Monthly Digest January 2023 Eng 57

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Monthly Digest
Dear readers,

This Monthly GK Digest is a complete docket of important news and events that occurred in the month of ‘January-2023’.
This file is important for, Bank, SSC, and Railway exams.

Banking & Financial Awareness

1. Tripura state government has signed an agreement 5. RBI Governor, Shaktikanta Das has launched
with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for a Utkarsh 2.0, the second phase of RBI's medium-
power project worth Rs 2,275 crore. term strategy for strengthening regulatory and
Note: The state government would spend an supervisory mechanism.
amount of Rs 455 crore. The project include the Note: The Vision in Utkarsh 2.0 that will guide RBI
replacement of Rokhia’s existing 63 MW (3X21 over the period 2023-25 are: Excellence in
MW) Open Cycle power project with a 120 MW performance of its functions. Strengthened trust of
Combined Cycle power project. The project would citizens and Institutions in the RBI. Enhanced
also boost the efficiency of the Gumti hydroelectric relevance and significance in national and global
power plant in Gomati district. roles. Transparent, accountable and ethics-driven
2. SBI Cards has partnered with Punjab & Sind Bank internal governance
to launch three variants of co-brand credit cards i.e. 6. India has signed various loan agreements with
ELITE, PRIME, and SimplySAVE for the bank's Asian Development Bank (ADB) to boost the
customer. infrastructure sector of Maharashtra, Assam and
Note: PSB SBI Card ELITE and PSB SBI Card PRIME Chennai (TN).
have been designed to offer lifestyle privileges and Note: A loan agreement of 350 million US dollars
best in class experience to premium and mass was signed to improve connectivity in Maharashtra.
premium customers, respectively. PSB SimplySAVE Govt also signed agreement worth 300 million US
SBI Card offers rewarding experience to value dollars to upgrade over 300 Km of State highways
conscious customers. and district roads in Assam. A 220 million dollar
3. Mutual Funds provider IDBI MF has signed an loan agreement was signed to improve energy
agreement with LIC MF to transfer its schemes to security, and resilience of the power sector in
LIC MF to comply with Regulation 7B of SEBI MF Tripura.
Regulations. 7. HDFC Bank has partnered with Microsoft in the
Note: MF rules prohibit a single promoter from next phase of its digital transformation.
owning more than 10% stake in multiple asset Note: Aim: To unlock business value by
management companies. Since LIC took over IDBI transforming the application portfolio, modernising
Bank in 2019, the insurance major ended up the data landscape, and securing the enterprise
holding a majority stake in both LIC MF and IDFC with Microsoft Cloud. The bank is developing in-
MF. Hence, the life insurer had only two options — house intellectual properties (IP) as well as
either to sell one of MF or merge the two. partnering with several companies. The bank has
4. The government of India has collected Rs 1,49,507 leveraged Microsoft Azure to consolidate and
crore gross GST revenue during December 2022. modernise its enterprise data landscape by
Note: Out of which, CGST is Rs 26,711 crore, SGST is Federated Data Lake.
Rs 33,357 crore, IGST is Rs 78,434 crore and Cess is 8. India Accelerator has launched a program created
Rs 11,005 crore. The revenues for December 2022 to nurture and co-innovate with the startup
are 15% higher than the GST revenues in December ecosystem in India named 'i3 Launchpad'.
2021. The total revenue of Centre and the States Note: This has been developed in collaboration with
after regular settlements in the month of December ICICI Bank and Infosys Finacle. Objective: To
2022 is Rs 63,380 crore for CGST and Rs 64,451 support a community of entrepreneurs who are on
crore for the SGST. a mission to create brands that can have a global

impact. The program is open to startups across all Note: It offers a minimum sum assured of ₹25 lakhs,
industries and will onboard two cohorts a year, with no upper limit on a consumer’s requirement. It
with a target of 12-18 startups in each cohort. also offers a ‘Special Exit Value’ option that allows
9. Health insurance provider Niva Bupa Health the policyholder to get all premiums back when
Insurance Company has signed a corporate agency they turn 55 years old. It is designed to encourage
agreement with Sundaram Finance Limited to emerging India to gain access to life insurance.
increase the customer portfolio. 15. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has approved the
Note: Sundaram Finance will use its network across proposal of SBI Funds Management to acquire up to
the country to reach out to customers as part of this 9.99 percent of the paid-up equity capital of
partnership. Niva Bupa’s select range of indemnity Equitas Small Finance Bank through the schemes of
plans would be offered to Sundaram Finance’s SBI Mutual Fund (SBI MF).
growing customers Note: The banking regulator's approval is subject to
10. Bandhan Bank has launched its campaign ‘Jahaan compliance with the relevant regulations issued by
Bandhan, Wahaan Trust’, featuring cricketer RBI and SEBI and is valid for one year till 2 January
Sourav Ganguly as its brand ambassador. 2024.
Note: The campaign was conceptualised by Leo 16. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a
Burnett Orchard. Bandhan was constituted in 2001 periodic updation of KYC details for customers.
as a not-for-profit entity. The RBI had accorded Know Your Customer is the full form of KYC.
‘universal banking licence’, following which the Note: As per the release, a fresh process of KYC can
Bank has started operating on August 23, 2015. be done by visiting a bank branch, or remotely
Objective: To bring in financial inclusion and through a video-based Customer Identification
women empowerment Process (V-CIP). If there is no change in the KYC, a
11. According to the annual report of Ombudsman self-declaration from the individual customer is
Schemes, 2021-22, released by the RBI, the sufficient to complete the re-KYC process.
complaints received under ombudsman schemes Customers can use registered details (Such as
has been increased by 9.39 percent in 2021-22. ATMs) to do re-KYC.
Note: The volume of complaints received under the 17. RBI has selected Six entities for the ‘Test Phase’
RB-IOS and consumer education and protection under regulatory sandbox for the theme ‘Prevention
cells stood at 4,18,184 in 2021-22. About 42% and Mitigation of Financial Frauds’.
complaints were related to the digital modes of Note: The selected entities will commence testing of
payment and transactions. Reserve Bank – their products from February 2023. The six entities
Integrated Ombudsman Scheme (RB-IOS) was are Bahwan Cybertek, Crediwatch Information
launched on November 12, 2021. Analytics, enStage Software (Wibmo), HSBC in
12. RBI has lifted restrictions on Mahindra & collaboration with Wibmo, napID Cybersec and
Mahindra Financial Services Limited for loan Trusting Social. Aim: To promote efficiency and
recovery via third-party services. bring benefits to consumers
Note: On September 22, 2022, RBI had directed 18. GoldenPi Technologies has issued a debt broker
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services to license from SEBI.
immediately cease carrying out any recovery or Note: With the development, GoldenPi became the
repossession activity through outsourcing first online bond platform provider to receive a debt
arrangements, till further orders. Mahindra Finance brokerage license from Sebi. In 2022, SEBI has
could continue recovery or repossession activities introduced regulations for online debt trading
through its own employees. platforms. As per this platform, no company or
13. ICICI Bank has launched 'digital solutions for individual shall act as an online bond platform
exporters', a comprehensive set of banking and provider without the certificate of registration as a
value-added services on a single platform. stock broker under the SEBI Regulations, 2021.
Note: Aim: To simplify the journey of exporters by 19. Axis Bank has partnered with OPEN to provide a
decongesting the current time-intensive manual fully native digital current account journey for its
procedures. It will digitise the entire export life- customers including SMEs, freelancers,
cycle from discovery of export markets, foreign homepreneurs, influencers and more.
exchange services to receipt of export incentives. Note: This agreement offers the larger business
Key services: Insta EPC, Trade accounts, Paperless community access to the holistic banking
exports solutions, and many more experience of Axis Bank with OPEN’s end-to-end
14. Aegon Life Insurance has launched iTerm Prime financial automation tools for business
Insurance plan catering to the need of self- management. This is Axis Bank’s first-ever
employed individuals with a special 10% discount partnership with a fintech player to launch a fully
on first-year premium. digital current account.
20. The Reserve Bank of India has announced that first Note: Aim: To provide quick loans to micro and
Sovereign Green Bonds (SGrBs) would be issued of small businesses. MSME enterprises are the most
amount Rs 16,000 crore in two tranches. important pillars of the economy and the
Note: The proceeds will be utilised for funding government is working towards making the sector
public sector projects seeking to reduce carbon stronger. This development is at the backdrop of
emissions. The first auction would be done on central government considering to make India a $5
January 25, 2023 while the second on February 9, trillion economy.
2023. SGrBs will be issued through uniform price 26. Axis Bank has signed a Memorandum of
auction and 5% of the notified amount of sale will Understanding (MoU) with the Indian Institute of
be reserved for retail investors Science (IISc), Bengaluru to establish a Centre for
21. Neeru Yadav, who is fondly known as 'Hockey Wali Mathematics and Computing at the Institute.
Sarpanch' has signed an agreement with NABARD Note: The centre will have labs and programmes
to start the Farmers Producers Organisation (FPO) benefitting faculty and students. Besides, it will also
with the assistance of SIIRD (Society of Indian host the new IISc BTech programme in Mathematics
Institute of Rural Development). and Computing and the ongoing Interdisciplinary
Note: This initiative will strengthen farmers of PhD programme in Mathematical Sciences.
Lambi Ahir Village, Rajasthan. FPO: It is a legal 27. The Union Cabinet has given its approval to the
entity formed by primary producers. Producers incentive scheme for the promotion of RuPay Debit
such as farmers, milk producers, fishermen, etc, can Cards and low-value BHIM-UPI transactions.
form a company basis equity share. Note: The scheme has a financial outlay of 2,600
22. Kerala state government declared itself as the first crore rupees. Aim: To help in building a robust
state in the country to go fully digital in its banking digital payment system. Besides, the Cabinet has
service. also given its approval to rename the National
Note: It was possible due to social interventions Centre for Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Quality
through local self-government institutions along at Joka, Kolkata as Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee
with infrastructure development and technological National Institution of Water and Sanitation.
advances in the banking sector. He has also 28. Axis Bank has entered into a revised agreement
announced that the ambitious Kerala Fibre Optic with Max Financial to acquire the remaining 7%
Network (KFON) project of the state government stake in the latter.
will reduce the digital divide. Note: The parties agreed that the valuation for the
23. RBI has imposed a monetary penalty on Five right to acquire the remaining 7% stake of Max Life
cooperative banks for non-compliance with varied will be through fair market value using discounted
central bank directions. cash flow. Axis Entities have earlier acquired
Note: The monetary penalties slapped on these 12.99% stake in Max Life at Rs 35 per share with
entities range between Rs 50,000 to Rs 3 lakh. the right to purchase an additional 7% stake in the
Banks: Shree Mahayogi Lakshmamma Co-operative company.
Bank (Andhra Pradesh); The Attur Town Co- 29. EnKash, Hitachi and BharatPe platforms have
operative Bank (TN); Gondia District Central Co- received in-principle approval from the Reserve
operative Bank (Maharashtra); Shirpur Peoples’ Co- Bank of India (RBI) to operate as an online payment
operative Bank (Maharashtra); and Tirupati Urban aggregator.
Co-operative Bank (Maharashtra) Note: Payment aggregators: They facilitate e-
24. As per the guidelines issued by SEBI, the trading commerce sites and merchants to accept payment
hours in case of an outage at a stock exchange along instruments from customers. They help to connect
with standard operating procedures for stock merchants with acquirers. BharatPe and Hitachi
exchanges for handling such an outage will be Payment Services have also received in-principle
extended, 5pm will be the new time at the time of authorization to operate as payment aggregators.
outage. 30. The World Bank has projected that India’s economy
Note: An outage would mean stoppage of would grow at 6.9% percent in FY23, which is
continuous trading, either suo motu by the much lower than the 8.7% growth achieved by the
exchange or by reasons beyond their control. If country in the previous financial year (FY2021/22).
there is a failure to start pre-opening by 2:15 pm, Note: Report title: Global Economic Prospects
then trading hours will be extended till 5 pm for the Report. The World Bank has also predicted that
day. global growth in 2023 would slow to 1.7% from the
25. South Indian Bank has launched a MSME online 3%. Reason: Elevated inflation, higher interest
portal providing instant online ‘In Principle’ rates, reduced investment, and disruptions caused
approval of up to ₹1 crore. by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

