. Dikmen
construction projects using case-based reasoning
A nearest neighbour extension to project duration M. Wauters and M. Vanhoucke
forecasting with artificial intelligence
A review of artificial intelligence-based risk F. Afzal, S. Yunfei, M. Nazir and
assessment methods for capturing complexity-risk S. M. Bhatti
interdependencies: cost overrun in construction
Activity analysis of construction equipment using C.F. Cheng, A. Rashidi,
audio signals and support vector machines M.A. Davenport and D.V. Anderson
Activity classification using accelerometers and L. Sanhudo, D. Calvetti, J.P. Martins,
machine learning for complex construction worker N.M.M. Ramos, P. Mêda,
activities M.C. Gonçalves and H. Sousa
An authoritative study on the near future effect of T.V. Fridgeirsson, H.T. Ingason,
artificial intelligence on project management H.I. Jonasson and H. Jonsdottir
knowledge areas
An effective approach for software project effort and P. Pospieszny, B. Czarnacka-Chrobot
duration estimation with machine learning algorithms and A. Kobylinski
An empirical validation of the performance of project A. Martens and M. Vanhoucke
control tolerance limits
Assessment of construction workers’ labor intensity Z. Yang, Y. Yuan, M. Zhang, X. Zhao
based on wearable smartphone system and B. Tian
Automated action recognition using an J. Ryu, J. Seo, H. Jebelli and S. Lee
accelerometer-embedded wristband-type activity
Automated methods for activity recognition of B. Sherafat, C.R. Ahn, R. Akhavian,
construction workers and equipment: state-of-the-art A.H. Behzadan, M. Golparvar-Fard,
review H. Kim, Y.C. Lee, A. Rashidi and
E.R. Azar
Automated staff assignment for building maintenance Y. Mo, D. Zhao, J. Du, M. Syal,
using natural language processing A. Aziz and H. Li
Collaboration formation and profit sharing between M. Fahimullah, Y. Faheem and
software development firms: a Shapley value based N. Ahmad
cooperative game
Source: Author
Artificial intelligence in project management 149

Table 1 Selected articles (continued)

Title Authors
Comparing optimization modelling approaches for the M. Kannimuthu, B. Raphael,
multi-mode resource-constrained multi-project P. Ekambaram and A. Kuppuswamy
scheduling problem
Critical success factors for modular integrated I.Y. Wuni and G.Q. Shen
construction projects: a review
Data-driven machine learning approach to integrate M. Awada, F. Jordan Srour and
field submittals in project scheduling I.M. Srour
Defect risk assessment using a hybrid machine C.L. Fan
learning method
Design science research in construction management: I.D. Tommelein
multi-disciplinary collaboration on the SightPlan
Determine the optimal capital structure of BOT Y. Wang and X. Jin
projects using interval numbers with Tianjin Binhai
New District Metro Z4 line in China as an example
Drivers, barriers, and social considerations for AI M. Cubric
adoption in business and management: a tertiary study
Dynamic feature selection for accurately predicting M.Y. Cheng, M.T. Cao and
construction productivity using symbiotic organisms A.Y. Jaya Mendrofa
search-optimized least square support vector machine
Emergency informatics: using computing to improve R.R. Murphy
disaster management
Emotion-based automated priority prediction for bug Q. Umer, H. Liu and Y. Sultan
Estimating construction duration of diaphragm wall M.Y. Cheng and N.D. Hoang
using firefly-tuned least squares support vector
Evaluating industrial modularization strategies: local A. Nekouvaght Tak, H. Taghaddos,
vs. overseas fabrication A. Mousaei and U.R. Hermann
Forecasting the scheduling issues in engineering S. Liu and W. Hao
project management: applications of deep learning
Incentive structures in multi-partner project teams J. Han, A. Rapoport and P.S.W. Fong
Intelligent purchasing: how artificial intelligence can O. Allal-Chérif, V. Simón-Moya and
redefine the purchasing function A.C.C. Ballester
Investigating profitability performance of construction M. Bilal, L.O. Oyedele, H.O. Kusimo,
projects using big data: a project analytics approach H.A. Owolabi, L.A. Akanbi,
A.O. Ajayi, O.O. Akinade and
J.M. Davila Delgado
Modelling the performance of healthcare construction K.A. Iskandar, A.S. Hanna and
projects W. Lotfallah
Neural network-based interval forecasting of M. Mir, H.M.D. Kabir, F. Nasirzadeh
construction material prices and A. Khosravi
Source: Author
150 S. Bento et al.

