Argumentative Essay About Climate Change Caused by Humans PDF

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Argumentative essay about climate change

caused by humans
Climate change is arguably the greatest challenge of our time and it is largely caused by human activity.
It has been established that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation and intensive
farming, are responsible for increased levels of greenhouse gas emissions that trap heat in the
atmosphere and cause global warming. This has had dire consequences for the planet, including rising
temperatures, melting glaciers and sea level rise. In addition to these physical impacts on the
environment, climate change also affects food production and availability of water resources due to
unpredictable weather patterns.

The scientific evidence supporting this assertion is overwhelming and difficult to ignore. Studies have
shown that since pre-industrial times CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have risen significantly due
to human activities such as burning fossil fuels. Furthermore, the global temperature has increased by
around 1°C over the past century. This is attributed to both natural variability and human-induced
climate change.

The effects of this phenomenon are not limited to physical changes in the environment, but also extend
to social impacts. For example, climate change has been linked to increases in poverty and economic
inequality as resources become scarce or less productive due to extreme weather events or shifting
rainfall patterns. In addition, vulnerable populations such as small island states and those living in
developing countries with low adaptive capacity are more at risk of displacement and other forms of
hardship as a result of climate change.

It is clear that something needs to be done about this problem and there is no time for denial or delay.
We must reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and transition towards cleaner energy sources, such as solar
and wind. We must also adopt more sustainable agricultural practices to reduce land-based emissions
and protect natural ecosystems. In addition, governments need to put in place effective adaptation
strategies to mitigate the most severe effects climate change will have on vulnerable populations.

Overall, the evidence is clear: climate change is real and largely caused by humans. It has already had a
profound effect on both the physical environment and human society, with potentially devastating
consequences in the future if we do not take immediate action. Our response needs to be swift and
decisive in order to prevent this crisis from escalating any further. It is up to us all – individuals,
businesses, governments – to act now and ensure a safe future for generations to come.

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