Coordination Compound - Theory, Solved Ex. Module-3-2

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Total number of Questions in Coordination Compounds are :

In Chapter Examples ...................................................................... 23

Solved Examples ........................................................................... 20

Total no. of questions ................................................................... 43

1. INTRODUCTION do not break up completely into individual
ions are called coordination compounds
(a) The concept of coordination compounds (b) The properties of their solutions are different
arises from the complex formation ten-
than those of their constituents.
dency of transition elements.
(c) In such compounds there is complex ion
(b) These compounds play a vital role in our
lives, as chlorophyll of plants and hae- which is a central metal ion with lewis bases
moglobin of animal blood are also co- attached to it through coordinate covalent bonds.
ordination compounds of Mg and Fe (d) On the basis of stability of complex ion,
respectively complex ions are further divided as follows.
(c) One of the earliest known coordination (i) Perfect complexes : Those in which complex
compound is prussian blue which was ion is fairly stable and is either not disso-
accidently prepared by a Berlin color maker, ciated or feebly dissociated in solution state,
Diebach in 1704. e.g.
(d) The field of such compound is expanding
due to their utilization in metallurgy, K4[Fe(CN)6]  4K+ + [Fe(CN)6]4–
analytical chemistry and polymerisation. 
Fe2+ + 6CN¯
(feebly dissociated)
(a) When solutions containing two or more The ferrocyanide ion [Fe(CN) 6]4– is so insig-
simple stable compounds in molecular pro-
nificantly dissociated that it can be consid-
portions are allowed to evaporate, crystals
of new substances are obtained. These ered as practically undissociated and does
substances are termed molecular or addition not give the test of Fe2+ or CN¯ ions
compounds. (ii) Imperfect complexes : Those in which
(b) Some common examples are as follows. complex ion is less stable and is reversibly
CuSO 4 + 4NH3  CuSO 4. 4NH3 dissociated to give enough simple ions and
AgCN + KCN  KCN. AgCN thus imparts their tests, e.g.
simple stable Addition or K2[Cd(CN)4]  2K+ + [Cd(CN)4]2–
compounds molecular
compounds 
4 KCN + Fe(CN) 2  Fe(CN2) . 4KCN Cd2+ + 4CN¯
K2SO 4 + Al2 (SO 4)3 + 24H2O  (appreciably dissociated)
K2SO 4. Al 2(SO 4)3. 24 H2O Note : An imperfect complex may be too
Alum unstable to exist and may be completely
(c) The molecular or addition compounds are dissociated in solution, it then becomes a
of two type Double salts lattice compound double salts
and coordination or complex compound
2.1 Double salts or lattice compounds based on Double Salts and Complex salts
(a) The addition compounds which are stable
in solid state only but are broken down into Ex.1 The number of ions formed in aqueous solution
individual constituents when dissolved in water by the compound [Co(NH3)4Cl 2]Cl is :
are called double salts or lattice compounds. (A) 2 (B) 3
(b) Their solution have the same properties (C) 4 (4) 7
as the mixture of individual compounds Sol. (1) The dissociation of given compound is
(c) For example when carnallite (KCl. MgCl2. as follows
6H2O) is dissolved in water it exhibits the [Co(NH3)4Cl 2]Cl  [Co(NH3)4Cl 2]+ + Cl¯
properties of KCl and MgCl 2
2.2 Coordination or complex compounds Ex.2 Why NH3 forms co-ordinate complexes, while
(a) The addition compounds in which some the isoelectronic species CH4 does not ?
of the constituent ions or molecules lose their Sol. NH3 has lone pair of electrons on N unlike
identity and when dissolved in water they CH4

To understand concepts related to coordi-

nation compounds and their nature it is
essential to discuss some important terms.
These are as follows.
3.1 Central ion : (Centre of coordination) Ethylenediamine (en) Oxalate (ox)
(a) The cation to which one or more neutral
molecules or anions are attached is called
as centre of coordination
(b) Since the central ion acts as an acceptor
and thus has to accommodate electron
pairs donated by the donor atom of the 1,10-Phenanthroline (o-phen)
ligands, it must have empty orbitals
(c) This explains why the transition metals
having empty d-orbitals form coordination
compounds very readily.
(d) In the complexes [Ni(NH3)6]2+ and [Fe(CN)6]3–
, Ni2+ and Fe3+ respectively are the central
3.2 Ligand :
(a) The neutral molecules, anions or cations Glycinato (Gly) 2,2’-Dipyridyl (Dipy)
which are directly linked with the central
metal atom or ion in a complex ion are
called ligands.
(b) Ligand donate a pair of electrons to the
central atom
(c) Ligands are attached to the central metal Carbonato
ion or atom through coordinate bonds or
dative linkage (C) Tridentate ligands : The ligands having three
(d) Ligands are normally polar molecules like donor atoms are called tridentate ligands.
Examples are:
H3 ; H2 or anions such as Cl¯ , OH¯,
CN¯ etc. which contain at least one
unshared pair of valency electrons.
(e) With few exceptions, free ligands have
lone pair of electron that is not engaged
in bonding for example.
:CN:¯ , ¯
3.2.1 Types of Ligands on the basis of number
of donor atoms present in them :
(A) Mono-or unidentate ligands : They have
one donor atom, i.e. they supply only one Diethylene triamine (Dien)
electron pair to central metal atom or ion.
Examples : F¯, Cl¯, Br¯, H2O, NH3, CN¯,
NO 2¯, ON¯,CO

(B) Bidentate ligands : Ligands which have two

donor atoms and have the ability to link with
central metal ion at two positions are called
bidentate ligands. Some examples are : 2,2’,2”-Terpyridine
(D) Tetradentate ligands : These ligands possess to the same metal ion simultaneously,
four donor atoms. Examples are: thus closing one or more rings are called
chelating ligands and the compounds
formed are known as chelate compounds.
(b) A chelate may be defined as a ring structure
formed by the combination of a polydentate
ligand having two or more donor atoms
with a metal ion forming part of the ring.
(c) The process of formation of chelates is
(Nitriloacetato) called chelation.
(d) Chelate complexes are more stable than
ordinary complexes in which the ligand
is a monodentate
(e) This increased stability of the compound
due to chelation is called the chelate
(f) In the complex ion given below, 5 membered
rings are formed. So all these are called
chelate complexes

