Involvement Package Mus 2011

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How to get involved:
Executive Committee
Signup during tabling
Major, U?
For further information contact:
Involvement Package
For further information contact:
How to get involved:
Executive Committee
Involvement Package
Major, U?
Desautels Business Conference
on Sustainability
Established in 2003, DBCS is an annual student -initiated and student-
run conference focusing on the increasingly pressing call for action in the
environmental and social spheres of the business world. The conference
invites leading experts from corporations, NGOs and academia to speak to
students and provide them with the tools and knowledge they need to help
ensure a sustainable future. DBCS is a three day event involving speaker
panels, presentations, interactive workshops and a sustainability fair. It
a|so |nc|udes a keynote address by a |eader |n the fe|d of susta|nab|||ty.
In the past, DBCS has welcome many distinguished keynote speakers
including Dr. David Suzuki at the 2008 Looking Backward to Move
Forward" conference and B||| McK|bben at the most recent 'Redefne.
Redesign. Rebusiness. conference. DBSC hopes to provide the skills,
knowledge and sense of empowerment required to create future leaders
dedicated to the triple bottom line of sustainability; economic success,
community development, and environmental stewardship.
For further information contact:
Co-C|a||s /||e ||o|| 8 D,|a| |||s|o/c
anne.p|gott@ma||.mcg|||.ca dy||stofc@ma||.mcg|||.ca
January 19-21 2012
How to get involved:
Executive Committee
Involvement Package
All Majors, U0-U3+
How to get involved:
Executive Committee
Signup during tabling
Major, U?
For further information contact:
Desautels Management
Leadership Seminar
March 2-3 2012
How to get involved:
Executive Committee
Signup during tabling
All Majors, U0-U1
A two-day prov|d|ng new students w|th the|r frst |nteract|on w|th |ndustry
executives and the business world, fusing traditional classroom knowledge
with practical experience and real-life applications. Commencing with
a keynote address, students are then separated into smaller groups
based on interests and participate in a series of breakout sessions led by
representat|ves from var|ous frms and |ndustr|es. These sess|ons are often
the initial relations for students with those thriving in industries they hope
to enter, as well as employers earliest opportunity to make an impression
on future members of the workforce. The following day is comprised of
a case competition with a panel of judges composed of both company
representatives and McGill professors.
For further information contact:
Co-C|a||s /|c|e||e |am 8 |a|a 5|as|aa
[email protected]
Finance/Acct., U0-U3+
February 3-5, 2012
How to get involved:
Executive Committee

Financial Open provides students of 13 different business faculties the
opportunity to compete and demonstrate their knowledge in the domain of
Finance and Accounting. REFAEC students will be granted the opportunity
to part|c|pate |n 6 d|fferent compet|t|ons: 3 account|ng cases, a fnance
case, quiz and stock simulation. Students are required to analyze and
solve a variety of cases, after which they must present and defend their
propositions to a jury consisting of alumni, faculty and professionals. This
aud|ence of |nfuent|a| profess|ona|s |s ma|n|y composed of managers of
the Opens various sponsors, which provides participating students with
the opportunity to demonstrate their value to potential employers. This
event is held over a period of 3 days, during which participants will have
the opportunity to not only express their creativity and demonstrate their
knowledge, but also to build long-lasting connections with students of the
other Eastern REFAEC universities.
For further information contact:
Coo|d||a|o| F|ede||c| Fo|||e|
Financial Open
All Majors, U0-U3+
GCC: Sept 24-25, 2011
U2CC: Nov 12-13, 2011
How to get involved:
Member, Executive Committee
Signup during tabling
GCC/U2CC follows a multi-disciplinary format, allowing students to
compete within their area of specialization and to utilize the skills and
knowledge attained throughout their academic careers at McGill in a case
competition. The disciplines within which the cases will be chosen are
comprised of Finance, Marketing, and Accounting. Graduating students,
in teams of four, are given three hours to solve a pre-designed case
followed by a twenty-minute presentation in front of a panel of judges.