31. The Securities and Exchange Board of India has compared with the last month. The retail inflation
allowed exchanges to introduce future contracts for December 2022 was at 5.72%. For Jan-Mar
type of derivatives on Corporate Bond Indices. 2023, the average retail inflation is seen at 4.7%.
Note: The index should be composed of corporate 37. According to the Ministry of Commerce and
debt securities, constituents of the index should Industry data, the WPI for December 2022 was at
have adequate liquidity and diversification at the 4.95%.
issuer level and the constituents of the index should Note: Reason: Due to falling in prices of food
be periodically reviewed. The single issuer should articles, especially vegetables, and oilseeds. The
not have more than 15% weight in the index. WPI inflation was 5.85% in November 2022 and
32. SBI has associated with National e-Governance 14.27% in December 2021. In a reported period,
Services Ltd (NeSL) to launch e-Bank Guarantee (e- food articles segment slipped to 0.65 %. The Fuel
BG) facility. and power increased marginally from 17.35% in
Note: It will bring a revolutionary change in the November to 18.09% in December 2022.
banking ecosystem, where bank guarantee is 38. Paytm Payments Bank has received final approval
frequently used in large volumes. Presently, the from RBI to operate as a Bharat Bill Payment
bank issues these guarantees with physical Operating Unit (BBPOU).
stamping and wet signatures. It will replace this Note: Under Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS), a
function with e-stamping and e-signature. This BBPOU is allowed to facilitate bill payment services
initiative will enhance transparency and reduce for electricity, phone, gas insurance, loan
turnaround time from days to minutes. repayments, credit card bill, and municipal taxes.
33. NPCI has allowed non-resident holders - NRE/ NRO BBPS is owned by the National Payments
accounts to get onboarded and transact through Corporation of India. So far, Paytm Payments Bank
UPI. was undertaking this activity under in-principle
Note: The UPI ecosystem members must comply authorization from RBI.
with NPCI's directions by April 30, 2023. Allowed 39. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has proposed a
countries (10 countries): Singapore, Australia, framework for the adoption of an expected loss for
Canada, Hong Kong, Oman, Qatar, USA, Saudi Arabia, provisioning by banks, instead of an ‘incurred loss’
United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. approach.
This is subject to the fact that the member banks Note: Presently, banks are required to make loan
must ensure that such accounts are only allowed as loss provisions based on an ‘incurred loss’
per extant FEMA regulations. approach. Aim: To enhance the resilience of the
34. The RBI imposed a monetary penalty of amount banking system. Adopting the forward-looking
₹30 lakh on Delhi-based Bahadur Chand expected credit loss approach to estimating loss
Investments. provisions is likely to result in excess provisions as
Note: The penalty has been levied for non- compared to a shortfall in provisions.
compliance with certain provisions of the 'Core 40. According to the RBI report, the GFD of states is
Investment Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, budgeted narrow to 3.4 % of GDP in 2022-23 from
2016' and directions on 'Information Technology 4.1% in 2020-21. In this context of this, GFD refers
Framework for the NBFC Sector'. This penalty has to Gross Fiscal Deficit.
been imposed in the exercise of powers vested in Note: While states’ debt is budgeted to ease to
RBI under the provisions of the Reserve Bank of 29.5% of GDP in 2022-23 as against 31.1% in 2020-
India Act, 1934. 21. But, it is higher than the 20% recommended by
35. Alibaba Group has sold a 3.1% stake in Paytm the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
worth $125 million through a block deal. Review Committee in 2018. The RBI has also
Note: Alibaba retained a 6.26 % stake in Paytm as advised governments to set up a fund for long-term
of end-September 2022. Paytm was listed in 2021 expenditure when revenue collection is strong.
after a mega $2.5 billion initial public offer (IPO). 41. South Indian Bank and Steel Authority of India
Block deal: Single transaction between two Limited (SAIL) signed an agreement to provide
institutional players of a minimum quantity of 5 financial assistance to the dealers of SAIL across the
lakh shares or at least Rs. 5 Crores in value. It country.
happens at the start of trading hours for about 35 Note: With the vast network of the bank, they will
minutes through a separate trading window. be able to serve the MSME and corporate customers
36. According to SBI Research's latest Ecowrap of SAIL located in different geographies. SAIL has a
report, the retail inflation rate of India would be at vast network of dealers who ensure availability of
5% by March 2023. quality steel in virtually all districts of the country.
Note: Reason: Latest figures showed a marginal
decline and further moderation in retail inflation as
42. Protean eGov Technologies has received approval the other venture partner State Bank of India (SBI)
from RBI for its wholly-owned subsidiary to operate for Rs 114 crore (approx).
as an account aggregator. Note: CIBL was incorporated in 2003, a joint
Note: Account aggregators: They help individuals venture in Russia between SBI (60%) and Canara
securely and digitally access and share information Bank (40%). Canara Bank has entered into a share
from one financial institution (they have an account sale agreement in relation to the sale of equity
with) to another regulated financial entity. It has shares held by it in CIBL with SBI. The Canara Bank
also collaborated with the govt to create digital entered into the agreement for sale on November
public infrastructure and develop innovative 11, 2022.
citizen-centric e-governance solutions. 49. The total merchandise exports made by India
43. As per the directions on “Acquisition and Holding between April 2022 and November 2022 is 298
of Shares or Voting Rights in Banking billion USD.
Companies”, issued by the RBI, allowed promoters Note: Earlier it was 276 billion USD. The import bill
to hold 26% of the paid-up share capital or voting is now estimated to be $493.5 billion, about $1.7
rights of the bank after the completion of 15 years billion higher than initial numbers. The trade deficit
from the commencement of its business. was 10 billion USD lower than the estimates made
Note: The promoters of banking companies may be previously.
allowed to hold a higher percentage of shareholding 50. SEBI has launched an information database on
as part of the licensing conditions. municipal bonds in a programme on municipal
44. Mastercard has launched the new phase of its bonds and municipal finance, organized in New
flagship programme 'Girls4Tech' in India. Delhi.
Note: This programme is supported by the Note: The event was participated by
Mastercard Impact Fund and American India representatives from various stakeholders,
Foundation. Aim: To reach female students across including MoHUA. Municipal Bonds: It is also known
the country by 2024 to encourage them to take up as 'muni bonds'. It is a debt instrument that
STEM education. STEM refers to Science, municipal corporations and other associated bodies
Technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM in India issue them. Whenever the local government
courses will be offered to girls aged 8 to 14. body wants to raise funds, they issue these bonds.
45. LIC has launched Jeevan Azad to offer an attractive 51. India Grid Trust will acquire a 100% equity stake
combination of protection and savings. in Khargone Transmission at an enterprise value of
Note: Aim: To offer Individual savings and life around ₹1,497.5 crores.
insurance. It is a limited-period payment Note: IndiGrid signed a share purchase agreement
endowment plan. It provides financial support for on January 21, 2023. Khargone Transmission was
the family in case of unfortunate death of the life incorporated on November 28, 2015. The
assured during the policy term. The minimum age transmission project was awarded by the ministry
of entry is 90 days completed and the maximum age of power for a 35-year period from the scheduled
at entry is 50 years. commercial operation date on a build, own, operate,
46. PNB becomes the first public sector bank to launch and maintain (BOOM) basis.
credit cards against fixed deposits digitally. 52. Aadhar Housing Finance Ltd (AHFL) has entered
Note: Aim: To offer for those account holders, who into a co-lending agreement with PNB to offer home
don’t meet the eligibility criteria for regular credit loans at competitive interest rates.
cards. The bank offers RuPay or VISA credit cards Note: Aim: To reach out to a large section of society
digitally against single or multiple FDs with 80% for providing easy, and efficient home finance
credit limit. PNB has raised the Interest rates on solutions. The co-lending framework of the RBI
term deposits below ₹2 crore between one year and provides a tool for the Banks and NBFCs/HFCs to
three years by 50 basis points to 6.75%. collaborate, and leverage their respective strengths
47. SBI General Insurance has partnered with Doers to provide an affordable solution to the unserved
NGO to assist Himachal Pradesh police in reducing and underserved sections of society.
the number of traffic accidents under the corporate 53. SBM Bank (India) has received an order from RBI
social responsibility (CSR) initiative. to stop all transactions under the Liberalised
Note: Under this, SBI General has donated a well- Remittance Scheme (LRS) with immediate effect till
equipped ambulance which would provide timely further orders.
medical care to the road accident victims in Mandi Note: Reason: Certain material supervisory
district within the ‘Golden hour’. MD & CEO of SBI concerns were observed in the bank. Under the
General Insurance: Kishore Kumar Poludasu. Liberalised Remittance Scheme, Indian residents
48. Canara Bank would sell its stake in the Russian (including minors) are allowed to freely remit up to
joint venture 'Commercial Indo Bank LLC (CIBL)' to USD 2,50,000 per financial year (April - March) for
any permissible current or capital account units like the euro, pound, and yen held in the
transaction or a combination of both foreign exchange reserves.
54. AU Small Finance Bank has launched SwipeUp 58. Star Health and Allied Insurance has renewed its
platform that will allow other bank credit strategic corporate agency tie-up for bancassurance
cardholders to upgrade their card to one of the with Punjab National Bank (PNB) for a long-term
credit cards. period.
Note: The bank has provided a platform to compare Note: PNB will continue to distribute Star Health’s
existing credit cards of customers within seconds. insurance products across all their branches pan
They can upgrade credit limits, cashback, and India. It is a testament to Star Health’s customer
reward points with a quick end-to-end digital service, and track record. Bancassurance: Contract
process. They can continue according to their between bank and insurance company to allow the
lifestyle at the time of submitting the credit card insurance company to sell its products to the bank's
application. client base.
55. According to the United Nations, India’s growth for 59. Network People Services Technologies Ltd
the 2023 calendar year would be at 5.8 percent. (NPST) has unveiled "Timepay Evok" as a UPI API
Note: Reason: Higher interest rates and recession engine to articulate its mission and relationship
risks in the developed world weighing on with digital merchants.
investment and exports. The report has projected Note: With unique API services, UPI as a payment
that global trade will contract 0.4 percent and the gateway can be integrated for both websites and
world economy will grow at 1.9 percent in 2023. App driven solutions for large-scale merchants. UPI
For the fiscal year 2023-24, the agency kept its has been identified as a revolutionary product in
growth forecast unchanged for India at 6 percent. the payment ecosystem. It was launched in 2016.
56. NPA, written-off assets, and restructured loans Co-founder, NPST: Deepak Chand Thakur
are components of Stressed Assets. 60. RenewBuy has launched its first line of customized
Note: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released a health insurance products 'Health Wellness plan'.
discussion paper on the securitization of stressed Note: Focus: On the large uninsured segment
assets. Aim: To provide an alternative mechanism beyond the tier 1 markets It is available in three
for the sale of bad loans, in addition to the existing variants: Gold Plan, Silver Plan, and Wellness Plan.
asset reconstruction route. In September 2022, RBI The product has new-age health insurance benefits,
announced that it will introduce a framework for ranging from coverage of ₹2-5 lakhs. Up to 70%
the securitization of stressed assets. The discussion lower premiums are offered for senior citizens, and
paper broadly covers nine relevant areas of the up to 50% lower premiums for people till 59 years.
framework 61. According to the Futures Industry Association (FIA),
57. As per the Reserve Bank of India release, India’s the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE)
foreign exchange reserves in the week ended emerged as the world's largest derivatives exchange
January 20, 2023 was $573.727 billion. in 2022, in terms of the number of contracts traded.
Note: It was increased by $1.727 billion. As on Note: This is the fourth consecutive year when the
January 13, 2023, the forex reserves of India stood exchange earned the top spot. In addition, the
at $561.583 billion. The Foreign Currency Assets exchange was ranked third in the equity segment by
(FCA) stood at $503.65 billion. FCA includes the the number of trades (electronic order book) in
effect of appreciation or depreciation of non-US 2022.


1. Arata Isozaki, who passed away at the age of 91, 2. Dr Manjula Subramaniam, who passed away at the
was a veteran Architect. age of 74 due to health complications, was a first
Note: He was also known as a post-modern giant, woman chief secretary of Gujarat.
who blended culture and history of the East and the Note: She was appointed as the first woman chief
West in his designs. He was awarded the awarded secretary of Gujarat in 2007. PM Narendra Modi
the RIBA Gold Medal in 1986 and the Pritzker was the Chief Minister of Gujarat then. After
Architecture Prize in 2019. He started his retirement, she was appointed as chief vigilance
architectural career under the apprenticeship of commissioner of Gujarat.
Japanese legend Kenzo Tangem who won Pritzker 3. Veteran R Krishnakumar, who passed away at the
prize in 1987. age of 84, was associated with Tata group.
Note: He started working for Tata Administrative
Services in 1963 and joined Tata Global Beverages
(erstwhile Tata Finlay) in 1965. He had also worked from Bihar's Madhepura Lok Sabha constituency in
through Tata Global Beverages’ transformation into 1991, 1996, 1999, and 2009.
Tata Tea and became VP of South India Plantations 10. Santokh Singh Chaudhary, who passed away at 76,
in 1982. He was honoured with the India’s fourth was associated with the Congress party.
highest civilian honour, Padma Shri in 2009 for Note: He was a Cabinet Minister of Punjab and a
contributions to the country’s trade and business. member of parliament from Jalandhar (Lok Sabha
4. Siddeshwara Swamiji, who passed away at the age constituency)He won the 2014 Indian general
of 82, was one of the prominent Lingayat seers in election and the Indian general election in 2019. He
Karnataka. was a cabinet minister from Phillaur in 1992, 1997,
Note: He was born and brought up in Bijjaragi, and 2002.He lost two assembly elections in 2007
Vijayapura in Karnataka. He was often referred to and 2012.
as the ‘Walking God of North Karnataka'. He was 11. Mukarram Jah Bahadur who passed away recently
ordained as a math seer by his guru, Vedanta Kesari was descendant of Nizam of Hyderabad.
Sri Mallikarjuna Mahashivayogi. Note: He was the successor and grandson of the last
5. Sumitra Sen, who passed away at the age of 89, was Nizam of Hyderabad Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur.
as noted exponent of Rabindra Sangeet music He was born to Prince Azam Jah and Princess Durru
form. Shehvar, the imperial princess of the Ottoman
Note: Her rendition of songs inlcude Jokhon Porbe Empire, on October 6, 1933, in France. He was
Na Mor, Sokhi Vabona Kahare Bole and Mone Ki coronated as Asaf Jah the Eighth on April 6, 1967,
Dwidha. In 2012, she was honoured with the after the passing away of Mir Osman Ali Khan in
Sangeet Mahasamman award by West Bengal February 1967.
government. Rabindra Sangeet also known as 12. David Crosby, who passed away recently, was a
Tagore Songs, are songs from the Indian veteran rock singer.
subcontinent written and composed by the Bengali Note: He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall
polymath Rabindranath Tagore. of Fame with two different groups.He was a
6. Walter Cunningham, who passed away at the age of founding member of Byrds, and Crosby, Stills &
90, was the last surviving astronaut from NASA's Nash. He was known for his intricate vocal
Apollo programme space mission of NASA. harmonies, unorthodox open tunings on the guitar,
Note: He was one of the three astronauts of Apollo and incisive songwriting. He was awarded the
7 mission, that was launched in 1968 and lasted for Grammy for Best New Artist of 1969 for his debut
11 days. Before joining NASA, he was enlisted in the album "I See You".
US Navy and began training as a pilot in 1952. 13. Lakshmi Vishwanathan, who passed away, was a
7. Keshari Nath Tripathi, who passed away recently, renowned Bharatanatyam dancer.
was a veteran Politician. Note: She was awarded many awards such as
Note: He was the governor of West Bengal from July Kalaimamani from the Tamil Nadu government, and
2014 to July 2019. He had also served as the the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award. She was a gold
governor of Bihar, Meghalaya and Mizoram, and medallist in English literature from Madras
speaker of UP legislative assembly. He had also University. She authored four books Kunjamma-Ode
worked as a senior advocate at the Allahabad High to a Nightingale (a biography of M.S.
Court. He authored several books such as "The Age Subbulakshmi); Women of Pride-the Devadasi
of Wings", "Sanchayita:Kesharinath Tripathi", Heritage; Kapaliswara Temple; and Bharatanatyam:
"Destination Jesus". The Tamil Heritage.
8. Prof Rehman Rahi, who passed away recently, was a 14. Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi, who passed away, was a
veteran Writer. veteran architect.
Note: He received the Sahitya Akademi Award for Note: He was honoured with the Padma Bhushan
his collection of poems ‘Nawroz-i-Saba’ in 1961. He (2020), Pritzker Architecture Prize (2018), Padma
was honoured with the country's highest literary Shri (1976), and many more awards. He was
award, the Jnanpith, for his work "Siyah Rood-e- credited with designing some of the most iconic
Jaerenn Manz" in 2007. He has also awarded Padma structures in the country such as IIM Bangalore,
Shri in 2000 by the govt of India. NIFT Delhi, and CEPT University in Ahmedabad. He
9. Sharad Yadav, who passed away recently, was a also worked under Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn.
veteran Politician. 15. Jamuna, who passed away, was a veteran film
Note: He had started his political career during the actress.
anti-emergency movement of the mid-1970s. He Note: She was born in 1936 in Hampi in Karnataka
was first elected to the Lok Sabha at the age of 27 in and started her career as a stage artist, debuting
1974. He was elected from Uttar Pradesh's Badaun with Puttillu on Silver Screen.She acted in about
parliamentary seat in 1989. He was also elected 200 Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Hindi films. She
was identified with her role in ‘Satyabhama’ and Akshaya Kavya - along with several other literary
became a household name for the mythological awards.His critical works include an essay on Da Ra
character.She was a former Lok Sabha MP from Bendre's poems and existentialism in Kannada.He
Rajahmundry in 1989 from the Congress. was also a retired professor, who taught at the
16. KV Tirumalesh, who passed away, was a well- English and Foreign Languages University,
known writer. Hyderabad.
Note: In 2016, he was honoured with the Sahitya
Akademi award for his collection of poems -

Important Days

1. World Braille Day has observed on January 4 to 6. World Hindi Day is observed on January 10 every
spread the significance of Braille as a form of year to promote awareness about the language
communication for the partially sighted and blind. across the world.
Note: The United Nations has been commemorating Note: Theme 2023: "Hindi – Traditional Knowledge
the day since 2019. World Braille Day also to Artificial Intelligence". On this day, Hindi (India's
commemorates the birth anniversary of Louis national language) was spoken for the first time in
Braille, who was born on January 4, 1809. the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The
2. The World Day of War Orphans is observed on 12th World Hindi Conference will be organised in
January 6 every year. Fiji by the Foreign Ministry in collaboration with
Note: Aim: To raise awareness about children the Fiji government from February 15 to 17, 2023.
orphaned in wars. These children are subjected to 7. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
hardships that are more than just physical neglect observed the Road Safety Week from 11 - 17
after losing their caregivers. January, 2023 across the country.
3. Global Family Day is celebrated on January 1 each Note: Aim: To propagate the cause of safer roads for
year. all under the Swachhata Pakhwada. Various
Note: Aim: To create a sense of unity, community activities such as awareness campaigns related to
and brotherhood across nations and cultures causes of road accidents and measures to prevent
through the idea of families. This day is celebrated them, will be organised throughout the Country.
to discourage unwarranted negative attitudes Activities like Nukkad Nataks and Sensitization
towards other cultures, nations, which may breed Campaigns will be conducted at various locations in
hatred, encourage social aloofness and lead to New Delhi.
violence. 8. Armed Forces Veterans Day is celebrated on 14th
4. India has sponsored the proposal to designate the January to mark formally retirement of the first
year 2023 as International Year of Millets (IYM). Indian Commander in Chief of Indian Army- Field
Note: It was accepted by the United Nations General Marshal KM Cariappa, who led Indian Forces to
Assembly (UNGA). The declaration has been Victory in the 1947 war, from the Services.
instrumental for the Government of India to be at Note: The First Armed Forces Veterans Day was
the forefront in celebrating the IYM. PM Narendra celebrated on January, 14, 2016. This year 7th
Modi has also shared his vision to make IYM 2023 a Armed Forces Veterans Day celebrates on 2023.
‘People’s Movement’ alongside positioning India as 9. National Youth Day is celebrated every year on
the ‘Global Hub for Millets'. January 12.
5. Union Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Note: Reason: To mark the 160th birth anniversary
Jitendra Singh has released the theme of National of Swami Vivekananda The government organised
Science Day 2023. Global Science for Global National Youth Festival in collaboration with one
Wellbeing is the theme of National Science Day state willing to host from January 12 to January 16.
2023. This year Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurate
Note: The theme has been selected for the purpose the festival on January 12 in Huballi, Karnataka. The
of raising public appreciation of scientific issues in a theme for the four-day programme is “Viksit Yuva –
global context which is having a bearing on global Viksit Bharat (Developed Youth – Developed India).
Well-being. National Science Day is celebrated every 10. The National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is
year on the 28th February to celebrate the observed every year in the United States on 11th
discovery of the Raman Effect by Indian Physicist January.
Sir C V Raman. Note: Aim: To raise awareness about human
trafficking. Even though the entire month of January
has been recognised as the National Slavery and
Human Trafficking Prevention Month, January 11 encourage awareness about women's rights in our
specifically aims towards the prevention of illegal country. The government has not officially
practices. announced a theme for National Girl Child Day
11. The Department for Promotion of Industry and 2023. Government initiatives to raise the status of
Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and girl children: Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, and BBBP.
Industry has organised Startup India Innovation 18. The Election Commission of India (ECI) celebrated
Week from 10th January 2023 to 16th January National Voters’ Day on 25th January.
2023. Note: Theme 2023: Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for
Note: Aim: To celebrate the Indian Startup Sure. It was first observed in 2011 to mark the
Ecosystem as well as National Startup Day (16th foundation day of the Election Commission of India
January 2023) (25th January 1950). Aim: To create electoral
12. Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is formally observed on 9 awareness amongst citizens and encourage them to
January to celebrate the day when Gandhi Ji participate in the electoral process
returned from South Africa to India. 19. India observed its 74th Republic Day on 26th
Note: This year, it was conducted in Indore, Madhya January 2023.
Pradesh, from 8–10 January, 2023. This is the 17th Note: Theme: Jan Bhagidari. Chief Guest: Abdel
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, or NRI Day. The official Fattah El-Sisi (Egyptian President). For the first
theme of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2023 is time, 21-gun salute was given with 105-mm Indian
“Diaspora: Reliable Partners for India’s Progress in Field Guns, replacing the vintage 25-pounder gun.
Amrit Kaal.” Female BSF camel riders participated in the parade
13. India has observed the 75th India Army Day on showcasing women's empowerment. The Naval
January 15. contingent of 144 young sailors was led by women
Note: This day was observed to mark Field officer Lieutenant Commander Disha Amrith.
Marshall, K M Cariappa, who took over as the first 20. International Customs Day (ICD) is observed every
Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army, year on January 26 globally to commemorate the
replacing his British predecessor in 1949. The 75th maiden session of the World Customs Organization
Army Day Parade was held at the MEG and Centre in (WCO) held in 1953.
Bengaluru. The event featured a fly-past by the Note: Theme 2023: Nurturing the next generation:
Army Aviation Dhruv and Rudra helicopters and Promoting a culture of knowledge-sharing and
Indian Air Force’s Sukhoi-30Mki professional pride in Customs. The WCO was
14. UNESCO has decided to dedicate the International previously known as the Customs Co-operation
Day of Education on 24th January. Council (CCC). It was formed in 1952 in Brussels.
Note: According to UNESCO, currently, around 80% Aim of WCO: To boost the efficiency of customs
of school-aged Afghan girls and young women are authorities.
out of school under Taliban rule, as they are denied 21. United Nations designated January 27 as
access to secondary schools and universities. International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
UNESCO will also publish a global report, the 2023 Note: Reason: In honor of six million Jews killed in
SDG4 Scorecard the Holocaust and millions of other Nazism victims
15. India observed January 16 as National Startup Day. under the Hitler regime between 1933 and
Note: The inaugural National Startup Day 2023 1945.Theme 2023: Home and Belonging. The day
Summit and Bharat Startup Awards were hosted in commemorates the liberation of Auschwitz-
Bangalore. In 2022, PM Modi designated this day as Birkenau in January 1945 from Nazi control
National Startup Day. 22. Data Privacy Day (DPD) is observed across the
16. India observed Parakram Diwas on January 23 to world on January 28 annually to sensitize
mark the birth of Indian freedom fighter, Netaji individuals and disseminate privacy practices and
Subhas Chandra Bose. principles.
Note: In 2022, the nation celebrates the 126th birth Note: It encourages everyone to own their privacy
anniversary of Netaji SC Bose. He was born on responsibilities to create a culture of privacy. The
January 23, 1897, in Cuttack, Odisha. He acquired a theme for this year (2023) is ‘Think Privacy First’.
degree in philosophy and was later selected for the On April 26, 2006, the Council of Europe decided to
Indian Civil Services. Netaji joined the Indian coin a Data Protection Day and announced that it
National Congress in 1921. will be observed each year on January 28.
17. India celebrates National Girl Child Day on 24 23. World Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) Day is
January every year to highlight the prejudice and annually observed across the world on 30th
injustice that girl children face. January to create awareness about Neglected
Note: This day was established in 2008 by the Tropical Diseases (NTD).
Ministry of Women and Child Development. Aim: To
10 | P a g e
Note: 2023 Theme: Act Now. Act Together. Invest in Note: In 2023, World Leprosy Day is observed on
Neglected Tropical Diseases. Focus: On 29 January. Aim: To raise awareness of the disease
strengthening the interventions to promote and call for an end to leprosy-related stigma and
equitable health services for all. The first World discrimination. This day was observed seland ected
NTD Day was observed on 30 January 2020. by French humanitarian, Raoul Follereau as a
Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a group of tribute to the life of Mahatma Gandhi. Theme 2023:
20 diseases caused by a variety of pathogens. Act Now. End Leprosy.
24. World Leprosy Day (WLD) is celebrated on the Last
Sunday of January.

