SlowTwitchFiberType Phase3 OS Journal - Weeks13 18

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PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: SHOULDERS AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

B Seated DB “Y” Press 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

C Snatch Grip Bent Barbell Row to Nose 5 15-20 4020 30 sec

D 1-Arm Behind the Back Low Pulley 5 15-20 ea 4020 30 sec

Lateral Raise

E Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise 6 Max reps 3020 30 sec

Series (90 degrees and up)

F Barbell AB Wheel Rollouts 5 Max reps 3020 30 sec

from Knees (from feet if you
have advanced AB strength)

G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 bpm) n/a 15 min n/a n/a

Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise Series
Set One – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets One and Two – Roll hips up and to the right
Set Two – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets Three and Four – Roll hips up and to the left
Set Three – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press in Front Sets Five and Six – Roll hips straight up
Set Four – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press in Front Workout Comments:
Set Five – Wide Grip Barbell Push Press in Front (use legs to push weight up and lower slowly)
Set Six – Mid-Grip Barbell Push Press in Front (use legs to push weight up and lower slowly)
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: HAMSTRINGS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Deadlift Series 6 15-20 4020 45 sec

B Lying Leg Curl 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

C 45 Degree Back Extension 5 15-20 4020 30 sec

D High Bench DB Step Up 5 15-20 ea 4020 30 sec

E Omni Seated Calf Raise Series 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

F HIIT Cardio 12 20 sec MAX 50 sec


Omni Deadlift Series Omni Seated Calf Raise Series

Set One – Snatch Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Sets One and Two – Toes turned in
Set Two – Snatch Grip Deadlift Sets Three and Four – Toes neutral
Set Three – Clean Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Sets Five and Six – Toes turned out
Set Four – Clean Grip Deadlift
Set Five – Mid-Shin Snatch Grip Block Deadlift (plates resting on block or rack pins)
Set Six – Mid-Shin Clean Grip Block Deadlift (plates resting on block or rack pins)
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: CHEST Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Bench Press 6 15-20 4020 30 sec


B Deep Stretch Push Up 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

(feet on bench / hands on boxes
or aerobic steps)

C Standing Cable Decline Chest 5 15-20 4020 30 sec

Press – high to low (squeeze
arms inward as you press)

D Cable Crossover Chest Fly – low 5 15-20 4020 30 sec

to high

E HIIT Cardio 1 3 min MAX n/a


Omni Barbell Bench Press Series

Sets One and Two – Close Grip Barbell Bench Press (shoulder width)
Sets Three and Four – Mid-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Sets Five and Six – Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BACK AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Pull Up Series (if you can’t 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

do more than 8
reps of pull ups, do this series
on a Lat Pulldown)

B Pronated Bent Barbell Row 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

C 1-Arm Seated Cable Row with 5 15-20 ea 4020 30 sec

Torso Twist in
Contracted Position

D EZ Bar Pullover on Flat Bench 5 15-20 4020 30 sec

E Low Pulley Rope Crunch 5 15-20 4020 30 sec

on Swiss Ball

F Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 15 min n/a n/a


Omni Pull Up Series

Set One – Wide Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Two – Mid-Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Three – Mid-Grip Supinated Chin Up
Set Four – Narrow Grip Supinated Chin Up
Set Five – Mid-Grip Neutral Chin Up
Set Six – Narrow Grip Neutral Chin Up
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: QUADS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Squat Series 6 15-20 4020 45 sec

B Barbell Split Squat 6 15-20 ea 4020 30 sec

(1 and ¼ reps)

C Heels Elevated DB Squat 5 15-20 4020 30 sec

D Leg Extension 5 15-20 4020 30 sec

E Omni Toe Press Series (calf 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

raise on leg press machine)