U2CC is a single disciplinary competition focusing on one general case,
but follows a similar format to GCC. Teams of four Second and Third year
students are given three hours to solve the case, and then present their
solution during a twenty-minute presentation to the panel of four judges.
For further information contact:
Emilie Moisan-Voyer & Erica Moore
[email protected]
Marketing Major, U0-U3+
March 22-25, 2012
How to get involved:
Executive Committee

HM is an inter-university case competition that runs the last weekend of
March every year. Geared towards marketing majors, the program pits
twelve Quebec and Ontario universities against one another in case, quiz,
sports and social competitions. Academic cases include Integrated Mar-
keting Communications, B2B, Strategy, Relationship, and International.
The delegation, which ranges in size from 35 to 40 delegates, also dili-
gently works to bring school pride to the event through decorations, cos-
tumes, uniforms, and, most importantly, a wealth of knowledge and skill
that helps make the team stand out. In 2011, McGill placed second over-
all, having placed in the top three in three of the most prestigious cases,
and hav|ng p|aced |n the top fve |n s|x of the compet|t|ons that took p|ace
that weekend.
For further information contact:
Coordinator Frederique Charest
[email protected] | [email protected]
Happening Marketing
OB/HR Major, U0-U3+
November 18-20, 2011
How to get involved:
Visit their table in Bronfman
|obby the frst 2 weeks of
September to sign up
The HR Symposium is a yearly event with universities from the provinc-
es of Quebec and Ontario that allows students to compete and dem-
onstrate the|r know|edge |n the fe|ds of Organ|zat|ona| Behav|our and
Human Resources over the course of a weekend. The Symposium func-
tions on three planes Academic, Athletic and Social. Academic com-
petitions consist of either an HR case, grievance arbitration, negotiations and quiz.
Sports challenges and an assessment of schools participation are tak-
en in the goal of increasing networking opportunities for students in
HR. The social aspect is also based on how creative the stu-
dents are in terms of ideas and concepts they introduce through-
out the weekend. In addition, this year, the third plane was added for the
frst t|me |n HR Sympos|um h|story: commun|ty |nvo|vement. Each un|-
versity is required to contribute to their community either through volun-
teer work or through sponsoring a cause.
For further information contact:
Coordinator Dayna Murray
[email protected]
HR Symposium
If you have taken Negotiations
class or Grievance Arbitration
class, this event might interest
All Majors, U0-U3+
January 5-8, 2012
How to get involved:
Tryouts for sports, social,
motivator, and volunteer posi-
tions will be in September
Jeux De Commerce
JDC is the biggest inter-university competition in Canada. It brings
together 1600 students from 13 universities from Eastern Canada each
year. More than 80 students from each university compete in academic
cases, debate, stock simulation, sports and a social challenge. JDC offers
a great opportunity for students to proudly represent their university,
develop their skill in a different environment and network with students
from other business schools. All universities also have a charity component
to complete for a charity of their choice.
For further information contact:
Co-C|a|| Em|||e Des|a|d||s
[email protected]
January 27, 2012
All Majors, U0-U3+
The Management Achievement Awards was started in 1980 by the
Desautels Faculty of Management and to this day brings together
students, business professionals and faculty members in a sophisticated
networking luncheon that honours the achievements of business leaders.
The awards are selected by students in the faculty. The event allows
students to gain insight into the lives of the award winners as they share
their business experiences and success stories, and acts as a learning
experience in both their personal and professional development. For
employers, the luncheon is a valuable opportunity to connect with driven
and passionate management students who are looking to make inroads
into the professional world.