New Appointments

1. IDBI Bank's Board of Directors has approved the re- Note: He will replace Vincent Choo, who assumed
appointment of Suresh Kishinchand Khatanhar as the role of interim CEO on January 1, 2023 after the
Deputy Managing Director (DMD) for a period of retirement of former CEO Bahren Shaari on
one year with effect from January 15, 2023. December 31, 2023. He has more than 25 years of
Note: This re-appointment is as per approval of the experience in private banking, wealth management
Reserve Bank of India received in this regard. and capital markets.
Khatanhar has joined IDBI Bank in 1997 from Dena 7. BharatPe has appointed Nalin Negi as the interim
Bank. He was appointed as DMD by IDBI Bank’s chief executive officer (CEO).
Board on January 15, 2020 for a period of three Note: He has replaced Suhail Sameer, who stepped
years. down from the position. He will take on the role of
2. USA Vice President, Kamala Harris has named strategic advisor, effective January 7, 2023. Negi has
Indian American, Rajeev Badyal to a key national previously worked at GE Capital and SBI Card. He
space advisory group. was the CFO of SBI Card for over ten years.
Note: He will be responsible to maintain a robust 8. Paytm Payments Bank has received approval from
and responsible US space enterprise and preserve the Reserve Bank of India for the appointment of
space for current and future generations. Presently, Surinder Chawla as its new chief executive.
he is serving as the vice-president of Project Kuiper Note: He is currently serving as head of branch
of Amazon. Prior to this role, he was the vice banking at RBL Bank. He had also worked with
president of satellites at SpaceX. HDFC Bank as head of retail liabilities product
3. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been sworn in as the group and senior executive VP. Paytm Payments
39th president of Brazil. Bank CEO, Satish Kumar Gupta was retired in
Note: He has defeated Jair Bolsonaro in October October 2022.
2022 to win an unprecedented third presidential 9. The All India Gem and Jewellery Domestic Council
term. In election, he has secured 50.83% of the (GJC) has elected Saiyam Mehra as Chairman and
votes, whereas his opponent, Bolsonaro got 49.17% Rajesh Rokde as Vice Chairman of the industry body
votes. He was served as the president of Brazil for for a period of two years (2023-24).
two terms from 2003 to 2006 and then 2007 to Note: GJC represents over 6,00,000 industry players
2011. comprising manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers,
4. Ajay Kumar Srivastava has been appointed as MD distributors, laboratories, gemologists, designers
and CEO of Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) with effect and allied services providers. Aim: To promote and
from January 1, 2023. progress its growth, while protecting the industry’s
Note: Presently, he is serving as the executive interests.
director of IOB. He started his banking career as a 10. The government of India has extended the term of
probationary officer in 1991 with Allahabad Bank. the deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India
After the successful completion of about 27 years in (RBI), Michael Debabrata Patra, by One year year
Allahabad Bank he was elevated as Executive with effect from January 15, 2023.
Director of IOB in October 2017. Note: His three-year tenure was coming to an end
5. The Union government has given an additional on January 14, 2023. He looks after the monetary
charge as Border Security Force (BSF) DG to CRPF policy department as the deputy governor of the
Director General (DG), Sujoy Lal Thaosen. RBI. He is also as a member of the Monetary Policy
Note: He replaced Pankaj Kumar Singh, who retired Committee. The three other deputy governors of
on December 31, 2022. RBI are M K Jain, M Rajeshwar Rao and T Rabi
6. Jason Moo has been appointed as the chief Sankar.
executive officer (CEO) of the Bank of Singapore,
with effect from March 6, 2023.
11 | P a g e
11. Vikas Purohit has been appointed as the Director Cognizant veteran Surya Gummadi. He has 20 years
of Facebook-parent Meta's Global Business Group in of experience in Infosys, where he held various
India. leadership roles.
Note: He will lead the strategy and delivery units 17. Sultan al-Jaber (President of the UAE’s national
under the advertising wing. He has served as the oil company) was named as president of this year's
chief executive at Tata CLiQ till October 2022. He COP28 climate talks.
will report to Arun Srinivas, Director and Head of Note: The chief executive of the ADNOC will be the
Ads Business for Meta in India. He has also worked first CEO to take the role at the UN summit. Jaber is
in companies such as Amazon, Reliance Brands, also the Gulf state's special envoy for climate
Aditya Birla Group and Tommy Hilfiger. change and has taken part in more than 10 COP
12. President of Gabon, Ali Bongo appointed Rose meetings. The Conference of Parties or COP is the
Christiane Ossouka Raponda as the country’s new world’s biggest climate conference.
vice-president. 18. Debadatta Chand has been recommended for the
Note: She was appointed as the country's PM in July position of MD & CEO at the Bank of Baroda by the
2020. She was also named budget minister in 2012 FSIB.
before being elected mayor of Libreville (Capital) in Note: While Rajneesh Karnatak was selected for MD
2014. While, former minister, Alain-Claude Bilie By & CEO at the Bank of India. The final decision on the
Nze will replace PM Ossouka Raponda to form a FSIB recommendation would be taken by the
new government. Appointments Committee of the Cabinet headed by
13. Chetan Sharma has been re-appointed as the PM Modi.
chairman of the five-member BCCI's senior 19. Clare Lombardelli (UK Treasury Adviser)
selection committee. selected as the next Chief Economist of the
Note: He was the head of the board's selection Organization for Economic Co-operation and
committee from December 2020. His name was Development (OECD), with effect from 2 May 2023.
recommended by the Cricket Advisory Committee. Note: She has 20 years of experience in economic
The committee also named Shiv Sundar Das analysis and policy-making in the United Kingdom.
(Central Zone), Subroto Banerjee (East Zone), Salil She started her career as an economist at the Bank
Ankola (West Zone) and Sridharan Sharath (South of England. She has also worked at 10 Downing
Zone). Street, and as a technical advisor for the
14. The Central government has appointed Justice International Monetary Fund.
Nongmeikapam Kotiswar Singh as the acting 20. Pankaj Kumar Singh was appointed as the Deputy
Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court, effective National Security Adviser (NSA) in National
from January 12. Security Council Secretariat for two years.
Note: He replaced Chief Justice, Rashmin Note: He is a 1988-batch IPS officer of the Rajasthan
Manharbhai Chhaya, who superannuated on 11 cadre. He retired as the BSF chief on December 31,
January 2023. In May 2022, he was appointed as the 2022. Earlier, he served as Inspector General of the
Acting Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court. While CRPF in Chhattisgarh and IG (Operations) at CRPF,
Supreme Court judges retire at the age of 65 years, Delhi. He has also served in the Rajasthan Police
high court judges retire at 62. and CBI.
15. AC Charania has been appointed as the new chief 21. Nick Walker has been selected as the new chief
technologist of NASA. executive officer (CEO) Cairn Oil & Gas vertical of
Note: He will serve as principal advisor to Vedanta Limited.
Administrator Bill Nelson on technology policy and Note: Prior to this post, he served as the president
programmes. He joined the space agency in his new and CEO at Lundin Energy. He has also worked in
role on January 3, 2023. He has replaced Indian- various companies like BP, Talisman Energy, and
American scientist, Bhavya Lal, who served as Africa Oil. He has over 30 years of diverse
acting chief technologist prior to the former’s international experience in technical, commercial,
appointment. He has also served as vice president and executive leadership roles.
of product strategy at Reliable Robotics. 22. Justice Arjan Kumar Sikri has been appointed as
16. Ravi Kumar has been appointed as the new chief the administrator of Shooting World Cup 2023 by
executive officer of Cognizant with immediate Delhi High Court.
effect. Note: He has been appointed to oversee the
Note: He has succeeded CEO Brian Humphries, who utilization of funds for the upcoming International
will be departing from the company on March 15, Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup, which
2023. The IT Giant Cognizant had previously is scheduled to be held in India in March. ISSF is the
announced the appointment of Ravi as President of governing body of Olympic shooting events in rifle,
Cognizant Americas, which will be given to
12 | P a g e
pistol, and shotgun disciplines, and of several non- 28. Siddharth Sharma has been appointed as the Chief
Olympic shooting sport events. Executive Officer (CEO) of the Charitable
23. Chris Hipkins replaced Jacinda Ardern as the new Foundation Tata Trusts.
Prime Minister of New Zealand. Note: Aparna Uppaluri as the Trust's Chief
Note: New Zealand’s police and education minister Operating Officer (COO). Their appointment will
Chris Hipkins (44 years) will replace Jacinda Ardern come into effect from 1 April 2023. Siddharth
as Prime Minister after emerging as the only Sharma will succeed N Srinath, who stepped down
candidate nominated to lead the ruling Labour from the CEO's post in 2022. Tata Trusts has
Party. He was first elected to parliament for the created the COO post for the first time. Aparna
Labour Party in 2008 and was later being appointed Uppaluri is currently serving as the programme
minister for COVID-19 in November 2020. New director at the Ford Foundation.
Zealand is an island country in the southwestern 29. Prabdev Singh has been appointed as the new CEO
Pacific Ocean and is the sixth-largest island country of JPMorgan Chase & Co (India) for three years.
by area. Note: In November 2022, he replaced Madhav
24. Sanjay Mohan has been appointed as the new chief Kalyan as interim CEO, who was named head of
of the Internet and Mobile Association of India payments for Asia Pacific. He was a trained engineer
(IAMAI). and worked at HSBC Holdings Plc before joining
Note: Apart from him, Rikant Pittie, co-founder of JPMorgan in 2010.
EaseMyTrip, and Yang Li, head-public affairs 30. Chris Hipkins was sworn in as the 41st prime
(APAC),, will be the new co-chairs of minister of New Zealand by the governor-general
IAMAI.This committee’s membership includes during a ceremony in Wellington.
MakeMyTrip, Airbnb India, ConfirmTkt, Zophop Note: His appointment came after the resignation of
Technologies and former PM Jacinda Ardern. He will have less than
25. Reed Hastings, who recently stepped down from the nine months before contesting a tough general
post of CEO, was CEO of Netflix. election, with opinion polls indicating his Labour
Note: Netflix Inc co-founder Reed Hastings is Party is trailing its conservative opposition. He
stepping down as chief executive officer (CEO), served as education and police minister under
handing the reins of the streaming service to Ardern.
longtime partner and co-CEO Ted Sarandos and the 31. Raja J. Chari has been nominated for the
company's chief operating officer, Greg Peters.He appointment to the grade of Air Force brigadier
had co-founded Netflix as a DVD-by-mail business general by the US president Joe Biden.
in 1997, saying the idea came from his frustration at Note: His appointment will have to be confirmed by
having returned a rental of Apollo 13 to the local the Senate, which approves all senior civilian and
Blockbuster, a chain of physical stores in the US military appointments. Currently, he is working as
from where movies could be rented. the Crew-3 commander and astronaut at Johnson
26. Vikram Dev Dutt has been appointed as the next Space Center, NASA. He also served as an
director general in the Directorate of General of Expedition 66 flight engineer aboard the station
Civil Aviation (DGCA) with effect from February 28, 32. Nikhat Zareen (Boxer) has been appointed as the
2023. brand ambassador of National Mineral
Note: He is a 1993-batch IAS officer of AGMUT Development Corporation.
(Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Mizoram, and Union Note:She won a gold medal at Birmingham 2022
Territory) cadre. He will be succeeding the Commonwealth Games and the 2022 IBA Women's
incumbent DGCA chief, Arun Kumar. He was World Boxing Championships (52 kg category).She
appointed as the Chairman and Managing Director became the fifth Indian woman to win a gold medal
of Air India Ltd in 2022. at the IBA World Boxing Championships.
27. Professor Bharat Bhasker has been appointed as 33. Petr Pavel has become the new president of the
the new director of the Indian Institute of Czech Republic.
Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) for five years, Note: He succeeded the former President of the
effective from March 1, 2023. Czech Republic, Milos Zeman. In a run-off vote, he
Note: Presently, he is working as a professor of defeated billionaire Andrej Babis. He has been a
Information Technology and Systems at IIM vocal supporter of the European Union and NATO,
Lucknow. The term of the incumbent director, Prof seeing the Czech Republic’s future as inextricably
Errol D’Souza, will be ended on January 31. linked to their membership.
Meanwhile, the Board of Governors has appointed 34. Arun Kohli has been appointed as the new head of
Prof Arindam Banerjee as the Director-In-Charge Morgan Stanley (India).
from 1st -28th February 2023. Note: He has replaced Sanjay Shah, who is set to
retire. He has been associated with Morgan Stanley
13 | P a g e
for the past 15 years. Currently, he is serving as the Note: She will endorse the footwear, apparel, and
chief operating officer (COO) for Europe, the Middle accessories throughout the year. With this,
East, and Africa (EMEA) region. Earlier, he was the Harmanpreet joins PUMA’s roster of brand
MD for firm strategy and execution for five years, ambassadors which includes Virat Kohli, Neymar Jr,
stretching from 2007 to 2012. Sunil Chhetri, MC Mary Kom, Harleen Deol, K L
35. Harmanpreet Kaur has been appointed as the Rahul, and Avani Lekhara.
brand ambassador of Puma India (Sports brand).

