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Romeo and Juliet Script

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NARRATOR: Two households, both alike in dignity, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where
civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-crossed
lovers take their life; Whose misadventure piteous overthrows Doth with their death bury their parents’
strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked love and the continuance of their parents’ rage, which,
but their children’s end, naught could remove, is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage; The which, if
you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.


NURSE: Juliet? Please I beg you, my lady and my lord will be home soon.

JULIET: Then you should hurry, nurse. (Juliet chuckled proceeded to run around, teasing the nurse.)

NURSE: What’s with the hurry? You need to rest. (The nurse was heavily panting as she tries to catch
Juliet’ speed.)

JULIET: Oh, I should hurry till my heart gives out. I can’t wait to hear the tournament’s news. (Juliet said
in awe, she speeds up her movement and ran through the hallways.)

NURSE: And why are you laughing seeing me so worn out? (The nurse dramatically said while catching’s
Juliet rhythm.)


(Guard 1 intentionally bump a Montague’s man.)

GUARD 1: Have you seen Lord Tybalt being choked up by a Montague dog?

GUARD 2: Shut it, the quarrel between our masters is theirs.

GUARD 1: The quarrel is between our masters and us, their men. (The guard quickly cuts off his friend,
he looked back and spits out to the Montague’s men. He quickly got his sword and fights the Montague’s

(Benvolio appears and tried to stop the sword fight.)

BENVOLIO: Part fools, you should stop!

(Tybalt appears.)

TYBALT: Easy their little boy, you don’t know what you’re talking about. (Tybalt points closely his sword
into Benvolio’s neck.)

BENVOLIO: I do wish for peace Tybalt, so put your sword down and keep those men apart.

TYBALT: Screw that word. I hated it just like how I hated hell!

(Fight occurs between Benvolio and Tybalt.)

(The Prince appears on the scene.)

PEOPLE: The Prince!

PRINCE: What on a rebellious act is this! Stop this and throw your weapons on the ground. If ever you
disturb my town again, then your life shall pay the price. And now all you, you Capulets! You
Montagues! Depart! (The Price angrily said to the both parties before turning around.)


(Benvolio sees Romeo, his dear cousin.)

BENVOLIO: Good afternoon, cousin.

ROMEO: Is it so? How’s the tournament?

BENVOLIO: It launches another clash against the Capulets. Love is a harsh tyrant and it shows!

ROMEO: It is not easy as you think Benvolio. We only learn the word love by loving.

BENVOLIO: Have you love someone?

(Romeo seems got taken back by the sudden question. He sighed and stop his work.)

ROMEO: I love a woman.

BENVOLIO: Who? Can I at least have the name?

ROMEO: Rosaline, her name is Rosaline.

BENVOLIO: Rosal- What? Jesus Christ Romeo! Is it the niece of the Lord Capulet you’re talking about?

ROMEO: It is the same.

BENVOLIO: There are other beauties out there Romeo, why does it has to be her?

ROMEO: Then teach me how to forgot about her. (Romeo chuckled and exited, leaving his dear cousin
who’s still aiming for more answers.)


(Nurse is busy dressing up Juliet for the upcoming feast, suddenly her mother Lady Capulet appeared.)

LADY CAPULET: You’re a fine woman now Juliet.

NURSE: Not a woman, not yet. You’re still young and still a baby.

(Lady Capulet chuckled by her remarks. She looks into her daughter eyes and says…)

LADY CAPULET: Juliet what do you think about marriage?

JULIET: I h-haven’t think about it mother.

LADY CAPULET: Then from now on you must think about it, you’ll meet Count Paris tonight. He pleads
his love and wants you to be his wife.
JULIET: I hardly even know him.

LADY CAPULET: That’s why you need to examine him tonight. Know him, see his eyes. See if you could
be happy with him.

JULIET: If that’s my parent wish, I’ll try. (Lady Capulet smiled as she heard what Juliet said. She bid
goodbye and will wait her at the feast.)


(The party started. Romeo together with Benvolio and Mercutio crashes the party.)

LORD CAPULET: Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you all. Please enjoy the night.