For further information contact:
Keith Chan & Samantha Butler
[email protected] | [email protected]
Management Achievement
November 18, 2011
How to get involved:
Email Co-Chairs
Visit Activities Night
Involvement Package
All Majors, U0-U3+
CASCO is an annual charity event held since 1998 that raises money for
the Montreal Childrens Hospital. It is run by business students who apply
their knowledge and experience into creating a successful and award-
winning charity event. Every November, the countless efforts of committee
members culminate in the CASCO Fashion Show and silent auction. The
show which attracts over 500 students, faculty, and business leaders
consists of a student choreographed dance and fashion catwalk with
costumes and clothes provided by Canadian businesses. The silent
auction features items donated by various companies that in the past
have included the Montreal Canadiens, Alcan, MAC Cosmetics, Roots,
Mentos, Unilever,Kelloggs and many more.
For further information contact:
Co-C|a||s Da|||a |am 8 E||c E|o/sso|
[email protected]
Commerce and Administration
Student Charity Organization
September 23 - Themed Apartment Crawl
October 21 - Casino Night/Hype Party
All Majors, U0-U3+
January 2012
How to get involved:
Executive Committee
Signup during tabling
For over 25 years, companies have generously donated items that are
auctioned off to students and faculty members at a live auction held during
the MUS Winter Carnival. Students and faculty members come together
for an afternoon of entertainment where they are encouraged to bid on
|tems such as a|rp|ane t|ckets, restaurant g|ft cert|fcates, hockey t|ckets,
hotel accommodations, clothing, and much more. Fundraising events are
held in the months leading up to the auction in order to raise awareness
and additional funds for the Canadian Cancer Society.
For further information contact:
Laura Miller & Sarah Burrows
[email protected]
Cancer Auction
All Majors, U0-U3+
March 22, 2012
How to get involved:
Executive Committee
Involvement Package - 2 U0
positions available
Attend Activities Night
P[H|ASSlON |s an Hlv/AlDS beneft fash|on show organ|zed by McG|||
undergraduate students in the Desautels Faculty of Management. For
nearly two decades, we have successfully promoted HIV/AIDS awareness
to the student body and the greater Montral community raising nearly
$150,000 for various AIDS foundations. With numerous fundraising
events held throughout the year and the much anticipated mid-March
fashion show, P[h]assion has won over thousands of spectators and
hundreds of designers and sponsors, including but not limited to: Dubuc,
American Apparel, Jean Coutu, MAC Cosmetics, and representatives
from the Quebec National Assembly. Since our creation, P[h]assion has
estab||shed |tse|f as an authent|c and successfu| non-proft organ|zat|on..
For further information contact:
!a,m|e |0|d||a| 8 |a0|a Ga|||
[email protected]
November - Hype Party 1 & Model Auditions
January - Sample Sale
February - Hype Party 2
All Majors, U0-U3+
March 11-16, 2012
How to get involved:
Contact Jennifer Williams
Visit Activities Night
Check out the Info Session
5 Days for the Homeless is a charity campaign founded in 2005 by
students from the n|vers|ty of A|berta. lt |s a fve day campa|gn dur|ng
which university students live as a homeless person on campus to raise
money and awareness for a local charity. All proceeds go to the Le Bon
Dieu dans la rue. This year, McGill will be teaming up with HEC Montreal,
Concordias John Molson School of Business and UQAMs Business
School to collaborate on opening and closing ceremonies as well as
to collectively raise awareness and funds for the same charity, Dans la
Rue. Last year, 22 business schools across Canada raised $221,877.00
beating their goal of $200,000.00. This is a national campaign that is
continuously growing!
For further information contact:
Co-Chairs Jennifer Williams & David J. Stein
[email protected]
5 Days for the Homeless
All Majors, U0-U3+
September 2-4, 2011
How to get involved:
Executive Committee
Involvement Package
MUS Orientation, referred to as Frosh, welcomes over 500 incoming
students from all over Canada and the rest of world to the McGill and
Montreal community. Frosh participants consist mainly of international
students as well as students from other Canadian provinces & Quebec.
