Ept241 Goals 2 3

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Teacher Education Student Name: Chloe Godfrey Due (via EASTS) as part of Assessment Item Two

Giving consideration to your course work, the Evidence Guide for Graduate Teachers (also in Resources), feedback you have received, the progress you have made
in achieving the standards and focus areas of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, state the goals to which you intend to give highest priority in
this professional experience.

The goals must be completed and signed by your Subject Coordinator prior to the commencement of your placement.

These goals will form the basis of the initial negotiation with your Supervising Teacher at the commencement of placement and for feedback on your teaching. They
will be appropriately adjusted in collaboration with your supervising teacher and/or university liaison officer (ULO) in response to your placement context.

As indicated in Assessment 2 in the Subject Outline, SMART Goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-framed. They are expressed
as outcomes, include sequenced achievement steps and examples of evidence to show you will have achieved each goal.

You need to discuss your goals with your supervising teacher and ULO at the commencement of your placement.

Goals: Indicators/Evidence: Actions:

Sequenced steps describing the actions you will take as you work towards
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Observable evidence you will have to show you achieved achieving the goal.
Realistic; Time-framed. (Please include a time frame such as: Week 1, Week 2 etc…)
the goal
1. Professional Knowledge
I will collaborate with my supervising teacher and Week 1 – discuss with supervising teacher how to effectively
To identify the different needs and develop learning programs for students with implement learning programs for diverse learners and plan this.
abilities of students and develop additional needs.
teaching strategies to help them Weeks 2/3 - positive feedback from students, e.g. participation in
improve. I will ask my supervising teacher which students lessons (my supervising teachers notes/comments on these).
have additional needs, what teaching strategies Positive or improving results from assessments and learning
Know students and how they have worked for them in the past in regards to their opportunities.
learn. personal learning and if there are any specific things
I need to know before implementing a plan with Week 4 - verbal feedback from supervising teacher, e.g. the lesson
1.5 differentiate teaching to meet them. plan does implement necessary steps to help students with additional
the specific learning needs of needs succeed.
students across the full range of I will implement the strategies and parts of lesson
abilities. plans into my portfolio to demonstrate I’m meeting My lesson evaluates with standard 1.5.
this standard.
During my last placement, I had
multiple students with high needs,
and found myself having to adapt the
lesson to suit individual needs. For
this upcoming placement, I wish to
better prepare myself for teaching to
the wide variety of needs each class

2. Professional Practice
Discuss with supervising teacher an appropriate, Week 1 – discuss with supervising teacher how to effectively
To provide students with relevant timely and effective way to provide feedback to implement feedback for students development in their work.
and timely feedback during and students during lessons.
on the completion of tasks and Weeks 2/3 - verbal feedback from supervising teacher on the quality
assignments. Demonstrate the ability to provide feedback to of feedback I’m providing.
students during and after lessons, assessment
5.2 provide feedback to students dates and in-class assessments on time and Physical evidence feedback given to students.
on their learning. thoroughly.
An example of a worked response before, during and after feedback.
During my last placement, I ensured I Provide students with written as well as verbal
marked the work as I moved feedback for their tasks to shoe varying levels of Week 4 -my evaluation of my work in this KLA.
around the classroom. Although, in requirements.
a high school setting, I understand
not all classwork will be completed I will implement a physical copy of feedback given
in a singular lesson, and some to a student into my portfolio to demonstrate I’m
larger tasks or essays require meeting this standard.
marking and feedback
concurrently. For my upcoming I will provide an example of a worked response
placement, I would like to provide before, during and after feedback into my portfolio
feedback in the middle of units of to demonstrate I’m meeting this standard.
work, during class, but as an
entirety at the end of a task or
assessment. This ensures
students understand areas for
improvement or areas they’re
already showing improvement in.
3. Professional Engagement Notes from discussions with supervising teacher Week 1 – share goal with supervising teacher and discuss school
about communication. communication strategies and policies.
To engage with the parents/carers
of students, specifically about Notes from observation of supervising teacher Week 2/3 – create notes (student work samples/observation notes)
their child’s progress and making communications. on student prior to making communication with parent/carer.
understanding of classwork.
Notes of scripts/pre notes on communication Partake in or witness email or phone call communication.
7.3 engage with parents/carers. strategies (phone call).
Make notes during and after the communication has occurred.
By the end of my four week Copies of communication instances (emails, own
placement I will participate or teacher profile – for students). Week 4 – reflect on feedback from supervising teacher and self
witness instances of reflect on personal performance.
teacher/parent/carer emails or Self reflection notes.
phone calls and focus on
communicating professionally and I will implement the copies of feedback from
positively. This improves my supervising teacher (possibly from other placement)
understanding of the significance into my portfolio to provide evidence of meeting this
of parent/carer communications. standard.
Due to COVID-19, my
communications with
parents/carers were limited. This
interaction will expand my skills in
communication and my ability to
understand and gain knowledge on
the students and their background,
home lives, interests needs and
wants in education.
Other aims you may have for the professional experience:

To attend formal and informal meetings with staff members.

To be punctual and consistent.
To create positive relationships with staff and students.

Teacher Education Student __________________________________ Date: ________________

Subject Coordinator: _______________________________________ Date: ________________

Supervising Teacher: _______________________________________ Date: ________________

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