Triethylene tetramine
(E) Pentadentate ligands : They have five donor
atoms. For example, ethylenediamine triac- (g) Generally the chelate complexes with 5
etate ion. or 6 membered rings are more stable.
(h) Out of these, 5 membered rings are very
stable when they involve saturated ligands.
(i) On the other hand 6-membered ring
structures acquire maximum stability when
they involve unsaturated ligands contain-
ing conjugate double bond. This is due
to the resonance effects involving metal
d-orbitals and ligand p-orbital electrons.
3.2.2 Classification of ligands on the basis of
Ethylenediamine triacetato ion donor and acceptor properties of the ligands
(A) Ligands having one (or more) lone pair
(F) Hexadentate ligands : They have six donor atoms.
(or pairs) of electrons
The most important example is ethylenediamine
(a) Ligands which contain vacant -type orbitals
tetraacetate ion.
that can receive back donated e¯ from
M-ion in low oxidation state.
e.g.: CO, NO, CN, NC, R–N=C, R3P, R3As
–dipyridyl, o-phenanthroline
(b) All these ligands also have filled donor
orbital in addition to vacant -type ac-
ceptor orbitals.
(c) Thus in there complexes both metal and
ligand function as donors and acceptors

Ethylenediamine tetraacetato ion (EDTA) 4– 
(M 
  L)

(G) Chelating ligands. (d) Ligands which do not have vacant orbitals
(a) Polydentate ligands whose structures permit to receive back donated electron from metals
the attachment of two or more donor sites eq. H2O, NH3 F.
(B) Ligands having no lone pairs of electrons 3.5 Oxidation state
but have p bonding electron eq. Ethyl- (a) It is a number which represents the
ene, benzene, cyclopentadenyl-ion electric charge on the central metal atom
Note: (1) Polydentate ligands have Flexidentate of a complex ion
character it is not necessary that all the (b) For example, the O.N. of Fe, Co and
donor atoms present in the polydentate Ni in [Fe(CN) 6] 4– , [Co(NH 3) 6 ] 3+ and
ligands should form coordinate bonds with Ni(CO)4 is +2, +3 and zero respectively
central metal atom or ion. (c) The charge of the complex is the sum
(2) There are certain ligands which have two of the charges of the constituent parts.
or more donor atoms but during formation
of complexes only one donor atom is 3.6 Effective atomic number (EAN)
attached to metal ion. Such ligands are (a) In order to explain the stability of the
called ambidentate ligands such as CN, complex, Sidgwick proposed effective
CNS atomic number
(b) It can be defined as the resultant
3.3 Coordination number : number of electrons with the metal atom
(a) The number of atoms of the ligands that or ion after gaining electrons from the
are directly bond to the central metal donor atoms of the ligands.
atom or ion by coordinate bonds is known (c) The EAN generally coincides with the
as the coordination number of the metal atomic number of next noble gas in some
atom or ion. case.
(b) It is actually the number of coordinate (d) EAN is calculated by the following
covalent which the ligands form with the relation EAN = atomic number of the
central metal atom or ion metal–number of electrons lost in ion
(c) Some common coordination numbers formation + number of electrons gained
exhibited by metal ions are 2,4,6. The from the donor atoms of the ligands
light transition metals exhibit 4 and 6 (e) The EAN values of different metal in their
coordination numbers while heavy tran- respective complexes are tabulated as
sition metals may exhibit coordination follows
number more than 6
(d) For example, the coordination number of various terms used in coordination
Ni in the complex [Ni(NH3)4]Cl2 is 4 and based on compounds
that of Pt in the complex K2[PtCl6] is 6
3.4 Coordination sphere : Ex.3 The EAN of nickel in Ni(CO) 4 is
(A) 36 (B) 38
(a) The central metal atom and the ligands (C) 28 (D) 54
directly attached to it are collectively termed
as the coordination sphere Sol. (A) Effective atomic no. (EAN)
(b) Coordination sphere is written inside square = at. no. of central atom – oxidation state
bracket, for example [Co(NH3)6]3+ +2 x (no. of ligands)
(c) The central metal atom and the ligands = 28 - 0 + 2 x 4 = 36
inside the square bracket behave as a Ex.4 The charge on cobalt in [Co(CN) 6]3– is
single entity
(A) –6 (B) +3
(d) The part outside the bracket is called
ionisation sphere. (C) –3 (D) +6
(e) The species present in the coordination Sol. (B) The algebraic sum of oxidation no. of
sphere are nonionizable all atoms in a complex ion is equal to charge
(f) The species present in the ionization sphere on that ion,
are ionisable i.e., a + 6 x (–1) = –3,  a = + 3
Ex.5 Co-ordination number of Co in [Co (NH3)6]2+
(A) 4 (B) 5
(C) 6 (D) 8
Sol. (C) Co-ordination number is equal to total
number of ligands in a complex.
Complex Matal At. No. Coordination Effective
(Oxid. state) of matal number atomic number

K4[Fe(CN)6] +2 26 6 (26 –2) + (6 x 2) = 36 [Kr]

[Cu(NH3)4]SO 4 +2 29 4 (29 –2) + (4 x 2) = 35
[Co(CH3)6]Cl 3 +3 27 6 (27 –3) + (6 x 2) = 36 [Kr]
Ni(CO)4 0 28 4 (28 –0) + (4 x 2) = 36 [Kr]
K2[Ni(CN)4] +2 28 4 (28 –2) + (4 x 2) = 34
K2[PtCl6] +4 78 6 (78 –4) + (6 x 2) = 86 [Rn]
K3[Cr(C2O4)3] +3 24 6 (24 –3) + (6 x 2) = 33
K3[Fe(CN)6] +3 26 6 (26 –3) + (6 x 2) = 35
K2[Hg4] +2 80 4 (80 –2) + (4 x 2) = 86 [Rn]
[Ag(NH3)2]Cl +1 47 2 (47 –1) + (2 x 2) = 50
K2[PdCl4] +2 46 4 (46 –2) + (4 x 2) = 52