Important News – India

1. According to the data, released by the Centre for Mathur; MP Jamyang Tsering Namgyal; Chairmans
Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), India's of Leh and Kargil Hill councils, representatives of
unemployment rate in December 2022 has been Apex Body Leh, Kargil Democratic Alliance and
increased to a 16-month high at 8.30% from 8% in nominee officials of Home ministry.
November 2022. 6. The National Commission for Indian System of
Note: The urban unemployment rate has been Medicine (NCISM) and the Central Council for
increased to 10.09% in December from 8.96%. Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) have
While, the rural unemployment rate has been launched ‘SMART’ program. Scope for
slipped to 7.44% from 7.55%. In December, the Mainstreaming Ayurveda Research in Teaching
unemployment rate rose to 37.4% in Haryana, Professionals is the full form of SMART.
followed by Rajasthan (28.5) and Delhi (20.8%). Note: Aim: To boost scientific research in priority
2. REC Limited Maharatna Company has organized healthcare research areas through Ayurveda
‘Bijli Utsav’ in Anandapur Gaon of Baksa district and colleges and hospitals. The program was launched
adjoining villages in Assam. by Vaidya Jayant Deopujari (Chairman, NCISM) and
Note: The event has highlighted the consumer Prof. Rabinarayan Acharya (DG, CCRAS).
rights of electricity, benefits and the challenges 7. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has inaugurated the
faced during electrification in remote areas. Various 100-metre, Siyom Bridge in Siang district of
competitions and cultural programs were also Arunachal Pradesh.
organised. It was concluded with distribution of Note: This bridge will open an alternative route to
LED bulbs and geometry boxes as prizes to the the India-China border. The Siyom Bridge is one of
winners of the competitions. the 28 projects completed by the Border Roads
3. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate Organisation at a cost of Rs 724 crore to strengthen
108th edition of Indian Science Congress through border infrastructure. He has virtually inaugurated
video conferencing on 3rd January, 2023. other 27 projects in Ladakh, Rajasthan,
Note: Theme 2023: Science and Technology for Uttarakhand, Punjab and J&K.
Sustainable Development with Women 8. Along with Ministry of Defence (MoD), Ministry of
Empowerment. The inaugural ceremony will be Education (MoE), and all three Services, Ministry of
hosted by Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
University (RTMNU) at its Amravati Road Campus. (MSDE) has signed MoUs to facilitate the continued
4. Ministry of Rural Development under the education of Agniveers while serving in the Armed
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Forces.
Livelihoods Mission has launched the Prajjwala Note: National Institute of Open School and IGNOU
Challenge with an aim to invite ideas, solutions and will awarded 12th Class certificates and Bachelor’s
actions that can transform rural economy. degrees to Agniveers. This will enable Agniveers to
Note: The broad contours fall into following complete education in a timely manner and develop
categories: Focus on Women and Marginalized additional qualities and skills.
section of community; Localised Models; 9. The Government has approved the investment for
Sustainability; Cost Effective solutions; Multi the 382 MW Sunni Dam Hydro Electric Project in
sectoral ideas and solutions Himachal Pradesh with an estimated cost of over
5. The government of India has constituted 17 2,614 crore rupees (Rs 2,246.40 crore (Hard cost
member, High Powered Committee (HPC) under the amounting), Rs 358.96 crore (Interest During
chairmanship of Minister of State for Home Construction) and 9.15 crore (Financing Charges).
Affairs Nityanand Rai. Note: The project will be built on the Sutlej river. It
Note: Reason: To discuss measures to protect will be constructed by Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam
unique culture, language and employment of limited in over 5 years.
Ladakh. The committee includes Ladakh LG, RK
14 | P a g e
10. The government has approved the National Green Parliamentary Standing Committee, India’s
Hydrogen Mission with an initial outlay of 19,744 centrally protected 50 monuments have gone
crore rupees. disappear.
Note: Aim: To make India a Global Hub for Note: The rapid urbanisation has engulfed 14
production, utilisation and export of Green monuments. As many as 12 monuments have been
Hydrogen. Of the Rs 19,744 crore outlay, 17,490 submerged by the constructions of reservoirs and
crore for Strategic Interventions for Green dams, while 24 have gone missing. Only 248
Hydrogen Transition Programme (SIGHT) monuments are protected by security guards.
programme. The ministry of new and renewable 16. As per the bird survey conducted at the Silent Valley
energy (MNRE) will also formulate the scheme National Park in December 2022, 17 new bird
guidelines for implementation of the respective species have been added to the existing list.
components. Note: So far, 175 species of birds have been spotted
11. University Grants Commission's (UGC) Chairman in Silent Valley. The survey was held in the last
has unveiled the draft norms to allow foreign week of December 2022, to mark the 30th
universities to set up campuses in India. M anniversary of the first bird survey in Silent Valley.
Jagadesh Kumar is the chairman of UGC. The first survey was held in the last week of
Note: As per the draft norms, foreign universities December 1990.
can set up their campuses in India after receiving 17. Leh Sub Area and Looms of Ladakh Co-operative
the approval from UGC. The initial approval will be Limited under the aegis of Fire and Fury Corps
for 10 years. Foreign varsities with campuses in the have signed an MoU at Leh, Ladakh with an aim to
country will only be allowed to offer full-time impart weaving and tailoring training to Veer Naris,
programmes in physical mode (No online or widows and dependent ladies of veterans from
distance learning). Ladakh in three cycles of two months each.
12. Ladakh’s tourism department has collaborated Note: Looms of Ladakh will also employ them post-
with National Hydroelectric Power Corporation completion of their training. With this agreement,
(NHPC) to develop Hydro tourism at world's approximately, 200 Veer Naris, widows and
highest hydro power project on the Indus river, dependent ladies of veterans will be benefitted.
near Alchi. 18. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA)
Note: Aquatic sports like Jet Skiing, Motorboating, has approved Central Sector Broadcasting
Ice Skating during winter, and boating during Infrastructure and Network Development (BIND)
summer season will be rolled out in a phased Scheme with an outlay of 2,539.61 crore rupees
manner. Similarly, tourism department is also up to 2025-26.
introducing border tourism in cooperation with Note: Aim: For the infrastructure development of
Fire and Fury Corps of Indian Army. Prasar Bharati i.e. All India Radio (AIR) and
13. Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers’ Doordarshan (DD). At present, Doordarshan
Welfare, Narendra Singh Tomar has inaugurated the operates 36 TV channels including 28 regional
three-day ‘North East Krishi Kumbha-2023’ in channels and All India Radio (AIR) operates more
Meghalaya. than 500 broadcasting centres.
Note: He also participated in the 49th Foundation 19. The Jal Shakti Ministry has organised the first All
Day celebration of the ICAR Research Complex for India Annual State Ministers Conference on Water
NEH Region, Umiam. The event included live in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
demonstrations and exhibition of recent Note: Theme: Water Vision @ 2047. Aim: To bring
technologies through 102 stalls, by the host together key policymakers to discuss ways to
institute and its regional centers along with all the harness water resources for sustainable
ICAR institutes. development and human progress. The Conference
14. The Govt has approved continuation of schemes of has also deliberated on ‘5P’ mantra (Political will,
the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Public financing, Partnerships, Public Participation
Region, with an outlay of how much amount for the and Persuasion for sustainability)
balance period of the 15th Finance Commission 20. The G20 foreign minister meet is scheduled to take
(2022-23 to 2025-26) 12,882 crore rupees. place in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi in March 2023.
Note: Outlay for the North East Special Note: The government has issued an expected guest
Infrastructure Scheme will be Rs.8139.5 crore. list that includes Joe Biden (US President), Vladimir
Outlay for ‘Schemes of NEC’ will be Rs.3202.7 crore Putin (Russia President), Rishi Sunak (UK Prime
including committed liabilities of ongoing projects. Minister), Xi Jinping (China Presidet), among others.
15. According to the Ministry of Culture report titled Special invitee guest countries: Bangladesh, Egypt,
‘Issues relating to Untraceable Monuments and Mauritius, Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore,
Protection of Monuments in India’ submit to the Spain and UAE.
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21. India will host a special 'Voice of Global South Kumar; Goa CM, Dr Pramod Sawant; and Minister
Summit' virtually on 12th and 13th of January 2023. for Social Welfare, Goa government Subhash
Note: Theme of the Summit is Unity of Voice, Unity PhalDessai. Aim: To showcase how we can come
of Purpose. The Summit aimed to bring together together to create a welcoming and inclusive world
countries of the Gobal South and share their for everyone.
perspectives and priorities on a common platform 27. The National Health Authority (NHA) has
across a whole range of issues. This initiative is introduced a new system to measure and grade
inspired by PM Modi vision of Sabka Saath, Sabha hospital performance under AB PMJAY. Ayushman
Vikas, Sabka Vishwas Aur Sabka Prayas and India's Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana is the
principle of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. full form of AB PMJAY.
22. Zeliangrong community of Manipur has Note: Aim: To shift the focus of measuring the
celebrated the Gaan Ngai festival on 4th Jauary performance of hospitals from the volume of
2023. services provided to the value of healthcare
Note: This festival also marks the end of the year services. The Health Ministry announced that the
when the farmers have stored their foodgrain in new model with the reward system will
their ganeries. They show their gratitude by consequently reduce the effects of the disease in the
offering to the almighty a good harvest and praying population in the long term
for a better life. It is a custom to produce new fire by 28. ReNew Power has installed India’s first 3x platform
rubbing dry wood and split bamboo pieces and wind turbine generators (WTGs) in Gadag,
distributing them. The Zeliangrong community Karnataka.
comprises Rongmei, Liangmei, and Zeme tribes. Note: The WTGs have a nameplate capacity of 3.3-
23. Minister for Commerce and Industry, Piyush Goyal 3.465 MW and are 128-140m in height. Aim: To
has launched BIS portal for mapping of Industrial improve capacity over models installed in India,
Units and Laboratories. Bureau of Indian which typically have a nameplate capacity of 2-3
Standards is the full form of BIS. MW. This project will produce enough energy to
Note: It is a centralised platform. Aim: To provide power over 1 million households in India annually.
information on industrial units and laboratories 29. The Indian High Commission has signed a
across the country. It will enable analysis of test memorandum of understanding (MoU) to establish
facilities in the country and help entrepreneurs in a Hindi Chair at Sabaragamuwa University. This
accessing information about testing facilities. He university is located in Sri Lanka.
has also launched Standards National Action Plan Note: The MoU was signed between Gopal Baglay
(SNAP) 2022- 27. (High Commissioner) and Prof. Udaya Rathnayake
24. PM Modi has launched the Aspirational Block (Vice Chancellor of Sabaragamuwa University). Aim:
Programme at the second National Conference of To help in familiarizing students with India, its
Chief Secretaries in New Delhi, to develop backward history, and culture as well as pave way for
districts. popularising Hindi by deputing Indian faculties.
Note: This programme is on the lines of the 30. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the
Aspirational District Programme (launched in 26th National Youth Festival in Hubballi,
2018). The programme will cover 500 districts Karnataka from 12th -16th January 2023.
across 31 states and Union Territories initially. Over Note: This festival is held every year to provide
half of these blocks are in 6 states—UP (68 blocks), exposure to our talented youth at the national level.
Bihar (61), MP (42), Jharkhand (34), Odisha (29) It is being held on National Youth Day (12th
and WB (29). January), which is celebrated on the birth
25. Union chemicals and fertilizers Mansukh Mandaviya anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. Theme of this
has informed that the Fertilizer projects in Odisha’s event: “Viksit Yuva - Viksit Bharat”
Talcher will be operational by October 2024. 31. PM Narendra Modi launched the World’s Longest
Note: It will be the largest and first coal gasification River Cruise-MV Ganga Vilas in Varanasi, Uttar
plant in India. Talcher Fertilizers Ltd has been Pradesh via video conferencing on 13th Jan 2023.
mandated by the government to revive the Note: He has also inaugurated Tent City at Varanasi.
erstwhile Talcher plant of FCIL by setting up a new It will begin its journey from Varanasi to Dibrugarh
coal gasification-based urea plant with an installed in Assam via Bangladesh. It will sail around 3,200
capacity of 12.7 lakh tonne per annum (LMTPA). km in 51 days. It will cover major cities of India and
26. The India's first-of-its-kind inclusivity, 'Purple Fest: Bangladesh - Patna (Bihar), Sahib Ganj (Jharkhand),
Celebrating Diversity' has been started in Panjim, Kolkata (WB), Dhaka (Bangladesh), and Guwahati
Goa from January 6–8, 2023. (Assam)
Note: The event was attended by Union Minister of 32. The Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways
Social Justice and Empowerment, Dr. Virendra and Ayush, Sarbananda Sonowal, and Tripura CM,
16 | P a g e
Manik Saha have inaugurated the School of industrial areas served by Regional Office are
Logistics, Waterways, and Communication in Bhiwadi, Khushkhera, Tapukara, Karoli, Neemrana,
Agartala, Tripura. Behror, Gheelot, and Khairthal.
Note: Aim: To enable the talent to become world- 38. Commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal will
class experts in the transportation and logistics launch the MAARG platform. Mentorship,
sector. It has been set up under State Institute of Advisory, Assistance, Resilience, and Growth is
Public Administration and Rural Development the full form of MAARG.
(SIPARD), an autonomous body funded by the govt Note: The portal will facilitate mentorship between
of Tripura and MoRD. startups and entrepreneurs across sectors, stages,
33. The Godavari estuary in Andhra Pradesh has and functions. Goyal will also announce the results
become a prime and safe habitat for the Indian of the National Startup Awards 2022. The winning
skimmer (Rynchops albicollis). startups will be given a cash prize of Rs 5 lakh. One
Note: On January 10, as many as 250 Indian exceptional Incubator and one Accelerator each will
Skimmers were sighted in the southern part of the also get a cash prize of Rs 15 lakh.
Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary (Andhra Pradesh) in a 39. India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
day during the Asian Waterbird Census-2023. (MoU) with Panama to enhance cooperation in the
Indian Skimmer migrates to the Godavari estuary training of diplomat’s.
for feeding. t is found in the coastal estuaries of Note: The agreement was signed by EAM, Dr
western and eastern India. IUCN status: Endangered Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and Panama's Foreign
34. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India Minister, Janaina Tewaney Mencomo. Both
(FSSAI) has notified comprehensive regulatory countries have also discussed the opportunities for
standards for Basmati Rice for the first time and greater economic, health, finance and people to
will come into effect from 1 August 2023. people linkages. Panamanian Minister has also
Note: Aim: To establish fair practices in the trade of joined the 17th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention
Basmati rice and protect consumer interest. As per in Indore.
the standards, Basmati rice shall possess natural 40. State-owned organisation, REC signed non-binding
fragrance characteristics of basmati rice and be free MoUs with the UP govt to extend financial
from artificial colouring, polishing agents, and assistance for various projects during UP Global
artificial fragrances. Investors Summit, Delhi.
35. PM Modi has announced the “Aarogya Maitri” Note: It will help UP in employment generation as
project during the Voice of Global South Summit. well as exponential growth in the state. REC,
Note: Through this project, the country will provide formerly Rural Electrification Corporation, is a
essential medical supplies to any developing subsidiary of Power Finance Corporation under the
country affected by natural disasters or Union Power ministry. The PSU provides loans to
humanitarian crises. He also proposed setting up a central or state sector power utilities in the country,
‘centre of excellence’ to facilitate development state electricity boards etc
solutions to these countries. Also, India will launch 41. Minister of Youth Affairs, Anurag Singh Thakur
the Global South Science and Technology Initiative has launched the themes, logo, and website of Y20
to share its expertise in space technology. summit India in Curtain raiser event in New Delhi.
36. A ‘Soul of Steel’ challenge was launched in Note: Themes: Future of Work: Industry 4.0,
Uttarakhand that aimed to test one’s high-altitude Innovation & 21st Century skills. Climate Change
endurance. and Disaster Risk Reduction: Making Sustainability
Note: The general area of the expedition would be a way of life. Peacebuilding and Reconciliation:
the Nanda Devi National Park. The challenge is an Ushering in an era of No War. Shared Future: Youth
initiative of CLAW Global and is being supported by in Democracy and Governance and Health,
the Indian Army. The idea behind Soul of Steel is Wellbeing & Sports: Agenda for Youth.
pooling of skill sets and creating a challenge that 42. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has virtually
will unlock the human ability to survive, stabilise inaugurated the two-day Global Investors Summit
and thrive in high altitude areas. in Indore.
37. Union Minister for Labour and Employment, Forest, Note: The inaugural session of summit was
Environment and Climate Change, Bhupender attended by Chandrika Prasad Santokhi (President
Yadav inaugurated the Regional Office of EPFO in of Suriname) and Dr Mohammed Irfan Ali
Alwar, Rajasthan. (President of Guyana). Theme of the Global
Note: The Regional Office will help more than 2 Investors Summit is ‘Madhya Pradesh - a future-
lakh workers, 12,000 establishments, and 8,500 ready state'. Environmental protection has been
pensioners from Alwar and the neighboring taken care of in this summit that will be completely
districts of Bharatpur and Dholpur. The major based on Carbon Neutral and Zero Waste.
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43. The first G20 Infrastructure Working Group Note: Agenda: To design, develop, supply, install,
meeting under G20 India Presidency will be held on test, commission, and operations, and maintenance
16-17 January in Pune. of integrated command control centre (ICCC) and
Note: The meeting will be hosted by the other associated activities for the smart city. The
Department of Economic Affairs along with contract is for five years and will be completed in 10
Australia and Brazil as the co-chairs. The Group months.
deliberates on various aspects of infrastructure 49. The Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical
investments, including developing infrastructure as Music And Culture Amongst Youth (SPIC MACAY),
an asset class. New Delhi Municipal Council, and Ministry of
44. PM Modi flagged off the Vande Bharat Express train Culture have organized 'Music in the Park’ series
that connects Secunderabad (Telangana) with under the name ‘Shruti Amrut’.
Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh on 15th Note: Under this series, the first event of 2023 was
January 2023. organized in Nehru Park, Chanakyapuri, New
