Argus Phosphates Report-Jan 19, 2023
Argus Phosphates Report-Jan 19, 2023
Argus Phosphates Report-Jan 19, 2023
nese sale likely concluding at $660/t cfr India, down from Argus DAP index, points 192.204 195.905 u
Activity increased in India, with two Chinese cargoes likely DAP/MAP Tampa 650-670 650-670 34
chases stifled by the high carryover stocks. DAP Pakistan 675-698 700-705 u
European activity remains subdued, with activity expected MAP Brazil 655-660 650-660 t
to pick up next month. West of Suez, MAP firmed by $5/t at Phosphoric acid India/t P 2O5 1,175 1,175 34
DAP - fca
the low end to $655-660/t cfr Brazil. Offers of non-Russian
DAP Benelux fot/fob duty paid/free 785-800 785-805 u
product were heard higher. A trading firm has likely secured
See page 2 for full price table
Moroccan product for shipment to Latin America. DAP Nola
barge prices were higher at $625-645/st fob. Key Indicative Prices USD/t
Copyright © 2023 Argus Media group Available on the Argus Publications App
Licensed to: Siraj Rahimtula 2, TRANSCOM DMCC
Argus Phosphates Issue 23-3 | Thursday 19 January 2023
Direct Hedge - 19 January Argus DAP index, points 192.204 195.905 3.701 u
DAP/MAP/TSP – fob bulk
Month Bid Offer Mid
DAP/MAP Tampa 650-670 650-670 0.00 34
DAP fob Nola (st) DAP/MAP Tampa equivalent Brazil 628-633 620-630 5.50 t
DAP Tampa equivalent India 612-640 640-642 15.00 u
Jan-23 640 650 645 DAP Tunisia 690-730 690-740 5.00 u
Feb-23 645 655 650 DAP Egypt 725-730 740-745 15.00 u
DAP Morocco 695-735 695-750 7.50 u
Mar-23 645 655 650
DAP Morocco P2O5 equiv 1,197.07 1,194.23 2.84 t
1Q 640 655 648 DAP Morocco equivalent US terminals 665-707 660-674 19.00 t
Feb-23 600 640 620 DAP Saudi Arabia (KSA) 670 675-680 7.50 u
DAP Jordan 662-668 669-675 7.00 u
Mar-23 600 640 620 DAP Mexico 658-685 645-650 24.00 t
DAP/MAP Australia 605-660 605-650 5.00 t
DAP US Gulf domestic barge $/st 625.0-645.0 615.0-625.0 15.00 t
DAP Central Florida railcar $/st 650.0 650.0 0.00 34
DAP China ex-works 546-575 564-578 10.50 u
DAP Benelux fot/fob duty paid/free 785-800 785-805 2.50 u
MAP Baltic 612-619 607-619 2.50 t
Phosphate freight MAP China 11-44 530 530 0.00 34
China (South) Thailand 6-8 30 34 MAP Brazil 11-44 (ex-China) 557-565 555-560 3.50 t
MAP Brazil 11-44 (ex-China) P 2O5 equiv 1,042.66 1,026.56 16.10 t
Egypt Brazil 30-35 28 30 MAP South Africa 625-635 607-612 20.50 t
Phosphate Rock DAP India 660-688 688-690 15.00 u
Morocco South Brazil 30 19 21 DAP India P2O5 equiv 1,061.15 1,093.76 32.61 u
DAP Pakistan 675-698 700-705 16.00 u
Red Sea WC/EC India 25-35 19 21 DAP Turkey 700-720 700-720 0.00 34
Red Sea Indonesia 25-35 21 23 DAP Romania (bagged fca) 840-850 840-850 0.00 34
cfr India 251.133 256.600 5.47 u cfr western Europe 1Q23 1,230-1,280 4Q22 1,280-1,410 90.00 u
Argus freight rates are assessed in consultation with fob Algeria (65-68) 4Q22 134-140 3Q22 170-175 35.50 u
Follow us on Twitter @ArgusMediaFertz cfr Tampa 1Q23 130 4Q22 90 40.00 t
Saudi Arabia Ma'aden TBC India 100 DAP $690/t cfr Jan loading
China TBC TBC India 50 DAP $660/t cfr Feb loading
China TBC TBC India 10 DAP low $680s/t cfr Jan loading
China TBC TBC Brazil 25 MAP 11-44 around $525/t fob TBC
Russia TBC TBC Latam, multiple 50 DAP total around $630/t fob
Disclaimer: Argus depicts geo-political borders as defined by the United Nations Geospatial Information Section.
