Electrochemistry Answers

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YEAR 2022
1.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
(i) silver plate is cathode.
(ii) Electrical neutrality will be unbalanced, and potential will be dropped to zero.
(iii) When applied external potential ( Eext) is greater than E0Cell , cell behave as electrolytic cell.
(iv) When Ecell = 0. Cell will be at equilibrium. At this condition, concentration of Zn2+ and Ag+ wont at change at
(v) On dilution, concentration of solution is decreased, it causes decrease in number of ions and decrease in
Κ x 1000
λ! =
Κ x 1000
138.9 =
"#$.& ' ".(
Κ= ")))
= 0.208 Scm-1

YEAR 2020
1. (c) ∧ = ∧0 as C → 0 [∧ = ∧0 − A√C ,if C = 0, ∧ become equal to ∧0 ]
2. (c) to complete the circuit so that current can flow.
3. (d) Assertion is false , but reason is true
𝐌𝐌 𝐱 𝐈 𝐱 𝐭
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 =
𝐧 𝐱 𝐅
CuSO4 Solution
Cu2+ + 2e- à Cu
63.5 x 2 x t
2g =
2 x 96500
2 x 2 x 96500
t = = 3039 sec.
63.5 x 2
ZnSO4 Solution
Zn2+ + 2e- à Zn
65 x 2 x 3039
mass deposited = = 2.04 g
2 x 96500
5. mercury cell
6. MnO4− +5e- à Mn2+
Charge Q= moles x n x F
Charge Q= 1 x 5 x F = 5F
YEAR 2019
1. E°cell = 2.71 V
Mg(s) + Cu2+ (0.01 M) → Mg2+(0.001 M) + Cu(s)
Product ion = Mg2+(0.001 M). recatant ion = Cu2+(0.01 M).
% 0.059 [Product ion]"&#''("(#)*
E"#$$ = E"#$$ − log
n [reactant ion]"&#''("(#)*
n= 2, because of the change in Cu 2+ to Cu is 2 or Mg to Mg 2+ is 2
Coefficients of Cu 2+ is 1 and Mg 2+ is 1 because the charges are equal.
0.059 [0.001]+
E"#$$ = 2.71 − log
2 [0.01]+
[0.001]+ 10,-
log = log = log 10,+ = −1
[0.01]+ 10,.
0.059 0.059
E"#$$ = 2.71 − (−1) E"#$$ = 2.71 +
2 2
E"#$$ = 2.71 + 0.0295 =2.7395 v
(i) If Eext is less than E0cell (2.71v) , the cell behave as electrochemical cell, then electron flow from left to right and
current flow from right to left.
(ii) If Eext is greater than E0cell (2.71v), the cell behave as electrolytical cell, then electron flow from right to left and
current flow from left to right.
2 (a) FeSO4 Solution
Fe2+ + 2e- à Fe
56 x 2 x t
2.8 g =
2 x 96500
2.8 x 2 x 96500
t = = 4825 sec.
56 x 2
ZnSO4 Solution
Zn2+ + 2e- à Zn
65 x 2 x 4825
mass deposited = = 3.25 g
2 x 96500
(b) Nature of electrolytes A = Strong electrolyte
Nature of electrolytes B = Weak electrolyte
On extrapolation of slope on A meets y axis and gives limiting molar conductivity 𝜆%/
But On extrapolation of slope on B, it goes parallelly to y-axis and wont give limiting molar conductivity 𝜆%/
YEAR 2018
2+ +
a) Sn(s)| Sn (0.004 M)||H (0.020 M)|H2(g)(1 bar) Pt (s)
(Given that : E0 Sn2+/Sn= −0. 14 V)
E0 H+/H2 to be taken as 0.0 v )
E°cell = E°bigger - E°smaller.
E°cell = 0 – (-0.14)= 0.14 v

Sn(s) + 2H+ (0.020 M) → Sn2+(0.004 M) + H2(g)

Product ion = Sn2+(0.004 M). reactant ion = H+(0.020 M).