Note: As per the Railway officials, it will cover a Delhi.The concert started with a Sarod performance
distance of around 700 km in 8 hours and 30 by Aman Ali Bangash (7th Generation musician
minutes. It is the eighth Vande Bharat Express to be from Senia Bangash Gharana)
introduced by Indian Railways. The first Vande 50. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the
Bharat train was launched in 2019, between New second phase of Saansad Khel Mahakumbh 2022-23
Delhi and Varanasi. It will enhance the ease of in Basti District of Uttar Pradesh.
living, and benefit the economy. Note: It organizes diverse competitions in both
45. Union Minister for Science and Technology, Dr. indoor and outdoor sports. Apart from these,
Jitendra Singh has launched Geospatial Hackathon competitions in essay writing, painting, rangoli
to promote Innovation and Start-Ups in India’s making will also be organized. This event is being
Geospatial ecosystem. organized in two phases.
Note: This hackathon also aims to promote 51. Kollam district was declared the country's first
partnerships among the public and private Constitution-literate district.
geospatial. It was jointly launched by the Survey of Note: It is achieved through 'The Citizen', a
India, the Ministry of Science and Technology, IIIT Constitution literacy campaign. This campaign was
Hyderabad, and Microsoft India. There will be two jointly launched by the Kollam district panchayat,
sets of challenges - (1) Research Challenge and (2) the District Planning Committee, and the Kerala
Start-Up Challenge Institute of Local Administration. Aim: To provide
46. The GeM has organized an event to celebrate the constitution literacy to 23 lakh citizens belonging to
success of “Womaniya on GeM” in New Delhi. In this 7 lakh families in the district.
context, GeM refers to Government eMarketplace. 52. PM Modi laid the foundation stone and inaugurated
Note: This event was organized in partnership with several projects in the northern districts of Yadgiri,
the Self-Employed Women’s Association, Bharat. and Kalaburagi (Karnataka), and Maharashtra.
Presently, over 1,44,000 Udyam-verified women Note: Developmental projects in Yadgiri district:
Micro, Small Enterprises are registered on GeM, Related to irrigation, drinking water, and NH
known as “Womaniya”. This initiative was launched development project.Kalaburagi district:
in 2019 to encourage women entrepreneurs' Distribution of title deeds to the eligible
participation and SHG from the informal sector on beneficiaries of newly declared revenue villages.
GeM. Maharashtra: Inaugurated and laid the foundation
47. Earth Sciences Minister, Dr. Jitendra Singh stone of projects worth around ₹38,800 crores
announced that India will be covered by Doppler 53. The Ministry of Tourism will organize the first
Weather Radar Network by 2025. Global Tourism Investors Summit from 10th to 12th
Note: This announcement was made at the 148th April 2023 in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Foundation Day of the Indian Meteorological Note: Aim: To bring together global policymakers
Department. Aim: To predict extreme weather and business leaders to understand and explore
events more accurately. It will enhance weather Tourism Business opportunities in India. In this
monitoring capabilities and benefit the farmers to regard, Tourism Ministry has organized a
contribute significantly to the economy. IMD has Roadshow for the Northern region, Chandigarh.
taken proactive steps to increase the Radar Focus: Promoting India as an investment
Network from a mere 15 in 2013 to 37 in 2023. destination for travel, tourism, and hospitality
48. RailTel Corporation of India Ltd, wholly owned 54. Along with Adani Enterprises, and Ashok Leyland,
subsidiary has received an order worth ₹170.11 Ballard Power has signed a deal to develop Asia's
crores from the Puducherry government. first hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Truck (FCET) for
mining logistics and transportation.
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Note: The FCET is scheduled to be launched in India 60. Business20 (B20) inception meeting will be held in
in 2023. The demonstration project will be led by Gandhinagar, Gujarat from January 22-24 as a
Adani Enterprises Limited. Ballard will supply the part of India’s G 20 presidency.
FCmoveTM fuel cell engine for the hydrogen truck. Note: It will be held to formulate policy
Ashok Leyland will provide the vehicle platform and recommendations to be submitted to G20 ahead of
technical support. the leaders' summit and will be the first of 15
55. Warehousing Development Regulatory Authority events that the state is set to organize as part of
(WDRA) signed an MoU with SBI to facilitate India's G20 presidency. More than 150
farmers in providing low-interest rate loans. policymakers, business executives, CEOs, and senior
Note: Reason: To promote awareness about the executives will take part in the inaugural meeting.
new loan product called Produce Marketing Loan to 61. Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public
exclusively fund against e-NWRs (electronic Distribution has released ‘Endorsements Know-
Negotiable Warehouse Receipt). It also aimed to hows!’ guidelines for celebrities, influencers, and
provide information to depositors about the virtual influencers on social media platforms.
benefits, besides doing further outreach activities to Note: Aim: To ensure that individuals do not
improve agricultural pledge finance in India. mislead their audiences. It also ensures that they
56. The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum are in compliance with the Consumer Protection Act
started in Davos, Switzerland from 16-20 January, 2019. Endorsements must be made in simple terms
2023. such as "advertisement," "sponsored," or "paid
Note: The theme of the 53rd annual event is promotion" can be used.
‘Cooperation in a Fragmented World’. Aim: To 62. Indian Embassy in Kathmandu has organized a 5
address the pressing issues the world is facing and km marathon named ‘Run for Life’ from
promote innovative solutions. A range of topics will Pashupatinath Temple premises in Nepal.
be discussed at the 2023 meeting - New Energy, Note: 2023 Theme: lifestyle for Environment. It was
Climate Change, Jobs, Travel and Tourism, Health, participated by college-going students, rescued
Tech, and Banking. human trafficking victims, sports persons, health
57. The first G20 Health Working Group meeting has enthusiasts, medics, and children. The Run for life
started at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. marathon celebrates 75 years of diplomatic ties
Note: It was attended by Bharati Pravin Pawar between India and Nepal as well as 75 years of
(MoS Health and Family Welfare) and V. India’s Independence.
Muraleedharan (MoS External Affairs). Focus: 63. The American India Foundation (AIF) has
Health emergencies prevention, preparedness and inaugurated India’s first STEM Innovation and
response; strengthening cooperation in the Learning Center (SILC) in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
pharmaceutical sector; and digital health Note: It was inaugurated under the scheme of
innovations to aid universal health coverage Other Vanavil Mandram. AIF is an award-winning flagship
locations of HWG meetings: Goa, Hyderabad, and education Program 'Digital Equalizer (DE)'. It has
Gandhinagar designed the Center to be a one-stop solution for
58. First Environment and Climate Sustainability STEM among students and teachers. AIF's DE has
Working Group Meeting of G20 will be held from also launched Drone and Satellite Launch Vehicle
9th to 11th Feb Bengaluru. (DSLV) Mission on the occasion.
Note: Aim: promotion of the blue economy along 64. Twenty-One unnamed islands of Andaman &
with coastal sustainability, restoration of degraded Nicobar was named after Param Vir Chakra
lands and ecosystems, enhancement of biodiversity awardees on January 23, 2023.
and circular economy. Conference focused on Note: He has also unveiled the model of the
Master Planning and Building the National Capacity National Memorial dedicated to Netaji, to be
for species Management & Conservation Breeding constructed on Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Dweep
59. Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended All India (earlier known as Ross Islands). The event was
Conference of Directors General and Inspectors attended by Home Minister Amit Shah and Chief of
General of Police 2022 in New Delhi. Defence Staff General, Anil Chauhan.
Note: It is a three-day conference which was 65. NTPC has crossed 71 GW with the successful
inaugurated by Home Minister Amit Shah. completion of the trial operation of the first unit of
Conference held discussions on futuristic themes in 660 MW North Karanpura Super Thermal Power
policing and security, Cyber Crime, Technology in Project, Jharkhand (3x660 MW).
Policing, Counter Terrorism challenges, Left Wing Note: Impact: It will provide affordable power to
Extremism, Capacity Building, and Prison Reforms. Jharkhand, Bihar, WB, and Odisha. With this
addition, the total installed capacity of NTPC has
become 71544 MW.The foundation for this NTPC
19 | P a g e
project in Jharkhand was laid by the former PM, Note: Aim: It will help to create expert manpower
Atal Bihari Vajpayee for the country to combat crime and result in the
66. The Department of Agriculture and Farmers prosecution of criminals. He was also part of a road
Welfare has organized a two-day event, ‘Krishi- show in Dharwad and addressed a public rally in
Mahotsav: Pradarshani evam Prashikshan’ in Belagavi district. He had a darshan of God
Rajasthan. Shambulingeshwara and visit Sri Basavanna Devara
Note: It was organized in association with the mutt in Dharwad.
Department of Agriculture, Government of 72. Asia's second and country's first cable suspension
Rajasthan. Aim: To make Kota Division advanced bridge "Bajrang Setu" is being constructed in
and leading in the field of agriculture and rural Rishikesh, Uttarakhand.
development. Through the exhibition, the Note: It will be completed by July 2023. This bridge
government can also spread awareness about the is coming up next to the famous 90-year-old
schemes of governments. Laxman Jhula. Laxman Jhula was closed in 2022
67. PepsiCo Foundation joined hands with CARE to when it was found that it wasn't safe for
launch a programme 'She Feeds the World'. pedestrians anymore. However, it will not be
Note: It is a USD 18.2-million global agriculture- removed and will be preserved as a heritage. The
focused women empowerment programme in India. construction of the new bridge would cost Rs 67
It commenced from two districts in North Bengal of crores.
West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh could be the next 73. Minister for Ports, Shipping, and Waterways,
state. The PepsiCo Foundation invested USD 18.2 Sarbananda Sonowal has inaugurated National
million to scale CARE's 'She Feeds the World' Logistics Portal (marine).
initiative in six countries. Note: Aim: To connect all the stakeholders of the
68. The government of India has launched the U-WIN logistics community using IT. It will improve
platform to digitize India’s UIP. In this context, UIP efficiency and transparency by reducing costs and
refers to Universal Immunisation Programme. promoting the growth of the logistics sector.It will
Note: It has been launched in pilot mode across two be a single window for all trade processes of the
districts of each state and union territory. This logistics sector spread across the country. It will
platform will help in registering and vaccinating cover all modes of transport in the waterways,
every pregnant woman, recording her delivery roadways, and airways
outcome, and administering birth vaccinations and 74. Meta and Ministry of Electronics and
all immunizations. It will also act as a single source Information Technology released the list of 120
of information for reminders of upcoming vaccine startups and innovators for the XR Startup
doses. Programme.
69. Union Health Minister, Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya has Note: It includes an Accelerator and a Grand
unveiled the world’s first intranasal COVID-19 Challenge. Aim: To boost the emerging Tech
vaccine ‘iNNCOVACC’ in New Delhi. ecosystem.Out of the startups selected in the
Note: It is developed by Bharat Biotech Accelerator Programme, over 30% are from tier II
International Limited (BBIL) in collaboration with or tier III cities across India. It will discover,
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance. nurture, and accelerate Extended Reality (XR)
According to the statement of the ministry, the Technology startups and innovators.
intranasal COVID-19 vaccine is to receive approval 75. The government has renamed the iconic Mughal
for the primary 2-dose schedule and as a Gardens in Rashtrapati Bhavan as Amrit Udyan.
heterologous booster dose. Note: It would be open to the public from 31st
70. Employees’ Provident Fund Organization January to 26 March 2023. This decision is said to
(EPFO) has launched a massive District Outreach be part of the government of India’s ‘Azadi ka Amrit
Progarmme "Nidhi Aapke Nikat 2.0". Mahotsav'. The cluster of about 15 gardens will
Note: This programme was launched by Secretary, collectively be known as Amrit Udyan. Individual
Ministry of Labour & Employment, Arti Ahuja. It is a gardens within the sprawling Presidential Estate -
grievance redressal platform and information Herbal Garden, Musical Garden, and Spiritual
exchange network for employers. It also exchanges Garden - will retain their names.
information with the district-level authorities of 76. Suzuki Motor Corporation will use cow dung to
various State and Central Government departments. power its CNG cars.
71. Home Minister, Amit Shah has laid the foundation Note: Suzuki signed an MoU with Asia’s largest
stone for a National Forensic Sciences University at dairy manufacturer, National Dairy Development
the premises of the University of Agricultural Board (NDDB). Suzuki has invested in Fujisan
Sciences, Dharwad in Karnataka. Asagiri Biomass which generates power from
biogas derived from cow dung in Japan. The biogas
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could be used for Suzuki’s CNG models which for the manufacture of high-quality marine diesel
account for approximately 70 percent of the CNG engines at the former's plant in Ranchi.
car market in India. Note:The MoU deals with the transfer of technology
77. According to the latest ranking by the Indian related to engine assembly, painting, parts sourcing,
Institutional Ranking Framework (IIRF), IIM and after-sales service for these engines.Both will
Ahmedabad is the best college to pursue the co-operate in the license production and
Master of Business Administration (MBA) course in localization of the technologically advanced MTU
India. S4000 governmental marine engines.
Note: IIM Ahmedabad is followed by IIM Bengaluru 83. Election Commission of India (ECI) has hosted the
and IIM Kolkata at second and third spots, 2nd International Conference in New Delhi, India
respectively. Among private colleges, the Xavier from 23-24 January 2023 with the theme of Use of
Labour Relations Institute (XLRI), Jamshedpur has Technology and Elections Integrity.
topped the rankings. Note: The two-day international conference was
78. India signed an MoU with Egypt to facilitate content inaugurated by Chief Election Commissioner, Rajiv
exchange and Co-Productions between Prasar Kumar. Around 43 Participants from 17 Countries
Bharati and the National Media Authority. including Angola, Argentina, Australia, Croatia,
Note: It was signed by Anurag Singh Thakur (I&B Indonesia, Mauritius, Nepal, Philippines, and
Minister) and Sameh Hassan Shoukry (Minister of Suriname have joined the conference.
Foreign Affairs, Egypt). Aim: To expand the reach of 84. The Smart Cities CEOs Conference on Data and
DD India Channel to showcase the country’s Technology was organised in Panaji, Goa.
progress through programmes. It will be valid for Note: The two-day conference was organized by the
three years and will also facilitate co-productions Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
and training of the officials. (MoHUA) in coordination with Imagine Panaji
79. Atal Innovation Mission and Central Board of Smart City Development Ltd (IPSCDL). The
Secondary Education (CBSE) have collaborated with conference has witnessed the participation of Chief
Intel India to bring a change in the education Executive Officers/Municipal Commissioners of 100
sector. Smart Cities.
Note: They will embed future skills such as Artificia 85. The 30th National Child Science Congress was
Intelligence (AI) and Tinkering in the formal organized in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
curriculum. Aim: To align the National Education Note: It is being organized at Science City and will
Policy 2020’s guidance to increase the pace of tech conclude on 31st January 2023. Focal theme:
integration for youth, the need to bridge the future Understanding Ecosystem for Mental and
skills gap in the country, and optimize the current Wellbeing. The program is being hosted by the
infrastructure. Gujarat Council on Science and Technology, the
80. India and South Africa signed a Memorandum of Gujarat Council of Science City, and SAL Education.
Understanding (MoU) to introduce 12 African More than 1400 delegates including child scientists
Cheetahs annually over the next eight to ten years. and government officials will attend the congress.
Note: An initial batch of 12 cheetahs will be flown 86. 15th of the BRICS summit will be held in Durban,
from South Africa to India in February 2023. The South Africa in August 2023.
cats will join eight Cheetah brought to India from Note: It was announced by the Russian Foreign
Namibia in 2022. Aim: To reintroduce cheetah to a Minister, Sergei Lavrov in a joint conference with
former range state is being carried out following the Foreign Minister of the State of Eritrea Osman Saleh
local extinction of this iconic species due to in Massawa, Eritrea. The fifth annual BRICS summit
overhunting and loss of habitat was held in Durban, South Africa in 2013. BRICS:
81. SAMEER has signed a memorandum of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
understanding with Siemens Healthineers to make 87. The 3rd INTERPOL Young Global Police Leaders
available low-cost MRIs, a step towards affordable Programme (YGPLP) is being organized from 25
healthcare, and diagnostic access for every Indian. January to 2 February 2023 in New Delhi.
In this context, SAMEER refers to Society for Note: It was virtually addressed by INTERPOL
Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Secretary General, Jurgen Stock. The event was
Research. organized by the Central Bureau of Investigation
Note: SAMEER is specialized in RF Microwaves (CBI). As many as 59 participants from 44 countries
Radar and Communication Systems.It is India's participate in the programme.
premier R&D Institute of the Ministry of Electronics 88. The first Employment Working Group Meeting
and IT (MeitY). under the Sherpa track of the G20 will be held from
82. Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) February 2 to 4 in Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
Ltd has signed an MoU with Rolls Royce Solutions
21 | P a g e
Note: Focus areas: Addressing Global Skill Gaps, Gig Note: The “Har Ghar Nal Se Jal” drive under Jal
and Platform Economy and Social Protection, and Jeevan Mission will be completed by 2024. It is
Sustainable Financing of Social Security. The city being implemented in a unique bottom-up and
has been decorated with Rajasthani culture and a decentralized approach by mobilizing Village Water
special theme. and Sanitation Committees to manage the village
89. The first G20 International Financial Architecture water supply infrastructure.
Working Group meeting under the G20 Indian 91. The Central Government has sanctioned 2,600 crore
Presidency has organized in Chandigarh. rupees to Uttarakhand under the RDSS. In this
Note: The meeting was inaugurated by Union context, RDSS refers to Revamped Distribution
agriculture minister, Narendra Singh Tomar, and Sector Scheme.
food processing industries minister, Pashupati Note: Reason: For the construction of new power
Kumar Paras.Focus: On strengthening the lines, sub-stations, and underground power lines.
international financial architecture. Aim: To strengthen the power supply system, the
90. National Centre for Good Governance Director capacity of sub-stations will be increased in several
General, Bharat Lal has addressed a Conference on districts including Dehradun. All power lines in
“Water Security for high Economic Growth and Haldwani will be underground. The State's project
Prosperity at the 14th South Asia Conference on has been approved in the Regional Power
Think20@G20, New Delhi. Committee meeting.