Ex.6 The neutral ligand is of metal (usual name) is fallowed by the

(A) Chloro (B) Hydroxo oxidation number in bracket. However in
(C) Ammine (D) Oxalato some metals Latin names are preferred
Sol. (C) :NH3 has no charge but acts as ligand. in place of English names e.g. ion as
ferrate, lead as plumbate and silver as
Ex.7 NH2.NH2 serves as : argentate.
(A) Monodentate ligand
(B) Chelating ligand 4.2 Name of the ligand :
(C) Bridging ligand
(D) (a) and (c) both (a) If there are two or more different kinds
of ligands, they are named in alphabatical
Sol. (D) NH2.NH2 serves as monodenate as well
as bridging ligand because a 3-membered order without separation by hyphen.
ring will be too strained to be stable. (b) When there are several ligands of same
kind, they are listed alphabetically
4 I.U.P.A.C. NAMING OF COORDINATION (c) Anionic ligands ending with ‘ide’ are named
COMPOUNDS by replacing ‘ide’ by suffix ‘O’.
Due to wide variety of coordination compounds e.g. Symbol Name as N3– Nitrido
it is essential to use a unified system of ligand
nomenclature. Though a lot of compounds Cl¯ Chloro O 22– Peroxo
are known by their trivial names only, but Br¯ Bromo O 2H¯ Perhydroxo
I.U.P.A.C. has introduced rules for the naming CN¯ Cyano S2– Sulphido
of coordination compounds as follows
O2– Oxo NH2– Amido
4.1 The order of listing the ions OH¯ Hydroxo
(a) In common salts cation is named first (d) Ligands whose names end in ‘ite’ or ‘ate’ become
and then the anion. ‘ito’ or ‘ato’ i.e., by replacing the ending ‘e’
(b) In the complex ion (Cation or anion) with ‘o’ as follows
ligands are named first followed by the Symbol Name as ligand
name of central atom 2–
(c) The oxidation state of the central metal CO3 Carbonato
is indicated by Roman numeral in brack 2–
C2O4 Oxalato
ets immediately after its name ; (0) in
SO42– Sulphato
dicates zero o.s.
(d) In case the complex is non ionic, it is NO3¯ Nitrato
amed as one word e.g. [Ni(CO)4] is called 2–
SO3 Sulphito
tetracarbonyl nickel (0) CH3COO¯ Acetato
(e) The suffix - ate is added to the name
of central metal forming anionic complex NO2¯ (bonded through oxygen) nitrite
ion. In cationic complex ion, the name (bonded through nitrogen) nitro
(e) Neutral ligands are given the same names Ex.9 The formula of dichlorobis (urea) copper (II)
at the neutral molecules. For example. Eth is
ylene diamine as a ligand is named ethylene (A) [CuO =C(NH2)2]Cl 2
diamine in the complex. However some ex (B) [CuCl2{O=C(NH2)2}]
ceptions to this rule are (C) [Cu{O=C(NH2)2}Cl]Cl
H2O Aquo (D) [CuCl2][O=C(NH2)2]H2
NH3 Ammine Sol. (B) Follow IUPAC rules.
CO Carbonyl Ex.10 Write the formulae of the following coordi-
NO Nitrosyl nation compounds
CS Thiocarbonyl (I) Potassium hexanitritoferrate (III) (ii)
Dichloroplatinum (IV) tetrachloropl-atinate
(f) Names of positive ligands ends in ‘ium’ e.g. (II)
NH4+ Ammonium (II) Bis (acetylacetonato) oxovanadium (IV)
(iv) Potassium tetrahydroxozincate (II)
NO + Nitrosylium (v) Sodium pentacyanonitrosylsulphidofe-
NH2NH3+ Hydrazinium rrate (III)
(g) If the number of a particular ligand is more Sol. (i) K3[Fe(ONO)6] (ii) [PtCl 2][PtCl 4]
than one in the complex ion, the number is (iii) [VO(acac) 2] (iv) K2[Zn(OH)4]
indicated by using Greek numbers such as (v) Na4[Fe(CN)5NOS]
di,tri, tetra, penta, hexa, etc.
Ex.11 Which of the following names are not correct
However, when the name of the ligand includes
? Point out the mistakes.
a number, e.g. dipyridyl, ethylene diamine, then
(i) [Cu(H2O) (NH3)]Br2 ; Amminoaquodibr-
bis, tris, tetrakis are used in place of di,
omocopper (I)
tri, tetra, etc
(ii) Na3[Al(C2O 4)3] Trisodium trioxalatoalu-
(h) In case of chelating ligands or ligands
minate (III)
having di, tri, tetra, etc, in their name the
prefixes bis, tris, tetrakis are used before (iii) Na2 [Ni(EDTA)] ; Sodium ethylenediami-
ligands placed in paranthesis netetracetato nickel (III)
(i) In poly nuclear complexes the bridging (iv) [Co(NH3) 5ONO]SO 4 ; Pentaammine-
group is indicated in the formula of the com- nitrocobalt (III) sulphate
plex by separating it from the rest of complex Sol. (i) Ammine aqua copper (II) bromide
by hyphens and adding before its name or (ii) Sodium trioxalato aluminate (III)
in poly nuclear complex (a complex with two (iii) It is correct
or more metal atoms) bridging ligands (which (iv) Pentammine nitrito cobalt (III) sulphate
links two metal atoms) is denoted by the
prefix  before its name.
5.1 Werner’s coordination theory
Alfred Werner (considered as the father of
Examples based on IUPAC Nomen- coordination chemistry) studied the structure
based on clature of Coordination Compounds of coordination complexes such as CoCl 3.
6NH3 and CuSO 4. 4NH3 in 1893. According
Ex.8 The correct IUPAC name of [CoF2 (en)2] ClO4 to him-
is - (a) Each metal in coordination compound
(A) Difluorobis (ethylene diamine) Cobalt (III) possesses two types of valencies :
per chlorate (i) primary valency or principal valencies
(B) Bis (ethylene diamine) difluoro cobalt (III) or ionisable valencies.
per chlorate (ii) Secondary valency or nonionisable
(C) Bis (ethylene diamine) difluoro cobalt (II) valencies
(b) Primary valencies are satisfied by anions
per chlorate
only. The number of primary valencies
(D) None of these depends upon the oxidation state of the
Sol. (B) Follow IUPAC rules. central metal. It may change from one
compound to other. These are represented Note: Now, it has been proposed that coordination
by dotted lines between central metal number of a metal may be any whole number
atom and anion. between 2 and 9
(c) Secondary valencies are satisfied only
by electron pair donor, the ions or the 5.2 Sidgwick Theory and EAN rule
neutral species. These are represented
by thick lines. Sidgwick suggested that the metal ion will
(d) Each metal has a fixed number of continue accepting electron pairs till the total
secondary valencies also referred as number of electrons in the metal ion and
coordination number. The coordination those donated by ligands is equal to that
number depends mainly on the size and of the next noble gas.
the charge on the central atom. The This total number of electrons is called EAN
maximum number of ions or molecules of the metal which we have already discussed.
that the central atom can hold by secondary
valencies is known as coordination number. 5.3 Valence Bond Theory
(e) The ions attached to primary valencies The salient features of the theory are
possess ionising nature whereas the ions summarised below.
attached to secondary valencies do not (a) The central metal ion has a number of
ionise when the complex is dissolved in empty orbitals for accommodating electrons
a solvent. donated by the ligands. The number of empty
(f) Every central ion tends to satisfy its
orbitals is equal to the coordination number
primary as well as secondary valencies.
of the metal ion for the particular complex.
(g) The secondary valencies are directional
(b) The atomic orbitals (s, p or d) of the
and are directed in space about the central
metal ion. The primary valencies are non- metal ion hybridize to form hybrid orbitals
directional. The presence of secondary with definite directional properties. These hybrid
valencies gives rise to stereoisomerism orbitals now overlap with the ligand orbitals
in complexes. to form strong chemical bonds.
(h) Initially, Werner had pointed out coordi- (c) The d-orbitals involved in the hybridization
nation number of a metal atom to be may be either inner (n –1) d orbitals or outer
four or six. n d-orbitals. The complexes formed in these
(i) The six valencies were regarded to be two ways are referred to as low spin and
directed to the corners of a regular oc- high spin complexes, respectively.
tahedron circumscribed about the metal (d) Each ligand contains a lone pair of electrons.
ion. For metals having four coordination (e) A covalent bond is formed by the overlap
number, the four valencies are either of a vacant hybridized metal orbital and a
arranged in a planar or tetrahedral nature. filled orbital of the ligand. The bond is also
(j) Thus on the basis of werner theory, the sometimes called as a coordinate bond.
CoCl 3. 6 NH3 is called hexamminecobalt (f) If the complex contains unpaired electrons,
(III) chloride because there are six ammonia it is paramagnetic in nature, while if it does
ligands and the cobalt is in the +3 oxi- not contain unpaired electrons, it is diamag-
dation state, i.e. cobalt has three primary netic in nature.
valencies and six secondary valencies. (g) The number of unpaired electrons in the
The complex can therefore be represented complex, points out the geometry of the complex
as shown.
as well as hybridisation of central metal ion
and vice -versa. In practice, the number of
unpaired electrons in a complex is found from
magnetic moment measurements as illustrated
 = n (n  2) where n = no of lone pair
Thus the knowledge of the magnetic moment
can be of great help in ascertaining the type
of complex
(h) Under the influence of a strong ligand,
the electrons can be forced to pair up against
the Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.
Magnetic moment 0 1.73 2.83 3.87 4.90 5.92
(Bohr magnetons)

