The Efficacy and Safety of Tranexamic Acid Treatment in Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery.

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The Efficacy and Safety of Tranexamic

Acid Treatment in Orthopaedic
Trauma Surgery
Cody R. Perskin, BA Abstract
» Tranexamic acid (TXA) is a drug used to control hemorrhage by
Connor P. Littlefield, BA
preventing the breakdown of fibrin.
Charles Wang, MD
» TXA is a cost-effective treatment for trauma patients across a variety
Uchenna Umeh, MD of economic settings.
Kenneth A. Egol, MD
» Concerns of TXA causing thromboembolic events (TEEs) in ortho-
paedic trauma patients are not supported by evidence.
Investigation performed at NYU » TXA has been shown to reduce blood loss in hip fracture surgery.
Langone Orthopedic Hospital, New
York, NY

rauma accounts for a sub- administering TXA at a dose of 15 mg/kg of
stantial annual global mor- body weight12 to administering a bolus
tality and economic burden. ranging from 1 to 4 g of TXA13,14. Some
It is estimated that hemor- studies have experimented with providing
rhage accounts for approximately 30% to multiple doses of TXA but have generally
40% of traumatic mortality1. Acute hem- found similar outcomes between single and
orrhage is a major complication in trauma multiple-dose groups15. Common contra-
patients and the second leading cause of indications include a known allergy to TXA,
death in a traumatic setting, after central intracranial hemorrhage, renal dysfunction,
nervous system injuries1. To prevent mas- and history of thrombosis16,17. Additionally,
sive blood loss, subsequent hypovolemic clinicians should be cognizant that TXA
shock, and the need for transfusion, anti- has been associated rarely with induced
fibrinolytic drugs can be utilized to treat the seizures18,19; however, studies have demon-
patient, including aprotinin, epsilon- strated that with careful decision-making,
aminocaproic acid, aminomethylbenzoic proper timing of anesthetics, and proper
acid, and tranexamic acid (TXA), among dosing, these risks are appropriately miti-
others2. These medications encourage the gated19. Literature across a variety of medical
natural clotting cascade initiated by the body specialties has demonstrated excellent patient
to preserve a homeostatic blood volume outcomes, minimal complications, and a
during events of substantial blood loss. In the reduced rate of hemorrhage and need for
antifibrinolytic drug class, TXA has gained transfusion in patients that receive TXA4,20.
popularity as a result of its efficacy in The purpose of this article is to review the
reducing blood loss in a variety of medical TXA mechanism of action and highlight
specialties3-5 at a reasonable cost6-9. patient outcomes associated with TXA treat-
TXA is a lysine derivative10 that can be ment in an orthopaedic trauma setting.
inhaled, applied topically, or given by
intravenous (IV) administration3,11 in Clotting Pathophysiology and
order to systemically manage patient hem- Basic Science
orrhage. Depending on the specific case, Following any traumatic event that induces
dosing recommendations have ranged from vascular injury, blood must be converted


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JBJS REVIEWS 2021;9(7):e20.00292 · 1

| T h e E f f i c a c y a n d S a f e t y o f Tr a n e x a m i c A c i d Tr e a t m e n t i n O r t h o p a e d i c Tr a u m a S u r g e r y

Fig. 1
The coagulation cascade.

into a clot to seal the hole in the endo- for hemostasis and is initiated when of the common pathway and activates
thelial wall and mitigate further blood disruption of the endothelial wall the conversion of prothrombin to
loss21. Clot formation occurs as a result exposes the integral membrane receptor thrombin24. Next, thrombin cleaves
of the coagulation cascade (Fig. 1), tissue factor (TF) to plasma factor VII/ fibrinogen into fibrin monomers while
which can follow 2 different pathways: VIIa (FVIIa)21. Other proteins, such as simultaneously activating FXIII to
intrinsic or extrinsic. The intrinsic von Willebrand factor further facilitate FXIIIa, a protein that cross-links fibrin
pathway triggers blood clotting when the binding of platelets to the injured monomers to form the fibrin matrix of a
plasma comes into contact with artificial wall during this process. The TF/FVIIa clot24.
surfaces, such as a glass test tube21,22. complex is the main activator of a pro- The mechanism of action for
This pathway is not required for physi- tease cascade23 that activates factor IX TXA on the clotting cascade has been
ologic hemostasis but is thought to play a (FIX) to FIXa and factor X (FX) to described as multimodal because of its
role in thrombotic disorders21. Con- FXa24. The prothrombinase complex dual blockade preventing fibrinolysis
versely, the extrinsic pathway is essential (FVa [factor Va]/FXa) is the first aspect (Fig. 2)25. First, TXA acts as a reversible

