逢いたくていま (aitakute ima) - MISIA (2019 - 11 - 16 07 - 55 - 19 UTC)

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逢いたくていま (aitakute ima) – MISIA

逢いたくていま (aitakute ima) is the 23rd single by MISIA and was used as theme song
for TV drama series JIN -仁- which was aired in 2009 (2 seasons 11 episodes each).

JIN - 仁 - is one of the most popular Japanese TV dramas in recent years and won
many major awards.

The story is about a brain surgeon who was thrown back in time to 1862 (about 150
years ago), and finding out what the true meaning of being a doctor is.

Although not helpful for the Japanese study (old style language is spoken), the
program can be helpful to learn about Japanese history, culture and behavior of the

Please note that song lyrics (and any art works) can have different interpretations.

Do you remember the day we first met?

Don't forget the memories of days gone by.

初めて hajimete for the first time

Met 出会う deau: to meet (by chance), to encounter

出会った deatta
⇒ 出会った deatta: (past tense form, used adjectivally)

日 hi Day

のこと no koto About

do you remember?
覚えている oboeteiru: to remember + ます か masu ka (indicates
oboetemasu ka

to pass by, to go by
過ぎ行く sugiyuku = 過ぎる sugiru: to pass, to elapse + 行く
yuku: to go

日 hi day

の no of

思い出 omoide memories

...を o Particle which indicates the object of a verb

Keep not forgetting. (Don't forget.)

忘れずにいて 忘れる wasureru: to forget + ずに zuni: without doing + いる iru
wasurezu ni ite (indicating continuing action or state) ⇒ 忘れずにいて wasurezu
ni ite (imperative form)
To feel everything you had your eyes on, I looked up at the sky.
Are you there now and watching over me? Tell me.

あなた anata you

...が ga Particle which indicates sentence subject

had one's eyes on

見つめる mitsumeru: to fix one's eyes on, to gaze at ⇒ 見つめた
mitsumeta: (past tense form, used adjectivally)

全て subete all, the whole

...を o Particle which indicates the object of a verb

because I want to feel ...

感じる kanjiru: to feel, to sense ⇒ 感じている kanjiteiru: (present
progressive form, indicates continuing action or state) ⇒ 感じて
kanjite itakute
いたい kanjiteitai: (I) want to feel ⇒ 感じていたくて kanjite
itakute: because I want to feel ...

空 sora sky

...を o Particle

looked up at
見上げる miageru: to look up at ⇒ 見上げた miageta: (past tense

Her lover probably used to look at the sky often. She wants to share the same
experience and feel him closer.

今 ima now

...は wa Particle which indicates the main topic of a sentence

そこ soko there (sky)

...で de at, in, on (Particle which indicates the place)

私 watashi I

...を o Particle which indicates the object of a verb

be watching over
見守る mimamoru: to watch over ⇒ 見守っている mimamotte iru:
mimamotte iru
(present progressive tense)

の no Particle which indicates question

Tell me.
教えて oshiete 教える oshieru: to inform, to teach ⇒ 教えて oshiete: (imperative

I want to see you now.

There are many things I want to tell you.

今 ima now

want to see
逢いたい aitai
逢う au: to see, to meet + たい tai: (I) want to

あなた anata you

に ni Particle which indicates the destination of action

伝えたい want to tell

tsutaetai 伝える tsutaeru: to tell, to convey + たい tai: (I) want to

こと koto thing, matter

...が ga Particle which indicates sentence subject

many, a lot

ある aru to be, to have

I want to see you. I want to see you.
I feel sad everytime I realize that I was searching for your presence.
hey (used to draw attention of the listener. used more by a
ねえ nē
female speaker)

want to see
逢いたい aitai
逢う au: to see, to meet + たい tai: (I) want to

if I realize
気付く kizuku: to realize, to become aware of + ば ba: if ...
then (indicates supposition)

面影 omokage face, looks

to search
探して sagashite
探す sagasu: to search, to look for

悲しくて feel sad

kanashikute 悲しい kanashii: sad

She unconsciously search for his presence all the time. She feels sad when she
noticed that she was doing it again.

Where are you? Hold me tight.

I'll always be here.

どこ doko where

...に ni Particle which indicates location

いる iru to be, to stay

の no Particle which indicates question

抱きしめて Hold me tight.

dakishimete 抱きしめる dakishimeru: to hold someone tight = 抱く daku: to
hold in the arms + しめる shimeru: to tie, to fasten ⇒ 抱きしめて
dakishimete (imperative form)

Sentence end suffix used in casual situation. It indicates

よ yo
emphasis. Mainly used by a female speaker.

私 watashi I

...は wa Particle which indicates the main topic of a sentence

ここ koko here, this place

...に ni Particle which indicates location

いる iru to be, to stay

よ yo Particle which indicates strong will

ずっと zutto continuously, all along, the whole time

If I knew that I'll never be able to see you again, I would hold your hand and never
let it go forever.

