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CET 604: Advanced Pavement



Dr. Ismaiel Godan

In Geotechnical engineering practice, the soils at
a given site are often less than desirable for the
intended purpose. They may be:
– Weak (strength)
– Highly compressible
– Have a high permeability
– Relocate the project
– Articulate design for structure members
– Stabilize or improve the properties of the soil
The third alternative may be in most cases the
most economical alternative. There are different
techniques for improvement of soils

We will consider in this course only compaction.

Many types of earth construction, such as dams,
retaining walls, highways, and airport, require man-
placed soil, or fill. To compact a soil, that is, to
place it in a dense state.
The dense state is achieved through the reduction of
the air voids in the soil, with little or no reduction in
the water content. This process must not be
confused with consolidation, in which water is
squeezed out under the action of a continuous static
– Improves the soil’s strength
– Lowers it’s permeability
– Reduces future settlement

Evaluation of density as a result of compactive efforts

with rollers and other equipment
– common quality control measurement on soils at
construction sites
– density of a compacted soil is measured and compared to a
density goal previously determined in laboratory tests
Laboratory Compaction
The fundamentals of compaction of fine-grained soils are
relatively new. Ralph Proctor in the early 1930’s was building
dams for the old Bureau of Waterworks and Supply in Los
Angeles, and he developed the principles of compaction in a
series of articles in Engineering News-Record. In his honor,
the standard laboratory compaction test which he developed is
commonly called the proctor test.
There are two methods or tests:
Standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698 & AASHTO T-99)
Modified Proctor test (ASTM D-1557 & AASHTO T-180)
Laboratory Compaction
The purpose of a laboratory compaction test is to determine the
proper amount of mixing water to use when compacting the soil
in the field and the resulting degree of denseness which can be
expected from compaction at this optimum water
Impact compaction
The proctor test is an impact compaction. A hammer is dropped
several times on a soil sample in a mold. The mass of the
hammer, height of drop, number of drops, number of layers of
soil, and the volume of the mold are specified.
Standard Proctor Test
Standard Proctor Test

• Mold 1/30 ft3 in volume

• 3 layers
• 25 blows
• 5.5 lb hammer
• 12 inch drop

The procedure for the standard Proctor test is elaborated in

ASTM Test Designation D-698 (ASTM, 2007) and
AASHTO Test Designation T-99 (AASHTO, 1982).
Standard Proctor Test
Process of Compaction
• Several samples are mixed at different water contents
• Compact according to the compaction test (standard
or modified).
 moist 

W = Weight of compacted soil in the mold

Vmold = Volume of the mold = (1/30 ft3 )
Standard Proctor Test
 For each test find the moisture content of the
compacted soil.
 The dry unit weight is given by

 moist
d 
1 w
Standard Proctor Test
• Plot γd vs. W
• From the plot, find
OMC and γd(max)
Standard Proctor Test
In order to avoid a large number of compaction
tests, it is desirable to begin the first test at a
moisture content that is about 4 to 5% below the
approximate optimum moisture content.
Standard Proctor Test
1.Each data point on the curve represent a single
compaction test.
2.Four or five tests are required
3.The curve is unique for:
•A given soil type
•Method of compaction
•(constant) compactive effort

4. γd(max) is only a maximum for a specific compactive

effort and method of compaction. This does not
necessarily reflect the maximum dry unit weight that
can be obtained in the field.
Standard Proctor Test
5. Typical OMC are between 10% and 20%. Outside
maximum range 5% to 40%.
6. Increasing the compactive effort tends to increase the
maximum dry density, as expected, but also decrease
the OMC. (This is why the curve never be to the right
of zero curve).
7. In practice less amount of water is used but higher
compactive effort or vise versa.
8. For clay soils γd(max) tends to decrease as plasticity
Standard Proctor Test
9. The approximation to field is not exact because the
lab test is a dynamic impact type, whereas field
compaction is essentially a kneading-type
10. In the field, compactive effort is the number of
passes or “coverage” of the roller of a certain type
and weight on a given volume of soil.
Standard Proctor Test
Theoretical γd(max)
The maximum γd(max) is obtained when no air in the
voids (i.e. s =100%)

d  w
1 e
but....wG s  se
for.....S  100%...e  wG s
Gs w
 zav  w 
1  wG s 1
Standard Proctor Test
To obtain the variation of γzav with moisture content, use
the following procedure:
1. Determine the specific gravity of soil solids.
2. Know the unit weight of water γw
3. Assume several values of w such as 5%, 10%, 15% and so
4. Use the following equation to calculate γzav for various value
of w.
Gs  w w Gs w
 zav   d 
1  wGs w  1 1
Besides moisture content, other important factors that
affect compaction are: 1) Soil type; 2) Compaction
1. Effect of Soil Type
– Grain Size Distribution
– Shape of the soil grains
– Amount of clay minerals
– Type of clay minerals
Fine grain soil needs more water to reach
2. Effect of Compaction Effort