Number of 0 1 2 3 4 5

Draw back of V.B. Theory Ex.15 Find out the hybridization, geometry and mag-
(i) It describes bonding in coordination com- netic moment of the complexes :
pounds only qualitatively (i) [Co(NH3)6]3+
(ii) It does not offer any explanation for the
(ii) [Cr(CN)6]3–
optical absorption spectia of complex
Sol. (i) The oxidation state of cobalt in the com-
(iii) It does not describe the detailed magnetic
plex [Co(NH3)6]3+ is +3
properties of coordination compounds. The electronic configuration of Co3+ ion is :
5.4 Crystal field Theory
3d 4s 4p
This is the more advanced theory and satis-
factorily explains the optical absorption spec-
tra and magnetic properties of complexes
which were not explained by V.B.T. But its [Co(NH3)6]3+
details are beyond the scope of this text. Rearrangement
Octahedral, zero magnetic moment
based on Bonding in coordination compounds
(ii) The oxidation state of chromium in the com-
7 plex is +3. The electronic configuration of Cr3+
Ex.12 When the configuration is d in a transition
metal, the paramagnetic susceptibility will be ion is
equal to 3d 4s 4p
(A) 3.87 B.M. (B) 2.68 B.M.
(C) 5.92 B.M. (D) 6.92 B.M.
Sol. The magnetic moment values in Bohr magne-
ton for 1 lone electron is 1.73, for 2 is 2.83, for [Cr(CN6)] 3+
3 is 3.87, for 4 is 4.90, for 5 is 5.92, for 6 is 

6.92 and so on. d7 configuration has three d 2sp 3 hybridizat ion
lone electrons, hence,  = 3.87 BM.

Ex.13 The shape of the complex Ag(NH3)2+ is :

Octahedral, mag. moment = 3 x (3  2)
(A) Octahedral (B) Square planar
(C) Tetrahedral (D) Linear = 15 = 3.87 BM
Sol. (D) Ag(NH3)2 has sp- hybridisation and linear
Ex.16 Complex with CN¯ ligands are usually
(A) High spin complexes
Ex.14 Hexafluoroferrate (III) Ion is an outer orbital (B) Low spin complexes
complex. The number of unpaired electrons (C) Both
present in it is. (D) None
(A) 1 (B) 5 Sol. (B) A strong field ligand produces low spin
(C) 4 (D) Unpredicatable
Sol. (B) Electronic configuration of [FeF6]3– is : Ex.17 Which of the following has least conductivity
3d 4s 4p 4d in aqueous solution
(A) Co(NH3)4 Cl3 (B) Co(NH3)3Cl3
×× ×××××× ××××
(C) Co(NH3)5Cl3 (D) Co(NH3)6Cl3
3 2
sp d Sol. (B) Werner’s theory
[Co(NH3)3Cl 3] is non electrolyte

The shape of complexes depends upon 3d 4s 4p

hybridization state of central atom, it is described (a) Fe 26
as follows :
6.1 Octahedral complexes : 3d 4s 4p

On the basis of hybridized orbitals it can (b) Fe3+

be of two type as d2sp3 ( inner orbital) or (c) Fe3+ (rearranged due to presence
sp3d2 (outer orbital) hybridized. of CN¯)
6.1.1 Inner orbital complexes : 3d 4s 4p
We have already discussed that in these
type of complexes the d-orbitals used are
of lower quantum number i.e. (n - 1) various
examples are as follow
d2sp3 Hybridization
(a) Complexes formed by the use of inner
orbitals are diamagnetic or have reduced (d) The resulting complex is octahedral due
paramagnetism. to d2sp3 hybridization
(b) These are called as low spin or spin (e) due to presence of unpaired e¯ it is
paired complexes paramagnetic [Fe(CN)6]4– [Cr (NH3)6]3+
(a) e¯ configuration of Fe26 = [Ar] 3d64s2
(b) e¯ configuration of Fe+2 = [Ar] 3d6 3d5 4s’ 4D

= (a) Cr24

(c) e¯ configuration of Fe+2 after rearrange- (b) Cr3+

(c) Cr3+ in d2sp3 hybridized state
d2sp3 

(d) The above rearrangement is due to presence d 2sp3 bybridized state
of cyanide ligand
(e) In this state Fe 2+ undergoes d 2sp 3 (d) This d2sp3 hybridisation leads to octa-
hybridisation to from six d2sp3 hybrid hedral geometry, the complex [Cr(NH3)6]3+
orbitals, each of which accepts electron will be octachedral in shape
pair donated by CN¯ ions. (e) Since the complex ion has 3 unpaired
(f) The resultant complex is inner octahedral electrons it must be paramagnetic which
as shown in figure and it should be is founded to be so
diamagnetic as it has no unpaired elec- (f) Other complexes of chromium with similar
inner structure are [Cr(CN) 6 ] 3– and
tron. Formation of [Co(NH3)6]3+ takes place
in the same manner
6.1.2 Outer orbital complexes.
(a) In these complexes s, p as well as d
orbitals involved in hybridization, belong
to the highest quantum number (n)
(b) complexes formed by the use of outer
n, d orbitals will be paramagnetic.
(c) These complexes are called high- spin
or spin free complexes
Octahedral shape of [Co(NH3)6]3+
(d) The outer orbital complexes have greater
number of unpaired electrons. [CoF 6]3– (e) Since the complex is formed by sp 3
hybridisation, it is tetrahedral
(a) Co27 (f) Since all electrons are paired it is dia-
3d 4s 4p 4d magnetic
6.2.2 [Ni(CO)4]

