Type ES (Epoxy Slurry) Polymer Overlay For Bridge and Parking Garage Decks-Specification
Type ES (Epoxy Slurry) Polymer Overlay For Bridge and Parking Garage Decks-Specification
Type ES (Epoxy Slurry) Polymer Overlay For Bridge and Parking Garage Decks-Specification
An ACI Standard
<( <aci"
J American Concrete Institute
Always advancing
First Printing
__, American Concrete Institute
Always odvoncing
February 2022
ISBN: 978-1-64195-170-8
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Consulting Members
71,is Spec//u-a1io11 covers epoxy ;/uny (ES) polymer over/(ly for CONTENTS
bridge and parl..'ing garage decks. Type ES polymer overlay incor-
porates a low-modulus epoxy bbule,:jillers. mu/ .selected aggregate
10 produce a flexible. skid-resistant, and low-permeability overlaJ~ PART 1- GENERAL, p. 2
The overlay may be uS<!d for both new construction anti rehabili- I. I- Scope. p. 2
tation of exi.ti·ring strucwres. 77,e overlay is placed by applying
1.2 lnterpretalion, p. 2
the mixed epoxy bimler und filler to the sw:filce (mt/ broadcas1i11g
1.3- Definitions, p. 2
aggregate. This Specijicatlon includes requiremems }Or epm.y
resi11. fillers, aggregates, s1orage a,u/ luuufling, surface prepart,-
I A- Reference standards, p. 3
tion. swfaceprojile, mixlng, placemem , quality control. and quality 1.5- Submiuals. p. 3
assurtmce. 1.6- Project conditions, p. 3
1.7- Delivery. storage, and handling ur materials, p. 3
Ke.yword.s: bridge decks; epoxy; low permeability; parking garage decks; 1.8- Safcty. p. 3
polymer overlay; slurry; surface prcp~1rntion. 1.9-Qualily assurance. p. 3
2.1-Epoxy binder, p. 3
2.2-Fi llcrs, p. 4
2.3-Aggregate, p. 4
ACI SPEC-548.9-21 supc.n;cdes Al'I 548.9--0S and was adopted .ind pubhshed m
Feb1, ll'lry '20::?l.
Copyrigh1C 2022. Amcncan Concttte ln~litute.
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Table 2.1.1 a-Properties of mixed, uncured epoxy Table 2.4.1-Propertles of Type ES polymer
binder (material conditioned at 73 : 2°F and 50 : overlay (at 73 ± 2°F and 50 ± 5% relative humidity)
5% relative humidity) Property Value Test method
PrOfH:·rty Value Test me1hod > I ksi (3 hours) ASTM C579.
Compressive Sln':ngth•
ASTM 02556 (No. 3 01 20 rpm, >S ksi (24 houi,) Method B
ViscoSily 700 10 2500 cP
Brookfield RVT} ASTM C884.
Thermal compatibili1y• Pass
Gel time 15 to 45 minutes ASTM C88 I (modified 60 mL) Method B
Bond stre-ng1h lO c,u,crete' 250 p.;i ASTM Cl58l
Flash point > 199°F ASTM 03278
·spcdme,1s :ite ,naM using 2.7S r:ins b)' volume 20-JO$:lod conf(ltmins 10 ASTM
C778. to one pan by \'Olumc of mixed epoxy.
Table 2.1.1 b-Mechanical properties of cured 11'hc bond strength is a field test 10 d1:tcnninc the adequacy or surface prepamuon
epoxy binder at 7 days (material and curing condi- before the epoxy overlay applic:itioo.
tions at 73 : 2°F and 50 : 5% relative humidity)
Property Value Test method
TerL.::ile :,:;1re-ngth 2 10Sksi ASTM 06.lR Ty1,e I
3.1-Procedure qualification
Tensile elongation 3010 70% ASTM 0638 Ty1,e I
3 ..1.1 Equipment- Remove deteriorated concrete, grease,
dirt, oil, and other contaminanlS that might inhibit bond of
Table 2.2-Broadcast aggregate gradation
tbc overlay with blasters us ing steel shot or grit abras ives.
Bridge dttk aggrt-gate gradation 3.1..2 Procedure qualijict11io11-Submit a surface prepara-
Sieve size Percent pas.sing tion method (size aod flow of abrasive, forward speed, and
4.75 mm (No. 4) 100 number of passes of tbc blasting machine) that s hall expose
2.36 mm (No. 8) 30 to 75 coarse aggregate. Remove all loose material to result in a
1.1 8 mm (No. 16) 010 5 dust-free surface before application. Use this quality control
600 Jim (No. 30) 0 to I procedure (3. 1.2.1 through to determine the mate-
Parking gar.age deck aj:gregate gradation
rials, batching, mixing, placing, and curing procedures
provide the recruired adhesion of the polymer overlay to
Sieve size Percent passing
the substrate.