F Calf Raise Machine 5 15-20 4020 30 sec

G HIIT Cardio 5 30 sec MAX 3 min


Omni Squat Series Omni Toe Press Series

Set One – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels elevated Sets One and Two – Toes turned in
Set Two – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels on floor Sets Three and Four – Toes neutral
Set Three – Narrow Stance Back Squat – heels elevated Sets Five and Six – Toes turned out
Set Four – Narrow Stance Back Squat – heels on floor
Set Five - Medium Stance Back Squat – heels on floor
Set Six – Wide Stance Back Squats – heels on floor
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BICEPS AND TRICEPS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Dips Series 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

B Incline DB Triceps Extension 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

with Elbows Pointed Out (Tate

C Low Pulley Triceps Kickback 5 15-20 4020 30 sec

(palm facing the ceiling in
contracted position)

D Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

E Dual High Pulley Curls 6 15-20 4020 30 sec

(front double biceps pose)

F Prone Incline Straight Bar Spider 5 15-20 4020 30 sec


G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 15 min n/a n/a


Omni Dips Series Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series

Sets One and Two – Dips in Gymnastics Rings or TRX Sets One and Two - Mid-Grip Reverse EZ Bar Scott Curl
Sets Three and Four – Dips – torso upright Sets Three and Four – Wide Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl
Sets Five and Six – Dips – torso leaned forward Sets Five and Six – Narrow Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: SHOULDERS AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

B Seated DB “Y” Press 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

C Snatch Grip Bent Barbell Row to Nose 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

D 1-Arm Behind the Back Low Pulley 5 12-15** ea 4020 45 sec

Lateral Raise

E Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise 6 Max reps 3020 45 sec

Series (90 degrees and up)

F Barbell AB Wheel Rollouts 5 Max reps 3020 45 sec

from Knees (from feet if you
have advanced AB strength)

G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 bpm) n/a 20 min n/a n/a

**Plus Double Drop Set on your LAST set

Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise Series
Set One – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets One and Two – Roll hips up and to the right
Set Two – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets Three and Four – Roll hips up and to the left
Set Three – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press in Front Sets Five and Six – Roll hips straight up
Set Four – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press in Front Workout Comments:
Set Five – Wide Grip Barbell Push Press in Front (use legs to push weight up and lower slowly)
Set Six – Mid-Grip Barbell Push Press in Front (use legs to push weight up and lower slowly)
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: HAMSTRINGS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Deadlift Series 6 12-15** 4020 60 sec

B Lying Leg Curl 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

C 45 Degree Back Extension 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

D High Bench DB Step Up 5 12-15** ea 4020 45 sec

E Omni Seated Calf Raise Series 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

F HIIT Cardio 14 20 sec MAX 50 sec


**Plus Double Drop Set on your LAST set

Omni Deadlift Series Omni Seated Calf Raise Series
Set One – Snatch Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Sets One and Two – Toes turned in
Set Two – Snatch Grip Deadlift Sets Three and Four – Toes neutral
Set Three – Clean Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Sets Five and Six – Toes turned out
Set Four – Clean Grip Deadlift
Set Five – Mid-Shin Snatch Grip Block Deadlift (plates resting on block or rack pins)
Set Six – Mid-Shin Clean Grip Block Deadlift (plates resting on block or rack pins)
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: CHEST Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Bench Press 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec


B Deep Stretch Push Up 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

(feet on bench / hands on boxes
or aerobic steps)

C Standing Cable Decline Chest 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

Press – high to low (squeeze
arms inward as you press)

D Cable Crossover Chest Fly – low 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

to high

E HIIT Cardio 1 4 min MAX n/a


**Plus Double Drop Set on your LAST set

Omni Barbell Bench Press Series
Sets One and Two – Close Grip Barbell Bench Press (shoulder width)
Sets Three and Four – Mid-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Sets Five and Six – Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BACK AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Pull Up Series (if you 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

can’t do more than 8 reps of
pull ups, do this series on a Lat

B Pronated Bent Barbell Row 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

C 1-Arm Seated Cable Row with 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

Torso Twist in
Contracted Position

D EZ Bar Pullover on Flat Bench 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