The age range is normally from 17 -19 years old with leaders & staff
rang|ng from 18 -22 years of age. The weekend |s f||ed w|th |nteract|ve and
exciting events providing all students an excellent opportunity to socially
interact with other undergraduates as well as mentors in their faculty
through recreational activities.
For further information contact:
Co-Chairs J.P. Briggs & Elizabeth Rondon
[email protected]
All Majors, U0-U3+
January 16-22, 2012
How to get involved:
Participate in Hype Week
Contact a Co-Chair
Info during 4a7s prior
A committee of students organize a seven-day MUS Winter Carnival
each year, designed to increase school spirit and encourage faculty
involvement. The actual event is an intra-faculty competition, bringing
together students from all years and disciplines. Each day, there are
events that test competitors abilities in various sporting events, academic
challenges and spirit building activities. This event is underlined by its
major charitable initiative, the Cancer Auction, encouraging donations
from several extremely reputable sources. The blend of faculty spirit and
a philanthropic edge makes Winter Carnival the most popular faculty
event, and therefore, the event with the biggest reach. In 2011, Winter
Carnival was awarded the Best Event of the Year at the annual REFAEC
gala, bringing together business students from 13 universities in Eastern
For further information contact:
Co-Chairs Alexander Sunell & J.P. Briggs
[email protected]
Winter Carnival
All Majors, U0-U3+
Every Thursday!
How to get involved:
Come to the Bronfman Base-
ment every Thursday from 4
to 7pm!
4 7 is a staple of the MUS. Taking place most Thursdays from 4pm to
7pm, 4a7 offers students and professors an opportunity to wind down
with a cold beverage at the end of a busy week. The event often functions
to help promote other events on campus through various themes and
promotions. It appeals to a diverse group of people both inside and
outside of the faculty.
For further information contact:
Co-Chairs Chase Potter & Marlee Brillinger
[email protected]
4 7
How to get involved:
Look for information on events
during 4a7s
Where hoping to garner MUS spirit by encouraging business students to
meet and participate with each other by participating in friendly events
designed for the management faculty. From sporting tournaments
to intramural leagues as well as friendly competition around some of
Bronfmans events (ie 4 to 7) we hope to provide students of all ages the
chance to meet fellow students in a casual and fun environment. Look
around Bronfman for information on events during 4 to 7 among others
as well as information on how to sign up for athletic tournaments and
intramural leagues that will be offered during the year.
For further information contact:
Charlie Diguilian
[email protected]
All Majors, U0-U3+
Sports Intramurals
Accting Majors, U0-U3+
For further information
||es|de|| Za||ao 50|a|wa|a
[email protected]
MAS serves as a ||a|son between account|ng frms, the Order, and the
students. It takes on the responsibility of organizing all recruitment-
related activities within the faculty with a strong commitment ensuring
that students are well prepared for future endeavours. MAS also strives
to promote the accounting profession and its vast array of designations
by enhancing students learning experience through real-world exposure.
The Executive Council works hard to portray an accurate depiction of
what the accounting profession is like in a non-academic setting inviting
various working professionals to its events to share their knowledge and
Events 2011-2012
Accounting Recruitment: Sept 1-22
Firm Tours: September
Seminars: September
McGill Cocktail: September 12
Pizza & Beer w/ Accounting Professors: End of November
Skip Trip: January 20-22
CA Discovery Tour: Mid-March
Spring Recruitment: March-April
Management Accounting
All Majors, U0-U3+
For further information
Yasmin Kabbaj
[email protected]
MES promotes entrepreneurship among students and members of the
local community through advising and funding. Networking with business
organizations who make their resources available to club members is also
highly sought after. The clubs three branches include Entrepreneurship
Community Outreach, Competition, and Micro- Business Development in
an effort to give anyone with a project in mind the opportunity to form their
team, take a leadership position, and bring their idea to life!