% 0.059 [Product ion]"&#''("(#)*

E"#$$ = E"#$$ − log
n [reactant ion]"&#''("(#)*
n= 2, because of the change in 2H+ to H2 is 2 or Sn to Sn 2+ is 2
Coefficients of H + is 2 and Sn 2+ is 1
0.059 [0.004]+
E"#$$ = 0.14 − log
2 [0.02].
[0.004]+ 4x 10,- 4 x 10,-
log = log = log = log 10+ = 1
[0.02]. (2x10,. ). 4 x10,0
E"#$$ = 0.14 − x(1)
E"#$$ = 0.14 −
E"#$$ = 0.14 - 0.0295 =0.1105 v
(b) (i) Due to over potential in O2, its E0value is experimentally higher than E0value of Cl2. Therefore, cl- is oxidized at
anode and Cl2 gas is liberated [ lower E0value, faster oxidation]
(ii) On dilution, concentration of solution is decreased, it causes decrease in number of ions and decrease in
2. (a) 2 AgCl (s)+H2 (g) (1atm) → 2 Ag (s)+2H+ (0. 1 M) +2 Cl− (0. 1 M),

Product ion 2H+(0.1M) and 2 Cl− (0. 1 M). reactant ion = no reactant ion
% 43600
E°cell = ∆𝐺 = − = 0.22𝑣
− 𝑛𝐹 − 2𝑥96500
% 0.059 [Product ion]"&#''("(#)*
E"#$$ = E"#$$ − log
n [reactant ion]"&#''("(#)*
n= 2, because of the change in 2H+ to H2 is 2 or 2Cl - to Cl2 is 2
Coefficients of H + is 2 and Cl- is 2
0.059 [0.1]. x [0.1].
E"#$$ = 0.22 − log
2 1
[0.1]. x [0.1]. 1x 10,0
log = log = log 10,0 = −4
1 1
E"#$$ = 0.22 − (−4)
0.059 x 4
E"#$$ = 0.14 +
E"#$$ = 0.22 + 0.118 =0.338 v
3. Fuel cell is a galvanic cell in which chemical energy stored from combustion of fuel is converted to electrical energy.
Advantages of fuel cell
(i) it is pollution free galvanic cell as waste product is water can be purified to drinking water
(ii) highly efficient
(iii) used in aerospace programs
YEAR 2017
1. Given that λ°(H+) 349.8 S cm mol −1 and λ°(CH3COO−) = 40.9 S cm2 mol−1
λ%! = (n1 λ%1 ) + (n, λ%, )
λ%23-2443 = (1xλ%31 ) + `1xλ%23-244, a

λ%23-2443 = (1x349.8 ) + (1x40.9) = 390.7 S cm2 mol−1

λ! 39.05
α= = = 0.099
λ%! 390.7
2. AgNO3 Solution
Ag+ + e- à Ag
108 x 2 x (15x60)
mass deposited = = 2.01 g
1 x 96500
3. (a) Fuel cell is a galvanic cell in which chemical energy stored from combustion of fuel is converted to electrical
(b) Dry cell is used in transistors.
At anode: Zn à Zn2+ + 2e-
At cathode: 2MnO2 + 2NH4 + + 2e- à 2MnO(OH) + 2NH3 + H2 [or 2 Mn4+ +2e- à 2Mn3+ ]
4. Given that 2 Fe3+ (aq) + 2 I− (aq) à 2 Fe2+ (aq) + I2 (s)
n= 2, because of the difference in 2 Fe3+to 2 Fe2+ is 2 or 2 I− to I2 is 2
E°cell = 0.236 v
∆𝐺 % = −𝑛𝐹E°cell
∆𝐺 % = −2 𝑥 96500 𝑥 0.236
∆𝐺 % = −45548 𝐽. 𝑜𝑟 ∆𝐺 % = −45.5𝑘𝐽
5. Q= It
Q= 0.5 x 2x60x60= 3600 C
No: of electron = 𝟑𝟔𝟎𝟎 𝒙 𝟔.𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝒙 𝟏𝟎 =2.2 x 1022
YEAR 2016
1. (i) Mercury cell is used in hearing aids.
At anode: Zn + 2OH- à ZnO + H2O + 2e
At cathode : HgO + H2O +2e à Hg + 2OH-
(ii) Fuel cell is used in Apollo Space Program.
At anode : 2H2 + 4OH- à 4H2O + 4e
At cathode: O2 + 2H2O + 4e à 4OH-
(iii) Lead storage battery is used in automobiles and inverters.
At anode : Pb +SO42- à PbSO4 + 2e At cathode : PbO2 + 4H+ + SO42- + 2e à PbSO4 + 2H2O
(iv) Dry cell does not have long life, because it will be corroded in the presence acidic NH4Cl
2. 2Cr(s) + 3Fe2+ (0.1M) → 2Cr3+ (0.01M) + 3 Fe(s)
(Given: E°(Cr3+/Cr) = – 0.74 V E° (Fe2+/Fe) = – 0.44 V
E°cell = E°bigger - E°smaller.
E°cell = -0.44 – (-0.74)= 0.30 v