For more information visit
North America
Mosaic had no new export sales to report. DAP maintained its uncommon premium over MAP for the
11th week in a row amid less availability and a thin DAP im-
US domestic port lineup. Trades framed the MAP range at $595-618/st fob
Nola barge phosphate prices increased this week amid rising Nola, a $1.50/st increase from the midpoint of last week’s
demand. range.
The low end of the DAP range climbed by $10/st from MAP barges changed hands at $610-618/st fob Nola on
last week to $625/st fob Nola on reported trade. Offers for Friday. Earlier this week, MAP traded at $595/st fob Nola for
domestic volumes framed the high end at $645/st fob Nola, imported tons and $615/st for domestic volumes.
a $20/st increase. Market participants have indicated in recent weeks that
DAP barges for near-term delivery changed hands at $640/ they expect phosphate supply in the US to tighten some
st fob Nola and $625/st on Friday. Another was sold at $640/ amid a projected recovery in demand, reduced production
st fob Nola for delivery in the second half of February/first levels and fewer imports. One producer said it anticipates
half of March, outside of the assessment window. A DAP that there will be enough supply to meet near-term demand
barge also traded at $642/st fob Nola for shipment in the but that the US will need more imports to achieve a better
first half of March. supply-demand balance.
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illuminating the markets
Russia -
Santos 204,000t
Antonina Paranagua
Porto Alegre US - 9,000t
Rio Grande
Port '000t
Aratu 19
Morocco - 36,000t
Barcarena 10 200
Itaqui 9
Rio Grande 76
Santos 86
SFS 10
Vila do Conde 9
Vitoria 44
Total 288
— Unimar, Argus
Central and Latin America
5.60 Brazil
5.50 MAP prices firmed by $5/t at the low end to $655-660/t cfr.
5.40 No fresh MAP business emerged this week, with partici-
5.30 pants likely holding back from some deals until a major
5.20 regional conference at the end of the month. MAP 11-44 re-
5.10 hhhhhhhhhhh
mains indicated at around $560-565/t cfr, with trading firms
5.00 having purchased Chinese product in anticipation of a return
to Brazilian demand in the coming weeks. Another 25,000t
of Chinese 11-44 was likely purchased by a trading firm this
week. Some are not willing to offer on the sell side for now.
Crop affordability certainly supports a bullish argument.
Jan 22 Mar 22 May 22 Jul 22 Sep 22 Oct 22 Dec 22
Front-month CBOT soybean futures were firmer at $15.25/
MAP cfr Brazil vs soybean barter rate USD/t, bags/t bushel yesterday, up from $15.15/bu a week earlier. Corn
front-month futures prices were $6.81/bu yesterday, up from
MAP bulk Brazil cfr (LHS) $6.56/bu last week.
Soybeans Rondonopolis barter rate 60kg bag per 1t NPK (RHS)
1,400 30 Parana harvesting, sowing stopped by rains
Harvesting and sowing activities in Brazil's southern state of
25 Parana were interrupted this week as heavy rains hampered
1,000 work and the quality of soybean crops marginally worsened.
20 The 2022-23 first corn crop harvest remains in its early
800 stages and has yet to reach 1pc of Parana's total planted
15 area. The current pace is one percentage point behind last
year's 2021-22 harvest, according to the state's department
400 10 of rural economics (Deral).
20 Jan 22 12 May 22 25 Aug 22 22 Dec 22
This season's soy harvest has yet to begin, according to Europe and former Soviet Union
Deral's weekly survey, behind last year's 4pc for the 2021-22
crop. But market participants report that some areas have Benelux
been harvested occasionally. Argus assessed DAP at $785-800/t fca Benelux, with some
Harvest in Parana state reached 0.1pc of estimated plant- indicating levels as low as $750/t fca. A producer reports
ed area, according to Patria consultancy, which estimates offers at €765/t fca Ghent equivalent.`
works across the country at 0.85pc, compared to a historical
average of 1.27pc. France
The soybean crop quality was slightly down this week. DAP is listed at €760/t fca Rouen. A producer indicated DAP
Areas rated in bad conditions rose to 5pc, from 4pc in the at €760/t fca French Bay.
previous week. Aareas in good condition remained at 80pc.
And medium quality crops fell to 15pc. Germany
A supplier is offering DAP at around $800/t fca.