Table 1 Selected articles (continued)

Title Authors
Optimizing decisions in advanced manufacturing of M. Arashpour, Y. Bai,
prefabricated products: theorizing supply chain G. Aranda-Mena, A. Bab-Hadiashar,
configurations in off-site construction R. Hosseini and P. Kalutara
Performance-based control of variability and tolerance M. Arashpour, A. Heidarpour,
in off-site manufacture and assembly: optimization of A. Akbar Nezhad, Z. Hosseinifard,
penalty on poor production quality N. Chileshe and R. Hosseini
Predicting the occurrence of construction disputes M. Ayhan, I. Dikmen and
using machine learning techniques M. Talat Birgonul
Predicting the volatility of highway construction cost Y. Cao and B. Ashuri
index using long short-term memory
Prediction of risk delay in construction projects using Z.M. Yaseen, Z.H. Ali, S.Q. Salih and
a hybrid artificial intelligence model N. Al-Ansari
Project management: openings for disruption from AI F. Niederman
and advanced analytics
Reflecting on 10 years of focus on innovation, D.H.T. Walker
organisational learning, and knowledge management
literature in a construction project management
Research on image quality in decision management J.C. Huang, H.C. Huang and S.H. Chu
system and information system framework
Risk identification, assessments, and prediction for D.B. Chattapadhyay, J. Putta and
mega construction projects: a risk prediction paradigm P. Rama Mohan Rao
based on cross analytical-machine learning model
Safety leading indicators for construction sites: a C.Q.X. Poh, C.U. Ubeynarayana and
machine learning approach Y.M. Goh
Smartphone-based construction workers’ activity R. Akhavian and A.H. Behzadan
recognition and classification
Software development effort estimation using A.B. Nassif, M. Azzeh, A. Idri and
regression fuzzy models A. Abran
Symbiotic organisms search-optimized deep learning M.Y. Cheng, M.T. Cao and
technique for mapping construction cash flow J.G. Herianto
considering complexity of project
The effectiveness of project management construction W. Li, P. Duan and J. Su
with data mining and blockchain consensus
The impact of entrepreneurship orientation on project S. Sabahi and M.M. Parast
performance: a machine learning approach
The present and future of project management in A. Schuhmacher, O. Gassmann,
pharmaceutical R&D M. Hinder and M. Kuss
The successful delivery of megaprojects: a novel G. Locatelli, M. Mikic, M. Kovacevic,
research method N. Brookes and N. Ivanisevic
Using classification techniques for assigning work M. Martínez-Rojas,
descriptions to task groups based on construction J.M. Soto-Hidalgo, N. Marín and
vocabulary M.A. Vila
Vision-based action recognition of construction J. Yang, Z. Shi and Z. Wu
workers using dense trajectories
Source: Author
Artificial intelligence in project management 151

Due to the use of more than one research platform, naturally the first step was to
eliminate duplicates, which excluded 275 records. Subsequently the screening was done
for document type, keeping the one’s marked as journal articles, 595 in total (excluded
Within the journal articles it was considered important to do a credibility selection, as
ambiguous as that is. The selected criteria were the Scimago ranks that qualifies the
scientific prestige of journals from Q1 to Q4. To achieve this selection all the journals
from the 595 journal articles were researched in the Scimago and classified, being that
the non-recognised or ‘not yet assigned’ were eliminated. The reports considered were
the published in Q1 journals, a total of 293 (302 excluded).
Since the initial data collection had results since 1982 it was important to limit the
period to ensure the most recent data with the more recent developments on these fields.
The defined period for the publishing was from 2016 until 2021, which eliminated 196
With the purpose of a later analysis of the abstracts all the non-English journal
articles were excluded (4). All the 93 remaining reports were read to select only the ones
that matched the research purposes, and that could eventually answer the research
questions. In this last step of the selection 39 reports were excluded, in most of its cases
due to be centred in a specific field of project management or a very specific part of an
industry. Others were excluded for not being related with project management or to be
more focused in machine learning. In the end the PRISMA methodology led to a total of
54 reports of the most representative for the purpose of the research.