Product ion = 2Cr3+(0.01M). reactant ion = 3Fe2+(0.1M)

% 0.059 [Product ion]"&#''("(#)*

E"#$$ = E"#$$ − log
n [reactant ion]"&#''("(#)*

n= 6, because of the difference in 2Cr to 2Cr3+ is 6 or 3Fe2+to 3Fe is 6

Coefficients of Cr3+ is 2 and Fe2+ is 3

0.059 [0.01].
E"#$$ = 0.30 − log
6 [0.1]-
[0.01]. (10,. ). 10,0
log = log = log = log 10,+ = −1
[0.1]- (10,+ )- 10,-
E"#$$ = 0.30 − (−1)
E"#$$ = 0.30 +
E"#$$ = 0.30 + 0.0099 =0.30099 v

3. 2Al(s) + 3Cu2+ (0.01 M) → 2Al3+ (0.01M) + 3Cu(s)

Given: Ecell = 1.98V
Product ion = 2Al3+(0.01M). reactant ion = 3Cu2+(0.01M)

% 0.059 [Product ion]"&#''("(#)*

E"#$$ = E"#$$ − log
n [reactant ion]"&#''("(#)*

% 0.059 [Product ion]"&#''("(#)*

E"#$$ = E"#$$ + log
n [reactant ion]"&#''("(#)*

n= 6, because of the difference in 2Al to 2Al3+ is 6 or 3Cu2+to 3Cu is 6

Coefficients of Al3+ is 2 and Cu2+ is 3

% 0.059 [0.01].
E"#$$ = 1.98 + log
6 [0.01]-
[0.01]. (10,. ). 10,0
log = log = log = log 10- = 3
[0.01]- (10,. )- 10,?
% 0.059
E"#$$ = 0.30 + (3)
E"#$$ = 0.30 +
E"#$$ = 0.30 + 0.0295 =0.3295 v
4. To prevent corrosion of iron, the substance should have lower Eo value than that of iron, then only it can be oxidized
Therefore substance A is better for coating the surface of iron.
Κ x 1000
λ! =
3.905x 10,@ x 1000
λ! =
λ! = 3.905x10,+ =39.05 Scm2mol-1
Given that λ°(H+) 349.8 S cm2 mol−1 and λ°(CH3COO−) = 40.9 S cm2 mol−1
λ%! = (n1 λ%1 ) + (n, λ%, )
λ%23-2443 = (1xλ%31 ) + `1xλ%23-244, a