Fig. 2
The mechanism of tranexamic acid (TXA) is
depicted. TXA inhibits activation of plasmino-
gen to plasmin as well as the binding of
plasmin to fibrin. tPA 5 tissue plasminogen
activator. (Reproduced from: Tzatzairis TK,
Drosos GI, Kotsios SE, Ververidis AN, Vogiatzaki
TD, Kazakos KI. Intravenous vs Topical Tra-
nexamic Acid in Total Knee Arthroplasty
Without Tourniquet Application: A Random-
ized Controlled Study, J Arthroplasty. 2016
Nov;31[11]:2465-70, with permission from

2 JULY 2021 · VOLUME 9, ISSUE 7 · e 20.00292

T h e E f f i c a c y a n d S a f e t y o f Tr a n e x a m i c A c i d Tr e a t m e n t i n O r t h o p a e d i c Tr a u m a S u r g e r y |

competitive inhibitor to the 5-lysine between a TXA treatment group and the Lastly, renal insufficiency or renal
binding motif present on the surface of control group. failure is a concern for TXA adminis-
plasminogen10,16,26, which disrupts tration. TXA is primarily cleared
plasminogen activation to plasmin. Anesthetic Considerations (.90%) unchanged by glomerular fil-
Ultimately, this prevents downstream There are several concerns for the anes- tration with a half-life of 1.5 to 2
fibrinolysis and preserves existing clots. thesiologist when considering TXA hours33. TXA blood levels are elevated in
TXA also acts as a potent inhibitor administration in a patient presenting proportion to the severity of renal disease
of plasmin and its association with with urgent or emergency orthopaedic and the reduction in renal clearance.
fibrin by binding to lysine residues on trauma. Patients with a history of renal Clinicians should make note of ortho-
plasmin to inhibit plasmin-catalyzed disease, cancer, vascular stents, current paedic trauma patients presenting with
fibrinolysis16,25. Specifically, TXA is anticoagulant use, and existing throm- severe renal disease. Higher doses of
believed to insert into the primary boembolic events (TEEs), such as serum TXA resulted in seizures in
specificity pocket (S1)27. Together, venous thromboembolism, myocardial patients with Stage-3, 4, or 5 chronic
these actions of TXA suggest that this infarction, cerebrovascular accident, renal disease who received TXA for car-
medication prevents the breakdown of and transient ischemic attack, are of diac surgery33. Although the dose of
existing fibrin complexes rather than particular concern. Traditionally, these TXA used in cardiac surgery is higher
promotes the formation of new clots25. patients have been labeled as high risk than that used in orthopaedic trauma
This fact is pivotal in understanding the and were excluded from receiving TXA patients, more studies are needed to
efficacy and safety of TXA as it stabilizes in the perioperative setting. determine the optimal dose of TXA in
blood loss while avoiding hyper- Based on its mechanism of action, patients with a history of renal disease
TXA has always been considered to be who are seen with acute orthopaedic
coagulation events.
associated with a high risk of the devel- trauma.
Recent studies have suggested that
in addition to reducing blood loss, TXA opment of TEEs. Current literature
Clinical Outcomes
administration may be especially bene- lacks high-level evidence to support the
Hip Fractures