For the standard Proctor test

2.5 * 9.81
25 * 3 * ( KN) * (0.305m)
E 1000
6 3
944 *10 m
 594KN  m / m  600KN  m / m
3 3
• The standard Proctor mold and hammer were used to
obtain these compaction curves.
• For all cases the number of layers was equal to 3.
Example #1
The laboratory test results of a standard Proctor test are
given in the following table

a) Determine the maximum dry Weight of Moisture

Volume of
unit weight of compaction. moist soil content,
mold (ft3)
in mold (ib) w(%)
And the optimum moisture
content. 0.033 3.78 10
b) Calculate and plot γd Versus 0.033 4.01 12
the moisture content for 0.033 4.14 14
degree of saturation.
0.033 4.12 16
S=80,90, and 100%
0.033 1.01 18
(i.e., γzav). Given Gs=2.7
0.033 3.9 20
Example #1

Weight of Moisture unit Moisture Dry Unit

Volume of
moist soil in weight, γ content, weight, γd
mold (ft3)
mold (ib) (ib/ft3) w(%) (ib/ft3)
0.033 3.78 113.4 10 103.1
0.033 4.01 120.3 12 107.4
0.033 4.14 124.2 14 108.9
0.033 4.12 123.6 16 106.6
0.033 4.01 120.3 18 101.9
0.033 3.9 117 20 97.5
Example #1
Example #1

γd (lb/ft3)
Gs w (%) γw S=80% S=90% S=100%
2.7 8 62.4 132.7 135.9 138.6
2.7 10 62.4 126.0 129.6 132.7
2.7 12 62.4 119.9 123.9 127.3
2.7 14 62.4 114.4 118.6 122.3
2.7 16 62.4 109.4 113.8 117.7
2.7 18 62.4 104.8 109.4 113.4
2.7 20 62.4 100.6 105.3 109.4
Example #1
Dry Unit weight, γd (ib/ft3)





8 12 w(%) 16 20
Example #2
The results of a standard Proctor test are given in the
following table. Determine the maximum dry unit
weight of compaction and the optimum moisture
content. Also determine the moisture content required to
achieve 95% of γd(max) .
Volume of Proctor mold Mass of wet soil and Moisture content
(cm3) mold ( Kg) (%)
943.3 1.47 10
943.3 1.83 12.5
943.3 2.02 15
943.3 1.95 17.5
943.3 1.73 20
943.3 1.69 22.5
W= mass in Kg*9.81: γ =W/V
Example #2
• Solution
Volume of Mass of Weight of Moist unit Moisture
Proctor mold wet soil and wet soil, W weight, γ content
cm3 mold Kg (N) (KN/m3) %
943.3 1.47 14.42 15.29 10 13.90
943.3 1.83 17.95 19.03 12.5 16.92
943.3 2.02 19.82 21.01 15 18.27
943.3 1.95 19.13 20.28 17.5 17.26
943.3 1.73 16.97 17.99 20 14.99
943.3 1.69 16.58 17.58 22.5 14.35
Example #2

γd= 0.95* γd(max) = 0.95*18.3=17.39KN/m3

Example #2
Modified Proctor Test
Modified Proctor Test (ASTM D-1557, AASHTO
With the development of heavy rollers (also
requirements of heavy aircrafts and trucks) and
their use in field compaction, the standard Proctor
test was modified for better representation of the
field conditions. This is sometimes referred to as
modified Proctor test.
Modified Proctor Test
- Mold 1/30 ft3 in volume (same as for standard test)
- 5 layers - 25 blows (same as for standard test)
- 10 lb hammer - 18 inch drop

Developed in WWII by U.S. Army Corps of

Engineers to better represent the compaction
required for airfield to support heavy aircraft.
Standard Vs Modified Proctor Test
Standard Vs Modified Proctor Test
Most of the compaction in the field is done by
means of ROLLERS.
The most common types are:
1.Smooth-wheel rollers (smooth-drum rollers)
2.Pneumatic rubber-tired rollers
3.Sheepsfoot rollers
4.Vibratory rollers
1. Smooth-wheel rollers (smooth-drum roller)
–Proof rolling subgrades
–Finishing operation of fills with sandy &clayey
–Provide 100% coverage
–Contact pressure 310 – 380 kN/m2
2.Pneumatic rubber-tired rollers
– Heavily loaded with several rows of tires
– Tires are closely spaced 4 -6 in a row
– Provide 70-80% coverage
– Contact pressure 600 – 700 kN/m2
– Combination of pressure and kneading
3.Sheepsfoot rollers
– Drums with a large number of projections
– Area of each projection 25 – 85 cm2
– Most effective in compacting clayey soils
– Contact pressure 1400 – 7000 kN/m
4.Vibratory rollers
– Efficient in compacting granular soils
– Vibrators can be attached to smooth-
wheel, pneumatic rubber-tired, or sheepsfoot
rollers to provide vibratory effects to the
Relative compaction, R
Homework Assignment
• Read Chapter 5 (Holtz’s book)
Homework Assignment
If you are checking the field compaction of a layer of soil and the
compaction curve for the soil is shown in Figure 1. From the
specifications, the dry density of the compacted soil should be at
least 95% of the maximum value and within ± 1% of the
optimum water content. When you did the sand cone test, the
volume of the soil excavated was 1153 cm3 . It weighed 2209
grams wet and 1875 grams dry.
Homework Assignment
a) What is the compacted dry density?
b) What is the field water content?
c) What is the relative compaction?
d) Does the test meet the specifications (explain)?
e) If it does not meet, what should be done to improve the
compaction so that it will meet the specifications?
f) What is the degree of saturation of the field sample?
g) If the sample were saturated at constant density, what would
be the water content?

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