2.2 Data analysis

Data treatment was a very relevant part of the research as the success of the whole
research depends on its results. With a challenging database of 54 journal articles, the
software and tools made it easier to process. The primary one was the excel which helped
in the initial phase of the data selection, organising, and filtering the intended criteria.
With the final database all available in the Scopus site, some of the more fundamental
analysis was possible with outputs of the site for the created database. Analyse per year,
country, subject area, source, and citation.
Another important software used was the Citespace program, with which a more
visual analyse was possible, and specially a cross examination of different factors. This
software enabled trend analyses, occurrence of patterns and the cross analysis of some
factors. This free software besides the possibility of giving some useful tables, mainly
provides visual information in the form of nodes and links. The nodes represent the value
in analyse (authors or journals, for example) and the links the relationship between the

3 Bibliometric analysis

Previously to the results it is important to contextualise the main terms in analysis to

better understand the results and its significance to the present and future reality.
Artificial intelligence is a popular term in our days although not as broadly implemented
which can lead to some misleading conceptions. Clarifying the literature’s concept of
152 S. Bento et al.

artificial intelligence, for example Davenport and Ronanki (2018) divides artificial
intelligence into three main categories: process automation, cognitive insight, and
cognitive engagement. Process automation is the most common and easiest to implement
and replicate in various businesses, being the automation of physical tasks. Cognitive
insight is algorithm detecting and interpreting patterns in a big volume of data. Lastly the
least used as referred by Davenport and Ronanki (2018), the cognitive engagement. This
is the interaction of humans with machines that use natural language processing,
providing a personalised and human experience to customers or employees (da Costa
et al., 2020).
These types of artificial intelligence have a clear distinction from human developed
tasks, the volume of data, it is complexity and its interrelatedness, without the human
In addition, it is important to point out that at the rhythm that evolution is occurring in
the artificial intelligence field this categorisation can also get obsolete.
An example of the mentioned evolutions is the ‘self-innovating artificial intelligence’
(Hutchinson, 2021). This is a concept that considers the application of artificial
intelligence in innovative processes with the purpose of developing new solutions or to
improve existing ones. This potential methodology has its gap’s and requires further
investigation, being for the moment a complementary approach.
As this concept many others can and will appear, so it is important to continuously
improve in this area both theoretically and practically. As for the project management this
is a crucial area to most businesses, as it promotes the accomplishment of the set
objectives with success. To achieve success, a great deal of acquired techniques and
competences must be aligned with the stakeholders to accomplish the set goal. However,
goals may change or in some cases not even be perfectly clear to start with. This requires
adapting the project and restructuring it to accompany the new reality. This is the
denominated agile project management, and as stated by Zasa et al. (2020) is most
frequently used by IT companies, as it better meets their specificities. Nevertheless, it is
increasingly being introduced in their organisations due to the experienced uncertainty
and fast-changing reality of our days. But agile may not always be the right method, so it
is important to understand both methods very well, identifying its strengths, weaknesses,
and limitations. It is also vital to understand what is required implicitly and explicitly
from the stakeholders of the project. Additionally, Ciric et al. (2021) states that the
combination of the two methodologies in the parts of the project that make the most sense
is the most successful solution, being very important the identification of the stages in
which one or the other should be used.
Also, important to understand the project management functions, and for this the
more commonly considered areas of knowledge are: project integration, project scope
management, project time management, project cost management, project quality
management, project human resource management, project communication management,
project risk management, project procurement management, project stakeholder
management. These can be linked to the five major process groups:
1 initiation
2 planning
3 execution
4 monitoring and controlling
Artificial intelligence in project management 153