(The dance continues. Suddenly Juliet appears from the hall. Wearing a fabulous dress, it caught
Romeo’s attention. Their eyes lock as they met each other.)

COUNT PARIS: My Lady Juliet, can I have this dance? You look wonderful by the way.

(Juliet didn’t know what to do as she was taken back from a stranger’s eyes. She didn’t even know him
yet he makes her feel something. Her thoughts got cut off as Paris reaches her hand and started dancing
with her. But Juliet’s mind was lingering towards the man she saw earlier, she looked back and saw the
man watching her intently making her feel nervous.)

(The violin and dance continues.)

ROMEO: I never saw a true beauty until this night. Who is she?

BENVOLIO: I don’t know her probably-

(Before Benvolio could finish his talking, Romeo went away. He searched for him and saw him aiming
towards the fine lady they were just talking about a while ago.)

COUNT PARIS: Sir, I must protest.

ROMEO: I have a prior claim. (And proceeded to steal Juliet.)

JULIET: And what claim is that?

ROMEO: The claim of love that must be heard.

(Both of them dance together, letting their body take the lead.)

JULIET: Who are you?

(Romeo decided to take off his mask, Juliet parted his lips as she saw a handsome young man in front of
her. Juliet drag him into the corridors and gets out of the party. There, she watches him carefully. Romeo
slides his hands to touch Juliet’s cheek, her eyes soften as she felt the warmth of his touch. He reaches
her face and suddenly kiss the side of her cheek. Juliet’s face blushes as she felt the soft lips digging into
her skin.)

(The moment was suddenly interrupted when the voice lingers into their ears.)

NURSE: Oh! J-Juliet, your mother h-has been looking for you.
*Juliet drops the kiss hysterically, and leaves them both without saying a word. The nurse was about to
follow Juliet, but Romeo who hopes for some information about the young lady ask the nurse.)

ROMEO: Perhaps can I ask who is her mother?

NURSE: Her mother is the lady of the house.

(Shockness was written over the face of Romeo, he looks back where Juliet disappeared.)

ROMEO: You mean she’s a Capulet?

NURSE: Yes, is there anything else I could do for you?)

(Romeo went speechless; he was in doubt but he didn’t say anything else. He bid goodbye to the nurse
and went out together with Benvolio and Mercutio.)

(Juliet saw him leaving, leaving her with some questions. She asks the nurse who just went back.)

JULIET: My dear nurse, who is he? The man who just left.

NURSE: He’s Romeo and a Montague. The son of your great enemy. (The nurse whispered those words,
as if she was afraid to be heard by anyone.)

(Juliet shakes her head in disbelief. The man who caught her attention is the son of their family’s
greatest enemy. The thoughts terrified her.)

JULIET: This can’t be good.


(Later that night, Romeo enters the Capulet’s place without the guards knowing. The thoughts of seeing
the beautiful lady again excites him. Her face and her voice never goes away into his mind, triggering
him to do something that might risk his life. He looks upon the balcony and there he saw Juliet, staring in
the sky.)

ROMEO: Oh my love. The moon has never been this so bright. The way you shine would shame the city
lights. (Romeo whispered as he saw the dangling beauty of Juliet.)

JULIET: Oh Romeo, Romeo….

ROMEO: And even when she speaks, it looks like a goddess vowing her words.

(Romeo smiled at the sight and came forward to see her more. That’s when Juliet notices someone
standing there looking at her, there she saw Romeo. A small smile crept in her lips but eventually faded
away when the thoughts of Romeo being seen and punished for violating and crashing the place filled
her in horror.)

JULIET: What are you doing? This place will be death if anyone finds you here.

ROMEO: If I were meant die, I would be jealous of the universe that gets to hold you for eternity.

(Romeo climbs up the balcony leaving Juliet into hysterics.)

JULIET: I have warned you Romeo. For you to be seen is not in my accountability.
ROMEO: I knew my lady; my actions would be covered with my full responsibility.

JULIET: What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?

ROMEO: My thoughts lingers to see you. It was just full of you. Did you wish to see me too?