(a) Ni 28
(b) Co3+ ion 3d 4s 4p

(b) Ni after rearrangement

(c) Co3+ ion in sp3d2 hybridised state
3d 4s 4p

(c) The empty one 4s and three 4p orbitals

mix to form four sp3 hybridised orbitals
(d) each orbital accepts one electron pair
(d) Due to octahedral orientation of six sp3d2 from carbon monoxide molecule forming
hybridised orbitals shape [CoF 6]3– com- [Ni(CO)4]
plex ion is octahedral (e) The shape of nickel tetra carbonyl is
(e) Due to presence of four unpaired electrons tetrahedral as shown below
is 3d orbital [CoF 6] 3– ion has paramag- (f) It is diamagnetic in nature
netic character
(f) Other examples are [FeF6]3–, [Fe(NH3)6]2+,
[Ni(NH3)6] 2+, [Cu(NH3)6]2+, [Cr(H2O)6]3+
6.2 Tetrahedral Complexes :
These are formed by sp 3 hybridisation.
Complexes of Zn2+ are invariable tetrahedral
because they involve sp3 hybrid orbitals
6.3 Square planar complex.
6.2.1 [Zn(NH3)4]2+
These are formed due to dsp2 hybridisation.
These complexes tend to be formed when
(a) configuration of Zn30
the central ion has only one d orbital available
3d 4s 4p
in the inner shell
6.3.1 [Ni(CN)4]2–

(a) e¯ configuration of Ni
(b) e¯ configuration of Zn2+ 3d 4s 4p
3d 4s 4p

(b) e¯ configuration of Ni 2+
(c) Zn2+ in sp3 hybridised state 3d 4s 4p

sp3 hybridised (d) The rearrangement is due to presence
of strong ligand CN¯. The four orbitals
(d) Zn (NH3)4]2+
make dsp2 hybridisation
(e) The shape of resulting complex is square
NH3 NH3 NH3 NH3 (d) due to paired electrons it is diamagnetic.
Co-ordination numbers, Hybridised orbitals and geometry of some co-ordination compounds
Coordination Hybridised orbital Geometrical shape of Examples of
Number the complex complex

2 sp [Ag(NH3)2]+
Linear [Ag(CN)2]¯

3 sp2 [Hg3]¯

4. sp3 [FeCl 4]¯

[Ni(CO)4] 0
[ZnCl 4]–2,[CuX4]–2
where X = CN¯
Cl¯,Br¯, ¯, CNS

The d-orbital involved is [Ni(CN)4]–2
4. dx2–y2 orbital [Pt(NH3)4]+2
of the inner shell, i.e. it
is (n – 1)dx2–y2 orbital

dsp3 [CuCl5]–3
5. The d-orbital is [MoCl5]0
(n - 1)dz2 orbital [Fe(CO)5]0

5. The d-orbital is ndx2–y2 [SbF 5] –2 IF 5

Square pyramidal
When d-orbitals are (n-1)
d-orbitals (Inner orbital [Cr(NH3)6+3]
6. complexes) or sp3d2 [Ti(H2O)6]+3
When d-orbitals are [Fe(CN)6]–2
nd orbital (Outer orbital [Co(NH3)6]+3
complexes) In both cases [PtCl6]–2[CoF6]–3
p-orbitals are dz2 and dx2-y 2
L = Ligands indicated by white circles (same In the formation of [Ni(CN)4]2–, Ni2+ ion undergoes
or different) M = Central metal indicated by dsp2 hybridization, hence it is square planar
black circles. in shape
based on Shape of Complexes
3d 4s 4p

Ex.18 The structure of iron pentacarbonyl is Ni2+

(A) Square planar (B) Trigonal bipyramid
(C) Triangular (D) None [Ni(CN) 4 ] 2–
Sol. (2)
dsp 2 hybridizat ion



xx Electron pair donated by CO. (a) Compounds which have the same molecular
Ex.19 How would you account for the following : formula, but differ in their properties due
Ni(CO)4 possesses tetrahedral geometry while to the difference in structure ar called as
[Ni(CN4]2– is square planar. Isomers.
Sol. In the formation of Ni(CO)4, nickel undergoes (b) Isomerism is commonly considered, to be
sp3 hybridization, hence it is tetrahedral in
the characteristic of only organic compounds,
it is also found although less frequency among
3d 4s 4p
inorganic substances.
Ni(0)3d8 (c) Classification of isomerism :


sp 3 hybridizat ion

Type of isomerism

Structural isomerism Stereo isomerism

Ionization Hydrate Coordination Linkage Geometrical Optical

8. STRUCTURAL ISOMERISUM (b) This type of isomerism is caused by the
interchange of ligands and metal ions
It arises due to the difference in the type
between the two complex ions of the same
of chemical linkages and distribution of ligands
complex. Ex.
within and outside the coordination sphere.
(i) [Co(NH3)6] [Cr(CN)6]’
8.1 Ionisation isomers : [Cr(NH3)6] [Co(CN)6]
The type of isomerism is due to the exchange
of groups of or ion between the coordinating (ii) [Co(NH3)6] [Cr(C2O4)3]’
sphere and the ionisation sphere Ex. [Cr(NH3)6] [Co(C2O4)3]
(a) Co(NH3)4 Br2SO 4 can represent
(i) [Co(NH3)4Br2] SO 4 (red violet) 9. STEREO ISOMERISM
(ii) [Co(NH3)4] SO 4] Br2(red).
These complexes give sulphate ion and (a) They have same molecule formula, same
bromide ion respectively constitution, they differ only with respect
(b) [Pt(NH3)4Cl 2] Br2 and [Pt(NH3)4Br2]Cl 2 to the spatial orientation of ligands in
(c) [Co(NH3)4(NO3)2] SO 4 and space around the metal ion.
[Co(NH3)4SO4](NO3)2 (b) The two stereo isomers which are possible
are - Geometrical and optical.
8.2 Hydrate isomers :
This type of isomerism is due to presence
9.1 Geometrical or cis - Trans isomers :
of different number of water molecules inside
(a) The ligands occupy different positions around
a coordination sphere. Ex. the central metal ion.
(a) Cr(H2O)6Cl 3 has three possible structure
(b) When two identical ligands are coor
(i) [Cr(H2O)6]Cl 3 violet dinated to the metal ion from the ion
(ii) [Cr(H2O)5Cl] Cl 2.H2O green same side then it is cis isomer.
(iii) [Cr(H2O)4Cl 2] Cl. 2H2O dark green.
(Latin, cis means same).
These complexes differ from one another with (c) If the two identical ligands are coordinated
respect to the number of water molecules
to the metal ion from opposite side then
acting as ligands.
it is Trans isomer (in Latin, Trans means
Other hydrate isomers are – across)
(i) [Co(NH3)4]H2O Cl] Cl 2 (d) These geometrical isomers differ in physi
(ii) [Co(NH3)4 Cl 2] Cl. H2O
cal as well as in chemical properites.
8.3 Linkage or salt isomers : (e) Geometrical isomerism is most important
(a) This type of isomerism arises due to pres in compounds with coordination numbers
ence of ambidentate ligands like NO 2– 4 and 6.
CN– and SCN– (f) 4-coordinated complexes with tetrahedral
(b) These ligands have two donor atoms but geometry do not exhibit cis-Trans isom
at a time only one atom is directly linked erism.
to the central metal atom of the complex. (g) It is exhibited by 4-coordinated complexes
(c) Such type of isomers are distinguished with square planar geometry.
by infra red (I.R.) spectroscopy. Ex.
(i) [Co(NH3)5NO 2] Cl2 and [Co(NH3)5ONO] Cl2 9.2 Geometrical isomers with coordination
(ii) In NO2– ligand, The coordinating sites are number = 4 (Square planar complexes)
nitrogen (i.e., NO2– Nitrogen ligand) or (i) Complexes with general formula, Ma2b 2
through oxygen (i.e. ONO Nitrogen ligand) (where both a and b are monodentate)
(iii) The nitro isomer is yellow and is stable can have Cis-and trans isomers.
to acids whereas nitrito ismoer is red
and is decomposed by acids. a a a c