ficial to orthopaedic trauma patients for use of TXA in patients with a history of a
The majority of TXA research in
its potential role in augmenting bone- TEE. However, recent studies have not
orthopaedic trauma has been in hip
healing. One study28 found that topical shown a higher rate of TEEs in these
fracture surgery. Ample evidence sup-
TXA improved bone-healing, radio- higher-risk patients who received TXA.
ports the use of TXA in elective hip
graphic scores, and bone mineralization It appears the increased risk of throm-
arthroplasty to reduce blood loss and the
at 2 and 4 weeks after TXA administra- boembolic complications in this patient
need for transfusion, which has led to its
tion in rats, despite positing that sys- population after TXA administration is
endorsement by the American Associa-
temic TXA application may delay theoretical.
tion of Hip and Knee Surgeons and the
fracture-healing by preventing fracture Orthopaedic trauma patients may
American Academy of Orthopaedic
hematoma formation during early heal- present for surgery while they are on
Surgeons34. Since anemia and the need
ing stages. Çevik et al.28 attributed the anticoagulant or antiplatelet medica-
for blood transfusions in the elderly are
fracture-healing benefits of TXA treat- tions. Examples of these medications are associated with morbidity and mortality,
ment to the extended duration of fibrin warfarin; rivaroxaban; apixaban for atrial blood conservation is essential in this
matrices present in hematomas sur- fibrillation, current deep vein throm- population. Many surgeons refuse to use
rounding fracture sites. Another study29 bosis (DVT), or pulmonary embolism; TXA in the sick elderly population who
on TXA reported similar results showing and clopidogrel (Plavix) for patients are more susceptible to TEEs, so vali-
that TXA improves radiographic scores with cardiac or vascular stents. The dating its safety in this group is crucial.
and accelerates fracture-healing com- concern that TXA may induce a hyper- In a randomized controlled trial
pared with a control group in rat models. coagulable state in these patients has (RCT) of 138 subjects, Watts et al.35
This additional benefit of TXA may be generally precluded its use in patients on studied IV TXA in patients with femoral
the result of fracture microstabilization concurrent anticoagulant or antiplatelet neck fractures treated with hemiarthro-
to the developing fibrin-collagen scaf- therapy. Traditionally, these patients plasty (HHA) or total hip arthroplasty
fold in the early stages of fracture-heal- have received no TXA at the time of (THA). Patients in the TXA group were
ing30. Previous examination of other surgery if they are on anticoagulants. administered 15 mg/kg of IV TXA just
antifibrinolytic drugs31 has yielded Some surgeons have chosen to inject prior to incision and a second dose
similar results of improved osseous callus topical TXA in this patient population, during wound closure. The control
compared with a control group. Balkanlı but there are limited studies on IV TXA group received normal saline solution.
et al.32 found no significant difference in and its safety in this subgroup of This study attempted to include higher-
fracture-healing or time to healing patients. risk patients who had historically