JULIET: I did, but not this time wherein the watch guards are lurking out there. They might see you!

ROMEO: I rather leave with a broken bone than not being able to see you again.

JULIET: Oh Romeo… I blushed to think about those words you have said me tonight. I’m scared to think
that those are just little white lies.

ROMEO: My family might be a liar to the other Capulet’s eyes, but never was I.

NURSE: Juliet? It’s time to rest, where are you?

(Juliet was shocked as she hears the familiar voice. She immediately took off her hands to Romeo.)

JULIET: Go and goodnight. (She said rushing, urging him to go as she was scared to think that someone
might see them.)

ROMEO: Will you leave me so unsatisfied? (The words stop Juliet’s tracks. She looked back and saw him
pleading with his eyes.)

JULIET: What satisfaction do you want?

ROMEO: The exchange of your love’s faithful vow for mine.

JULIET: I already gave mine.

NURSE: Madam?

ROMEO: If I can marry you, I’ll gladly do it this time.

JULIET: Marriage. Marrying you… Probably weird but I’ll do the same too. I never felt something like this,
the way you spoke and act makes me feel something.

(Romeo smiled as he Juliet’s confession.)

JULIET: We maybe parting ways tonight but we have tomorrow. Goodnight Romeo, you should go
before they find you.

(Romeo kissed her cheeks before he left.)

NURSE: Juliet! There you are. Come inside or you’ll catch a cold.


BENVOLIO: Romeo there’s a letter for you. I fear it would be a challenge from count Tybalt.

MERCUTIO: That short tempered scumbag might even soothe a rage if you won’t rep- Hey Romeo are
you listening?

ROMEO: Pardon me, I need to excuse myself.

MERCUTIO: Hey, hey! Where are you going?

BENVOLIO: This matter cannot be ignored Romeo!

(The sudden disappearance was caused by the nurse. Romeo saw the nurse and immediately think about
her love, Juliet.)

ROMEO: Good day nurse, did my dear Juliet send you?

NURSE: Quite off. She desired me to seek you out. Probably checking if you got out the palace after you
crashed there!

ROMEO: Listen madam, I’ve planned to marry Juliet this afternoon and I need you to he-

NURSE: This afternoon! A bride!

ROMEO: Yes, that’s why I need your help.

NURSE: I-I can but this is so shocking young boy.

ROMEO: I know; I know… But please commend me to my lady.

NURSE: Yes, I-I will.


JULIET: Dear sweet nurse, you’ve come back! Please tell me you found him. What’s with the tired face of

NURSE: Oh dear, please let me rest for a while. I’m tired of walking down the alleys, ouch my back!

JULIET: Sweet nurse, please speak. Please tell me what happened.

NURSE: What’s with the rush! Can I have a minute please.

JULIET: Just answer me if it’s good or bad. Nurse, please do tell.

NURSE: Well… I must say you have a great taste in men. That boy Romeo is handsome as hell, and oh
the finest boy I’ve ever saw. (Juliet blushed as she heard what the Nurse said which she can’t disagree
because she’s speaking facts.)

JULIET: Nurse, what did Romeo said about our marriage?

NURSE: Well can you leave today? And make a confession to friar Laurence? Someone’s waiting for you
there. And there you’ll find a husband! (The sweet nurse said merrily as she is so happy thinking Juliet
would marry a fine and strong young man. Juliet smile widened when she heard it, she immediately hugs
the Nurse and said thank you.)


JULIET: Good evening to my dearest confessor. (The friar nods as an acknowledgement towards Juliet.
Juliet looks back at Romeo and immediately hugs him like she didn’t see him for ages. Romeo sweetly
kisses her.)
FRIAR LAURENCE: Enough of that, come and follow me. It seems like you two can’t wait for a minute.
And the church shall join both of you. (Both of them chuckled as they heard what the father said.)

(The holy matrimony started.)

FRIAR LAURENCE: Romeo Montague, do you take Juliet Capulet to be your wife, to live together in
matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health,
forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?

ROMEO: Yes, I do.