5 closing.
Proceeding to the results, the selected articles for the analysis of the artificial intelligence
influence in the project management area were 54 in total, in the period of 2016 until
2021. Considering all the results the analysis was carried out with the purpose of finding
patterns and tendencies that could enlighten the developments that have been occurring
and hopefully point out a possible direction for the artificial intelligence in the project
The numbers of results obtained are mostly concentrated in the last years, with 14
documents in each year of 2020 and 2021 (until May). The growth has happened since
2017 with an increase to 7 and 9 documents in the subsequent years.

Figure 2 Documents per year (see online version for colours)

Source: Scopus
As for the country distribution of the results, the biggest contributor was the USA with 12
documents, followed by China with 9 and Australia with 7. Countries like the UK,
Taiwan, Canada, Hong Kong, and Belgium have 3 or more documents. The remaining
countries have 2 or less documents in the results in analysis. Important to notice that
some articles were developed in more than one country, in a universe of a total of 30
countries. This partially confirms the data in Ruiz-Real et al. (2021) that mentions that
the countries with the most published papers are USA, UK, and China. Also, important to
point out that also as mentioned by Ruiz-Real et al. (2021) the pattern numbers are higher
in USA, Hong Kong and France. This can have other reasons to occur, but it is an
indicator of the gap between the research and its real-world applicability.
The most addressed subject areas were engineering with a total of 36 documents,
followed by business, management and accounting with 20 and computer science with
17. Coincidently these are the subject areas more commonly associated with project
management and artificial intelligence, although more related to project management. As
so, it was expected that a greater number of documents were associated with computer
science due to artificial intelligence, which can mean that this topic has broadened its
basic subject and is disseminating to other fields.
The remaining subject areas were not that relevant, with an occurrence of 4 or less
154 S. Bento et al.

Figure 3 Top 15 of the countries with more documents (see online version for colours)

Source: Scopus

Figure 4 Documents by subject area (see online version for colours)

Source: Scopus
The results present a total of 160 authors, with a vast majority of them with only one
article (93%). However M-Y. Cheng and M. Vanhoucke have three documents in the
results, and other eight authors have two (R. Akhavian, M. Arashpour, A.H. Behzadan,
M.T. Cao, I Dikmen, R. Hosseini, A. Rashidi, and W. Wauters).
The source of the documents in the results was also a crucial point to analyse. From
the top 9 sources in Figure 5, the more relevant are Automation Construction (n = 7),
Engineering Construction and Architectural Management (n = 6), Journal of
Construction Engineering and Management (n = 5), and Journal of Building Engineering
(n = 4). The remaining five have only two documents in the results.
These sources are related to the subject areas more represented in the results as seen
above (engineering, business, management and accounting, and computer science).
Citations from the documents in the results have increased significantly through the
years, especially since 2018. In 2020 and 2021, the total citations were of 1,582 and
3,383 respectively.
Artificial intelligence in project management 155

Figure 5 Documents per year per source (top 9 sources) (see online version for colours)

Source: Scopus

Figure 6 Citations per year (see online version for colours)

Source: Scopus
As for the cited authors the more prominent are R. Akhavian, T. Cheng, J. Colin and
M. Bilal. Other significant authors as K. Yang, M. Kuhn, Y.M. Goh, Z. Zhou,
M.Y. Cheng, B. Amiri, Kang, M. Wauters, J. Batselier and F. Acebes, also stand-out in
Figure 7. From the clusters of R. Akhavian with T. Cheng and with Bilal there is some
relation, being Colin in an almost isolated cluster. An example of the relation between
R. Akhavian and T. Cheng is one of the most cited articles ‘Automated methods for
activity recognition of construction workers and equipment: state-of-the-art review’, in
which R. Akhavian is one of the authors, citing his own work as well as T. Cheng’s.
‘A review of artificial intelligence-based risk assessment methods for capturing
complexity-risk interdependencies: cost overrun in construction projects’ also frequently
cited T. Chen but with no mention to any of the other appointed authors.
The keywords in the results can provide some insights on the tendencies of the
In Figure 8 there are several keywords within the construction industry and
construction management clusters, very related in highly connected clusters. This net of
156 S. Bento et al.

clusters has other diverse keywords as wearable sensors, learning system, human
resources management or accelerometer.