8.4 Coordination isomers : M M

(a) This type of isomerism is exhibited when
the complex has two complex ions in b c b a
it -*Cationic and anionic^. Cis-isomer Trans-isomer
(ii) Complexes with general formula Ma2bc can have Cis-and trans-isomers.
a a a b

b b b a
Cis Trans
(iii) [Pt (NH3)2Cl 2]

H3N NH3 Cl NH3

Pt Pt

Cl Cl H3N Cl
Cis(Cis-platin) anti cancer Trans

(iv) [Pt(NH3)2ClBr]

Cl NH3 Br NH3

Pt Pt

Br NH3 H3N Cl
Cis Trans

(v) Complexes with general formula, Mabcd can have three isomers.

a b a d a c

d c c b b d
(i) (ii) (iii)

(vi) Diglycinato platium (iv) complexes

Pt Pt
– – –
(cis) (Trans)
9.3 Geometrical isomers with coordination number = 6
(i) [Fe(NH3)4Cl 2]
Cl NH3
H3N NH3 H3N Cl

Fe Fe

H3N NH3 H3N Cl

Cl NH3
Trans Cis
(ii) Facial and Meridional isomerism (Ma3b3) (c) The complex which rotates plane polarised
light to left hand side is laevo rotatory
i.e., ‘’ or ‘–’ and if the complex rotates
b b the plane polarised light to right hand
side then it is dextro rotatory ‘d’ or ‘+’.
a a
b b (d) Thus complexes which have same physical
and chemical properties but differ in their
a a action towards plane polarised light are
b b
called as optical isomers.
a a (e) The ‘d’ and ‘ ’ isomers of a compound
Facial (fac) Meridional (Mer) are called as Enantiomers or Enantio
Optically isomers : (f) Only those 6-coordinated complexes in
which there are chelating agents i.e.
(a) Optically active complexes are those which bidentate ligands, exhibit optical isom
are nonsuperimposable over the mirror erism. This is due to the absence of
image structrue. elements of symmetry in the complex.
(b) An optically active complex is one which (g) Optical isomerism is not found in square
is asymmetric in nature i.e., not divisible planar complexes on acoount of the presence
into two identical halves. of axis of symmetry.
Optical isomer with Coordination number = 6
(i) [Ma2b2c2]n+  [Pt(py)2(NH3)2Cl 2]2+
py 2+ py 2+

Cl py py Cl

Pt Pt

Cl NH3 H3N Cl


Cis-d-isomer Mirror Cis--isomer

(ii) [Mabcedf]  [Pt(py)NH3NO 2ClBrI]
Br py
py NO2 py NO2

Pt Pt

Cl NH3 H3N Cl

I l
d-isomer Mirror -isomer
(iii) [M (AA) 3]n+  [Co(en)3]3+
3+ 3+
en en

Co Co

en en

d-form Mirror -form

(iv) [M(AA)2ab]n+  [Co(en)2NH3Cl]2+

2+ 2+
Cl en Cl

Co Co

en en

Cis-d-isomer Mirror Cis--form

(v) [M(AB)3]  [Cr(gly)3]


Cr gly Cr


Cis or trans-isomer Mirror Cis or trans--isomer

(vi) [M (AA)B2C2][Fe(NH3)2(en)Cl 2]

Cl Cl

Cl Cl

en Fe Fe en


Cis-d-isomer Cis--isomer

(vii) [M(AA)2B2][Fe(en)2Cl2]