λ%23-2443 = (1x349.8 ) + (1x40.9) = 390.7 S cm2 mol−1

λ! 39.05
α= = = 0.099
λ%! 390.7
6. The cell in which chemical energy stored from a spontaneous redox reaction is converted into electrical energy
is called electrochemical cel.
If external potential applied becomes greater than E°cell , the cell behave as electrolytic cell.
1. (a) Zn2+ +2eà Zn
Charge Q= moles x n x F
Charge Q= 1 x 2 x 96500 = 193000 C
(b) Given :E0 Mg2+/Mg= -2.37v. E0 Cu2+/Cu = +0.34 v)
E°cell = E°bigger - E°smaller.
E°cell = 0.34- (-2.37) = 2.71 V
Mg(s) + Cu2+ (0.01 M) → Mg2+(0.001 M) + Cu(s)
Product ion = Mg2+(0.001 M). reactant ion = Cu2+(0.0001 M).
% 0.059 [Product ion]
E"#$$ = E"#$$ − log
n [reactant ion]"&#''("(#)*
n= 2, because of the change in Cu 2+ to Cu is 2 or Mg to Mg 2+ is 2
Coefficients of Cu 2+ is 1 and Mg 2+ is 1 because the charges are equal.
0.059 [0.001]+
E"#$$ = 2.71 − log
2 [0.0001]+
[0.001]+ 10,-
log = log = log 10. = 2
[0.0001]+ 10,0
E"#$$ = 2.71 − x2
E"#$$ = 2.71 + 0.059 = 2.769v
A B +%%%
2. λ! = C

2.48x 10,. x 1000

λ! =
λ! = 12.4x10+ =124 Scm2mol-1
Given that λ°(K+) 73.5 S cm2 mol−1 and λ°(Cl−) = 76.5 S cm2 mol−1
λ%! = (n1 λ%1 ) + (n, λ%, )
λ%D2$ = (1xλ%D1 ) + `1xλ%2$, a

λ%D2$ = (1x73.5 ) + (1x76.5) = 150 S cm2 mol−1

λ! 124
α= = = 0.826
λ%! 150
3. Mercury cell is a primary battery which cannot be recharged
It is more advantageous than dry cell because it gives a constant voltage during its life-time as the overall
reaction does not have any ions those can change Ecell.
4. Cu2+ (aq) + 2e− → Cu (s) will be taking place at cathode as its E° (0. 34v) value is more than that of
hydrogen. [ Higher the Eovalue , faster the reduction at cathode]
5 . Kohlrausche’s law state that, limiting molar conductivity of any electrolyte is the sum of contribution of limiting
molar conductivities of cations and anions
(i) it is used to determine limiting molar conductivity of weak electrolyte.
(ii) it is used to determine degree of dissociation of weak electrolyte
(iii) it used to determine dissociation constant of weak electrolyte.
6.: Zn | Zn2+ (0.001 M) || H+ (0.01 M) | H2(g) (1 bar) | Pt(s)
Zn(s) + 2H+ (0.01 M) → Zn2+(0.001 M) + H2(g)
[ E0 Zn2+/Zn = −0. 76 V, E0(H+/H2) = 0. 00 V
E°cell = E°bigger - E°smaller.
E°cell = 0 – (-0.76)= 0.76 v

Product ion = Zn2+(0.001 M). reactant ion = H+(0.01 M).

% 0.059 [Product ion]"&#''("(#)*

E"#$$ = E"#$$ − log
n [reactant ion]"&#''("(#)*
n= 2, because of the change in 2H+ to H2 is 2 or Zn to Zn 2+ is 2
Coefficients of H + is 2 and Zn 2+ is 1
0.059 [0.001]+
E"#$$ = 0.76 − log
2 [0.01].
[0.001]+ 10,- 10,-
log = log = log = log 10+ = 1
[0.01]. (10,. ). 10,0
E"#$$ = 0.76 − x(1)
E"#$$ = 0.76 −
E"#$$ = 0.76 - 0.0295 =0.7305 v
7. Limiting molar conductivity is the molar conductivity at zero concentration.
On dilution, concentration of solution is decreased, it causes decrease in number of ions and also decrease in
8. Fe | Fe2+ (0.001 M) || H+ (0.01 M) | H2(g) (1 bar) | Pt(s)
Fe(s) + 2H+ (0.01 M) → Fe2+(0.001 M) + H2(g)
[ E0 Fe2+/Fe = −0. 44 V, E0(H+/H2) = 0. 00 V
E°cell = E°bigger - E°smaller.
E°cell = 0 – (-0.44)= 0.44v

Product ion = Fe2+(0.001 M). reactant ion = H+(0.01 M).