E Low Pulley Rope Crunch 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

on Swiss Ball

F Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 20 min n/a n/a


**Plus Double Drop Set on your LAST set

Omni Pull Up Series
Set One – Wide Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Two – Mid-Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Three – Mid-Grip Supinated Chin Up
Set Four – Narrow Grip Supinated Chin Up
Set Five – Mid-Grip Neutral Chin Up
Set Six – Narrow Grip Neutral Chin Up
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: QUADS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Squat Series 6 12-15** 4020 60 sec

B Barbell Split Squat 6 12-15** ea 4020 45 sec

(1 and ¼ reps)

C Heels Elevated DB Squat 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

D Leg Extension 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

E Omni Toe Press Series (calf 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

raise on leg press machine)

F Calf Raise Machine 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

G HIIT Cardio 6 30 sec MAX 3 min


**Plus Double Drop Set on your LAST set

Omni Squat Series Omni Toe Press Series
Set One – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels elevated Sets One and Two – Toes turned in
Set Two – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels on floor Sets Three and Four – Toes neutral
Set Three – Narrow Stance Back Squat – heels elevated Sets Five and Six – Toes turned out
Set Four – Narrow Stance Back Squat – heels on floor
Set Five - Medium Stance Back Squat – heels on floor
Set Six – Wide Stance Back Squats – heels on floor
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BICEPS AND TRICEPS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Dips Series 6 12-15** 4020 60 sec

B Incline DB Triceps Extension 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

with Elbows Pointed Out (Tate

C Low Pulley Triceps Kickback 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec

(palm facing the ceiling in
contracted position)

D Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

E Dual High Pulley Curls 6 12-15** 4020 45 sec

(front double biceps pose)

F Prone Incline Straight Bar Spider 5 12-15** 4020 45 sec


G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 20 min n/a n/a


**Plus Double Drop Set on your LAST set

Omni Dips Series Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series
Sets One and Two – Dips in Gymnastics Rings or TRX Sets One and Two - Mid-Grip Reverse EZ Bar Scott Curl
Sets Three and Four – Dips – torso upright Sets Three and Four – Wide Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl
Sets Five and Six – Dips – torso leaned forward Sets Five and Six – Narrow Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: SHOULDERS AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series 6 10-12 4020 60 sec

B Seated DB “Y” Press 4 10-12 4020 60 sec

C Snatch Grip Bent Barbell Row to Nose 3 10-12 4020 60 sec

D 1-Arm Behind the Back Low Pulley 3 10-12 ea 4020 60 sec

Lateral Raise

E Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise 6 Max reps 3020 60 sec

Series (90 degrees and up)

F Barbell AB Wheel Rollouts 3 Max reps 3020 60 sec

from Knees (from feet if you
have advanced AB strength)

G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 bpm) n/a 25 min n/a n/a

Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise Series
Set One – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets One and Two – Roll hips up and to the right
Set Two – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets Three and Four – Roll hips up and to the left
Set Three – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press in Front Sets Five and Six – Roll hips straight up
Set Four – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press in Front Workout Comments:
Set Five – Wide Grip Barbell Push Press in Front (use legs to push weight up and lower slowly)
Set Six – Mid-Grip Barbell Push Press in Front (use legs to push weight up and lower slowly)
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: HAMSTRINGS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Deadlift Series 6 10-12 4020 90 sec

B Lying Leg Curl 4 10-12 4020 60 sec

C 45 Degree Back Extension 3 10-12 4020 60 sec

D High Bench DB Step Up 3 10-12 ea 4020 60 sec

E Omni Seated Calf Raise Series 6 10-12 4020 60 sec

F HIIT Cardio 16 20 sec MAX 50 sec


Omni Deadlift Series Omni Seated Calf Raise Series

Set One – Snatch Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Sets One and Two – Toes turned in
Set Two – Snatch Grip Deadlift Sets Three and Four – Toes neutral
Set Three – Clean Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Sets Five and Six – Toes turned out
Set Four – Clean Grip Deadlift
Set Five – Mid-Shin Snatch Grip Block Deadlift (plates resting on block or rack pins)
Set Six – Mid-Shin Clean Grip Block Deadlift (plates resting on block or rack pins)
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: CHEST Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Bench Press 6 10-12 4020 60 sec