FRIAR LAURENCE: Juliet Capulet, do you take Romeo Montague to be your husband, to live
together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness
and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?

JULIET: Yes, father, I do.

FRIAR LAURENCE: Benedixi te in nomine Domini Jesu Christi vir et uxor. Nunc sponsam osculetur. Amen.

(Romeo slides the ring and kisses Juliet passionately. The Nurse cried watching the scene. She’s still
astonished in the fact her sweet girl Juliet got married.)

(After the matrimony, Romeo and Juliet wanders around. They decided to take a walk, there they talk
about what will happen after the marriage. They talk about kids and family. Amidst of their love affair,
little did they know that Tybalt, the short tempered cousin of Juliet was planning something.)

NURSE: Juliet, my Lady Juliet. I need to tell you something…. A message for Lord Capulet arrived. Y-your
cousin Tybalt has gone mad. Trouble’s coming, your father wishes you to hurry and come back home.

JULIET: W-what? Yes, I will.

ROMEO: Nurse, please go with her. Keep her safe.

JULIET: No, no! Romeo you should come with me. My cousin Tybalt is at rage! He might come for you,
and it is freaking dangerous. H-his mind is so full right now and he might hurt you! Please…

ROMEO: I won’t die Juliet, as long as your breathing there’s no reason for me to leave you behind.

JULIET: N-no…. (Juliet begged and cried as the thoughts of Romeo getting hurt by his own cousin.)

ROMEO: I promise Juliet; I will come back. I’ll take care of myself and you should too. I just need to do
something. Remember that even how long and how far I’ll go, I will always see myself going back to you.

JULIET: P-promise?

ROMEO: Promise. (Romeo kisses Juliet and bid for goodbye. He instructed the nurse on keeping Juliet
safe and healthy.)


BENVOLIO: I beg you Mercutio, the Capulet’s are out. They might attack us. We don’t need to fight; we
can just you know talk about this properly.
MERCUTIO: And what? They’ll call us a coward cow, and you let them call you that?

BENVOLIO: No! I’ll rip their heads off if they’ll call me that. I am a Montague for a reason. But still…

(A whistle stop their tracks. They look back and saw something strange.)

MERCUTIO: Oh here comes the dogs of the Capulets.

TYBALT: Good morning gentlemen. It’s a pleasure to see you here.

MERCUTIO: What’s with the feel of pleasure when I saw that smug face of yours huh? (Montague’s men
laughed on what Mercutio said. On the other hand, Tybalt doesn’t seem pleased about his remarks.)

TYBALT: You know I could cut that petty tongue of yours. And I know your whores wouldn’t like it either.

MERCUTIO: Oh so we’re battling with words now huh? I know what you are capable of Tybalt, and I’m
really terrified. Speaking and shitting on someone because you can’t do it physically? Why is it because
you’re a coward dog? (Mercutio laughed and mimics the sound of a dog.)

(Tybalt was at the edge of ripping his tongue out when Benvolio stop them.)

BENVOLIO: Whoa you guys stop; this is a public place for god’s sake.

TYBALT: No one’s stopping until I’ll get rid of your tongue out. (Tybalt said and quickly got his sword out.
Mercutio did the same too, as well as the Montague’s and Capulet’s men.)

MERCUTIO: Good king of cats, I just need one of your nine lives.

BENVOLIO: No Mercutio, stop!

(Fight occurs between the two. Romeo appears on the scene.)

ROMEO: We must stop please! We already promised the Prince to end the fighting in Verona streets.
Mercutio! Tybalt! Benvolio help me out!

ROMEO: Tybalt! Good Mercutio, Hold! It’s time for peace! (Romeo shouted his heart angrily run towards
Tybalt not knowing Tybalt was already aiming for him. But before he could lay his sword into him, a
familiar body shielded Romeo and groans as the sword got into his body.)


(They immediately surrounded Mercutio and tried to stop the bleeding. The wound is to deep and it can’t
be stop easily.)

ROMEO: Run to my father’s house and fetch a surgeon! Faster! (Romeo commanded the guard.)