Brazil's soybean planting virtually complete
Planting for Brazil's 2022-23 soybean crop is virtually com- Ireland
plete and is ahead of year-earlier levels. DAP is indicated at around $795-800/t cfr. A DAP sale was
Planting through the week ended 14 January reached likely concluded in the mid $790s/t cfr for Egyptian product
99.2pc completion, up by 0.3 of a percentage point from the by a trading firm, shipping in combination with urea.
previous week. The 2022-23 pace was 0.2 of a percentage
point ahead of last season's sowing at the same time, ac- Italy
cording to national supply company Conab. Italian importers received offers for Egyptian DAP at $790-
Sowing is complete in Tocantins, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Mato 800/t cfr this week.
Grosso do Sul, Goias, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, Parana and
Santa Catarina states. Romania
Activities in Rio Grande do Sul state, expected to be DAP remains indicated notionally stable at $840-850/t
Brazil's second-largest soybean producer, advanced to 98pc bagged fca.
complete from 97pc previously.
The oilseed harvest has begun in some areas in Bahia that Russia
have their own irrigation systems, according to Conab. But A producer has sold 50,000t of DAP to multiple destinations
there is no official data yet. in Latin America at around $630/t fob equivalent. The sales
Conab monitors the 12 largest soybean-producing states will mostly load next month. No fresh MAP sales emerged.
— Tocantins, Maranhao, Piaui, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Mato
Grosso do Sul, Goias, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, Parana, Santa
Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul — which account for 96pc of
the area planted nationwide.
Fixed exports from Jorf Lasfar ‘000t Product ratio this month ‘000t
1,000 57
400 118
Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov
2021 2022
Total: 398
Top OCP destinations since Jan ‘22 ‘000t Top destinations of OCP DAP since Jan ‘22 ‘000t
Nigeria 175
Pakistan 200
Bangladesh 442
India 2,035
Morocco Spain 84
OCP had no new sales to report this week. It emerged at
press time that the producer had sold a DAP/MAP combina- TBC 88
tion cargo to buyer in central America under a tender, but
details could not be confirmed. Market participants indicate Argentina 303
DAP at around $730-735/t fob for Europe, setting the high
end of this week's assessment.
US 391
Saudi Arabia
Brazil 880
Ma'aden has confirmed 100,000t of DAP will load for India
this month, priced around $690/t cfr. The producer will also 0 200 400 600 800 1,000
load 50,000t of MAP for Australia in January, priced under
Argus Direct subscribers can download this data on Jorf
Lasfar fertilizer exports here
A trading firm was offering Egyptian DAP in Italy, likely with
tonnage secured under this month's tender. The DAP assess-
ment fell to $725-730/t fob in line with latest indications.
Argus is excited to
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of Argus Workspaces
There were no new deals reported. Argus assessed DAP at
$690-730/t fob, reflecting latest indications from partici-
JPMC has yet to sell its February-loading DAP cargo.
South Africa
Domestic phosphate offtake is minimal now that planting
is close to finished. No further imports have emerged since
22,000t of Russian MAP unloaded in Durban as reported last
week. MAP import prices lifted to $625-635/t cfr on indica-
tions relative to prices in Brazil.
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East Africa
No further buying for import emerged this week. But there of your Argus subscription. You can analyse
is some interest for February-March shipments. pricing data and news by building your own
Negotiations between state-run Kenyan National Trading dashboard that is tailored to fit your needs.
Corporation (KNTC) and the private sector to ensure March-
May planting season demand is met are ongoing. KNTC has With Workspaces you can:
invited distributors to indicate their current stock availabil- • Find relevant information more quickly and
ity and price offers. easily by showing only what’s relevant to you
Indian subcontinent
India Pakistani demand for DAP imports remains minimal. Argus
The DAP market had remained relatively calm this week assessed this week's price at a notional premium to DAP cfr
until new deals emerged today. India.
A trading firm has likely sold 50,000t of Chinese DAP at Domestic offtake is still low but has increased slightly
$660/t cfr, loading next month. The sale could not be con- since last week. Distributors’ indications of domestic sales
firmed on the sell side by press time, but set the low end of ranged Rs9,000-9,350/bag ex-Karachi.
this week's range. Another deal for 10,000t of Chinese DAP, Producers expect demand from farmers to increase from
likely concluded by a trading firm in the $680s/t cfr in com- next month in preparation for maize and sugar cane sowing.
bination with amsul. Ma'aden confirmed sales of 100,000t of Domestic phosphate producer Fauji expects to ramp up
DAP at around $690/t cfr, loading this month. DAP production in the second half of February. The com-
pany’s Port Qasim plant shut down on 21 December.