B Deep Stretch Push Up 4 10-12 4020 60 sec

(feet on bench / hands on boxes
or aerobic steps)

C Standing Cable Decline Chest 3 10-12 4020 60 sec

Press – high to low (squeeze
arms inward as you press)

D Cable Crossover Chest Fly – low 3 10-12 4020 60 sec

to high

E HIIT Cardio 1 5 min MAX n/a


Omni Barbell Bench Press Series

Sets One and Two – Close Grip Barbell Bench Press (shoulder width)
Sets Three and Four – Mid-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Sets Five and Six – Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BACK AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Pull Up Series (if you can’t 6 10-12 4020 60 sec

do more than 8
reps of pull ups, do this series
on a Lat Pulldown)

B Pronated Bent Barbell Row 4 10-12 4020 60 sec

C 1-Arm Seated Cable Row with 3 10-12 4020 60 sec

Torso Twist in
Contracted Position

D EZ Bar Pullover on Flat Bench 3 10-12 4020 60 sec

E Low Pulley Rope Crunch 3 10-12 4020 60 sec

on Swiss Ball

F Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 25 min n/a n/a


Omni Pull Up Series

Set One – Wide Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Two – Mid-Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Three – Mid-Grip Supinated Chin Up
Set Four – Narrow Grip Supinated Chin Up
Set Five – Mid-Grip Neutral Chin Up
Set Six – Narrow Grip Neutral Chin Up
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: QUADS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Squat Series 6 10-12 4020 90 sec

B Barbell Split Squat 4 10-12 ea 4020 60 sec

(1 and ¼ reps)

C Heels Elevated DB Squat 3 10-12 4020 60 sec

D Leg Extension 3 10-12 4020 60 sec

E Omni Toe Press Series (calf 6 10-12 4020 60 sec

raise on leg press machine)

F Calf Raise Machine 3 8-10 4020 60 sec

G HIIT Cardio 7 30 sec MAX 3 min


Omni Squat Series Omni Toe Press Series

Set One – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels elevated Sets One and Two – Toes turned in
Set Two – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels on floor Sets Three and Four – Toes neutral
Set Three – Narrow Stance Back Squat – heels elevated Sets Five and Six – Toes turned out
Set Four – Narrow Stance Back Squat – heels on floor
Set Five - Medium Stance Back Squat – heels on floor
Set Six – Wide Stance Back Squats – heels on floor
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BICEPS AND TRICEPS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Dips Series 6 10-12 4020 60 sec

B Incline DB Triceps Extension 4 10-12 4020 60 sec

with Elbows Pointed Out (Tate

C Low Pulley Triceps Kickback 3 10-12 4020 60 sec

(palm facing the ceiling in
contracted position)

D Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series 6 10-12 4020 60 sec

E Dual High Pulley Curls 4 10-12 4020 60 sec

(front double biceps pose)

F Prone Incline Straight Bar Spider 3 8-10 4020 60 sec


G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 25 min n/a n/a


Omni Dips Series Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series

Sets One and Two – Dips in Gymnastics Rings or TRX Sets One and Two - Mid-Grip Reverse EZ Bar Scott Curl
Sets Three and Four – Dips – torso upright Sets Three and Four – Wide Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl
Sets Five and Six – Dips – torso leaned forward Sets Five and Six – Narrow Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: SHOULDERS AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series 6 12-15 3010 30 sec

B Seated DB “Y” Press 6 12-15 3010 30 sec

C Snatch Grip Bent Barbell Row to Nose 5 12-15 3010 30 sec

D 1-Arm Behind the Back Low Pulley 5 12-15** ea 3010 30 sec

Lateral Raise

E Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise 6 Max reps** 3020 30 sec

Series (90 degrees and up)