ROMEO: Tybalt! (Romeo shouted in rage.)

TYBALT: Romeo! If you wish to kill me then come settle with me boy! (Tybalt shouted back at Romeo.)

BENVOLIO: Stay still Mercutio, the surgeon’s coming. You need to be brave. (Benvolio pleaded as he
watch Mercutio dying in pain.)

MERCUTIO: Enough with your crying Benvolio, the wound is to deep. I doubt if it could be treated fastly.
BENVOLIO: No the s-surgeon’s coming he will treat you…

MERCUTIO: Romeo, b-boy…. You should find me a beautiful grave…

ROMEO: Don’t speak like that! You’ll survive! (Mercutio smiles at him even how bad the pain is killing

MERCUTIO: You still don’t f-follow my commands do y-you? Please t-take care oy my family R-Romeo…
Please… (Mercutio said for a one last time before his life was taken from him.)

BENVOLIO: NO! (Muffled cries of Benvolio surrounded the streets of Verona.)

ROMEO: I need to go. I have something to finish.

BENVOLIO: No, Romeo. Stop! (But even with a pleaded voice no one can stop Romeo to finish
something, or shall I say someone. And that is to kill Tybalt.)

(Romeo chases Tybalt.)

ROMEO: Tybalt! Don’t run from me! You coward.

TYBALT: Says who to the person who can’t even save his comrade.

(Romeo chases Tybalt along the hallways. After a while he finally cornered Tybalt. He pulls out his sword
and immediately pointed it towards Tybalt.)

ROMEO: You’ll pay for it. Arrghh!

(The clash between Romeo and Tybalt started. Tybalt may win when it comes to experience, no one can
match Romeo’s skill in fighting. He immediately turns Tybalt’s back and let the tip of his dagger goes on
Tybalt’s inside. Tybalt groans in so much pain and faces the consequences of his death.)


LADY CAPULET: Tybalt, my nephew deserves justice on what the Montague did to him! Prince shed their

PRINCE: Benvolio, who begins this blood bath?

BENVOLIO: I witness how Tybalt started it. Romeo did try to stop him but it was too late.

LADY CAPULET: You are a cousin of the Montagues; you can say that because you’re his family! Romeo
killed Tybalt, therefore he must not live.

PRINCE: Romeo killed him, and Tybalt killed Mercutio. Then who’s the guilty man here?

LADY MONTAGUE: Not my son Romeo, his friend with Mercutio and just killed his murderer.

(The prince was thinking about the words given to him. Thinking with all those problems it makes his
head ache. He quietly said...)

PRINCE: Let Romeo leave. And if he is found within that hour, he will face death.

LADY MONTAGUE: Prince, I beg your pardon-

PRINCE: The decision is made, don’t make me repeat myself again. (He cuts off Lady Montague.)


JULIET: Did Romeo really killed Tybalt? (She cried in sorrow.)

NURSE: He d-did! Shame on your Romeo.

JULIET: Oh blister your tongue, didn’t T-Tybalt stab Mercutio first? (She weeps loudly.)

NURSE: How can you speak ill like that on your cousin? (The nurse hurriedly gets to Juliet and place her
hands on her shoulders and shakes her.)

JULIET: Then how can I speak ill towards my husband? My Romeo was exiled! (Juliet frustrated voice
echoed over the room.)

(After minutes of crying, the nurse spoke to her.)

NURSE: Hush now young lady, stay in your room. I’ll go find Romeo. Before this night ends, I’ll get your
husband… (The nurse said and quietly goes out the room, leaving Juliet so torn out.)


NURSE: Friar! Where is my lady’s lord? Romeo…

ROMEO: Good Nurse, do you speak of Juliet? (Romeo’s voice broke into pieces as he saw the misery on
the Nurse eyes.)

NURSE: She weeps and w-weeps… She lies into her bed and cries out for you and Tybalt. She wants to
see you my lord… Even for one last time.

FRIAR LAURENCE: Be sure to leave before dawn. Make Mantua your home and wait. Do you
understand? From here I’ll send you messages from time to time.

