Shilpa Sailesh ..... Petitioner Versus Varun Sreenivasan ..... Respondent
Shilpa Sailesh ..... Petitioner Versus Varun Sreenivasan ..... Respondent
Shilpa Sailesh ..... Petitioner Versus Varun Sreenivasan ..... Respondent
Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by
Charanjeet Kaur
Date: 2023.05.01
14:05:29 IST
Goel2 that this Court, in exercise of the power under Article 142 of
(2) to Section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1956 3. Noticing that
this Court, some High Courts and even family courts in some
read thus:
4 Tagged with T.P. (Crl) No. 96 of 2014, T.P. (Crl) No. 339 of 2014, T.P. (Crl.) No. 382 of 2014, T.P.
(Crl.) No. 468 of 2014 and T.P. (C) No. 1481 – 1482 of 2014.
5 T.P. (C) No. 1118 of 2014 along with T.P. (Crl.) No. 382 of 2014, T.P. (Crl.) No. 468 of 2014 and T.P.
(C) No. 1481 – 1482 of 2014.
4. T.P. (C) No. 1118 of 20146 was effectively disposed of vide the
142 of the Constitution of India, the two judges’ bench of this Court
7 (2002) 1 SCC 1.
8 We are not examining and commenting on the ratio expounded in Pradip Chandra Parija & Others
(i) The scope and ambit of power and jurisdiction of this Court
world12, has its origin in and is inspired from the age-old concepts
exceptional cases, not coming within the ambit of the general rule
14 ‘See – C.K. Allen, Law in the Making (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1927).
15 See – Ninad Laud, Rationalising “Complete Justice” under Article 142, (2021) 1 SCC J-30.
matter’, are relatable to particular equity 16. This is the reason that
turns the maxim ‘equity follows the law’ on its head, as this Article
give precedence to equity over law. This power, like all powers
the parties altogether from the rigours of the law, in view of the
held that the power under Article 142(1) of the Constitution of India
of the role and functions of the legislature, the executive and the
justice’, being for a ‘cause or matter’, does not interfere with and
court and not in a ‘cause’. The words ‘cause or matter’, when used
11. Whether this ratio is in conflict with the earlier decisions 20 of this
Constitution Bench had held that this power under Article 142(1) of
20 A.R. Antulay v. R.S. Nayak and Another, (1988) 2 SCC 602; Delhi Judicial Service Association,
Tis Hazari Court, Delhi v. State of Gujarat and Others, (1991) 4 SCC 406; and Mohammed Anis v.
Union of India and Others, 1994 Suppl. (1) SCC 145. In Mohammed Anis , this Court, while
elucidating and unfolding the aspect of public policy and when it would operate to limit the power of
the Supreme Court, observes that given the nature of power conferred by the Constitution of India on
this Court under Article 142 of the Constitution of India, which is of a different quality and level,
prohibitions or limitations on provisions contained in ordinary laws cannot ipso facto act as
prohibitions or limitations on the Constitutional power under Article 142 of the Constitution of India.
The decision observes that mere reference to a larger bench does not prohibit this Court in a given
case from its exercise of powers conferred under Article 142 of the Constitution of India.
21 AIR 1963 SC 996.
22 (1998) 4 SCC 409.
with the subject and pass orders concerning an issue which can
on the State Bar Councils under the Advocates Act, 1961, which,
of the State Bar Councils under the Advocates Act, 1961 are
23 There is also distinction between existence of power, and proper exercise of power in a given
case, which aspect we have subsequently examined in paragraph 20.
Section 151 of the C.P.C. and the inherent power of the High
within the four corners of the law, albeit the courts are not
aspect of law provided in the C.P.C. and the Cr.P.C. Where the
C.P.C. and the Cr.P.C. are silent, the civil court or the High Court, 24
respectively, can pass orders in the interest of the public, for the
consequently provide a procedure for them 25. Thus, the C.P.C. and
inherent power of the civil court and the High Court, respectively,
civil court under the C.P.C., and the High Court under the Cr.P.C.