JULY 2021 · VOLUME 9, ISSUE 7 · e20.00292 3

| T h e E f f i c a c y a n d S a f e t y o f Tr a n e x a m i c A c i d Tr e a t m e n t i n O r t h o p a e d i c Tr a u m a S u r g e r y

been excluded from TXA studies. By rates with TXA; however, it is important compared with the control group (7.3%
measuring changes in postoperative to note that sicker patients or individuals versus 23.8%).
hemoglobin levels and converting with prior TEEs were excluded in many These findings are further sup-
hemoglobin declines to volumetric cases. In another RCT studying local ported by results reported by Ding et al.,
blood loss using the hemoglobin balance administration of TXA in IT hip fracture who demonstrated that less postopera-
method36, the authors found that TXA surgery, the 100 patients in the TXA tive blood loss following calcaneal frac-
decreased cumulative blood loss on group were injected with 3 g of TXA ture surgery is associated with a lower
postoperative day 3 by a mean of 305 mL subfascially around the fracture site risk of wound complications46. This
compared with the control group. The under radiographic guidance at the end may be because, with decreased post-
TXA and control groups had transfusion of the surgery44. The authors concluded operative blood loss, patients experience
rates of 17% and 26%, respectively, that topical TXA resulted in a mean less wound drainage and smaller hema-
although this difference was not signifi- reduction of 43% in transfusion toma volumes under the tenuous
cant. Despite 32% of the patients having requirements postoperatively, with a skin flap, which in turn leads to fewer
a history of a TEE, there was no differ- total of 27 packed red-blood-cell wound infections and decreased pres-
ence in the TEE rate at 90 days between (pRBC) units administered to the TXA sure beneath the flap. Xie et al.45 also
groups. Of note, patients did not group and a total of 48 pRBC units postulated that the TXA’s inhibition
undergo surveillance for TEEs and only administered to the control group. In of plasmin, which is an activator of
underwent testing for TEEs if they pre- most studies, subjects had a workup for various proinflammatory pathways,
sented with acute symptoms. Although TEEs only when clinically indicated. could play a role in decreasing wound
these data support the use of TXA in complications47,48. If future studies are
Schiavone et al.41 monitored asymp-
more frail orthopaedic patients, the lit- able to demonstrate a therapeutic effect
tomatic subjects with ultrasound sur-
erature on this population remains of TXA on wound complications, there
veillance and did not report an increased
sparse. Contrary to these data, there is would be strong evidence to make it the
risk of TEE after IV TXA at a dose of 15
some evidence from retrospective stud- standard of care in all patients under-
mg/kg. Given the lack of safety data in
ies that has suggested that TXA sub- going fracture repair in anatomic sites
higher-risk groups, strong consideration
stantially decreases postoperative susceptible to wound complications.
should be given for IV TXA during hip
transfusions in HHA patients, with TXA is not commonly used in
fracture surgery, specifically for patients
1 study even showing a 2.7% reduction tibial fracture surgery, and as far as we
who are at an increased risk for intra-
in 30-day mortality37-39. know only 1 small study has investigated
operative and postoperative blood loss.
The literature concerning TXA in its use for this indication. An RCT of 70
intertrochanteric (IT) fracture surgery is patients with tibial shaft fractures as-
Other Lower Extremity Fractures
also limited to smaller RCTs. The largest sessed whether there was any benefit in
Because of the relatively small blood loss
study consisted of 100 patients with IT using IV TXA at a dose of 10 mg/kg
associated with surgery of a distal frac-
fractures who underwent treatment with during tibial intramedullary (IM) nail-
ture of the lower extremity, there has
an intramedullary nail40. Half of the ing49. They found that patients who
cohort received 1 g of IV TXA, and half been little research on TXA application received TXA had higher hemoglobin
received placebo prior to surgery. Total in the lower extremity for indications levels at the 24-hour and 48-hour post-
blood loss was calculated using a formula other than hip fractures. One group operative time points. Zero patients in
that accounted for the difference studied the effect of TXA on blood loss the TXA group and 2 patients in the
between the preoperative and postop- and postoperative complications in an control group required a transfusion.
erative hematocrit. The results demon- RCT of 90 patients undergoing opera- DVT status was monitored with Dop-
strated that the TXA group had tive repair of calcaneal fractures45. pler ultrasound at 4-week follow-up
substantially less total blood loss than Patients received either IV TXA at a dose visits, which did not reveal a DVT in
the placebo group (564 versus 819 mL). of 15 mg/kg or normal saline solution either cohort.
Additionally, they observed only 5 preoperatively. They measured postop-
transfusions in the TXA group com- erative blood loss with drain bags and Upper Extremity Fractures
pared with 27 in the control group. found that the TXA group had less Most studies relating to TXA use in
Similar findings have been replicated by postoperative blood loss. The TXA upper extremity fractures are restricted
the other small RCTs, which have group did not have an increased risk of a to proximal humeral fractures, which is
shown that TXA administration results TEE, which was assessed in both likely because surgeons do not have the
in absolute risk reductions in the trans- symptomatic and asymptomatic indi- option of using a tourniquet when re-
fusion rate, ranging from 18% to viduals with ultrasound surveillance. pairing these fractures. Cuff et al.50
28%41-43. None of those studies dem- Interestingly, the TXA group had a studied 101 patients undergoing shoul-
onstrated an increase in complication lower rate of wound complications der arthroplasty or open reduction and

4 JULY 2021 · VOLUME 9, ISSUE 7 · e 20.00292

T h e E f f i c a c y a n d S a f e t y o f Tr a n e x a m i c A c i d Tr e a t m e n t i n O r t h o p a e d i c Tr a u m a S u r g e r y |