F Barbell AB Wheel Rollouts 6 Max reps 3020 30 sec

from Knees (from feet if you
have advanced AB strength)

G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 30 min n/a n/a


**Plus 50 stretched-position partial reps on your LAST set

Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise Series
Set One – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets One and Two – Roll hips up and to the right
Set Two – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets Three and Four – Roll hips up and to the left
Set Three – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press in Front Sets Five and Six – Roll hips straight up
Set Four – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press in Front Workout Comments:
Set Five – Wide Grip Barbell Push Press in Front (use legs to push weight up and lower slowly)
Set Six – Mid-Grip Barbell Push Press in Front (use legs to push weight up and lower slowly)
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: HAMSTRINGS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Deadlift Series 6 12-15 3010 45 sec

B Lying Leg Curl 6 12-15** 3010 30 sec

C 45 Degree Back Extension 5 12-15** 3010 30 sec

D High Bench DB Step Up 5 12-15 ea 3010 30 sec

E Omni Seated Calf Raise Series 6 12-15** 4020 30 sec

F HIIT Cardio 12 20 sec MAX 40 sec


**Plus 50 stretched-position partial reps on your LAST set

Omni Deadlift Series Omni Seated Calf Raise Series
Set One – Snatch Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Sets One and Two – Toes turned in
Set Two – Snatch Grip Deadlift Sets Three and Four – Toes neutral
Set Three – Clean Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Sets Five and Six – Toes turned out
Set Four – Clean Grip Deadlift
Set Five – Mid-Shin Snatch Grip Block Deadlift (plates resting on block or rack pins)
Set Six – Mid-Shin Clean Grip Block Deadlift (plates resting on block or rack pins)
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: CHEST Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Bench Press 6 12-15 3010 30 sec


B Deep Stretch Push Up 6 12-15** 3010 30 sec

(feet on bench / hands on boxes
or aerobic steps)

C Standing Cable Decline Chest 5 12-15 3010 30 sec

Press – high to low (squeeze
arms inward as you press)

D Cable Crossover Chest Fly – low 5 12-15** 3010 30 sec

to high

E HIIT Cardio 2 3 min MAX 3 min


**Plus 50 stretched-position partial reps on your LAST set

Omni Barbell Bench Press Series
Sets One and Two – Close Grip Barbell Bench Press (shoulder width)
Sets Three and Four – Mid-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Sets Five and Six – Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BACK AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Pull Up Series 6 12-15 3010 30 sec

(if you can’t do more than
8 reps of pull ups, do this series
on a Lat Pulldown)

B Pronated Bent Barbell Row 6 12-15** 3010 30 sec

C 1-Arm Seated Cable Row with 5 12-15 3010 30 sec

Torso Twist in
Contracted Position

D EZ Bar Pullover on Flat Bench 5 12-15** 3010 30 sec

E Low Pulley Rope Crunch 6 12-15 3010 30 sec

on Swiss Ball

F Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 30 min n/a n/a


**Plus 50 stretched-position partial reps on your LAST set

Omni Pull Up Series
Set One – Wide Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Two – Mid-Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Three – Mid-Grip Supinated Chin Up
Set Four – Narrow Grip Supinated Chin Up
Set Five – Mid-Grip Neutral Chin Up
Set Six – Narrow Grip Neutral Chin Up
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: QUADS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Squat Series 6 12-15 3010 45 sec

B Barbell Split Squat 6 12-15 3010 30 sec

(1 and ¼ reps)

C Heels Elevated DB Squat 5 12-15** 3010 30 sec

D Leg Extension 5 12-15** 3010 30 sec

E Omni Toe Press Series (calf 6 12-15** 4020 30 sec

raise on leg press machine)

