Global Warming Is Real 1

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Todd 1

Jamir Todd

Emily Litle

English 102

30 April 2023

Global Warming Is Real

As a kid, I remember winters being harsher, colder, and longer compared to what they

are now. This is just from what I have seen in my short 21 years of life, I can see the effects of

global warming and I am not a scientist nor climatologist. The term "global warming" describes

a steady increase in average world temperatures, which is mostly the result of human activities

like the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. The amount of greenhouse

gases (such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) in the Earth's atmosphere also rises

because of these activities. The effects of global warming can be seen severely in ecosystems,

agriculture, and human health due to rising sea levels, more frequent and extreme heat waves,

droughts, floods, and altered precipitation patterns. Global warming's effects and causes are

becoming increasingly obvious, and they will forever change the planet we live on, and people

are acting as if they do not care. It is important for the sake of the planet that we as a population

act and spread awareness on global warming to make a difference so we can sustain and create a

healthier environment.

On the other hand, some people or organizations might have opposing opinions on global

warming. People or organizations may contest the reality of global warming or claim that human

activity is not to blame for it and seem to ignore the obvious facts. They can argue the findings of

scientists and assert that the observed changes in climate are the result of natural causes. Despite

accepting that global warming exists, some people or organizations may question its severity or
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urgency because of pure ignorance and other distractions in today's world. They might minimize

the effects of global warming or contend that doing something to stop it would be more

expensive than beneficial for example, there have been ideas of electric trains globally to reduce

a car's carbon footprint or planting more trees rather than tearing them down. Others may object

to some governmental initiatives intended to solve it, restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions,

carbon pricing, or financial incentives for renewable energy sources (Turrentine). They might be

opposed for several reasons, such as ideological, political, or economic ones.

The United States government's NASA agency who oversees air and space-related

science and technology are very creditable when it comes to things involving the planet. NASA

researchers have been investigating the Earth's climate for decades and have tremendously

improved our knowledge of global warming. NASA states global warming caused by humans is

already underway, its impacts on current-day effects are irreversible, and it will only get worse if

people continue to release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (Global). NASA recorded since

1750, the industrial activities on which our society today depends have increased atmospheric

carbon dioxide levels by close to 50% (Global). Scientists have concluded that human activity is

mostly to blame for the extraordinary rate at which the Earth's climate is changing and that this

has major consequences for the planet and its inhabitants and the longer we wait to act, the more

challenging and expensive it will be to handle this worldwide issue (Global).

With a focus on defending the environment and promoting public health, the Natural

Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is a well-known environmental group in the US. According

to the NRDC, global warming is a serious environmental problem that must be addressed right

away. The main causes of global warming are greenhouse gas emissions, which can be reduced

through actions including switching to renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and
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lowering reliance on fossil fuels. NRDC calls for strong and quick action to reduce greenhouse

gas emissions. While promoting policies to assist communities and ecosystems in adapting to the

current and anticipated impacts of global warming, such as sea level rise, extreme weather

events, and disruptions to ecosystems and wildlife, they stress the significance of reducing

greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate the causes of climate change (Turrentine). To fight global

warming, NRDC prioritizes the preservation, restoration, and protection of natural resources and

ecosystems. This includes preserving and restoring forests, wetlands, oceans, and other natural

habitats that act as carbon sinks, provide vital habitats for species, and help maintain the stability

of the climate (Turrentine). A forest, an ocean, or another natural environment is considered a

carbon sink if it has the capacity to absorb Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere. This is the main

method to combat global warming.

Scientists from National Geographic have been successful in drawing attention to the

risks posed by global warming and the urgent need for action to address this critical matter.

Scientists have documented and acknowledged the fact that global warming has many

repercussions that are seen around the world, including melting glaciers and sea ice, increasing

sea levels, more frequent extreme weather events, and changes in the behavior of animals and

plants. In addition to generating climate change, National Geographic scientists mention how

they also documented global warming also negatively affects social and economic conditions,

especially in developing nations and vulnerable populations (Effects). This can have an impact

on the global food system, leading to food shortages, especially in underdeveloped countries.

The production and use of energy will need to change significantly to solve global warming,

according to scientists, including a move away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy

sources like wind, solar, and hydropower (Effects).

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a scientific organization

created by the UN to offer policymakers thorough and current analyses of the science behind

climate change, its effects, and potential hazards in the future. According to the IPCC, it is

beyond any doubt that human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation,

is to blame for the observed warming that has been occurring since the middle of the 20th

century (Turrentine). The IPCC warns that sustained warming will have many effects, such as

more frequent and severe heatwaves, droughts, storms, and floods, increasing sea levels, and the

disappearance of Arctic Sea ice and coral reefs. These effects will have serious repercussions for

human society, including effects on infrastructure security, and food and water security

(Turrentine). This warming is also responsible for various extreme weather occurrences and

other effects. The report concludes that there has been a significant increase in global warming

caused by human activity, at a rate that has not been seen in at least the last 2000 years, and that

immediate and aggressive action is required to lessen the worst effects of climate change.

In conclusion, the Earth and its inhabitants are at risk due to global warming, a serious

environmental problem. According to the scientific community, human activities, particularly the

release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation,

and other industrial processes are the main contributors to global warming. Rising temperatures,

sea level rise, extreme weather events, disturbances to ecosystems and species, and social,

economic, and health effects on vulnerable people are just a few of the effects of global

warming. At the local, national, and international levels, immediate action is needed to combat

global warming. This could involve mitigating measures like lowering greenhouse gas

emissions, switching to renewable energy sources, and implementing sustainable practices across

different industries. Additionally, it can include measures to aid communities and ecosystems in
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adjusting to the effects of global warming. To effectively combat global warming, it is crucial to

include environmental justice, fair climate policies, participation of stakeholders, policy

advocacy, and the conservation and restoration of natural resources and ecosystems. A more

sustainable future must be created by making efforts at the local, national, and international

levels to reduce global warming causes and adapt to its impacts. For the sake of both present and

future generations, it is essential to act against global warming because it poses serious risks to

our planet and all the organisms that call Earth home.

Works Sited

Turrentine Jeff, “Global Warming 101” NRDC, National Resources Defense Council, 7

April 2021.

“Effects on Global warming” National Geographic, 12 January 2019


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC, 2021

“Global Climate Change Vital Signs of The Planet” NASA

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