2.36 11101 (No. 8) 100 Prepared surface-Test locations wi ll be desig-
1.1 8 mm (No. 16) 51 to 75 nated for quality control to evaluate the range of surface
850 11111 (No. 20) 14 10 50 conditions on the area to be overlaid, including areas with
600 11m (No. 30) 0 to 25 deck repairs, if any. The Architect/Engineer will desig-
425 11m (No. 40) O to2 nate one test location to be evaluated for each span or
478 yd 2, whichever is smaller for bridges, and 478 yd2 for
parking decks.
2.2-Fillers 3. 1.2.2 At each test location selected by the Architect/
2.2.1 Fi ller components and gradation wi ll vaiy from Engineer, prepare a surface area of at least 4 t'tl using the
manufacturer to manufacturer and will be specified by the equipment and procedures proposed for project siuface
epoxy slurry manufacturer. preparation. The surface profile of the prepared test area
shall be in accordance with 3.2.
2.3-Aggregate Prepare the surface and apply the polymer overlay
2.3.1 Aggregate s hall meet the gradation re<1uiremeo1s in at desii,,'llated quality control test locations.
Table 2.3. I and have hardness of 6 or higher on the Mohs Apply polymer overlay at qualicy coocrol test loca-
hardness scale. Aggregate s hall be angular, consist of natural tions at the same thickness and with the same materials,
silica sand, basalt, bauxite, or Olher nonfriable aggregate, equipment, personnel, timing, sequence of operations, and
and shall contain less than 0.2% moisture when tested in curing period thac will be used on the project.
accordance wi tb ASTM C566. 3.1.2.S Eva luate the ccst polymer overlay using 1bc proce-
dure described in ASTM Cl583, except that the tensile adhe-
2.4-Polymer overlay sion evaluation shall not be perfonncd at surface tempera-
2.4.1 Type ES polymer overlay shall meet the rcquirc- cores above 80°f. for concrete surfaces, core drill through
menis of Table 2.4. 1. All specimens used for physical tes ting the tes1 polymer overlay to a depth of 0.5 ± 0. 1 in. into
shall be maintained at 73°f ¾ 2°F for a minimum of24 hours the underlying concrete s lab. For s teel surface.s, core drill
before testing. through the test polymer overlay to the top of the steel inter-
face. An evaluation shall be an average of1hree tests at each
location within the quality control 1est location and have an
average pulloff strength of at least 250 psi. If the test results do 1101 meet the required 250 psi
minimum average pulloff strength, check the surface prepa-
ration procedures, modify, repeat the surface preparation, needs to remain in p lace for at least 2 hours, rather than
and repe.at the tests. If additional testing docs not result 16 hours as required by ASTM 04263, before checking for
in an average pulloff strength of at least 250 psi, then the moisture..
Al'chitect/Engilleer wi ll make the decision on the placement 3.4,5 Apply the polymer ovel'lay within 24 hours of
o f the polymer overlay. surface preparation. If polymer overlay is not applied within
3.1.3 Quality ca,urol of swface preparation- Surfaces 24 hours, repeat surface preparation. Traffic shall not be
pre1>ared for polymer overlay application shall have the a llowed on the accepted prepared surface until 1>olymer
same surface profile as accepted test areas in 3. 1.2. overlay has been applied.
3.4.6 Primer application- Apply the epoxy primer using
3.2-Surface preparation notched squeegees to a uniform coverage rate of not more
3.2.1 Concrete decks- Prepare concrete surfaces using than 40 ft2/gal.
the accepted s urface preparation practice in 3. 1.2 until the 3.4.7 Epoxy slurry applica1ion- Time between priming
specified s ubstrate surface conditions have been achieved. and epoxy slurry overlay placement shall be before epoxy
Unless otherwise specified, the prepared s urface shall have primer begins to gel or according to the manufacturer's
a profile equi valent to CSP 5, as defined in ICRJ 3 10.2R, recommendation. Use a self-advanced or hand-advanced
or rougher. vibrating screed or gauge rakes to apply the epoxy slurry.
3.2.2 Steel decks- Prepare steel surfaces according 10 Adjust ibe screed or gauge rake to obta in the specified
SS PC-SP I0/NACE No. 2. Unless otherwise specified, overlay th ickness. Unless otherwise specified, epoxy overlay
s urface preparation shal) re.suit in minimum surface profiles thickness shall be at least 1/4 in.
o f 4 mils. If rust appears, reblast the s urface according to 3.4.8 Aggregate broadcast- \Vhile the epoxy slurry is
SS PC-SP JO/NACE No. 2. still fluid, broadcast aggregate onto the surface until a dry
3,2,3 Prepared surfaces shall be free of dust and other layer of aggregate is present over the entire surface. lf wet
loose materials that can inhibit bond of the polymer overlay. spots develop, immediately broadcast additional aggregate
3,2.4 Obtain inspection and acceptance by the Al'chitect/ until a dry s urface is reestablished.