internal fixation (ORIF) for the treat- hours after the initial dose. The primary control group for any of these outcomes,
ment of proximal humeral fractures. outcomes assessed were total blood loss, which is consistent with those seen in the
Patients were randomized and received change in hemoglobin level, and units of Spitler study.
1 g of IV TXA or normal saline solution blood transfused. Total blood loss was The findings presented in the pel-
preoperatively. The study compared calculated using a formula that considers vic and acetabular fracture studies are
preoperative and postoperative hemo- changes in hemoglobin levels. The encouraging as many showed decreased
globin levels and assessed intraoperative authors found that there was signifi- blood loss with TXA administration and
blood loss and 24-hour postoperative cantly less total blood loss in the TXA similar rates of TEEs. Unfortunately,
drain output. The authors found that group than in the control group (952 neither of the RCTs were able to detect a
preoperative administration of TXA re- versus 1,325 mL). Additionally, the difference in transfusion patterns
sulted in a smaller postoperative decrease TXA group had a smaller hematocrit between TXA and control groups. It
in hemoglobin level and decreased blood decrease on postoperative days 1 and 2, seems that larger and higher-quality
loss in both arthroplasty and ORIF. which was replicated in another RCT of studies on the use of TXA in pelvic and
Similarly, many studies have evaluated patients with a pelvic fracture56. The acetabular fracture fixation are required
TXA in elective total shoulder arthro- Spitler study also showed that there was to assess its effect on perioperative and
plasty (TSA) and reverse total shoulder no significant difference in postopera- postoperative complications.
arthroplasty (RTSA) for indications tive transfusion rates and units trans-
such as degenerative joint disease and fused in the TXA group. Lastly, patients Topical Tranexamic Acid
rotator cuff arthropathy. Those studies were monitored for clinical signs of The evidence supporting topical TXA
have offered evidence that TXA may DVT for a minimum of 30 days, which for hip fracture surgery is also limited to
decrease blood loss and transfusion rates did not reveal any differences in DVT several small RCTs. In 1 study of 144
in elective TSA and RTSA51-53. rate between the 2 groups. patients undergoing an HHA, half of the
Yang et al.54 evaluated the use of While the study did not stratify by patients received topical administration
TXA in proximal humeral fractures fracture location, 84% of the study of 1 g of TXA during surgery just prior to
treated with a locking plate. In their population had pelvic and acetabular wound closure62. The transfusion rate
RCT of 67 patients with 3 or 4-part fractures, so it is likely that the results in the TXA group was significantly
proximal humeral fractures, half of the would be similar if the authors had lower than in the control group (36.1%
subjects received IV TXA at a dose of 15 studied this subgroup separately. Since versus 65.2%). Interestingly, the study
mg/kg preoperatively and half received the study did not show a difference in observed a significantly decreased rate of
normal saline solution preoperatively. transfusion rate, the clinical importance postoperative medical complications in
They observed less total blood loss as of its effect on blood loss is limited. If the the TXA group (31.9% versus 56.9%).
measured by drainage bags in the TXA TXA group received fewer transfusions, Another RCT comparing 1 g of topical
group in the 24-hour postoperative the argument can be made that TXA TXA and 10 mL of fibrin sealant (FS) in
period. Larger-scale prospective trials are helps to avoid the risks associated with 158 patients with a femoral neck fracture
required before definitive conclusions blood transfusion such as immunologi- demonstrated a trend toward decreased
can be drawn. The literature search did cal reactions, anaphylaxis, infection, and postoperative blood loss and transfusion
not yield any studies evaluating TXA acute lung injury57,58. A few retrospec- requirements in the TXA group com-
application for distal upper extremity tive studies have shown lower transfu- pared with the FS and control groups;
trauma such as elbow or forearm frac- sion rates when this patient population however, a significant difference was not
tures. Surgeries for these fractures typi- received TXA perioperatively59,60. detected63. None of these studies
cally involve less blood loss. In addition, Another recent RCT investigating described an increased rate of sympto-
surgeons have the option to use tourni- TXA use in acetabular fracture surgery matic TEE in the topical TXA group,
quets during these procedures to reduce found no benefit from TXA adminis- and they did not assess for asymptomatic
blood loss, so there is less need for TXA. tration61. In that study, 88 patients with TEE. These studies suggest that topical
acetabular fractures received either 10 TXA is a viable option for use in hip
Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures mg/kg of TXA preoperatively followed fracture patients.
Three recent RCTs have explored the by a 10 mg/kg infusion over 4 hours or
use of TXA in pelvic and acetabular equivalent doses of normal saline solu- Cost Analysis
trauma. Spitler et al.55 randomized 93 tion. The outcomes assessed by the Given the rising cost of health care in the
patients with pelvic, acetabular, and study included the rate of blood trans- United States, it is important for clini-
proximal femoral fractures into a fusion, number of pRBC units trans- cians to consider the cost-effectiveness
TXA group and a control group. fused, and rate of symptomatic TEEs. of medications such as TXA before
The TXA group received 15 mg/kg of IV The study found no significant differ- administering them to their patients. A
TXA immediately prior to surgery and 3 ence between the TXA group and the large multicenter randomized trial of