Figure 7 Cited authors (see online version for colours)

Source: Citespace

Figure 8 Keywords (see online version for colours)

Source: Citespace
Another evident keyword is artificial intelligence in a cluster with less relation with
others. Also, important to distinguish the data mining keyword deeply connected to the
main clusters, and decision support system with some relation with artificial intelligence.
These clusters are more related to artificial intelligence than the main ones that focus on a
particular business of project management, construction.
The predominance of the clusters construction industry and construction management
can be related to the main sources of articles collected as many of them are related to
engineering or construction, as represented in Figure 5.
With a more deep analyse of the articles, the ones mentioning frequently the
keywords construction industry or construction management are: ‘Safety leading
indicators for construction sites: a machine learning approach’; ‘A review of artificial
intelligence-based risk assessment methods for capturing complexity-risk
Artificial intelligence in project management 157

interdependencies: cost overrun in construction projects’; ‘Automated methods for

activity recognition of construction workers and equipment: state-of-the-art review’;
‘Automated methods for activity recognition of construction workers and equipment:
state-of-the-art review’; ‘The effectiveness of project management construction with data
mining and blockchain consensus’; and ‘A hybrid method for improved stability
prediction in construction projects: a case study of stope hanging wall stability’.
Considering the article’s titles this was an expected conclusion. However, there is more
to it, most of these articles also mentions mining and some of them artificial intelligence,
which confirms the unrelatedness of the main clusters to the keyword decision support

Figure 9 Top 16 keywords with the strongest citation bursts (see online version for colours)

Source: Citespace
As for the artificial intelligence cluster the articles with more mentions of the keyword
have only a small reference to the decision support system. In ‘A comparative study of
artificial intelligence methods for project duration forecasting’, the decision support
system is mentioned as the means to give warnings as to when the duration exceeds the
defined initially. In ‘A nearest neighbour extension to project duration forecasting with
artificial intelligence’, it is mentioned in the control limits as to where to find further
information on project control approaches and its relation to decision support systems.
To analyse the keywords with the more relevancy in the more recent years Figure 9
can provide some insights with the 16 keywords with the strongest citation bursts. The
keywords whose citation bursts ended in 2021 are decision support system, optimisation,
human resources management, information management and construction project.
The strongest citation bursts are broader terms, which can indicate the tendency to
generalise the investigation being carried out in the more recent years. This can mean that
in the future the main clusters of keywords will differ from the construction field.
158 S. Bento et al.

Interestingly keywords as decision support system and human resources management,

that appear in the bursts as well as in the clusters, are deeply related to one of the
concerns in the literature, the lower applicability of artificial intelligence in the areas of
project management such as support leadership and cognitive skills.