Important News – State

1. Meitei community of Manipur celebrated Imoinu respectively. Sharaf Group and Hindustan Port will
Eratpa festival every year. invest in the Logistics Park sector.
Note: They regard the Imoinu goddess as a goddess 5. MP state government has launched the Chief
of wealth and prosperity. She is also associated as Minister's Residential Land Rights scheme
one of the incarnations of the goddess Leimarel (Mukhyamantri Awasiya Bhu Adhikar Yojana) at the
Sidabi. This festival falls on the twelfth lunar day of Bagaj Mata temple complex in Tikamgarh district.
Wakching month of Meitei calendar (falls either in Note: Under the scheme, plots worth about 129
December or January according to the Gregorian crore rupees were distributed to 10 thousand 918
calendar). families of Tikamgarh district. Aim: To provide free
2. West Bengal state government has launched two plots to the poor living in rural areas for building
programme named 'Didir Suraksha Kawach' and their houses.
‘Didir Doot’, ahead of the 2023 panchayat polls. 6. Odisha state government has inaugurated the Birsa
Note: The programme will focus on 15 state Munda International Hockey Stadium, the largest
government schemes, covering various sectors such hockey stadium in the country.
as food, housing, health, education, social security, Note: Rourkela is the second venue of the FIH Men's
income and employment. ‘Didir Doot’, a mobile Hockey World Cup 2023 after the Kalinga Stadium
application has also been developed for people to in Bhubaneswar. Rourkela will host 20 of the 44
register their problems. matches while the remaining 24 matches will be
3. The Election Commission has appointed folk singer, played at Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar.
Maithili Thakur as the state icon for Bihar. 7. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) has joined hands
Note: She will create awareness among the voters with the government of Goa for the development of
for their participation in the electoral process. She Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the state.
was born in Madhubani district of Bihar. She is a Note: The exchange will look at creating awareness
trained in Indian classical and folk music. She was amongst SMEs in the state on the benefits of listing
recently selected for the Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva on the exchange. BSE will also guide them on the
Puraskar of the Sangeet Natak Akademi for her efficient ways of raising capital through equity
contribution to the folk music of Bihar for 2021. infusion. The exchange will also provide training
4. Uttar Pradesh state government has signed an and capacity-building support to District Industries
MoU with six UAE-based companies worth Rs Centre officials.
18,590 crore ahead of the Global Investors Summit 8. Chhattisgarh state has celebrated the traditional
to be held in Lucknow in February 2023. Cherchera festival at Dudhadhari Math.
Note: Aim: To create over 20,000 new employment Note: This traditional festival is celebrated on the
opportunities. Astha Green Energy Venture and full moon night of ‘Paush’ Hindu calendar month. It
Shree Siddharth Infratech and Services will invest in is celebrated in the happiness of taking the crops to
renewable energy worth Rs 4480 and Rs 8000 crore their homes after cultivation. According to
22 | P a g e
mythological belief, on this day Lord Shankar has Note: This drive aims to reduce the rate of
begged from Mata Annapurna, so people used to blindness and bring light into the lives of people
donate green vegetables along with paddy on this suffering from visual impairment. The prevalence
day. rate of blindness was 1.1% in 2020, aimed to bring
9. Union Home Minister, Amit Shah has inaugurated it down to 0.3% through the policy. The State
the 122 foot-high foot-high Sagol Kangjei Statue at government would mandatorily run keratoplasty
the Ibudhou Marjing complex at Heingang in centres for cornea transplants and eye banks in
Imphal, Manipur. medical colleges
Note: He has also inaugurated and laid foundation 15. NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd (NTPC REL) has
stones for several projects in the state. He has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with
inaugurated Churachandpur Medical College and Tripura government for the development of
hoisting of 175 feet tall National flag at INA Floating and Ground Mounted based Renewable
headquarters, Moirang. Sagol Kangjei: It is the name Energy Projects in the state.
of the game of polo played in Manipur. Note: This MoU was signed by Rajiv Gupta (Chief
10. Gujarat state has organized the International Kite GM, NTPC REL) and Mahananda Debbarma (DG and
Festival 2023 from the 8th to 14th January, 2023. CEO, Tripura Renewable Energy Development
Note: The theme of this festival will be held with Agency). It also embarks upon the journey towards
the theme of G20 - 'One Earth, One Family, One the development of large-sized Renewable Energy
Future'. The event is organized after a gap of two Projects in Tripura.
years due to the covid 19 pandemic. The delegates 16. Punjab launched its first major education project,
from G20 countries have been invited to the ‘Schools of Eminence’ on 21st January 2023.
inauguration of the international kite festival 2023 Note: It will be launched at the Indian School of
to exchange their culture. Business (ISB), Mohali. Under the project, the state
11. Madhya Pradesh state Tourism Board has signed government will upgrade existing govt schools into
MoUs with chapters of eight countries of the Global ‘Schools of Eminence’ for classes 9 to 12. Under
Organisation of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) at phase 1, the govt plans to upgrade nearly 110
the 17th Pravasi Bhartiya Divas Convention, Indore. government schools as ‘Schools of Eminence’. The
Note: Aim: To boost cooperation in the Punjab govt had set aside a fund of Rs 200 crore for
development of the Tourism sector of the State, and this project.
promotion, and publicity of tourist places. These 17. Kanti Velugu initiative was launched by Telangana.
MoUs were signed with France Metropole Paris, Note: Telangana CM, K Chandrasekhar Rao
Mauritius, Reunion Island, Martinique, Sri Lanka, launched the second phase of 'Kanti Velugu'
GOPIO International, Malaysia, and Mauritius. initiative in Khammam district on January 18, 2023.
12. Meghalaya state government launched the shared It is considered to be the world’s largest eye
school bus system, prime tourism vehicles, and screening programme. It is a free eye screening
agriculture response vehicle scheme. programme. It will be organized at the special
Note: The buses are part of Sustainable Transport health camps for 100 days with 1500 medical
and Efficient Mobility Society (STEMS) programme. teams. 1st phase: It was conducted for eight months
Agriculture Response Vehicles: Provided to farmers' by 827 health teams. The health camps will
associations and groups for a strong transportation commence on January 19 in the rest of the state.
network. Prime tourist vehicles: Step to improve the 18. Maharashtra government has signed a deal with
overall tourism sector, and to provide good Taiwan’s Gogoro and automotive system maker
transportation services to tourists Belrise Industries for an investment of $2.5 billion
13. Odisha state government’s state-level steering for eight years.
committee for CAMPA (Compensatory Afforestation Note: Reason: To establish batteries as a leading
Fund Management & Planning Authority) has source for mobility and energy storage in
approved an annual plan of Rs 1,086 crore action Maharashtra. Gogoro is known for its green-hued
plan for 2023-24 to reduce man-animal conflict. battery swap distribution network for riders in
Note: The plan was approved during a meeting Taiwan. India’s Belrise Industries Ltd produces
chaired by Chief Secretary S. C. Mohapatra. He has about one-third of all two-wheel and three-wheel
also raised the issue relating to wildlife chassis made in the country.
management activities that are being extensively 19. Nagaland observed the third edition of the annual
being carried out through CAMPA funds. Orange festival 2023 at Rusoma village.
14. Rajasthan has become the first State in India to Note: The two-day festival was organized in
implement a blindness control policy to ensure the collaboration with the Department of Horticulture,
“right to sight”. Agriculture, Rural Development, Land Resources,
and Kohima Smart City. Aim: To recognize and
23 | P a g e
celebrate the hard work of the orange growers. It will generate a minimum of 35 Lac Units(kWh) of
also facilitates the market linkages to sell their Solar Energy per year with 20% module efficiency.
produce at one hub. 24. Bihar government in association with the Forest
20. Odisha Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik has Survey of India (FSI) has decided to conduct a
inaugurated an ‘International Craft Summit’ in 'Trees Outside Forest' (TOF) field survey.
Jajpur. Note: Aim: To identify the dominant tree species
Note: This is the first-of-its-kind craft summit that are growing outside the recorded forest areas
featuring a confluence of pioneering craftspeople, (RFA). As per the FSI India State of Forest Report,
culture, and art enthusiasts. International delegates 2021, Bihar has registered an increase of 3.79% in
from 15 countries have joined with the local growing stock in RFA and 0.58% in TOF The overall
artisans and other stakeholders. Four UN agencies tree cover has also increased in the state from 2,003
and five UNESCO Creative Cities have partnered sq km in 2019 to 2,341 sq km in 2021
with the District to realize this event on behalf of 25. Odisha cabinet has cleared the inclusion of 22
the State Government. castes in the list of Socially and Economically
21. Himachal Pradesh government is planning to Backward Classes (SEBC).
make the state as the first Green Energy State by the Note: The state government has approved the
end of 2025. proposed Amendment of the Odisha State
Note: The state government would also invest in Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993 by
solar plants and will install 500 MW solar projects inserting subsection 3 under Section 9. This enables
during the year 2023-24. He also directed HIMURJA the State Government to include such Backward
to ensure 5% premium for the state in each solar Classes in the State list of SEBCs. Article 15(4): It
power project up to 5 MW and 10% share in the enables the State to make any special provisions for
solar power projects of more than 5 MW capacity. the advancement of any SEBC
22. The annual Ethnic Mamani Festival was organized 26. Assam government approved a state floriculture
at Historical Styangkung Village and Chiktan mission with an initial investment of Rs 150 crore
Shagaran by the Himalayan Cultural Heritage that covers 20,000 farmers.
Foundation (HCHF) and Ladakh tourism Note: The cabinet has also approved several other
department. essential decisions including setting up a different
Note: This village is being developed as one of the CM secretariat at Dibrugarh and building a new Raj
well-maintained heritage villages in Ladakh. During Bhavan in Tezpur. Under State Floriculture Mission,
Mamani, people would exchange food with their the flower cultivation area will be expanded from
relatives and neighbours and worship a variety of 2,200 hectares to 3,288 hectares within three years.
spirits. These festivals have helped in the revival of 27. Delhi government has inaugurated a “super site”
more than 35 cuisines of Kargil Ladakh and a mobile van to collect real-time pollution data
23. The Governor of Punjab, Banwari Lal Purohit and tell its constituents.
inaugurated North India’s largest floating Solar Note: Delhi would become the first city in the
project of 2000kWp at Water Works in country to get a real-time source segmentation of
Chandigarh. air pollution. It will identify factors that are
Note: He has also inaugurated a 500kWp floating responsible for the increase in air pollution in Delhi.
Solar Project with Fountains at Dhanas Lake in The project has been initiated by the Delhi Pollution
Chandigarh. These projects were designed and Control Committee in collaboration with IIT
executed by CREST (Chandigarh Renewable Energy Kanpur, IIT Delhi, and TERI.
and Science & Technology Promotion Society). It

Important News – World

1. India has assumed the chairmanship of the plenary the Wassenaar Arrangement in December 2017 as
of the Wassenaar Arrangement for one year on 1st 42nd participating state.
January 2023. 2. India will take charge of the Asian Pacific Postal
Note: At the 26th annual plenary of the Wassenaar Union (APPU) in Bangkok, Thailand from January
Arrangement, Eoin O’Leary (Ireland’s ambassador) 2023.
has handed over the chairmanship to Jaideep Note: Dr. Vinaya Prakash Singh will take over the
Mazumdar (India’s ambassador). Jaideep Mazumdar charge of Secretary General of the Union for a
is the permanent representative to the UN and tenure of four years. The APPU is an
international organisations in Vienna. India joined intergovernmental organization of 32-member
countries of the Asian-Pacific region. Aim of APPU:
24 | P a g e
To extend, facilitate and improve postal relations & Technology. He has also announced that India has
between member countries and to promote handed over two sea ambulances to help the
cooperation in the field of postal services. Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF). India has
3. Croatia has adopted the euro as its currency with completed 23 out of 45 impactful community
effect from 1 January 2023 and become the 20th development projects.
member of the eurozone. 9. WhatsApp was fined 5.5 million euros ($5.95
Note: Croatia has entered the EU in 2013. It million) by the Data Privacy Commissioner (DPC) of
becomes the 27th country to join the Schengen area. Ireland for an additional breach of the EU's privacy
Schengen Area: It is an area that comprises 27 laws.
European countries that have abolished all Note: The DPC acts as the EU's lead privacy
passports and border control at their respective regulator for Meta. The DPC has issued a similar
mutual borders. Eurozone: It is officially called the order to Meta's other main platforms, Facebook and
euro area. Instagram, which stated Meta must reassess the
4. According to aviation analytics firm Cirium, Along legal basis upon which it targets advertising
with Bengaluru's Kempegowda International through the use of personal data.
Airport, Delhi's Indira Gandhi International 10. Four Indian companies have been featured in the
Airport was among the top 10 on-time airports list of the world’s top 10 most valuable IT service
globally. brands list, released by Brand Finance’s rankings
Note: Bengaluru's airport was the second best for 2023.
airport globally in 2022 in terms of on-time arrivals Note: Four Indian companies are TCS (2), Infosys
and departures. While, Japan's Haneda Airport was (3), HCLTech (8), and Wipro (9). While Accenture
the best-performing airport. Indira Gandhi Airport has succeeded in retaining its position as the most
stood seventh in the on-time rankings globally. valuable IT services brand for the fifth consecutive
5. According to the Nikkei Asia report, India has year. While IBM ranked fourth followed by
surpassed Japan to become the third-largest auto Capgemini, NTT Data, Cognizant.
market for the first time. 11. According to the report, released by the Dealroom
Note: As per the report, India's sales of new and London & Partners, India ranked 4th globally
vehicles totalled at least 4.25 million units, based on with USD $24.1$ billion worth of venture capital
preliminary results, topping the 4.2 million sold in (VC) investments in 2022.
Japan. According to the Society of Indian Note: The United States of America (USA) with a
Automobile Manufacturers, New vehicles delivered USD $233.3$ billion tech investment topped the list,
in India totalled 4.13 million between January and followed by China (USD 48 billion) and the United
November 2022. China has topped the list, followed Kingdom (UK) (USD $29.9$ billion). As per the
by US research, USD $10.7$ billions of the total tech
6. LKAB, has discovered more than one million tonnes investment to India went into Bengaluru-based
of rare earth oxides in the northern area of Sweden. companies.
Note: This is the largest known deposit in Europe. 12. Mukesh Ambani has been ranked second on Brand
Currently, no rare earths are mined in Europe and it Finance’s list of the world’s top CEOs.
mostly imports them from other regions. Almost 98 Note: Top performer of Brand Guardianship Index
per cent of rare earths used by the European Union 2023: Jensen Huang (Nvidia CEO). The Index was
were sent by China. released annually by brand valuation consultancy
7. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Brand Finance, celebrates CEOs who balance the
(NASA) awarded $ 425 million to Boeing for the needs of commercial success with long-term brand
agency's sustainable flight demonstrator project. building and personal reputation management.
Note: Boeing and NASA will work together to build, Satya Nadella slipped to 3rd place, followed by
test, and fly a full-scale demonstrator aircraft. They Sundar Pichai.
will also validate technologies that aimed to lower 13. Brazil government has declared a medical
emissions. NASA will invest $425 million and the emergency in the Yanomami territory, after the
remaining amount of the agreement funding reports of children dying of malnutrition and other
(estimated at 725 million dollars) will be diseases caused by illegal gold mining.
contributed by the Boeing and its partners. Note: Reason: To restore health services to the
8. During the visit to Maldives, EAM Dr. S Jaishankar Yanomami people that had been dismantled by the
announced an additional grant of 100 Million previous government. The government announced
Maldivian Rufiyaa for community development food packages that be provided to the Yanomamis
projects in Maldives. lives in a region of rainforest and tropical savanna
Note: He also witnessed an MoU between Maldivian the size of Portugal.
National University and Kochi University of Science
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14. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Note: The status was awarded by a UNESCO panel
Organization (UNESCO) had designated the historic meeting in Paris. This status will help to protect
center of Odesa as a World Heritage in Danger site. Odesa’s cultural heritage, which has been under
This is located in Ukraine. threat since Russia’s invasion and enable access to
financial and technical international aid.