ROMEO: My life would be calm in Mantua, but my life is here. I would miss and be sad if I leave you

FRIAR LAURENCE: It’s okay… Goodbye Romeo. (Romeo hugged the Friar before hurriedly leaving for his
dear love, Juliet.)


(Romeo goes to the Capulet’s palace. There he finds Juliet wandering her mind in the lonely dark night.
As Juliet laid her eyes on him, her heart thumped rapidly. She cried her bawls out and immediately hugs
him. Without saying a word, she kisses him passionately as it is the last time they could see and feel each

JULIET: My husband.

ROMEO: My wife.
(Juliet touches Romeo’s chest and puts her head on it. She heard the loud beating of his heart like saying
I Love You over and over again. From there, both of them shared the love and affection. Romeo decided
to stay there, he promised Juliet to go before the sun rises.)


ROMEO: Love, you’re beautiful as the morning…

(Juliet blushed at his remarks. She looks around and her eyes widened when she saw the sun is rapidly

JULIET: Oh dear Romeo, the sun is fast rising. You should hurry now before they see you!

(They immediately get up their feet and runs toward the hallways.)

ROMEO: Well see each other again my Juliet, I promise… Farewell my love. (Romeo said thoughtfully,
she kisses Juliet and hugs her. He bid goodbye by waving his hand before vanishing into the woods.)

JULIET: If only I’m not scared, I would run away with you. Love, come back to me….


(Juliet goes back to the palace and found her parents arguing with something.)

LADY CAPULET: You’re the one who’s going to tell her about the upcoming marriage with Paris.

JULIET: Marriage? With Paris?! I knew it! And I will not marry yet. I’d rather marry Romeo whom I hate
than marrying someone whom I despise!

LADY CAPULET: Watch your words Juliet. Don’t you dare talk your mother like that!

(Juliet rushes in her bedroom. Her furious parents followed her in the bedroom.)

LADY CAPULET: Here comes your father. Go on and tell him.

LORD CAPULET: What’s with the tears Juliet? Paris is a fine young man, and every girl in town wants to
wed him.

JULIET: And I’m not part of it! I fucking hate him and I don’t want to marry him!

LORD CAPULET: Aren’t you proud marrying him huh?! (Lord’s Capulet voice boomed within the four
corners of the room.)

LORD CAPULET: Aren’t you thankful for those thing we have done to you? And when we ask a simple
thing, you can’t pay it back! You’re marrying Paris Juliet! It’s not some sort of a rotten dog!

JULIET: I am thankful and grateful for your love, but you can’t just t-throw me away on someone I barely
even know father!

LORD CAPULET: That’s why we gave you an enough time to get know with Paris! But what did you do?
Always running and wasting your time for nonsense things! (The Lord rushes towards Juliet and
immediately shakes her body out of rage.)

JULIET: I don’t want to marry him father! And that’s all the reason I could give you so please let me g-go.
LORD CAPULET: Be ready in Thursday morning next to go with Paris in St. Peter’s church or I will drag
you into the rail!

JULIET: Good father, I beg you on my knees I won’t-

(Lord Capulet slams Juliet’s body into the bed by force.)

LORD CAPULET: Be there at Thursday morning… And if you don’t, you shall ready to leave this place
never come back again. My fist is itching Juliet don’t you dare try to disobey me!

(Good nurse rushes towards Juliet for she is frightened he might hurt Juliet again.)

LORD CAPULET: Thursday is near darling, and if you come and play as a bride I might think of forgiving
you. But if you don’t then you should not house with me anymore.

(Lord Capulet said before turning his back and walk away, leaving Juliet and nurse crying.)


FRIAR LAURENCE: I understand your grief Juliet. I’m willing to help you but this is a risky action. One
wrong move then everything you’ve sacrificed will fall apart.

JULIET: And I’m willing to risk it all… In an exchange of my honor and life, please help me.

(The father looks around making sure no one hears them.)

FRIAR LAURENCE: I could help you Juliet, but this plan requires deepest execution.