4 Discussion

Artificial intelligence in project management is said to be one of the trends of the future,
with automation and human-machine collaboration.
Although artificial intelligence applied to the project management area is not a
novelty, its potentiality in all knowledge areas is still questionable (Pereira et al., 2021,
2022). It is recognised the benefits of artificial intelligence tools to optimise and perform
tasks that are rule-based, such as scheduling, cost estimation or risk assessment.
However, in areas that require empathy, human resources management or decision
making the artificial intelligence applicability is more questioned.
In the research by Fridgeirsson et al. (2021) the results of the questionnaires showed
that artificial intelligence is not considered to support leadership and cognitive skills.
From the same research it also showed some evidence that there is a lack of knowledge of
artificial intelligence in project management. Complementary to this approach Buah et al.
(2020) set an artificial intelligence-powered communication and engagement system that
was an alternative to the conventional system. The research concluded that it is missing
human interaction and that it is emotionless. However, this last limitation can have its
advantages as it eliminates eventual bias in decision making. With all this it is vital to
reinforce the research in these areas so that knowledge is obtained in a level of certainty
that allows companies and individuals to understand and comprehend the broader line of
applicability of artificial intelligence in project management.
The study of such prolifically addressed subjects as artificial intelligence and project
management may not be a soft task. However, the resort to a systematic literature review
has proven to be a resourceful tool in this case. This systematic literature review was
fundamental to process and analyse the large amounts of information obtained. After
defining the objective of the study, the process of defining keywords, platforms in which
to research, and the criteria for selecting the final articles to analyse, was quite simple.
The processing of the selected data was more challenging as the Citespace program
can correlate and process a variety of variables, with the additional obstacles of an
extremely complete program that always ended up surprising with its immense
potentiality. The 54 results lead to several conclusions, some of which were more
expected, such as the fact that the results are more concentrated in the last three years,
even with the year of 2021 not fully represented and with the expected decrease in
publications in the year of 2020 due to COVID. Other expected results were the countries
with more articles prevalence, the considered world most powerful countries, USA, and
China, followed by other significantly important countries. These two countries were
already mentioned as the ones with more published papers.
The subject areas of the results reflect the covered areas, as the main documents are in
the areas of engineering, business, management and accounting and computer science.
This correlates with the articles per source, being the main sources extremely correlated
to the subjects, Automation Construction, Engineering Construction and Architectural
Artificial intelligence in project management 159

Management, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, and Journal of

Building Engineering.
Table 2 Most relevant articles to the investigation

Author Title Topics Contributions

O. Allal-Chérif Intelligent purchasing: • Artificial AI useful in solving purchasing
et al. how artificial intelligence issues. Useful in tree areas,
intelligence can strategy, tactics and operationaly.
redefine the • Purchasing Also improves companies
purchasing function function adaptability capacities.
M. Bilal et al. Investigating • Profitability Profitability prediction largely
profitability performance affected by inadequate estimation
performance of approaches. Big data project
construction projects • Big data important to define projects
using big data: a attribute and better predict
project analytics profitability.
M.Y. Cheng Symbiotic organisms • Deep learning Cash flow’s prediction
et al. search-optimized deep technique optimisation attributed to the
learning technique for appropriate combination of AI
mapping construction • Construction techniques.
cash flow considering cash flow
complexity of project
M. Cubric Drivers, barriers, and • Artificial AI applied mainly for economic
social considerations intelligence reasons, being also economic as
for AI adoption in well as technical the barriers.
business and • Business Recommendations for a bigger
management: a tertiary • Management investment in human,
study organisational and social aspects
of AI
T.V. Fridgeirsson An authoritative study • Artificial Promising future of AI in PM,
et al. on the near future intelligence especially in areas where data is
effect of artificial useful in estimation and planning.
intelligence on project • Project schedules, adjust forecasts, and
management management maintain baselines. The least
knowledge areas areas influenced by AI knowledge areas
are the ones with human
leadership skills. More scientific
research is required.
Y. Mo et al. Automated staff • Staff Model with high accuracy of staff
assignment for assignment assignment.
building maintenance
using natural language • Machine
processing learning
A. Schuhmacher The present and future • Artificial Recognition of the importance of
et al. of project management intelligence adopting AI enabled project
in pharmaceutical management systems in research
R&D • Research and and development. Prediction that
development in five years most major
• Project pharmaceuticals would not have
management AI fully implemented.
Source: Author
160 S. Bento et al.