JULY 2021 · VOLUME 9, ISSUE 7 · e20.00292 5

| T h e E f f i c a c y a n d S a f e t y o f Tr a n e x a m i c A c i d Tr e a t m e n t i n O r t h o p a e d i c Tr a u m a S u r g e r y

.20,000 patients, known as the Clinical patients undergoing total joint arthro- TXA can reduce the likelihood that a
Randomisation of an Antifibrinolytic in plasty. The authors concluded that patient will require a transfusion, it is
Significant Head Injury-2 (CRASH-2) treating anemic patients preoperatively currently difficult to make a case for its
trial, studied the efficacy and cost- with FE or EPO is 2 to 17 times more clinical utility across all fracture surgery.
effectiveness of administering TXA to expensive than using intraoperative However, given its limited side-effect
trauma patients at risk for substantial TXA, which resulted in a postoperative profile and ability to considerably reduce
bleeding64. The study estimated that the transfusion rate of only 6.7%. Given costs, the use of TXA should be strongly
cost of giving TXA to 1,000 patients was TXA’s proven cost-effectiveness in considered in patients with an expected
approximately $30,830. In addition, arthroplasty surgery, future studies large intraoperative and postoperative
they reported that the administration of should investigate whether its use gen- blood loss. In this review, we identified
TXA within 3 hours of injury saved 755 erates substantial cost savings in fracture strong evidence that both IV and topical
life-years per 1,000 trauma patients, surgery as well. TXA reduce postoperative transfusion
with an incremental cost per life-year requirements specifically in hip fracture
gained of $6464. Another economic Overview surgery. Additionally, it should be noted
evaluation of the CRASH-2 trial assess- There are several limitations to the ex- that we failed to identify a single study
ing TXA’s cost-effectiveness in lower isting literature pertaining to the use of that demonstrated a higher TEE risk in
and middle-income countries, such as TXA in orthopaedic trauma. First, most the TXA group, but this concern should
Tanzania and India, concluded that data published are from single-center continue to be investigated in higher-
TXA is cost-effective across all economic trials with varying transfusion protocols, powered studies. Current literature
settings65. The authors found that making differences in transfusion rates supports the use of TXA in select
administering TXA to bleeding trauma less likely to be detected in studies with orthopaedic trauma patients and has
patients within 3 hours of injury resulted lower hemoglobin transfusion thresh- paved the way for large multicenter trials
in an incremental cost per life-year olds. Second, there is heterogeneity in to provide more insight into the role of
gained of $48 and $66 in Tanzania and dosing regimens among studies, which TXA in orthopaedic trauma.
India, respectively. In conclusion, TXA can range from 1 dose of IV TXA at 10
has proven to be a cost-effective option, mg/kg to 2 doses of IV TXA at 15 mg/ Source of Funding
even in lower-resource settings, for kg, or in some cases a single 1-g bolus of No external funds were received in
trauma patients at risk for substantial IV TXA not adjusted for the weight of support of this study.
bleeding. the patient. Furthermore, since these
While TXA’s cost-effectiveness has studies take place all over the world, the Cody R. Perskin, BA1,
Connor P. Littlefield, BA1,
not been well studied specifically in findings from a trial in 1 geographic
Charles Wang, MD1,
fracture surgery, studies in other ortho- region may not be generalizable to a Uchenna Umeh, MD1,
paedic subspecialties have shown that patient population in another region. Kenneth A. Egol, MD1
TXA treatment leads to substantial cost Additionally, many of the above-
1NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital, New
savings. In a study of patients undergo- mentioned studies excluded patients
York, NY
ing elective total joint arthroplasty with certain comorbidities or history of
(TJA), the use of IV TXA resulted in TEEs, which further limits their gener- Email for corresponding author:
significantly lower postoperative trans- alizability to higher-risk patient groups. [email protected]
fusion rates following total hip arthro- Lastly, it is important to note that post
plasty (THA) and total knee hoc analysis from the CRASH-2 trial References
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G, Israeli-Shani L, Shitrit D. Inhaled Tranexamic
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6 JULY 2021 · VOLUME 9, ISSUE 7 · e 20.00292

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| T h e E f f i c a c y a n d S a f e t y o f Tr a n e x a m i c A c i d Tr e a t m e n t i n O r t h o p a e d i c Tr a u m a S u r g e r y

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