(The Friar walks away letting Juliet follow her. They enter in a room full of plants Juliet doesn’t seem to
know what it is. The friar started to mix the plants and somewhat makes a liquid wherein he puts it on a
small glass.)

FRIAR LAURENCE: Agree with the marriage so they won’t suspect you. Tomorrow’s Thursday, and I need
you to sleep alone… Then take this poison and drink it till the last drop. Soon there will be no signs of
your life, but don’t you worry it will take about six and 20 hours for the effect of the poison. Romeo will
be beside you when you wake up, I’ll send a letter to him. Are you ready to do it Juliet?

(After going back to the palace she confessed that she would like to marry Count Paris. She made her
parents believed that she will do it and beg for their pardon. As the night rises, her plan started. She
successfully sends her nurse out of her room. She drinks the phial until drowsiness consumed her.)


(Morning rises, the excitement of the Capulet’s grow overtime due to the upcoming wedding. The father
instructed his servants to look for a cook and invite people.)

LORD CAPULET: Oh good nurse, is Juliet still sleeping? Please bring her down for she’s going to get

NURSE: Yes, sir.

(At the bedroom.)

NURSE: My lady Juliet. Oh how lovely, you need to wake up now it’s your wedding day. (The nurse said
with a smile and goes to Juliet. She pats her head as a sign to wake her up.)

NURSE: Oh you’ve got a deep sleep my lady Juliet.

(The nurse brows furrowed because there is no sign of Juliet waking up. She immediately puts her hand
on Juliet arms and shakes he. The nurse eyes widened in horror as a thought lingers on her mind. She let
out a loud scream, good enough to let Juliet’s parents to hear. They rush off towards the room and found
the nurse screaming and crying over Juliet’s lifeless body.)

(Count Paris arrives in the palace along with Friar Laurence.)

COUNT PARIS: Come, is my bride ready to go with me?

LORD CAPULET: Ready to go, but never to return. Our Juliet was t-taken from us.

COUNT PARIS: Are y-you saying she’s d-dead?

LORD CAPULET: I’m scared to say… But that’s the truth.

(Lady Capulet broke into tears as she heard what his husband said. Count Paris on the other hand was
like in the state of shock. He can’t believe her wife to be got stolen away from her. A supposed to be
cherished and happy day got vanished in one sight. Count Paris walk away with grief.)


(The messenger who got tasked by the Friar to give the plan written in a letter got stop by man. The
man’s eyes seem pleading.)

UNKNOWN MAN: Please stop, I beg you sir. Are you a holy man of God? My son is sick and we need
your help. He might die if no one can aid him. Please s-sir….

MESSENGER: I have an errand to perform in Mantua sir-


MESSENGER: Before tonight.

UNKNOWN MAN: Mantua’s far, I’ll take you there by myself. Please sir I beg.

MESSENGER: Then show me your child.


(Juliet’s funeral started. Benvolio appears in a shock as she saw Juliet being marched as dead. The girl
who he needs to protect, died… He immediately thinks in informing Romeo. He went off and goes to


ROMEO: Benvolio! Oh how I miss you. What brings you here?

BENVOLIO: It’s about Juliet… She… She-

ROMEO: How’s my Juliet? Benvolio? Benvolio!

(Tears were formed into Benvolio’s eyes.)

BENVOLIO: Her body sleeps among the Capulets, lifeless… She died earlier this morning, that’s what
they have said.

ROMEO: I d-don’t believe you… Guard? Guard! Are there letters for me sent from the Friar?

GUARD: No sir.

BENVOLIO: Romeo! I saw it between my two eyes! Her body being putted on a coffin and marched
around the church, and you think I’m lying?!

(Romeo walked out. His mind won’t have processed the fact that his love, his lady, his life died. He cried
and cried. He slams his things into the ground and scream on the top of his lungs. He marched outside
even if Benvolio shouted at him. His mind couldn’t regain its consciousness, it’s like the thing he can think
of was revenge and killing himself…)

(Romeo goes to a person who sells drugs, which is poisonous enough to kill someone in a matter of

ROMEO: Hey there! I know you’re out there. I need you…

APOTHECARY: What do you need?

