Cover Letter 2

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Bryce Bojorquez

95 Quail Ridge Rd
Ponca City, Ok 74604

Tamera Davis
Northern Oklahoma College
English Department
1118 West Hall of Fame
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074

4 May 2023

Dear Mrs. Davis,

I hope you are doing well and I am writing to you today to share a collection of writings I
have composed. I have selected these pieces for their own specific reasons and because I believe
they are some of my best works that show progression as well. I have written all of these pieces
within the last year so they should accurately portray my writing skill.

The first piece I selected was a piece I wrote for an extra credit opportunity I chose to do.
We were required to write a short story of our choosing and submit it for the chance to have it
published in the newspaper. I chose this piece because it was starkly different than anything I've
ever written before but in a good way. I’ve always only written formal pieces that were required
in my English classes, this was the first time I wrote something unique and with free will. I had
so much fun writing this and I was pleasantly surprised with how it turned out. My second
selection was a piece I wrote for an assignment in Composition I. We were required to write an
essay about something we believed needed to change about NOC. I chose this piece because I
felt extremely passionate about the subject and it’s one of the few times where I actually believed
in what I was writing. I put in hours of research and effort for this essay and although it’s not the
best I’ve written, I’m still really proud of it in the end. The third work I selected was another
assignment from Composition I. We were required to interview and write a profile over someone
of our choosing. I chose this piece because it was the first time I ever conducted an interview or
an essay and I really enjoyed it. I chose to do the profile over my best friend, Brianna Lee, and I
interviewed her over something I didn’t know too much about when it came to her, powerlifting.
I learned way more about her powerlifting experiences and I was glad I was presented the
opportunity to do so. I believe this was one of my better essays and I was pleased with how it
turned out. My fourth and last choice was an assignment from this class, composition II. We
were required to write a letter directed to a higher power about something we believed needed to
change. I chose this piece because I believe it’s the best work I’ve ever done and I was extremely
passionate about the subject. I have never written an essay in the style of a letter before and I was
glad to have this experience. At first, I wasn’t too fond of the idea and I had no clue what to even
do. But once I found my topic and started writing I couldn’t stop. I put in an extreme amount of
effort for this assignment and I believe it paid off by being my best work yet. Another reason I
picked these pieces is that I believe they’re all different from each other and show my abilities as
a well-rounded writer.

Being a literate person could mean as little as being able to read and write poorly. At one
point I was this way, I learned to read and write in kindergarten and it definitely was not the best.
But what is necessary to know about reading and writing is that people learn and progress the
more they practice. Over the years my literacy has developed and grown to be better with my
many English classes and assignments. The progression was slow for the most part but ever since
I started composition I, my skills have drastically increased. It’s evident just how far my skills
have come in my article “Letter essay” which I believe is my best work yet. I am grateful that I
have taken Composition I and II because my literacy would be severely lower than it is now if
not for them. I may still not be the best writer but I can confidently say that I have been
improving gradually. As for reading specifically, I read for several hours every day so I believe
I’m better than most. I have a deep love for books and I always have. I read nearly every chance
I get and last year I even managed to read 55 books in total. I know that my literacy skills will
continue to develop more as I get older and I hope to make them soar to new heights.

My writing process has more or less stayed the same. When I was younger I had no
writing process and I still don’t really have one. I just look at my topic and start writing the
introduction to the conclusion, with a few breaks here and there. I find it easier to just get
everything out rather than plan what I'm going to write with an outline or something like that. I
believe the only tool I’d need in my writing toolbox is music. I always write with music playing
in the background and although I can write without it, I can write better with it. I get bored way
less and I’m able to focus more when I listen to music so I take every chance I can to listen and

My development as a writer has been great but my strengths and weaknesses are not easy
for me to see. I used to be a poor writer but thanks to my recent classes at NOC I have
significantly developed my skills. I know that I have strengths and weaknesses but I don’t know
what they are, I’d need an outside opinion to know for sure. But I do know one strength I have is
that after I get started writing, I can write a large portion of whatever I’m working on without
needing to stop and think about what to write next. However one of my weaknesses is that it’s
difficult for me to start writing and often I spend more time thinking about how to start rather
than actually writing. In my article “The Cost Of Living (A dollars life)” I had an extremely
difficult time finding what to write and I spent nearly two hours pondering, but when I finally
had an idea I wrote it all in around 25 minutes without stopping. I want to work on my ability to
start writing so that I can be a more effective writer no matter how difficult the task will be.

I honestly don’t believe I will be writing much after this class. The profession I’m
pursuing will require lab reports and scientific essays but not heavily and not any writing like
this. I don’t enjoy writing, much to my dismay, so besides school assignments and my career, I
will not be writing anytime soon. Although, in the future, when I am required to write something,
I know I have been thoroughly prepared and I have high hopes for the work I do. I still believe
there’s always room for growth so I hope I can develop my skills and learn to be an even more
effective writer with the writing I do in the future.

In conclusion, this class has been extremely vital to my success and I would like to
sincerely thank you for that. I hope you found my articles appropriate. I put a great amount of
thought into my choices and I appreciate you taking the time to read them. My skills have all
developed drastically throughout this class and I’m glad I gained this experience. I am now a
better, more well-rounded writer and I believe I am prepared for any writing assignments I will
face in the future. Once again I thank you for your time and consideration and I hope that our
paths cross again, I’d love to catch up in the future.


Bryce Bojorquez

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