First Term Science Evaluation V2

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C7 RFOR. 2.

SUBJECT: Science
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2022 – 2023
TEACHER: Mr. Isaac Otero
NAME: ……………………………………….……….... DATE: ……………….……..…

 Read instructions attentively.

 Take care of presentation and use legible handwriting.
 Use pencil.
 Erase all mistakes thoroughly.
 Check your exam before turning it in.
 The use of cellphones or any other electronic device is absolutely forbidden.
 Be honest in the completion of this exam.

Criterion A: Knowing and understanding

i. outline scientific knowledge
Identify and circle the option that best completes each statement. (0.50 each = 2 points)

1. The ocean zones of a marine ecosystem, from the deepest to the most shallow are

A. Intertidal, neritic, bathyal, abyssal.

B. Abyssal, neritic, bathyal, intertidal

C. Abyssal, bathyal, neritic, intertidal
D. Intertidal, bathyal, neritic, abyssal

2. Animals that live in freshwater ecosystems have adaptations that let them to____________.

A. Prevent of being washed away.

B. Survive to warm temperatures

C. Breathe without using their gills or lungs

D. Attract their preys without any complication

3. The law of conservation of energy states that _________________________________.

A. Energy moves through the environment in some animals

B. Energy is obtained from the ecosystem by humans

C. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it changes forms

D. None of the above

4. The symbiosis relationship in which both organisms are benefited is called


A. Parasitism

B. Commensalism

C. Mutualism

D. Benefitism

Criterion A: Knowing and understanding

iii. interpret information to make scientifically supported judgments.
Identify and choose the correct land biome based on each description. (0.5 each = 2pts)


5. This biome has deep soils rich in nutrients __________________.

6. It is a treeless area with very low vegetation and extreme cold temperatures ________________.

7. The seasons are constantly changing, and this affects the color of the leaves_______________.

8. This biome is arid and is hot during the day and cold at night ________________.

Criterion D: Reflecting on the impacts of Science

i. summarize the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue
Observe the following food web diagram and answer the questions about it. (0.50 each = 1pt)

9. Mangrove commonly grows in estuaries.

are the characteristics of an estuary?


9. What might happen if the snail and the mold

didn´t exist in the food web?
Criterion D: Reflecting on the impacts of Science
iii. apply scientific language effectively
11. Determine the difference between the carbon cycle and the water cycle, then explain one
process of each one. (2 pts)





Criterion C: Processing and evaluating

ii. interpret data and outline results using scientific reasoning
Compare and answer the questions about the following graphics. (0.5 each = 1pt)

12. What limiting factors could affect the population in both graphs?


13. Which carrying capacity is more stable, graph A or B? Why do you think so?


Criterion A: Knowing and understanding
i. outline scientific knowledge
14. Label and explain how the carbon cycle works in our lives. (2 pts)








A brief but concise definition of the carbon cycle was provided. /0.5
The student labeled properly each process of the carbon cycle. /0.5
The student used scientific vocabulary to describe each process. /0.5
The student was explicit describing each process of the carbon cycle. /0.5

Presented by: Revised and approved by:

English Director / Vice
Academic coordinator
Teacher Area director principal
Ms. Karrie Orellana
Mr. Isaac Otero Mr. José Pinela M.Ed. V. Weber

Signature Signature Signature Signature

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