Honor & Awards

1. The government of India has selected 27 people for units with less than 6,100 Indian Penal Code cases
the highest honour for overseas Indians, Pravasi are grouped in ‘Class A’, while those with more than
Bharatiya Samman Award (PBSA) 2023. 6,100 IPC cases are grouped in ‘Class B’.
Note: The awards will be conferred by the 6. Veteran actor-director, Aparna Sen was honoured
President Droupadi Murmu at 17th edition of the with the lifetime achievement award at the opening
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention held at Indore ceremony of the 15th edition of the Jaipur
in Madhya Pradesh from January 8-10, 2023. International Film Festival (JIFF).
President of Guyana Mohamed Irfaan Ali will be the Note: She made her film debut in Teen Kanya
chief guest this year. PBW 2023 theme: Diaspora: (directed by Satyajit Ray) in 1961. She has directed
Reliable Partners for India's Progress in Amrit Kaal acclaimed movies like 36 Chowringhee Lane (1981),
2. Assam CM, Himanta Biswa Sarma has selected 21 Paroma (1985), Paromitar Ek Din (2000), and Mr
personalities for the Assam State Civilian Awards and Mrs Iyer (2002). 282 films from 63 countries
2022. are being screened from 6th -10th January 2023.
Note: The State’s highest civilian award, ‘Assam 7. The e-NAM was awarded the platinum award in
Baibhav’ to Dr. Tapan Saikia for his contributions in Digital Empowerment of Citizens category by the
the field of cancer care. Assam Saurav (Assam President of India, Droupadi Murmu at the Digital
second highest civilian award) will be conferred to India Awards 2022, is associated with Ministry of
Krishna Roy; Gilbertson Sangma; Nayanmoni Saikia; Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
Dr. Binoi Kumar Saikia and Dr. Shashidhar Phukan. Note: The e-Vivechna App (Madhya Pradesh) was
Asom Gaurav (third highest civilian award) will be awarded the platinum award in Digital Initiatives at
conferred to 15 people. Grassroots Level. The Mine Mitra (Uttar Pradesh)
3. Indian filmmaker SS Rajamouli has honoured with was awarded in Digital Initiatives for Ease of Doing
the Best Director Award for RRR at the New York Business category.
Film Critics Circle Awards 2022. 8. CJI D.Y. Chandrachud has been selected for the
Note: RRR has also been nominated in the Best "Award for Global Leadership" by the Harvard Law
Foreign Film category, and Best Original Song (for School Center.
Naatu Naatu Song) at the Golden Globe Awards Note: Reason: In recognition of his lifetime service
2023. Naatu Naatu has also shortlisted in the Best to the legal profession in the country and around
Song category at the 95th Academy Awards. the world. The award will be presented to him at an
➢ Best Picture: Tar (Directed by Todd Field) online event on January 11, 2023. He took over as
➢ Best Actor: Colin Farrell (Tar) the 50th CJI on November 9, 2022.
➢ Best Actress: Cate Blanchett 9. Indian movie RRR (Directed by SS Rajamouli) has
4. Indian state Odisha has won the UN-Habitat's won the 2023 Golden Globe Awards for the best
World Habitat Awards 2023 for Jaga Mission (5T original song–motion picture for "Naatu Naatu"
initiative of the state). track.
Note: 5T: Team work, Technology, Transparency, Note: The movie was also nominated for the 'best
Transformation and Time limit. It is the world's picture-non English'. This track was composed by
largest land titling and slum upgrading program veteran music director, MM Keeravaani and sung by
that aims to empower the lives of slum dwellers. Kala Bhairava and Rahul Sipligunj.
Under this mission, 100% households in 2,724 ➢ Best Film:
slums have been provided with pipe water o Drama: The Fabelmans
connections, and 8 cities become slum-free. o Musical or Comedy: The Banshees
5. Jalna district police and Nagpur city police in of Inisherin
Maharashtra have bagged the ‘Best Police Unit’ ➢ Best Drama Series: House of the Dragon
awards for 2021 in the state. ➢ Best Musical or Comedy Series: Abbott
Note: The award has been given under different Elementary
classes for maintaining law and order, and evolving 10. Harry Brook has won his maiden ICC Men's Player
community policing. The Jalna police got the award of the Month crown for December 2022, is belonged
in ‘Class A’ and the Nagpur police in ‘Class B’. Police to England.
26 | P a g e
Note: Reason: His blistering run of scores which o Best Actor: Brendan Fraser (The
helped England win World Test Championship Whale as Charlie)
series in Pakistan. While, Australia's Ashleigh o Best Actress: Cate Blanchett (Tár)
Gardner has won the ICC Women's Player of the o Best Director: Daniel Kwan and
Month award for December 2022. Reason: For her Daniel Scheinert (Best Movie:
contributions to win the T2OI series in India. She Everything Everywhere All at Once)
has scored 115 runs at an impressive strike rate of 15. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank (TMB) was awarded
166.66 and also took 7-wicket during T20I series. the Best Small Bank Award 2022 under the category
11. R'Bonney Gabriel is associated with the USA who of banks with a book size of less than ₹1 lakh crore,
has been crowned the Miss Universe 2022 at the in the Best Banks Survey for the year 2022
71st Miss Universe pageant organized in New conducted by Business Today-KPMG.
Orleans, Louisiana. Note: The award was presented by Union Minister,
Note: She is a model, fashion designer, and sewing Nitin Gadkari to S.Krishnan (TMB MD and CEO).
instructor who prioritizes the environment in her TMB was awarded under the category of banks with
work. She is also the first Filipino American to win a book size of less than ₹1 lakh crore. BT-KPMG: It is
Miss USA.Amanda Dudamel from Venezuela was the conducting BT-KPMG Best banks survey and
first runner-up, and Andreína Martínez from the awarding the best banks with 37 parameters.
Dominican Republic was the second runner-up. 16. The book titled, 'Broke to Breakthrough', written by
12. DNPA has announced Digital Impact awards 2023 in Harish Damodaran, won Gaja Capital Business
eight categories. The DNPA refers to Digital News Book Prize 2022.
Publishers Association. Note: This book is a detailed and perceptive
Note: account of the rise of dairy company Hatsun Agro
➢ The Digital News Publishers Association and its founder R.G. Chandramogan. Gaja Capital
(DNPA) has announced Digital Impact Business Book Prize: It was instituted in 2019. Aim:
awards 2023 in eight categories. To encourage Indian entrepreneurs, writers, and
➢ Categories (Best Use of Digital Media): journalists to tell stories
➢ For Health – CoWIN App 17. Rajasthani movie “Naanera” has won the ‘Golden
➢ For Women & Child Welfare Reforms – (A) Kailasha’ award for the best movie at the 8th
Poshan Tracker App, (B) Himmat Plus Ap Ajanta-Ellora film festival.
➢ For Ease of Living –Digilocker Note: It was directed by Deepankar Prakash. It has
➢ For Financial Reforms – PMJDY also bagged awards for best director, best
➢ For Human Resource Development & screenplay, and best editor. Best Actress: Akshatha
Education – DIKSHA Pandavapura. Best Actor: Jeetu Kamal (Bengali film:
➢ For Sustainability and Environment Aparajito). As many as 55 films were screened in
Protection – CAMPA this five day film festival.
13. K Venu won the first-ever Federal Bank Literary 18. Nepal’s Dr Sanduk Ruit, who won the top civilian
Award 2022 for his autobiography award of Bahrain, the ISA Award for Service to
‘Oranweshananthinte Katha’. Humanity.
Note: The award was presented by the chairman Note: He is a co-founder of the Himalayan Cataract
and independent director of the Federal Bank, Project. He is a pioneer in delivering high-quality
Balagopal Chandrasekhar. It was presented at an microsurgical procedures in remote eye camps. The
event held as part of the ongoing sixth edition award carries a cash prize ($1 million), a certificate,
Kerala Literature Festival, Kozhikode beach. The and a gold medal. He was awarded the Honorary
prize money was handed over by Nandakumar V Officer of the Order of Australia (2007), the Ramon
(executive vice-president of the bank). Magsaysay Award (2006), and Padma Shri (2018).
14. RRR has won the Critics Choice Awards 2023 in the 19. Dr. Prabha Atre was awarded the Pandit
Best Foreign Language Film category. Hariprasad Chaurasia Lifetime Achievement Award.
Note: India's 'RRR' directed by SS Rajamouli has Note: The award was conferred by Maharashtra CM
won the Critics Choice Awards 2023 in the Best Eknath Shinde to her, at a function at Ram Ganesh
Foreign Language Film category and Best Song Gadkari Rangayatan in Mumbai. She was also
category for 'Naatu Naatu' presented with a citation and Rs 1 lakh. She is an
➢ Television: Indian classical vocalist from the Kirana Gharana.
o Best Actor: Bob Odenkirk (Best She has been awarded Padma Shri (1990), Padma
Drama Series: Better Call Saul) Bhushan (2002), and Padma Vibhushan (2022) by
o Best Actress: Zendaya (Euphoria) the Government of India.
➢ Film: 20. Aparajito was awarded for the best script writer in
the Asian Film Competition section at the 21st
27 | P a g e
Dhaka International Film Festival organized from ➢ Women's ODI: Nat Sciver
14-22 Jan 2023. ➢ Men's ODI: Babar Azam (Pakistan)
Note: Aparajito (directed by: Anik Dutta) won the ➢ Women's T20: Tahlia McGrath (Australia)
best scriptwriting award. Ketaki Narayan won the ➢ Men's T20: Suryakumar Yadav (India)
best actress award for Prappeda (directed by: ➢ Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy: Babar Azam
Krishnendu Kalesh). Best Actor: Japanese Ikkei 25. 106 Padma Awards 2023 were announced on the
Watanabe (for Nakodo- Matchmakers). Best eve of the 74th Republic Day.
Director: Iranian Ali Ghavitan (for Zendegi va Note: Of the 106 Padma awards, six are Padma
Zendegi) Vibhushan, nine are Padma Bhushan and 91 are
21. ESAF Small Finance Bank has bagged the Padma Shri. Nineteen of the Padma awardees are
prestigious Inclusive Finance India Awards 2022 for women. ORS pioneer, Dilip Mahalanobis will be
its contributions to advancing the goal of financial awarded the Padma Vibhushan posthumously in the
inclusion and supporting inclusive growth. field of Medicine (Pediatrics). Mulayam Singh Yadav
Note: K. Paul Thomas (MD and CEO, ESAF Bank) will be awarded Padma Vibhushan posthumously in
received the award from Anantha Nageshwaran the field of public affairs.
(Chief Economic Advisor) at the 19th Inclusive 26. Total 412 gallantry awards and other Defence
Finance India Summit in New Delhi. This award decorations were awarded to Armed Forces
recognized ESAF’s unique spectrum of Financial personnel and others by the President of India,
Inclusion projects ESAF Dhansree, and ESAF Udyog Droupadi Murmu.
Jyothi. Note: These awards include six Kirti Chakras and
22. Eleven exceptional children were awarded the 15 Shaurya Chakras. It also includes one Bar to Sena
Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar (PMRBP) Medal (Gallantry), 92 Sena Medals, one Nao Sena
2023 by the President of India, Droupadi Murmu at Medal (Gallantry), seven Vayu Sena Medals
Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 23rd January 2023. (Gallantry), and 29 Param Vishisht Seva Medals.
Note: The awards are conferred upon children in President has also awarded President’s Tatrakshak
the age group 5 – 18 years. This award is given in Medal and Tatrakshak Medal to ICG Personnel.
six categories - Art & Culture, Bravery, Innovation, 27. Visakhapatnam railway station of East Coast
Scholastic, Social Service, and Sports. Each awardee Railway has been awarded the ‘Green Railway
of PMRBP is given a medal, a cash prize of Rs.1 Lakh Station Certification with the highest rating of
and a Certificate. Platinum'.
23. In January 2023, R Vishnu Prasad was awarded the Note: The award was presented by the Indian
"most distinguished scientist of the year 2022” Green Building Council (IGBC). Reason: For
award at the Indian Achievers Award ceremony adopting green concepts and reducing the adverse
held in Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi. environmental impact. Visakhapatnam is one of the
Note: The award recognized individuals for their few railway stations to get this prestigious
outstanding contributions in various fields, certificate. It has secured 82 out of 100 points in six
including culture, science, sports, and innovation. environmental categories.
He contributed to smart cities, solid waste 28. Usman Khawaja has claimed the inaugural Shane
management, large-scale water treatment, and Warne Award as the men’s Test player of the year in
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. 2023.
24. Ben Stokes won the ICC Men’s Test Cricketer of the Note: He has been Australia’s top run-scorer in the
year 2022. five-day format since rejoining the Test team, with
Note: 1020 runs at 78.46 during the voting period.
➢ England all-rounder, Nat Sciver won the Belinda Clark Award (Women's): Beth Mooney.
Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy for ICC Allan Border Medal (Men's): Steve Smith. Men's ODI
Women's Cricketer of the Year 2022. Player of the Year: David Warner. Women’s ODI
➢ Other winners (Cricketer of the Year 2022): Player of the Year: Beth Mooney

Sports News

1. Madhya Pradesh has clinched the Qualifiers title of Note: Ali Ahmad, Mohammad Zaid Khan and
Khelo India Youth Games 2022 Men's Under-18 Captain Ankit Pal netted one goal each for Madhya
after defeating Odisha by 6-5 in the final at Pradesh. While, Haryana claimed third place in the
Bhubaneswar, Odisha. competition with a win against Jharkhand. With
this, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Haryana and

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Jharkhand have qualified for the 2023 Khelo India Junior Open tournament, held in Birmingham
Youth Games to be held in MP. (United Kingdom) from January 4-8, 2023.
2. Jio Platforms Limited (Jio) has signed a Note: She defeated Sohaila Hazem of Egypt by 3-1
partnership agreement with Manchester City to in the final. The British Junior Open is held in
become the Official Mobile Communications January every year in the UK. She has also won the
Network Partner of Club in the country. 2022 Scottish Junior Open held in Edinbur gh,
Note: Man City's OTT platform 'CITY' will be Scotland in the Girls under-17 categories.
integrated into the JioTV platform. It will provide 8. Indian batter Suryakumar Yadav has become the
fans further access to exclusive club content fastest player to reach 1,500 runs in T20
including match highlights, live Manchester City International cricket in terms of balls faced.
Women's team and Elite Development Squad Note: He took only 843 balls to reach this landmark.
fixtures, matchday content and City Studios In 45 matches and 43 innings, Suryakumar has
documentaries. scored 1,578 runs at an average of 46.41. He has
3. The president of World Boxing Council, Mauricio three centuries and 13 half-centuries in the format,
Sulaiman has announced that it will introduce with the best individual score of 117.
Transgender Category from 2023. 9. The Khelo India Senior Women National Kho Kho
Note: A ‘at birth rule’ will be used, which means a league organised at Chandigarh University,
transgender boxer who is registered as male at Punjab from January 10 to January 13, 2023.
birth will be allowed to fight others who have also Note: The league is being organized by the Kho Kho
been registered as male at birth. While, those Federation of India. It will be held over three phases
registered as female at birth will be allowed to fight with full financial support from the Ministry of
others who have been registered as female at birth. Youth Affairs and Sports. The Kho Kho women's
World Boxing Council HQ: Mexico league for junior and sub-junior age groups is
4. Koustav Chatterjee has become 78th Grandmaster scheduled from January 16 to 19 at the Alberta Ekka
of India at the MPL 59th National Senior Chess Kho Kho stadium in Hotwar, Ranchi.
Championship in New Delhi. 10. Novak Djokovic has defeated America’s Sebastian
Note: He is also the tenth Grandmaster of West Korda to win the 2023 Adelaide International 1
Bengal. He won his maiden GM-norm in October men’s singles title.
2021 at Sheikh Russel GM 2021 in Bangladesh. He Note: While, Aryna Sabalenka (Belarus) has won
scored his second GM-norm at Asian Continental women’s singles title, after defeating Czech
Championship in November 2022. He has also Republic's Linda Nosková. Men's doubles: Lloyd
crossed 2500 in the August FIDE rating list. Glasspool(United Kingdom) / Harri
5. M Pranesh has secured the title in the 2022/2023 Heliövaara(Finland). Women's doubles: Asia
Rilton Cup, the first tournament of the FIDE Circuit, Muhammad (United States) / Taylor Townsend
to become the 79th chess Grandmaster of India. (United States)
Note: He has crossed the live rating of 2,500 Elo 11. Indian cricketer, Virat Kohli has equalled Sachin
points. He won his first norm at the 18th Delhi GM Tendulkar record of slamming 20 One Day
Open, second norm at the Sunway Sitges International centuries on the home soil.
International Chess Festival in Spain and third norm Note: He has scored a hundred in just 80 balls
at the Asian Continental Chess Championship in against Sri Lanka in the first ODI of the three-match
series. He took only 99 innings to score his 20th ODI
Stockholm, Sweden. He was trained by renowned
hundred on home soil, while Sachin did so in 160
coach RB Ramesh.
innings. Kohli now has 73 centuries to his credit
6. Indian tennis player Sania Mirza has announced across all formats, second only to Tendulkar's 100
her retirement from professional Tennis. centuries.
Note: She will retire at the WTA 1000 event in 12. Falak Mumtaz won a gold medal at the national
Dubai in February 2023. She became the first Indian level in the Sqay championship.
to win a WTA singles title, when she won her Note: Falak is one of them who won the gold medal
hometown Hyderabad event in 2005. She broke into in the Sqay championship that was played last week
the top 30 by 2007 and reached her career-high in Jammu. She is currently studying 6th standard at
ranking of world number 27. Aisha Ali Academy in Kulgam. Recently four girls
7. Indian squash prodigy Anahat Singh has clinched were selected for the Sqay championship.
the girl's Under-15 squash title at the 2023 British
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13. Indian duo Yuki Bhambri and Saketh Myneni won Note: Cash prize: Rs 3 lakh (winner); Rs 1.5 lakh
the men's double Bangkok Open title 2023 (Runner-up). NSCI Snooker Open Crown is a
organized at Nonthaburi, Thailand. snooker tournament, organized by the National
Note: They defeated Christopher Rungkat and Akira Sports Club of India (NSCI). This is open to players
Santillan (Indonesian-Australian team). With this from all over India and features a best-of-17-frame
win, Yuki will get a career-high doubles rank of 90 final.
and Saketh should also touch a career-best 74 in the 19. Friends Pashkum has lifted the 14th CEC Ice
ATP doubles chart. They will next compete in the Hockey Cup 2023 in the men's category, after
Australian Open where they have been given a wild defeating the Humas Warriors Drass.
card entry. Note: While in the women's category, DownHill
14. Yonex- Sunrise India Open 2023, also known as Kargil won the cup, after beating Wakha Mulbekh.
India Open, is being organized in KD Jadhav Indoor CEC LAHDC Kargil, Feroz Ahmad was the chief guest
Hall sports complex from 17-22 January 2023. of this event. The tournament was held in Ladakh
Note: Since 2008, it will be the first time when India and was participated by 27 teams, including 4
Open is organized in the super 750 status category. Women's teams. The efforts of the Rural
The tournament will see some top players from 29 Development Dept and Youths service and Sports
countries, and a total of 97 players will compete in Dept were appreciated.
various categories. 20. Kunlavut Vitidsarn won the India Open title 2023
15. Viacom 18 has won the bid for the media rights for after defeating Viktor Axelsen in the men's singles
the Women’s IPL for a whopping Rs 951 crore for of the India Open Badminton Championship, held at
five years. K. D. Jadhav Indoor Stadium in New Delhi.
Note: The auction for the T20 League was Note: While An Seyoung (Korean) won the
conducted by the Board of Control for Cricket in Women's singles final after defeating Japanese
India (BCCI) in Mumbai. BCCI will launch the Akane Yamaguchi. Other winners (doubles):
Women's Indian Premier League in March 2023. ➢ Men's: Liang Weikeng and Wang Chang
The detailed terms and conditions governing the (China)
tender process including eligibility requirements ➢ Women's: Nami Matsuyama and Chiharu
etc. are contained in the ‘Invitation to Tender’ (ITT). Shida (Japan)
16. Viktor Axelsen won the men's singles Malaysia 21. The International Hockey Federation (FIH) has
Open title 2023, after defeating Kodai Naraoka from signed a partnership with JSP Foundation for its
Japan. development programs and FIH Odisha Hockey
Note: While Akane Yamaguchi (Japanese player) Men’s World Cup 2023 Bhubaneswar-Rourkela as a
lifted the title in the women's final, after beating Global Partner.
South Korea's An Se-young. Men's doubles: Fajar Note: FIH will be working closely with JSP
Alfian and Muhammad Rian Ardianto (Indonesia). Foundation for some of its key initiatives for hockey
Women's doubles: Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan development. JSP Foundation is the social arm of
(China). Mixed doubles: Zheng Siwei and Huang Jindal Steel & Power.
Yaqiong (China) 22. Indian cricket team has become the No. 1 team in
17. Shubman Gill become the fifth Indian player to the ICC ODI rankings after defeating New Zealand
score a double-hundred in the One Day by 90 runs.
International (ODI) match against New Zealand. Note: India won the first match by 12 runs in
Note: With this feat, he has broken several records Hyderabad and the second match by 8 wickets in
including the fastest Indian to score 1,000 runs in Raipur. This was India’s second consecutive clean
ODI cricket (19 ODI innings). He has also broken the sweep after defeating Sri Lanka last week. At
records of Shikhar Dhawan and Virat Kohli, who present, England with 113 ratings placed second,
complete 1,000 runs in 24 innings. He also broke followed by Australia (112), New Zealand (111),
Tendulkar's record of the highest individual score Pakistan (106), and South Africa (100).
against New Zealand in an ODI. 23. In January 2023, Adani Group women's teams was
18. Laxman Rawat of Petroleum Sports Promotion sold for the highest price at the BCCI Women’s IPL
Board (PSPB) has defeated Aditya Mehta by 9-6 to team auction.
win the final of the ‘Baulkline’ NSCI All India Note: Mumbai Indians, Delhi Capitals, Royal
Snooker Open 2023. Challengers Bangalore, Adani Group, and Capri