Events 2011-2012
The Entrepreneurship Challenge: October 1
Startup Career Fair: Mid-March
Monthly Guest Speakers: September - April
Management Entrepreneurs
All Majors, U0-U3+
For further information
v| Comm Da| (|0c, Z|ao
MCA aims to help undergraduate students understand, prepare for, and
deve|op careers |n consu|t|ng and re|ated fe|ds. By creat|ng and foster|ng
deep re|at|onsh|ps w|th consu|t|ng frms and organ|zat|ons, the c|ub
exposes students to the nature and scope of consulting practices, as well
as providing them with the relevant opportunities, tools, and resources to
succeed as a consultant. Through the clubs various events and activities
from preparatory workshops to case competitions the MCA wishes to
provide students, from a variety of academic background opportunities to
network and gain valuable experience that will aid them in jump-starting a
career |n the mu|t|faceted fe|d of consu|t|ng.
Management Consulting
Management Investment Club
MlO |s a comprehens|ve fnance c|ub, open to a|| students of McG|||
University in all faculties, with two main components: an Investment
Management side and an Investment Banking side. The club plays a
major ro|e |n br|dg|ng the gap between the c|assroom and the fnanc|a|
workplace, and proudly supports the career preparation and development
processes of McGill students. The MIC strives to help educate students
about the fnanc|a| markets v|a sem|nars, speaker-ser|es, |nformat|on
sess|ons, news|etters, and forums on market-spec|fc top|cs.
Events 2011-2012
Toronto Finance Convention: October 19th - 21st
New York Finance Trip: 1st Week of January
McGill Stock Simulation: February
Stock Analyst Program: Every Friday
Guest Speaker Series: Throughout the year
Technical Interview Workshop: Twice in Sept and Twice in Jan
Resume Workshop: Once in Sept and Once in Jan
Introduction to Finance Day: Early Sept
Real Estate Workshop: TBD
Finance Majors, U0-U3+
For further information
VP Comm Philip Hassoulas
[email protected]
Marketing Majors, U0-
For further information
[email protected]
Management Marketing
MMN is a well-established, student-run organization that takes pride in its
ability to connect motivated, creative, and ambitious marketing students
from the faculty with the corporate world. As an organization, the MMN
strives to present its members with numerous networking opportunities,
thus allowing them to develop the skills that are necessary in todays job
market. The MMN also functions to connect undergraduates closer with
industry professionals, by sharing best practices and industry experience,
while encouraging students to apply classroom concepts to the real world
through workshops and case competitions.
Events 2011-2012
Meet and Greet: September
Flashmod: September
LOreal Brandstorm: October
MMNs Workshop: October
Speed Dating: January
Free and Easy Traveler Case Competition: January
MMNs Toronto Trip: February
MUCH Marketing Week: February
All Majors, U0-U3+
For further information
Pres Ishita Abbott or VP
Strategy Myriam Morissette
[email protected]
[email protected]
Shaping the business leaders of tomorrow, MSN advocates for
responsible business practices and takes interest in exploring issues of
sustainable development, corporate governance, and the relationships
between economic, social, and environmental stakeholders. The club
helps connect students who promote the need for responsible and
sustainable practices today. MSN provides various platforms to discuss,
debate, facilitate connections, and ultimately brings stakeholders affected
by business practices closer together.
Events 2011-2012
Launch Party: September
Prof Panel: September/October
Smart Business Week: October
Social Entrepreneurship Cup: October
Prof Panel: February
Business Beyond Tomorrow: March
Three Shots for Sustainability: March
Management Sustainability
IS Majors, U0-U3+
For further information
Da| ^|co|a ^eacs0 |||a| 8
/a|||ew E|a| He||s|oc|
[email protected]
[email protected]
MlSA br|ngs together students |nterested |n the fe|d of lnformat|on Systems
and enhances their skills by promoting a closer relationship between
the faculty and the business technology community. The club provides
members with opportunities to expand their network through cocktails,
meet-and-greets, get-togethers, workshops and week-long series of
activities. Among these events are IT and MIS-focused presentations
g|ven by |nfuent|a| |nd|v|dua|s |n the |ndustry. lS |s a|so promoted across
other faculties, in an effort to mend the lack of business knowledge such
as computer science or engineering. Members maintain close relations
with the business community and academia, in order to ensure graduates
are equipped with the exact skills that employers require.