DAP stocks build higher in 2022
DAP inventories rose by 96,000t in December, latest provi- Top 5 DAP importers since April ‘22 ‘000t
sional government data show.
Production was 439,000t, with imports at 537,000t, and
Mosaic 485
sales of 880,000t. Net stock build last year was 552,000t,
compared with a drop of 1.64mn t. Local sources indicated
NFL 748
DAP stocks at around 2mn t at the end of 2022.
China Thailand
DAP prices fell to $635-660/t fob based on latest reported DAP indications from China were at around $700/t cfr this
business and indications. week, but no firm offers emerged.
Reports of the sale of Chinese DAP to India at $660/t cfr, Importers are expected to return to the market after the
loading next month, emerged at press time, defining the low lunar new year period to start purchasing cargoes in prepa-
end of this week's range. ration for the domestic main application season starting
Reports of a 10,000t DAP sale also emerged this week, but from April.
the price was undisclosed. A trading firm sold the cargo in
combination with ammonium sulphate to an Indian buyer in Philippines
early January for prompt loading from south China. Other There were no DAP offers seen this week as Chinese sup-
market participants have reported the DAP deal to be pliers stopped export offers ahead of their spring holiday
concluded in the low-$680s/t cfr India, reflecting net backs season. Import demand is soft, with importers’ inventories
to around $660/t fob. The producer for this cargo confirmed still high with stocks carried over from last year thanks to
that they sent the cargo for customs inspections in July last weaker domestic consumption.
year, and only received approval for loading this week.
Indicative net backs from offers to Thailand are in the Myanmar
$670s/t fob, while a river producer indicated offers in the Offers for DAP 16-45 of Vietnamese origin emerged this week
$660s/t fob for 5,000t of DAP. No deals were reported at at around $680/t cif Yangon.
those levels.
The Chinese market was generally inactive this week South Korea
ahead of the lunar new year holiday during 21-27 January. DAP imports in 2022 were up by 17pc on the year to 93,500t,
Producers are likely to start offering cargoes for export from latest trade data show. China remains the leading supplier in
February onwards. Clarity regarding Chinese export restric- 2022, with deliveries up by 11pc on the year to 78,000t. But
tions and export quota is also expected to emerge after the imports from Vietnam fell by 32pc on the year to 7,000t.
lunar new year holiday. South Korea imported 12,500t of DAP in December 2022,
In the export market, offers for granular MAP 11-44 firmed up from 7,700t a year earlier. China accounted for 10,900t,
to $530-550/t fob because of tight spot supplies and stronger up from 700t a year earlier.
Chinese yuan against the US dollar. A few lots of granular 11-
44 were concluded in $525-530/t fob China for shipments to Australia
Brazil this week, indicating a $5/t increase from last week. Saudi Arabia's Ma'aden confirmed that it will load 50,000t of
One producer reportedly sold 25,000t of granular MAP 11-44 MAP this month, priced on formula.
at around $525/t fob for Brazil.
China domestic
Prices for DAP remained stable at Yn3,800-3,900/t ex-works
in eastern China, while prices softened to Yn3,700-3,800/t
ex-works in the river area and southern regions. Distributors
were cautious to stockpile mainly because of a significant
fall in sulphur prices.
Major producers kept production unchanged before the
lunar new year holiday, with the overall run rates at 40-45pc
in river area and around 50pc in Yunnan and Guizhou.
Argus Phosphate Rock Analytics
Comprehensive forecast data and analysis
MAP prices generally held flat at Yn3,400-3,450/t ex-works
for powdered MAP 11-44, and prices for powdered MAP 10-50
firmed to Yn3,900-4,000/t ex-works because of tight supply. Annual strategic report
Domestic MAP trading was generally slow in the past few Quarterly price forecasts 35+ 55+ 90+
weeks as NPK plants were reluctant to accept higher prices. Bi-annual data updates countries
Some smaller producers have been eager to sell cargoes to
increase their cash before the holiday, lead to slightly lower For more information, visit:
Phosphate rock in the first half of 2023. Today, the Multicargo Terminal has
one warehouse with static capacity of 25,000t and will soon
India have three warehouses with 75,000t of covered static capac-
Prices under RCF tender emerge ity. The new warehouses will bring an additional operational
One trading firm offered 35,000t of phosphate rock at capacity of 500,000 t/yr and 550,000 t/yr for copper con-
$245.26/t cfr, with the other offer at $245.45/t cfr. The rock centrate and fertilizers, respectively.