ROMEO: I seek a kind of poison that is powerful enough to stop a man’s heart.

APOTHECARY: If this is a murder… Then my answer is a no.

ROMEO: The victim’s one I have right to kill.

APOTHECARY: I have the drugs. But you know that I could face death once I give this to you right?

ROMEO: Are you that coward to be scared of death? The world is not your friend, me neither. So break
the law for this. (Romeo gets the bag full of money for an exchange on what he wants.)

(The Apothecary accepted it and gave Romeo the poison he wants. He goes back in Verona with
Benvolio, wherein he misses the messenger that should give him the letter which came from the Friar.
When he got into the place he bumps unto Count Paris.)

COUNT PARIS: Banished Romeo Montague, who murdered Juliet’s cousin that caused her grieve and her
death. How dare you come back here! You are bound to die and I’m gonna end you here.

(Paris got his sword, Romeo too. Fight occurs between the two men. Both shows courage and strength,
but no one can match Romeo’s. He killed Count Paris.)

ROMEO: May god bless you Paris.

(After killing Paris, he went to the church with the hope of seeing Juliet even for the last time. There he
found Juliet lying in her coffin not just alone, but together with her cousin Tybalt.)
(He slowly walk towards Juliet.)

ROMEO: Leaving this sweet corpse is a trial enough… Oh my love. My wife, it’s time to join you for
eternity. (Romeo uncovers her body.)

ROMEO: Juliet why are you still so fair? Even death couldn’t question how beautiful you are…

(Romeo broke into tears as he watches his love, laying there, no signs of coming back to him. He kisses
her hands and weep so hard like the God’s underneath could hear him.)

ROMEO: If the Gods were to give me an eternal life, I’d turn it down. For a world without you is no
different than the death itself. So I’m gonna end this suffering here and from here no one could breaks
us apart. (He said while taking out the poison. He lies next to her and started reminiscing all their
memories. He embraces her for the one last time and kisses her.)

ROMEO: Juliet, I love you. (He said before drinking the poison. But before he could stop himself, Juliet
regains its consciousness. She smiled at him thinking from the start of that minute everything goes
according to plan, but she was proved wrong…)

ROMEO: J-Juliet…

JULIET: Romeo… (But before she could say another word Romeo collapses on her side.)

JULIET: Oh no, No! Romeo? Romeo!

ROMEO: Thus, with a kiss I d-die.

(There, Friar Laurence came, panting and shockness was written on his face as he watches Romeo’s body
lying there lifeless. Juliet cried as she watches Friar Laurence getting closer.)

FRIAR LAURENCE: Oh no… Romeo why so pale?

JULIET: He’s dead… My Romeo, his d-dead.

FRIAR LAURENCE: No, not Romeo…

JULIET: My beloved h-husband. What did I do wrong for this to happened? (Juliet weeps.)

FRIAR LAURENCE: Juliet you need to come here; the watchman will find us…

JULIET: Leaving my husband?! No! (Juliet said and gets the phial and tried to get every last of it. The friar
immediately shoves it.)

Juliet: How unkind!

FRIAR LAURENCE: We must go away-

JULIET: You should. I must bid goodbye to my Romeo.

FRIAR LAURENCE: Stay then, until you’re at peace. I’ll hold back the watchmen.

(Juliet caresses Romeo’s cheeks.)

JULIET: Somebody’s coming… Then I’ll be brief… (Juliet takes out Romeo’s dagger. She points the dagger
into her heart and pushes it. She groans in pain, but her courage takes over her body.)

JULIET: There rust, let me die. I l-love you Romeo…

(The Friar goes back together with the watchman. He broke into tears and let his emotions control him
as he watches the scene, Romeo in the arms of Juliet, both lifeless.)


NARRATOR: After the gruesome death of Juliet and Romeo, as the church wanted, they buried them
together to teach their family a lesson that their life and love got stripped away due to the grudge
between the two families. The rival of the Capulets and Montagues ended as the life of children
vanished. Then, it ended the war between the house, leaving their town on its peaceful days since the
start of the rival between the two families.

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