F Calf Raise Machine 6 12-15** 3010 30 sec

G HIIT Cardio 8 30 sec MAX 3 min


**Plus 50 stretched-position partial reps on your LAST set

Omni Squat Series Omni Toe Press Series
Set One – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels elevated Sets One and Two – Toes turned in
Set Two – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels on floor Sets Three and Four – Toes neutral
Set Three – Narrow Stance Back Squat – heels elevated Sets Five and Six – Toes turned out
Set Four – Narrow Stance Back Squat – heels on floor
Set Five - Medium Stance Back Squat – heels on floor
Set Six – Wide Stance Back Squats – heels on floor
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BICEPS AND TRICEPS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Squat Series 6 12-15 3010 30 sec

B Incline DB Triceps Extension 6 12-15 3010 30 sec

with Elbows Pointed Out (Tate

C Low Pulley Triceps Kickback 5 12-15** 3010 30 sec

(palm facing the ceiling in
contracted position)

D Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series 6 12-15 3010 30 sec

E Dual High Pulley Curls 6 12-15 3010 30 sec

(front double biceps pose)

F Prone Incline Straight Bar Spider 5 12-15** 3010 30 sec


G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 30 min n/a n/a


**Plus 50 stretched-position partial reps on your LAST set

Omni Dips Series Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series
Sets One and Two – Dips in Gymnastics Rings or TRX Sets One and Two - Mid-Grip Reverse EZ Bar Scott Curl
Sets Three and Four – Dips – torso upright Sets Three and Four – Wide Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl
Sets Five and Six – Dips – torso leaned forward Sets Five and Six – Narrow Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: SHOULDERS AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Shoulder Press 2 10-12 3010 45 sec


B Seated DB “Y” Press 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

C Snatch Grip Bent Barbell Row 1 10-12 3010 45 sec

to Nose

D 1-Arm Behind the Back Low 1 10-12 ea 3010 45 sec

Pulley Lateral Raise

E Omni Hanging Garhammer 2 Max reps 3020 45 sec

Raise Series (90 degrees and

F Barbell AB Wheel Rollouts 1 Max reps 3020 45 sec

from Knees (from feet if you
have advanced AB strength)

G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 35 min n/a n/a


Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise Series
Set One – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets One– Roll hips up and to the right
Set Two – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets Two – Roll hips up and to the left
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: HAMSTRINGS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Deadlift Series 2 10-12 3010 60 sec

B Lying Leg Curl 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

C 45 Degree Back Extension 1 10-12 3010 45 sec

D High Bench DB Step Up 1 10-12 ea 3010 45 sec

E Omni Seated Calf Raise Series 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

F HIIT Cardio 14 20 sec MAX 40 sec


Omni Deadlift Series Omni Seated Calf Raise Series

Set One – Snatch Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Set One – Toes turned in
Set Two – Snatch Grip Deadlift Set Two – Toes turned out
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: CHEST Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Bench Press 2 10-12 3010 45 sec


B Deep Stretch Push Up 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

(feet on bench / hands on boxes
or aerobic steps)

C Standing Cable Decline Chest 1 10-12 3010 45 sec

Press – high to low (squeeze
arms inward as you press)

D Cable Crossover Chest Fly – low 1 10-12 3010 45 sec

to high

E HIIT Cardio 2 3 min MAX 2 min 30


Omni Barbell Bench Press Series

Set One - Mid-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Set Two – Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BACK AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Pull Up Series 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

(if you can’t do more than
8 reps of pull ups, do this series
on a Lat Pulldown)

B Pronated Bent Barbell Row 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

C 1-Arm Seated Cable Row with 1 10-12 ea 3010 45 sec

Torso Twist in
Contracted Position

D EZ Bar Pullover on Flat Bench 1 10-12 3010 45 sec

E Low Pulley Rope Crunch 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

on Swiss Ball

F Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 35 min n/a n/a


Omni Pull Up Series

Set One – Wide Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Two – Mid-Grip Supinated Chin Up
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: QUADS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Squat Series 2 10-12 3010 60 sec

B Barbell Split Squat 2 10-12 ea 3010 45 sec

(1 and ¼ reps)

C Heels Elevated DB Squat 1 10-12 3010 45 sec

D Leg Extension 1 10-12 3010 45 sec

E Omni Toe Press Series (calf 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

raise on leg press machine)