Table 2 Most relevant articles to the investigation (continued)

Author Title Topics Contributions

M. Wauters and A comparative study • Earned value “The AI methods proved to
M. Vanhoucke of artificial management outperform the current EVM/ES
intelligence methods methods.” Dependency on
for project duration • Artificial external out puts as historical data
forecasting intelligence or expert judgement is the AI’s
biggest asset and liability.
Z.M. Yaseen et al. Prediction of risk • Risk delay Proposed model proved its ability
delay in construction to “handle the nonlinearity and
projects using a hybrid • Artificial complexity of data in the
artificial intelligence intelligence construction sector.”
Source: Author
As for the authors, the more published ones are M-Y. Cheng and M. Vanhoucke, but the
more cited are R. Akhavian, T. Cheng, J. Colin and M. Bilal.
Through keywords, important information was collected especially in the prediction
of the trends and tendencies of the investigations being carried out. In an analysis of the
Cytespace cluster of keywords, what highlights is construction industry, construction
management, wearable sensors, learning system, human resources management or
accelerometer, but also the ones further from the main clusters, artificial intelligence, data
mining and decision support system. There can be attributed a relation between the main
clusters and the biggest source of articles, all related to engineering or construction.
Another important information where the citation bursts ending in 2021, decision
support system, optimisation, human resources management, information management
and construction project. With these keywords there is a high possibility that the
tendencies in research are diverging from the main topic of construction to more broader
fields of project management and more specific ones of artificial intelligence.
Of all the 54 articles the most relevant ones for the investigation were selected and
are presented in Table 2 with their main contributions.
Considering the goals of the systematic literature review and the questions proposed
in the introduction, not all became clear, but some insight could be accomplished.
Considering the question: how artificial intelligence can potentiate project management,
it is undeniable the increase of research being carried out the more and more specification
of its terms, what can be seen by the identified keywords. This is a possible indicator of
the potentialities of artificial intelligence in the project management area. Therefore, it
can also be concluded that artificial intelligence is getting through more specific areas of
project management as human resources management or information management, but
maybe not in all the project management areas, or there was no data that could sustain
this affirmation or not.
Lastly the limitations of the application of artificial intelligence in project
management, where not clearly identified, but can be pointed some as the apparent lack
of research in all of project management areas or the focus in the construction field or
even the limitations in the data’s input for artificial intelligence as mentioned in some of
the articles in Table 2.
Artificial intelligence in project management 161

5 Conclusions

Artificial intelligence in project management represents a great challenge that most

certainly will be a part of a nearby future.
The research showed inevitably the increase of investigation being carried out, which
can be associated with an interest of the industries and their recognition of the potential
of this matter to the future of their organisations.
Because of this, the countries that have been contributing with more publications are
the world’s powerful countries, China, and USA, as well as other important countries.
The main areas addressed by the researchers are related to construction and
engineering, but lately show a higher tendency to diverge to other areas more specific to
artificial intelligence, and some specific areas of project management that are of special
concern as decision support system, or human resources management. This can be an
approach to areas were empathy plays a more important role and were artificial
intelligence applicability raises more doubts.
Looking to what as emerge from this research, organisations can find practical
implications of this work by having paths to where they can find relevant work to
explore, that will provide them relevant insights on how to use artificial intelligence in
project management. Being project management an area that is present in almost every
organisation and that can have a high impact in its results, the use of AI can have a very
important role in addressing most of the issues that arise from project management. With
this work we believe that organisations will have important guidelines about advantages,
challenges, business areas and techniques, to help their research of how to apply AI in
project management.
The research has some limitations in its reach. One that must be addressed is the
limiting of the language to English, which automatically excludes articles from other
authors and countries where this is not the predominant language in research. Another
limitation is the data. Although the initial selection intended to give a perspective of the
more recent work being developed in the fields of artificial intelligence and project
management, the reality is that most of the collected articles are from the last three years,
being that 2021 was only partially considered.
Given the appointed limitations it would be interesting to broaden the investigation to
the full spectrum of journal articles in the last three years. With the fact that articles
would not be excluded based on its Scimago classification and in their language. This
would imply a bigger and more representative set of recent articles. Another matter that
needs to be more considered is the applicability of artificial intelligence in project
management. The suggested would be to reinforce the investigation into what have been
the challenges and points to improve in the implementation of artificial intelligence tools
in the several areas of project management.

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