Engineer of surface preparation 01>erations before placement
of the polymer overlay. 3.5-Curing
3.5. I If a non-adhering plastic cover is placed over the
3.3-Mixing epoxy primer and slurry wet 1>0lymer overlay during curing to protect it from adverse
3.3.1 tvlix the epoxy primer and epoxy slurry components weather cond itions, remove the plastic cover after the
according to the manufacturer's instructions. polymer overlay has cured in accordance with manufacturer's
3.3.2 Mechanical mixing- For each mixed epoxy primer recommendations.
and slurry batch, the Contractor must record, maintain , and
provide to tbe Architect/Engineer the following records, 3.6-Excess aggregate removal
including, but not limited to: 3.6.l Remove a ll excess aggregate from the surface after
a) Date and time each batch of epoxy pri mer and slurry the polymer overlay has cured in accordance with manufac-
is placed turer's reconu11endations.
b) Deck location of where the batch was placed, refer-
enced by locations and batch numbers 3.7-Joints
c) Gel time (60 mL sample) tested per ASTM C88 1 3,7.1 Maintain expansion j oints in the concrete surface
d) Te mperature of the air, deck surface, mixed epoxy to be overlaid during polymer overlay application. If a joint
primer, and epoxy binder must be saw-cut into the polymer overlay, perform the cut as
e) Time to open to traffic soon as the polymer overlay can support the sawing equip-
ment without dan1aging the polymer overlay. Saw-cut joints
3.4-0verlay application within 12 hours of overlay placement.
Epoxy pri,ner shall be applied if recommended by tl1e
manufacturer. The overlay applicat ion shall consist of 3.8-0pen to traffic
two distinct s teps: epoxy slurry appl ication and aggregate Do not open to traffic untiJ vchide tires wiU not cause
broadcasting. a depression or permanently deform the finished polymer
3.4.l Do not place polymer overlay on hydraulic cement overlay.
concre te less than 28 days of age, unless otherwise specified.
3.4,2 Do not place polymer overlay on magnesium phos- NOTES TO SPECIFIER
phate cement concrete.
3.4.3 Do not place polymer overlay over crack repair mate- General notes
rials that wi ll affect the bond or the curing of the overlay. GI. AC I Specification 548.9 is 10 be used by reference in
3.4.4 No visible moisture shall be present on the prepared the technical specifications of the Contract Documents. Do
substrate surface at the time of overlay application. Use a not copy individual sections, parts, articles, or paragraphs
p lastic sheet taped in p lace according to ASTM 04263 to into the technical specifications of the Contract Oocu-
indicate presence o f moisture in the overlay area. The sheet
ments because taking them out of context may change their specifications of the Contract Docwnents. ACT Specification
meanmg. 548.9 cannot and does not address ,·esponsibilities for any
G2. If sections or parts of ACl Specification 548.9 are project participant other 1han Contractor.
copied into the technical specifications of the Contract F3. Checklists do not fonn a part of ACI Specification
Documents or any other document, do not refer to them as 548.9. Checklists assist the specifier in selecting and speci-
an ACI specification. fying project requirements in the technical specifications of
G3. A statement s uch as the following wiII serve to make the Contract Documents.
ACI Specification 548.9 a part of the technical specifications F4. The Mandatory Requirements Checklist indicates
of the Conrract Documents: work requirements regarding specific qualities, procedures,
"Work on (Project Title) shall confonu to all re- materials, and perfonnance criteria that are not defined in
quirements of ACI (Specification number with date ACI Specification 548.9. The specifier must include these
suffix and title) published by the American Con- requirements in the technical specifications of the Conttact
crete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, except Documents.
as modified by these Contract Documents." FS. The Optiona l Requirements CbeckJ ist identifies speci-
G4. Each technical section of ACI Specification 548.9 is fier alternatives or additions. The checklist identifies the
written in the three-part section format of the Construct-ion sections, pm1s, and articles of ACI Specification 548.9 and
Specifications Institute, as adapted for AC! requirements. the action required or available to the specifier. The speci-
The language is imperative and terse. fier should review each of the items in the checklist and
GS. If AC! Specification 548.9 is referenced in Contract make adjustments to the needs of a particular project by
Documents along with another ACI spcciJication that including those selected alternatives or additions as manda-
contains overl apping provisions, identify which require- tory re{luirements in tl1e tecbnica I specifications of the
ments arc in conflict and state in Contract Documents which Contract Documents.
requirements goven1 . F6. Cited reference~~ Documents and publications that
arc referenced in the checklists of ACI Specification 548.9
are listed below. These references provide guidance to tl1e
Foreword to checklists specifier and are not considered to be part of AC! Specifica-
Fl. This foreword is included for explanatory purposes tion 548.9.
only; it is not a part of ACI Specification 548.9.
F2. ACT Specification 548.9 may be referenced by the /111er11a1io11a/ Concrete Repair !11stitute
specifier in the technical specifications of the Contract !CR! 310.2R-2013-Selecting and Specifying Concrete
Documents for any building project, together with supple- Surface Preparation for Sealers, Coatings, Polymer Over-
mentary requirements for the specific project. Responsibili- lays, and Concrete Repair
ties for project participants must be defined in the technjcal
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