Reinforcement Activity #1

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Reinforcement Activity #2

• Analyzing the content and context of Pigafetta’s account of Magellan’s voyage regarding
the expedition’s encounter with the inhabitants of Zamar (Samar) and Zubu (Cebu).
Pigafetta’s account has no subheadings. They were only added by the authors to make the
analysis more convenient. Analyze the text by completing the following matrix.

Text Content Content Context Context

Subheading Key words that From the key How do these What evidences
can be found in words what themes relate to do you find
the text that themes can be us Filipinos? existing until
would deduced? today?
characterize the
inhabitants of
the islands
Spain has -Conversable -Hospitality Just like how One of the
arrived -Pleasant -Generosity the inhabitants evidences that I
in Zamal find existing
welcomes the until today is,
visitors in their for instance, If
island, we you go into a
Filipinos also store, whether
shows you buy
hospitality something or
towards our not they would
fellow guests or always greet you
visitors not only and say
in our home but “Welcome to
also other our store!”,
places. “Thank you for
coming!” or
“Have a nice
day!”. This
shows that
hospitality has
been part of the
Filipino culture
and is always
being shown in
various aspects.
Christianization -Religious -Religiousness In our culture, According to the
of Zubuanos -Christian -Devotion majority of us US-based Pew
-Faithful -Faith Filipinos were Research
religious. We Center, the
tend to go to Philippines ranks
our church every fifth in the
Sunday or world, hosting
specific date so four percent of
that we could those 2.28-
talk to God with billion Christians
all our hearts. globally. Of the
We all know Filipino
that we attend Christians, it is
to church in said that 81
order for us to percent are
build Catholic, 11
relationship and percent
strengthen our Protestant and
faith with God one percent
belong to other
Christian groups
whuile the
remaining seven
percent are non-
Death of -Firm -Resolve We Filipinos It is evident that
Magellan -Fury -Determination were renowned the COVID-19
-Determined -Justice for being pandemic
tenacious as brought
we’ve challenges not
experienced only in our
colonialism, country but also
imperialism, and in our lives.
corruption However,
throughout the despite those
years. Even challenges we
though that’s Filipinos
the case, we all somehow
know that survived it. This
because of the shows that no
determination matter the
of our ancestors circumstances
we somehow we are resilient
achieved the and we Filipinos
freedom of our have that
country. determination
and resolve all
the time.
Arrival in Zubu -Sincere -Sincerity In our culture, as One of the
-Peace -Peace a Filipino, we all evidence is
-Friendly -Friendship know the word when the Prime
“pakikisama” Minister Suga
wherein we tend sent a video
to be friendly message
with others announcing to
without any ill the public the
intention. This is “65th
because we Anniversary of
believe that the
being friendly Normalization of
with others the Diplopatic
promote peace Relations
and build good between Japan
relationship with and the
others. Thus, for Philippines”. In
us Filipinos, to the fight against
be with COVID-19, Japan
someone and to and the
get along with Philippines work
them means together and
that we support each
sincerely other to
building overcome this
connections hardship. With
with them in a that in mind,
good way. this is only
possible because
our former
Duterte have
that trait
which really
helps us
somehow ease
situation of our
country amidst
• Appreciating the friendly and hospitable character of the islanders which we owe as our
forefather’s character

Answer the following questions:

a) How would you differentiate the people of Guam and the islanders of Samar and Cebu
as to their encounter with Magellan and his men?
Magellan and his crew met with the people of Guam, Samar, and Cebu in different ways.
The Chamorros were initially friendly when Magellan first arrived on Guam, but as a number of
Spaniards took advantage of the Chamorros' generosity, problems arose. Magellan was killed
when the hostile locals in Samar attacked the Spanish navy when he arrived there. The
Spaniards were met with hostility when they first arrived in Cebu, but over time, they
developed a close relationship with Rajah Humabon, the native ruler who eventually converted
to Christianity.
b) How did the people of Samar show their hospitality and friendliness?
When Ferdinand Magellan and his crew arrived in Samar, the locals welcomed them with
open arms, demonstrating their warmth and generosity. They provided Magellan and his crew
with food, water, and other expedition necessities. Additionally, the men were permitted to
recuperate and rest on their land. In response, Magellan and his men gave gifts they had
brought from Spain. Because of this, the two parties were able to form a close bond, and the
locals continued to be kind to Magellan and his crew as they traveled through the Philippines.

c) What do you think were the reasons for their friendliness of these islanders especially n
when they saw the big vessels?
I believe that they saw this as an opportunity for trade and the exchange of goods. On
the other hand, it's also possible that these people were normally friendly to people from
foreigners, thus, the reason why they didn't show any hostility when they saw the large vessels
on the boat.

• Identifying the flaws of the islanders which we are also characterized with today.

Answer the following questions:

a) Between Raja Zula and Lapu-lapu what do you think were their negative traits?
Based on what I’ve read, Lapu-lapu’s negative traits are his brutality and stubborness. Raja Zula
on the otherhand, he is a strict and arrogant ruler who leads his people with harsh

b) How did politics play a part in the relationship of the two chiefs in the island of Mactan?
The politics play a part in the relationship of the two chief in the Island of Mactan when Raja
Zula tried to form an alliance with Magellan, asking for his help with the intention of defeating
Lapu-lapu which caused a strain with his relationship with Lapu-lapu.
c) What do you think was the lesson behind Magellan’s actions that led to his death?
I believe that Magellan’s failure was a result of his ignorance as he disregard the counsel
of his local allies and advisors. Also, he underestimate their military prowess and strategy as
they ruthlessly attack Lapu-lapu and his people on Mactan. With this in mind, I learned that
dominating other territories without an appropriate tactics and strategies might lead to harmful
repercussions. Lastly, I learned that we should be understanding and respectful when it comes
to various culture that we want to be in for us to avoid harmful circumstances and promote
peace wherever country or territory we’ll visit.
d) We were taught that it was Lapu-lapu, the first Filipino hero to have killed a foreign
occupier, as the slayer of the captain-general. But who really killed Magellan according to
Pigafetta’s account?

Pigafetta claimed that it was the countless indigenous people who killed Ferdinand
Magellan not Lapu-lapu himself. That being said, this states that the possibilty of history
distortions, flaws, and misconception is high which is the reason why we have historians and
primary sources so that we can understand more deeply the truths about history.

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