もう mō anymore

二度と nido to never again (with negative verb)

cannot see
逢えない aenai 逢う au: to meet, to see ⇒ 逢える aeru: can see (potential form)
+ ない nai: not (verb-negating suffix)

...こと koto nominalizing suffix

...を o Particle which indicates the object of a verb

if I knew
知っている shitteiru: to know ⇒ 知っていた shitteita: knew (past
shitteita nara
tense form) + なら nara: if
繋いだ tsunaida 繋ぐ tsunagu: to hold (hand), to tie ⇒ 繋いだ tsunaida (past
tense form, used adjectivally)

手 te hand

...を o Particle which indicates the object of a verb

forever, eternally

kept not releasing

離さずにいた 離す hanasu: to release, to let go (one's hold) + ずに zuni:
hanasazu ni ita without doing + いる iru: to keep, to stay (continuing action) ⇒
いた ita (past tense form)

if I had honestly told you "Stay here with me" and cried, I wonder if you would still
be here smilling beside me as before.
Stay here.
ここ koko: here + に ni: (Particle which indicates location) + いる
koko ni ite
iru: to be, to stay ⇒ いて ite (imperative form)

と to Particle used for quoting

そう sō such, like that

素直に sunao ni honestly

if I cried
泣いていたなら 泣く naku: to cry, to weep ⇒ 泣いている naiteiru: (present
naiteita nara progressive form) ⇒ 泣いていた naiteita: (past progressive form)
+ なら nara: if, in case

今 ima now

も mo also, too
あなた anata you

...は wa Particle which indicates the main topic of a sentence

変わらぬ unchanged
kawaranu 変わる kawaru: to change + ぬ nu: not (verb-negating suffix)

まま mama as it is

私 watashi I

Particle which connects a noun with another noun. No particular

の no

隣り tonari next to

...で de Particle which indicates the place

be smiling
笑う warau: to smile, to laugh ⇒ 笑っている waratteiru (present
progressive tense)

かな kana I wonder

I want to see you now.

There are many things I want you to hear.

今 ima now

want to see
逢いたい aitai
逢う au: to see, to meet + たい tai: (I) want to

あなた anata you

に ni Particle which indicates the destination of action

聞いて欲しい want (you) to hear

kiite hoshii 聞く kiku: to hear, to listen + 欲しい hoshii: I want (you) to

こと koto thing, matter

いっぱい ippai a lot

ある aru to be, to have

I want to see you. I want to see you.

Tears overflowed and time has just passed in vain.
hey (used to draw attention of the listener. used more by a
ねえ nē
female speaker)

want to see
逢いたい aitai
逢う au: to see, to meet + たい tai: (I) want to

涙 namida tears

...が ga Particle which indicates sentence subject

overflow, and ...

あふれる afureru: to overflow ⇒ あふれて afurete (Verb ending
[て te] is used to join two sentences)

時 toki time

...は wa Particle which indicates the main topic of a sentence

in vain, uselessly

過ぎた sugita 過ぎる sugiru: to pass , to elapse ⇒ 過ぎた sugita (past tense

I want to see you. Hold me tight.

I'll always be thinking of you.
hey (used to draw attention of the listener. used more by a
ねえ nē
female speaker)

want to see
逢いたい aitai
逢う au: to see, to meet + たい tai: (I) want to
Hold me tight.
抱きしめて 抱きしめる dakishimeru: to hold someone tight = 抱く daku: to
dakishimete hold in the arms + しめる shimeru: to tie, to fasten ⇒ 抱きしめて
dakishimete (imperative form)

Sentence end suffix used in casual situation. It indicates

よ yo
emphasis. Mainly used by a female speaker.

あなた anata you

...を o Particle which indicates the object of a verb

be thinking
思う omou: to think ⇒ 思っている omotteiru: (present
progressive form)

ずっと zutto continuously, all along, the whole time

Even if the destiny cannot be changed, there are things I want to tell you.

運命 unmei destiny, fate

Particle which indicates the object of action ("を o" is usually

...が ga
used for this case)

変えられなくて even if I cannot change

も 変える kaeru: to change ⇒ 変えられる kaerareru: can change
kaerarenaku (potential form) +ない nai: not (verb-negating suffix) + ても
temo temo: even if, even though

伝えたい want to tell

tsutaetai 伝える tsutaeru: to tell, to convey + たい tai: (I) want to

こと koto thing, matter

...が ga Particle which indicates sentence subject

ある aru to be, to have

I want to go back to that day, that time.
If this wish comes true, I don't need anything else.
戻りたい want to go back
modoritai 戻る modoru: to go back, to return + たい tai: (I) want to

あの ano that

日 hi day

あの ano that

時 toki time

...に ni to (Particle which indicates the destination of action)

叶うのなら if (the wish) come true

kanaunonara 叶う yoru: to come true + のなら nonara: if that's the case, if so

don't need anything

何も nani mo: anything + いる iru: to need + ない nai: not (verb-
nani mo iranai
negating suffix)

I want to see you now.

There are many things I want you to know.

今 ima now

want to see
逢いたい aitai
逢う au: to see, to meet + たい tai: (I) want to

あなた anata you

に ni Particle which indicates the destination of action

知って欲しい want (you) to know

shitte hoshii 知る shiru: to know + 欲しい hoshii: I want (you) to
こと koto thing, matter

いっぱい ippai a lot

ある aru to be, to have

I want to see you. I want to see you.

There's nothing I could do and I just wished it all was a dream.
hey (used to draw attention of the listener. used more by a
ねえ nē
female speaker)

want to see
逢いたい aitai
逢う au: to see, to meet + たい tai: (I) want to

どうしようもなく Particle which indicates the location

て どうしようもない dōshiyōmonai: it cannot be helped, there is
dōshiyōmonakut no other way ⇒ どうしようもなくて dōshiyōmonakute: (Verb
e ending [て te] is used to join two sentences)

全て subete all, the whole

夢 yume dream

と to particle used for quoting

願った negatta 願う negau: to wish, to hope ⇒ 願った negatta (past tense

This heart of mine is still crying.

I'll always be thinking of you.

この kono this

心 kokoro heart, mind

...は wa Particle which indicates the main topic of a sentence

まだ mada still

be crying
泣く naku: to cry, to weep ⇒ 泣いてる naiteru: (present
progressive form)
"てる teru" is the casual style and the formal style is "ている

あなた anata you

...を o Particle which indicates the object of a verb

be thinking
思う omou: to think ⇒ 思っている omotteiru: (present
progressive form)

ずっと zutto continuously, all along, the whole time

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