Labao Curriculum Instruction Paper 4

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Paper 4 – Assessing Curriculum

1. Differentiate these three:

a. Intended curriculum-Refers to the objectives set at the beginning of any
curricular plan. It establishes the goal, specific purposes andimmediate
objectives to be accomplished and answers what the curriculum writer wants to

To assess the intented curriculum the following question can be addressed:

1. Are the objectives achieveable within learners’ developmental level?
2. Can the objectives be accomplished within the frame?
3. Are the resources adequate to accomplish the objectives?
4. Are the objectives specific and clear?
b. Implemented curriculum- refer to the various learning activities or experiences
of the students in order to achieve the intended curricular outcomes.

To assess the implemented curriculum the following question can be

1. Are the learning activities congruent with the stated objectives?
2. Are the materials and method appropriate for the objective set?
3. Does the teacher have the skill to implemented the activities or use the
4. Does the teacher utilize the various ways of doing to complement the learning
styles of the students?
5. Are there alternative provide maximum learning experiences?
6. Are there activities provided to address individual differences?
7. Do the activities provide maximum learning experiences?
8. Do the activities motivate the learners to do more and harness their
potentials? 9. Do the activities utilize multiple sensory abilities of the learners?
10. Do the activities address multiple intelligences of the learners?
c. Achieved curriculum- refers to the curriculum outcomes based on the first two
types of curriculum, the intended and the implemented. The achieved curriculum
is now considered the product. It can be the learning outcomes, or a material
product itself, like book, module or instructional material.
To measure achieved curriculum the following questions should be addressed:
1. Do the learning outcomes achieved by the learners approximate the level of
performance set at the beginning of the curriculum?
2. Are the learning outcomes achieved higher or lower than the objectives set?
3. Do the achieved learning outcomes reflect the knowledge, skills attitudes and
skills intended to be developed?
4. How many percent of the learners in the same class perform higher than the
level set at the beginning?
5. Do the curricular outcomes reflect the goals and the aspirations of the
community where the curriculum was implemented.

2. Enumerate criteria for curriculum assessment.

– are a set of standards to befollowed in assessment.
Criteria for Goals & Objectives
Goals & Objectives
– are statements of curricular expectation, and sets of learning outcomes.Goals &
instructional objectives are formulated and specified for the followingpurposes,
elements, & general criteria.
1. To have focus on curriculum &instruction which give direction towhere students
need to go.
2.To meet the requirements specifiedin the policies and standards of curriculum &
3.To provide the students’ the bestpossible education and describethe students’
level of performance.
4.To monitor the progress of students based on the goals set.
5.To motivate students to learn andthe teachers to be able to feel asense of
competence when goalsare attained.
General Criteria
1.Are the objectives syntactically correct?
2.Do the objectives comply with the legal requirements of thecourse of subjects?
3.Do the objectives pass thestranger test?
4.Do the objectives address bothknowledge and behavior? –
5.Do they pass the “so-what”test? –
6.Are the objectives aligned?
7.Do they make common sense?
Criteria for Assessment of Instruction
– refers to the implementation of the objectives.
1.Supplantive Approach
- this refers to as “direct” instruction. In here, the teacher attempts to promote
learning by providing explicit directions and explanations.
2.Generative Approach
– this is referred to as “constructivist” or“developmental”. In here, the teacher
functions as a facilitator who takes a less central role in a learning process that is


3. What are the tools being used to assess curriculum

Assessment strategies is used by the teacher to assess students performance. There

are seven(7) tools in assessing the curriculum.
1. Paper and Pencil Strategy
- it is a traditional way of teacher in assessing student performance.
Essay- refers to a writting samples of a students in which, is used to assessed student
mastery of the concept,organizing ideas and developing the critical thinking .
Select Response- is used to identify one correct answer ( multiple choice,
identification and matching type)
2. Performanced-Based Strategy
- requires students to demonstrate,create and produce.
3. Reflective Strategy
- it is a self assessment where in students reflect with there own.
4. Behavioral Strategy
- refers to the behavior of the students which the teacher usued to assessed while
working/task inside the classroom.
5.Oral Strategy
- often used by the teacher inside the classroom, a question and answer portion
where in students develop their verbal skill on how he/she response to the question
given by the teacher.
6. Combination Strategy
-used by the teacher to enhanced students creativeness of answering questions.
Portfolio- refers to the student work collection.
7. Personal Communication Strategy
- is a formal and informal meeting between and among the teachers, students and
- a form of conversation among/between the teachers,parents and students.

4. How are curriculum, instruction and assessment related to one another?

In the education setting, curriculum, instruction and assessment go hand in
hand for the success of student achievement. Henson (2015) referenced James
Macdonald who defined curriculum as “planned actions for instruction”. Henson
(2015) also quoted other writers who defined curriculum as ‘school planned
experiences’, ‘all learning opportunities provided by the school’, ‘experiences
children have under the guidance of the teacher,’ and ’planned or formal
specification of content to be taught.’ In all the given definitions, the common
factors show that curriculum outlines what will be taught or rather, what we teach
and hence what the learner will experience.
On the other hand, instruction is the way we teach the curriculum for
learning. It is the action that teaches the material outlined in the curriculum to the
learner. According to Henson (2015), all curricula exist to provide the basis for
effective instruction-that is, instruction that maximizes learning. Effective instruction
is a result of proper and extensive planning. Planning starts with organizing material
from the curriculum.
From our curriculum, we chose topics and decide what way we will teach it.
Our instruction varies on the topic and on the abilities, learning styles and interests
of our students as well as on our experience.
Last but not least, the assessment is the measure of whether or not students
have learnt what has been taught in the curriculum. In my example above, it is the
assessment that helped us determine that the students did not learn. Assessment,
usually through standard testing is what happens first or what should happen first to
diagnose what knowledge or skills is known. At this point, we then refer to the
curriculum which directs us to what content needs to be taught based on the
knowledge we have gained on the learner’s prerequisites.
In considering the interrelationship between curriculum, instruction and
assessment as well as how and when to differentiate them, we have to engage in
constant reflection and observation to be cognizant of our students’ knowledge,
skills and abilities to make informed decisions on what aspects of the curriculum
they know and need to know, how they will be taught the selected contented and
how we will know that they are learning or have learned. Therefore in designing
lessons, we follow the goals from the curriculum which will push students to be
motivated to achieve the outlined objectives as we instruct them and then reflect on
instruction as we assess.


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