Jobs FDN Notice For Externship 2023april12

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NEW DELHI 110025

Application are invited from external candidates who have passed final BDS
Examination on or before 20.04.2023 and wish to do internship at Faculty of Dentistry,
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025 against eight (08) vacant seats. Applications along
with the required documents may be submitted in the Office of the Dean, Faculty of
Dentistry, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 04.05.2023 up to 4:00 p.m.
1. Application by the candidate giving reason as to why they want to do internship at Faculty of
Dentistry, JMIand documentary proof thereof.
2. Self attested photocopy of Marksheet of all the BDS Annual Examinations (each part /year).
3. Attempt certificate issued by University/College.
4. No Objection Certificate from his/her parent institution clearly stating that the Institution is
recognized by the Dental Council of India during thecourse of his/ her study i.e. from the date of
to his/her passing out the Institution was not de-recognized by the Dental Council of
5. Permission from the University to which the above College is affiliated.
6. Certificate of good character and conduct of the student from the parent institution.
7. An undertaking to the effect
(a) That the student is prepared to do internship at the rate of prescribed stipend of Rs. 3000/
only per month and will deposit Rs. 1,75,000/- (Rs. one lakh and seventy five thousand only)
as fee if selected for internship by Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, JMI" payable at New
Delhi. The fee will be non refundable after the start of training period.
(b) That he/she would follow the rules & regulations of internship program of the
Dentistry, JMI and will not ask for extension of the internship period. faculty of
(c) That he/ she would maintain good conduct/discipline and decorum of the Institution and the
authorities of the University have the right to expel him / her on misconduct, indiscipline and
unsatisfactory work without any liability on the University.
8. The internship shall be governed as per the provision laid down in the Ordinances of Jamia
Islamia. Millia
9. Two photographs, one self attested to be affixed on the application forn and other


1. Selection will be made on the basis of merit & interview.
2. Training fees of Rs. 1,75,000/- (Rs. One lakh and seventy five thousand
only) to be paid by the
selected candidate before the start of internship.
3. Application without requisite documents as per notice will be
summarily rejected and no
extension will be granted for submission of any document.
4 No application will be entertained after 04.05.2023 at 4:00 p.m. the Institute will not be
responsible for any delay on account of postal delivery or delivery through any other agency.
5. Internship will be allowed for one year as per DCI guideline. Part internship is not
Important dates:
Last date of submission of application: 04.05.2023 up-to 4:00 p.m.
Date of Verification of documnents: 09.05.2023
Date of interview: 15.05.2023 from 11:00 A. M onwards
Venue: Conference Room, Faculty of Dentistry,
Jamia Millia Islamia
Declaration of Result (Tentative): 18.05.2023
Starting date of Internship: 01.06.2023

(Prof. Husain Jafri)

NEW DELHI-110025
Application for Externship BDS Program (2022-23) Photo

1. Name of the Student:

2. Father's Name:
3. Date of Birth:

5 Religion:
6. Marital Status:

7 Belonging to OBC/SC/ST:
8 Address for Correspondence:

9. Email Id: 10. Mobile No:

11. Name of the Institution with full Address where from he/she is pursuing the BDS

12. Name and address of Affiliated University:

13. Date of Joining of the BDS Programme:

14. Date of passing of Final Examination BDs:
15. Reason for seeking internship at Jamia:
16. List of documents/Certificates attached:
(Additional sheets may be use, if required)

(Signature of applicant Ful)


S. No. DOCUMENTS Mark or X

01. Application by the candidate giving reasons to do Internship at
Faculty of Dentistry, JMI
02. No objection certificate fromn his/her parent institution clearly
stating that the Institution is duly recognized by the Dental Council
of India and during the period of his study i.e. from admission to
his/her passing out was not derecognized by Dental Council of
03. Permission of the University to which his/her parent institution if
affiliated to do Internship at Faculty of Dentistry, JMI subject to

04. Character and conduct certificate of the student from the parent
05. Self attested photocopy of mark sheets of all the BDS examination

(each part/year) passed.

06. Certificate of number of attempts & percentage of marks obtained
in each part/year.
07. Documentary evidence, if distinction/medal, if any was awarded for

any subject in University Examination.

08. An undertaking that the student is prepared to do internship at the
rate of prescribed Internship stipend of Rs. 3,000/- per month and
willdeposit Rs. 1,75,000/- as Training Fees/Charges if selected for
09. Undertaking that he/she will follow all applicable rules and
regulations of JMI while pursuing the internship program at
Faculty of Dentistry, JMI
10. Undertaking that he/she would maintain good conduct, discipline
and decorum of the Institution and the authorities of Faculty of
Dentistry, JMI have the right to discontinue his/her internship at
any time for his/her misconduct, indiscipline and unsatisfactory
work without any liability on the university.
11. Two photographs, one self attested to be affixed on the application
form and other without attestation.
10. Detail of BDS Examination Passed Name of Subiect
Name of Subject Name of Subject
Name of Subject
Name of Subject
% OF Name of Subject Name of Subject Name of Subject
) )
YEAR ( )
) )
) ( )
) )
YEAR ) (

Paper No. VI Paper No. VII Paper No. VIII

Paper No. I Paper No. II Paper No. III Paper No .IV Paper No. V
Distincti No. % of Distinct No. of % of Distin To
No. of % of Disti No. of % of Distin No % of Distincti No. % of Distinc No, of % of Distin No.
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ct ct ct sub

II Year



Overall Percentage


I, solemnly declare that the statements made above by me in this form are true and correct to the best of m knowledge and belief. If at any
stage, it is found that facts have been concealed or misrepresented by me, my candidature for internship may be treated as cancelled. Without
any liabilition on Jamia Millia Islamia.

Signature of the Candidate:

Name in block letter. :

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