is to have a minimum P2O5 content of 32pc. Eurochem phosphate rock was beneficiated in the Serra
RCF closed the tender on 9 January. do Salitre project — in Brazil's Minas Gerais state — which
RCF has requested delivery to the west coast port of Mum- was bought by the firm in February 2022. The mine and the
bai. The rock cargo should be shipped within 30 days from phosphate rock beneficiation plant are operating, while fer-
the purchase order. tilizer production is expected to begin in 2024. The Russian
firm expects the facility's annual capacity to reach 1mn t of
Bangladesh MAP/NP and TSP/SSP.
BCIC closes tender to buy phosphate rock
Bangladeshi fertilizer importer and manufacturer BCIC Australia
closed a tender today to buy 25,000t of phosphate rock, Centrex eyes regular phosrock shipments
receiving one offer from a trading firm. Australian mining firm Centrex has announced that it is now
A trading firm offered a cargo of Jordanian phosphate rock set to complete monthly deliveries of phosphate rock, ramp-
at $329.85/t cfr. ing up volumes.
BCIC requested that the rock has a minimum BPL grade of The firm said that it shipped 19,500t of beneficiated phos-
72pc and that completion takes place within 30 days of the phate rock in the fourth quarter and that it is aiming to sell
opening of letters of credit. 26,000t of product this quarter, and targets sales of 45,000t
in the second quarter of this year.
Brazil Centrex has already allocated three years of production
Açu exports Eurochem's Salitre phosphate rock to buyers including Australian fertilizer producer Incitec
Russia-based fertilizer producer Eurochem is exporting Pivot, Swiss trading group Ameropa, South Korean trading
22,000 metric tonnes (t) of Serra do Salitre's phosphate rock group Samsung, and New Zealand co-operatives Ballance
via the Açu port, in Rio de Janeiro state. and Ravensdown. The company expects to complete further
That is the first time Açu has exported phosphate rock to long-term offtake agreement negotiations with buyers early
Europe. this year.
The export process is part of an agreement between Euro- The firm operates the Ardmore phosphate project in
chem and Açu, according to Joao Braz, the port's director of Queensland, Australia, through its wholly owned subsidiary
terminals and logistics. Agriflex. All shipments are via the port of Townsville in the
The cargo is heading to Antwerp port, in Belgium, in a northeastern state of Queensland.
deal between Eurochem Brazil and Eurochem Belgium, Centrex produced 26,800t of beneficiated phosphate rock
according to a source heard by Argus. The phosphate rock from 38,900t of ore last quarter, according to today's results
beneficiated in Brazil may be used as raw material in Euro- report. The firm mined a total of 53,800t in October-Decem-
chem's European units. ber.
The agreement between Eurochem and Açu foresees more At the start of this year, the firm held 37,200t of mined
cargoes to be exported until mid-2024. Açu port expects ore and 16,000t of crushed ore in stock.
volumes through the Açu-Antwerp logistics corridor to reach Centrex's first shipment of beneficiated phosphate rock
100,000t-130,000t in 2023. was 500t of 34.6pc P2O5 in September last year to an
The arrangement reinforces Açu's strategy of expanding its Australian buyer. The firm concluded its first international
fertilizer operations. The port has "a proven logistical flow shipment in November.
and the support of municipal and state governments" and Ardmore has total ore reserves of 10.1mn t of 30.2pc P2O5
"can operate several loads of fertilizers," Braz said. phosphate rock, according to an update published in August
Açu port has made Rio de Janeiro a relevant state for 2021. The firm has dedicated A$1.9mn ($1.3mn) towards
Brazil's fertilizer sector since 2020. To meet the terminal's further drilling and metallurgical test work at its northern
growing demand, the port will triple its Multicargo Termi- deposit, which may allow higher reserves to be reported and
nal's static storage capacity by opening two new warehouses extend the mine's current stated lifetime of 10 years.
SSP Tunisia
A supplier was in the market to ship an acid cargo from Tuni-
Brazil sia to India, loading 5-15 February.
19pc SSP rose to $240-250/t cfr this week, with a trading
firm selling 4,000t of Egyptian product at the low end.
Fresh offers set the high end, with some participants
indicating levels up to $260/t cfr. But these have yet to be
achieved. 20pc SSP levels firmed to $270-280/t cfr.
illuminating the markets
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