13. Given the aforesaid background and judgments of this Court, the
balanced approach, to hold that Article 142 being curative in nature and a constitutional power
cannot be controlled by any statutory provision, but this power is not meant to be exercised ignoring
the statutory provisions or directly in conflict with what is expressly provided in the statute. At the
same-time, it observes, that this Court will not ordinarily discard a statutory provision governing the
subject, except perhaps to balance the equities between the conflicting claims of the parties to “iron
out the creases” in a ‘cause or matter’ before it. [See – Rajat Pradhan, Ironing out the Creases: Re-
examining the Contours of Invoking Article 142(1) of the Constitution, (2011) 6 NSLR 1; Ninad Laud,
Rationalising “Complete Justice” under Article 142, (2021) 1 SCC J-30; and Virendra Kumar, Notes
and Comments: Judicial Legislation Under Article 142 of the Constitution: A Pragmatic Prompt for
Proper Legislation by Parliament, 54 JILI (2012) 364]. As observed by us, the ratio as expounded in
Union Carbide Corporation (supra) holds good and applies.
28 See – Prem Chand Garg (supra), paragraph 13.
29 However, this aspect has been, to some extent, examined in paragraphs 16 to 22 and 30 infra.
power and discretion under Article 142(1) is valid and as per the
given situation. The fact that the power is conferred only on this
Hindu marriage and divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
devout relationship that lasts till eternity. The Hindu Marriage Act
30 See – Delhi Development Authority v. Skipper Construction Co. (P) Ltd. And Another, (1996) 4
SCC 622.
stipulates that the court, while examining whether any ground for
16. Section 13-B(1) of the Hindu Marriage Act states that a decree of
(a) the parties have been living separately for a period of one
would have to move to the court with the second motion, if the
not later than eighteen months of the first motion. No action can
be taken by the parties before the lapse of six months since the
first motion. When the second motion is filed, the court is to make
13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act is that the couple/party must have
jointly pray to the court to dissolve the marriage, and seek waiver
against each other and the family members, and in some cases
and the cooling off period of six months, if at all, breeds misery
and pain, without any gain and benefit. These are cases where
requirement to move the court with the second motion after a gap
Kaur32 went into the question of whether the cooling off period of
xx xx xx
prolong the agony and misery of the parties when there are no
court being satisfied beyond doubt that the marriage has shattered
and does not examine whether this Court can take on record a
18. We must acknowledge that this Court has very often entertained
between the parties, civil and criminal, are appropriately dealt with
dispute resolution.33
this Court can pass an order or decree which a family court, trial
33 See – Section 89 of the C.P.C. and Section 9 of the Family Courts Act, 1984.
pending before the family court, the trial court or another judicial
cost, appear before several forums/courts and the final orders get
34 See – the Supreme Court (Decrees and Orders) Enforcement Order, 1954 (C.O.47).
question of law and facts. Even when the power to pass a decree
total waiting period/gap of one and a half years from the date of
Once the condition for waiting period/gap of one and a half year
from the date of separation is fulfilled, it can be safely said that the
on whether they should really put the marriage to end for all times
long period and the parties have moved apart and have mutually
litigation by asking the parties to move the trial court. This Court in
21. In our opinion, Section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act does not
of the Family Courts Act, 1984. Given that there are multiple
offence under Section 498A of the I.P.C., has held that the High
Court, exercising the power under Section 482 of the Cr.P.C., may
detrimental to both the parties who lose their young age in chasing
is indeed sought by free will and choice, and the autonomy of the
observe that the inherent power on the High Court under Section
Section 320 of the Cr.P.C. In view of the above legal position and
can grant a decree of divorce when, upon the prayer of one of the
24. Section 13(1)(i-a) of the Hindu Marriage Act, enacted by Act No.
xx xx xx
xx xx xx"
(a) any of the grounds for granting relief exists and the
petitioner 40[except in cases where the relief is sought
by him on the ground specified in sub-clause (a), sub-
clause (b) or sub-clause (c) of clause (ii) of Section 5]
is not in anyway taking advantage of his or her own
wrong or disability for the purpose of such relief, and
xx xx xx”
(a) of the Hindu Marriage Act, it has been interpreted, invokes the
which expression has not been defined in the Hindu Marriage Act.
40 The bracketed portion was enacted vide Act No. 68 of 1976 with effect from 27.05.1976.
case, act upon the supposition that it exists. Often, the belief
of Section 23 of the Hindu Marriage Act, it was held that the word
to show that the spouses find life together impossible even if there
danger to health arises merely from the fact that the spouses find
The petitioner has to show that the respondent has treated them
one may not matter to another, and what may not be cruel to an
made against each other. This Court noticed that the divorce
petition had remained pending for more than eight years, and in
spite of the directions given by this Court, not much progress had
and to each person, and the cruelty alleged depends upon the
nature of life the parties are accustomed to, or their social and
economic conditions. They may also depend upon the culture and
fallen apart and the couple had separated in 1983. They did not
mutual consent. This was in spite of the fact that the husband had
remarried and had a child. This Court was of the view that
Kaslefsky46 that if the door of cruelty were opened too wide, the
45 (2006) 4 SCC 558.