en en
Cl Cl

Fe Fe

Cl Cl
en en
Cis or trans-d-isomer Cis or trans--isomer
(i) Trans- [Fe(en) 2Cl 2] do not show optical (e) The forthcoming stability constant K’ is
activity due to superimposition of their [ ML 2 ]
mirror image. K1 = [ ML] [ L] its value is less than K
(ii) Some more examples are optically active:
[Cr(ox) 3] 3–;[Fe(dipy) 3] 2+; [Cr(ox) 2(H 2O) 2 ;
[Pt(en)3]4+ etc. (f) The higher the value of stability constant stabler
is the complex.
(g) The value of stability constants for some of
Examples Isomerism in Coordination the complexes are given below :
based on Compounds
Complex Stability constant
Ex.20 Which of the following sets is/are example(s) [Cu(NH3)4]2+ 4.5 x 1011
of co-ordination isomerism in complexes ?
(A) [Co(NH3)6] [Cr(CN)6] and [Co(CN6] [Ag(NH3)2]+ 1.6 x 107
[Cr(NH3]6] [Co(NH3)6]2+ 1.12 x 106
(B)[Cr(H2O)5Cl]Cl2.H2O and
[Co(NH3)6]3+ 5.0 x 1033
[Cr(H2O)4Cl 2]Cl.2H2O
(C) [Co(NH3)5Br]SO3 and [Cr(NH3)5 SO 4]Br [AgCl2]¯ 1.11 x 105
(D) [Pt(NH3)2Cl 2] and [Pt(NH3)4] [PtCl 4] [AgBr2]¯ 1.28 x 107
Sol. (A) When both positive and negative ions [Ag(CN)2]¯ 1.0 x 1022
are complex, co-ordination isomerism may
occur due to the interchange of ligands within [Cu(CN)4]2– 2.0 x 1027
the co-ordination sphere itself. e.g. [Co(NH3)6] [Fe(CN)6]3– 7.69 x 1043
[Cr(CN)6] and [Co(CN)6] [Cr(NH3)6] are two
co-ordination isomers, where ammonia and 10.1 Factors influencing the stability of com-
cyanide ligands have been changed within plex
the co-ordination sphere. 10.1.1 Nature of central ion -
Choices (b), (c) and (d) are examples of hydrate (a) The complex will be more stable for higher
isomers, ionisation isomers and polymerisation
isomers, respectively.  Ch arg e 
values of charge density  
radius 
Ex.21 Which of the following does/do not exhibit
(b) The higher the electronegativity of the central
optical isomerism ion, the greater is the stability of its
(A) tetrahedral complexes complexes
(B) square planar complexes (c) The higher the oxidation state of the metal
(C) octahedral complexes the more stable is the compound
(D) polynuclear complexes
Sol. A square planar complex does not exhibit 10.1.2 Nature of ligand
(a) A basic ligand is likely to easily donate
optical activity because it has a horizontal
its electrons. Thus a more basic ligand
plane of symmetry
will form more stable complex.
10. STABILITY OF COMPLEX (b) Chelating ligands form more stable
complexes as compared to monodentate
(a) A complex is formed in solution by the ligands.
stepwise addition of ligands to a metal
ion Stability and Characteristics of
(b) This can be expressed as follows M + L ML
where M = metal and L is ligand
based on Coordination Compounds
(c) The stability constant K for this reaction is
as shown Ex.22 [Cu(CN)4] 2– is more stable complex than
ML [Cu(NH3)4] 2+. Explain
K = [ M] [ L] Sol. The higher stability constant (K = 2 x 10 27)
(d) This metal can again get a ligand for Cu2+ + 4CN¯  [Cu(CN)4]2– than for
ML + L  ML2 [Cu(NH3)4]2+ which is 4.5 x 1011 explains stability.
Ex.23 [Ti(H2O)6] 3+ is coloured while [Sc(H2O)6] 3+ is 11.2 –bonded organometallic compounds : This
colourless. explain type of compounds are generally formed by
transition metals. Some examples of –
Sol. Sc(H2O)63+ has no unpaired electron in its complexes are –
d subshell and thus d-d transition is not possible
whereas Ti(H2O)63+ has one unpaired electron Transition metals usually form the –bonded
complexes. Ferrocene, Dibenzene chromium,
in its d subshell which gives rise to d-d-
Zeise’s slat, etc. are some well known examples
transition, to impart colour. of the complexes belonging to this class.

11. ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS Metal carbonyls of transition metals consti-

tute another important class of organome-
Compounds containing at least one metal- tallic compounds. The first metal carbonyls,
carbon bond may be called organometallic Ni(CO)4 and Fe(CO)5 were discovered by A.
compounds. These compounds may be defined Mond is 1890 and 1891. Few more examples
as those compounds in which the carbon of metal carbonyls are Cr(CO) 6, Mo(CO)6. In
atoms of organic groups are linked to metal addition to mononuclear of metal carbonyls
atoms. The compounds of elements such as mentioned above, transition metals form various
boron, phosphorus, silicon, germanium tel- polynuclear metals carbonyls such as
lurium and antimony with organic groups are Fe(CO)12, Mn2(CO)10. The metal carbonyl bond
also included in the organometallics. in metal carbonyls posses both  and 
11.1 –bond organometallic compounds : In character.
-bonded compound organic group is bonded Tetraethyl lead :
to metal atoms through a normal 2 electron 4C2H5Cl + 4Na/Pb  
covalent bond. Some example of-bonded
organometallic compounds are as below – (C2H5)2Pb + 3Pb + 4NaCl
T etraethyl lead
Al 2 (CH3)6, Al 2(C6H5)6, Pb(CH3)4, Pb(C2H5)4,
A colourless poisonous liquid, immiscible with
Zn(C2H5)4, (CH3)4Sn etc. water but miscible with ether. It is used as
Examples – a antiknock compound in petrol engines.
R – Mg – X (CH3CH2)2Zn
Grignard reagent Diethyl zinc Ziesse salt :
(Alkyl magnesium halide) K1[Cl 3Pt2(C2H4)2]s
(CH3)4Si (CH3)4Sn
Ferrocene :
Tetramethyl silane Tetramethyl tin
Fe  5 (C 5H 5) 2
(C2H5)4 Pb (CH3)2Cd
Tetraethyl lead Dimethyl cadmium
Trimethyl aluminium exists as stable dimer.
In this, two methyl groups act as bridges
between two aluminium atoms. The alkyl bridge
is formed by multicentre bonding.
Ex.1 NH2.NH2 although possesses two electron (iv) An octahedral complex of the type Ma4bc
pair for donation but not acts as chelating shows cis and trans isomerism.
agent. Why ?
Sol. The co-odrinating by NH2.NH2 leads to a NH3 Cl
three member highly unstable strained ring
and thus it doen not acts as chelating agent. H3N Cl H3N NH3

Ex.2 Square planar complexes with co-ordination Pt Pt

number four exhibit geometrical isomerism H3N Br H3N NH3
wheras tetrahedral complexes do not. Why ?
NH3 Br
Sol. In tetrahedral complexes, the relative position Trans
of atoms with respect to each other is same
thus these do not show geometrical
isomerism. Square planar complexes show Ex.4 How many geometrical isomers with formula
cis, trans isomerism. [MABCD] e.g., [Pt(NH3)py(NH2OH)NO2]+ are
possible ?
Ex.3 Platinum (II) forms square planar complexes Sol. Three isomers
and plantinum (IV) giv es octahedral
NH3 py NH3 NH2OH
complexes. How many geometrical isomers
are possible for each of the following
complexes ? Describe their structures - M M
(A) [Pt(NH3)3Cl] + (B) [Pt(NH3)Cl5] – py
(C) [Pt(NH3)2ClNO2] (D) [Pt(NH3)4ClBr]2+
Sol.() (i) Squre planar complex of the type Ma3b
shows no isomerism.

+ NH3 py
Cl NH3

Ex.5 What are facial meridional isomers ? Explain

(ii) An octahedral complex of the type Mab5 with examples.
shows no isomerism.
Sol. For the complexes of the type [Ma3b3] e.g.,
NH3 [Co(NH 3 ) 3Cl 3 ] 3+ and [Rh(py) 3 Cl 3 ] 3+ ; the
– isomer is called facial (fac) when all similar
Cl Cl ligands occupy same face of an octahedron
Pt as shown below. When all similar ligands are
not on the same face then isomer is called
Cl Cl meridional (mer).
Cl Cl
(iii) A square planar complex of the type NH3 NH3
Cl Cl
Ma2bc exists as cis and trans isomers
Cl Cl M Co3+
Pt Pt NH3 Cl NH3 NH3
O2N H3N NH3 Cl
Cis Trans facial meridional
Ex.6 Why does [CoF6]3– give a high spin complex ? Sol. (i) The oxidation state of cobalt in the complex
Sol. F– is weak field ligand so it can not pair up is +3. The electronic configuration of Co3+
the electrons i.e., why it is high spin complex. ions is –

Ex.7 [Fe(CN)6]4– is diamagentic while [FeF6]4– is 3d 4s 4p

strongly paramagnetic. Why ?