F Calf Raise Machine 1 10-12 3010 45 sec

G HIIT Cardio 8 30 sec MAX 2 min 30


Omni Squat Series Omni Toe Press Series

Set One – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels elevated Set One– Toes turned in
Set Two – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels on floor Set Two – Toes turned out
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BICEPS AND TRICEPS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Dips Series 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

B Incline DB Triceps Extension 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

with Elbows Pointed Out (Tate

C Low Pulley Triceps Kickback 1 10-12 ea 3010 45 sec

(palm facing the ceiling in
contracted position)

D Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

E Dual High Pulley Curls 2 10-12 3010 45 sec

(front double biceps pose)

F Prone Incline Straight Bar Spider 1 10-12 3010 45 sec


G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 35 min n/a n/a


Omni Dips Series Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series

Set One – Dips in Gymnastics Rings or TRX Set One - Mid-Grip Reverse EZ Bar Scott Curl
Set Two – Dips – torso upright Set Two – Wide Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: SHOULDERS AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series 8 8-10 3010 60 sec

B Seated DB “Y” Press 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

C Snatch Grip Bent Barbell Row to Nose 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

D 1-Arm Behind the Back Low Pulley 3 8-10** ea 3012 60 sec

Lateral Raise

E Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise 8 Max reps 3020 60 sec

Series (90 degrees and up)

F Barbell AB Wheel Rollouts 3 Max reps*** 3020 60 sec

from Knees (from feet if you
have advanced AB strength)

G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 bpm) n/a 35 min n/a n/a

**Plus 60 post-exhaustion reps of Prone Incline DB Lateral Raise ***Plus 60 post-exhaustion reps of Decline Bench Sit Ups
Omni Barbell Shoulder Press Series Omni Hanging Garhammer Raise Series
Set One – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets One and Two – Roll hips up and to the right
Set Two – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck Sets Three and Four – Roll hips up and to the left
Set Three – Wide Grip Barbell Shoulder Press in Front Sets Five and Six – Roll hips straight up
Sets Four and Five – Mid-Grip Barbell Shoulder Press in Front Sets Seven and Eight – Straight up the middle with legs STRAIGHT
Set Six – Wide Grip Barbell Push Press in Front (use legs to push weight up and lower slowly) Workout Comments:
Sets Seven and Eight – Mid-Grip Barbell Push Press in Front (use legs to push weight up and lower slowly)
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: HAMSTRINGS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Deadlift Series 8 8-10 3010 90 sec

B Lying Leg Curl 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

C 45 Degree Back Extension 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

D High Bench DB Step Up 3 8-10** ea 3010 60 sec

E Omni Seated Calf Raise Series 8 8-10 3010 60 sec

F HIIT Cardio 16 20 sec MAX 40 sec


**Plus 60 post-exhaustion reps of Swiss Ball Leg Curl / Hip Bridge Combo
Omni Deadlift Series Omni Seated Calf Raise Series
Set One – Snatch Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Sets One, Two, and Three – Toes turned in
Set Two – Snatch Grip Deadlift Sets Four and Five – Toes neutral
Set Three – Clean Grip 3” Deficit Deadlift (standing on box or plates) Sets Six, Seven, and Eight – Toes turned out
Set Four – Clean Grip Deadlift
Set Five and Six – Mid-Shin Snatch Grip Block Deadlift (plates resting on block or rack pins)
Set Seven and Eight – Mid-Shin Clean Grip Block Deadlift (plates resting on block or rack
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: CHEST Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Barbell Bench Press 8 8-10 3010 60 sec


B Deep Stretch Push Up 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

(feet on bench / hands on boxes
or aerobic steps)

C Standing Cable Decline Chest 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

Press – high to low (squeeze
arms inward as you press)