46 (1950) 2 All ER 398.
felt that the concept of legal cruelty has changed according to the
unchastity are all factors that lead to mental or legal cruelty. While
the Hindu Marriage Act, reference was made to the fault theory,
Under the fault theory, guilt has to be proven, and therefore, the
proceedings had been initiated. Therefore, the Court held that the
that the courts invariably face a daunting task in finding the truth of
inherently difficult task, given the fact that the court has to find
Wilson, with whom Lord Hodge and Lady Black agreed, had
did not do; (ii) to assess the effect which the behaviour had upon
Hurra (supra), and Naveen Kohli (supra), support the view that it
greater fault may not be the rule to resolve and adjudicate the
and even the courts did not yield results. In these circumstances,
49 Explanation to Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, which reads, “Where a question arises
whether there has been reasonable excuse for withdrawal from the society, the burden of proving
reasonable excuse shall be on the person who has withdrawn from the society”, partially mitigates
the rigors to Section 23(1)(a) of the Hindu Marriage Act and, consequently, the fault theory.
50 (2020) 14 SCC 657.
51 2021 SCC OnLine SC 702.
consent of the respondent - wife for grant of divorce, the Court felt
that there was no willingness on her part either to live with the
the parties. It was also directed that the appellant - husband would
may not have to suffer financially in future and she may not have
Constitution of India.
33. Having said so, we wish to clearly state that grant of divorce on
had cohabited after marriage; when the parties had last cohabited;
when the last attempt was made, etc. The period of separation
other spouse and children are dependent, in which event how and
in what manner the party seeking divorce intends to take care and
for the wife, and economic rights of the children and other pending
34. Towards the end, for the sake of completeness and to avoid
India or dispense with the period of six months for moving the
Court has held that power and jurisdiction under Article 136 of the
(2) to Section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act does not specify the
have not finally expressed any opinion on the issue of the power
of marriage.
56 (2009) 13 SCC 338.
cannot raise the accusing finger on the other spouse on the basis
This case was peculiar as the person seeking divorce, as per the
available…”. Thus, in this case, the judgment did not give any firm
Vishnu Dutt Sharma v. Manju Sharma62, this Court has held that
Constitution of India.
signally broken down, but the legislature has not thought it proper
Bhagat (supra). At the same time, the bench felt that the sanctity
40. In view of our findings recorded above, we are of the opinion that
findings on the scope and ambit of the power under Article 142(1)
arising out of the Hindu Marriage Act, we hold that the power to do
of this Court has rightly held that any such attempt must be
for that matter under Article 226 of the Constitution of India before
months for moving the second motion can be waived has not been
approved by us.
(i) The scope and ambit of power and jurisdiction of this Court
under Article 142(1) of the Constitution of India.
terms of paragraphs 8 to 13, inter alia, holding that this Court can
66 See – Sahibzada Saiyed Muhammed Amirabbas Abbasi & Others v. State Of Madhya Bharat
(Now Madhya Pradesh) & Others, AIR 1960 SC 768; Ujjam Bai v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1962
SC 1621; and Naresh Shridhar Mirajkar and Others v. State of Maharashtra and Another, AIR 1967
SC 1.
‘cause or matter’.
(ii) In view of, and depending upon the findings of this bench on
the first question, whether this Court, while hearing a transfer
petition, or in any other proceedings, can exercise power
under Article 142(1) of the Constitution, in view of the
settlement between the parties, and grant a decree of divorce
by mutual consent dispensing with the period and the
procedure prescribed under Section 13-B of the Hindu
Marriage Act, and also quash and dispose of other/connected
proceedings under the Domestic Violence Act, Section 125 of
the Cr.P.C., or criminal prosecution primarily under Section
498-A and other provisions of the I.P.C. If the answer to this
question is in the affirmative, in which cases and under what
circumstances should this Court exercise jurisdiction under
Article 142 of the Constitution of India is an ancillary issue to
be decided.
Singh (supra) and Amit Kumar (supra). This Court can also, in
criminal proceedings.
43. For the foregoing reasons, Transfer Petition (Civil) No. 1118 of
Constitution of India.
44. Transfer Petition (Criminal) Nos. 96 and 339 of 2014 may be listed
before the regular bench in the second week of May, 2023 for
MAY 01, 2023.