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Global won the bid for the inaugural edition. The World Cup titles, after Pakistan, Netherlands, and
teams will be based in Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Australia. Best Player: Niklas Wellen (Germany).
Ahmedabad, and Lucknow respectively. The Best Goalkeeper:Vincent Vanasch (Belgium). Best
Ahmedabad team was sold for the highest price INR Junior Player: Mustapha Cassiem.Fair Play Award:
1289 crore, followed by Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Belgium
and Lucknow. BCCI secretary, Jay Shah has 27. Fifth edition of the Khelo India Youth Games 2022
confirmed that the total bids received from the started at TT Nagar Stadium in Bhopal, Madhya
winners were worth Rs 4,669.99 crore (USD 572.78 Pradesh.
million). Note: The event was inaugurated by Anurag Singh
24. India women's cricket team defeated England by 7 Thakur (Union sports minister) and MP CM, Shivraj
wickets in the final to win the first-ever ICC Under- Singh Chouhan. The event will be continued till
19 Women’s T20 World Cup 2023, held in February 11 in eight cities of MP (Bhopal, Indore,
Potchefstroom, South Africa. Ujjain, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Mandla, Balaghat, and
Note: BCCI secretary, Jay Shah announced a Maheshwar).The Khelo India Youth Games was
whopping cash reward of ₹5 crores for the entire started in 2018
India squad. England captain and stellar all- 28. New Zealand Cricket (NZC) board introduced the
rounder, Grace Scrivens has been named Player of Debbie Hockley Medal annual awards ceremony, to
the Tournament. Player of the Match: Titas Sadhu honour the outstanding female cricketer of the year.
(India). India's Captain for U-19 Women’s T20: Note: The medal will be the women's equivalent of
Shafali Verma the Sir Richard Hadlee Medal. Debbie is the only
25. Novak Djokovic defeated Stefanos Tsitsipas to win woman to have won the supreme New Zealand
Men's singles 2023 Australian Open title in Cricketer of the Year Award in 1998. She was the
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. fourth woman to be inducted into the ICC Hall of
Note: It is the 10th Australian Open championship Fame. She was also the first woman to be elected
and 22nd Grand Slam title (overall) of Novak President of NZC.
Djokovic. While Aryna Sabalenka (Belarus) won the 29. Murali Vijay (38) announced his retirement from
Women's singles. Men's doubles: Rinky Hijikata and international Cricket.
Jason Kubler (Australia). Women's doubles: Note: He last represented India in 2018 against
Barbora Krejčíková and Kateřina Siniaková (Czech Australia in the Perth Test. He had played 61 Tests,
Republic) 17 ODIs, and 9 T20Is for India since making his
26. Germany lifted the title of FIH Men’s Hockey World debut in November 2008 in the Border-Gavaskar
Cup 2023 held at the Kalinga Stadium in Trophy. He scored 3,982 runs for India in the
Bhubaneswar, India. longest format that including 12 centuries and 15
Note: Germany defeated Belgium by 5-4 in the fifties.
penalty shootout. With this win, Germany became
the fourth team to have won three or more hockey

Books and Authors

1. Shashi Tharoor is the writer of a book titled Biswa Sarma. The book featured accounts of daily
'Ambedkar: A Life', that has been launched at the activities he undertook as a Chief Minister. His diary
Kitaab Kolkata event. essentially featured the growth initiatives that the
Note: The event was organized by Prabha Khaitan state has witnessed over the last 11 months.
Foundation (PKF) at the ITC Sonar presented by 3. Mahendra Singh Dhoni has released an
Shree Cement. The event was attended by autobiography of Techno-educationalist, Professor
bibliophiles young and old, members of Ehsaas K.K. Abdul Gaffar 'Njaan Sakshi’ (me as the witness).
Women and FICCI FLO. Other notable books of Note: It will provide an insight into the journey of
Shashi Tharoor: Riot (2001), Why I Am A Hindu Prof. Gaffar and how education and students have
(2018), The Paradoxical Prime Minister (2018), changed over the time. The first copy of this book
India: From Midnight to the Millennium (1997). was received by Marwan Al Mulla, the CEO of Dubai
2. Former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi who has Health Authority (DHA). He also presented copies of
released a book titled 'Chief Minister's Diary No.1'. the book to dignitaries including actor Tovino
Note: This book containing the account of events of Thomas at the occasion.
the first year in office of Assam CM, Dr Himanta
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4. Home Minister, Amit Shah has released a book titled Note: The book reflects primarily on R. Sridhar’s
Revolutionaries- The Other Story of How India Won seven-year coaching tenure with the Indian cricket
Its Freedom. This book was authored by veteran team as its fielding coach. This book isn’t as
Economist Sanjeev Sanyal. technical as it is anecdotal.
Note: The book has written the stories of freedom 7. Meghnad Desai authored a new book titled “The
fighters like Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, V Poverty Of Political Economy: How Economics
D Savarkar, Aurobindo Ghosh, Rashbehari Bose, and Abandoned the Poor”.
Bagha Jatin, in a collective manner. Note: This book highlighted how the discipline of
5. Health and Family Welfare Minister, Mansukh economics, since the time it evolved from the late
Mandaviya has officially launched the book titled 18th century, systematically kept the interests of
Braving A Viral Storm: India’s Covid-19 Vaccine the poor at the periphery. The book is published by
Story, was co-authored by Aashish Chandorkar HarperCollins Publishers India
and Suraj Sudhir. 8. Dr Ashwin Fernandes authored a book titled
Note: This book has explained the growth of India “India’s Knowledge Supremacy: The New Dawn”.
as a self-sufficient nation where all sections of Note: This book was launched by the honorable
society contributed to fighting the pandemic. The Minister of Education of India Shri Dharmendra
book was launched ahead of India's second Pradhan. It focuses on India’s knowledge
anniversary of starting its COVID-19 vaccination supremacy, and journey showcasing changing
drive in January 2021. trends in newly emerging India.
6. A book titled ‘COACHING BEYOND: My Days with
the Indian Cricket Team’ was written by R. Kaushik
& R. Sridhar.

Science and Defence

1. Indian Space and Research Organization, National 4. Captain Shiva Chauhan (Indian Army's Fire and
Centre for Earth Sciences (NCES), and Andhra Fury Corps) has become the first woman officer to
University (AU) have researched and concluded be operationally deployed in Kumar Post (height:
that constant rip current zones at Rushikonda beach 15,632 feet) at the highest battlefield in the world-
and RK Beach have become a danger to the beach Siachen.
visitors. Note: She hails from Rajasthan. She led an arduous
Note: They have set up equipment to identify Rip 508-km long `Sura Soi’ Siachen Sappers cycling
currents to warn marines and local police. Rip expedition from the Siachen War Memorial to Kargil
currents are common at all beaches across the War Memorial in July 2022. She got inducted to the
globe. People can enter the waters in rip current Siachen Glacier on January 2 after an arduous climb.
zones up to knee-deep levels. 5. Drone maker organisation Garuda Aerospace and
2. Centre of Excellence (CoE) of IIT Madras has Former cricketer, Mahendra Singh Dhoni have
collaborated with the Defence Research and launched a surveillance drone named ‘Droni'.
Development Organisation (DRDO) to develop Note: MS Dhoni is an investor-cum-ambassador of
Advanced Defence Technologies. Garuda Aerospace. Droni is a battery-operated
Note: IIT Madras CoE- ‘DRDO Industry Academia- quadcopter surveillance drone. Garuda Aerospace
Ramanujan Centre of Excellence’ (DIA-RCoE) will be recently became the first-ever drone company in
conducting a directed research process to meet the India to get dual DGCA approvals for both drone
national defence and security needs of the nation. manufacturing type certificate and RTPO. In 2022,
DIA-RCoE was initially established by DRDO and he unveiled the camera drone called Droni at the
then IIT Madras took it over. Global Drone Expo in Chennai.
3. Space start-up Digantara has launched its second 6. Defence Research and Development Organisation
satellite Pushan-Alpha as rideshare onboard (DRDO) has successfully launched SRBM, Prithvi-II
SpaceX’s Transporter-6 mission from Cape from the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur, Odisha
Canaveral in Florida, US. coast. Short-Range Ballistic Missile is the full form
Note: The satellite will serve as a space weather of SRBM.
testbed in the sun synchronous orbit. It will also Note: Prithvi-II missile is a well-established system.
enhance precision driven situational space It has been an integral part of nuclear deterrence in
awareness applications. Its observations will help India. During the training launch, the missile hit its
complement Digantara’s ROBI (ROBust Integrating target with high accuracy and successfully validated
proton fluence meter) mission.
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all operational and technical parameters of the being coordinated and organized by the Ministry of
missile. Range: 350 km Earth Sciences, Ministry of Science & Technology,
7. DAC under the chairmanship of Rajnath Singh, has and Vijnana Bharati.The Geotail spacecraft ended
given its approval to the proposal of worth Rs 4,276 after 30 years in orbit due to the failure of the
crore with an aim to strengthen the Indian defence spacecraft’s remaining data recorder. This was a
system. Defence Acquisition Council is the full mission operation of NASA and JAXA. Note: Reason:
form of DAC. Failure of the spacecraft’s remaining data recorder.
Note: The amount will utilised to procure the This mission was launched on July 24, 1992. Geotail
indigenous anti-tank missiles to be fitted onboard orbited Earth had gathered an immense dataset on
the advanced light helicopter and a new short-range the structure and dynamics of the magnetosphere,
air defence missile. All projects are under the Earth’s protective magnetic bubble. It was originally
Indigenously Designed Developed and slated for a four-year run, but the mission was
Manufactured (IDDM) category. extended due to its high-quality data return.
8. European officials and Carl XVI Gustaf (Swedish 13. The fifth and last vessel of the series of Fast Patrol
King) have inaugurated the first mainland orbital Vessels (FPV), the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) ship
launch complex of the European Union in Sweden. ‘Kamla Devi’ was commissioned at Kolkata, West
Note:Aim: To bolster the capacity to launch small Bengal. It was designed, built, and delivered by
satellites into space with a new launchpad in Arctic Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers
Sweden.The new facility should complement the (GRSE) Ltd.
EU’s current launching capabilities in French Note: It is 48.9 meters long and 7.5 meters wide
Guiana. with a displacement of 308 Tons. It has three
9. Astronomers from McGill University in Canada and engines and water jets.It is capable of a top speed of
the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) detected a 34 knots and an endurance of over 1,500 nautical
radio signal, originating from atomic hydrogen in a miles.
distant galaxy. 14. 21st edition of the bilateral naval exercise between
Note: The signal was detected with the help of data India and France 'VARUNA' was organized on the
from the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) Western Seaboard from 16 -20 January 2023.
in Pune. The findings have been published in the Note: It will witness advanced air defense exercises,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. tactical manoeuvres, surface firings, underway
It is also the first confirmed detection of strong replenishment, and other maritime operations. This
lensing of 21 cm emission from a galaxy. exercise will provide an opportunity to learn best
10. According to a report, the Shukrayaan I, the ISRO practices from each other. It was initiated in 1993
Venus mission may be delayed until 2031. and was christened ‘VARUNA’ in 2001.
Note: The mission was scheduled to launch in 15. Second edition of “SAINYA RANAKSHETRAM 2.0”
December 2024. The concept was conceived in was organized by the Indian Army under the aegis
2012. After five years, the Department of Space of HQ Army Training Command from October 2022
received a 23% increase in the 2017–2018 budget to January 2023.
and ISRO started preliminary investigations.The Note: Aim: To provide a platform to identify
best time to launch from Earth to Venus is once indigenous talent in niche domains and enhance the
every 19 months or thereabouts standard of training in domains of Cyber
11. IIT Madras incubated firm has developed an Deterrence, Security Software Coding, Electro
Indigenous Mobile Operating System named Magnetic Spectrum Operations.
'BharOS'. 16. The 14th edition of Aero India 2023 will be held in
Note: About BharOS: It can be installed on Yelahanka, Bengaluru from 13-17 February 2023.
commercial off-the-shelf handsets. It provides Note: This event will be a combination of the major
access to trusted apps from organization-specific trade exhibition of the aerospace and defence
Private App Store Services (PASS). It comes with No industries as well as an aerial display by IAF. It will
Default Apps (NDA), which means that users are not also be participated by global leaders and big
forced to use apps that they may not be familiar investors in the aerospace industry. This platform
with or that they may not trust. Developed by: provides a unique opportunity for the exchange of
JandK Operations Private Limited information, and new developments in the aviation
12. A Science Literature Festival 'Vigyanika' will be industry.
organized from 22-23 January 2023 at the Indian 17. European Space Agency will launch Jupiter Icy
International Science Festival (IISF) in Bhopal, Moons Explorer (JUICE) from the agency’s
Madhya Pradesh. spaceport in French Guiana in April 2023.
Note: “Science Literature Festival” is being Note: Aim: To explore the large, frigid worlds that
organized as part of the 8th IISF. In 2023, IISF is orbit Jupiter, Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa.
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Ariane 5 will carry the satellite. JUICE will be the Note: It was built by Mumbai’s Mazagon Dock
first satellite from the earth to enter the orbit of Shipbuilders Limited in collaboration with the
Ganymede. If launched in April 2023, the satellite is France-based Naval Group. It was commissioned by
expected to enter Jupiter orbit by 2034 and will be Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral R Hari Kumar. It
deorbited in 2035. will boost the capabilities of the Indian Navy as it is
18. NASA and DARPA will join hands to develop capable of undertaking diverse missions including
nuclear-powered rockets that could fly astronauts anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, etc.
to Mars. 21. The Indian Navy has organized a six-day-long
Note: This mission could allow spacecraft to travel mega biennial tri-services amphibious exercise
faster, reduce transit time, and have other benefits. 'AMPHEX 2023' in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh.
US Space agency could develop and demonstrate Note: The military exercise was organized between
advanced nuclear thermal propulsion technology as the Indian Navy, Army, and IAF. It included complex
soon as 2027. NASA also believes that they could be activities in all domains that demonstrated and
ready to send humans to Mars by the late 2030s validated the high level of preparedness and
19. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is excellent coordination.It took place amid growing
planning to launch the Aditya-L1 mission by June concerns over China’s increasing military forays
or July 2023. into the Indian Ocean
Note: Aditya-L1 is the first Indian space mission to 22. Border Security Force (BSF) started an "Ops
observe the Sun and the solar corona. The ISRO Alert'' exercise with an aim to enhance security
recently received the Visible Line Emission along the India-Pakistan border in the Kutch district
Coronagraph (VELC), which is the primary payload of Gujarat and Barmer in Rajasthan.
onboard Aditya-L1, from the Indian Institute of Note: As per the release, this exercise commenced
Astrophysics (IIA). VELC is the first scientific on January 21 and will continue till January 28
mission of India for studying the sun. along the International Border from Sir Creek
20. Fifth edition of Kalvari class submarine INS Vagir (marshy area). It is being carried out to “thwart any
has been inducted into Indian Navy on January 23, ill-designs of anti-national elements” during the
2023. Republic Day celebrations.


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