Co =
Sol. CN– is strong field ligand and so it pairs up
the electrons leading to the formation of low 3d 4s 4p
spin complex which is diamagnetic. • • • • • •

[Co(NH3)6]3+ • • • • • •
[Fe(CN)6] 4– ;
2 3
Rearrangement d sp hybridization
2 3
d sp Octahedral, zero magnetic moment
3d 4s 4p
(ii) The oxidation state of chromium in the
•• •• •• •• •• ••
complex is +3. The electronic configuration
of Cr3+ ion is –
Octahedral, diamagnatic complex
F– is weak field ligand so it forms high spin 3d 4s 4p
[Cr(CN)6] =

paramagnetic complex.
[FeF 6]4– :
• • • • • •

3 2 • • • • • •
sp d
2 3
Rearrangement d sp hybridizaton
•• •• •• •• •• ••
Octahedral, mag. moment
Octahedral, paramagnetic complex
= 3  (3  2) = 15 = 3.87 B.M.
Ex.8 [Fe(CN)6] 3– is weakly paramagnetic while
[Fe(CN)6]4– is diamagnetic, why ?
Sol. [Fe(CN)6]3– involves d2sp3 hybridization Ex.10 The magnetic moment of [MnCl4] 2– is 5.92
B.M. On the basic of its magnetic moment,
d s p
write configuration of Mn2+ in this complex.


Sol. For an atom/ion

• • • • • •

[Fe(CN)6]3– • • • • • • Magnetic moment () = n(n  2)

2 3
Rearrangement d sp hybridization
(n = No. of unpaired electrons)
One d-orbital is singly occupied, hence it is Given that  = 5.92 B.M.
weakly paramagnetic in nature.
[Fe(CN)6]4– involves also d2sp3 hybridization  5.92 = n(n  2)
but it has Fe2+ ion as central ion.
or n = 5
d s p
Thus in this complex Mn contains five

unpaired electrons and so its possible
• • • • • • configuration may be Mn2+ in [MnCl4]2– =

[Fe(CN)6]4– • • • • • •
[Ar] 3d54s0
2 3
Rearrangement d sp hybridization
so hybridisation of Mn2+ in the given complex
All orbitals are doubly occupied, hence it is must be sp3.
diamagnetic in nature.
3d 4s 4p
Ex.9 Find out the hybridization, geometry and • • • •

[Fe(CN)6]4– • • • •
magnetic moment of the complexes :
(i) [Co(NH3)6]3+ (ii) [Cr(CN)6]3– sp hybridization
Ex.11 All the octahedral complexes of Ni2+ are outer Their electrical conductances in aq. solutions
orbital complexes, why ? are –
8 (A) 256, 0, 97, 404 (B) 404, 0, 97, 256
 (C) 256, 97, 0, 404 (D) 404, 97, 256, 0

Sol. Ni2+ :
Sol.(A) Coordination number of Pt is 6 hence
Thus only one 3d-orbital is available electrons
I K2[PtCl 6] – Three ions
pair up due to strong field ligand. Therefore ,
II [Pt(NH3)2Cl4] – Zero ions
d2sp3 hybridisation is not possible. Only
sp 3d 2 is possible which represent outer III [Pt(NH3)3Cl3]Cl – Two ions
complex. IV [Pt(NH3)5Cl]Cl3 – Four ions
Conductivity  no. of ions
Ex.12 Ni(CO)4 possesses tetrahedral geometry while
[Ni(CN)4]|2– is square planar, why ? Ex.15 Determine the oxidation state of metal in
Sol. In the formation of Ni(CO)4, nickel undergoes the complex ion, [PtCl6] 2–.
sp3 hybridization, hence it is tetrahedral in Sol. Charge on the complex ion = Oxidation state
shape. of metal + charge on ligands
– 2 = x + 6 × (– 1)
3d 4s 4p
or x = + 4

Ni(0)3d8 :
The oxidation of Pt in the complex ion is +4.

• • • • Ex.16 Explain why NH 4 +

Ni(CO)4 :

• • • • ion does not form

complexes ?
sp hybridization
Sol. NH4+ ion does not act as ligand because
In the formation of [Ni(CN)4 , ion ]2– Ni 2+ nitrogen atom has no lone pair of electrons
indergoes dsp 2 hybridisation, hence it is which it can donate to metal atom.
square planar in shape.
Ex.17 The pair in which both species have same
3d 4s 4p magnetic moment (spin only value) is –

Ni2+ : (A) [Cr(H2O)6]2+, [CoCl4]2–

(B) [Cr(H2O)6]2+, [Fe(H2O)6]2+
• • • • (C) [Mn(H2O)6]2+, [Cr(H2O)6]2+

[Ni(CN)4]2– : • • • •
(D) [CoCl4]2–, [Fe(H2O)6]2+
Rearrangement dsp hybridization
Sol.(B) Same magnetic moment = same number of
Ex.13 [Ni(CN)4]2– is diamagnetic while [NiCl4]2– is
umpaired electrons = n(n  2)
paramagnetic, why ?
Sol. In [Ni(CN)4]2– all orbitals ar doubly occupied, wher n = number of unpaired electrons
hence it is diamagnetic while in [NiCl 4] 2–, Co2+ = 3d7, 3 unpaired electrons
tow orbitals are singly occupied, hence it is Cr2+ = 3d4, 4 unpaired electrons
paramagnetic in nature. Mn2+ = 3d5, 5 unpaired electrons
• • • • Fe2+ = 3d6, 4 unpaired electrons

[Ni(Cl)4]2– : • • • •
Rearrangement sp hybridization
Ex.18 The colour of Hg2Cl 2 changes from white to
black when treated with NH3. Why ?
Ex.14 Consider the following complexes –
Sol. Hg2Cl2 reacts with NH3 to give black complex.
(i) K2PtCl 6 (ii) PtCl4.2NH3
Hg2Cl2 + 2NH4OH – Hg + Hg(NH2)Cl + NH4Cl + 2H2O
(iii) PtCl4.3NH3 (iv) PtCl4.5NH3
Ex.19 Write the formula of the following complexes.
(i) Pentamminechlorocobalt (III) ion
(ii) Lithium tetrahydridoaluminate (III)
Sol. (i) [Co(NH3)5Cl]2+ ; (ii) Li[AlH4]

Ex.20 Identify the complexes which are expected

to be coloured and explain.
(A) Ti(NO3)4
(B) Cu(NCCH3)4]+ BF 4–
(C) Cr (NH3)6] 3+ 3Cl –
(D) K3 [VF6]
Sol. (C) and (D) are coloured because Cr3+ in
[Cr(NH3)6]3+ and V3+ in [VF6]3– have 3d3 and
3d2 configuration respectively and thus show
d-d transition.

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