Events 2011-2012
Monthly Social: Late Sept, Early Nov, Late January, Early March
Company Tour: Early Oct, Late Nov, Early February, Late March
IS Awareness Week: Late October
IS Green Awareness Week: Late February
Management Information
Systems Association
For further information
President Zineb Mouhyi
[email protected]
IB/Strategy, U0-U3+
IMAs mission is to promote the study of International Management for
future leaders by creating a stimulating atmosphere for students to develop
the skills needed to become successful and socially responsible. The
club organizes debates and business competitions in order to increase
the exchange of ideas and knowledge amongst students, alumni, and
professionals. Information sessions and cultural events are held in order
for students to share their experiences abroad. In the long run, IMA hopes
to establish sustainable and mutual relationships between its members
and relevant organizations.
Events 2011-2012
Promotional LIPDUB: September
International Marketing Challenge: November
Guest Sessions: November
Guest Sessions: February
Monthly Debates
Monthly Career Services events
MUS International Management
OB/HR Majors, U0-U3+
For further information
President Elizabeth Rondon
[email protected]
The OB/HR Network is about meeting new people, expanding ones social
capital and sharpening students Human Resources (HR), Organizational
Behaviour (OB), and Labour Relations skills (LR). The club aims to develop
members business skills, allow them to learn more about the role HR/
OB/LR plays in corporations, meet guest speakers and employers, test
knowledge in case competitions, and represent the faculty at external
events. The OB/HR Network aspires to be the network that responds
to students universal developmental needs. The club hopes to bring
the human touch to management by challenging students to become
members and arm themselves with the tools they need for the real world.
Events 2011-2012
Industrial Relations Council & OB/HR Network: Early Oct
Sweet Happy Hour Students and Professors Welcome Party: Oct
HR Speaker Panel- Mid Nov
Excalibur Case Competition: Feb
Networking Workshop: March
DMLS Networking Session: March
Organizational Behaviour/Human
Resources Network
For further information
President Julian Kosma
[email protected]
All Majors, U0-U3+
OUTlook on Business was founded to help gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender, and queer/ questioning students, as well as allies (friends
of LGBTQ-identifying students), in the management faculty learn to
understand and manage workplace sexual diversity concerns. As a
professionally-oriented club, OUTlook collaborates with Career Services
and other MUS clubs to host events that educate students about how
to promote an open and accepting organizational culture. By supporting
these values the club both enables and empowers LGBTQ-identifying
students to fee| comfortab|e study|ng management and re|ated fe|ds.
Events 2011-2012
Welcome Cocktail with Guest Speaker: September
Out on Bay Street: September
Movie Showing - Outrage: 2nd week of October
Pink Money Marketing Event: 2nd week of January
Corporate Diversity Panel: 3rd week of February
Year-End Cocktail with Guest Speaker: 2nd week of March
Ally Night OUT: Throughout the year
OUTlook on Business
All Majors, U0-U3+
For further information
||es|de|| /e||ssa So0c|a|d
The PR Professionals Club is the newest edition to the chartered club
roster of the MUS.
The purpose for the PR Club is to help students developed their public
presentation skills, while at the same time giving them the opportunity to
learn more about public relations as a career and explore potential job
opportun|t|es |n the fe|d.
As important as it is to work on ones skills that will later guide them in
the future, we would also like to take this opportunity to give back to
the community by being socially responsible through both endorsing a
cause and increasing awareness about it among university students.

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