D Cable Crossover Chest Fly – low 3 8-10** 3010 60 sec

to high

E HIIT Cardio 3 3 min MAX 2 min 30


**Plus 60 post-exhaustion reps of Cable Crossover Chest Fly - high to low

Omni Barbell Bench Press Series
Sets One and Two – Close Grip Barbell Bench Press (shoulder width)
Sets Three, Four, and Five – Mid-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Sets Six, Seven, and Eight – Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press
Workout Comments:
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BACK AND ABS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Pull Up Series (if you can’t do 8 8-10 3010 60 sec

more than 8
reps of pull ups, do this series on a
Lat Pulldown)

B Pronated Bent Barbell Row 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

C 1-Arm Seated Cable Row with Torso 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

Twist in Contracted Position

D EZ Bar Pullover on Flat Bench 3 8-10** 3010 60 sec

E Low Pulley Rope Crunch 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

on Swiss Ball

F Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 bpm) n/a 35 min n/a n/a

**Plus 60 post-exhaustion reps of Bodyweight Inverted Rows

Omni Pull Up Series
Set One – Wide Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Two – Mid-Grip Pronated Pull Up
Set Three – Mid-Grip Supinated Chin Up
Set Four – Narrow Grip Supinated Chin Up
Set Five – Mid-Grip Neutral Chin Up
Set Six – Narrow Grip Neutral Chin Up
Set Seven and Eight – Wide Grip Eccentric-Only Pronated Pull Up – Attach overload weight to dip belt and stand on bench with chin above bar – lower for 4 seconds each rep and then step
back up above the bar.
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: QUADS AND CALVES Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Squat Series 8 8-10 3010 90 sec

B Barbell Split Squat (1 and ¼ reps) 3 8-10 ea 3010 60 sec

C Heels Elevated DB Squat 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

D Leg Extension 3 8-10** 3010 60 sec

E Omni Toe Press Series (calf raise 8 8-10 3010 60 sec

on leg press machine)

F Calf Raise Machine 3 8-10*** 3010 60 sec

G HIIT Cardio 10 30 sec MAX 2 min 30


**Plus 60 post-exhaustion reps of Leg Press – feet low and narrow (with heels off plate)
***Plus 60 post-exhaustion reps of Bodyweight Ankle Hops
Omni Squat Series Omni Toe Press Series
Set One – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels elevated Sets One, Two, and Three – Toes turned in
Set Two – Narrow Stance Front Squat – heels on floor Sets Four and Five – Toes neutral
Set Three – Narrow Stance Back Squat – heels elevated Sets Six, Seven, and Eight – Toes turned out
Set Four – Narrow Stance Back Squat – heels on floor
Set Five - Medium Stance Back Squat – heels on floor
Set Six – Wide Stance Back Squats – heels on floor
PHASE 3 - OS - WEEK 13-18


Date: Week: BICEPS AND TRICEPS Bodyweight: Bodyfat %:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8

Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/ Weight/
Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

A Omni Dips Series 8 8-10 3010 60 sec

B Incline DB Triceps Extension 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

with Elbows Pointed Out (Tate

C Low Pulley Triceps Kickback 3 8-10** ea 3010 60 sec

(palm facing the ceiling in
contracted position)

D Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series 8 8-10 3010 60 sec

E Dual High Pulley Curls 3 8-10 3010 60 sec

(front double biceps pose)

F Prone Incline Straight Bar Spider 3 8-10*** 3010 60 sec


G Moderate Cardio (HR = 140-155 n/a 35 min n/a n/a


**Plus 60 post-exhaustion reps of Diamond Push Ups (fingers and thumbs together)
***Plus 60 post-exhaustion reps of Low Pulley Rope Curl
Omni Dips Series Omni EZ Bar Scott Curl Series
Sets One, Two, and Three – Dips in Gymnastics Rings or TRX Sets One and Two - Mid-Grip Reverse EZ Bar Scott Curl
Sets Four, Five, and Six – Dips – torso upright Sets Three, Four, and Five – Wide Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl
Sets Seven and Eight – Dips – torso leaned forward Sets Six, Seven and Eight – Narrow Grip EZ Bar Scott Curl

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