% 0.059 [Product ion]"&#''("(#)*

E"#$$ = E"#$$ − log
n [reactant ion]"&#''("(#)*
n= 2, because of the change in 2H+ to H2 is 2 or Fe to Fe 2+ is 2
Coefficients of H + is 2 and Fe 2+ is 1
0.059 [0.001]+
E"#$$ = 0.44 − log
2 [0.01].
[0.001]+ 10,- 10,-
log = log = log = log 10+ = 1
[0.01]. (10,. ). 10,0
E"#$$ = 0.44 − x(1)
E"#$$ = 0.44 −
E"#$$ = 0.44 - 0.0295 =0.4105 v
1. (a)Molar conductivity (⋀m ) is the conductance of 1mole electrolyte which is dissolved in 1 litre of the solution.
(b)Secondary batteries are series connection of galvanic cell, that can be recharged.
2. Mg (s) + Cu2+ (aq.) → Mg2+ (aq.) + Cu (s)
n= 2, because of the change in Cu 2+ to Cu is 2 or Mg to Mg 2+ is 2
E°cell = 2.71v
∆𝐺 % = −𝑛𝐹E°cell
∆𝐺 % = −2 𝑥 96500 𝑥 2.71
∆𝐺 % = −523030𝐽.
3. Fuel cell was used in Apollo space program for providing electrical power.
4. Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with 0.1 mol L−1 KCl solution is 100 Ω. If the resistance of the same cell
when filled with 0.02 M KCl solution is 520 Ω, calculate the conductivity and molar conductivity of 0.02 M KCl
solution. The conductivity of 0.1 M KCl solution is 1.29 × 10−2 Scm−1.
0.1 mol L−1 KCl 0.02 M KCl
G* = K x R G* = K x R
G* = 1.29 x 100 G* = K x 520
1.29 x 100 = K x 520
K = 129/ 520 = 2.48 x 10-1 Sm-1 K= 2.48 x 10-2 Scm-1
Κ x 1000
λ! =
2.48x 10,. x 1000
λ! =
λ! = 12.4x10. =1240 Scm2mol-1
5. Faraday’s first law of electrolysis states that, amount of product formed at an electrode is directly proportional to
quantity of electricity is passed through electrolytic solution.

Cu2+ +2eà Cu
Charge Q= moles x n x F
Charge Q= 1 x 2 x 96500 = 193000 C
Mg(s) + Cu2+ (0.01 M) → Mg2+(0.001 M) + Cu(s)
E°cell = 2.71 V
Product ion = Mg2+(0.1 M). reactant ion = Cu2+(0.01 M).
% 0.059 [Product ion]"&#''("(#)*
E"#$$ = E"#$$ − log
n [reactant ion]"&#''("(#)*
n= 2, because of the change in Cu 2+ to Cu is 2 or Mg to Mg 2+ is 2
Coefficients of Cu 2+ is 1 and Mg 2+ is 1 because the charges are equal.
0.059 [0.1]+
E"#$$ = 2.71 − log
2 [0.01]+
[0.1]+ 10,+
log = log = log 10+ = 1
[0.01]+ 10,.
E"#$$ = 2.71 − x1
E"#$$ = 2.71 −
E"#$$ = 2.71 - 0.0295 =2.6805 v
6.(a) Limiting molar conductivity is the molar conductivity at zero concentration.
(b) Fuel cell is a galvanic cell in which chemical energy stored from combustion of fuel is converted to electrical
8. On dilution, concentration of solution is decreased, it causes decrease in number of ions and also decrease in

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