10 Essay Questions

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Submitted by: Machjuan C.


1. For you, who is the best scientist in the world? And why?
- For me, the best scientist in the world is James Clerk Maxwell.
He is a Scottish scientist in the field of mathematical physics.
The reason why James Clerk Maxwell was the best scientist in
the world because he formulated the classical theory of
electromagnetic radiation, bringing together the first-time
electricity. His invention made a huge impact on our society
because electricity can make our lives more efficient and
electricity is the most versatile and easily controlled form of
energy. It helps us in many ways like for medical purposes, our
entertainment, temperature, climate, education, operate
machines and much more. In conclusion, without electricity
there would be no innovative machines that can made a huge
impact on our society and modern life is impossible without the
use of electricity.

2. Who are the Filipino scientist and their contribution?

 Tetchi Cruz-Capellan
- She is the CEO of Philippine renewable energy provider
SunAsia Energy Inc. She contributed to the Philippines the solar
power energy. The use of solar power energy can help to
minimize the use of electricity by gaining energy from the sun
and solar is clean and safe and most alternative way to replace
current fossil fuels like coal and gas for generation of electricity
that produce air, water, and land pollution.
 Lanndon Ocampo
- He was an Associate professor. Ocampo developed guidelines
for strategic sustainable practices in manufacturing companies.
He significantly contributed to how industries could help
address climate change.
 Jeffrey Perez
- He is a “Faultfinder” Perez, contributed largely to the better
understanding of fault lines and earthquakes in the Philippines.
3. What are the 5 greatest inventions of all time?

The 5 greatest inventions of all time are the:

I. Optical lenses – Reflecting light through glass. The benefits of
optical lenses can have excellent vision and it prevents light from
focusing properly on the retina, the light sensitive surface at the
back of the eye.
II. Semiconductor Electronics – These became the building block for
the modern industrial world.
III. Penicillin – This invention can kill bacteria or prevents them from
growing and multiplying.
IV. Electricity – As mentioned from the previous question, electricity is
the most innovative idea because it makes our lives more efficient.
V. The printing press – This process allows us to share large
amounts of information quickly and in huge numbers.

4. What did the Philippines contribute to the world?

- Filipinos has accumulated knowledge and developed
technology stemmed from necessities. From naval navigation
knowledge, traditional shipbuilding technology, textile
techniques, food processing to architecture, indigenous arts,
and techniques cultural inventions. Aside from those inventions
from Filipinos, the greatest contribution of the Philippines to the
entire world is our people. We have shown the world how
hardworking and hospitable we Filipinos are, especially with the
example of the OFW’s. The Philippines is known to have
endured calamities, and despite all the depression, Filipinos are
still able to stand and carry on with their lives. This gives hope
to other nations in helpless situations, to keep the faith and be

5. How is biotechnology and why is it important?

- Biotechnology is a broad area of biology, involving the use of
living systems and organisms to develop or make products.
Biotechnology is important because it helps improve food
quality, quantity, and processing. It also has applications in
manufacturing, where simple cells and proteins can be
manipulated to produce chemicals. It is mainly aimed to provide
a more reliable food source by growing plants and
domesticating animals rather than depending on hunting and
gathering. The main goal for biotechnology is to produce drugs
by using living organisms such as bacterial cells, yeast,
mammalian cells, etc. In conclusion, biotechnology can improve
health and reduce hunger simultaneously.

6. What is the importance of science and technology?

- The importance of science and technology can help us to live a
better life. While science has made important contributions in
health providing treatment for various chronic diseases. On the
other hand, technology has benefited us in receiving those
treatments through various ways and devices like X-ray, scan
machines, operation devices and much more. I believe that
science is a way of helping the brain to grow in finding new
knowledge and helps us to defeat our curiosity of how the world
develops and works today. The value of technology in science
is they provide faster and more efficient methods of getting the
job done.

7. What is the role of science and technology in society?

- Science and technology are key drivers to development,
because technological and scientific revolutions underpin
economic advances, improvements in health systems,
education, and infrastructure. In today’s world, the role of
science and technology is indispensable. We need science and
technology in every sphere of our life like to treat diseases such
as cancer or any kinds of illness. In fact, without technology we
cannot make the world become better. Because I believe that
technology is the primary source of information where you
gather all the data’s needed for experimentation for science.
One of the most important aspects of Science and Technology
is that it has a solution to the difficult problems, the problems
which have the potential to become major bottlenecks to the
overall growth of the country.
8. Why is science and technology related?
- Science is the study of the natural world by collecting data
through a systematic process called the scientific method. And
technology is where we apply science to create devices that
can solve problems and do tasks. Technology is literally the
application of science. So, it is impossible to separate the two.
Science encompasses the systematic study of the structure and
behavior of the physical and natural world through observation
and experiment, and technology is the application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes. Together, Science and
Technology allows us to communicate easily with hundreds of
different cultures. The technology that we develop not only
helped us in our everyday lives, it also helps scientists increase
human knowledge even further.

9. What are the disadvantages of science and technology in the

- The disadvantages of Science and technology in the society
are, it can be easily handled by irresponsible people. When
science and technology handled by irresponsible people, some
output may become worst or it did not come up as the way it
planned so might as well have knowledge on how to understand
science and technology. The other disadvantages of science
and technology is we will be too dependent on that. When
technology fails, we are helpless. On our current generation,
75% of the citizens uses technology for communication and
uses technology for creating innovative productions so in our
lives we depend on technology and it is difficult for us to not use
technology when we create something innovative that has a
huge impact on our society.

10. What invention has had the most negative impact on our
- Based on my research, the invention that has had the most
impact on our world is the single invention that has caused the
most deaths are probably automatic weaponry. Starting with
machine guns in the 19th century and going through to the
lightweight assault rifles. Nuclear weapons have killed about a
hundred thousand people in the last 72 years, but automatic
weapons do that every year or two. Yes, I agree that this
invention has had the most impact on our world because as
mentioned, many people died on this invention and it does not
give a positive impact on our world because of its use.

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